Survivorman Bigfoot | Episode 7 | Smokey Mountains | Les Stroud

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on a psychological level you have to determine do you start feeling those feelings of spine tingling and hair in the back of your neck because there's something real you know it's really affecting you i mean we know that feeling you'll see it's like somebody's looking at me and then you turn and you see oh someone is sitting in the cafeteria and they are staring at me it's that feeling right it's exact same feeling you have to determine i should shut up i just heard [Music] [Music] these are the smoky mountains of tennessee the phenomenon we call bigfoot is far from being relegated only to the west coast mountains some of the most bizarre and intriguing encounters happen from quebec all the way down through to florida and the stories here begin to stretch the boundary of what this phenomenon might actually be [Music] so many theories on the phenomenon we call sasquatch or bigfoot is it a great ape is it a party part human yes it's a neanderthal is it an alien it just gets crazy after a while and every bigfoot advocate seems to have a different approach to what they think it is what i'm doing is saying take me to your hot spots put me in there where you go let me check it out let me help you get to the bottom of what's going on here and right now i'm in the smoky mountains in tennessee and i have a feeling this could get weird this is scott carpenter fortunately a level-headed individual who like so many others is just out there trying to find explanations for actual experiences he's had and since i myself refuse to be the poster boy for any one perspective i'm here with him with my eyes and my ears open to whatever may reveal itself in my search for truth to an elusive phenomenon be it ape or alien something's going on out here and right down in this haulers where no no no no i need to play but they started hollering each other you were standing right here what time of night uh it was in the afternoon about three o'clock [Music] where was it they were down in there somewhere we never could see them right they were yelling and screaming at us and then as it started keep going on it's like you know you could tell that there were syllables being made that's one of the ones that scott nelson went over and he broke it down phonetically okay so there's syllables being spoken [Music] see we thought it was just one and when he came back he says no to two individuals and he said i think he said his opinion was he thought he told me that they were arguing with each other not us right here right here in other words they saw something you know made him upset and i you know whether they were over a course of action or something our argument they didn't care that we heard it see where the tree has fallen and crushed it in that's where i was in the bushes caught here on scott's backwards-facing camera is what he claims to be a face of what no one knows and scott is the first one to bring up the term paradoya the human phenomenon of seeing a face in everything an attribute we have that scientists believe originates from our instinct to protect ourselves from predators scott will often diagram over his photos to assist the viewer in spotting the face i refuse to do that as i believe it just adds to the power of suggestion too much he has dozens of images like this one but you can decide for yourself the one that with the camera was down there in this footage taken from scott's trail cam you can clearly see that something is messing with the camera the perplexing image does not seem entirely like it's a bear although there are many black bears in this area and scott is convinced that whatever it was it licked the camera and then finally abandoned it scott comes by his interest honestly he's simply heard things and seen things he can't explain through known wildlife biology and he's not afraid to go out into the woods to find answers he puts up as many trail cams as he can and the only reaction i have to this footage is that i agree it seems a little odd to be considered a bear but it's no smoking gun as far as evidence of bigfoot is concerned i left these rocks evenly spaced last time i was here this is the kind of stuff we do okay so you're saying last time you're here show me how you happen like that okay and that was three weeks ago now i'm back with you and they're over like that yeah just moved just like a little gentle movement yeah why don't we do this again does that make sense even add one we can find another one i have one well here let's do this [Music] when scott and other researchers put out rock formations or colored beads more gift-like material rather than food they begin to rule out most if not all animals there aren't a lot of bears that will come along simply rearrange a little line of stones especially consistently and even rearrange the design scott seems to have his most success with this method of course this does not rule out human hoaxing but you got to be out here to get it most of these researchers do this kind of experimentation well off the beaten path where no humans go scott has brought a spirituality theory into it that i have never encountered before you see my electrician's tape i had that in the form of a cross show me show me how you had it set up this is how it was supposed to have been originally i can't get it in there you know did you hear that i heard that i was just gonna say did you hear that that was a whoop yeah ah congratulations yeah thank you and what do you do in a situation like this do you whoop back do you just let it be let them be yeah right now the crows have been doing their thing but that that's how i had it i lived here three weeks ago there's some theories going around because of the abilities of the bigfoot you get into the supernatural side of it the ability to you know a lot