Ep.3: Daren Goes Plum Crazy | Graveyard Carz: Season 1

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and then I'll usually leave there we go I'll leave this in loose just until I see what I have down here to deal with I have to go up yeah we learned that the hard way the truth of the matter is when I work with the guys and everybody's working together for the same goal it's actually really good they do a phenomenal job Darren is actually very good at what he does when he's doing it I also have to admit that he's very good at torturing people when that's what he's doing and when he's picking it yin needling that in driving you crazy pushing your buttons doing everything you can to crack yeah I think the easiest thing for me to do is just to cut the rat loose to chase his cheese hopefully it's spoiled by the time he gets to it I don't care so I told there and you know what this is your week you go do whatever it is you want okay you do everything everything in the show everything that's happening in this episode go torture everybody run around I couldn't care less I got cars to work on that's it I'm gonna go do you're gonna stay clear out of everything I'll stay out of everything we'll do whatever you want to do okay where's the duct tape knock yourself out whatever you want to do on your mouth but it's all my show you better get going on it this means I'm the king it's my week to sit upon the throne here at graveyard Carz do things like I think they should be done and don't worry about what Mark thinks so what's happened in the past is a mistake [Music] my name's mark Worman I'm Daren Kirkpatrick and we get paid for dead cars back to life we work with my best friend royal and my son-in-law job we searched far and wide to find how a car was built where it spent its life and how it died after that we bring it back to look exactly the way it did on the day it was born if we don't kill each other [Music] [Music] after driving the CUDA all the way over to Eugene to the dipper there was a slight mix-up because of the CUDA getting buried out in the truck loading dock it set us behind a few days well apparently and we lost our slot and getting a dip so now we're back three or four weeks at the very least so we just brought that car back meanwhile I've still got the 70 Road Runner that I got a phone call from the owner two days ago says he wants it by Christmas Day that's only a few weeks away so we're working hard up put the interior together on that taillights exterior turbine ornamentation plus we still have to get it running and driving all in just a matter of a couple of weeks maybe if that wasn't enough I also have the 71 charger that was supposed to be done by Halloween which was two months ago and back to the owner in Canada on that so yeah I got my hands full you're gonna turn you loose flow you can work free what do i do what do i do what do you want me to do why are we here today I got a toilet that's broken he comes in the other day and something's happened to his toilet out there out and more cola land who knows what it is something happened the toilet so it was no good it wasn't working so he goes down to the local hardware store and he buys another toilet then I get educated on how toilets work I'm doing you this is what I get I'm trying to run a show and I got you running around talking about a broken toilet a little water so I just want to know what you want me to do what do you wanna do okay get old a hardwood Steve Hart what does the gentleman we've known for quite some time he's also a Mopar enthusiast who lives south of us here that has a bunch of cars he's trying to sell us and and/or some parts so you want me to follow up on the Barracuda and the Challenger yeah also I'll show how easy this is this is great it's great this is great see how much may be surprised how 47 minutes you'll never get back see a lot better it is though when I'm doing it we weren't fighting and stuff I got today's already lined out hard to talk with you teeth missing okay we've been trying to find a good number for Stephen unable to get a good number they've all been disconnected or wrong numbers or something but seems like you do a little bit better prepared for this is it a right you want to do it today also you're calling when you want to do it they do this up in a few days you're the one that wants to do this today no idea you did you just said you won are you insane you wanted me to look up the Barracuda you just asked me no you asked me just now you need it you know what you need to check into some kind of loony bin Wow I want to buy those cars you want to buy those cars those are on my list as am i this is my week it's my week we're gonna buy those cars we're gonna buy those cars okay okay fine I make the phone calls nobody answers I'm sorry we shake it make up he has no preparation at all nothing can you sit down please I'm just asking you nice yeah I probably nice but you don't know how how difficult it is to work with you I don't think you know so if you could just let me make this phone I'm easy to get along with yes you are very easy to get along with why do people drink diet coke and then go 8:14 hamburgers so I make maybe two dozen or three dozen unanswered telephone calls to the guy who's selling some cards that were very interested in buying which is on his list to do that day and since we were unable to get hold of the guy unable to drive down and check out the cars what would the most natural selection be to do next Christmas tree shopping heard that sound before hey John so they need to go get a Christmas tree to get it