I HID in PrestonPlayz TESLA for 24 HOURS! - Challenge

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finally home ladies and gentlemen No so I'm hiding in president's car for 24 hours and he cannot find out you guys let's see if I can pull them up so I cannot do this alone if we cut I am NOT gonna be caught red-handed alone I have a friend in this with me hmm right right is that you key phrase that you write I'll be stuck you owe me I'll Bree can you explain what you were doing back here what do you mean I got stuck behind the gate okay it doesn't matter I need to do anyway because I have a super oh I'm so in I'm so in well that was easy that sounds like tons of going o to be quiet quiet it's a it's a secret mission a secret mission what do you mean a secret mission really Keith come on go ahead and get in the truck let's let's get in the trunk drunk yeah I may have a super secret mission that involves taking his car for 24 hours I'm staying it wait-wait-wait-wait-wait free I've been in this trunk before and it's really warm in this trunk especially in Texas summer oh that's why we have to get supplies I know what you're doing you're trying to get me to come inside presence Tesla without him knowing ya for 24 hours we're supposed to be stealthy we can't have a No Preston finds out he's definitely gonna kick me out of the office that's why you know I can't be in this by myself I have to have you with me we have to be in this together shake on it shake on it don't think about it yeah where are we driving to I can't tell you what let's go you know what keep never mind let's go we can't go with the trunk open sigh I thought I get to sit up front I thought I thought I get to sit up front with you Bree wait bro it I want to sit up front with you if we are hiding in Preston's car for 24 hours we have a lot of supplies that we're going to have to wait supplies great gonna get chick fight yeah [Music] wait but also great I want to come up I want to be special wait geez breathe he's gonna give us away this is not how you're supposed to be sued I'm just gonna drive breathe okay Keith we are at Walmart we have a huge pickup because we are going H pickup you know like a huge pickup order cuz you're gonna be in here for 24 hours we have like really healthy food we have parents we have eggs we have hot treats and toilet paper you know we're gonna be in here for a while we need all that sounds major lame brie well you know we have to be healthy we can't be in bad food while we're stuck in a cupboard chips and dip and candy and all the good stuff no no no that's bad seriously the only part order should be ready by now I'm confused ordered it yeah oh wait hold on one sec oh I gotta go greet someone made a huge order I gotta go I gotta go into work yeah there's a big order I gotta go fulfill I'll be back wait don't leave without me cuz I need a ride back but I don't know how long my shifts gonna be probably just this one order and then I'll be back oh I'm not gonna leave because I am in this with you you wrangled the ends of this challenge remember I wrangled you in yeah what do you mean i wrangle be you in great I'm gonna be late I gotta go I gotta go okay I don't know Keith worked up mama [Music] right I had you going to work to get your order I didn't know you worked here what do you mean you didn't know I worked here you know I've been picking up all sorts other jobs oh well then you know son yeah except you got so much stuff I thought you said this was gonna be only 24 hours you've got rations for an entire year in here you can never be too prepared all right well are you sure you look for a Walmart this is a Whole Foods back yeah well see um there was some vandal it came through and stole all the paper bags in order to make a paper bag for it which kind of makes sense I can understand because that sounds like a great idea but I had to go to Whole Foods and get a whole different bag just to carry your groceries oh oh my goodness thank you yeah okay what we need what my tip oh well you get to hang out with me all day free no tip come on we can eat right are you getting hungry yeah a little bit you wanna eat some eggs yeah but how we're gonna cook it I'll show you I'll show you it's gonna be fine okay we're gonna get scrambled eggs we'll see if I know how to do that on a car we're cooking the eggs on the car we're gonna do it [Music] are you ready to be amazed yeah but I decided to be I'm gonna make scrambled eggs okay if you want to do whatever type egg you want then that's okay but I'm definitely having scrambled eggs because I don't eat sunny-side up because the Sun burns my skin well I'm going for sunny-side up because the Sun is gonna be what's helping us today because we are cooking it on the car so first we need tinfoil did you get you got so much stuff in here Bri how am I supposed to find the tinfoil I mean you're professional right great tin foil yeah okay so I hope this works I know this is really good for Sun Tanning okay what else do you need a skillet skillet is there skillet in there oh wait wait wait wait wait this is a small skillet key I'm not the one that placed the or debris I just worked the delivery what do you mean sure I just picked up exactly what was on the order but they all say well why are they key more stuff you're doing good organic Brie but they're happy eggs she got organic eggs these are the least tasty that's not true they were raised on a farm it's time to crack the eggs but I have to use your head it's my secret weapon okay if this is the only way I guess so only Keith I don't know if it's gonna work you gotta hit harder Bri oh my gosh my head is an egg cracker I didn't even know that now we have to use the Sun it's like a hundred and wait what I feel like I'm gonna have scrambled eggs on my forehead now no no no we're good we're good usually it cooks faster than this yeah usually I don't use my car you never use the car before this is this is my first time the time when we really need to eat in order for sustenance we do something we've never done I mean I've seen it on TV before Oh on one of the cooking channels did they do it on a car yeah so I'm about to give up on these eggs I mean wait they look pretty scrambled to me this is not how I