of people think they can mind read they can cloak or disappear or cause you not to see them that sort of thing actually these abilities were mimicking angelic type abilities you know from the bible so there's a theory out there that they could be nephilim and that's a that basically in genesis 6 it talks about how the fallen angels mated with human women and created a a hybrid and that those were called nephilim and they were giants and large and so that's that's how this you know that's you know that's where the theory got started and you carry that forward through history and they ended up you know here in the americas and that's what the bigfoot could be a descendant of of the nephilim sasquatch in the bible this was something i've never even considered yet look at the first two lines there were giants on the earth in those days and also after that so what you've got here is a situation where scott has left certain markings no real rhyme or reason just because let's just see um rocks on a log but they're spaced evenly and he was here three weeks ago we come back and one of the rocks or two of the rocks are moved you know in a different pattern um but he also put this cross up in the tree and and specifically uh he's researching all the different aspects of the possibilities here including biblical aspects and so on uh paranormal spiritual what what have you and here we've got you know he's put a crop this crosses and crossing the tree using electrical tape you know looking like a traditional cross we come in here now three weeks later not only is it taken apart but both branches are turned upside down and shoved into the stump so that's creepy that's the only uh reaction i have to that is some that's creepy after a few hikes with scott carpenter in the smoky mountains of tennessee i've opted to head out into the trails on my own to see what i can stir up things happen when i make myself the bait i did hear the knocks back there and different things um could they have easily been an owl or a bird or woodpeckers absolutely they could have been no question about it the first one was very suspect the the hoop that i heard that was suspect that was a strange little one-off whoop to hear in the middle of the day like that and not hear any others well that's not a bad little shelter this would be the spot i'd make my shelter if i had to stay the night without a tent protected from the rain and this is all damp but get enough material put it on the ground and you got a ready-made shelter right here ready to go and when it comes to survival in an area like this well it's the same thing i find uh everywhere i go i mean survival is ultimately quite possible um there's a lot of large black bears in this area so the bottom line is wherever there are bear there's enough food for a large bipedal ape-like hairy man creature to exist that doesn't mean they exist though just means they could so in my opinion in the research thus far let's get that question out of the way could a creature such as sasquatch exist in north america yeah it could but that just doesn't mean that it does all right so i've let scott head off without me and i'm gonna spend about 15-20 minutes just up here alone let the dark come in a bit more than it is and uh so i can be a single solitary person up here alone and do my hike out on my own see if that makes any difference at all lots of sounds in the forest there's always lots of sounds sasquatch's persistence in our culture is a testament to its value a myth after all tends to reflect some fundamental truth about the world we live in now there's a another element to scott's research in this he's even looking at things biblically and that's where things get pretty interesting apparently in genesis 6 to do with the nephron so that's something i have never even considered and walking from biological being you know just a great ape to you know ape human being like a neanderthal or some sort of hominid like that to you know a sort of a spiritual being do all these interesting things cloaking and into the woods and psychic power and so on uh infrasound to disable you just like apparently lions can do and then you know carrying on into aliens i mean this area many areas are well associated with the seeing of orbs strange lights well you know that's not my thing that's not what i'm i'm not going to get into that even in my own circumstances with some strange strange happenings that i've experienced that associated with me trying to be in bigfoot territory you know the feeling of being sat upon and things disappearing but that were covered by stealth cams and then they disappear on the stealth cam with nothing coming into frame that's just bizarre you know it really just gets strange but lastly i had not considered the possibility of a biblical connection that's really going to take some thinking on my part and that just makes it even freakier and that's the interesting thing and and this is what i've heard from people too is the more you get into this research of sasquatch it just gets weirder it doesn't get easier and plainer and more obvious and more simple it's it's it's all about you know how far down the rabbit hole do you want to go this is not really fun stuff to talk about while i'm walking through the middle of the forest here completely alone when you're alone in the woods and you hear a scary sound and the hair stands up on the back of your neck you stop for a second it may be more comforting to believe in something truly frightening rather than a twig falling off a tree and making you jump and now i just heard something break his branch do we believe in scary monsters because it makes life on this planet more exciting now i'm feeling creeped out well i got that feeling a little spine tingling creepy feeling might have something to do with walking in the dark and too many horror movies i don't have the creepy feeling