Survivorman Bigfoot | Episode 3 | Klemtu BC | Les Stroud

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people that have gone up to the lake have heard things you know growling or something moving really fast in the bushes screaming and hauling one of the guys in got so scared that they took off in the middle of night and just left us there when we got down here old people told english sports he told me that um it's a bug where she said in our language you're like the sasquatch [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm on my way to a place shrouded in mystique as much as beauty clem2bc on the northwest pacific coast of canada by all accounts pristine wilderness paradise washington and california get all the press when it comes to bigfoot but in clam 2 no one even questions the possibility they're just here and everyone knows it there are thousands of streams and rivers just like this one all along the coast of british columbia it's pretty much a salmon supermarket every fall anything that has salmon on its menu will come here to feed it's easy pickings wolves eagles bears of all species and any large predator around here everyone is convinced that sasquatch there we go look at that as easy as that and there he goes this particular stream is famous for sightings the reason being it's right on the edge of the town clem too clem ii part paradise part sleepy little town reminiscent of a stephen king novel a quiet native village on the edge of the ocean its freshwater lake is shrouded in mystery as much as it is the morning fog they say it's the home of sasquatch so the encounters here happen on the main streets and in people's backyards as it is with every north american native group no one here thinks sasquatch is a back joke his big things down in the right red coat and then i heard this this scream and it was right behind the house and not just us our neighbors heard the same thing he's walking just down the road there right behind our center watching people going by we never stopped till we got down through the corner here whatever it was pretty big let's say 19. 10 feet i figured that was not quite [Music] bakwas is the name they give it here throughout the native communities of north america you can find more than a hundred other names for a being whose existence is taken for granted on record they'll tell you their stories of encountering but off the record they'll tell you that they are spiritual beings not apes as the cryptozoologists claim in other words their belief is they are another type of human with special gifts and powers this is my journey into the world of bigfoot and what i believe is not important it's what my hosts here believe that matters and they've given me permission to travel into the territory of the bakwas and see for myself what's possible seen any of the work that i do always got to remember you put the blaze on the trail for heading back you can put them on both sides it's good but if you're only going to do one do it on the sight line for coming back otherwise it's on the other side of the tree you can't see where you're going a lot of times too if i cut down like this and i leave the strip amazingly the strip will actually go back up and cover your blades and so you've got to do the little up chop and knock that strip off as well i'm gonna move nice and slow and we'll start sweating lots of tracks in the moss probably deer the interesting thing is anything that's going to make a track on a muddy spot an open spot we call them sort of the little track zones is something that for the most part doesn't care that you see its tracks so if it doesn't want you to see its tracks it'll avoid even like wolves they'll avoid an area like this now this area is really well worn i'll bet you a lot of animals come and urinate on this stump here wow that's a lot of bear poop [Music] oh here's more according to researchers bear and sasquatch territory is virtually identical it's also a big track like impression right here got in the moss i mean everything else is covered in moss and this section is not it's flattened down it's worn down really easily could be bears another thing that is very curious to me is where's the big trails like elephants and and giraffes and big big creatures even you know bear and moose they leave trails all the time and you can tell you can see the hoof prints you can see the paw prints you can see the scat something that that you know is reported to weigh as much as 900 pounds has got to leave more marks in the bush if we see footprints of a bear we say there are a bear there if we see footprints of a cougar we say there are cougar there we see footprint prints that are massive and humanoid what's there well that's the question isn't it whatever is there leaves tracks screams in the night throws rocks befriends people abducts or even kills people or is it all just elaborate hoaxing i'm seeking the truth one other technique that i was told is worth trying is to film what's going on behind you as you walk away so that's something i'm going to do right now is switch on a little camera on my back and just film as i walk out it's said that bakwas will follow behind you feeling more secure that you're not watching them so filming backwards i may just be able to fool something and get it caught on camera calling out a coyote-like hoop is reported to be something that gets their attention there's an internet's worth of bigfoot research ideas so anything's worth a try [Music] nothing interesting thing about hoaxers and trying to lay out hoaxes is that those who are getting involved are really getting pretty good at it in some cases you look up and there's tracks going straight up a hill six foot stretch stride now how is that possible by a human well it's not unless you wear the tracks on backwards and go down the hill where there's a will to hoax there's a way there's different stages of accepting the fact of the existence of a species stage one is you start to hear about the species by local people stories reports different incidents stage two someone comes up with a skeleton stage three a body or body parts are found stage four a live specimen and that results in stage five which is on