NEVER MAKE These English Grammar Mistakes

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listen carefully and try to find a mistake in one of my Silicon Valley videos at the Los Angeles Airport and I was so happy and people are like marina this is great that you know how he looks like because we know Airbnb we don't know how Brian Chesky looks like because you have to know how they look like you're gonna run and oh my god I made the same mistake three times in ten seconds and actually told you about this never say how he looks like say what she looks like because if you're saying how it's only how does he look that's the correct way what he looks like is the correct way if you're any like oh my god you know how frustrating that is I teach you guys I teach myself and then I forget this is why you have to repeat and repeat and repeat things and listen to yourself record yourself listen to yourself because when I was saying that I didn't really notice that mistake I only noticed it when I started watching myself so today we're gonna talk about other grammar mistakes that I make and that you make so listen carefully and then record yourself and practice and maybe you'll notice more mistakes I just switched you from a smaller camera to a bigger one so you can enjoy better sound and image quality while we talk about our top grammar mistakes the next mistake that many of us make is using its instead of its and the second it's is an apostrophe whenever we have its with an apostrophe it's actually it is for example it's raining today we can also say it is raining today it's been like this for a week when we split them up we have it has been like this for a week so we're actually contracting two words here when we have it's as one word that means a possessive for example I have a cat it's fur is really soft we can replace its here with a noun that we have I have a cat the cat fur is really soft so whenever you can replace its with a noun there is no apostrophe it's a possessive for the next mistake let's take a look at my insta story from today now we're gonna pause me here and we're gonna read what I wrote I picked up a boring book which is wrong marina this is my Instagram by the way and yes sometimes I do those and yes sometimes I make those minor mistakes so your homework today is to subscribe to my instagram lingo marina and to keep an eye on what i'm saying there and if you notice something that seems wrong to you DM me and let me know so what we learn from this story whenever you have a physical act it's pick up whenever you have non physical act like your brain activity selecting choosing something it's big the next mistake sometimes we mix up i and me for example let me read you a sentence when you get done with that lab report can you send it to bill and i where is the mistake can you send it to Bill and me sometimes you just get confused by longer sentences and this is what exam makers use a lot they create this super long sentence and you just get confused by all the words and additional sentences that they insert let's try to get rid of all the details can you send me that lab report so once we get rid of all the details we actually pick the right word so the right version of this sentence when you get done with that lab report can you send it to Bill and me because me as an object here I mean we cannot use I in two verses in two so in turn is a preposition of moving somewhere so I'm walking into the office then we use one word in two sometimes we have a sentence sometimes we get a phrase call into a meeting in this phrase you're calling in to a meeting so there is no actual movement there is just an action so here there are two separate words in em to the next mistake I make it sometimes but I've learned one simple rule that helps me using them instead of them so what I remembered what I memorized for myself that then is the same as after and then I stop confusing them but before that I was like is it then with an e or is it then with an eight let me read you a sentence we left the party and then we went home then can be easily replaced with after we left the party and after that we went home so whenever we can replace it with after it's then with an e we would rather go home then stay at the party here we have pure comparison we're comparing staying at home with going to a party and this is a pure example of then with an A the next mistake effect vs. if that let me read you a wrong sentence the movie affected me greatly affected with an e this is wrong because effect is a noun and it cannot be used as a verb to affect is a verb with an A and effect is a noun with an e so the movie affected me with an A but the movie had a huge effect on me effect with an e using less instead of fewer and I'm sure your teacher told you a lot about this mistake fewer is when we can count things I have fewer t-shirts than you do I made fewer videos this month because I can calculate the amount of videos that made in a month but we use less with uncountable nouns I need less flour for this recipe because I cannot count flour because it's too small it would take ages the next mistake using adjectives instead of adverbs here is a simple rule whenever you're describing an action whenever you're describing a verb you use an adverb an advert is different from an adjective because it has ly at the end let me give you some examples let's walk quiet this is wrong because why we are describing a verb walk so let's walk quietly ly at the end the last three mistakes very common between and among when you're choosing between something that means you're choosing between two or three or maybe four things but they can be easily calculated I'm choosing between red and white wine this night I don't drink by the way but whatever but choosing a month so for example you have a lot of t-shirts in your closet and you're choosing among those t-shirts because if you had only two or three you would use between but because you have so many and I'm sure you have like ten I have twenty you're choosing among those t-shirts complement vs. complement when you compliment something with an i' you're actually telling them something nice i got complimented on my dress somebody liked my dress so that's compliment with an i when you use complement with an e that means something is in here sing something for example your shoes complimentary dress it doesn't mean that shoes are telling something should address it just means that together they look amazing the shoes compliment your address that's a good addition to the video oh my god you know why because of three years I was just talking about t-shirts thank you so much thank you funny haircut literally when you don't want to offend somebody you're a funny Wow okay the last mistake let's just leave it here the last visited the least sometimes you're confusing loose with loose when you lose something LOSC that means you no longer possess it so it's lost it's gone when something is loose l w s8 that means it's too big for you I hope this t-shirt is not loose on me it means I hope it fits me that was it for you guys I hope you enjoyed watching this video and I hope you enjoyed my content please subscribe to my Instagram and let me know if I make any of those mistakes see you soon in the next vlog bye bye
Channel: linguamarina
Views: 319,025
Rating: 4.9669628 out of 5
Keywords: english, english language, learn english, linguamarina, marina mogilko, linguatrip, english bro, english with linguatrip, grammar mistakes, english grammar mistakes, common english mistakes, common english grammar mistakes, never make these mistakes, never make these grammar mistakes, improve grammar, fix english mistakes, most common mistakes, englih errors, how to improve english, how to improve english grammar, correct english, how to correct my english grammar
Id: xZv5_HMHh14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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