BIGFOOT Documentary | ALONE Overnight at Patterson-Gimlin Film Site | BLUFF CREEK | Willow Creek

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[Music] you ever get that Vie something is following you unfortunately I got that feeling right [Music] now [Music] [Music] Sasquatch Bigfoot Yeti buring pendic hairy man all over the world there's different names um to describe a very similar thing wandering around in the woods and untouched wildernesses of the world the Pacific Northwest Started With Sasquatch became famous here in Northern California Bigfoot uh when they started finding these very large Footprints all over their uh construction equipment these newly paved roads they cut deep into these forests come back out the next day may be Footprints all over the site big ones so they called the pig F soon after uh Roger Patterson Bob Giblin came out here horseback on a newly uh Dugout Logging Road and that's when they films uh female Sasquatch [Music] walking [Music] [Music] a [Music] I am in Bigfoot capital of the world Bluff Creek Northern California I'm going to walk the forestry roads uh where apparently the Patterson gimin footage was shot just nearby um and I'll spend some time camping in the area so let's do it I spoke to one person who told me in area to go check out so that's what I'm doing could always just walk these roads too that show Survivor Man Bigfoot was filmed just south of here in uh the Hoopa Indian Reservation but of course I am here because of the world famous uh Patterson gimin footage was shot here on Bluff Creek the famous shot where the Bigfoot's walking like this you know the swinging arm that's that shot and that was here which makes this the big foot capital of the world that's what started the whole thing so when you come out here there's a few things that you can be doing um that Bigfoot researchers will tell you you should be doing um according to their own level of success and one thing that has a lot of success is tree Knox on the side of a tree a lot of people think that's how they might communicate with one another so you can sometimes get a response by knocking on a tree other people do whoops you know they can eight um because whatever you think they might be if you do believe in them uh we pretty much all agree that it's uh it's pretty AP like wo let's try a whoop of course you can't just get out of the car and find a Bigfoot it's not how it works definitely someone who's always uh been interested in the topic of Bigfoot uh thought I heard something um I'm definitely always someone who's been interested in the topic of Bigfoot ever since I saw that footage when I was young with my dad my brother s it home watched and that and I feel like it was also like included in the beginning of the X Files with the cool music it made me so interested in the unknown and that's what big foot represents because there is a big unknown and it also represents our connection to Nature that we as a society are only growing further and further apart from so imagine if there was a another homed species that didn't die off that wanted to remain hidden that is relatively intelligent compared to us but has completely evolved in a different direction to be one with nature pick up in the subtleties of the forest if I wanted to remain hidden it absolutely could remain hidden [Music] not going to lie I fully thought that was big fooot it's like all I'm thinking about right now and then I just see this big hairy thing running through the woods what else are you going to think of you're up here at Bluff Creek it's a black bear maybe last where people seeing every single time all over the world okay I officially have no clue where I am okay uh stopping here if you look that way that road is really looking in bad shape rocks everywhere so yeah this might be the end of the line here some sketchy driving must taken a wrong turn which is good for finding Bigfoot bigfoots love when you're lost if this is the perfect video you'll see one over my right shoulder at some point that'll be some famous footage uh John Bender wildlife biologist dedicated his life to researching Bigfoot was convinced that there were like a couple thousand in North America alone so this is the spot to be Northern California lost on a Logging Road yeah this is big for [Music] [Music] country [Music] Rock throwing whoops screams it seems to be widely reported all over the world it's weird that like these places that were completely separated would all have such similar reports on Behavior B bending over trees that's all behavior of of great apes um curiosity coming in close to Campers at night if they do exist the idea Bigfoot messing with Campers at night in their t is just the scariest thing to possibly think of when you're alone on Bluff Creek in a tent we're just alone on Bluff Creek there's nobody else up here recording myself as much as possible in case I hear anything it definitely feels very uh Lonesome up here very lome there are a ton of black bears out here keep seeing them that's the third one I've seen in the last few days if you watch my other videos you know I'm an avid Backpacker in fact was just backpacking this morning Redwood Creek so just got out of that and I came straight over here to Willow Creek um so I spent a lot of time in the woods deep in the woods spent a lot of time alone in the woods that last backpacking trip I just did was 3 days Solo in Redwood National Park so being alone in a tent is no stranger to me that didn't sound good all right found my camping spot here uh got a little fire ring if you can see it super quiet here and I got to say it's pretty creepy if Bigfoot exists man they are in those Hills they are in those Hills these Hills I'm right in it right now my tent's just back here we'll see what happens [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] foree on well good morning was a quiet night nothing to report uh I think I got to pack up and uh see what else I can see here