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hey guys welcome to my channel today we're gonna talk about top seven things that you could do at home that I used to do when I was back in Russia and wanted to practice English but it had no one to speak English to if you're interested I'm gonna share all those things today let's do it [Music] thing number one technology that you can talk to even have a Google assistant at home you can have a lot say you're gonna have whatever you have in your country I have an Alexa and I talk to her all the time mostly to set timers when I cook Alexa countdown 15 minutes Alexa countdown 15 minutes second timer 15 minutes starting now you see first time I mispronounce something she didn't get me sometimes that happens this makes me talk with a good accent it makes me think about the way I pronounce words so it understands me she can also tell jokes but I didn't like them Alexa tell me a joke actually my friend Jimmy Fallon wants to tell a joke let's give him a shot what did the horse say to the Scarecrow hey okay sometimes you think should I let Jimmy tell the jokes for a while no no problem I'll keep you laughing but if you do want to hear one of his jokes just say tell me a Jimmy Fallon joke thank you yes sometimes I believe what is this job Oh sometimes she does weird stuff but who cares okay second thing this one is really weird like I would do it if you're alone at home I have my husband there I think he's used to me being weird so he doesn't care but let's try okay what I do what I used to do I don't do it anymore but I talked to myself about whatever I'm doing like oh I want to get some coffee let's get some coffee what kind of coffee do I wanna have caramel I have vanilla I have chocolate no let's go for our don't fall let's go for caramel [Music] ready so whatever you do you just talk to yourself about whatever you're doing you can just think about it or you can say it out loud I would recommend saying it out loud because you're practicing your intonation or whatever but if you're not alone at home I would recommend just keeping it to yourself because otherwise people might think you're weird but you're just practicing right this is your thing number three you can write in English in your notebook you can plan in English this is what I used to do since I was like 14 I told myself hey I'm gonna try and practice try to do everything in English starting with my notebook and I still do it like everything is in English it's not well this is some Russian but never mind the majority of stuff is in English still practicing you know even when you're in America my husband is Russian so we don't speak English to each other and sometimes when this is a weekend just talk to him sometimes also miss practice so these things they just keep me practicing all the time [Music] we drove 40 minutes from San Francisco and guess what it's sunny here San Francisco so foggy today so we came to love you because our CTO is here and we're gonna work today and I'm gonna continue talking about things you should do to practice on your own another thing that I do all the time you don't have to do it but I do it and it helps a lot is blogging blogging in English so for example you can show the video but you don't have to there is also Instagram which I do in two languages I do the first part in English in the second part in Russian because they still have another channel and people from another channel pushes in Russian follow me on Instagram but another cool tool for you to use to practice your English is Twitter you're basically limited to 270 symbols so every day just make this habit that you sit down and post about whatever you want to boss like you don't do it for getting followers though it's a good residual if you get followers and you might become famous but who knows just right whatever is happening to you I'm glad you're following my advice yes always check the taxi service press ok even emails like if you have a job that's connected with English that's awesome so basically what he was doing is checking his email on influent Express and a native speaker it's gonna tell him whether he made any mistakes we'll see the thing is when you learn a language there are a lot of things that you can do to improve your listening so many videos so many books and so many things you can do but the problem is who do you have to chat with now I told you about Alexa mutable system which is a great thing just like producing your thoughts in a written form and then checking yourself is a great tool as well because when you gonna talk it's the same process you create thoughts so let's see it's very yellow I'm sorry what does that mean yeah yeah some grammar stuff how cool is this place huh we are working from a co-working area in our CEOs home which I love because it's so sunny here so different for San Francisco and I love this concept of housing when you have a gym when you have a community area where you can work we're currently six people working from a big room which is totally cool another advice is watch a video in English every day it can be from your favorite youtuber it can be a short video on Instagram like any video just create this rule for yourself that you watch a video a day that could be my video as well so this video counts already it can be entertaining it can be educational this is up to you but the thing is the only source for you to get real language is watching videos by real people because when you're watching a movie sometimes they use phrases that you wouldn't really use in your normal life it's all edited it's all written by professional screenwriters but when it's a blogger talking just holding this camera and walking around this is real language and this is what you're gonna hear when you come to the United States of America to Canada this is the real language and it's amazing how you can hear all of those axes because when I was 14 like 15 when I had to learn a language at home the only resource I had were these CDs and tapes that came together with my textbook and they had nothing to do with real English so you guys I really like you so made this rule for yourself a video a day for your perfect English if you are not a fan of entertainment videos and you want to improve I've talked a lot about this platform and I'm gonna tell about it a little more it's called Skillshare and this is where real people use your real skills and they more than 25,000 different classes from different professionals what I loved about skill share is that people are real it's not like this as a professor from a university I wish their marketing courses at which their editing courses and it's always a professional from that industry but he's so real he's just sitting in front of a camera at home and teaching whatever works for him so you can totally check the courses out again my favorites are marketing editing photo editing and blogging premium membership gives you unlimited access so you can join the classes and communities that are just right for you and your new year goals by the way one of my goals for 2019 is to become a home owner I don't know if you watched my previous video on the goals but because I want to become a home owner I really need to earn more money and Skillshare can also help you with that like if you're launching your own course which is a huge trend if you are doing some freelance job skill share it can help you with your New Year's resolutions Skillshare is also super affordable an annual subscription is less than ten dollars a month the first 500 people that click the link below this video are going to get two months of access to Skillshare for free [Music] sending them into a huge black hole he knew he would be the best employee any company and other great thing and I've started doing is listening to audiobooks while driving home it would take me around 15 minutes to go from Monmouth to San Francisco Dima is driving and I'm enjoying the book and it's a great way to read a lot of books because with audible with like listening to audiobooks I started reading six to seven books a month which is awesome it goes pretty fast because you're doing something else so here's advice to you listen while you're driving while you're cleaning while you're cooking whatever just listen to an audiobook dinner plate Shake Shack like Mikey dog fest McDonald's interaction there's like yeah he's like McDonald's back in the 90s in Russia it's crazy like people in Silicon Valley see burgers for the first time that's why it's been a month since shhh open here and people are lining up crazy stuff you got it finally came back home super tired came back to a huge mess oops we were scared to show you that but I'm gonna clean the room gonna go to the gym and my last advice for you guys is to listen to a song that you really like but together with the lyrics first you can sing along and this way you're gonna practice your singing and your English second you can just read the lyrics at the same time when your favorite singer is singing this way you will practice your listening because sometimes you listen to a son and doesn't make a lot of sense but when you read the lyrics you'll be like oh that's what he meant so practice that and comment down below with a method that works for you when you're really really tired and when you have to practice English but you're so tired to read any book or watch a video comment down below if you're not subscribed to this channel hit the subscribe button it's the red one down here it says subscribe and I will see you soon in the next logs sometimes I found myself sitting back reminiscing especially when I have to watch other people kissing and I remembering Lisa accordingly you missus all the play button of the rotation spaces that's what I mean until that really helps you practice okay that was it
Channel: linguamarina
Views: 896,311
Rating: 4.9536996 out of 5
Keywords: english, english language, learn english, linguamarina, marina mogilko, linguatrip, english bro, alexa, google voice, amazon alexa, voice assistant, learning habits, daily habits, schedule, speak english, english practice, daily practice, english with lucy, accent reduction, american english in real life, english like a native, google home, google assistant, english in real life, go natural english, personal development, spoken english
Id: 5dpNnE7oH5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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