Christmas tree we go get a Christmas tree I mean you like right now is this what Mark said or what's what's the deal well this is what I say me and Mark had a discussion and this is my week to run the shop run graveyard Carz so what I say this week basically goes so I'll just ask you to come along with me and get a Christmas tree it's more important than this right now this is you've had all year to work on this this Roadrunner windshield wiper motor I know I just don't want to get in trouble for I gotta get drilled because this week it's about me no it's about me this fake okay grab your coat cool let's do it [Music] the Christmas tree trip was a lot of fun that's probably a noble right there it's sick that's a pretty one huh yeah there's just a lot of fun to get out of the shop and just come up and try to find a tree and one that we both agreed on and that was a lot of fun of all that one Aldi Monza landmark olace people go looking for a nice three he's got plenty of let's walk down here okay come on down everybody my name is Darrin Gert Patrick got guys in the back back back a short fat leg mark fat and vertically challenged really challenged look at your poor dog oh she's good she's fine okay Maya yeah we like my she could talk what would she say I'm cold and I'm wet oh this is gotta be a good I'm gonna catch pneumonia I'm standing here and I picked out how many trees now well we want to pick out a fir probably right that fir okay Douglas fir that's a pretty good one this one is a good one oh wow did you make the choice okay this is a Douglas fir cute look out of all sides we think what that one yep okay buddy I'll let you cut it ok it's gonna fall on you your pub oh my god Gary look out what you're good in here I'll clear this off Christmas just brings out the best in us doesn't it hope it brings out the best in mark right yeah Josh picked out a really nice tree look a Douglas fir I love the truths that Darrin and I picked out didn't have to hear him picking the round one we took the right somebody call the city and find out if we can get a parade for Darren [Music] you're gonna kill somebody he's crazy [Music] well I found myself all alone today not because I ran them all off but because it's the first snow of the year so around here folks don't know how to drive real well on it I took off from my house at 7:30 this morning in a front-engine rear-wheel-drive Dodge Magnum and got to work in 15 minutes dumb dumber and dumbest that are supposed to be here helping me on the road runner didn't show up at all one of them drives the front-wheel drive the other of to drive four-wheel drives they didn't make it in today which is a blessing because now maybe I can get some work done there are a few companies that want I wanted to take a few minutes and just kind of acclimate everybody with one of my pet peeves at the car shows and that is the reproduction wiring harnesses that are available even the ones that I choose which I think are the very very best still have discrepancies from an original wiring harness so if you were to go to an original equipment car show like Chrysler was a Carlisle you would be knocked down judge point wise for having a reproduction wiring harness if it wasn't undetectable and none of them that I've seen so far are undetectable this is the original forward lamp harness here out of the 1970 Plymouth Road Runner and this is the replica one that I bought the only one that I think is the best on the market looking at the plug ins for the voltage regulator so the one in my right hand is the reproduction the one in my left hand is original you can notice considerable differences between the two one is this is a soft rubber outer casing on it it's a smooth body the original one has this hard shell on it that you'll see ribs ray strips that you don't see here in fact the entire shape is considerably different this part and the inner part looked to be the same it's this outer shell that's the difference so oftentimes what I will do is come on the bottom of it where you can't see it and make a slice in it and take this outer piece off of it take this off put it over the outside so the appearance is the same the only differences are this nut it's hard to get this exact same nut the difference is the appearance of the outside of them if you look at the two this is the original one here this is the reproduction one here this one is both a taller nut as well as a fatter nut from the thread to the outer part and has a thicker appearance to it and this one did not come with a washer on it so what I do is I use the original star-shaped washer from the original one they do reproduce these washers but again they're not identical either so if you have an original keep it this washer will be cleaned up and it also had a yellow zinc chromate look to it so it'll get resent this will get wire wheels since it had a natural finish and a satin clear on it and it will end up on this as a detailed item the only other difference is look very carefully at this bolt that holds one of the relay wires in place there's no cross in it such as you see in this one you get to the big shows these guys spend years building these cars and making it perfect the retainer here and the bolt here are the originals I'll clean them up do the correct plating on them and install them on this new solenoid so at a glance once this is installed in the car you would have a difficult time see in the difference they were calling that forwarded to an automatic voice-message system hey Darren Q please not play the game right now I really need to get hold of you thank