We Crashed Real Zoom School Classes by Hacking In! (Bad Idea) Rebecca Zamolo

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you guys are gonna be crashing zoom school classes and it starts in one minute one minute one minute we need to study crashing school zoom classes what if there's a pop quiz or a test i don't know what to study for crashing zoom classes super easy grade two yep know everything in here we're crashing school zoom classes i got this damn fam zero times any number is zero a e i o u and sometimes y are all the vowels and then a squared plus b squared equals five oh okay i don't think i learned anything four c squared i got this three two i'm gonna be the smartest in this class got it what we're here okay so here's the challenge you guys want to know where i hit the incredi gym right that's why we agreed to do this i contacted different teachers and gave them a clue if you're able to hack into their zoom class they'll give you a word if you're able to successfully hack into all six classes those words revealed where i hid being credited but these aren't just any school classes these are classes you have connections to well we know the students in these classes why can't you just tell us where it is halloween hacker yeah if i'm gonna be revealing that big of a secret i need to know you guys can handle it i only work with professionals and besides you guys have a pretty good hacker in your squad already yeah but daniel's not here i'm not talking about daniel what about maddie maddie you are a good hacker you can do this i don't know if i can do this you have to we need to find out where the encrypted gem is let's get started oh wait i forgot to tell you there's one thing they all think that you're students so you're gonna have to show up in disguise all right stamp fam looks like we're putting some wigs on okay zam fam so we're all dressed in disguise getting ready to crash school zoom classes we're gonna have to pretend we're like new students or something well i can't go to this first class because i need to go spy on robbie rob zoe put a tracking device on him yeah zamfian you guys know that zoe spied on robbie rob and she said he was talking to a tree why would robbie robbie talking to a tree that's exactly why i need to go spy on him to figure this out but whatever you do do not tell hoe where i went he could not be trusted yeah damn fam do you think he's tricking us with this whole zoom thing no we can trust him remember adam's family he's the reason that mr x is gone forever that's true i'll be right back okay good luck okay zam fans so it looks like it's up to maddie and i to hack in and crash these school zoom classes i hope we can do this okay sam fan but we have a challenge up for you guys first i want you to subscribe turn on notifications click all in three two one comment below zoom school squad if you did in that time we're getting so close to 10 million subscribers in the zamfam you guys ready yeah okay let's go to the computer okay halloween hackers so how do we get started you guys have six links but that's it i'm not gonna give you any more clues so no meeting id or passcode or anything nope you're gonna have to hack in by yourselves hacker's gotta hack where's max he had to run some errands he'll be back quickly right maddie yeah well i also have some business to attend to so good luck you guys wait you're not gonna help us let's try the first link maddie so uh there's nothing no meeting or anything it's asking for a passcode we don't have a passcode so you're just gonna have to hack and figure something out zamfam do you think that we are gonna be able to get into all six zoom classes and figure out where the incredib gem is smash the thumbs up if you think so we really need some good luck right now these students are gonna be so surprised i think i broke through the firewall oh wait i think we're getting into the house okay and the halloween hackers said we have a connection to them somehow i have no idea let's just figure out whose class this is comment below what you think the clue is going to be and what we're gonna have to do to get it okay same fam i am at the park it looks like this is the the park that zoe was tracking robbie rob he's right there he's right there over there samfam is that robbie rob comment down below i'm pretty sure it is who is he talking to zoey said that he was talking to something in his backpack or behind a tree i have no idea see if we can get a little bit closer hi hey oh my god where are you hi hi what's up hello we're new students we wanted to join your class what grade are we in right now oh eden hi i know her i mean sorry we're new students here oh yeah we kind of got hacked into your class we're trying to get a clue but we don't know who has the clue any of you guys kind of getting a clue any oh the teacher okay wait you're a youtuber what who are youtubers you have 10 minutes yeah subscribe on youtube no we're in disguise we have no idea we just know that if we got into this class we would get a clue well in order to receive the clue you have to solve a little math problem maddie's a math major at ucla okay here we go in my class if you want to do it also you can what answer you get we're going to go 30 oh no oh no not paper i need a pen hold on okay we really need this clue 35 times 42. i really hope this is correct did maddie get it right i think it was right oh it was right really glad i'm in disguise i could probably get a little bit closer the clue is the word and inside inside inside well thank you hi to all of you guys on zoom thanks for letting us crash your class fourth grade student fourth grade student no we're fourth grade students who's rebecca guys don't know who that is maddie i don't know who maddie is but i know eating you know what we actually have to get going because we're going to be trying to crash some other classes and get more clues hopefully so we don't run out of time