INFINITY GAUNTLET DESTROYS CAVE! - Cave Digger Riches DLC Gameplay - HTC Vive Pro Gameplay

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what is this tell me tell me I just put it on I just put it on what happened Oh God Oh God we're playing cave digger today I'm gonna be trying to get that key see that one there that's like the second key here's the first one that I picked up you notice we've got this like first gem here on the last video I'm gonna try and get the other ones to complete our infinity goals it's called a chaos goal in this game but I didn't notice in the last video until I was editing until I saw it pointed out to me that if I do this right see this green stuff is coming in which means I get powers of one stone just like the real Infinity Gauntlet yeah so let's do a run and see we can get enough money to buy the next key here we go this is gonna be awesome let's blow up some stuff give me this all right I'll are you serious well where should I put some some dynamite probably over here here let's just jam it in there let's get a few more get a couple more where'd my rights give me that give me that okay go back over here pull it out of there please Chuck that in there all right go on this side just get a couple more I don't know if this actually any let's throw that back there I'm gonna put this down huh all right put it down the ground all this some gold there okay so I wonder if that green maneuver that I've got right where I hold the button down in green glowy crap starts going everywhere I wonder if that like draws in all the stones that have dropped onto the ground I'm not sure I'm gonna try it out in a second come on it's really cool cuz I wonder if you get like different powers as you keep going if you do that's the best let's try oh yes that is the stuff look at this oh that's good that is good I like that I like it heats alright oh there's rocks going up there where's my scanner dudette here it is yes well there's a lot around here this is great this is so great all right I'm just gonna bash it all out dash it all out of here I've got some blue stuff Garvey look I don't know what just happened there we go this oil here somewhere I don't have to drill and all the parts that I need to be able to get oil so I'm not gonna worry too much about that at the moment we had a time you can whack a mushroom you can also eat them but I don't want to do that because it makes your vision go well stupid but we'll do it soon yes okay I'm gonna put this down and I might I might just drop that there let's go come on oh yes see that that's hardcore that is so hardcore now give me my key I can't I can't put the camo belt okay there's some rocks and things at the key the key where is it give me this all right we've got to put it in alright so this one I think do we turn it no it's it's there already it's cool it's cool let's get this I could cut that out if I wanted to I'm gonna go to here instead I'm gonna bash this I think this stuff here yes radiation garbage I don't know what it is it looks like you know it would be uranium or something like that doesn't it what are you guys reckon leave a comment if you think it's some kind of mystical stone or whether you think it's uranium I think it's uranium do this Laura's here look at that thing what is that that's got to be something insane look at this thing wow that thing is hard cool all right ready whoa there's a crazy world of stuff oh that is how you make some real coin that was good all right I'm not even in a rush I just made loads of money five hundred and fifteen pretty decent pretty decent and we've got enough to buy the next key give me this yes key number two all that is good and look at that there is five stones I knew it there must be one that goes in the palm of your hand instead of on your on the back of your hand like on the movie oh it's not telling me what the key is static electricity noise okay 272 I'm gonna buy this upgraded manoeuvre let's do it so upgrade give me this give me that oh it's 350 okay should I buy the drill I don't know man I'm gonna buy this instead give me this yeah updated dynamite I like dynamite it's one of my favourite ways to get coins I mean coins it's my one of my favorite way to get gems dude it's my scanner back I don't know Thank You Mikey let's put the second key in here we go oh it's the same one what ah waste of money serious waste of money okay let's blow some things up then because we're angry there it is give me that okay what where'd it go okay Chuck that there give me some more please wedge that one there yes yes so good Chuck that one there as well gotta stop losing it okay put that up there all right nice give me all my stones dude look at that thing floating bang oh that's the real money yes where's my skin my skin is in my pocket it was in my pocket the whole time anything else here NAT well there's a bit but not enough to be worried about it what do we go I'm gonna cut some stuff here that's what I'm gonna do give me my saw all righty I'm gonna go over here it saw some things out this is an alien skull thing all right very cool what else do we have what do we got here oh fish yeah cool fish come on anything here nope and nope all right hang that up let's