All of a sudden we hear sticks snapping like
something stepping on a stick. But we couldn't see anything. We kept going up the trail. The reason we chose this campsite is it's
secluded from the rest of the campground. There's only one other campsite to the left,
and then everything else around that is Forest. We got there probably about 730 that night. You'd have a campfire and we'd make hot dogs
and cork, marshmallows and so on. Jack and I were very relaxed. We had our campfire going. We were settling into our normal routine. Do you smell that? Uh, yeah. Yeah, I do. We were getting this very strong, this strong
taste of iron in the air. But where do you think that is? I have no. Idea. It smells like there's blood close by. But we didn't know where. If you open a package of beef and you get
that fresh smell of blood from you, just get the beef from the butchers. That's what we are getting. I think it's coming from over there, though. I'm going to go check it out. Oh, wait a minute. Don't worry. I'll be. Fine. We had to figure that there must have
been a fresh deer kill right near our campsite. I said I'm going to walk down
there and see what I can find. It was very odd. There's a note of transparency. I'm not a kind of person that I get feelings
in the woods. I'm not that person that says I feel like
I'm being watched. But I started smelling that blood and I
started for the first time ever getting a creeped out feeling. That's a new feeling for me. At that moment in time. He turned and looked at me and his eyeballs
went boom. My adrenaline was pumping through me. I was scared. I was shocked. I turn around, I see my dad. And behind him was this very large, black
humanoid figure. That completely dwarfed him. It almost entirely blacked out our campfire
because that I was able to fully see its general shape and how tall it really was. When something that's nine ten feet tall
weighs almost £1,000 is no more than ten feet away from you. It's scary. You know, I was genuinely afraid of this
thing. He was literally within an arm's length of
me. He could have done anything he wanted to do
to me at that point. He could have reached out. He could have snapped my neck. He could have
smacked me out of the way. He could have done anything. He didn't. He just walked through. After a couple seconds of me just staring
completely stunned at him. We couldn't hear anything. We started looking around for evidence like
footprints or tree breaks structures. And we figured out that there was this large
brush pile right next to our campsite. We saw behind the brush pile where the long
grass had been pressed down like something had been squatting there watching us. And we figured out that it had been crouching
down behind that brush pile, waiting for us to move out, move out of the way or leave. It would have had to have been very close to
our campsite. So we we were pretty scared. It's crazy. What are you. No way. The only thing that we could figure is he
wanted to go eat. And it was going for that deer carcass. He smelled the blood. He just went point A to point B, and I just
happened to be standing in the way. All right, we got to go. I was like immediately concerned because my
son is there. My child is there. I need to get my child out of here in case
this thing wants to be aggressive. Got to get this down. And we started packing up and we got out of
there. We were huffing that half mile hike back to
the car as fast as we could. Look over there. I popped my spotlight on and I just shined it
up into the woods in front of me. And probably 35ft away, I see these two big
blue eyes looking at me from between two trees and as a spotlight hit it, I could see
a large black humanoid shape. And he turned and I watched him turn his
body and go. What are we doing? Hey. Jack and I ran after it to try to see it
myself. I was really terrified at that moment, but I
wanted to go investigate and see what I could find. Jack? Jack. Now I'm in the mode of protect my son. I got to get to my son. I have to be there with him to make sure
he's safe. Jack? Jack? I took off after him. The sheer size of them. You're not prepared for what they could do
to us if they wanted to. Would be horrific. Jack? Jack. So I'm hollering. Jack? Jack. There's something out here, predatorial in
nature that it is not afraid to kill. Where are you? I was scared of being in the woods. Jack, are you okay? He goes, Dad, I saw it. And I said, What did you see? And he he described the back side of the
creature, shoulders in the upper back as it darted into a brush line leading into the
forest. We got to go now. Come on. We were scared. That genuinely scared us. Huh? I keep hearing noises behind me. Sounds like maybe like something fell out of
the tree. Sounds like a pretty big, scary monster out
there. I'm really scared. I felt like it was a game because I was
messing with everybody a lot. So I thought, you know, now it's time for
