Never Before Seen Original Pilot | Graveyard Carz

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worst car I've ever took on in my entire career graveyard Carz in five junk full watered and twisted three should have been scrapped to their cars bad on February 24th 1971 this 446 back who that was born on July 5th 1980 it was raised breath and left for dead now 30 years after its demise much warmer of the GYC ghouls want to reanimate this long deceased lost and forgotten American legend write a law as mark and crew turn back the clock to 1971 and attempt their greatest undertaking yet on this season of graveyard Carz [Music] graveyard Carz is in the fantasy show it's a reality show it's a reality show about restoring Chrysler muscle cars back to their old condition we make them perfect exactly the way they were the day they left the showroom floor that takes time it takes expertise years of experience quite frankly it takes me the cars that I restore on graveyard Carz they're dead I don't do cars that need a paint job I don't do cars that need a little fluff on the interior in some cases they've been on fire they've been hit by a train and been sideswiped they've been very burned blasted we crushed better cars than these I'll be using equipment you've never seen in any other television show we use a frame rack that has the collective ability between three towers are pulling 30 tons it gets split your skull open reality television is no longer real you are not going to completely restore an automobile in seven days regardless of the size of the crew it's not going to look the way you want it to in a week from that every piece of material that you put on that car takes time to cure if it was a thousand degrees maybe you're working on the Sun you know but here on earth it actually takes a lot longer than that for septic cure I don't have a magic wand I can wave over it I have these two meat hooks which I've been told are like Vienna sausages at the end of my hands this is reality television I have four guys that work alongside me they may not be the brightest bulb on the string but they're good workers and they're cheap when I'm finished working on a car I won't set any time records on it but you can bet one thing it'll be the best there is [Music] welcome to the Mopar mausoleum most of these cars are parts cars there are a few of them that are getting restored like this charger but the challengers that you see here will donate body parts and pieces and nuts and bolts and fasteners that are imperative to restore the cars that we're working on a lot of this stuff just isn't made anymore I mean we can get new reproduction vendors but you can't go in and you can't get a reproduction wiper motor you can't get the correct nuts and the bolts that fasten all those pieces together I will come out here like Frankenstein did for his monster and grab body parts and pieces clean him up recondition them and put them on the cars that were working on inside currently we're working on several cars from my best client up in Canada Larry we're working on three cars that he has inside the shop and we'll about three more out here that are ready to go through plus two more up in Alberta and we're of course finishing the world-famous 71 CUDA 440 six-pack four-speed 354 Dana one of a hundred and eight ever made well hello there I suppose some of you are wondering what an OE restoration is so I commissioned my graveyard ghouls to prepare this short educational film please enjoy [Music] [Applause] from the earliest horse-drawn buggies who Henry Ford's affordable mass-produced Model T man has sought the most efficient mode of transportation at first a mere means of conveyance it didn't take long for the automobile to become available to everyone and the age of customizing was born from chop to dropped space to race and from mild to wild the automobile has taken many forms by the late 1930s the need for speed was quickly transforming the automobile in the 1950s the term hotrod was officially coined and with the drive-in generation nurturing this trend hot rods became as popular as reading glasses for chihuahuas hmm well let's just say they were very popular by the mid 1960s street racing had become so popular that even the car manufacturers got involved this was the dawn of the muscle car era in 1971 and what most consider the muscle cars pinnacle year Chrysler fused the legendary 426 Hemi with a compact and sure-footed Plymouth Barracuda now nearly forty years later the 1971 CUDA is on record as the most valuable muscle car to date by 1972 in response to an unexplainable increase in teen accidents rising fuel costs and the affordable insurance Detroit heeded the signs of the times and laid to rest the muscle car forever recently automobile enthusiasts have raised the bar once again with the introduction of original equipment or Oh II restoration they believe duplicating a car to original factory specifications stands as a symbol to our automotive heritage and the technology of yesteryear date coated parts are documented rivets and welds placed exactly even assembly line markings and paint jobs