14 Advanced English Words to Sound Like a Native Speaker

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hey guys welcome to lingo marina and welcome to Topanga if you follow me on Instagram you know that we left our apartment in San Francisco and we're just traveling throughout California these days from one place to another children place is lifted almost everywhere my husband was able to get a haircut and I really enjoy spending time with my family in a place like this we're surrounded by green trees you can occasionally hear birds singing and it's a perfect place for a family with a baby and a perfect place for me to work because my work is all remote which is managing a company and also making videos for you guys so today we're gonna talk about advanced English vocabulary and I'm gonna teach you some words that are advanced level if you are upper intermediate if you're intermediate this video is for you because you can gradually start learning those more difficult words you know it takes several interactions with a word before you can actually use it first time you hear it from my video second time you use it in a comment down below third time you read a magazine and you encounter this word once again and fourth time you start using it and then the fifth time it's already in your vocabulary and you are starting to sound more and more advanced there are a couple of things to remember about the advanced level when you're an advanced English language student you need to be able to interact with people on both formal and informal topics and when we're talking about a formal English try to read TechCrunch TechCrunch is my favorite resource for startups it's not very formal but still they use a lot of advanced vocabulary because if you're a journalist in English you want to use the most beautiful words in order to make your language more beautiful try reading both in English try reading L in English whatever you find interesting all of those magazines all of those websites are using advanced vocabulary and the second rule that's also really important I'm gonna give you more than five words today but it's really important to write them down and practice five words a day because otherwise you won't be able to make those words your active vocabulary and there is passive ogether when you just know the word and you encounter it and you might recognize it there's also vocabulary when you see the word understand it and also use it in your speech and writing so I want these words to be in your active vocabulary and that means you can't learn more than five a day so don't rush yourself don't push yourself you know make it a habit five words a day it's amazing I also have a course where we teach five words a day you can check it out down comments below today we're gonna talk about several English advanced words so if you're interested let's take some time to take out your notebooks or iPads oh my god I love writing with my iPad again if you're following me on lingo marina I was talking about that a lot that makes me so much more productive and typing with iPad and writing with it whatever so just a couple of advice from student to student because I'm studying investment okay listen what's the advanced vocabulary I just love to talk guys okay advanced vocabulary in English let's do it word number one to confront when you are confronting somebody you're asking them something face to face and when you're using the word confront it actually has some negative meaning so for example when we say this politician has been confronted by a journalist that means that a journalist was kind of angry with this politician he was probably mentioning something but politician wouldn't be happy about well for example you can confront your enemy so this means asking something interacting face-to-face but with this negative attitude we will confront the the next word is coherent coherent means logical and strategical so for example I really want to be big in Chinese social media and I have a coherent strategy I'm starting with Billy Billy first then I'm going to Chinese tick-tock and then I'm doing another platform but I'm doing the step by step it's a strategical and logical path to becoming big on Chinese social media coherent will be to make our money-raising activities more coherent logical empathy that is a feeling when you understand somebody's feelings and you take them into account when you're acting so for example when people hate you on YouTube there isn't much empathy in their actions there isn't much empathy on Instagram when people are just hating each other so whenever people are hating you there is no empathy empathy is when you're trying to help empathy is when you understand that a person is doing a lot and he's doing a lot for free and you want to support them and you're showing your empathy control freak with no empathy witty and please pay attention to the way I say this word it's written with tea and if I taught you British British English I would say with tea because this is the way they say it in American we replaced EU with an R and the way we say this witty witty he's really witty I have a lot of videos about American pronunciation but I just want you to pay attention to the worst pronunciation the first time you encounter it so it's witty witty means smart with a good sense of humor for example you met somebody at a party and they're really witty because they are making the smart jokes and they're really funny you must be witty fabricate instead of saying make up I made this up this is not true you can say fabricate again fabricated evidence is something you will see in an article about a crime or whatever that means that this evidence was made up it was fake it was fabricated so when you make something up in order to protect yourself in order to confuse somebody you fabricate something and I hope you don't do that we don't fabricate anything that happens downstream inhabitant a person or an animal who lives in a place and occupies it so for example we're in Topanga and it has a lot of inhabitants we've already seen Paris we've already seen a lot of different birds we've seen rabbits we've seen here so seen so many living creatures and they are inhabitants of Topanga perhaps the native inhabitants can help us to reckon is a synonym to to believe to suppose to expect and British people love to use it I reckon you're coming with us which means I believe you're coming with us I reckon that it's gonna rain tomorrow I think it's gonna rain tomorrow too reckon just sounds more advanced new you're totally free to use it when you're talking to your friends for example what do you reckon to rifle to go through something in search for something here rifle through his stuff when he was looking for his sock rifle can you actually show it this is rifle rifling through things and I also wanted to give you some phrasal verbs because phrasal verbs I used all the time you cannot translate them verbatim which means you can't just understand their meaning by translating the first and second part you just need to learn what they mean and the first phrasal verb is to ask out he asked me out on a date to ask out means to invite on a date and you can just say he asked me out that means you're having the first date you are entering a romantic relationship you called ask out Monica to back down to withdraw from a position there was a Board of Directors and the CEO backed down which means that the CEO decided to leave the board you can't just back down instead of saying cancel the event you can say call off the event a lot of in-person events have been called off in the past months because of kovat because of shelter-in-place but a lot of them are actually coming back but still a lot of things that canceled a lot of things are called off call off the wedding to get away with something means to not be punished for doing something wrong my dog has eaten my dinner and she got away with it because I just love my dog so much they get away with it to pass out means to become unconscious and this phrasal verb is widely used in the u.s. so for example he was hanging out by the pool in the heat for so long that he passed out and we rushed him to the emergency room another word you can say is faint fainted yeah he needed to be rushed to the emergency room be careful the summer don't overheat don't pass out and the last but not the least turn down to refuse so for example somebody asks you out remember what it means and you turn them down because you don't want to enter any new romantic relationships this summer turn down the offer I hope you guys enjoyed watching this video if you want to learn more phrasal verbs I have a workbook in English that has a lot of different phrase and words that you can use it can be downloaded by using a link below English taught online is the domain where you can download the workbook it's 180 pages of content in English and this is something you can use every single day to learn new words to improve your English language skills and another thing that you can do is watch this channel so if you're not yet subscribed there is a red button below hit it and like this video if you've enjoyed this content and I'll see you very soon in my next videos bye
Channel: linguamarina
Views: 594,565
Rating: 4.968771 out of 5
Keywords: english, english language, learn english, linguamarina, marina mogilko, linguatrip, english bro, english with linguatrip, advanced english words to sound like a native speaker, advanced english, advanced english words, advanced english words with meaning, advanced english vocabulary, advanced english vocabulary words with meaning, english vocabulary, english words, how to sound like a native english speaker, speak like a native, intermediate english, upper-intermediate english
Id: qtlTMRyMWfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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