them to get me. You guys are really scaring me with this
stuff. But no one was talking back or no laughing. The bush like blew up. Something jumped on this bush and then the
birds just took off. They were all like flying everywhere. I can feel that something's out there. I'm panicking because I don't know what's
going on here. But I heard something in the cabin. I was thinking like, it is going to be
someone messing with me, and it's going to be a funny joke. You know, they got me good. Well, everything was closed when I ran
inside. No doors open. Not a sound. Nobody running through the house to hurry up
and hide or get back in bed real quick. So that's why I blocked this front of the
patio off with the chairs because I was like, Well, someone's out there. I ran upstairs. And the door banged open. And there was Matt with just scared out of
his mind. He looked like. He was messing with me. What are you talking about? He thought that Alyssa and Tanisha were
outside messing with them. What about Colin? Colin's been in bed for ages. Then he realized that it wasn't none of us. There's somebody outside. Matt is not the. Type of guy at all to just be scared of
anything. Okay. Let's go see what's going on. So I got up and I wanted to go down there and
investigate what was happening. That's when I first knew that Matt was really
scared because he blocked the stairs. Boy, something really spooked you. And coming out of the woods back there, I
saw this black thing over here. And we see this creature. It was crawling. The moon was really bright that night, so it
lit up the entire backyard, but only good enough to where you could see the figure,
but you couldn't see, like, details of it. What is it? I don't know. Bear. Look at those shoulders. Its shoulders were really, really broad,
really wide. I was terrified because my body knew it was
something different. It stood straight up. He was huge. Taller than any human. It was something I'd never seen before, and
it freaked me out. And it just started walking on two legs like
a human. It's coming right towards us. And that's when I started freaking out. Whatever it is, it's coming for the cabin. I was terrified. And now I can't move. I don't want to take my eye off this thing
just to know what it's going to do. I was just ready to scream. And it stopped and got back into crawling on
all fours. And then all of a sudden, he just went right
back, like, disappeared right into the deepness of the woods. I'm going to go get the others. Bounced away from the window. Brandon woke up, everybody. Alyssa. Collin. Because I knew it was out there. I thought that. Okay, well, maybe he's, like,
scared of us. We should go out there. We heard noises to the right of us, but you
could tell it was not a human. It sounded like something none of us had
ever heard before. And it was freaking us all out. It sounds like it's coming from over there. And all of a sudden it was super quiet. The downstairs door slams. There. He's right there. You could see something zoom by there. I was scared. I was, like, panicking,
scared. Everybody was just looking at the front of
the cabin, but I kept hearing something behind me. Something kept taking a couple
steps and every time I would turn around, it would stop. Footsteps getting closer behind
me. Guys. There's something on that side, too. I felt like there was at least 2 or 3 of
whatever that was that was stalking us. The one up front was like, trying to
distract us while the other one would sneak up behind us. I was expecting something to
pop out at any moment. And then the noises that started coming all
around us, it felt like. There is definitely more than one there. You know, everywhere you looked, it was so
active. I felt surrounded. Alice's, like, scared to death. My first big foot counter was very much
unexpected. It was a very real experience that changed
me. I was 17 years old. I had a place to fish that I had been to
with with my dad ever since I was a little boy. That day. There was nothing that was strange. Everything was just the way it had been ever
since I was a little boy. The place I fished was a place, a series of
gravel pits or borrow pits where they take the gravel out of the earth. I love to fish. And that was my place to get away. I had noticed some footprints, but I
attributed that to be other animals or beavers that had slid and didn't really pay
a whole lot of attention. As I was heading on down there, I kept
noticing that there was a strange smell. And as I was walking, something began to
pace me from inside the wood line. And that had never happened before, even
with my dad being there all those years. So I was listening and I heard Step beside
me. Hello. Hello. I just blew it off. I continued walking when I did. Pretty soon the steps continued beside me. And I thought, Man, that's too coincidental. So I stopped again. Hello? It kind of made me uneasy. But then, you know, when you're in the