are recreated all for a car to look as though it just rolled off the assembly line the manufacturer had a protocol that each car met prior to being shipped this is the exact condition an OE car must achieve [Applause] it is this attention to detail that has given graveyard Carz international recognition as a leader in Mopar restoration the red 610 coordinates supposed to be done February 1st masses tomorrow that might make it coronet was the first Dodge to receive the optional rodent track or r/t performance package the 440 Magnum and legendary Hemi Coronet artis ruled the streets and dominated the drag strips until their demise in 1970 today they stand as a monumental reminder to the phrase win on Sunday sell on Monday today's prices on the famous coronet r/t run the gamut with some models recently changing hands for as much as seven figures I bought the 69 coronet r/t out of Cottage Grove when the car was up in Alaska it got in an accident where it hit a moose and it ripped the left front apron pretty high on it so we ended up having to replace the left front inner structure on the front end of the car I had a 68 coronet r/t donor that I used the front end of structure off of for that car but we retained the original VIN numbers in the upper tie bar Fernando did a lot of bodywork on it but it's a nice big that look too much work and it was a nightmare this car should have took about six months to a year to do but what happened was after we bought it my guy in Canada Larry my friend now started getting interested in other cars and every time we'd start working on the Coronet he'd buy another car and put ahead of it we had other cars we had a challenger we had to get there we had a charger we had to get done the GT exit we had to get done when we got serious back on the car about six months ago Larry said let's get that car wrapped up has been apart too long there was times it's at four months we were about three and a half four months into that which was really about two months to three months with a work left when I helped him strike a deal to trade it for a 70 Dodge Challenger r/t 440 six pack mark blame it on Larry yes it Larry pulled the plug on the funding of the car well the time line got shaved considerably it went from having two to three months left to heaven two to three weeks left on car was not gonna be finished and completed in time it was very tight very tight yeah was a setback we were really scrambling to get that car done on time and meet the deadline you know my worst fear was when we started making the Bulls on it that the quarter panels were just gonna rip off the car that the roof was gonna pull away from the eight pillars at the firewall wasn't going to walk out so it was important other than Fernando and myself were the only ones that have actually done the framing the body worked before so it was real important to get everybody together on the same page of the book find out exactly where we're gonna make our poles and how we're gonna make our poles okay you see the crease it's just like your nose right on the side actually it looks pretty much actually doesn't have to agree with you on that one we can't start cutting off old sheet metal with the intention of replacing it while the car is still twisted so was this car fog light card not B's at 71 was an optional Vasudha beep showing up for the camera no I'm just talking to you everybody out there already knows that so it's very important to make those poles in the right areas so that we can have a square car when we start welding it back together again how does a car recommend that type of stuff I don't care what our car recommends oh really truthfully well I don't think there's no data they put sleeves in there they just tell you specifically how to do it like in that case I'm pretty sure that's how they would do it like Joe said he rides on marks coattails whatever mark says is good and he will suck up to mark and say the same thing that Mark just said so mark loves it Joe doesn't argue with him joe is a good restoration technician on his way to being a great restoration technician if if I told Joe to do something joe do it but he might come up to me and say hey listen Don definitely looking in the book and it's not bright definitely uses a 29 1956 radiator you can tell us I playing that bit whatever mark says and goes Joe goes long list F is equal 40 genes are you talking while I'm talking why you musta see I just said see I said dude why would I did see and I'm just sit back there but he is a suck-up of all the people in the shop that tend to argue with me the most it's hands down Darren he is without a doubt and this isn't just me saying it the single most annoying man that God ever created in the history of humanity and I know that sounds like an incredibly large overstatement babe it's not I'd her hole hardly agree with him on trying to save a lot of ease panels let me get a splice elected a what there was to make if you got seven eight to the quarter or or 100 percent of the quarter on there to me when you begin to lose original parts off the car you begin to lose its value you take off both