you in the beginning I just thought Darren was a little bit neurotic honestly it wasn't until he started playing the game we call it the game around the shop a little bit more frequently that you realize it's actually is some type of a non winnable game like tic-tac-toe I'll keep calling upon the thousand times I don't care for cell phone explodes in a lot of situations part of the game is everybody's getting along fine on Thursday we're happy we go out to dinner everything's fine Friday he quits returning phone calls won't answer the phone doesn't care how many times you call doesn't care what the message is that you leave at his house no matter how important it is he's not answering the phone that's exactly why I can't get anything done exactly why he won't answer the phone he plays the game why there's the key once you figure out the why that all the rest of it'll begin to make sense but the problem is nobody nobody has ever been able to figure out why we have a good friend Maya are on our way to see my chiropractor Jerry Evans he's way too cool to answer any of my undreds of phone calls too cool to answer any of my questions all part of the game but not too cool to grab everybody who works in the film department and take him over to watch him go to the chiropractor and get an adjustment all so he can stand underneath the sign like a kid who just caught us first fish and pointing at it doors a little sticky isn't it all right I'd only are you [Music] you know who it is if I just put my initials on here or not Daren Kirkpatrick okay all right you're gonna have to wait a hundred years okay [Music] let's think about going to the chiropractor there's the candy interferential therapy basically sharks the person and creates endorphins and numbs the pain and helps decrease inflammation when doing marking and hook him up to this wouldn't that be fun and just start at the highest whatever the highest is strap him down and turned up full-bore and see what he does of course it's all for therapy we want to help him that normally screams I think because you're here he's putting under the best behavior but I got afraid that tortured people we doesn't get paid for it but he tortures everyone really yeah it was mark yeah rude isn't it yeah it's me he's very rude actually okay see if we can get this you have to relax now strap bring it down there oh nice that didn't even hurt I heard that the next room didn't even hurt normally he yeah he's really difficult today it was very cooperative I know what's gotten into I've been calling him steady all day long call after call after call after call after call nothing voicemail voicemail voicemail and you know what tomorrow when he shows up I'm not even getting knowledge that I even tried to call he said why do you try to call me I don't care this is week you're gonna kill somebody but better if it dad can you go to my car and go to this one I don't fight with anybody like a deathtrap he's crazy [Music] [Applause] [Music] really is today we're going to assemble the - for the 1970 Plymouth Roadrunner [Music] all of 68 and through December of 69 Chrysler had a problem this was this was an erroneous label that they had put on the temperature gauges so it read wrong they corrected it to assembler nine and so since my Road Runner was at 70 which correct if you had a 68 or an early 69 model with the same - you would have used me fresh guys didn't know that well it's the internet she's trying to get this on there huh Taryn has one job to do put six and that's on the back of it of a - match that's all he's got to do this one's gotta do then it can't do that when the water fell off here's the problem with these glasses anybody has ever bought a pair of glasses from Wall stores the dollar stores this is what you get I spent an hour mingling straight an hour and now I look like some derelict on the side of the road late again look at that it doesn't matter he could take them off [Music] you're going on straight I'm going on straight and that's what you get where you feel look like that crap garbage well I've been getting a ton of pressure from everybody saying that I've been mean to Darren and well you have countless link is not know what the point is and I and I think that I'm just gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna just quit taking your bake because what he does he'll come at me with foolishness when the cameras aren't rolling but when everybody's gone he'll he'll needle me jabbering three or four times and then I'll take the bait but I take it on camera so everybody right said dr. I don't know why you say here and so ma'am he's so sweet he's such a nice guy but he's not well I'm very sweet that's what everybody seems a real [Music] when I hit here the socket was too deep so the nut couldn't get on the threads so I put a little piece of plastic in the bottom of the socket to keep the nut out further so I could get it on the studs for - bet I make you look distinguished you look stupid I look stupid you know what I do I look stupid and Aaron looks actually really good so that's fine well it's glasses make you look hideous I know pitties eggs without repeat that back mark can't see without the are can't see without him that's why mark puts them on then I asked for a nice pair I didn't ask for these you still look stupid I don't work to do just shut up let's rotate this up okay buddy go for it look how it fits Oh wonderful you're hold that for me closer body didn't need me for anything why don't you just use a screwdriver because you lost it you lost it what is it that's why what's wrong here