The Sound of Terror - Sasquatch Unearthed: Mountain State Monsters (new Bigfoot evidence audio)

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when they look back that the bigfoot was bent backwards she said that she gasped and when she gasped she said it just popped upright again I'm in a small tent with a cot that came up behind my tent brushed it and then I saw a hand come down on top and it was big there's a handprint on the top of my car [Music] oh [Music] we're heading we're on Camp 70 road right outside of well I guess outside of Davis in the middle of Davis Middle of Davis Middle Davis and uh we're outside of Blackwater Falls actually heading out toward the Canadian like kind of the back side of Canaan Valley yeah little Canadian Wildlife Area yeah and this road kind of parallels uh the Blackwater river through here [Music] there's definitely a history of sightings uh in the 1960s there was a an actual report taken and I believe it was shared with John Keel believe it or not actually over near the Blackwater Falls you know in the canyon area it's actually got to become known by some people as a canyon monster there was a group of young men that were camping over in that area one of the gentlemen was outside we were out on the edge of the Woodline collecting firewood and he heard a strange noise and then he felt a poke I guess in these ribs or in his back he turned around and he was I can't say face to face because he said it was like eight feet tall but he was looking at this thing with long shaggy hair blackened collar and there was the strange feature about it it they said it had eyes that were that sound like Balls of Fire um wow so they're going to be known you know in the 60s I guess as a Canaan monster there was other sightings supposedly in a Parsons area and up here near Davison Thomas and then in the 1970s I guess there was also other sightings and I actually talked to a lady via email that her and her husband actually had a sighting of that same creature and they were traveling somewhere between here and Parsons so that this thing walked out in front of their truck and it looked it looked at the truck and and that's what they described it as is this big creature with shaggy hair and red eyes there was an account the reason we had a vfro Expedition here was in I think it was 2010 or 11. Russ Jones took the report a gentleman was deer hunting down here and witnessed one down it's a swampy area down as you get down on Marcy in that area down there and along the Blackwater River and he witnessed one there and refuses to come back it's in the BFRO reports for Tucker County was it when we had our Expedition here they allowed uh off-road camping and they had little places set up and fire pits and everything but they've since cut that out due to people not respecting the wilderness yeah we had the first night we were out down at the end of this road there's an old railroad bed that runs up where they used to haul Timber out of this area and they we were up we have walked back about a mile a mile and a half I would say and we got back it was my first expedition my first night doing night Ops and we were down at the end getting ready to turn around and come back and it basically started to come back we had the loudest knock I have heard in a long time it was if you take it a four by four and hit the biggest Oak Tree in the woods as hard as you could that's what it sounded like and we didn't get any sightings but later in that expedition the second night we were over in Blackwater Falls State Park doing night Ops above the lake over there and you can go up the hill and around so we'd split up in different groups and kind of you know jump back and forth and did some things one of the groups had a thermal siding and as luck goes with Bigfoot it was the only thermal we had that didn't have any way to record or pictures could do any video or pictures with it they watched it for about 15 minutes they said and it was checking them out watching them peeking around trees and there was a group about seven or eight I think that saw this and uh the investigator was uh he said it was just it was so curious about him I've also taken a report from this area out at the end of the road because there's a bridge out here at the end uh there's a gentleman come up here and he was fishing and he said he hiked never went out the bridge and hiked there's I guess a trail out through there that you can you could get on and he was going down the river and he actually found footprints that he described as you know bigger than normal like human-sized Footprints but or human shaped footprints that were much bigger and then he heard some kind of weird scream he said from come from that area and he said he didn't stay much longer he and he ended up getting out of there yeah I think the deer hunter that was down here got spooked out too he was uh he was watching it through his scope two human likes that he wouldn't take a shot foreign it was the Promised Land a land flowing with milk and honey the land of Canaan a place acquired in pain and suffering and sacrifice thousands of years later Halfway Around The World the name would be repurposed an Upland Valley in northeastern West Virginia would be christened canane nearly everything about this naming is now shrouded in mystery including whether it intends to recall Biblical history and how its pronunciation came about the ambiguity is appropriate her things happen in the Canaan Valley that have no direct explanation located within the Allegheny mountain range the Canaan Valley stretches for 13 miles bounded by cabin Mountain to the east and Canaan Mountain to the West the flat valley floor three to five miles wide in most places claims between 25 and 30 000 Acres of Tucker County and its average elevation of 3200 feet above sea level makes it the highest such Valley east of the Mississippi this elevation creates a unique climate for the valley both cooler and more humid than lower altitudes in the same region with a shorter growing season than Fairbanks Alaska and a preponderance of peat bogs or muskeg often associated with Alaska and western Canada [Music] the wetlands of the Canaan Valley hold a significant amount of rain and snowfall releasing the moisture in the form of the Blackwater River at its southern end Hemlock and Spruce trees give the river its distinctive color which leaves the valley between Canaan and brown mountains forming the Falls of the Blackwater 28 miles Southeast of the falls on the other side of Timberline Mountain lies the dolly sod's wilderness named after a grazing area for sheep dolly sods is known for its breathtaking views Rocky Plains and of course its muskeg bogs comprising nearly 18 000 Acres of the