quarters gonna be replaced five percent you thought about saving the right quarter panel I I don't see it I don't care if I have to pay Fernando 60 hours to fix a chunk of metal on the quarter panel that big it's worth it in the end value of the car versus replacing it with a brand-new panel I'd rather have with it was a good piece in there than taking another piece of try to straighten put it back on the car myself what's been cut off it's been cut off quarter panel only original one time well I like it it started boo hence and thought play around I'm sorry I like a place right now I can't understand him Fernando is difficult to understand [Laughter] they jump it up and hidden you win [Music] Fernando has worked with me for over 20 years he is one of the best technicians I've ever worked with he can do you frame and unibody like nobody else can do it he doesn't speak any kind of a vocabulary of any sort he makes noises and so I worked together with him on the noises and try to figure out what they mean Nando you need anything come over up the foot or no you good okay so what I just asked him very simple would you like some help putting the door on the port truck and he said no it's fine so you know to the naysayers that say this car is impossible to restore you know I can't argue with them until I've actually done it I think that will end up saving about half the floor all the firewall will save the roof the sail panels down as far as we can get them will probably miss things obviously in bad shape till I can actually put my seal on it and say that I'm done and this is done the way Mark Worman at graveyard Carz would do it why don't you don't think you could fix this just 71 CUDA is about as bad as I've ever built there's a lot of dissent Nando thinks his junk yeah can't wait to go on it you told me earlier is all gonna fall apart Nando you didn't say that right yes she did Dez the reason why do you make stuff up I didn't ask is he said it Don no he said it look meaning out without smiling and say it's the truth the truth to waste no no like a pool cuz you're lying that's all ya know did you say that this car will be restored back to OE using as much original sheet metal as humanly possible I just started writing a list of what I think the body parts that we're gonna have to replace they're gonna be and do anything and just really who's doing that who's saying that oh hi we're down here royal and I grew up together even back at 12 years old he still needed his space always needed a space what do you do you don't do anything he doesn't go to school he dropped out he sits around all day why would he need more space I don't he's a pretty knowledgeable Mopar guy I've taught him everything he knows he drives a 67 Coronet r/t 440 automatic car that I helped him restore a few years ago won a couple of best-in-show paint jobs and that's probably because I painted it nice really make fun of Royals head bro has no hair on his head he calls in chrome dome and they explain another helmet all the time and here I'll turn the light off over there there's no light over there just towards a royals head with no hair it just shines sure we're training personnel would what's up every room he gets correct if you can get all you do [Music] absolutely there's a shine in here I wonder what that is guy with the built-in football helmet you know I don't consider it an insult I consider it helping people recognize shortcomings that they have that maybe somebody else is too politically correct to point out to him like royal being bald and I bring that up in kind of a humorous fashion so I'm you know I don't want to hurt his feelings so I'll make a comparison to a football helmet workers in Seoul Camilla a daily basis most part of who use if a person looks like an animal or is follically challenged I don't know is it bad to point that out to them they have a great look at the dolphin I brought up a picture of Flickr today coming up out of the water with his mouth open like Dex I told you look like a dolphin absolutely you put a shirt or hear it you put a picture of Darren here and you ask yourself have you ever seen those two identities at the same place at the same time answer's no you know it was funny at the time and I think Darren got a kick out of it later says why he called me a dolphin so I brought up a picture you know a flipper and it seems to me that there's a lot of there's a strong likeness between flipper and Aaron I've discussed that with my wife other people they just don't see the resemblance I don't see the resemblance I look at him and I don't see platform it no oil super robust I see mark is more like flipper to me is Mark a bigger nose you can almost rest a cup of coffee on there if you sit him down it kind of goes out pairing down yeah I make flipper sounds sure no I cannot communicate with dolphins or the dead or anything no and the more surgeries Darren has the more he looks like a dolphin he's had a hundred surgeries has he ever thought about maybe you know D dolphining to me pretty soon we're gonna be throwing him in a pool and charging admission I don't float well how's your