what is wrong with me you fight with everyone I don't fight with anybody my enjoy your fight with Chuck you fight with me fight with Josh you fight with the cameraman mark just lighten up would you see see yeah what if you guys want to lose everything and smash it and break it I wish you would well god each of these contain instead of the original screws that are duplicates so you don't have to use the old rusty ones anymore you don't have you have to go out and paint in black again they're black they're in this kit so here's the chart that tells you number one are still plate molding screws number two windshield molding screws ever number three coat books so what we're looking for here are - screws this is what makes a big difference in your restoring cars a little stuff like this people always put some mismatched screws in there the plating on it's not very good this makes a big difference before I put my gauges in I always want to make sure they work because that's a lot of work that's in the car if you are the other kids in the neighborhood that has 64 packets of crayon that's about where your gas gauge should ride that's Royals gas gauge Darren's Darren's gas gauge Oh Oh daddy I'm low on gas can I get some money sure son there's Darrin's hello my dad your hair's your daddy for getting a bunch of gasoline here 90% of your electrical problems are from just bad connections so when you replace the - if you take these and unplug them and plug them back in a couple of times we'll create a new connection good job of missing a couple of those screws well I didn't do it well why are you making us some great big glory thing should we have a parade for you is that all you wants a parade and can somebody call the city and find out if we can get a parade for Darren anyway there it is Darren you can take the credit for it I I didn't do it mark did all the detail work world we're pretty much assembled it I just came along and found a fault to both I would pick something before after this is sort of the same you know Marcus where's yours like this are you like a pair of Walmart mark is sort of like the thing level you know these match us is interview no that's sort of mark is before time for the after you know what I'm saying just trying to show them what they look like you look nice buddy I don't care this is weird you're gonna kill somebody the better for daddy's going to my car Exeter this one cars these days today [Music] [Music] my name is will Scott I've been painting with Mark since 1997 by graduate high school we'll work for me on and off for about 12 years I taught him how to do the painting basically everything that he knows now is something I've taught I was taught a little bit by mark but most of I just picked up on my own [Music] I was going so fast to get this car done I overlooked the fact that the insides of the door jambs had to be black [Music] today we're gonna be installing the taillights the interior and exterior ornamentation on the 70 Roadrunner I want to buff the taillights so you can put the taillight assemblies together and in the car that's good fun stuff right above my amp Josh did you really acid these that's what the taillights yeah acid stopped working I guess but you're telling me that these have been acid washed these yes these yes I swear to God I could walk up to right here and go like that and it rubs the dirt right off now I'm gonna take him in and I'm gonna wash these with acid then I'm gonna dry them off and I'm gonna show you that they look exactly brand-new because I believe that Josh went in and he attempted to wash these with muriatic acid can anybody see that those look cleaned with muriatic acid the taillight lenses are dusty because they've been sitting on the table for the past week things get dusty in the shop because there's there's bondo dust constantly flying the dust is not settled you walk on the floor here and it's kicking dust everywhere I haven't got a clue why you'd like you know what's interesting about that when they asked Ted Bundy a bunch of questions he answered them all with the right answers but they were lies but because he was a sociopath I think he resumed path for misconstruing me okay so when I take this acid and somebody's gonna follow me and I wash them and they come back and they're clean the acid work today but didn't work yesterday it's magic acid yeah no no no no no it was two days ago two days ago I took them and I put them in the sink and I poured neurotic acid on I'm just like you wanted but I didn't do it the right way but I did it and I'm not lying there's the soft side of this not the hard side of it but when you're done with this I guarantee you know that thing's been cleaning with acid Mark's going crazy because he's always trying to prove somebody wrong to make himself look better but you know it's he's got to be the king so I mean he's gonna come back and he's gonna be oh look he's here lucky here well it worked but you know what I'm gonna say yeah it did the same exact thing whenever I poured acid all over it for did you use the acid straight yes you did great acid yes did you use this acid that's the only asset we have here in the shop you didn't use this acid it's no no okay okay no hole you have to go that far to put somebody up on the stand and prove a point I don't know you feel better yes I do it always makes me feel better complaining about mark yeah [Music] mark promised maybe work on my car all day mark here's my simple no no they don't he's promised it's three o'clock we will get all date you tell you the clock we're eight o'clock don't say fifteen