Allegheny Plateau the area was once used for military drills during World War II and many artillery and mortar shells some of them live still exist in spite of or perhaps because of the potential Danger dolly sods is the most popular Wilderness in the Mountain State nearly 50 miles of trails exist within its borders granting extensive opportunities for encounters with things natural and unnatural between the mean elevation the climate and the resulting flora and fauna researchers like Russ Jones have suggested that this part of West Virginia is ideal Sasquatch habitat citing reports from this region appear to support the assertion as far as the discovery of hidden animals is concerned what promise does the Canaan Valley hold my name's Les Odell I'm the founder of West Virginia Cryptids and strange encounters um my introduction to the Bigfoot didn't happen like a lot of other folks did you know they had a sighting or anything like that or or were watching a show years ago in search of which I did watch that but I basically started out as a Paranormal Investigator and that led into my son and I my oldest son we we talked about wanting to do something in West Virginia where people can share their encounters whether it was Bigfoot ghosts UFOs whatever anything strange and then it eventually turned solely or not not necessarily completely but a majority of it became Bigfoot you know people calling you know talking to me telling me they had an encounter and I'll take the reports and then eventually people say hey can you come check out my property and I'd go check out a property order where they say they had an encounter in this area and we'd go through that area and check it out and and that started uh this is a sixth year that we've been doing that my name is Larry Sidwell uh I'm a BFRO investigator I've been since 2013 so I'm 10 years this year I been on about 30 35 Expeditions both private and BFRO I'm a member of another group called East Coast Expeditions which is mainly BFRO members and we decided to do some stuff on our own so that they're basically private Expeditions that uh you know we'll look at a place maybe you know do a scouting where we go wow there's been some reports in this area so we really like to check it out so we'll get a check out some areas Les joined us on one of them we were down at a place called Laurel Fork Campgrounds in Randolph County doing this there but we we go all over Virginia Tennessee Georgia where every Everything east of the Mississippi we anyone's eligible to be a member of the East Coast exhibition a BFRO I've been an investigator like I said 10 years uh they'll be leading my first expedition this year for the BFRO I've been on great Expeditions I've been on some you know that you don't have a lot of extra things but uh for various whoops and knocks Expeditions so I paid to go on my first one in uh 2012 Russ Jones uh and Darren pavarnik were the leaders and I've been going ever since there's nothing that stirs the imagination like hearing mysterious sounds echoing through the woods from the beginning reported elements of Bigfoot encounters include sounds that defy ordinary explanation everything from howls and screams wood knocks and rock clacking have been after a lengthy process of elimination attributed to Sasquatch as a potential source [Applause] other vocalizations have been documented and even recorded capturing what sounds like in some cases a kind of proto-language and in others a type of call or signal a classic example of the latter category is the recording referred to as the Ohio howl so named because it was obtained in Ohio's Columbiana County [Music] the self-evident difficulty with sound as evidence is that in nearly every case the source of the sound is not observed that leaves the door open for misidentification of the noises being heard it takes a very experienced ear to identify probable natural causes for wilderness sounds that excite the senses mountain lions elk coyote birds and normal tree falls account for much of what is heard in the forest however that leaves a small percentage of sounds with a signature or range with no known referent in other words an unknown source these sounds are often suggestive of primate Behavior but whatever they suggest they put human beings on high alert especially when heard in the dark woods in the middle of the night [Music] all right Larry we're in the area where you had your experience yes experience what year was that 2012 last week September 1st of October we were here they had the Expedition and they uh most of it was back at Blackwater Falls campground at the state park and I looked at I said this isn't what I want to do in a park with a bunch of people Mark maisel is an investigator in Ohio he brought myself and another newbie down here and said man this would be a great spot he said this is a good spot said there's been a lot of cavity up and down this road and it's remote but it's not too remote and so the fire pits still where it used to be we attempts we had another guy that we've moved down here from up the road that uh thought something had been in his tent during the day you know it was fall start to fall the trees had changed starting to get color so the last night we uh we've been over at the state park and we'd hiked back to the gorge that's over Blackwater Blackwater Falls State Park so we got back and manage Hala it does a lot of the Bigfoot audio for the vfro was going to do call blasting down here at the end of the road so we went down there with him he called blasted for about an hour we got no responses nothing happened and he said you know I may have stirred some up all you guys camped along this road here may want to keep your eyes open tonight and stuff I was like oh you know nothing this last night I guess it was about 2 30 when everybody decided to go to bed so I'm not a I don't go to sleep real easy especially when I'm in a small tent with a cot and so I got in it my legs were aching I was tired about 3 3 30 in the morning I heard everybody around me start snoring everything's going good and then down here like I said my tent was right in here okay it was right in here and the fire pit like I said that was the beam one then this wasn't here and you got another little tributary stream that comes down here it runs into the river and uh my tent was right here I was in it I heard something crossing the river the river what was the river like that it was much lower it was uh there was hardly any water at all in it it was almost dry it was the end of September but September's kind of drought dry month around here and there was hardly any water at all it was easy just to walk across and a little bit of water maybe three to six inches and a lot of rocks