bone density and I really don't like water that well from the time Larry pulled the trigger on the car deal I had two weeks to get the car done in reality there was about six weeks or the work left on it so here we have this car completely painted by our painter but apart we're flying along thinking everything's great and it isn't until we started bolting the car together that we notice none of the panel's match to each other you really can't put all the pieces together you can't put the seats in and you can't put the interior that I mean basically everything I mean if you're gonna have to repaint it again mark was a little stressed I knew that that was going to set us back anywhere from three days to week when the cars going in two weeks and every day is planned out three days is a long time but we were certainly under the gun probably more so on that play than I've been on any note at all I had doubts whether we've naked for the corner and I really did [Music] when I hung the door on the Coronet just exactly happened what I didn't want to happen the colors didn't match he didn't put enough coverage on the body and he did put enough on the doors so when we hung all the sheet metal on it this looked orange and this look red which it's exactly what I asked him not to do we put the doors on the fenders on and you you're looking at it as a whole picture and you can clearly see then we have the red car and an orange car to properly do one of these cars body and paint it's it takes time time for the bondo to cure properly for the primers to cure properly but when those products cure they shrink if we were to force this thing all the primer all the bondo all the paint all the base and all the clear in just a couple of days six months from now it would be all sucked back and hazed over it looks like you know a mass production to paint the problem that some of those shows is the camera hides everything so when the cameras dive around these cars they look like a sheet of glass I don't know maybe they got magic paint maybe they got the paint from the same place Jack got his Beanstalk things I don't know all I know is mine takes a lot longer to cure has this been looks like this has been painted before vanilla ass you know exactly why - why not everything's a setup for the camera yeah I thought I set him up a little bit so if you do paint the panels off the car two different times you supposedly if you put the same number of coaches gonna match as long as it's covered whatever that decision is so what I do is I take the paint and I get a spray out card which is black and white checkerboard hold it up to the Sun and see how many coats of paint actually takes to cover it that's the real answer if it's 10 coats is 10 coats it's not magic paint it doesn't have a brain of its own said oh we should match because market want it that way it would have been a lot faster if that thing had man yeah I mean it's actually back quite a bit because you have to be prep everything it's a pretty color when it's all done just a beautiful color if somebody orders it from the factory let's say they go into Dodge and they order the car now I want to point out but I want it all red well that'd still be a factory car and not custom custom is something that's done after the manufacturer is completely done with yeah so yeah if you order from the factory cuz welcome to the factory in 1970 and say I want a pink CUDA 440 4 speed with white interior and a white stripe on it and as crazy as that sounds today that is a factory car it's also a very rare car the paint code was FM 3 Foxtrot Michael 3 you gotta give him credit you know he he knows more about this stuff than I do and they say pink cars are the lowest demographic made except in the aar in the TA they actually made quite a few of those but you don't know if this car was specially ordered like this or just came like this can you actually work are you talking to what I just you see kind of walking around over there what I consider Mark to be a motivator of people no not really no doesn't seem to work on me okay we're about done here yeah cuz I think that I gotta have this scene in the bus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Rain Man make sure you get that 71 Barracuda up on that hoist for me though Donna [Music] [Music] so what we're getting ready to do is set up the Genesis measuring system it's an electronic measuring system it uses these little scanner bars what I'm gonna do is we're gonna measure this car which is a 71 Barracuda 318 so we can take the measurements from this car that we know or write or factory and use them on our other car over there the 71 six count car okay so what we're going to do now is lower the car down so that the scanner can actually read these targets we don't have targets long enough to hang that low and what it's going to do well it's up I'll show you is this going to take this light beam and with the computer it's going to measure the amount of time it takes to get from the middle of this to here then from there over to there the longer it takes the further they are away from each other so it in essence it's