you guys did that guys who's that she has blonde hair i have pink hair i've no idea thank you guys stay in school we gotta go maddie we did it we got the first clue the word inside you guys and i don't know if they knew that we weren't really new students yes our disguises weren't that great no and i just realized i'm still in zamfam but i was like hiding it so maybe it's an org but the first word is inside so now we need to move on and try to crash another class so we can get another word maybe the words will like form a sentence telling us where the incredum is that's what the halloween hacker said but he's not even here right now i just have no idea what he's doing listen you put me in a really bad position okay same thing he's going crazy right now yeah of course i want him gone that's the only reason i agreed to this want him gone who is he talking about is it daniel what if he's talking about me he wants me gone what grade are you guys in i might recognize this teacher you recognize me i recognize the teacher i think that was rachel's teacher we asked him quick question for the teacher did you ever have a student named rachel gray or bbi i did have rachel gray i had her for three years okay we heard there might be a clue in this class and we just needed to get that clue any of the students do you guys have any clues for us i don't know maybe something like a word or yeah just anything you want to know how to be a fifth grader yeah you have to behave we behave so well all the time study you have to be on task you have to turn things on the time easy do that all the time do you have any like questions that we have to answer on the fifth grader you have to do math okay well what's like a fifth grade math problem we could probably do that you need to have a math problem for her yeah i got one three fourths plus five so we have to make it twenty don't they have the same denominator you go to twenty so like three-fourths becomes fifteen twentieths plus five-fifths become twenty-twentieth which equals thirty-five over 20. right 35 over 20. can we go down from there probably divide by five divided by five and then the question i said was three fourths plus five seven what but no of course i don't know the plan listen okay i'll figure it out i'll i'll text maddie he's trying to gain maddie's trust again and uh i'll pretend to apologize she'll eat it up right did you see that that was mr x that's the slappy dog i threw that away after adam's family in real life [Music] 28 yep that's three-fourths and then multiply by four so 20 over 28 41 over 28. do you even know the answer oh it's 41 over 28 or it's 1 13 28. so we got it right maybe the teacher might have the clue for us i do have a clue for you the word is incredible thanks for letting us crash your zoom class and your teacher thank you for giving us that clue it's very helpful we did it okay so we're gonna be writing down every single word right now we have two words inside and incredigem which isn't much yet but we have four more classes hopefully we will get a sentence that will reveal where the incredi gem is i mean that's the whole point of this challenge unless the halloween hacker's tricking us no we can trust him where is he by the way we need to get ready for the next talk same thing i lost robbie rock good thing that zoe has a tracking device it's not working like my phone's glitching out oh no okay okay i have to go back home and tell maddie and rebecca what's going on this is bad you're in a pegasus school so so far i recognize someone you recognize someone oh no what is going on yes we're in a class what grade are you guys in i don't think i know anyone at pegasus me neither we should probably ask anyone here happen to get a clue maybe from like the halloween hackers oh the teacher got a clue okay perfect so we actually have a few questions for you these kids put together a couple of questions let's see if you're smarter than a fifth grader here we go what was the first english settlement in america we need some help can we ask sadie that's with an r rhode island no no no say do you want to tell her romero i was so close that was like my second guess okay here's another one maybe this would be easier for you who did pocahontas marry john smith yeah disney did me wrong can we get the first initial of his last name sean roll roll raw or something yay i got it okay yeah see we got this they tossed out a couple more if you're ready yeah oh we're ready we need that clue so whatever you guys have when was the colony of jamestown founded are we looking at like seventeen hundred i would say more like sixteen hundreds like sixteen ten ish maybe 1607. excellent is that it here i got i got a kid so can we have our clue i think i'm the only one with a clue what are you doing oh she has a clue um what is that clue my my my oh wait that's that's another word oh thank you thank you thank you mom i have a quick question we have an aunt that lives in newport do you by any chance to know anyone named rachel we have an aunt rachel i think i'm the only one who knows your aunt rachel you you know our aunt rachel that makes a lot of sense so helpful well guys thanks for letting us crash your class what are you doing back there oh he's just checking to see how you guys are doing hello you're just checking on us well he's making sure we hack in correctly thank you guys uh we gotta get going we gotta hack some more classes so we get some more things maddie okay we did it wait that was so crazy so we didn't know them but the teacher knew our aunt aunt rachel which means she's the only one in newport that we know so the halloween hacker halloween hacker what are you doing nothing what do you mean i'm just checking in on you guys okay let go you said that we had connections to these classes is it all of our relatives how did you find these people oh you know that's what i do i'm a hacker so we have three more to go yeah oh um actually i