21 English words you’ve probably been mispronouncing

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hey guys welcome to lingo marina today we're gonna talk about very popular English words that are commonly mispronounced now there are 1.8 billion people in the world speaking English and everyone is kind of adding something to the language and starting to mispronounce words and then we hear somebody mispronounced the word and would do the same and today I'm gonna talk about the words that I mispronounce so if you're interested in speaking English as a native speaker without any mistakes continue watching this video the first word is gift and I would say gift but actually the guy who invented this thing this is kind of loped image that has this animation he originally said gif gif steve is using his own invention to accept his award [Music] so the right way to pronounce this word is jiff not gift salmon is the right way to pronounce the name of the fish by the way I love this fish especially in Sochi especially grilled and in America the right way to say salmon is salmon salmon salmon oh yeah but if you're in Great Britain you can say Salman timbering salmon with a now but in America you just admit L and say salmon Prerogative this is the right way to pronounce this word but there is a song called my prerogative Britney Spears sings that Bobby Brown sings it and people started saying prerogative because of my prerogative because of the song but actually the right way to pronounce this word is prerogative this is my prerogative the next two words are actually Italian but people keep mispronouncing them the first word is bruschetta but I've heard a lot of people say bruschetta which is not right you can say there because it's an Italian word and people say bruschetta and the second word is espresso and yes you're attempted to say Express so because of express and stuff but no it is espresso it is an Italian word so please say it correctly and by the way guys if there are some words from your language that came into English and that people keep mispronouncing please comment down below which word it is and what's the right way to pronounce it my comment would be babushka I don't know why but a lot of English speakers say it this way when originally the word is babushka this means the old lady and maybe it's just natural for English native speakers to stress the second part of the word but it's originally babushka looking forward to reading your comments down below by the way guys the only way to pronounce words correctly is to hear them every day so your goal is to try to do something in English every single day to listen to people who pronounce words correctly in order to learn from them and a great platform to do that it's called Skillshare and if partnered with them for this video because they have a lot of amazing classes that would help you not only strengthen your language skills but also learn something new skills sure an online learning community where millions come together to take the next step in their creative journey with thousands of inspiring classes for creative and curious people on topics including illustration design photography video freelancing and productivity and I really really recommend a class by Greg McCune he's written an amazing book essentialism and he also has his own class on Skillshare I know when learning a language you have to kind of manage so many tasks during the day and this course should help you prioritize very important tasks like learning English and get rid of things that don't really affect the quality of your life the link to try Skillshare will be below the first 1,000 people who use my link to sign up will get to three months of skill share and you would be able to take the productivity class that I've recommended and by the way if you get an annual subscription it's less than ten dollars a month and you get access to all of their amazing courses the link will be below the next word is pizza and here you can oppressing like pizza with a stop with caneta with air coming out of your mouth pizza because some people say pizza which is not right you kind of have to stop in the middle of the word and say pizza the next word that is commonly mispronounced is Wednesday and I hear a lot of people actually say when this day and again if we kind of follow the rules of how to read in English when this day might sound logical but unfortunately in English we don't really follow the logic for a lot of words and we say Wednesday another word that kind of falls out of logic is for example you know this radish the part of London where time starts so it's actually written green which you would kind of read in this way by the right way to say it is granite the same with an English talent called reading which is actually spelled like reading but you just say reading so there are some things you just need to learn and remember but the more you practice the better you're gonna be at this the next word is genre I know a lot of people say genre which is again kind of logical when you try to read the word but because it's a foreign word we say genre genre outselling every genre the next word is police now there is a subtle difference so watch me carefully a lot of people say police which is not read it's pop please Polly's gonna blowing a candle police police often now here's the thing you can say both often and often but if you want to be really academic and followed the rules T here should be silent so it's often not often but if you say often people are gonna understand you and in a lot of countries people just use often more frequently but if I were you I would just stick to often with a silent T the next word is stomach a lot of people pronounce it as stomach which is not right it's stuck Mik stop Mik try to pronounce it with me stomach so it's gonna start with an a stop and then Mik with an E stomach my stomach is full this is the right way to pronounce this word mean we know there are a lot of memes on the internet people making fun of each other and yes you're attempted to read this word as meanie which is also funny but no it's meme with a long e mean the next word is niche and I say niche but really it's better to say niche and niche is more conservative more academic and this is the better way to pronounce the word that refers to a special role or place niche instead of niche little niche the next word is a word that I've mispronounced for a long time it's sugar now follow me here wash my mouth it's not sugar the sugar yes you're tempted to read like that because the second letter is you but it's actually sure gar you couldn't just make this fake smile with your mouth and say sugar that's the right way to pronounce this word sugar sugar the next word oh my god that's the most confusing word for I think everyone really I've heard a lot of Americans saying cocuwa when in reality it is Cocco hey in the end we just don't read it Coco can I get some cocoa in my coffee please can I get a cocoa flavored yogurt please you know a lot of different examples cocoa because I have some cocoa later raspberry is another example of a word that has a silent letter so P in raspberry is actually silenced so you can say raspberry you should say raspberry raspberry there is no P it just goes away the right way to pronounce both is bull not bow some people say can I have a bowl of rice or can I have a bowl of soup it's ball of soup bowl of rice Oh milk the next word is also really controversial and you know I'm used to saying status all the time but if you want to be kind of really really conservative the actual pronunciation is status and again you can continue same status but if it's the time when you decide how to pronounce the word status it's kind of more academic that was it for me for today guys don't forget to smash the like button and subscribe to this channel if you like learning English and if you want to make English your lifestyle and I'm looking forward to reading your comments down below about the worst that came to English from your language and that we keep mispronouncing please comment down below and subscribe to my channel I'll see you very soon in the next videos bye
Channel: linguamarina
Views: 344,459
Rating: 4.9693089 out of 5
Keywords: english, english language, learn english, linguamarina, marina mogilko, linguatrip, english bro, english with linguatrip, difficult English words, difficult English, words that are hard to pronounce, hardest English words to pronounce, most hard-to-ptonounce english words, english pronunciation, english words you mispronounce, most difficult english words, english words people mispronounce, how to pronounce gif, how to pronounce meme, espresso or expresso, salmon pronunciation
Id: GrH07hcokHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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