going to build this square that we call a torque box a torque box is an imaginary set of points on a car that we established to be a beginning point for pulling so a torque box oftentimes is for points that make up a square that the measuring system can recognize his good established solid starting point because if a car is all watered up like this it's hard to hang targets somewhere and if you get hanging they would be members that we send back to the computer so you have to get the car Square and flat in a good torque box before you start making the poles and before you start measuring out the rest of the new body on it most guys who have ever restored a car I'll tell you half the fun is the hunt so ever since I was a kid and I would round up a car and make a deal on it I always would take my time after getting the car and figure out where was it sold new who owned it where's the motor if it's gone where's the transmission if it's gone today it's not just about the fun of it but can also add to the value of the car so if I were to take my 71 CUDA and go out and find the original motor and the original transmission then that could add to the value of the car normally I have a nice little notebook that I work with but because of the show because my eyes aren't what they were a mere 20 years ago I kind of built this board which I like to call the murder board I can go back and reflect on what I know what I'm still looking for and I can do all that at a glance I know from the original fender tag that the car was built on February 24th 1971 it was built in ham track Michigan the VIN tells you that I also know that it was wrecked on July 5th 1980 and that was the last time the car was ever on the road when I talked with Jerry the young guy back then that wrecked the car on July 5th 1980 the way he described it was he had ran into some buddies at his and another town when he was over getting refreshments and on the way back they were driving a Ford f-150 pickup an older one 370 s and he was driving the CUDA and they were playing leapfrog like we always did his kids you know hopping back and forth in front of each other the truck was in front the CUDA was behind as they came out of a corner they come out of the corner the CUDA went out around the Ford truck to get in front of it got on the soft shoulder overcompensated spun around in front of the truck the truck went past as the truck went past he remembers looking at the guy in the passenger seat of the truck with pretty big eyes as he went backwards into embankment crushing the left quarter shot it across the street to the other embankment and bounced it back into the middle of the road where it came to rest with no axle underneath it Jerry told me that up into two years ago the gouges in the blacktop were still there before the highway department repaved it I spent a great deal of time making phone calls to different people involved in the ownership or knowledge of this car and finally after multiple phone calls to Jack which he netted me nothing many many phone calls to Jerry which I did actually have a chance to physically talk to I finally got hold of Craig her ESCO a great guy heart of gold and wanted to talk about them is there any way for tomorrow about like 10 in the morning we'd have the room set up and ready to go might take 20 minutes oh that's wonderful I'm sitting here with Craig Carrasco gonna go over some questions Craig used to own the car when did you first hear about the cadet I had a girlfriend at that time she told me about this 71 CUDA here in Springfield I went over and looked at it and it was just beautiful shape the only thing that was missing was the engine so this is our orange 71 that was the iron 74 the body was great beautiful I think I paid five hundred dollars but yeah if you add some zeros to that you pretty close to what we paid - yeah not bad you put the motor in it made it run and drive was the transmission in it yes so so it was the original transmission that time body-wise did you had anything to put on there was a lunch luggage rack that was on the 70 CUDA and I took it off and put it on that car you install that how long did it take you to sell the car four to six months it sat there alongside highway 99 right outside of the room and I had one collar on it yeah that wouldn't be a problem today if you had a chance again to own a car just like that is that what you would choose of your muscle car dreams yep just got it out yep there's CUDA when I first laid eyes on it I knew it was something special a few people knew later what it was what it was yeah I didn't realize what it was when I you didn't know it was one of a hundred and eight cars ever built when did you hear about the accident they totaled the car I think one of my friends came up and told me and told me where it was sitting it was originally towed to Monroe where they kept the school buses right across from the post office you guys that is a resurrection sure that project I don't know man I couldn't imagine taking on something like that but and good luck with that yeah yeah well you got must have a talent to take on something