Never Have I Ever Challenge to reveal TRUTH!- Rebecca Maddie Challenges

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welcome back to rebecca maddie challenges today we are playing the never have i ever chocolate fondue challenge oh yeah and it's gonna get messy so we have our hair back yes we do not want any chocolate in our hair at all so the way this challenge works is we asked you guys on instagram to give us some never have i ever questions and we have i have and i have not to answer them and if we answer i have not we get to choose from one of these delicious items to dip in to the chocolate fondue but if we answer i have them we have to choose from one of these disgusting items what do you think is the worst item over there oh definitely the pickles what about you crickets are way worse than pickles or the moldy bagel that's from your place i know i need to go grocery shopping make sure you are subscribing notifications on give the video a thumbs up in five four three two one comment below chocolate fondue squad if you did it in that time read the first one first question that you guys asked us on instagram is never have i ever gotten a real tattoo okay i do not want a gross item i have not me neither okay rebecca maddy challenges a lot is going on right now you guys know that frankie's missing and we're trying to find her rebecca and maddie they have to be dealt with i mean rebecca woke me up with a giant water balloon on my face and then maddie came in like she just owned the place and put a pie in my face so today i'm gonna be pranking them and getting them back comment down below matt is the best and the girls have no idea what is going on in the comment section see if they're still doing the challenge okay you guys know that i pranked matt hey you seen the dogs i don't know i think black jack's over there oh you guys want a video yeah we're going to challenge you i'm sorry no matter go go do you have a life if you see them i think they're over in the front or they're upstairs oh so close you guys know that i pranked him and said that i got my ex-boyfriend's name tattooed on my forehead it's not real but he thinks it is and i'm covering up with makeup anyway since we both answered i have not we get to dip a delicious item i'm gonna go strawberry because who doesn't love chocolate covered strawberries or three two one oh my boy we have our hair about i have not question number two never have i ever dated someone and regretted it afterwards oh no okay i have i mean that's why they're exes right all right they're like an evil hacker what if we don't want to choose a bad item i'm gonna start with cheese i'm gonna go cauliflower maybe the chocolate will mask the taste okay cheese and chocolate this is like a pregnancy craving those like weird food combinations that are good wait two what um question number three never have i ever had the same crush as my cousin oh like you've had a crush on someone i like it oh and you had a crush on someone i like this might get awkward i'm not no i am not either and i was a little worried you never know yeah oh no i'm gonna do a great okay and blackjack no dogs cannot have grapes they cannot have chocolate you gotta go oh i think this is gonna be good really good for me no i don't know never have i ever peed in a pool oh three two one i have not no i mean like i'm sure maybe like during one of the challenges when we're in the pool together when i was younger okay maddie it's been a long time i get a good item there's like only bad items here i'm gonna do a green bean and i'm going to get a strawberry good versus evil look who's evil yeah this isn't this is why our hair is back okay go nope it's not good that is delicious you have to eat the whole thing oh not good no i'm just glad it's not cricket chocolate cricket question number five all right let's go never have i ever never have i ever cheated in among us how do you think of all the games we've played three days i have not technically what yes you have technically it is rebecca cheating because it's like down here just minding my own business and nelson you hear her yo paige just killed me and i'm like well now i know who the imposter is you've heard me say i'm the imposter before that wasn't me that was matt okay fine i'm gonna leave this pickle for you i mean there's two pickles ew black licorice i literally hate black licorice i think it's better than a lot of these other choices do any of you guys actually like black licorice what if fake shameness does hmm right let's keep going good yeah i'm good okay i found peanut but i couldn't find blackjack anywhere i don't know where he is but i have an idea right now i am going to get the next item that maddie has and before she eats it i'm going to smash it in her face comment down below chocolate fondue this if you think this is a good idea never have i ever broken a bone no i was playing volleyball pretty much i ended up breaking my middle finger when i was setting it up what about you i broke a couple bones one was in gymnastics i did like a double back and i rolled it to the side and then the other