the ground research of the species sasquatch are firmly planted still in stage one which basically means they remain in the cryptozoology genre cryptozoology is the study of hidden animals hidden undiscovered species to the cryptozoologists it's a noble pursuit ripe with the possibility of discovering something amazing and being the one to present it to the world but the questions continue the biggest issues is why do we not find bones where are the bones most biologists don't worry about that question because they know the answer it is so exceedingly rare to find predator bones cougar will go and hide when it wants to die trying to find their bones is very much needle in the haystack now imagine if it was a intelligent being who wanted to hide bones there's hundreds of thousands of bears in the wilderness i've never found a bear skeleton at least on the question of missing bones the skeptical biologists and sasquatch advocates agree it's a non-issue a couple of hours boat ride from clem 2 i've been dropped off at a cabin within 100 yards of a prolific clamming bed this cabin is reported to have had activity reports of sasquatch showing up here it was probably about six or seven of us in the uh camping on this one island and then uh my brother and i uh we we started a big fire we started throwing more and more branches on the fire and i can see that you can see the eyes the reflection of the fire off its eyes as soon as everyone looked over all six or seven people looked over that sasquatch stood up and started walking in the bush it freaked everyone out [Music] so sasquatch if they exist are said to harvest clams uh well actually in different places different cultures have different names for them such as uh diggers of the sand and clam diggers so that isn't self-explanatory i don't know what is so the theory here is that being in the neighborhood of rich clam gardens and harvesting them as a human being is essentially treading on their territory so a lot of the stories in this area reflect that in terms of warnings with screams rock throwings stick throwings wood knocks on trees really loud enough that it scares a lot of human clam diggers away it's really about attracting attention to myself in a way almost create a little bit of a fuss you know be seen out at night with headlights flashing digging in the clam gardens that are close to what is reported to be territory of sasquatch there was an old man that was down one of the bays down here digging clams and he wasn't getting too much where he was digging so he's going over to a little island and for some reason he looked back and here there's some kind of an animal down by where he was digging and one of the elders that was with us he started hearing these sounds of screaming and sounds like someone was getting murdered or someone was being tortured or something it was really weird this loud screaming was a really uncomfortable feeling and just hearing that our tails were almost full and our saxophone was full and uh just boom out of nowhere this big rock right in the middle of us where we're thinking just missed we didn't wait we took off like scared [Music] i've just spent an hour digging for clowns outside the cabin where many encounters have happened actually a cabin that's had activity where they uh they say they they've hit the walls before so see what happens while i'm here making a little bit of a ruckus around this place like i don't i'm not trying to like be creepy or creepy up but you gotta imagine you know looking out that window and seeing a uh a sasquatch face looking in at you or seeing a hand go up against it that's gotta make it jump right out of your skin all right let's see how the night goes from what i've found the methods for provoking an encounter with a sasquatch are as variable as the reported encounters themselves so my thought is to follow the lead of my hosts the people native elders scientists wildlife biologists wilderness trekkers hunters mushroom pickers anyone at all who claims an encounter and in this case there's no hardcore survival needed just a night in a cabin my night was uneventful although after a great feast of clams i got a good sleep nothing hit the cabin walls no screams in the night and no footprints left outside so i'm being boated out to clem two hill an old volcano the local native population was successful in protecting from the minor shovel but before i can even get out of the boat i'm greeted with a perplexing sight around now to the other side of the volcano and there's an old old logging road i want to try and see if i can make my way up that's supposed to be quite the quite the hot spot for sasquatch activity when we come along here this weirdest sight uh see the skeleton here and it gets better than this let me show you the bones first though literally we're just you know just just laying like this i mean look if i step you back a bit like a sort of in this when you're way over there you're looking ahead going what the heck is that and it's this perfect line of bones now we're all guessing that it's probably sea lion it's really bizarre to me that the bones aren't ripped apart i mean normally if an animal's caught and eaten by anything the bones are ripped apart here we have the perfect skeleton it's been here long enough the grass is growing through it and all in one perfect piece then you step up just a couple of steps and you see this and this is like like a nest really so i mean everything is circular so something's been turning around to lie down i mean highly likely a bear that would be my guess big one though that's for sure i mean often moose deer bear a lot of large animals will curl up in the grass like this and lie down but whatever lie down here was massive if it was a bear it's a very big bear i could feel the indentations in the sand can i place it no i can't place it maybe bear this is really strange let's give you another another view of it i can't call this a hoax no human has been out here for quite possibly years no one knew i was coming out here today as if it were some kind of ritualistic scene this spine of bones laid out as they are is one of the creepiest things i've ever experienced in the wilderness who or what