anymore it's just it's gone now this is the interesting thing when i get that creepy feeling i get it but it dissipates it it's there for a while and then it's it's gone and it feels and i know feelings aren't facts but it feels like something was there and it left it it's like the energy feels like it's leaving going away and that's all i'm reacting to and that's all i'm telling you i'm not suggesting that there is something there i'm trying not to suggest that i'm suggesting that what i'm saying that i'm having a feeling but what have i got other than feelings and some words to tell you about them and that's it nothing else so in the end every skeptic has complete right to say you got nothing and they'd be right i keep coming out here walking in the dark and going into the creepy zones where people say weird stuff happens and camping out on lakes where nobody else will go camp until something happens alone in the smoky mountains of tennessee searching for an elusive creature i have to look for its dwellings does it live in caves does it sleep out on grassy fields to get answers to these questions is to get closer to finding whatever it is you're looking for it's a process of elimination separating the animal science from whatever else is out there so the area that i'm walking right now humans don't go people don't go here it's off trail again tracking is the art of looking for the abnormal in amongst the normal a tree break is not such a special thing if there's thousands of them and they're all in random order all over the place something quite different if there's only a dozen and they're all lined up and pointing in the same direction well it breaks that off like that for no reason it would seem that's no reason for that to be broken off so that's abnormal that's what i mean by when you're tracking get this tree here and that's solid like that is very much alive and there's nothing around here to break it off like that curious and curious sir just for a brief moment there i thought something was throwing pebbles at me acorns falling off the tree it's all it is just like that power suggestion gets in there every time that's always the first one to speak up there's lots of small tracks here probably attributed to deer hog bear i'm serious bear poop it's a big bear i've got that what's up around the corner syndrome right now kind of thing that keeps you moving on when you probably shouldn't i'm inflicted with it often to be honest with you whoa that's a serious cave for getting out of the storm that's a cave worthy of survivor man nice cave no action though at least no no recent action scary monsters biblical giants bipedal apes relic hominids what people believe tells us more about them than it does about what they believe in i wonder sometimes would i even know a myth if it jumped out from the bushes in front of me and can i trust my own senses on a psychological level you have to determine do you start feeling those feelings of spine tingling and hair in the back of your neck because there's something real you know it's really affecting you i mean we know that feeling you see it's like somebody's looking at me and then you turn and you see oh someone is sitting in the cafeteria and they are staring at me it's that feeling right it's exact same feeling you have to determine i should shut up i just heard a whoop real or mythical natural or unnatural interestingly native cultures don't even make the distinction as i sit out alone night after night i suspend judgment on the extreme lines of thought and watch the eternal struggle from a neutral vantage point wondering what i'll discover next [Music] so i'm filming something i don't know what it is well so that's not moving with the thermal that's for sure a little bat flyby more tree noise over there no it's now there are those who would say it's a bigfoot let them know i'm heading home it's funny you put the headlamp on and look to the forest and it it instantly looks creepier [Music] oh okay i do see a creature and it's a big scary one fortunately he's gonna let me go that was a close one did you see how mean those eyes were creatures like that out here i better get my way back to civilization real quick what i was really doing was creating humor so i wouldn't be nervous here in the smoky mountains of tennessee i'm searching for signs or interactions with the phenomenon we call sasquatch bigfoot and i can leave no stone unturned lest i be criticized for lack of effort all right so here's the deal come back into this uh point of land just outside of smoky mountains park and this is a an area that scott carpenter feels is an extreme hot spot for them he's had a number of uh incidents here that uh he claims we're definitely bigfoot he does gifting here where they take his apples he's found tracks here heard whoops here and stick breaking all that sort of stuff certain native cultures say that bigfoot knows when humans are searching for them and that they'll choose when and to whom to make an appearance they say they have psychic powers and that's what accounts for their ability to elude the white man's efforts to capture or hunt them down or film them in indian culture the entire natural world the animals the plants the rivers the stars is seen as a big family and bigfoot is a brother a grandfather so maybe if they exist they know i'm here and i'm looking for them and i prefer to do that alone and this time thanks to technology i'm putting out some extra sets of ears and eyes [Music] with the help of scott during the day i'm putting out a number of trail cams in this case i've got a camera filming a camera filming a camera in a triangle with the hopes that if one gets messed with the other one or two will film the culprit in action whenever you claim to be attempting to capture a bigfoot on film you're open to criticism if you don't cover all your bases you're left with the out of saying