Girlfriend Losing Interest and Pulling Away

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I'm Chris kam well and in this video I'm gonna talk about when your girlfriend loses interest in you and she pulls away now you have to expect this to happen at some point in time look at the celebrities look at the athletes out there Brad Pitt Johnny Depp Leonardo DiCaprio all great looking guys super rich get very attractive girlfriends but what happens they all have relationship problems they all break up with girlfriends girlfriends leave them they get divorced in this world we all struggle to keep a woman interested in us now when you're trying to keep your girlfriend interested in you and to stop her pulling away you're really up against a difficult task here because you have to understand that in the normal cycle of a relationship it's very difficult and it's almost impossible to sustain attraction all the time the only way that you can sustain attraction all the time is by not being too available and not being with your girlfriend every minute of every day when I see guys who have problems keeping their girlfriends interested in them it's usually because they've moved into a new apartment together or they moved into a house there now cohabiting a residence or they're spending every minute of every day together they're studying together they're working together they're going to the gym together they're hanging out together their friends are the same friends and they don't have any space and this is all very good for the first couple months it's very intense it's beautiful you can have a great time wonderful sex everything's very passionate but then after a couple of months the intensity fades because there is no way that the human brain can sustain the same level of intensity you can't sustain it over a long period of time your body will naturally go back to its baseline level and they say when two people are in love they take the brain scans of the person who's in love and the brain scan of somebody who's on cocaine or heroin and the same parts of the brain are lit up it's exactly the same feeling you're on a high Europe in this intense place and you cannot keep that going over time because your brain and the chemistry will go back to its baseline level so understand this it's very normal for the feelings to fade if you don't handle things the right way to keep a woman interested in you you need to pull away yourself and allow her to pull away and to respect the space because remember attraction grows in space one of the big problems I faced as a relationship consultant day in day out is just dealing with men who have no awareness of what's going on and women don't have any awareness to and this is a big problem at and I blame society here because the education system in the West and all over the world quite frankly is in a terrible situation because they teach you things like English they teach you science geography physics biology chemistry art music which is all great if you want to go down those particular paths in life but what happens to the big three important things in your life nobody teaches you about the big three and the big three are relationships health and finance how to take care of your relationships how to take care of your money and how to take care of your health and look after yourself in school and in our education systems people really don't talk about this too much and it's a shame because it basically puts guys at a huge disadvantage when it comes to dealing with women women on the other hand they discuss relationships all the time with their friends since they're little girls running around in the kindergarten they're talking about relationships they're talking about how somebody's reacting the emotions they're feeling and they're much more in tune with what's going on so a woman is lightyears ahead of a man when it comes to understanding the relationship and she can quite simply run rings around a guy who was clueless because most guys have focused on one thing they're interested in and then all of a sudden it hits them oh I want a girlfriend and now they're suddenly new to this game and they don't know what's going on whereas a girlfriend she's been doing this for a long time even before she was dating she understands emotions and relationships I had one very good friend of mine who always got dumped by his girlfriends and this was quite simply because he believed in true love he believed in the Disney romance we are all raised in the West to watch Disney movies and we see the prince on the white horse he comes along and he gives a ring to his princess and they live happily ever after and that is how it then to be and this is what society teaches us we get our education on relationships nowadays from Disney and from romantic movies and from love songs and from our friends and our parents who really don't have any idea about how to keep a woman attracted and how to keep a woman interested in you even women themselves will tell you you need to buy flowers you need to buy rings you need to take care of the girl and to look after her and make her feel special and wanted but when you do that and when you take a woman's advice it's probably the worst thing you can do because you really need to understand what keeps a woman attracted and if your girlfriend is losing interest in you she's pulling away from you this means that you've done something to lower her attraction levels or she's testing you and she's pulling away just to see how you're going to react in this situation are you going to chase her are you gonna go crazy are you gonna become unstable if that happens and she's gonna walk away you will lower her attraction for you on the other hand if you give her a couple of days space and then reach out to her two three four days later she will be in an uncertain and anxious state which as research has found will make a woman more attracted to you if she's in this state she might be angry she might be upset that you didn't reach out to her straight away but she's going to be more attracted and also if your girlfriend tells you to spend more time with her to show her more care more love more affection and you should do this and behave in this certain way and you do it you make a mistake of doing it you will also lower her attraction for you so you need to understand how to deal with women and quite simply the best way I found to deal with a woman is to be in a state of indifference now I'm currently dating my girlfriend who's very beautiful she's a lovely girl but if I didn't know how to deal with women she would have discarded me a long time ago and I would have had my heart broken because she pulled away from me so many times she was so inconsistent her emotions were up and down but I always displayed a state of indifference you can leave or you can stay ok she's beautiful and that's nice to have her around and she's a sweet girl but if she walks out of my life unfortunately she doesn't watch my videos but if she walked out of my life it's not gonna break my heart be upset a little bit I might be down for a couple of days but in the grand scheme of things I know I'll be fine I have an abundance mentality I know it's easy to find women it's very easy to meet them and you can find love again or you can find a woman to take care of you and to be with an Turner to you and to have fun with but at the same time you have to always be in this indifferent state being in an indifferent state is the most powerful strategy I've seen for keeping a girl interested because it really doesn't matter what she does she can't shake you you're a rock you're stable you're solid if she's happy you're there if she's upset you're still there and you don't care what the outcome is you're not fixated on the outcome is she going to leave is she gonna pull away a lot of men 95 percent of men I would say will freak out when their girlfriend pulls away when she loses interest they'll start to panic they'll censor drifting away and they will get nervous and anxious and they've invested so much into the goal and they're just terrified of losing her this is a huge mistake if you invest all your emotions and care and love into one girl and you see her as your source of happiness when she eventually pulls away from you and she will then it's gonna put you in a very difficult situation you have to ask yourself what are women attracted to in men women are attracted to strength freedom masculinity independence the ability to provide to do your own thing and to not get rattled and to be strong emotionally the physical side of it isn't so important you don't need to have huge muscles and be a huge guy although it helps be in great shape because this indicates you're healthy and your genes are strong too but underneath you need to be emotionally strong mentally strong if you can be that way then it's gonna turn a woman on a lot and she's gonna see you as her rock because a woman is beautiful she looks pretty but she doesn't want another beautiful man she wants a strong independent powerful man to be with so this is something to consider when you're dating your girlfriend you need to know how you're acting are you being weak are you being insecure are you being anxious in a relationship do you care more about the relationship than her if you're in that state that's a bad place to be you don't want to be caring more about the relationship and your girlfriend if you care more about the relationship than huh then it's got to turn her off and she's gonna walk away and find a man who can be her rock and who can be solid and stable and who won't get rattled when she's emotional and women always get emotional they always pull away and then they come back you just need to understand that losing interest is normal and it doesn't last forever her interest might be down now but it can go back up sky-high if you handle things the right way remember it's how you react determines the way you get her back so if you react the right way your girlfriend will come back to you even more attracted and she'll be really into you so you just need to pull back let her go away she's losing interest let her go away and come back when she's ready and if you want more solid advice on how to get your girlfriend back and you need a solid game plan please go to my website and check out my guide and my articles they have all the information you need to get your girlfriend back and to keep her and if you want any help with a specific relationship problem I do Skype or email consultation and if you just want to get in touch shoot me an email I love to hear from you guys talk soon
Channel: Develop Attraction
Views: 321,077
Rating: 4.9188066 out of 5
Keywords: develop attraction, chris canwell, girlfriend losing interest, girlfriend pulling away, get girlfriend back
Id: rb9jGvRUdJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2016
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