have to go real fast i'll be back i mean i can't really hack in without you now it's not you i'm gonna uh make sure that she's okay okay what do you want hey i just want to talk so i can explain everything no one wants me talking to you i don't want to talk to you hey is um everything okay oh yeah um just calling a classmate fine i'll meet you for the math homework while i am waiting for maddie to get back here i wrote down the third word so right now we have incredigem inside and my which obviously doesn't tell us where the incredible gem is i just hope the halloween hacker is not lying we need to figure out where that incredigem is also matt should be getting back here soon i mean he hasn't gone on any of the zoom calls yet rebecca maddie hello hello hey hey hey how's it going it's going great maddie hacked in we got three of the words so far and gotten into three zoom classics okay i have information about robbie ross can i wait because i actually have to go call rachel outside no maddie you're the one who acts in i can't do it myself you'll be fine i'll show you how to do it i can't hack i'm not a hacker you got it so all you have to do is figure out the passcode so if you add these three numbers together it should correspond to the number of the meeting drag and drop that there and you'll be in just like that yeah i don't know if i can do it no you're good i just have to call rachel really quickly i'll be back wait so it's just matt and i on this zoom call yeah just you two all right good luck i also have to go back rebecca you got this i'm so nervous i got it hopefully i am doing this right this is what maddie said to do but i don't know wait did it work join with videos that means that i have been am i a hacker is this who's going to be in here what's going on here who's that great teacher who we were told to hack into different classes and we would be given a clue maybe you should do a challenge before i give you the clue a challenge about a really hard multiplication problem twelve times twelve one forty four what can she on your phone i'm not seeing look at my hands are right here one forty four give us a thumbs up a huge thumbs up right now i see some thumbs up 144 i know that by heart i don't even have to do it it's all mental yeah is that all you got do you want the clue word yes yes the clue word is that hey nice hair did you dye it or what is this it's a wave what do you want listen i just wanted to apologize for literally everything oh like trapping me in the movie theater and using the block reactivator on me my intention wasn't to make you face your biggest fear that's not what i wanted then why do you do it jefferson elementary school's the best whatever you do listen to mrs strahan she's the best because she just gave us a clue yep you're our youtube video but we're new students yeah thank you mr strahan for everything bye thanks for letting us crush your zoom okay matt so so far we have the words inside in credit gem my and now the example we need your guys's help figuring out what the sentence is it feels like it's a word scramble oh like the words are out of order yes i think credit gem is inside something maybe that is it zamfam comment below also can you believe that that was matt's actual fifth grade teacher mrs strange do you think that they recognized that i was in perfect disguise i look like connor and stranger things hopefully maddie gets back here soon i mean she's been taking a while on that call i just don't want to have to hack in again i mean i did it last time i don't know if i can do it again i was tricked by mr x similar to when evil daniel did i thought i was helping the game master network you're lying i mean why would i put you in a room with the tunnel i was trying to help you escape i don't know what to think right now i'm making sure that you're safe there's nobody else here i mean obviously matt rebecca but like nobody else yeah no one else except you know what never mind i gotta go you better get out of here before matt brings out the nunchuck sure okay a bit like like blackjack peanut is that just go okay can i call you later do whatever you want okay i got it i'm a hacker you're so good this is my second time doing that i mean i could just take over the world you could hack and i could just like do other stuff what okay the streak of legends sounds familiar zampian hold on there's someone in our class hello rock how did you guys get in here wait where are we right now i'm mrs lostrico and this is my class is this the streetcar's legends yes wait what grade is this second good because we're auditioning to be second graders we're the new students surprise we're back we were wondering if any of this students might have had clues or something for us the halloween hacker told us to hack into some classes so we're here so what have we been learning about in readers and writer's workshop and maybe some grammar it starts with an a adjectives can you guys sing us a song about adjectives i'll spit the beat and rebecca will do the rhine noun is a person place or thing a verb is an action and doesn't the adjective describe the verb it describes a noun so it's like cute wig rebecca you got this okay can i be trained can adjectives are really cool at least they make you really stay in school so you remember that adjectives are the best they describe you if it's a good word if it's a bad word it describes somebody else ah that is an adjective oh guys give them some love can't see anything we can't do this yeah we did the wrap in hopes that you guys would have a clue or something for us i think i'll give it to you you haven't no wait you earned it are you ready yeah what's the word yes is is the word okay wait marisa what was your last name before you got married wrangled oh what you went to the same high school alhambra yes that's how we're connected we went to the same high school oh my gosh i feel your name marissa no your name rebecca is