get some dynamite and where's there it is all right shark that then give me that back all right let's blow up this cool okay [Music] come on come on give me my goods give me my goods it's not great telling you that was not very good pickaxe okay green one thank you Gold one thank you anything else that yes gold that's a bit of gold there too I missed it okay this time we're just gonna scan and whack okay it's Ruby right here give me the Ruby oh my god this stuff is hard to break yes whatever that is I don't know what that is super cool though hey what oh I've got another key yes hang on give me give me give me give me oh I can't reach that one give me give me yes just in the nick of time oh my god I found another key I didn't have to buy it how good is that look at this it's the next mystery key that is really cool I love these keys okay I'll leave that key there so don't lose it how much money arrived 817 I'm gonna buy this new scanner my hand just my hand just disappeared give me this what is that oh it looks behind you as well okay all right what if I just want to look what's in front of me that sounds like the best plan oh look at this that's hilarious it's got a picture of a Kiwi on it it's a Kiwi nice one makes me wonder if the developers of a New Zealand team of developers all right here we go guys oh nice nice all right let's put this down let's get the next key here we go here we go which one's this one I think it's this one right there oh that's - daddy's - I don't have the next gem yet but we need to get it hey that door looks like it's unlocked a little bit more than what it was before okay all right let's go here hey does it doesn't automatically hit I don't know how like useful that is hmm maybe I mean if it breaks stuff quicker then that's got to be good right got to find my next gem wherever it is I don't know where it is but I've got to get gem number two okay come on get the gold all right put that in there put that in there all right come on dudes give me all my bits yes and drop it in super cash okay this time I'm gonna skin and we're gonna use dynamite all right so there's a little bit over there a little bit there that's not great actually I'm just gonna use this I'm not gonna waste the dynamite because there's really not a great deal okay put that down put these down please okay pick all this up nice boom Oh hear that that was cool all right let's just blow up all the things this time yeah okay so where's my torch was my torch like my my fire on top there okay all right give me this jam that one oh just in there that was so bad I hit the wall I realized I threw that at myself all right but that was an accident come on man this is a really crappy run this one okay let's get my hammer actually I'm gonna swap hands and do this throw that in see that come here give me all my gold yeah still solve it that's a good idea hammering with your left hand so that you can use your Infinity Gauntlet thing to catch it with your right hand oh that's a good run six thirty yes all right we still don't have that other infinity gem okay how are we gonna get that I don't know oh she replies a light helmet oh I'm gonna do it pop it on my noggin hanger torch yeah let's get these these are really cool they're dynamite but they're you know you don't have to light them much easier to use put that one there as well pull that out okay oh my god that's cool come on yes all right put that one up there pull that out of there nice this is how you get the stuff well just destroy everything come on Kevin awesome and gimme give me all the goods give me all the goods is that all of it I think it's all of it yes all the walls are gone so provided that there wasn't any breakables or oil there that's like a 100% claim on the floor that looks like a playstation eye to eye all this oil there okay you noticed like this thing doesn't really pick up like all the stones it's a bit crap it does other stuff I don't know what it sees but maybe it seems like super rare things which I don't really want I want it to see everything give me this last explosive where we gonna use it hey there's some glowy stuff there what is that I don't know put that there I don't know what that is it's glowing it seems pretty cool let's find out let's stand here right next to the explosion Oh what was that oh dude yes okay I don't know what that does I'm not sure maybe it's a Power Stone and I break stuff a lot better well I almost dropped it I did drop it you guys see that I got the next Palestine infinity stone pal I don't know man it's purple and it's on my fist put this stuff away I wonder what it does what do you do the new Power Stone oh it's awesome maybe I get more money oh cool so that there is the the machine that finishes the game it blows everything up finishes the game I don't think I want to do that hey this is like a there's another hat thing Y hat all right I'm not gonna buy that just yet I'm gonna buy the drill and the bucket all this we've got like hand gestures I can point Hey you smashed that rock hey you smash that rock oh that's a rude finger what what's happened what is this hey you're gonna pick that person's Norse I would like that drink police that one over there that's insane what does that