woods, your imagination can run wild with you. I've quickened my pace a little bit. Pretty soon this whatever this animal is, is
walking beside me again. I thought, well, this thing is actually
pacing me over here. So I started jogging. When I started jogging, this thing was
spoon, spoon, spoon. And I realized whatever it was was paying
attention to me. So I took off running. All of a sudden. When I heard this animal roar at me, the
first thing that impressed me was the volume. Oh, my gosh. Your clothes vibrate. It's that loud. We have cottonmouths. We have copperheads,
we have rattlesnakes. I ran through the woods with disregard for
those things. I realized what I had was going to be a
whole lot worse than a snake bite. I cross the road, look around. Nothing there. So I'm like, Man, whatever
that was, you just consider yourself lucky. But I went that night and I bought me a
Bowie knife. I thought, I'll take care of that sucker
next time I'm down here. It's human nature after your threat has gone
away. Time kind of heals everything. Latin is not going to strike twice in the
same place. But as I get to where this crossroads is, I
take a look down there. I've had that uneasy feeling, that sick
sense that you get that something's not right and the smell is just even worse now. I'm looking down there. I noticed a shape. This shape all of a sudden begins to move. And he looks at me. He postures to me like, this is my area. Don't come down here. And he begins to teeter from one side to the
other side, and his eyes were black as pieces of charcoal, and he never took his gaze off
of me. I realized that I was hyperventilating. I couldn't breathe. My feet said go. My body said, You're not. And I was just frozen to the ground. I'm weighing out my options. Finally, it came to me that as I started
getting some of my bearings back about me, that I needed to go. I'm looking over my shoulder. Make sure he's not coming. It has no place I can hide. I'm running like crazy. He's going to get you here. He's already up here and he's going to step
out and he's going to get you. What am I going to do with my rod and reel
that was given to me by somebody that was special to me at the time? So I got it. And I took off like there was
no tomorrow. I could not breathe. I was shaking. Crying uncontrollably. My whole face was just soaking wet. Did this really happen? Was this really real? And your answer is
always yes. My world had been messed up because not only
was it to the point that affected me physically, but psychologically, it was
actually a Bigfoot. So it made me realize these things are here. Well, I had been in the woods several times. I could identify the woods because there was
a peace and a serenity about them. And I so I really tapped into that. The woods are. There are some places where you can see a
good ways. Then there's others. You can only see for
maybe 20, 40 yards. Keep up, dude. Just admiring the view. Let's go this way. All right. As we begin the journey up the hill, we we
talk amongst ourselves and we said if we want to have a chance of seeing any deer,
probably the next best spot would be up on top of the hill because you can see for a
long ways. Good job, Davey. Thanks. Why don't you start the fire? Sure. We found a real good place to pitch our tent. It was just the perfect spot. Beautiful views up on top of that hill. We got our fire going. We got our stuff out, started roasting
marshmallows after we had our bellies full. And then we started getting a little tired,
getting a tent and lay down. Oh, I'm getting tired. Shall we get in the tent? I'll follow
behind. So about 130 in the morning we started
getting tired. We laid her head down to go to sleep and
just just started getting relaxed. I heard snapping noises. The snapping noises was louder than a
raccoon or a squirrel. Wait. What? I heard something. There's something out there. Are you sure? Yeah. I just thought it was somebody out there,
obviously, that had walked up upon us. I did whisper to him. I said, What? Who could be out there? He said, I don't know. And? And after he said, I don't know. That's when we started hearing the breathing
noises. And I never heard nothing like that before. We're just looking at each other with
questions in our eyes is what's going on? What was that? Boom! This thing hit me on the head. Probably my brother had doesn't scare us. Maybe. George. I don't know. Unless my brother. My brother might be up here trying to scare
us. How about this? On the count of three, we
ambush him. Okay. George said hey. On the count of three to throw out and scare
him. He thinks he's up here scaring us. I goes, okay. He goes, one, two, three. And then I see what's actually standing. And it's not George's brother. I see this thing is about this wide because
I'm looking straight at it. I'm looking almost like at his chest in the
shoulder area. And it's about three and one half, four feet