okay no no I just want to happen what do you want to do to that drive it honestly driving you want to drive your car you can't we do it with straight face probably gonna drive a car with no brakes I don't have time to drive to France there's no fuel we're in it there were no doors I don't care this is weak okay I saw others possibility I've got a job we could just tight this back up and go to work under the car doesn't have to go into work and it doesn't have to go into the way it doesn't have to go in today nobody's calling 91 one either I want you to go around to the well I thought you're gonna work on my car once hello next year I've got to put the dash in the car just cut it - no our hands well sighs that's real real nice look better fit daddy's going to my car enter to this one Darren's once again without thinking of the customer or the shop for the team this obsessed with the idea of getting his car running and driving just crazy considering it has no parts on there's no brakes there's no gas tank there's no doors there's no hood no windshield there's no ignition switch there's not even going to be a throttle I'm gonna set the idle up really high and you're driving it let's stop what we're doing for princess and let's go get his car run [Music] so what is your intention exactly like a driving you wanna drive your car Millennials your starter shot pool that's what happens with these rebuilds after they sit [Music] how long you to work at my car about seven or eight seconds to full game it looks really good actually DJ's that have tried the cards each day today my date one of these days and we're trying upside down today to change our pockets this is already a circus act [Music] oh boy thanks mark we didn't get to work on it all day Saturday as promised and nothing's been done thank you very much mark Wow Promises Promises Promises and what got done he blames it on me well guess what I'll just work on it myself [Applause] orcses who got this side type I'm going to believe Oh we'll start this thing up we're gonna throttle return spring on it which is good since bottles not gonna stick on us when you start it we want to make sure it's in neutral when we starting they don't think jumping across the shop [Applause] [Music] we're trying to do is hook up the starter wires which were hooked up before but mysteriously you know they was they grew legs and walked out of the shop Darren went out to work on this car today and get it running he noticed that the positive battery cable was gone immediately he went into some kind of tirade and he started stewing because he thinks that I'm the guy that took it she was thanks a lot bark see what he cost me all the time automatically assuming it was me well you know it's not always me I mean this time it was me but it's not always me I would get away with the burger cuz everyone and everyone that knows mark has motive why they want to take him out goes into a tirade begin stewing and festering twit cause through three hours with the work plus all the frogs the grief the anger you know I'm gonna be counseling for this I'm going to leave counseling call it marques enemy and I don't know if it can help me or not there is no I in team kirsten around the shop telling everybody all the woes and all the times I've departs off this car oh no mr. bigshot thinks he can get away with everything in the world he goes out to the parking lot without even talking to me to be as sure if it wasn't he or not see people horrible will call him names pick up and threaten to beat him up man it's all kind of come to an end gets his own comfort zone in here he feels like he's safe like a dog in the back of their own turf is real tough but out here he's not gonna be so tough I guarantee it waiting like a lion waiting for its prey to show up Mortman does not have an eye energy even the dog in there they said a minute ago doesn't like work that's where the dog rounds of people because of what Mark has done to it like people said I should be running the show she needs my show he should do what I say he's writing around he's Carly the heater on watching TV in his car he watches TV in his car [Music] [Applause] hey Mark how you doing hey no no what you still got Santa sighs man I don't need to hear all this do they I don't know what is it I got a couple bones to pick with you really very upset with you know what well about the starters situation out here mark was telling the starter was bad but Mark was wrong the starter was okay the way Mark had his daughter hooked up what was wrong I don't understand so therefore you're upset because the nut and the little nut the big nut in the little nut were on the starter but the wire wasn't underneath them I took the white borrow the wire months ago first car that had to go yeah and then I replaced it did you put it back on the car no I didn't take it off did you get your car run no does it turn over don't know yet that's not that well why don't you instead of chewing me out for something I didn't even do what what a Judy and I work ever because you took it upon it didn't kill wouldn't take pork chop my uncle I did not physically take that battery cable 20 employees probably learning you run the shop mark I don't think he really understands all the grief because of knowing myself as the people here what about the distributor do you the distributor we had wasn't right for this car it's supposed to be a Presta light dual point distributor does that look like a custom to a point yes or you are I gave you the distributor the first time no you did it oh I most certainly did I walked over to