mean I don't know what that means that's hardcore let's go dig some more things maybe we can get ourselves another stone that's insane here we go no this oh it's a Power Stone I can punch drops like a punch rocks okay come on all right let's do it let's punch some rocks oh it's everything's green whoo yeah nice whoo punch that thing punch them all oh this is gonna be a workout and a half in it should also try not to punch your walls that's gonna be the real challenge not punching a hole through my wall doesn't work with that fist just this one it's very effective like a super effective way better than the pickaxe to punch all the things all right and I just did that need to pick everything up okay let's pick it all up come on pick it all up that's the stuff whoa dude that was hot cool I don't know how much money I made but I think it was a lot I give my hack good Matt as gold there already what's it a pen okay hey we can cut some things open where's here we go all right I feel like if I'm doing this I'm playing the game properly you know cool let's go here cut this open yep skeleton - dad break that okay let's put this away and push cool I hit the wall that was really loud it's really hard not to punch your own wall when you play this game I just heard something what was that can I take my hat off like if I don't want to wear it I don't think I can where's the scanner mushrooms okay so there's something here we can drill for now yep tablet anything else I don't think it's it okay how they go I think that's it let's sell it all yes mushrooms let's eat one ah too late I tried well haven't gotten the next key yet so Oh new drill that's pretty cool well I do have the money to buy it so I might as well yes it's getting all dark okay let's blow up some things hang on it's having a bit of a scan all right this looks like a safe wall to blow up okay put that there pull out the pin all right what about this wall actually I could blow out the key room and I don't have any keys do have any keys I don't think I've picked any up oh I did I just I just got to huh what was that oh my god oh my god hang on all right let's get all these let's drop them in okay let's block this wall okay cool let's blow up another wall cool all right no drop it oh god all right we've got a little bit of time left where's the other key I don't have it yet come on all right Chuck that in I didn't pull the thing out oh this is gonna blow up now oh oh that's dry oops no okay all right let's block this wall nice let's blow up the next wall okay put that there wait where'd it go okay put that there cool man there we go alright um hey there's one more here I'm gonna put that there maybe that'll blow up stuff oh I broke something of great value oops oops okay let's break now that that's terrible let's punch Hey I think I just found a key was that a key was that a key it looked like a key it might have fallen down somewhere I don't know man I don't know I need to try out the this gauntlet that I've got here though wonder what it does okay I'm gonna try it this time I held the button in and something happened what for something what that's intense ready oh my god this is the power of the Infinity culprit oh my god yeah so cool here we go one more tap okay and pick it all up pick it all up nice throw it in done all this is a little bit over here as well and a little bit over here cool man alright we are getting cashed up now hey we're back hey what's that what is that thing that thing looks cool I don't know what it is so did we manage to get another key in that run I don't think we did that is a decent run that is a really decent run eleven hundred and twenty five all right what is this tell me tell me I just put it on I just put it on what happened oh god oh god oh it's my craft yes so good this is so cool man minecraft game do you have any other tools can I punch stuff I don't think I can it's a video game in a video game oh that's the best yeah look at that two pickaxe maybe there's only stuff you can find in this kind of world I don't know you know what I mean maybe there's like a separate challenge maybe let's sell some stuff let's just sell it Oh what oh it's the end of the game cool speedruns I got points for a speedrun oh I'm back and I don't have my gauntlet anymore I'm gonna have to go ahead and catch up and get all my gauntlet again but I do have my golden pickaxe okay I'm gonna leave the video here I'm gonna play this in-between and pick up some of the stuff that I no longer have if you guys have ideas on how to get the other Keys let me know in the comments below but thank very much person this video if you liked it give us one of these ones I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 4,542,933
Rating: 4.7960086 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Cave Digger VR, Cave Digger VR gameplay, Cave Digger VR game, Cave Digger VR let's play, download Cave Digger VR, Cave Digger VR steam vr, Cave Digger VR part 1, Cave Digger VR early access, Cave Digger VR alpha, Cave Digger VR beta, Cave Digger game, VR HTC Vive, Vive Pro, Vive Pro Gameplay, HTC vive, Mining VR
Id: mMh7-mWj-Oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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