in the Bluff Creek area maybe go up some longing roads maybe check out the Patterson gimin film site uh and who [Music] knows all right I'm back up on uh one of these logging roads I think I may be near where the Patterson gimlin uh footage was shot but either way this is a good uh place to be it's in Monday so Nobody's around uh it's funny when I actually talked to uh this woman working at the Bigfoot Museum in Willow Creek I told her I was going to be looking up on these um you know these logging roads up here in the area of Bluff Creek and and she said oh they love the logging roads that's where everybody sees him um just like everybody comes in here is telling me about their stories up in this area but I'm also thinking like anybody who's coming to this area and going to that museum is coming here for a reason they're looking for it so if you if you you travel to Bluff Creek from wherever looking for something you know it's going to be at the top of your mind so any little sound you hear you're going be like oh Bigfoot Bigfoot Bigfoot in reality like I've seen a ton of bears already which is a little sketchy that could be you know something that people think they're seeing especially when they stand up I'm really uh you know experienced with Wildlife if I see a black bear moving in a distance through the woods like I'll know what that is but if someone just comes up here they haven't seen a bear before they don't see that many bears um they might think that's what it is or some of these sounds you hear like the vocalizations I can just write off as like an owl uh or these weird birds I mean I was up in the atera and I heard like a sound I never heard before but I but it it sounded like an offshoot to like a loon and I know like if you never heard a loon before and you're in the woods looking for bigfoot you heard a loon uh you'd be like oh my God that was Sasquatch uh cuz they make the scariest uh almost like hunting call there's some things that are are hard to explain and that's what I'm interested in I know that you know there's a lot of Skeptics out there but guess what it's more fun to believe so I'm up here uh Bluff Creek and let's uh let's explore the logging roads so this book here uh the Hoopa project by David potis he like spent a lot of time in the Hoopa uh reservation researching the topic and talking to locals so check out this book all right I am officially squatching this is awesome so what I'm going to look for I'm just to be quiet I had to watch out for Bears while was the biggest pine cone I've ever seen to watch out for Bears but she's looking for like tree breaks some people say that they use that as a means of communication or to say like keep out type thing I know all this sounds crazy if you're just if this is your first Bigfoot video but it's what they say tree breaks then I have this for tree Knox I've learned in the past this makes a really good solid sound piece of firewood I'm also obviously looking for Footprints I'm not that good at that stuff though so I spent a lot of time in the back country I've seen so few like be Footprints so I'm missing them because they're there well what does that tell you night I I don't never see bare Footprints but I'm going to see a Bigfoot footprint probably [Music] not so this right here is some bear scat from what I've heard the chances of some type of interaction or experiencing much higher when you're alone which makes sense less of a threat for them to potentially come in closer so here I am alone seeing what happens chances are this one came down for a very natural reason you can tell by the way it's blit up there okay this one might be interesting might not be that one back there not so much but this one here it's kind of just lying here almost like it was placed here obviously humans do a lot of work in and out of here but as you can see right there cut log looking up above and there's no real didn't fall from these trees these trees are too small well that one's a little weird right unless that's just rot let's take a look I know a lot about Wildlife but not so much you know how trees typically fall but it does look like a like a break up there very much so uh doesn't look like it's split does very much look like it was almost snapped off off and then zoom out so I don't know that might be a little squatchy or it's just a tree that fell over somehow uh in one of the many ways that trees naturally fall over see what's good about going up into these Bigfoot areas is that you can afford to be quiet like I'm not going up in Alberta and uh you know sneaking around the forest not making noise it's too dangerous around Grizzlies but no Grizzlies here in Northern California not for a long time pushed out a long time ago so I should also mention that this is fantastic Mountain line habitat uh so I got to be careful out here usually you're in the most dangerous mountain lines if you're small or doing what I'm doing right now crouching um but I'm a big guy and uh you know there's not much you can do to prevent a mountain line attack if they want to attack you they're going to attack you and then Rangers will always tell you to just fight back yeah fight a mountain line sounds good a lot of people think that Sasquatch migrate from place to place making them even tougher to track or study well an animal that moves around that much as possible those are the ones that uh we've had the most difficulty filming tigers Tigers cover a great amount of land and they're so stealth a lot of cats will use rocks they won't even walk in the mud or the dirt they'll go from rock to rock to rock to hide their tracks so picture a human like species with its intelligence who wants to remain hidden ooh baby a lot of time uh birds and squirrels and everything so they just totally give off like these warning signs all across the world Mir cats do it uh I forget what the type of deer are called in India uh the monkeys do it too scream when there's a tiger warn everything