down there so I heard it crossed I almost say it I'd say them I think there's more I know there was more than one they I heard them cross and I was like man I hope it's so what is that I said doesn't sound like deer sounds a lot heavier I've sort of listening is listening I said I heard it come up I heard them come up behind up this trail from the river and I heard a grunt like a right here I said oh crap I hope it's not a bear right and uh so we were sitting there and uh it came up they came up behind my tent and brushed it and then I saw a hand come down on top and I'm gonna say a hand you can see I could see that the outline of the fingers it was big and it pushed down and I was really scared at that time I was like nervous nervous and here I am my first expedition I go God this is crazy nobody's going to believe me and so we came up and then it pulled around can't like in the in the camp over here we had picnic tables and stuff set up with a lot of cookware and things on them because we've been cooking our own breakfast and stuff every day it was messing around then they started kind of chattering and uh the one I think the smaller one was kind of like the Sierra sounds but not quite it was just more of a it made no sense any of the what they were doing and this went on for it seemed like forever because that's scared to death I got scared my truck is parked where it is right now the that expedition when we was parked right there I picked up my key I didn't have a gun anything to protect myself nothing so I picked up my keys and I said if things get crazy here I'm gonna hit the emergency alarm on my uh on my truck and sound the horns and wake everybody else up but during all this they all slept they were all snoring away and I think that's the reason it came into Camp is it hurt a snoring but you know during that weekend we had looked across the river over here and there was uh there's a lot of trails back there for mountain bikes this is huge mountain bike area we saw some brown things over we couldn't explain we just saw maybe it's weeds or whatever and that went on a couple of days but then this happened the last night and uh you know it lingered around Camp uh they finally left I don't know if this is good for thing I had to go to the bathroom I was too scared to go out and go to the bathroom that's how scared I was [Music] the incidental sounds of a real creature let the hearer know that something may be nearby a vocalization of some sort makes it unmistakable and these are the sounds that have received the most attention with regard to the search for Sasquatch for as long as cases have been collected Witnesses have reported strange screams emanating from shadowy swamps disturbingly compared to a woman being murdered other noises include the equally unsettling sound of a baby crying or children at play in places where no parent would willingly take a child there are plenty of recorded examples of primate sounding whoops or calls such as the aforementioned Ohio howl and then there are the infamous Sierra sounds [Music] oh foreign [Music] in the 1970s newspaper reporter Alan Berry got wind of a story about Bigfoot encounters taking place in the High Sierras and was eventually invited to the hunting camp to see for himself he went with the intention of debunking the claims but instead he obtained tape recordings of vocalizations that to this day defy classification expert analysts have concluded that the sounds captured on the Sierra tapes have the properties of language although the language itself is unidentified [Music] one of the hunters in the camp named Ron Moorhead can even be heard interacting in a vocal exchange with whatever was outside their blind which was apparently trying to communicate what did Barry and Morehead get on tape did they inadvertently preserve the language of Sierra Sasquatch and do such beings still call the forests of North America home [Music] talk talk to me about some of the audio the most interesting audio that you've heard that's been recorded within the state of Western within the state of West Virginia [Music] that I've heard what's the most you know what's the most interesting audio that people have discussed with you mainly it's whoops the uh the sounds down near uh along the Ohio River from a few years ago manage Halo he's our audio guy for the BFRO he gets a lot of stuff we'll collect stuff and send it to him and he'll go through the audio he was a he was a linguist in with U.S Air Force in Korea so he's he hears things that you couldn't even make out you can hear hear a whoop or a howl and he'll hear knocks embedded in it all kinds of stuff and he'll Point them out and we use a thing called spectrogram spectrographs to look at it and so we can go through a lot of audio we had one one night it it would offer about 3 30 in the morning and it went on it started with what we think was Bigfoot then it went into coyotes it's like the big thing I've noticed with with uh Bigfoot house in noises either they start the coyotes or the coyotes start them you can tell the difference between the canines the yipping and stuff and it goes into this different sounds it's just totally different so we took that and and sent it we got a huge whoop we had some really good audio that's about all we got that year was this whoop on the first night it was really good what is pretty common for people to encounter audio-wise or audibly well everybody knows about the whoops you know you get the whoops and the big long house that's probably what's most commonly attributed to to Bigfoot but there's also an entire classification of sounds that have to do with clicks and clocks and rock sounds and and making vocalizations that seem like words but aren't quite words for instance one of the ones that we were able to capture up in at our family farm in Lewisburg we were up there and we heard something that was making these mouth clicks then we heard another one that sounded like a female voice just beyond it that was we couldn't make out what it was it sounded like language thank you [Applause] you sound like something trying to communicate with another just like you and I are talking it sounded like that like a communication between two different individuals one was up on a ridge making some noises and the other was down in a lower end of brush making noises and it just continued for over an hour and those vocalizations were very very odd and I know exactly the exact date of this this is the day that I actually had to uh accepted Bigfoot or something like Bigfoot is real and that would have been when we were up at his farm that was August 21st we were just relaxing we had just came back from out here actually we had we had come off the uh the investigation