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oh ben what are you doing in the ice cream sundae bowl i wish i knew all right so basically i'm gonna ask you some hard questions okay so every question that you can't answer lexi and dom here are going to pour an ice cream topping on top of you oh pounds of ice cream whipped cream chocolate sauce cherries and sprinkles oh wow who is your least favorite member of the group look at me i can't answer that pour the ice cream who actually broke up with who uh what the hell what what the frick so out of the whole group whose youtube videos are the worst friends you know what that means i can't see it last question what is my sister's worst personality trait i'm about to get [Laughter] not bad not bad pretty good all right so i'm here with some of the squad i hope you guys are hungry because i order pizza okay is that cool i feel like there's a catch yeah why are you being so nice right now oh wait i think the pizza's here let's go let's go doesn't he usually knock on the door yeah i don't know where is it what is going on i had a piece of delivery oh yeah guys order people yes thank you very much what just happened now that's hot and ready it's still warm three two one go why does it seem like something ben would do oh my god everyone is staring at him oh my god so our friend ben just recently got a brand new house little does he know we are about to throw a big rager in his house he's gonna be mad yeah he is yo ben hey is it cool if me and jeremy and a couple friends come over okay cool cool all right i'll see you there okay all right all right looks like we're about to have a really sick pool party oh yeah here we go you guys look like you're ready for a pool party yeah yeah yeah we just got like a few friends coming [Applause] you said a few other yeah yeah yeah exactly thank you so much why is there a horse in my house let's have some fun this is outrageous i don't even know half these people you said it was okay actually i don't know any of them all right everyone get out please everyone out everyone out everyone out sorry guys i mean the girls can stay right all right so i am here with jj hi my friend jeremy has a little crush on you do you have a crush on him so we have someone next to you she came all the way from mexico to see you mexico open your eyes oh my god bro you told me that you guys were supposed to go on a date and that date never happened so i am here today to make that date happen oh my god there's so many sparks in this room right now dave armosa what does that mean you look really pretty oh look at how cute these guys are did you invite him i feel like the only dates i go on are the ones that i third wheel oh what did you guys think of your first date that was it was good all right to end the night i feel like maybe ximena you give him a kiss on the cheek cheeks all right so i have gathered all of you here today because we have a very special guest i have a world champion kung fu master coming to challenge all of you guys all right well kane you want to come out this is a joke you said this is the champion trust me he can whoop all your butts oh my gosh um so i have a question for you guys who wants to challenge him first i'm feeling pretty confident because he doesn't know i'm about to do the uh little sneak attack oh what happened where am i all right come on oh see what you got alan you heard him are you good are you okay i think it's my turn to challenge him okay i'm kind of scared here we go all right so what did we learn here today stick to youtube so if you guys don't know my editor mark who's also been my friend literally since middle school has a dog named tokyo he loves her more than anything however this past month he hasn't been able to see her as much because the place he's living at right now doesn't allow any dog so he only sees her about once a week because she's living with a friend 45 minutes away so today i want to surprise him with tokyo and i also want to give him five thousand dollars to help him get a brand new place so he can live with his dog tokyo finally we love you mark love you let's go so obviously a lot of the footage doesn't make it in the video do you have any unreleased juicy footage that they would love to see i have some dirty stuff guys dirty stuff actually i have my laptop right here okay no no no no we don't wanna okay how about this four thousand likes and we'll do it okay guys like it up so you have a dog right yeah tokyo okay well i know recently this last month you haven't been able to see her as much right and you miss her right yeah so much okay well we have a little surprise for you jeremy where are you at oh my god i know she's not allowed where you live right now so we want to surprise you with something i know you're saving up i want to give you five thousand dollars to help you get a new place so you can finally live with tokyo and yeah yeah i really it's been so hard the last like like month without her yeah oh my god yeah for real yeah tokyo get your butt out of mark's face that was the best friend to have also have a friend like friends get yourself an editor like mike it's literally a lifesaver like this is getting me out of the biggest hole i've ever been there okay good dinner's on mark tonight let's go get some food hey 400 000 likes and mark here is going to release that juicy footage of you and pearson who said it was of me and pierson hey i've seen it i've seen it all right hey shout out goes alina if you want to be next week shout out just like this video comment down below done and i will see you guys next week audio
Channel: Brent Rivera
Views: 4,125,931
Rating: 4.9771051 out of 5
Id: a5nS4bBA1dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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