else these birds do it too squirrels do it too red squirrels specifically so if there's something out here that knows those sounds and what they could mean uh you know they have plenty of warning someone in the area see you wouldn't be able to drive up here if you wanted this is an old tree covering this road so it's been here a while it's also an example of a natural tree fall just uh or it's all natural but this one definitely is it's just old so people haven't driven up here in a long time well bigf or not this is absolutely gorgeous country it's cut log three rocks on [Music] it wow look at this all right well this is probably turnaround point for me as far as as far as I'm going to go I'm at least 3 miles in I still going to go all the way back but we hang out here uh have some food just chill for a bit see if something maybe feels comfortable with me got the view of a lifetime over here well this is just too good of a spot to not do a Sasquatch howl I don't know how much success they have it doesn't seem to be that good but it makes you feel proactive this is such a good area to do it I'm a little sketched out about doing it cuz I'm just all alone I want people to hear if there's anybody nearby I don't think there's anybody anywhere nearby but just in case they are I could scare them but this these I'm about to do a call uh that you know you can look up sometimes they hear these animals in the woods making these screams so that's what I'm going to do see if I can elicit a response [Music] wow that really echoed so I think I've come about as far as I can go all alone up here it's pretty awesome um just kind of chilling being quiet casual seeing if anything moves in tell you what doing this at night uh that would be epic I would love to do that as crazy as that sounds because you know what this is crazy to probably a lot of people including my whole family uh but yeah you know I this is such a dream come true for me so I need to remember this forever so I'll just sit here chill for a little bit that call I just made anyone and anything now knows that I'm here just want to read this paragraph from this book by David Poes in relation to the Patterson gimlin footage which is the reason why I'm here here's what it says uh it says the bigfoot was walking on two legs had very long arms black hair covering its entire body and face mosquito bite and large breasts were visible experts have reviewed the footage extensively and guess the creature was 7t 3 in tall and weighed in excess of 700 lb since the initial footage of Bigfoot was shot the film had been reviewed and seen by thousands in the last 10 years experts have digitized and slowed the film for review the footage now shows that the creature appears to be carrying something in its left hand it also shows muscles moving in the right thigh as the creature puts weight on that leg and muscles can be seen in the right shoulder area as it moves its arms movie experts from Disney and other top Labs at the time stated that they did not have the expert to build a costume that was able to expose muscle as in the Patterson gimlin movie professors who are experts on body movement have stated that there is not a human in existence that can move and walk in the manner that the creature did On Tape 40 years after filming after the filming of the movie The still stands as the greatest footage in existence of a Bigfoot oo baby alleged Sasquatch hair samples inspected by FBI Laboratories resulted in the conclusion that no such hair exists on any human or presently known animal for which such data are available that's true I remember hearing that hair samples have been taken from Washington State and it basically just says this is no known animal between the footprints the hair samples uh the eyewitness accounts the credible forget about the bad ones I mean people watch stupid shows or hear some ridiculous story iatch and you know you just like write it off but listen to the credible reports um from police officers Mayors Army Personnel um people who spend their lives Outdoors Wildlife biologists who have all had experiences all over the world reporting similar uh characteristics put all those together and you start to maybe think that something is out there and if it's out there it's here where I am right now okay uh just about ready to turn around head back this is an awesome spot things did get a bit quiet and creepy there for a little bit uh just when I get lost you know I'm reading the book and lost in that and then I forget I'm totally alone up here in this mountain I mean it's a Monday morning there's nobody around so got to walk uh several miles down this dirt road back to the car we'll see what happens well I think I have just about peaked in my uh big foot phase of life I mean I'm walking with a knocker and one hand and a Bigfoot book in the other walking down a dirt road in the back country of Bluff Creek in the six Rivers National Forest all right I just heard uh was sound of like three whoops in the woods um could have been an owl middle of the day though I mean it's 12:00 noon I don't think it's un heard of to hear an owl in the middle of the day could be perfectly normal but it also sounded a little different than an owl but it stopped me in my tracks came from that direction sh freaking bees are so [Music] loud an owl I feel like you would continue to hear it hooting right it's usually like continuous thing that goes on for a little bit but this wasn't that okay I think things are getting a bit squatchy right now I'm a little nervous to keep walking towards the sound but this is the way [Applause] back I mean if I did like see something right now I don't know what the hell I would do probably poop myself and cry at the same time um cuz like as soon as it gets creepy like right now that's when you're like oh man I really don't want to see anything or do I I don't know you ever get that feeling something is following you unfortunately I got that feeling