when all of a sudden you know we start hearing these sounds down in the valley chill out what was that I haven't written well I've been recording mine now I forgot it [Music] and there's the weirdest part of it was probably that chatter there was just this weird chatter it was a female type chatter and at the time remember not a Bigfoot guy at the time I was not familiar with the Sierra sounds and all that and then after the sounds we walked around to the back because the light kept coming on going off it was a motion Central light and so we wanted to go check that out and we go over into the field we found out that a light gets tripped as we kind of figured that out we're like well something was out here all right so we go back around we're getting back out of the field now and we're going back to the house and at that point uh Joe's like I want to make one more sweep so he takes his light his light and he sweeps it across the field as he does that I see this huge Shadow thing just it's there and it goes down as the light comes around it just goes right down with it and I flipped out I grabbed the light start trying to recreate it because I don't believe what I just saw you know I still can't really believe what I saw it's like I still try to figure out you know was that light Shadow I know it wasn't light Shadow because what happened next light chatter doesn't do I look over at Joe and he's like we gotta go we gotta go right now I'm like what what's going on you know he's like we gotta go so we go and a part of me wanted to stay and a part of me was just like no he's right we got to go so as we go back to the house we were getting ready to go inside and I could hear what sounded like I never described this a few times but what really just sounds like a swarm of Hornets or bees off in the distance with a little like a lot of Reverb I mean we go inside and as we're inside you know we're telling our wives about what had just happened and they start hearing a baby cry they think it's Joe's baby at the time he goes to check the Hat nope not that I didn't hear this baby by the way his my wife heard it his wife heard it and he heard it I did not hear this it was just a weird night there's just weird things out there and that's that's one of the weird things what's the most memorable thing that's happened to you when you were researching a number of times you know I've heard the wood knocks found tracks that were fresh and things like that but I remember at one time in particular I was walking up this hollow and it was a dead end Park Road and there was snow on the ground we'd snowed two weeks ago so no no other tracks I was the first person up there I'm off Trail and I'm walking and as I'm walking I'm looking and there is clear cuts on both sides that are about 10 years old you can just tell by how they look and I'm watching the deer sign which is consistent with what you see but then when I looked at at the head of the hollow all of a sudden the deer sign disappeared and I'm looking around I'm thinking that's weird you know it should be about the same I thought I'm just going to drop a camera here a couple Hollows came together looks like a good spot I'm putting a camera up and I hear a very loud wood knock shade turns around looks up the hollow where it came from is maybe 100 yards from us so that's where we're going Bob so I dropped that camera usually I'm having them slung over my shoulder we walk up there maybe another quarter mile or so and there's another little Hollow comes down I thought if I can just drop one here quick and I was putting it up and I heard a very very loud wood knock that I mean it was a stone's throw from me but it was just where I couldn't see and then after that then I heard the samurai chatter that people talk about that you know just sounds like somebody's talking in the woods and it made me feel like that I had I was getting a little close to the family group I had about 45 minutes of daylight left and I thought ah we're walking out of here shade and it was interesting him and I were leaving I could tell the way that he was smelling around you know that I thought you know I think one crossed here after us so we go back there that's the place I was telling you about that was February 3rd when that happened a couple years ago and I'm back in there every time each year trying to get some action I went in there last year dropped seven cameras just in that one area trying to be prepared for when they happen to come through foreign what's the most memorable thing that's happened to you guys while you were on an investigation or research while we were at um I can't remember the year Beaver Creek State Park we did a 2014. and that evening after everyone had gone to bed in the camp it was quiet um me Brian Dave and Carrie were still up around the fire it was about two o'clock and we were getting ready to head for our tents and we heard what was sound what sounded like the Ohio house oh [Music] and we only heard it one time but that was for me that was the most memorable and a little bit scary and because we were camping there that night yeah and also we didn't go back we were at the Family Campground and then it happened Down Below in the Pioneer Village and interesting the next day we went out to an Overlook above the village and a lady came in her car and she said hey have you seen a dog running around here and we said no he said well last night which would have been the night of the howl our dog ran away it jumped out of its pen tore out of his pen so I said could you give me your number and if we see if we find your dog or whatever so we took her number we actually were looking as we were like in the woods and I actually called her back I think it was about three days later a week and the dog had did come back and she says I don't know something must have spooked that dog because it ran out of its pen so I mean you put two two together maybe that maybe again maybe that's why this dog broke out of his pen because it heard the scream [Music] my best audio here was in the 2012 year Expedition here I got some stuff down Camp 70 road down toward the end that we went back in there back off Trail and myself and another investigator Kevin Zork put some put some long duration recorders out and I got back once I heard a lot of knocks on the audio uh knocks seemed to be really prevalent around here some other stuff that was a suspect we couldn't rule out canine and then we had one thing I called I called it the 800 pound owl it was like and it was like it was like it was imitating an owl this thing was and it was very deep very large resonant [Music] what's the most memorable thing that's happened to you in the field probably the most memorable thing is is