eat my egg wait but you can sometimes just take look you just take the yolk like this oh not scrambled definitely not scrambled and organic that was a bad decision yes it was in speaking of bad decisions we have been gone way too long Preston's gonna get suspicious so we're not gonna eat the eggs when they do get scrambled no we have to go back oh my goodness be Preston's ears are so dirty look at the wax you can make a sculpture with that wax focus we are back at the house and I have a mission for you you have to go in it's why no no no no if Preston sees me I'm gonna be doing something super important outside and you have to make sure he doesn't see me but how am I gonna be able to communicate with you because if I put these in they're definitely gonna get stuck because of the wax Oh just scream really loud if you need me all right I'll leave his wax quietly scream really loud cuz you can't reveal our position I need your spider bite my spy device just remember shhh oh my gosh okay this is extremely extremely extremely dangerous go this way come on wait a second oh the pantry that means that I can actually some real food roasted jumbo dashes yes that proves that me in here cuz didn't have any good food who's they doing in here by the way there was some reason I was supposed to come in here well let me have some more snacks first there's some goldfish here and then while I eat I'll think about what I'm supposed to be doing but I know one thing for sure I'm not letting you down so I am feeling like Preston's car is not truly reflecting yes I have some decorations and we're gonna make it so pretty it's gonna love it I'm really excited for all of these amazing decorations I don't know what to do first I think I even have like a hippo or a rhinoceros or uh no it's much better than that it's a problem a little step one my husband needs a unicorn to keep him company because I can't always ride in the car with Preston and he needs someone to beep on the side it's like the unicorn from Despicable Me oh I realize I'm supposed to find out what Preston's up to wait don't get caught don't get here these stores the only thing separating me from Preston right now he's done he's done he's done run run run run where am I gonna hide where am I gonna hide I can't believe if you didn't see me yeah I can't believe you got me into this do I follow him upstairs I guess I follow him upstairs next the steering wheel it's very twisted and I don't know how to install it so this is gonna be very exciting for me whoo nothing happened while you weren't looking at me off camera I didn't have assistants don't ask questions the bluff is here this is for the PRNDL of the car you know the PRNDL and he doesn't have a PRNDL so uh just gonna shove it on it's beautiful next rehab I love sparkly things in Preston I'm sure see certainly guys - he's just waiting to tell everyone so and it you know some of those seat belts are uncomfortable so he's just gonna be riding in style and I have another one for the passenger side now I have one more thing it's just that his car over the edge but you have to come outside with it where's present yeah I can't see what he's looking at I have to get him out so that I can get in I got to get a better look at what he's checking out I've got an idea I'll make some noise over here I'll sneak in oh my gosh he's coming back he's going back there he is he's looking at cars right now is Preston gonna get me a new car he's gonna get when you Tesla for my birthday hold on let me send him a message really quick and just let him know my birthday's November 16th birthday November 16 he thought it was weird that I texted him that makes a lot of sense because how would he know that I knew that he was looking for my birthday I should have done that better he just left let's go see where he's going I have the last and final thing to make Preston's car even prettier eyelashes I've seen these wives and driving before and I've been very envious and I know it's just gonna look beautiful let's see good nice what do you think he's gonna think of this new look what car would be done being decorated without a dash cam does a lot of silly things and I think it'll be great if I can capture them on film also he doesn't often notice details so okay I gotta figure out what Preston's doing wait Tesla look just need to find out keys birthday maybe I should ask Barney and then I texted him November 16 look at that new core okay I can't get god I can't get God okay I hear Preston in the kitchen [Music] he's getting angry about I gotta go get free I gotta go get for you right now it's all bad it's all going downhill you mean Besson is looking for his keys he's getting me a - labrie what yeah for my birthday but if he finds out that I'm gonna get it for me in the trunk where he's not gonna see my gonna hide you in the garage [Applause] oh my gosh dude why are there eyelashes on Mike I wonder who would put fake eyelashes on my Tesla this has gotta be Brianna oh my god they're not even pretty eyelashes like these are so small I have better eyelashes than these oh no there's a sparkly seatbelt does this not come off oh I top my passenger seat is bedazzled Bree I hope you know that I'm going to get you back so tough for all of this nonsense I cannot believe this Oh Oh scrit to-do list my gosh guys we have to keep following Preston stay tuned on my channel because I'm going to keep following his top-secret to-do list and see what he's up to it's time to crack the eggs but I have to use her head it's my secret weapon my god it's my secret all right as long as it means we get to be friends forever right lucky you're gonna give us away maybe you can hide that go run away oh go away [Music] where are you gonna be sitting seated sit it no we have to go back technical difficulties pink fluff makes the world go round why is big betraying me who sent help send help see Keith would know what to do Keith loves pink fluff and I sent him away Nik
Channel: Brianna
Views: 1,462,255
Rating: 4.8032365 out of 5
Keywords: kids, funny, comedy, challenge, family, kid, kid friendly, family friendly, tesla, preston
Id: 6Ls2vXzG0zA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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