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hey guys welcome to lingo marina channel and welcome to my new studio setup I decided to move to my guest bedroom and this is what everything looks like here I am planning to post this video on my birthday so the birthday birthday so you're probably watching it somewhere around my birthday first homework to you is to guess my age down in comments below and I'm gonna like comments that are correct and I decided to make this video special I decided to make it less educational and more fun and in this video we're gonna talk about fun facts about the English language so that the next time when you're in the company of other English learners and English speakers you could be like did you know that there are more English speakers in China and than in the US so that kind of stuff so if you're interested in learning those facts continue watching this video [Music] [Applause] fun fact number one a new word is added to the dictionary every two hours that means that around 4,000 new words are added to the English dictionary every single year serious and that's because there is air B&B for example I'm air bein being and my friend or you google something have you googled this so with the new companies with new trends there are so many things that we're adopting as English speakers so yeah 4,000 words every year fact number two more people have learned English language as their second language and there are native speakers in the world so guess what if every English language student one to practice one-on-one with the native speaker that wouldn't be enough native speakers for everyone to practice this is so cool to realize and this really proves that English is this universal language that you have to know wherever you are whatever you doing English is the language of everything so it's a really good thing that you're here right now that means that you are learning this magical language this begins now and then I'm gonna read two words to you and you're gonna read them with me supercalifragilistic expialidocious and this is not the longest word in English this word means fantastic it was popularized by the movie Mary Poppins but however there is a word that's even longer let's try and read it together NUMA ultra-microscopic silica volcano canosa's it's a type of a lung disease caused by inhaling ash and dust and that is the longest word in English try and memorize it and then maybe use it in a conversation I'm kidding don't do it that's almost ceaseless the next fact is english is the language of the air and that means that every pilot has to know english because everything that's happening in the sky is in english the next one fact the average english speaker knows between 20,000 to 30,000 words that means that an average person in the street would understand those words but people don't really use all of them so yes if they're reading literature if they are reading a textbook in some subject they would understand but on average people use like 10,000 words and if they use like 30,000 that means they are probably a professor at a university so they know a lot of specific vocabulary for their subject do you know what's the most used word in English it's the word I and I I there you go most used word the next or the fact I don't know how useful it is but maybe it is if you write down all the numbers as words like if you write down 1 2 3 4 5 6 and you go on and on and on there won't be ever letter B until you reach billion by the way guys I am really happy that one of my favorite online learning platforms is sponsoring this video Skillshare is the sponsor of this video I was preparing this ad I was researching new courses that they have and I've stumbled upon Greg McCune he wrote the essential is like one of the best books out there he's talking about how to optimize your environment to be more productive how to stop worrying about things that don't matter I read it maybe like six months ago and it really helped me change my life and by the way this space I have it thanks to that book because I realized I need to create a space for work in my apartment and that was inspired by Greg and he has his own video course on Skillshare and guys if you haven't read the book and or if you have read the book you have to take this course because again it reminds you when you need to focus on when you need to pay attention to you don't have to worry about things that don't matter you don't have to say yes to everything you have to learn to say no the link will be below highly encourage you because this guy is amazing and the platform itself is amazing really easy to use and there's always the first 500 subscribers who hit the link below this video will get to three months of skill shares so you can just go ahead and enjoy the course by Greg by the way if you don't know what skill share is skill share is an online learning community that offers membership with meaning it offers a great variety of different courses on different topics like video creation photography productivity that's one of my favorite or you know videography editing whatever you're interested in go ahead and explore your creativity or if you're interested in becoming more productive Greg's course is right there for you he's gonna teach you how to navigate through your life and again the first 500 subscribers so hit the link below we'll get two months off Skillshare for free and by the way if you decide to proceed with skill share and annual subscription is less than ten dollars a month the next fun fact is that the word good has over 380 synonyms in English and it makes words that has the most synonyms and remember I made a couple of videos where it told you never say okay never say good never say this this and that because can you realize there are over 300 synonyms to the word good and if you keep saying good over and over and over again that makes your speech boring and you want to sound interesting you want to sound more like a native speaker and a native speaker would use a lot of different words so good can be replaced with many other options the next one fact is that after American Revolution people in America decided to make a language different from British and they thought that British English had too much of things that are not necessary like for example color in British you would insert you and you make it a six letter word in American it would be without you and the five letter word and there are many other words like this like program or catalog and this what makes American English different and the first American Dictionary was published in 1806 and this is how American people proclaimed independence from Great Britain they even created their own language the next for the fact there is a word Q and it actually has five letters but it's pronounced the same way as his first letter Q and if you don't know what it means it means line so when you come to a cafe in the US on a Sunday morning people will be queuing or lining up waiting for their turn to order food the word synonym it's one of the few words in English language that doesn't have a synonym the next one fact you know when we want to say the day after tomorrow we say the day after tomorrow but there is actually a word like one word for it over morrow that means the day after tomorrow there is this word it's in the dictionary it's just people don't use it anymore did you know that Shakespeare has added over a thousand new words to the English language when he was writing his master thesis he included more and more words and people just continued using them some of examples addiction when you're addicted to a drug when you're addicted to another person that word was created by Shakespeare this is an addiction cold blooded when you are cruel and you don't have any emotions about that like there are cold-blooded murderers who kill people that word is also by Shakespeare oh yeah cold bloody swagger when you're boasting disrespectful unjustifiable swagger break the ice when you were solid and then you start a conversation you break the ice I'll break the ice although those words created by Shakespeare that's amazing like I feel this is such a huge accomplishment like he lives through those words when we use them in our speeches she experienced alive that's an amazing footprint you can leave behind and the last but not the least fun fact there are words in the English language that don't have a meaning and they actually have a special term they're called ghost words they appeared because somebody made a typo when they were working on the dictionary one of the examples is stored it was in the dictionary for eight years in the mid twentieth century it didn't have any meaning it goes to word door thank you guys so much for watching this video up to the very end if you're not yet subscribed to this channel hit the red button subscribe and smash the like button for the algorithms so that it knows that this video is great and recommend it to other people thank you so much and I look forward to seeing you in my next vlog bye
Channel: linguamarina
Views: 267,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english, english language, learn english, linguamarina, marina mogilko, linguatrip, english bro, english with linguatrip, facts about english, facts about english language, interesting facts about english, fun facts about english, interesting facts about english language, fun facts about english language, did you know, did you know that, how many english words you need to know, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, you didn't know, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Id: SZIwIg933Zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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