connect so you probably fabricated so I stole earlier I didn't get the one every time there and what parts for this car every time you want sports McCartney wants it back an inch mark mark gosh our hey Mark oh I know what I'll do Mark's too busy to remember anything Paul it's great this way buddy remember that time you stole my engine it's got oil it's got water you hooked up some gas to it via a gas can in the back this was your night no gas tank don't ask me what happened to my gas tank ok hose in there nice and wet not in gear as you can see as it rolls oh hello going to run okay so what are you ready to do here ready start it you're gonna write let's question did you primer it or not yeah [Music] [Applause] sounds good [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is that I asked me to hook the coil up you're free you don't look into a coil while you're cutting just sit there Oh pure miracle it goes on the polymers use a little bit of gas right there yeah we'll go a little bit up and spark it give it a kill somebody's gonna be a big deal a little bit of guests are you see now we got partner sounds good huh I don't think that joke should be slammed shut [Applause] [Music] so what do you think yeah take it outside just like a desktop he's crazy he wants to drive this thing there's no breaks in it there's no ignition no windows no doors no fenders no hood no cooling system [Music] DJ's would have dragged the card B's day today my day [Music] all I got to do is finish tightening the seat bolts you can drop it all you gotta do is finish tight in the seat bolts up we've got our safety feature crazy Jarrett's car has no brakes on the only way to stop it is to disconnect the positive wire going over to the coil and hopes that the compression of the engine stops it before you run somebody over or hurts himself when you start going and you take oh my goodness I should stop now before I get hurt or hurt somebody else you're gonna disconnect well yeah and then just leave the clutch out and the compression will slow it down so I'm gonna leave them right there in the drivers area okay but you guys are gonna be here in case something bad happens right with something you know I mean just hop in put it in neutral I'll start it up know what I mean you guys are gonna not just gonna stand back if something happens right make sure make sure you're in neutral [Music] why'd you do that just want to make sure it works good test I don't want to do something crazy here okay all right buddy it's all right just crank it over again I want to make sure I'd like to smash your face in it's difficult enough to do your foolishness without you disconnecting it and killing the motor the batteries week it's already a circus act is there anything else we want to add to this would you like to juggle the gas tank on the roof beep beep okay put it in here and let the out real slow remember if it goes too fast just pull that wire loose go to the floor bang like that hits the floor I didn't appreciate that at all I didn't know if something can come loose or what so we look down parts missing where's the real a rod that goes from the Z bar to the Toro horse it's on there it's not Nicole hook click this altogether everything was working well you remember I use that for the TA right this is supposed to be my show you put it back though I bought you all the pieces we told you put it back one of these days I'm gonna turn him upside down and shake the chains out of pockets thank you mark this is part of the game we always play isn't it right mr. cameraman stop it don't rough me up now gosh Burnett I think we had a pretty good week all in all they've got a great week I think we had a really good week either even in spite of the fact that you bogarted the camera and the microphone for the entire week paid extra for that you're gonna find that nobody wants to watch you go to the chiropractor but that's okay who is your chose we got a lot of work done on the roadrunner put the taillights in it rear garnish moldings back to interior trim see what else we get done this week with name tags on the rear you put the plymouth name plates on the car crooked so factory holes well yeah but the pieces that you're putting on or aftermarket and that's why they're a little perfect that's why I said you had to haul you a whole little bit to make that a little bit of fine adjustment innit we'll do it yeah so just a food-for-thought down the road anyway I got his car running for him and it ran pretty good didn't drive it didn't get a chance to drive it no a small well said you know I don't want you spinning that around like that's my fault either the missing the missing adjustment rod yeah yeah I took it that I gave it back to you no I did give it back to you and really then you lost it again no you lose everything five minutes ago you bought a v8 juice from Gary mark three minutes after that you were looking for it all on what have you found it yet yeah oh you did finish it off or was it don't even remember everybody mark here from graveyard guards I can't put the top up until you hit subscribe go I'm begging you hit subscribe you
Channel: Graveyard Carz
Views: 67,649
Rating: 4.8280802 out of 5
Keywords: Graveyard Carz, TV Show, Mopar, Chrysler, Dodge, Discovery Channel, MotorTrend, Restoration, Muscle Car, American, The Office, Christine, Mark Worman, Allysa Rose, Will Scott, Daren, Kirkpatrick, Josh Rose
Id: b5_oO4Y3zLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 16sec (2656 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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