something was too smart to get caught on film but the skeptic will claim you didn't try hard enough [Music] in addition i brought in another old friend my grouse cat complete with grouse blood scenting and i can watch all the action from safe inside my nylon tent where a powerful 10-foot monster can't touch me i don't think what i'm doing here is uh we're setting up what is essentially is kind of like a video fence got one camera behind me and it's got a fairly wide reach on it about 160 degrees you can see from side to side it's got about 60 feet in front that it can see so i'm gonna come down here and there's another one right there so there's one two i'm gonna go straight down there i've got a third one the idea here is to create this video fence line along here with the belief that they know exactly what's on the tree they can see the ir cameras they can tell that they're there i mean you know they're obvious if you know you're not you're not tricking them at all what it does is it creates in them sort of a sneak play where okay well i'm not we're not going to go that way they look over here to another side and they see it's clear there's no there's no cameras and they just go ahead and stroll down that way not unlike the way the the inuit used to use inukshuks to create a corridor and a way of funneling the caribou down into a spot where they could hunt them it's the same sort of idea creating this sort of bigfoot corridor if you will as set up with technology with cameras funneling them to the place where i want them to go to hopefully get a shot of them on the other hand if they do come by this way and maybe don't spot the cameras in the trees then it becomes a win-win situation as well you get you get them them too this area is just yards from a cemetery and within close range of houses and roads which means if this phenomenon is real it's not just in the remote wilderness it's in your backyard and has been for years all right so here we go with the gifting according to scott his uh bigfoot that he has habituated here don't like things on the ground i prefer them to be up high and off the dirt i guess and so you put up one two three four and then just on the inside of these apples is this set up here a lot of bigfoot advocates a lot of bigfoot enthusiasts will suggest that uh they will say that they put out gifts that doesn't have to be food all the time when it's food you know you're you're thinking okay uh raccoons you know deer elk but what if you put out crystals or rocks or feathers and you come back and they've been all moved around that's when things start to get strange and that's certainly what scott has been doing he has been messing with leaving them you know nice shaped rocks and things like that and this formation here these are actually the original stones that he would put down along with those colored magnets now at times what would happen is he'd come back later and one would be gone the other three would be over here like this and one like this now the speculation might be well maybe they're saying it's three of them one of him but the three in one combination in scott carpenter's research has been repeated many many times every time he leaves something along rock stones any trinkets they end up being separated into a pile of three and one if he leaves nine or ten stones the rest are thrown away three and one are left that's very very strange and you know that's not going to be a bear or raccoon doing it so we're going to leave these stones down here for the night as well and uh and see what happens come back in tomorrow morning especially if i hear any sounds or anything at all see if these are changed i'm telling you if these things are changed i'm gonna be freaked out as night comes in i'm situated between a cemetery and a lake somewhere in the smoky mountain area of tennessee the wind is blowing steady tonight making it hard to discern and separate the forest sounds from everything else that might make a noise i'm on my own i'm out on the edge of the point uh the creepy cemetery areas over there it's a creepy spot gotta wonder sometimes while i do these things there's more backstory to this place than just the sasquatch scott has been scared enough that he won't come out here at night alone the howling night winds lend an eerie ambiance to an otherwise benign stretch of forested land all right i'm gonna do a perileter check with the uh thermal camera if anything just to make myself feel better of course the thing is about looking through with the thermal cameras if if i see something it's gonna be freaky as heck what if i look like this and i see a big red blob standing there this is one of those things you don't really want to see anything you know you just want to see trees it's the minute i see something large and glowing red with its heat signature it's probably the minute i walk out of this forest well no let me correct that i run out of this forest huh as far as i can tell perimeter check done temperature's dropping fast wind is staying busy this wind is a big problem for me because it's masking all of the noises and sounds if something wanted to sneak up on me it could really easily um if it was still i'd hear every crack every little snap and something would have to be very stealthy to get close night like tonight walk right up to the tent i might not hear a thing until it's on the tent so that's not good we're obsessed with scary stories of big hairy monsters in the woods our imagination becomes overactive playing off our fears and exaggerates them until they grip us and send us running out of the woods in a state of panic or is there something real here to fear i thought i heard something where was i this particular spot right here where i am a family came in here after they'd heard about the work that scott was doing here they came here right to the spot right where i am right here and they