right here right you know a mile up the road or so on Canal bro here outside Davis my son was there his friend and a friend of mine were we were camping and that was what we were doing the same way we can hear or check out and my son had I was there the day before and then my buddy come in and then my son as he was coming in found oh pine tree and somebody cut down along the road that was in their yard they cut it up and they put up for free firewood and he stopped and he picked it up and he brought it to Camp he stood there for like two hours and beat on that Pine with an ax to split it and we all sit down around the fire just hanging out didn't have anything you know what even thinking about having anything going any kind of recorders or anything just hanging out and we hear this howl it just is long and drawn out [Music] foreign [Music] just took us all by surprise and when it did that the coyotes everywhere anywhere and everywhere they were they just went crazy so that's kind of like the Ohio how you hear if you look there's also one that you can find in West Virginia it's called the uh the Trent files trench vocalizations in Bruno West Virginia [Music] thank you kind of like that but it was a little louder than what those are and it was long at least 8 10 12 seconds probably and just just bellowed across swamp or whatever you want to call it the blisters won't we call it [Music] the most terrifying encounter was definitely the one here at uh on the banks of the the river uh on the Blackwater River there on Camp 70 road the other one was in Mammoth Cave we were there on an expedition in 2014. I was having knee problems and another guy with was having the same problems so we started down this uh Trail called turnhold key it goes down to the Green River and that and it's like a like a turtle there we made it down about a mile or maybe it may have been less than a mile myself and another guy so we said we'll just stay here and hang out just sit down let them come to you see what happens listen we were there and the group only parallel Trail announced so the Raider they were doing uh three knocks on a whoop they did the three knocks and a whoop and right over the hill from us I mean it could have been more than 100 yards from Wayne and I was they knocked and whooped back they answered [Music] and this went on for a lot of quite a while then we were sitting there and we were sitting there trying to figure out where they were and hear anything it was full moon that night which is usually you don't get as much I don't think as much activity on full moon in the East we we were sitting there and all of a sudden something started stomping around us just stomping it was blow off to our right he was stomping around below us stomping making a lot of noise and it wasn't a deer it was way too heavy for a deer and then I looked to my left and I saw I shine up on the hill or I reflection because I think it was the moon was reflecting the eyes and they were they were probably 100 yards 50 yards well probably 50 yards we'd sit there this went on for a while and it was getting spooky they were getting closer and closer and then before we know it we were they they circled us we were sitting there looked at Wayne I said you know what this gets in he's worse we're going to go white lights I said this is getting a little bit crazy so I didn't Wayne and as he agreed and we sat there for a while longer and it finally stopped they moved on up I think what happened was us dropping off they had no idea we were there we dropped off and Charlie took his group on down down the trail and then the Parallel Group had moved on down the trail and we were there and I think they were coming probably between the two groups but you know it did calmed down and finally we walked out I was on the radio after noticed guys this is crazy we had them all around us those who spend time in the outdoors learn to recognize the sounds of a given location and those sounds have their own stories to tell a breeze that intensifies can warn of an impending storm Rushing Water indicates there are Rapids ahead and the distinctive rhythm of footfalls tells of someone approaching camp it stands to reason that if a Sasquatch was working its way through the woods it too would generate auditory markers unique to its physiology and behavior this cause and effect has been noted in a vast number of documented reports often commenting on the massive weight of a bipedal entity as interpreted by the sound of each foot impacting the forest floor or making a comparison between something enormous moving through the underbrush and the sound of heavy machinery another sound that has come to be associated with Sasquatch is often called wood knocking which as the term suggests describes the popping noise created by wood striking wood although this has not been commonly observed the thinking is that wood knocking between Bigfoot represents some form of rudimentary communication based on reports in which a rough kind of call and response is heard those who have experienced wood knocking tend to connect it with surveillance noticing it within moments of arriving at a site with perhaps an answering knock followed by an eerie silence whether Sasquatch or making percussive sounds in the woods with branches or other means remains speculation what can't be debated is that people out in nature are hearing The Telltale sounds of a very large living things in very close quarters and that is unnerving enough the the only thing that kind of unnerved me was the last time I remember we were all up here or you were standing Black Waterfalls and I stayed on Canadian Loop Road and actually put that recorder outside my van it was only like 50 feet from my van where I was sleeping in a van and I would listen to I had three hours worth of recording and I forget how far I got into it and I started hearing because there's it's a gravel road and then there's all these little Pine you know Pines around and I'm sitting in where I was parked was actually on the right way because I was watching the right away and I put that recorder at the end of the right away and I just for about three or four minutes I started hearing as like someone was going along these pine trees and breaking the sticks off them like I would do if I'm going to start a fire you know or something like that and it just I kept doing it over and over and over and then I hear I hear a tree push over like fall like you hear a crash and then I can hear in my recorders right along the edge of this Gravel Road and I can hear something two feet just run up the gravel road I have to look I have to see if I still have it on record because it was on a recorder that I didn't I can't uh put on a computer [Applause] yeah you know uh here in West Virginia the newest National Park is the New River Gorge National Park and I've spent many many hours days months over the years in the New River Gorge you know one time I was in The Gorge and I was walking along the New River which you know it's one of the oldest rivers in the world and there's all these Cliffs and these Rock outcroppings and who I was with I was pointing out this one cliff and I said you see how that overhangs a lot of times we would believe that they would have you know some type of Sentinel animal would be up there kind of watching the area while maybe the family group is feeding somewhere on the Mountainside when we got close to that Cliff I heard this boom boom as soon as I heard you know I recognized the wood knock and I asked her I'm like did you hear that and she said yeah and I'm like you know listen so we heard four of them over about 20 seconds and she said you know what do you think that is and we're across the river so you know we're a couple hundred yards for them so I said well you know maybe they saw us or it sauce or whatever it was saw us but then about 20 seconds later Here Comes these four-wheelers in a place are not supposed to be down in this bottom so in my mind you know whatever it was up there watching heard those a long time before me and was just warning the other ones you know where something was around so I don't know week two weeks several weeks later I go up to that same place so I park in a place where I can walk to that area as soon as I walk out to where I'm below that cliff to me it meant you know oh my God somebody's right here now as opposed to the other one was more like you know hey somebody's around kind of thing so I get up on this Mountainside just to get I mean I try to take pictures of it all the time and how steep parts of West Virginia are and it's just hard to fathom but to get to that one mountain to get up it it's probably a couple hours and you don't really want to do it when it's warm it's snaky there's a lot of rocks around snakes are out everywhere and so when I got up just to the base of the cliff there was a mine and you know I thought what a perfect place something can stay up here if the weather's bad there's water coming out of the mine and you know they could just they could see me or whatever and a long time before I ever got there and I think that's what happened but when I was going up there twice I heard in the distance a knock like they were just moving away from me but maybe they were letting the other ones in the area that were with it no that they were doing that two years two or three two years ago maybe maybe three I was in Randolph County there's an area called Otter Creek and I was actually at the I had stayed up on the this Ridge uh they caught bickles and Bickle knob and I stayed up here with a friend of mine well I stayed overnight he went he actually went home he's from that area but he was telling me about some stuff that happens in that area so I stayed the whole night nothing happened didn't have any kind of and anything happened but he's telling me that something would come near near the van because sleep in the van I actually took a I took a rake in a like scraped the ground it was like some real soft down and I made like track traps I guess you'd caught you know if something stepped in it was going to leave a print nothing happened never found any prints and it's a you know why I was doing this whole thing I started doing a little YouTube video and I remember him telling me that there was a couple sightings down in the bottom of Otter Creek so I I started that way and there was a there's a Forester grip and I pulled off in this Forester Road I got out and I'm standing there and trying to do the video and when I started the third time I hear if you listen to me it sounds like a woodpecker but it had a Cadence to it it sounds like Morse code and when I'm hearing it it just didn't sound normal so I was like okay that's pretty cool so I went back I went and got into the back of my van I got my stuff and I didn't know what I was going to run into so I put my gun on as well started up the trail and I'm looking at any soft spot I can find anything couldn't find anything but I get to this one area and I'm on the video and you've seen the videos I was getting ready to uh to say I haven't found anything but can you guys hear that wood knocking I don't know if I can switch the camera around to point in that direction I just flip my phone it was coming from that area over there boy I hope that picked up and what I hear is something walking behind me heading back down and but I could see I could see 50 60 feet and I don't see anything I can I can so I passed off as a squirrel deer but I could hear these footprint these footsteps going down the hill and I would continue to the top of the hill and checked out all the top of the Ridge and looked over in the valley and see if I could hear anything and didn't hear anything okay I'm back I got my backpack going put my pistol on my side this is the access road leading to where I just heard the knocking sure what it was I don't believe it's a woodpecker just didn't have the right sound it wasn't that normal woodpecker sound which is pretty rapid I get back to the van and I go to the back and go go to push the button to raise the hatch and that's when I noticed there's big hand prints on the back okay something else interesting just happened I just got back to my car and as you can see there there and look there are there's a hand print on the top of my car what's interesting is it doesn't look like a disturbed the dust much it almost looks like mud on my car I don't have any mud on me and that that's clear on the top of my my hatch in my van so it almost look like something to put his hand there and if you look that looks like smeared mud from hair I can I'm a little baffled by this because you can see where I touched earlier putting my hatch back down there's something come down to my car while I was up in the woods I mean I can't tell any Footprints I've been walking around there walked around a little bit and didn't notice until I was getting ready to get in the back of the car there's one like where the hatch comes down off the roof there's one up here there's one down here where the windshield the wiper is and it almost looks like because there was there was the road was real Dusty so the back of the van's real Dusty and it looked like whatever touch the van was wet it either something like that did it or some weirdos running around looking but I don't know earlier this year I took a very scary report it left me troubled for a couple days after I took the report and I was in the woods the next day and