would leave such a sight and why there's nothing about it that makes any sense [Music] i'm a few hours boat ride from clem ii canada pushing deeper into what is considered to be bakwas territory sasquatch bigfoot this is klemto hill a place with a long history of encounters and for now my mission is simply hiking the area looking for signs that stand out from the norm at least the wilderness noise okay look at this here as i know it [Music] yeah likely case scenario rot and down it goes and if you're a little too obsessive about it you're gonna say that's a bigfoot bend i think it's probably just rot a lot of times though there are markings that they've they talk about in the trees here when you've got to step up over something and come past like an area like this and you go here if you look there you'll see a worn area where something has stepped up and it could be six seven feet up way higher than any bear would make a lot of the branches sometimes they look up about eight or nine feet tall the spruce trees when they die the branches become very jagged very sharp and you can see a lot of clumps of hair caught on them so for dna evidence that's worth looking for i'm basically about well not even halfway up the volcano nowhere near that the the forest here is so thick it's really closed in it's never going to be as easy as going to a campsite where somebody said they saw eight foot hairy creature and it's gonna you know show up for you if such a creature even exists if it does exist then it's ability at being stealthy will be supreme in a place like this i'm not going to be able to outsmart it or out track it i'd have to wait till it comes to me and i think that's really the name of the game for the while is getting myself in deep into areas that people have these incredible claims and see if uh something comes to me and it's going to take a lot of effort trying different methods for this phenomenon is considered to be many things by many different schools of thought and they can't all be right it's my job to find out what works what's the best way to elicit some kind of interaction with whatever is out here and be able to survive it the people of clemson respect and give the creature a place of awe of legend and they live with its reality i'm here to find out what that reality [Music] [Music] is [Music] this is one encounter that was told by a couple people in the community that was actually driving up the hatchery room the way he told it to me was that as he drove up and he suddenly stopped the guy was looking up and he seen there was something standing on the road the big thing was so hairy he just walked like us with young people and his girlfriend beside him was so terrified that she was actually hiding he said that he put the car into gear looked like up the animal is gone this is a vast wilderness thousands and thousands of square miles of area for something to exist my quest is to seek some kind of contact with whatever it is that's out here whatever screaming throwing rocks being spotted making tracks i'm not going to say i believe or i disbelieve i don't either i simply had a few strange experiences i want to find out for myself what's out here what i do is survival i guess that's what i'm good at whatever else is out here will have that skill set in spades over me you know the way to look at this is you're watching me paddle out here to this spot and you are completely convinced in your mind that the whole notion of sasquatch is just silly they just don't exist it's not possible okay well that's the case then what's the big deal for me tonight there should be nothing to worry about right maybe a wolf pack be careful about that maybe a bear i'll be careful about that but i've been in lots of wolf territory and bear territory before that should be all i have to worry about if the other side is right well that's a whole new ballgame there's no wind tonight i guess that's a good thing i'll hear anything there's something to be heard for example were a tree to fall i'll hear it as for me i'm going to remain calm and just tell myself that i'm spending the night and the next night alone on an incredibly beautiful lake outside of clam 2bc i mean this is picture-perfect and it's a place where generally speaking i'm very comfortable let's see if that comfort stays for the night and so i find myself at the far end of clem two lake teenagers and young men come out here on occasion to hike or hunt but most residents of clem 2 have no interest in going up to the place of horrifying night screams rock throwings and sightings of the big hairy people some are terrified of this place and one pilot is claimed to have seen an entire sasquatch family walking along this very beach the locals call this place the bakwas home man there's a lot of big wolf tracks here okay here's something i'm going to do i've got a little tiny buried camera here i'm going to put an apple right in front of it i'll take another apple and put it on the log here good thing about this is i'll hear something walking in the creek or the swamp i'm kind of bordered on on all sides of course i could something could step right over top of it as well but at least i might hear something sloshing around my hosts looked after me at the cabin in the hill but out here i'm finally alone it's how i do my best work this is an attempt at getting them curious three wood knocks i'll start with the action of wood knocking supposedly a great way to get a response from sasquatch i'll do that again at dusk and maybe around one in the morning because likely i will want to stay up for most of the night i don't think i'm going to sleep alone i'm trying to get a sasquatch encounter to happen to me i camp at the far end of clem two lake a pristine place of wonder where lies a mystery that gives the town's inhabitants less than a mile away nightmares all right something else that i've uncovered in the research is a tactic by which when i have to relieve myself i'll go over and always pee in the same spot and that uh this can actually lead to something coming and always peeing adjacent to that spot so whenever i have to relieve myself while i'm here i will uh do exactly that i think i'll always come over