wide and it's all hairy. My mind was going in a thousand different
directions at that point, thinking, What in the world is this? I had literally raised my
head to see its head, and that's when I caught his eye. Eyes Pure black, pure black. George He goes, Oh, my God, Dave, That's
Bigfoot. We're running this fast Track stars. We're booking it. George's house. We're obviously beating on
the door to try to get in. Open up, please. Let us in. What is wrong with you guys? Are you afraid of the dark? George's sister finally came to the door
because we were hammering on that thing. I was scared. The next morning we all sit
down to breakfast and George dad was there. We said, Hey, we we had an experience last
night. What do you. Mean? He's back? Are you sure? I said, What do you mean he's
back? George? Dad said, Bigfoot. I said, When did you guys see it? He said, Well, we've seen it about six
months ago. He said it was in the barn out there. We heard the cows mooing and we heard a
commotion. So I grabbed the I grabbed the gun, and
George came out with me. We went out to the barn. Stay close here. Torchlight. What was that? There. It was right in front of us. Take me to where it happened. George's father. He said, Let's go up on top of the hill and
check, check for cracks. But we all three walk up on top of the hill. George's father saw the tracks and he knelt
down and looked at him and he just shook his head. We went over to it. We were looking at it. Oh, I know. Was this long. It's about this wide. And at the end, instead of having like five
toes that you would think would have it had three toes. Tell you one thing, tracks don't lie. I've never, ever seen anything like this. We followed the track out across the ridge. The last track, which was in the centre of
the logging road, and right there where there's nothing else except roadway. The track stopped. No more tracks. Where did this thing go? We looked over the hillside, we could find
some other place where maybe it jumped real long and landed somewhere. Nothing. Made me think, What is this thing? What is this creature? Let's said back to the tent. And George's father. He measured the distance from the last track
back to the tent. This thing must be massive. Look how far apart the prints are. Come on, boys. Let's get out of here. Grab your bags. I said, you know what, boys? It's time to take this. Get your stuff. Let's get out of here. This place is giving me the creeps. I was shaking so bad. And my knees were knocking and my teeth and I
was froze. The creature was Harry. Black, black, shiny hair. But I'm pretty sure it was a Bigfoot. And so he's standing behind a tree looking
at me about 15 yards, and I'm looking at him. And it was terrible. He was growling. He got one time he got so mad at me, he sort
of beat the tree with the size of his fist. Boom, boom, boom, boom, you know? You can even have the deer stand. You know, I don't care. I just want to get
out of here. He's growling real bad, you know, at me. Stay back there. Stay back. Show me his teeth. They were just big and flat. Stay back. I'll shoot. I said, You know, it looks like I might have
to shoot this thing, you know? And so I knew I would have to make a head
shot. What I'm going to do is look through my
scope. You had like a human face in his eyes scared
me. Everybody said, Well, the body is big, big,
scary. I said, No, it's his eyes. I mean, there were satanic. I'm never in my life been that scared. I just. I wanted to cry because I've never
seen it like that. It was horrible. Yeah. I was actually afraid to shoot him
because I thought I'd make him madder, you know? And like I said, I just wanted him to
leave. Go back where he come from. And I was going
to go back where I come from, but he wouldn't do it. I had two cross hairs right between
his eyes and like about a 20 yard shot, maybe 15 yards. And as I was getting ready to pull the
trigger, he let out a roar like a lion. And. About 100 yards to the north from him. A whistle come back. A shrill whistle. Kind of like a like a
steam engine, you know. And I'd heard that whistle all my life in
the woods, but I thought it was a bird. Well, he looked over at it and he'd come
back and looked at me and he whistled back. Can I get a grin? He's there. And that's when the other one
coming. He was coming. Stay. Stop. You know, something told me, you better go or
you know you're going to die. Not another step. Shoot. You let out a roar, and it's just like. It's just like a 70 mile per hour wind. Hit me, you know, And it was loud. You could have heard it a mile. When I heard that other creature come in, I
decided, you know, I had to do something. And it was coming down to the deal, whether
they live or die. You could tell whatever it was was heavy
because of the way it was cracking, the brush coming. And it was coming in such a way. It was a hostile, mean way. You could tell it was trying to get there. And just so you know, these things are