I promise you that I was much more careful in the woods watching than I was prior to that report because of you know what had happened and it was two girls that had went after they had graduated before they left for college in three weeks they were just going to go into the woods and a day later a couple of their friends were going to come and they were going to go camping and they were in this big State Forest up on top of this mountain and they had walked into this camp camping spot and when they walked in every time they walked in they'd hear this Bang and they thought you know somebody was in the woods or somebody was doing something they yelled out and they didn't hear anything and the girls were passing each other back and forth carrying stuff like a 10 or 15 minute walk to get their stuff and when they got done they were saying did you hear that banging sound still and they're like yeah well the night passed and nothing happened they didn't hear anything and the next day they were going to walk through these Falls which is about a three hour walk away and they were laughing and joking all the way to the falls and they ate their lunch there and they were coming back and as they were coming back one of the girls earrings had fallen off and so she said you know it's really the first time that they were quiet the whole trip they were laughing and but for about 20 minutes they were looking for the stem of that earring and then they just couldn't find it Well they heard this noise like something laughing and they both thought that somebody was making fun of them and so they heard it again a few minutes later and the girl said it's the people showing up for the next day they showed up early and they're trying to scare us they're coming out here well where they were on this path it was about 40 feet to a creek and they couldn't see it because all these thick Rhododendron bushes so they kind of went through the bushes a little bit they could hear something in the creek over there but they couldn't see it and they're sneaking along and when they stepped out into the creek into full View she said that it was just like things exploded everywhere and all this motion but standing right in front of them was an enormous Bigfoot and she said that it was she wasn't even sure that it was real because it was standing perfectly still and not moving and she heard a noise off to the right they looked over there couldn't hear see what it was when they looked back that the bigfoot was bent backwards she said matrix-like it was so bent back and so she said that she gasped and when she gasped she said it just popped upright again and then it with the back of its hand against this chest it went mwah and that's when she's saying just 10 feet away you know she could see its mouth and then it started walking very creepy backwards and she said it would replace each foot directly behind each other and she said it was almost like the foot was gripping the ground which of course we would know as people that are interested in Bigfoot that you know it has a flexible foot it probably was doing that and so one more time it went mwah and then it stepped into the woods and as soon as it stepped into those bushes and disappeared all around them these trees started falling and the girls are screaming their hands over their heads they just thought that you know the trees were going to come down on them and eventually the noise just went away from them and the girl said to her friend oh my God what was it the girl said it was a monster and so she walked over there was a little rock outcropping and there was a bunch of crawdads that were laying up there so apparently you know she told me she said I think we interrupted them are you aware of any sightings in it specifically in West Virginia that either are accompanied by a vocalization or a vocalization in certain than a sighting takes place I'm not aware of that I haven't had any reports like that that I've taken usually it's just the siding and sometimes there'll be knocks at pretty pretty or preludes to the siding I think Knox or locators they let each other know or their alarms it's seven I'm still on the fence with her ape or subhuman or something you know and uh but it's very it's a very great ape characteristic I've never heard it would knock it you know if I did I've passed it off you know there's something normal because I'm even with like wood knocks I'm on the fence about wood Knox and people are like well you hear them you hear this you know you hear this knocking sound but I I I have a I question like if I send you say Seth go out in the woods I'm going to stand right here I'm gonna send you in the woods in the in the dark and I say when you hear me blow this whistle I want you to pick up a stick I want you hit the tree to get that right wouldn't I you're not going to do it if one you're gonna pick up a piece of woods probably rotten Punky it's just going to break to the wood the knock you get Is that real hot real it's crisp Hollow the the the the bark on the tree is going to prevent that for the most part so I don't know for sure if they do an Oxford face somehow do it physically with their body yeah whether it's mouth pops or whether it's you know something but yeah other than other than the house that's that's a you know nothing I've heard you get into the house we've never we get responses a lot on whoops and knocks we don't get many responses on house doing an Ohio howl or whatever we rarely get any type of response I think it kind of maybe moves them off I think they definitely have a form of communication a vocabulary Scott Nelson has really done a lot in that with the Sierra sounds with Ron Moorhead there's definitely some chatter there they were communicating that night that I heard there was some type of of language there that that it's beyond us a lot of people think it sounds like Native Americans a lot of people say it sounds Oriental Asian what I heard that night was I wouldn't classify as Asian sounding and I wouldn't classify it as as native sounds it was just something I had never heard before and it was like a chatter and it wasn't loud it was uh kind of subdued and I think there was two there one smaller than the other and one bigger than the other and the bigger one didn't make as many sounds it was just grunting more than anything that's my take on it I it's uh I'd like to get some better audio in in West Virginia I haven't picked up any lately they do vocalize here I've heard some some sounds in some other areas that it could have been canine it could have been uh coyote it you just are you just sometimes uh it happens at the least opportunity moment like we were packing up or something and your recorders are all put up