to there's a bushes over here and i'll get on the other side so that maybe whatever might do this practice we'll do it over here yeah sun's definitely going down you can see it's going down fast and that's what i'm going to do now i'll leave myself on this side of the bush all right well before it gets too dark let's take a look at what i have for uh just protection well out here standard bear spray on my belt i've got two kinds of we call them bear bangers they're really they're flares more than anything it's really just in case i've got an overly eager pack of wolves or a rogue black bear bothering me but chances of that are highly unlikely i'm not one who thinks that wolves are out here to attack us normally right about now is when i might play my harmonica get a nice echo going but i think in this situation i'm going to stick with the wood knocks if i'm trying to attract something then let's play by the rules that certain researchers have laid out and one of them is that it's the wood knocking that really attracts them i've been told that hands down wood knocking gets you results you get knocks back or interaction that night so i've already knocked three times and i will do it again later on in the night and i won't play harmonica i'll keep that inside the tent uh if i get some action some activity then i'll play the harmonica inside the tent and basically make myself out to be a very confusing animal so that whatever is out there might take interest in me just out of pure curiosity i'm almost completely forgot that i also have audio recorders let's freak myself out there uh i have audio recorders so i'm gonna put four of them out capture any sounds through the night [Music] my gracious hosts from clem2 would prefer i approach this all spiritually and i am respecting that but i can't help but throw in a little technology as i dig deeper into this phenomenon and it shoots awfully long way with night vision enabling me to pick up great distances in the dark it's helpful in a situation like this all right let's just see how the rest of the night goes it's gonna be spooky if i can answer back now nothing yet [Music] after an uneventful night i paddled the lake for two hours in the morning only to return to a perplexing surprise [Music] the two apples on the beach are gone now they were on the ground like the case scenario is something very simple came along and took it so i'm gonna step wherever it's clear sand all right so what have i got here this is new here i'm just circling around the tracks that are really interesting i don't believe their wolf tracks from old yet they look fresh it's very hard to tell power of suggestion is a very powerful thing indeed but as i look at this print here we've actually got the indentations of one two three four five toes and this toe over here bigger fatter than the rest of them cross in a straight line before i get the chance to think it's just a random scuff in the sand i find an identical track 40 yards away one two three four five let's cast them both all right got my pancake mix just need some blueberries this is actually a mixture of a casting material called hydrocal if any consideration at all is going to be coaxed out of skeptics like myself it's going to take observational and evidence-based science junk science or eyewitness stories alone aren't going to convince anyone data has to be logged and cross-referenced years of evidence has to be studied by researchers for consistencies before it will be accepted as proof or even a supporting evidence [Music] this lake is the location of an unsolved tragedy a missing boy dozens of searchers came out here to try and find him but what's most shocking is that three of them found caves out here with such a strong stench emanating that they stopped their search in that area out of fear and left the caves vowing to never return i want to find those caves there used to be a trail along here that the townspeople from clem too would use to get to the beach where i've been staying but over the years people got so freaked out by the strangeness out here the rock throwing the screens breaking trees that uh they stopped using the trail and it's probably mostly largely grown over it now this forest has a look to it that will be considered to be normal what i'm looking for is what doesn't look normal figuring out what doesn't look normal in amongst what does is the art of tracking it's likely torn apart by bears looking for uh grubs and insects to eat a long time ago there's tracks here looks a lot like uh bear track lots of little caves but nothing substantial one thing i will say if there was some kind of ancient hominid species still hiding and existing out here it makes perfect sense to live in caves you're gonna watch where you fall if you reach out and grab a devil's club plant it's gonna hurt that's a few deep holes to fall down in here that's for sure one wrong step and you're in the middle of a horrible survival situation [Music] who wants to be in one of those i do not find the caves nor any signs of large primates so i'll take my place back at the camp to sit out the night at the edge of clem2 lake i've replaced the missing apples with another apple and a sandwich out in the sand essentially as bait or an offering however you want to look at it all right i've lit the fire but uh the rain's coming down now it's windy and it's raining it's gonna be a completely different night tonight cameras are rolling audio recorders are rolling i don't know what else to do except i'm sitting wait this out and see what happens [Music] that's been pouring rain all night long just bucketing down and i can see the sandwich in the apple still there so nothing nothing over there just a little while ago i was a bigfoot researcher who came and stayed i guess a few hundred yards from the trail head at the other end of the lake he didn't want to come all the way to the end of the lake here and he also came in here with four big dogs stayed here for quite a while and had no no bigfoot activity and the day after he left there was a family camping down the creek a bit they all of a sudden heard all of this smashing and some in the bush like branches breaking and then something being