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today we're gonna be proofing who was better boys or girls random man this game and roblox it's called hole in the wall have you ever seen it before basically you have to fit inside each piece of the hole it's a silly game I just realized this video is going out after Christmas so I hope you guys had a good Christmas Merry Christmas but no no you're my enemy right now you're my it's boys versus girls if you are a boy leave a like if you're a girl you're like you gotta check out Brandis Channel yay guys she's getting more views than me it's crazy she's doing such a good job but today she won't because you get a sticker it's it's a secret okay so brand is really good at a hole in the wall I don't know why I think it's because she used to be a cheerleader so what I'm going to do at some point in this video is I might have to cheat please forgive me guys you have to watch until the end of the video because I forgot what I cheated but I know I'm gonna have to do it okay all right that's all I'm gonna say because I think Breanna's coming back in oh oh whoo babe it's Doctor Who how did you miss that I okay here we go here we go watch watch a master okay Oh finding me oh this one's really hard don't wait wait what is short say Oh okay this is rigged okay wait why do you have ten points will you fail class around why are you winning I have zero point it says in the top right hand corner that you've got ten because I'm okay in girl power okay I see how it is Oh handstand then maybe it's a press the keys on your keyboard technically Oh what what um what the difficulty for mine is impossible ago this is rigged this is rigged push you into the wiser wait how we tied wait no no it said we tie yes we both were both really bad okay guys we need your help right now if you didn't know Briana's a super awesome channel where she's uploading roblox go subscribe to it down below in the description but we need you guys to leave a like on the video right now because we struggle bus why do I keep getting this okay this you're gonna get an easy one watch it you're gonna get an easy one hey you watch okay let's see it Missy I got an easy one you literally got the easy one what are you doing there is always beats war toddy I watch all right watch it does that does I write for this ready for this all right and this is ridiculous guys we literally have been clear to stage yet like this is actually this is depressing jump this is actually done what this means guys you gotta like the video to send us superpowers easy ones why do you get a ste once press to press to are you gonna do the right no no strong independent woman who doesn't so in a game that girl team win sec okay okay you know what that was just me taking it super easy on you that's not gonna happen a sign down oh yeah oh my gosh my god this character like so yeah I did you know because I'm always smiling is only hard alright I don't know down with this gay man oh okay this is baby ought to be a better loser babe I lose at games all the time you know it is trying to do wait why are you gonna go again I'm not happy right now I'm [Applause] every single time I know you're in my wounds oh yeah this one's easy babe this one's easy [Music] breasts in background talk to you I object that's right oh I'm coming back like Shaq Shaquille O'Neal can I punch you miss maybe but you can you punch me this game that is some abuse oh you gotta line up with it you got it oh there you go there you go lining up she lines up and she misses doy I think this game is rigged for girls okay this game is rigged with emails I'm just good okay let's just look at the facts right now Rihanna has won two games I have won one game this is going to be the comeback game century of the game I'm proud of you so I don't you do it in a scene I know what you're doing right now by saying you're proud of it your big swinging beneath us women eh this one's hard this this don't look okay this won't be easy now sweetheart what I'm saying right now on my screen question I think I got Superman there's got cheating powers you're not saying I think ya miss you cheatin I think you cheap present I'm alone the only in here is no no wait how do we do turn off your sideways turn sideways Oh turn I don't like that oh okay okay okay this game clearly know there is something wrong here I think there is something to do a deal loominatee and Breanna I want no monster give me our creepy ah she loves you oh hey sausages put that in your apple pie grandma sorry oh okay okay you've got one three I have one one I think it's best of five whoever wins fight what are you doing are you Quinn I was as beat up on everyone's five wins the game take this ball what do I get okay we'll give you 50 Cairo bucks 50 Cairo bucks okay and then do I get to get a sassy now I guess you could get a sassy new outfit if that's really what your heart desires I feel like you just like levitation I am a man of levitation okay meymaneh levitation I like levitate now I doing things oh no I gotta sneeze oh you got Domo I'm gonna dive through his mouth domo arigato divert through the mountain why did you dive through somebody's mouth okay if we go super guilty babe babe I believe in you but I really want to win but that's not gonna happen my name is Preston yeah I've never rested dressed in ranch dressing sporting a barn B looks like a piece of yarn Oh hit him with a yeah wait how do I do this one oh goodness gracious I'm taking this W babe you have what three