everywhere. You know, I don't want to die. Who is that? I knew they'd overrun me. So I'll take you out running down that road
fast. I could start running toward my truck. Yeah. I was ready to just to run. Like I'll get out, you know, because I was
scared. No gun. I know it would kill me. I'm running. I'm running. You know, I'm trying to run, but I'm so
afraid that my legs felt like I weighed £500. You know, I feel like I couldn't move. And so here he comes. He's chasing me. And he's in the woods about 50ft from me. We were running like that. I was running to my truck and he was
flanking me over to the left and I was worried about the other one, you know, where
was he at? He was running parallel with me, but he was
running through trees. I'm running down an old logging road. It's pretty clean. But he was running
through trees and he just. Just bulldozed them. Got those big thorn trees and they got
thorns on them like that. They'll cut you if you touch, you get cut
bad end up. But he was running through that stuff. I mean, it was like he'd been mowing it
down. I mean. I mean. And, you know, I could hear
him. Yeah. These are some very smart, intelligent
creatures. I think what he was trying to do, get ahead
of me and cut me off. Please. No, no, no, no, no, please. I'm running up to my truck, and I get to
thinking, you know, when I've got to stop, put the key in it. That's when he'll attack
me when I get my back to him. He'll probably come up and jump me. I had a 270 Remington high powered rifle, a
creature. He made me feel like it was a B.B. gun, you know, And he let me know point
blank, Hey, I'm not afraid of you. It was just us three boys alone playing
around the trailer. As we're running around from the trailer
chasing sticks in our hands. We were on the back side of the trailer. What was that? And the scream sounded like it sounded like a
woman being murdered or ripped apart. Let's go check it out. It was extremely loud
and. Terrifying, but Herman said we can't go in. Come on, let's go check it out. But there really was not much of a group
discussion. It was more like we were drawn to what had
screamed and we just had to go see what it was. That was kind of creepy, but let's go
check it out. I'm not sure if it was just the adrenaline
and the fear that we had from hearing what we had heard, but we made our way towards the
woods. I'm not sure we should be doing this. Don't be scared. Come on. It's fine. Let's keep going. The one thing I do remember is there were no
birds. There were no crickets. There were no noises. Robert, I want to go back. You go back if you want to. The further back you went, the more thick the
trees were. That's when we heard the sound. Stay close. We need to go home. Keep together. As we're walking. We heard a crack stop. Look, we looked up in about 15ft up. We saw what at the time, the only thing I
could compare it to was something from the Planet of the Apes. It was the hairy man. I mean, that's all we knew what to call it
because I had nothing else to compare it to before. I had never heard of Bigfoot. I've never heard of Sasquatch. It was something that was never introduced
to us. When we looked up, it was squatted down with
its left hand holding onto the tree. It didn't have any emotion on its face. It was just a stone look on its face. It just seemed like it was observing us. What's it doing? Shh. Be still. We were terrified. And then when we made eye contact with it,
it. It made eye contact with us. That's when it made a move. It all came crashing down. It's coming. So as kids, there's no fight or
flight, you know? It's just flight. We were terrified. We had to get out of the
situation. There was that day that I realized in order
to survive with my older brothers, I needed to be a faster runner. It's coming. My oldest brother beat us back
to the trailer. Open up. Open up. I can't. It'll get in. Go hide. Open the door. We tried to get in. Pounded. He locked the door. Open it. It felt like this is it for sure. We've were goners. It's got us. I was too scared. You quit. Right outside our back door was an
old freezer chest. It had a plexi top type glass top to it. So me and my brother, we had no other
option. We jumped in it. We could see its silhouette through the top. It was right there. We felt like there was
no way out, that this wasn't going to end good. It sounded like a horse. We did not know if it was getting ready to
tip the thing over and tear us apart. It stood there for a second, paused briefly,
and then walked away. I think it's gone. We burst out of there and as soon as we burst
out of the freezer, my older brother opened the door and said, Get in here. It's gone. Get in here. It's gone. When we first got into the trailer, I think