like that that's great after I met with Craig he agreed to meet us out and jump is on a tour of what he knew were the historical landmarks of the car and he took us out to the area where the car was wrecked because he had heard the urban legend of it - you think we're safe to park here and walk it oh let's do it let's get out and go and so we found the original highway that it was wrecked on we found the old sheriff Carnahan's place and we reenacted how the accident happened and where approximately it would have came to rest in the middle of that highway the way it was described to me he came out of that corner down there playing leapfrog with an old 67 Ford truck he goes out and passes the truck but he gets over into this shoulder and when he starts to get starts to drift down instead of just gently pulling the steering wheel back he just cranked the wheel so he says when he cranked the wheel it came over into this embankment over here with the right quarter in first because the car looped all the way around it would have looped around in front of him come in like this it would have hit the left quarter shot it across the street and he would have ended it like he said all of the facts added up specifically and exactly to the way the guy who wrecked the car and said that it after a little bit of research we've narrowed it down to this stretch of highway because that house right there is where sheriff Carnahan lived when Gary O'Brien wrecked that car so if he if that was true if he was within a 50 or a hundred feet of his driveway he's probably around here with that car setting I mean it's possible that I'm off a few feet but I bet I'm not off much somewhere in this very footprint right here is where that car came to rest part of restoring the car to me is knowing where it started they say what is past is prologue I believe that filling in those gaps is the most important part knowing where the car started life knowing who all owned it and I think anybody who's ever picked up an old antique at an antique store one of the things that's fun is finding out where did it come from who made it where did it spent its life so the find the history the research that's the best thing whatever simulated so far is a timeline of where the car started and where it was wrecked I'm gonna continue to add to the murder board as I go along there's a lot more information I don't have I hope that this is enjoyable to watch as it is for me to fill out I think by the time the car is restored in a year from now this should be pretty much full of black ink and a lot of great numbers [Music] she'd be a lamb fry and go hang this over there in that other target for me what is a lamb fry the car was too narrow so one of the first things is it has to be the exact same torque boxes and as the factory specifications are you just is pushes in supposed to face a certain direction yeah they have to face towards the scanner no we're just gonna be where it is right now yeah yeah I could see where you might not all right turn it around to face the scanner a cheer a miracle it's just crazy I don't never seen anything like that in all my days turning that turret around and face the scanner what scanner scanner sitting right in front of you I think you better start with our width right there and the width on the back is off to it's 439 times two but the problem is until you have the width right these numbers right here because they're too close together could be throwing everything else off so really you kind of almost have to have your height and your width establish so we're just going to get as close as we can then remeasure it just like with a piece of paper if you take a piece of paper and you try to push it together it crinkles and in this case that firewall did that right there and that's what that front crinkle is in there this crinkle right here is just like the paper did it got sure shrimp together so we're gonna have to pull the width out and we're gonna have to pull the height down so it reads the exact same height is the good car then we can start dealing with going opposite directions getting the back pulled out for length getting the roof pushed getting the front end over so it's the first time this door has been open since July 5th 1980 we're gonna see how much luck we have at it that's pretty it did huh actually the door jamb Wow I bet that door could tell a story or two sex I'm pretty good shape this door jambs nice there's a lot of the original hemorrhoids pain with this snatch block in place right here you should be able to pull this rail both this way and down to a point where we'll have the right height for this pin - outstanding going to do it when I'm walking behind it because I like my face torn off I'll always be careful there's no careful you see the half there's nothing in that half so while we had pressure on the firewall that was nice that we could get in there and we could stress relieve the firewall where that increase was we got in there and we worked that around and that pulled out very nicely you could watch it actually from the very front of the car as we were loading it up it