hit like with a club and the trees being hit with a club sort of thing father and family doesn't get spooked very well he was a bushman he uh immediately told people in the town and quite a few people from the town all went up to this campsite and all heard the sounds they all heard all the smashing and crashing and they felt that what he'd done is he bothered the family of sasquatch that live in this area at least that they feel live here and made them upset got them angry that was three days ago maybe my food gifts will appease whatever or whoever the researcher got upset but it's an interesting question our modern day bigfoot researchers poking at a hornet's nest without realizing it should there be a protocol of respect displayed when attempting contact with this phenomenon no action last night due to the heavy rain apparently sasquatch has weather it likes or dislikes but then it happened again before my morning paddle the apple and the sandwich were there two hours later they were gone so just like yesterday something has messed with the apples and the sandwich on the log the half apples on the ground and the sandwich is gone who knows ravens came back ravens took the sandwich probably as simple as that here's the rub these are motion triggered cameras so sensitive that even a blowing piece of grass triggers the camera to record you see the bird but what it didn't record was the sandwich disappearing it's as if it malfunctioned only for that moment and as a filmmaker i have no answer for that but sasquatch advocates claim that as a general consistency electronics go awry whenever sasquatch is involved again and i'm not even asking you to use your mind's eye i've just got to get the sand off somehow the track itself is here like this one two three four five toes all the piggies that went to market right there hmm now this one is more pronounced i'll show these to john bindernagel who's an expert on cast he's got quite a collection let's see what he thinks after two nights and a modest amount of strange occurrences i'm paddling and hiking back to the town of clem 2 on the northwest coast of canada to meet up with wildlife biologist john bindernegel and show him my new strange tracks i've casted while on the lake he has his own tracks and he's extremely familiar with reported prints of sasquatch so i want to get his opinion of mine [Music] good spotting huge wide heel we have this hypothesis that that this thing looks like an upright grade eight this of course is very a blank yeah ng the gorilla john is convinced that these are casts worthy of showing to some experts in the field and so i'll hold on to them but for now i want to get back up to the lake i need more than tracks i need something real to experience [Music] people that have gone up to the lake have heard things you know growling or something moving really fast in the bushes screaming and hollering one of the guys got so scared that he took off in the middle of night and just left us there he told me that um it's a bug where she said in our language that's uh you're like the sasquatch [Music] okay a tree just fell over over there a very large tree wow i've got chills my hair is up on the back of my neck i hope that was just natural i'm shaking but i was just sad i haven't lit a fire yet or anything i just boom boom crash i know turn on the audio recorders which means unfortunately i have to walk towards that area okay i'm spooked now i am here on the stillest of nights there is not a breath of wind you know and any other time in any other camping trip and any other situation i'd say oh that's really cool tree must have just rotted just at that time oh and i got to hear it that's what i've been telling myself for years and years but since doing the research there's a lot about how they push trees over to scare you whatever they are i'm out here in what's reported to be i don't know whatever you want to call it hot spot for bigfoot i guess and uh it's the most stunningly beautiful quiet night here right now and a huge rock or tree falls over in the corner there it doesn't make sense if i get something back i don't know that i'll even stay you see this is the thing too it's one of those things right it's like okay why didn't i get that recorded literally i'm sitting here thinking well it's almost dark should get the fire going and because i've got you know i've got eight hours on the recorder so i want them to work through the night so it's like well i'm here i'll wait you know i'm not expecting anything right now so i'll wait a while and then i will uh turn on the recorders so nothing's on yet i wasn't talking to you so i didn't have the camera running i was sitting here quietly enjoying this this is going to be a long night all the times i've heard a single solitary tree come over near to where i was camping while still still night i've always written it off too it just happened to be when the tree rotted and i just happened to be there to hear it fall i'm gonna start paying attention to that more often now it's possible that at that moment on a completely still night with no rain or wind the tree fell due to rot but i maintain that the sound that i heard was much closer to the sound of a tree or a rock being tossed 20 or 30 yards and weighing at least a few hundred pounds even landing in a wet area it didn't sound like a tree slowly cracking or rotting over and falling to the ground but all you have is my word and the rest of this night well this is just the beginning i'm climbing down into the rabbit hole swallowing the red pill i want answers and how deep this rabbit hole goes maybe farther than i really want to know i just want the truth you
Channel: Survivorman - Les Stroud
Views: 2,054,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Survivorman TV Series, Les Stroud, Survivorman, Survivorman Les Stroud, Survivorman TV Show, Survivorman TV, Todd Standing, Survivorman Bigfoot, Bigfoot, Klemtu, Native Reserve, British Columbia, volcano, sacred area, strange happenings, sasquatch, survivorman full episodes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 44sec (2624 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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