there was a lot of bickering about how could you lock us out? How the hell could you have done that? How could you leave us out there? Why did you leave us out there? You just left us out there. We're not dead now, are you? But there was a sense of relief, a sense of
safety. We aren't going back outside. There's no way we're going back outside. We're in that trailer. I did not want to see what I saw ever again. Come on, guys. It's okay. Mom and Dad will be home soon, I promise. We're in the back bedroom. Our bedroom? It's dark, and my brothers have
this flashlight that flashes silhouettes on the wall. I better get here quick. Booga, booga. I'm man. Ooh. Stop it, Alan. Jeez, I'm just kidding. It's just a joke, Jimmy. Basically, my brothers are playing. How much can we scare our little brother? What are you looking at? It's back. It's. It was huge. It took up the whole entire window. A man shaped silhouette. It would have to be upwards to eight and a
half to nine feet tall. It was if you were looking at the Incredible
Hulk with hair. The only thing separating me was a piece of
glass. We were all petrified. What was that? Something had smashed into
the back of our back door. Outside of our bedroom door. It was almost like it was its way of getting
in. We're terrified. We didn't really know what
to do. There was something very weird back there. Let's get back to the car. It was only going to be at 10 to 15 minute
walk. It wasn't anything that we hadn't done
before. We'd been in these woods before. We're familiar with them. As we walked back into the forest, I remember
the forest being quiet. I don't remember hearing other sounds. No crickets, nothing. It was quiet. It was within probably five minutes of being
back in these woods. We were like, Where are we? Look around. Where are we? Poor right by the. As we got deeper into the woods, we started
to realize that we were getting confused. Wait. We were on the path. It was like he was a completely different
area. And we had made that that walk about an hour
before with zero problem. It's this way. Come on. Wait. We started taking the wrong paths. It seemed like things had changed. This confusion set in to where we didn't
necessarily know which direction we were walking. Should we turn this way? Should we turn that way? It's that way, right? No, it's that way. We're going that way. We were irritated. We were frustrated. We're going that way. He drove us nuts. This has been almost ten years. I still can't explain to you why we were
this was happening. Come on. There's a trail up ahead. I see. Ahead of us there's a path. And we're going to walk down that. And I suggest, hey, let's see if we can just
follow this path and maybe this will help us get out. I've already been here. We're walking around in circles, Jesse. Shh. And in the midst of that, I start to hear,
like twigs snapping. We started hearing these loud thuds behind
us. Probably just a deer. And obviously, there's a lot of deer in Iowa. So immediately I started to assume it's
probably a deer. And it sounded like footsteps, but like heavy
footsteps. Not like a human. There's no way that's a deer. It was something very large. It was probably between 10:00 and midnight. I started to just like, try to figure out
what could be following us. I mean, we're in the middle of the woods at
night. What could it be? There was a tense feeling in the air. You have that feeling where your hair is
standing up on the back of your neck. I don't think we're alone here. And we look up and we find this very large
branch that had been twisted off, eight foot up, like snapped. It'd been like literally just wound and just
snapped off. And there was this substance on it. And this clear residue was dripping from the
bite mark. Something's been chewing on it. Do you realize how big that thing would have
to be to get up there? It looked like saliva dripping down the
branch. You're right. We're definitely not alone out
here. I would say these sounds that were they were
probably definitely 30 to 40ft behind us. Who's out there? I'm looking and I'm I'm seeing nothing. And that was what also added to the whole
confusion. Who's out there? You're trying to rationalize what could be
following you. I don't think deer like to follow people. We started to hear what seemed like bodies
moving through the woods. Did you hear that? They seem to be coming towards us. We're both basically frozen in fear. I don't like this man. I have no idea what could be coming at us. There's definitely something out there. We just want it out. Bro. Let's get out of here. It felt like there was 2 or 3 individual
things following us. Wait, wait, wait up. Seth, we got to find a way out of here. It seems like something is pushing us through
the woods, in a sense, in a specific direction. I think we're almost there. Stay here. I remember being scared. Like, I don't know if we're going to make it
out tonight. We're either going to be stuck in here until
daylight or we're just not going to make it out. So I go down to the left, ended up