looks like everything pulled out actually pretty good the frame rail came down to the height that it's supposed to be at and the pinch weld is exactly where it is on this side we got some of the crinkle out for our first pull is really good it's better than I thought it would be that's kind of worried that it wouldn't move you can see it's actually unwrapped from there a little bit the firewall after the polls were made I have absolutely no doubt I'll be able to save everything I always thought that I could and I was right about that some of the skeptics that roll their eyes and their little huffy puffy things through their lungs were wrong again and it was obvious as it was coming out that there was a bit of jealousy in their faces you could see it if you guys ever caught him you go around the car and you kind of catch him back you'll see that they're hiding a little in the green color of envy does they know I was right mark walks around he walks to this chest way up here and lowers his voice he's almost like that Hell's Kitchen guy whatever his name is Market Market beats people very bad constantly 24 hours a day where there he is right there fool first off you know that says you know he pushed me out something's gonna push out he's not so big they every tentacle I go be growing growing growing and I'm Pinocchio yeah I'm the pink Erik tur from Disneyland whatever I never got to go my dad died when I was 12 but if I had I know that some kind of fairy tale about this doll that tells lies and his nose gets bigger is that what you're saying you're saying every time I tell a lie my nose gets bigger I mad what happened no have you ever seen yours you look like you've been chasing parked cars you know how gay gritty stuff mute mother so I get close to them ear and I can't see my own reflection Jackie the devil hey Tate a problematic acabo coup yep and put up that book what are you laughing about you and all finger job this bully didn't hit him shut your face [Music] tomorrow the Coronet goes away the guy's going to be here from Michigan to get it awesome I come out to do the final wet sand and buff on the hood and there's a dent in it a little bit and we know buddy it just happened on its own you might have heard of it it's like spontaneous combustion absolutely nobody get it no nobody has any idea what I'm talking about all they know is it's there I believe everyone had conceded the car was not going to get finished this just get what we can do done to it and try not to ruin any more things like a night before I've been stressed for a couple weeks a little bit trying to make sure this thing gets done Joe came in on his day off on Sunday and worked on it which was awfully nice Evan I think if it weren't for old Joe this time I wouldn't have made my deadline er Joe's they want to restore it the carpet to crawl together when I've been working on up there linson rents and didn't see any help and then now I'm not saying for mark but it was pushing their very car and they we did it get that it like twelve but I think if we need an extra thing I don't believe this karlie ready on time the marriage gentlemen on that knows the sanded down the gentleman could pull in the parking lot any minute haul it away he's here they have to stay overnight a couple nights or take it unfinished I want you to open up the doors necessary for us to be able to go over there and get that hood set us up with the air ratchet and it are those 96 seats or half inch bolts 690 body ya believe they're 9/16 but think of a point it doesn't matter does it thanks for playing should I or should I not question the knowledge of the great one hey Darren grab that cardboard box and bring it over here I need to clean the bottom of this hood which walk - you talking about mark there's a large flat cardboard box in there you know that in that room right there large cardboard black box you really see a large cardboard black box one guy hold it while the other one washes it no I don't see it the camera people don't see it he said it's in this room large cardboard black box in this room I don't see it nobody sees it [Music] they look black to you does it look good look flat no calamari they like a girl like hey whatever the kid is that is screaming there I don't know what language Nando speaks is not English is not Spanish it's not Spanglish I think he's got his own little language so a little book most the time I just agree with whatever he's saying it seems to work whatever he's because he's usually doesn't talk bad whatever he says I agree with it it seems to work out ok take your time Nando just dumb and Dumberer look at that the markets got a peak inhale a real fancy it's because a thing you know goes his way boils it ridiculously really the more stress more gifts this Dumber we good there's Royals head there it is somebody should put a shift pattern in the top of his head like that we just need a shifty pattern in the top of his head one mark stressed every but I think everybody's dressed hey I'm trying a Joe okay boy somebody's gonna get hit tonight vandals are what I'm gonna authorize a sweep kick here in a minute mark