the molo oh no you're not i'm in disguise i am somebody else okay well thank you guys so much this is very important for our youtube i mean uh for our being a new student in the class we have five words now so that girl went to the same high school as me i remembered her face but she got married for her name changed lustrico was something before so so far all of us have had connections to these the halloween hacker must have tapped into our computers or something and got information about us yeah i mean we connected with people we didn't even know that we still knew we have done five let's just double check it means that we are only missing one word okay let's put the words together and matty should be back any second okay sam fam so we have five of the six words right now we have the my incredi gem inside and is i need your guys's help i need you guys to work the words to figure out what the sentence is we only have one word left we're so close we're fine yeah hey how's rachel oh she's talking about she's sister's good okay is she good just say that perfect we have everyone here for this last and final zoom call comment below what you think the sentence is halloween hacker we are going to finish this challenge and figure out where the incredi gem is so we can finally get it once and for all come on i did the last two maddie and that is so scary so you definitely need to hack in i don't want to be a hacker hack it maddy happy i'm trying to hack okay i'm almost there and oh i think we're in our path oh you did it on this room you guys i'll be right back okay new student meeting okay your wigs all right hello where are we hi if you can hear us give a thumbs up okay good we're kind of in a rush we're trying to figure out a clue a final clue that we need the halloween hacker has given clues out you think i know where your clue is rebecca what i'm cordelia yeah she looks familiar wait how do you know her do you know jake joachim i do you know it's you were the maid of honor my brothers so what do we have to do to get the clue well you have to answer some school questions since you're auditioning to be new students these aren't difficult questions though right i think all of my students in here could answer them for you if you needed some help too well we're learning the difference between the words transparent translucent and opaque i'm going to show you some pictures and you have to tell me which ones mean translucent transparent and opaque are you ready yes i got it i know this which one of those is not see-through so a window that's totally shut if you're choosing between those three that's opaque it are you ready for the next is what is a window that is totally see-through just like this one it's apparent to me that the answer is transparent i think you should listen to him okay i'm so smart i'm so smart right now yes that's one and then i can give you a clue what is the last and final one the last one is the window that's kind of see-through so it kind of like shimmery like unicorn you know when you can you got like when you get a pencil bag and it's like unicorn color and you can kind of see the pencil is it translucent also that was the only one left we are ready for our clue what is it it is the word jacket oh i am mick loving this okay get out of here thanks for letting us crash your closet i have one one thing to say because it's super important right now it's a hard time okay just pay attention on the zoom yes thank you so much for this you have no idea it is helping us it is the last and final clue we need so thank you bye thank you so much we did it okay so we have all of the words let's put it together and find out what this sentence is hopefully zamfam you guys have helped decode it jacking you're never going to get this yes we are we can figure this out zamfam we need your help the jacket the jacket is yes inside yes wait sampling that doesn't make sense okay maybe we need to switch a couple of the words guys i know what it is no matt we have to figure this out we don't have time the jacket or the what about the incredi jam is inside my jacket halloween hacker's been lying to us this whole time he said he didn't have it congratulations you guys figured it out it is in my jacket don't get me wrong i have multiple jackets okay so you weren't lying to us no i hid it in one of my other jackets okay well give us some credit yeah yeah yeah i'm not gonna give you the incredible yet you guys need to do three things for me okay what's that i need you to impress me i need you to trade and i need you to perform for me so if there's three things then we should start with the first one which is to impress you and after we do all these things then we will finally once and for all have the encrypted gem yes that is that is the plan okay we need that it can't get into the wrong hands or bad things are gonna happen not under my watch okay damn fam so if you are one of the ones that helped us solve that message comment below also we need your guys's help we have to figure out a way to impress the halloween hacker i mean what's something that he really loves he keeps staring at us yeah he's making love in it comment below what you think we should do to impress him you
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 4,976,204
Rating: 4.8913789 out of 5
Keywords: we, crashed, zoom, real, school, classes, hacking, in, bad, idea, rebecca, zamolo, rebecca zamolo, maddie, halloween, hacks, teacher, zoom class, school classes, matt and rebecca, rebecca maddie, challenge, challenges, unspeakable, how to, win, among us, the royalty family, official, assistant, rebecca maddie challenges, twin telepathy, fgteev, piggy, roblox, escape, infected, sofie dossi, royalty family, bad idea, zamfam, brent rivera, ben azelart, faze rug, last to leave, azzyland, 2020, vlog, new
Id: LcboDj6be24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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