time was during track i was running the steeplechase and i got pushed and i fell and broke my foot oh you've had it pretty bad i'm doing a brussels sprout stop i'm going moldy baby okay okay no brussels sprouts disgusting okay oh i just dripped one raw brussels sprout it's a raw one yeah how is it um oh god are you okay it's really bad i'm just glad i don't have a moldy bagel that is so gross maddie true but you know what i'm just gonna cover it in chocolate eat the bagels i'm eating brussels sprout okay guys i can't see maybe it's all good now three two one [Applause] what why are you breaking a chocolate on my face i'm still trying to eat this thing my what are you doing yeah man i'm just cleaning up this mess okay i'm gonna go wash my hands and my face thanks a lot matt you're welcome a lot matt what are you doing helping out with this video it's getting kind of dull what all right so maddie is back and cleaned up sorry about that but let's continue never have i ever started in public then blamed it on someone else you guys comment below if this has happened to you if you've done this or not three two one you have two okay good i'm not the only one i believe the mad or peanut or blackjack i always thought it was blackjack or peanut this whole time what about you i mean i don't really blame it on anyone i just like pretend like it never happened and walk away really fast wait so then you're i have not oh no wait what about the sound it doesn't really make this sound like silence okay i don't know why we are having a conversation about arts right now this is cannot have anything on this table chocolate grape onion yeah and i'm sure everything he should not be eating this never have i ever had a crush on someone in the game master network no i'm not yes you guys maddie daniel and matt are like the only guys have they ever worn a game master network shirt or a diy one okay hey i feel really attacked right now we're upping this right now i'm gonna pick one for you and then you have to pick one for me go ahead and pick one for me first i was gonna do onion but i'm gonna do a pickle of course sorry i had to they would not be happy if you did not eat a pickle and chocolate fine if it's going to be like that then i hope you enjoy eating a chocolate covered cricket what about an onion no no no no no cricket fine even just the smell oh crispy yeah it's crispy that's his body part that's a wing maddie before we finish this we have to prank matt so we need to get him to stay here so we can set it up hey matt can you come here real quick he's over here garden the food yeah that's why we need you here really quick we forgot something i need you to stand here is right there yeah he cannot have obviously anything on here no grapes for the chocolate right yeah none of this just talk to rebecca maddie challenges well welcome to the best part of the video this is where matt fills in does something awesome i think i need to prank ladies he's gotta figure out a really good plan okay maddie are you ready to prank back oh yeah i have an idea and matt deserves this he just put chocolate in maddie's face let's do a pie in the face why don't we just put it in her hand oh yeah so we're gonna come back just put it behind your hand comment below what you think matt's reaction is gonna be okay matt hey it's not high enough no hey max matt matt sorry i'm important phone call are you serious yeah wait where are the grape black jack mac with chocolate chocolate did he get in the chocolate in the grapes there are dog prank calls those are dog prints right there and he took the grapes call the doctor he cannot have that that's okay he's gonna be sick yeah let me call the doctor okay matt his stomach is looking better no oh no not hurry someone's got your phone back it's you yeah here let me just pick it up this is it funny call what do you mean it's a prank do you think i would ever let blackjack do that i just pranked you guys so good watch it give me five ha ha very funny pick five no that's not cool at all i know i think it's not great now but it was pretty funny you know we were chatting in the back we were getting everything ready and then we realized there's one thing that we forgot to bring out yeah you ready three two one and that's what you get for pranking us matt you guys watch your hands before then what no no no no not and that concludes us doing the never have i ever chocolate fondue challenge make sure that you are subscribing notifications also we are doing a fun video on paw damn dog so make sure to check that out what blackjack is broken at the tunnel right now he's going crazy what i don't know come on do you think he has something to do with frankie missing oh no okay you guys go check out the channel we're gonna continue on there you
Channel: Rebecca Maddie Challenges
Views: 2,771,296
Rating: 4.7568097 out of 5
Keywords: never, have, ever, never have i ever, challenge, chocolate, fondue, challenges, rebecca, maddie, rebecca maddie challenges, prank
Id: d5jOG6UV5rU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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