gets a little more verbally challenging if I can help one free realize his disfigurements and he does something about that the world is a little better place [Music] well the kid was wrong not started no yes it is no it's not a nine succeeds oh I was right yeah I want to say that again oh it was fine tuning the deal after you can put together this time for fine-tuning I really didn't do much I planted a few bolts and a few tools did a few things terrorize how many people it's like I normally do I'll never do it one again I'll never do one of these absolutely the misery all it's been is a misery all the way through honestly as much trouble as this car was I think I'll have less actual trouble doing that CUDA then I will do in this one everything on this car is red it's impossible to find the parts for it if you look inside it's got red seatbelts red trim panels red armrest red pads red - red steering wheel everything on the card garnish moldings everything's red which is really pretty when it's done but coming up with all that stuff is almost impossible [Applause] [Music] the guy got here around noon on Saturday and the Challenger that he brought out was in pretty good shape I mean there's a lot of little things on it it's kind of like our cornet there might be some things on it that you do differently if you have a little more time car we got in it really looks good from a distance as you got it close to the car you could see a lot of imperfections a lot of wrong piece and parts on the car wasn't all right car but you're gonna put your name on a car say it this is what it is I mean the guy pretty much wrote you know a small novel online about the car and used all these colorful words you needed like a it's not full restoration it was a lot of detail and not done it's okay it's all right it's fair it's got a huge old swelling coming up through this quarter right here it looks like somebody put a TA antenna on the wrong side of the car there are problems with the black car that I would like to just redo the whole car and it was sold to us as a driver it wasn't sold as a complete beautiful Oh II restoration so there were no surprises there okay so here's the fender tag for it let's see ws 23 l 9 g 1 3 8 ok 1 2 8 WS 23 l 9 g 1 3 8 1 2 it alright so title and finner tag I'll put that in my box and you must have a title and fender tag to that one did they didn't give me nothing for that car in the keys so they might have they might owe the overnight that to you ok ok I'm a little bit out of the loop on the transaction the black challengers here and I think it's probably what Larry is expecting the numbers are all right so I from that standpoint I think he's fine but what was your only reason on titles and fender tags I've got your title and fender tag here but your guy says he didn't get one from you ok okay then I better do the same thing back to you huh hey you'd save him hello he says he just doesn't normally trust his drivers to take the tag in the title when they drive so he said he's gonna FedEx it on Monday but I think I'm gonna go get my fender tag and title back and and FedEx him on Monday - this has been just a nightmare to get done I am so glad that it's going away I couldn't be happier I hate this car I'm grown to actually hate it [Music] this is what I do everybody saying oh you're not gonna make that car you're not gonna make that car done it's not gonna be done by d-day oh I'm sorry two freckles past the hair says it's d-day and it's done so can somebody help me you so the car goes along like this and it hits when he loses control it hits this embankment right here that's where the problem started to happen for him but isn't however mild snarkhampton that's about those go along left quarter panel gets him then it ricochets him according to his words across the street over into the other embankment which is what that made the left-hand corner go up right well okay hi the car center so the left-hand quarter left-hand front apron gets pummeled into it ping pongs it back over to the middle of road where it comes to a complete rest okay now what do we got to do we got to duplicate those poles we got to grab it on the right we do okay you're not gonna pay attention let's get you let's just go start working on let's do that yeah but we're still going to go ahead and walk out the door so we're done right hello let's roll I don't man okay that's good now go to the right I'm over here yeah that's good here we go Darren put your feet together yeah we're gonna go eat that's nice Nick race and all huh
Channel: Graveyard Carz
Views: 563,541
Rating: 4.286272 out of 5
Keywords: Graveyard Carz Graveyard Cars mopar, muscle, reality show velocity discovery restoration, dodge, chrysler, plymouth, challenger, charger, cuda, roadrunner, mopar or no car burnout, muscle cars funny, comedy, the office youtube channel mark worman humor, season, Division, Productions, Original Pilot, Unaired, Season 1
Id: 7l0U3V7Klh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 38sec (3038 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2016
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