right now so I'm putting the camera like this to film behind [Applause] me but it's pretty creepy gu have [Music] chills [Music] woo that creepy feeling stopped maybe that was just because I was reading David potus's uh the Hoopa project book or I was creeping myself out or what I don't know or that was legit it was also around the same time that I was hearing those sounds so it's definitely getting windy right now uh so like now if you hear like sounds or even a knock in the woods you can write it off it's windy look at all that Forest behind me all those mountains all covered in huge redwoods that is epic Forest that just goes on forever in every single direction if something large wanted to live out here and remain undetected and was intelligent it absolutely could does it mean that they exist no but is it possible for something that size to exist out here undetected for as long as they have 100% ask Jane Goodall what she thinks about that very topic also with Apes uh a lot of times you know the only way to see them is for them to get familiar with you explorers will go into the jungles for days um looking for gorillas nothing it's it's only until once you're there for a while typically um that they start to get closer uh and allow you to even come remotely close to them so that's already aplike behavior and if this species is still alive it's existence to this day is totally reliant on its ability to remain undetected so I think the best way to have an experience is to be up here for days maybe at the same campsite for days days and days and days and then maybe they start to you know see that you're not a threat see what you're all about and you got to do it alone that's my take see that's what a natural tree break looks like uh and not so like clean cut almost splintered everywhere of course as any experienced hiker or backpack will tell you hiking through blowdown is like constant trees falling all kinds of crazy ways I didn't realize how close this one was to that other one I just filmed so this is the one that I filmed on the way in that you know looked relatively snapped that high up out facing the road but that other one I just filmed is less than 100 yards up the road facing the same direction you ever seen a pine cone this big what it's banana land that's why this place is another planet [Music] what do you think it's another one just broken at a weird spot bit of a coincidence everything's facing the same way [Music] so out that way you know all the wind would be coming from that direction this way towards the road so you know it makes sense that they would be all down in One Direction but it's just weird if it's broken so high up uh we like halfway up but the tree is really thick it's not like it's split or bent you know wind or snow should bend it over and then snap and then but it wouldn't be such a clean snap that high up see that's what a natural split looks like all right ready I'm debunking this one that I filmed on the way in it's blocking the whole Road two of them but go over here can tell that it's split and fell into the road so anybody who attempted to drive up this road as far as you can probably grabbed it and just tossed it to the side and that's why the bigger end is leaning out that way um because otherwise it should be reversed if it fell naturally and nobody touched it but someone probably threw it to the side to try to go around in a car I guess of course whoever drove up here and moved the other tree didn't care about this one keep moving keep going yeah I can't believe how many bears there are out here keep [Music] going oh man that bear came back out he just stared at me as I'm yelling at him he wouldn't move eventually he ran off but he keeps coming back he now keep going black bears you were supposed to be loud so keep going just kind of concerning that he stood there as I was yelling at him I even put my arms in the air try to make myself look big he went down that way there are a lot of bears out here hey hey there he is keep going keep going all right I have made it back to the car that was incredible in every way uh it was probably about 6 miles round trip up this uh dirt roads blocked off by the gate so people aren't really driving up there of course I just ran into that black bear here at the last second walking into this I didn't I didn't know what to expect but by the end of that hike I did notice there are a lot of trees that snapped uh in a strange way all facing the Road however trees fall all the time uh and the chances of it being Bigfoot are slim unless of course Bigfoot is real right in which case this is where he is Bluff Creek and that stuff could be legit I will say this I felt uh or No I um I heard those those those whoops whatever those were um could have been an owl likely an owl however it's the middle of the day it's noon maybe owls do uh you know wake up at some point make some sounds or some other bird sounds like I said at the beginning of the video there all kinds of sounds in the in the forest uh weird birds that rarely make sounds you hear something like that like what the hell was that um but it didn't quite sound like an owl it sounded a little bit more like a whooop uh and then shortly after that um I just started getting creeped out like someone was following me and I got chills it's 90° today I had chills um of course you can freak yourself out so uh this could just all be me being excited to be in Bigfoot country and you know what that's fine if none of this is real anyways it's exciting so it doesn't matter gets you out in the woods gets you camping gets you connecting with nature whether Bigfoot exists or not um I totally believe in the magic of Bigfoot [Music] w w
Channel: Mike Wanders
Views: 285,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ubiXr72xotc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 39sec (2739 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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