something happens it you've got to be ready all times of the day they're not just nocturnal late there they're out active day and night and you know most of the sightings are in the daytime so [Music] there's there's another illustration too that uh my friend uh William dragunis who had passed away he had told me he said read Tom's Tom Brown's book way of the Scout and he goes that's Bigfoot so I start reading and we have it here somewhere and he says the the way the uh the the Native American Indians especially like like the shamans and things like that like Geronimo was one you know the the Indian chief they said that he actually was able to avoid capture by the by the by the soldiers by interpreting um bird sounds bird distress sounds exactly so when you know the Cavalry would become riding in before they come riding it all these birds they start chirping a different way a different tune he learned them and he's like you know we got to go they're coming to get us and he was able to avoid capture for a long period of time but going back to uh you know the Tom Brown thing he goes you look at the way the Indians did it and how the Native Americans did it he said that's what Bigfoot does they they watch they'll watch you they'll they'll they'll hide in your shadows they'll do what you don't do they learn your ways people are pretty uh pretty predictable to be honest with you uh even when they're out in the woods they do a certain thing well hey I can hide behind this tree up in the thing and they'll never see me a lot of it makes sense if you break a lot of the Bigfoot stuff down to your bare bear base things like that you're like this is this is the behaviors that people say Bigfoot does not not us this is the what eyewitnesses say that they do [Music] I got up that morning I told them so guys we've had we had visitors last night I said what do you mean I said about 3 30. you guys are all snoring asleep away you know I said this happened I told him the whole story again and uh they were wow wow so we started looking around for tracks Footprints and we went down here next to the river and there was a little Sand Bar here at the time it looks like it's still kind of here yeah there's still you see where that's kind of a natural forwarding area over there there were tracks that are one track in here and like this Sandbar here yeah it was like this and there was a track right at the edge of the water which we tried to cast or up this way or it was right in here there was more soft stuff in here then I went back called Russ Jones who was the Expedition leader and told me what had happened he said come on over I want to talk to you about it so went over and he took my report or talked to me and we talked about the report and stuff come over and take a look at it see if we could cast it we tried casting it but it had so much water coming from the edge it just I've got to got it at home I should have brought it but you can't tell anything from it [Music] so about the as far as like the the chattering you heard what there was a distinctive you know a tone between each one one was dark deeper and darker sounding and the one was bright very almost that was bass more childish like yeah uh like a kid whose voice hadn't changed yet and uh that that kind of sound it was uh odd but they you know like I said they lingered around moved some plates and stuff on the on the table we had bacon out and they didn't bother it we'd fry bacon and put it out kind of his bait and that would definitely you know if it was a bear that took you oh a bear would have taken it it ransacked camp and when I talked to you before you you mentioned there was a part yeah yeah we had a tarp they did a cold front that came through that day and that morning and it came that was on Saturday morning the cold front came through and it was blowing our fire and messing with it we couldn't get it going so we put a tarp out just a nylon tarp up behind it strung it behind there with some string and rope and they put it there to keep the you know so the fire would stay going we did that and I felt like it was trying to it was touching those things I felt like it was rolling them the tarps and uh just like you'd have to have an opposable thumb to roll it and maybe investigating what it was maybe maybe checking it out looking at it they I think it was just total curiosity what they were doing and there have been a lot of other reports on this on this on this stretch of river there was a campsite up here down more to the east that uh it was just abandoned I mean the tent was still there air mattress was still there I've seen that I've seen that in this area yeah uh one time chairs and you just wonder if something scared them off or what yeah I've seen that a couple and uh if something came in at night and scared them off a lot of different but I always I love this spot every time I come here with my wife and I like to come here we I bring her back here and I come down here and look for tracks every time I come back and uh we come back drive back all the way back Camp 70 road back here to where it ends where the bridge goes over into the nagahila national forest and it's a it's a neat place I mean listen how quiet it is right now [Music] Canaan Valley is a captivating location with characteristics reminiscent of the great wild areas of the continent while being little more than a three-hour drive from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania and Washington DC like any of our remaining undeveloped lands there is Beauty and danger in the Canaan to which human beings seem relentlessly drawn in the Solitude of wilderness and Woodland sound takes on a dynamic quality and every wood knock or heavy thump becomes part of a larger drama when coupled with a plaintiff cry or extended ape-like howl the human mind connects the dots envisioning what might be responsible with a figure like Sasquatch being one picture that develops it is certainly reasonable to suggest that many of the startling sounds encountered in northeastern West Virginia are of mundane origin and are simply unfamiliar to the witness but in those cases where people well accustomed to the chorus of nature report hearing things they've never heard before things that stand out for their strangeness and intensity there are plenty of valid questions to be raised among them perhaps the most Elemental and persistent question is this what keeps making those sounds is it man or beast [Music]
Channel: Small Town Monsters
Views: 575,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fU5zdQbQ-HA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 52sec (4252 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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