one zero four wins I think you're at four wins I only it adds four total wins that I have won oh no it's normal it says normal it says okay so that means you have four ones right now and I have two so I've got to make a big comeback because if you win one more game you win the game okay so I've gotta win this is this again scary Terry scary Terry bananas I go buy bananas take out the why you know you're just really nice sell yourself until you have a Klondike bar okay cat or a kid gag beau banana bar chairs I'm saying okay never done this one before all boys okay interesting I understand line him up line them up knock them down Kristen at your birthday you're handsome oh but not really wait about which part handsome brother birthday it's not your they watch yourself man you married it as for lucky come on I'm making this comeback I'm telling you is it comeback like Shaq apparently need more potassium baby if you guys don't know bananas are very rich in potassium iums garbage okay come on come on Preston this is this come on come on Peter come on let's go let's go all right get ready get ready oh no whoo no this one's already know oh I got that one I've done that okay thanks appreciate that good boys okay there we go let's see right now sweetheart oh this is really close first of these really serious oh okay okay Wally Wally you ready go Wally okay why are you so I know I love that movie okay I've never seen a baby you've not know until you've seen Wally the robot he's the cutest thing ever you know I need to wash yours in a box of butterflies inside of a chocolate bar I don't know if I want a better place well they taste good oh you got bananas but regular but yeah what is for you and bananas baby you have really got a problem bananas banana was my nickname before [Applause] oh how the tides have turned ladies a gentleman Breanna was the best at ho Lindsay well now she is eating a golf ball I am done with you you can do no Oh Louie eat that doughnut I don't even know how to do this what I think you have to die screw it thank you keep coughing it up right now GAD no I got caught I thought you got confident let's see it lets see it Oh oh no oh no no easy it's only cold I'm nauseous oh my gosh if you miss this one we're tied Oh dadgummit Oh dadgummit dad I'm scared dad I'm scared I'll be okay there's a can bin as a cat so it's still for two three no we have one no no it's okay do you know it basically it stops whenever you hit five games that you've won so you've won four games I've won three games present teach me how to do this fun I can't figure it on this one before yeah I can't get it yargh I dive through it oh shoot why didn't I get this one I wish you would have got that one I love you that's all you know that's totally the main reason that's not that's no see you got it you got it ah this one easy this one lists minions are my face easy its is he okay like you're trying to tell me that was hard please don't tell me that was hard well since you had it first then I knew that I should so thank you for taking it I should have knocked over I should have done something silly okay here we go here we go bad Dan Anna man dananana watching me that's a ladder press Filiz this one's as easy as mixed easy-peasy got that one in the bag boys guys if we tie a tie again there will be another time Preston who I think I might have the W here you're a salty bean burrito that's all I'm gonna say that's all I'm gonna say why do you not get the impossible ones why did I get all the impossible ones at the beginning huh that one was pretty hard when was it that was easy now we could never use it oh gosh oh good oh goody this one is a delay called hard okay woman Womack yeah suck on that potato green lantern mm-hmm all right let's see what he found I made it first though Naja huh okay are you kidding me are you kidding me hey it's hard it's hard I mean you're not wrong you're not hard it's hard but it's easy dang it guys we're just gonna keep overnight no Preston's gonna like somehow push water or something I can do this I can do this flash I really am gonna be where am I going with a really hard one I get an extra one because I am awesome [Music] [Music] you do realize if you would have it oh if I wouldn't have cheated you would have won that round you do realize that right yeah how does it be I can't breathe don't worry it'll win you're gonna get an impossible right now oh oh can she handstand guys can't she handstand okay she can san i hands you ain't stood so good looking like you would a a bug in a rug you didn't like that we're just trying to make a little bit spicy you know give me that ball wait why do you get to go again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] guys comment down below is the real champion okay technically if I didn't cheat Brianna would have won but I never win games thank you for watching this video don't forget to go check out Brandis channel down below in the description and subscribe to it comment down below who won husband or wife it's probably like stop with the cringy intros breasts and I can't help it Kevin I also think Brandon touched the lens because I see a spot right here I think it made it worse oh boy probably should be using microfiber not my sleeve but when I can talk about that Kevin [Music]
Channel: PrestonGamez
Views: 9,196,483
Rating: 4.9233451 out of 5
Keywords: roblox, kids, challenge
Id: qbg3WcUq4Hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 26 2018
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