finding a track. This way. But we split up. Jesse says. I still couldn't see my brother Seth. Where are you, Seth? And then that's when I started to hear this
rustling across the path. Seth, where are you? Seth. I could see broad square shoulders covered in
hair. A giant head which was encased with these
red eyes and long flowing hair that drooped down onto the shoulders as well. The head was probably roughly the size of a
good sized pumpkin. And then the shoulders. My goodness. Probably four feet across. I mean, the only thing I could compare it to
would be a giant gorilla. So directly in front of the creature is this
fallen tree. So that tree probably had to weigh at least
a couple hundred pounds, maybe three, £400. And with one big hand, it just slammed it
down onto the tree and pushed that tree out of the way with zero effort. That tree flew through the air, crashed
through the woods. Seth. Jesse, help! Seth. Bigfoot researchers think this could be a
form of communication for these creatures. Something mimicked what he did. Something else. Knocked on a tree. At that moment, that's when I realized what
it was. It had to be Bigfoot. No other animal has hands to pick up a stick
and not hit a hit a tree. It had to be a Bigfoot. I started getting really afraid. Okay, everybody be calm. Gwen, get your phone out. Let me see if we can get this on video right
now. Mike said we need to get footage of this. We need to get video. We need to get audio. Check us out. We've heard footsteps,
movement. And a definitive wood on wood. Knock tree. Knock, knock. 200ft from us. I thought we were communicating. See how far we can go. Died. What do you mean It died? Look. There. There you go. Just keep filming, Gwen. No matter what happens, just keep rolling
the camera, okay? We heard something come in a little closer. The wood knock happens upon the ridge. The footsteps happen down below us. Now, wait a minute. How can that one come down here that quick? I believe that we've got two creatures. One over here. I'm back here. They're watching us right now. This way. That way. We start hearing things go on all around us. And I'm thinking, Oh. What's going on here? I was so in my own world listening to
everything and sort of like in a panic. Listen, listen. It's communicating. With us. Yeah. Let's try this. My nerves at that point got a little crazy. When. What are you doing? I didn't want to look silly, but I felt
comfortable with my little circle. Hey, Gwen. Are you okay? Just go. Here, give me the phone. Okay. It's. And all sudden from nowhere. Here's a growl. You know, just this. Awesome. Did you hear that? I heard a growl. It sounded to me demonic. And that's when everything got a little
crazy. It was a lot of excitement, a lot of fear. And I hadn't really thought out the dangers
of what I was getting myself into. It was just like hell broke loose. Really? It was. They went wild. They're very animalistic sounding. They were real low and really growly and
really loud. Just the sound that they were making was
terrifying. I mean, it was bone chilling. It would sound like way back on the
mountain. And then sound so close to us, it was like
right on us. We were surrounded. I mean, they were all right on us. As long as I was in my circle, I felt okay. I knew if I left my circle. That it would become more frightening. I start hearing chatter back and forth like
they're talking to each other. But it's not like humans talk. It's murmur. I remember I heard something else in that. Not really a whistle, but more like it. Like some kind of. Some kind of chatter. That was enough. I had to get out of there. I was just going to take off and run myself. Mike, we have to go now. I reached over and touched Kenny, and I could
feel that he was scared. I realized I had to get these two out of
here. Yeah. You know what? You're right. I'm ready to get out of here, too. Okay, We got to go. We got to go. They're getting closer. Okay. Michael said it's time to go. You guys just go ahead. I'm better off here. And I said, no, I'm okay. And here I said, just go ahead. He said, No, you're coming. You need to come with us. No, we can't stay. We got to go. Come on, let's get out of here. Come on,
guys. We got to go. Come on, let's go. Once I left my circle, that's when I felt the
real fear. Come on, guys. Let's go. Look. Walk slowly. Don't run. Okay? If we run, this thing will
chase us. This thing is a predator. If we run, we're dead. I hear this stomping coming toward us. A very fast rate. Doo doo. Doo doo. Shh. And you could hear each heavy footfall as it
just came rushing, just this loud footsteps. I was like, Oh, my God. Listen. You've heard people talking about your life
flashing before you. I was going through my mind of like, if we
get attacked, know, what's my family going to do? I honestly thought we would die. It was angry and wanted us gone. It wanted us out. That was pure fear.