were chased out by what they say was sasquatch is throwing rocks and sticks and clubs at them and chased them they ran out of this forest when they tried to stay here and researched sasquatch and they were scared out of their wits well i'm here now see what happens this is not the first time i've placed myself as bait smack dab in the middle of a place others dare not go i'm not overly brave hopefully not overly foolish i just want to find out for myself and being alone increase the odds [Music] all right let's take a look at what i've got set up for surveillance tonight as far as what's going on outside my tent now it's a real interesting twist here because um there's an argument about you know if if you have the cameras up they know it and they won't go there um yet if i don't put them up skeptics will say why didn't you put up infrared cameras on your tent so tonight i have two cameras set up on the tent and in a way it's win-win skeptics watch they know that if something happens i've got it covered and if nothing happens it may be because i have it covered so it acts sort of like a little bit of a protection device and filming myself okay and there it is i'm gonna press record you can see this shot right now and there's there's me inside making the light go off and on that there we go that's what that's going to look like now tonight it will uh show me if something's standing outside my tent all right next up is the parabolic microphone turn it on it's ready to rock and roll have a listen and if there's anything walking around out there at least in the direction of the parabolic microphone hear it and i'll hear it well all right fair enough so little surveillance uh team here got the audio recorder my two cameras showing me the outside world last little bit i have is my gps satellite tracker and this one's just sort of a little morbid but it was a suggestion to me is to turn it on wear it when i sleep sort of like if i get abducted you can follow the progress online if you're part of my team go oh there he goes there he goes there he goes wow he's really going far okay well i turned it on [Music] in the smoky mountains of tennessee just as it is in a thousand other communities throughout north america the phenomenon of sasquatch bigfoot is not a joke many don't even question its existence they just know it's there and everyone has a friend or a relative who's had an encounter there's not one story from this area there are hundreds here we are yep apples are still in the trees stones have not been moved everything's normal one question that has always dogged me is what do we do with thousands of credible sane individuals with nothing to gain and much to lose who stand behind their encounter with a bigfoot call them all liars delusional or investigate their claims and prove things out one way or the other all right so the last order of the day is scott and i are going to head in and check out the big rocks that we left out on the first day where we heard the hoop and the reestablished cross and just see if there's any movement at all it doesn't look very disturbed at all cross is there to be truthful most of these things take weeks to months to really get something to happen it's only been a few days but that's fine we'll still head in because sometimes it can be immediate just going to watch the tracks all around these three cameras that we put up one two and three should be over here somewhere wait a minute huh so right now we're missing a camera down here you can understand we're out in the middle of it this is nowhere near where the public come and uh we had cameras set up here we can see one two oh let's see hang on hang on oh look at that and it's definitely i mean there's some force you see the force i mean there's been some force to uh you know pull it off yeah you know i mean it's you know done that flipped away some bark here so we got a camera ripped right off a tree i mean i'm excited that it got messed with but i want i want it back now we have something and i have to admit it's exciting we have a missing camera our guess is a bear but we won't know unless we find the camera itself bears are attracted by the smell of the lithium batteries [Music] chips and broken pieces here hey okay i won't touch it okay definitely chew definitely gouge looks like teeth marks and it does look like teeth marks here's the rope [Music] finally over 100 yards away we spot the camera and the dry leaves awesome all right here we go we got it you know it's not very it's not very chewed up it's just where the clip was bust it off oh i'm lying there's there's a bunch of gouges and shoes in there yeah this is gonna oh there's the clip missing this is gonna be uh this is gonna be bare footage for sure and 28 clips and here are the clips something became interested during the day but then left it alone for a few hours and returned to it at night to really begin to work at it [Applause] here again is scott's camera licking footage it's very difficult to determine what creature actually did this but for comparison on the right is my footage there are striking similarities to the captured image even similarities to the movement of the creature [Music] we may never have the answer to what licked scots trail camp there's no mistake about what took mine the thief finally reveals himself [Music] mystery solved [Music] on to the next mystery you
Channel: Survivorman - Les Stroud
Views: 1,640,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Survivorman TV Series, Les Stroud, Survivorman, Survivorman Les Stroud, Survivorman TV Show, Survivorman TV, bigfoot, sasquatch, smokey mountains, Survivorman Bigfoot, Scott Carpenter, black bears, Mountains, survivorman full episodes
Id: pMAeG1Eqdzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 45sec (2625 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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