Ep.1 - Emma's Car | Graveyard Carz: Season 1

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[Music] the unburied dead are coming back coming back to life my name's mark Worman I'm Daren Kirkpatrick and we get paid to bring dead cars back to life we work with my best friend royal and my son-in-law Josh we searched far and wide to find how a car was built where it spent its life and how it died after that we bring it back to look exactly the way it did on the day was born if we don't kill each other [Music] what's good huh there you go there did you paint see there Joe the end of that screwed up painted orange I don't have a cold I uplift people I lift them up and make them think anything is possible freak I have a question for you what do you know about that I did it I need to paint a nut for the both cover I'm sorry I didn't there so I needed to think enough for the valve cover that worked really great staring visitors know you can use it I'm looking with a lacquer thinner buddy just curious why what does that have to do with painting in that that worked out perfect it's a good holder for it perfect I'd like it with a lacquer thinner is you know where it's out more yeah there's some right inside that door right there right side that doors a 5-gallon can the lacquer thinner thank you buddy why would you do that why would you my name is Mark Worman and I bring dead cars back to life we restore cars to original equipment specs these cars are not customs they're not modified no chopping channeling or aftermarket parts are used to set in motion a cars future we have to dig up its past we're hunting down history we're turning over rocks and we're following urban legends will travel to the ends of the earth to find the right parts for these cars we will get to the bottom of how a car was built where it was built where it's been its life and how it died after that we'll bring it back to exactly the way they were made that day they were built the strength of American Muscle back from the dead like one of the most important things when you're assembling a crew is to make sure that you have the physical ability to beat each person up that works for you either on a one-to-one basis or as a collective group the main guys that work with me Darren royal and Josh of those three I would say that royal has the most hands-on experience between mark and Darren and I there's about 60 90 years of experience people with doing this since we were kids Darren is a mile wide and an inch deep I'm really not the hands-on type guy that really good does goes out and fix them repairs and puts them together he knows a little about a lot if I got more knowledge yes and actually hands-on which can make him dangerous but it can also make them very helpful I've seen other people do it so I can act like I'm gonna do it and tell them how to do it I'd be a good boss royal is very detail-oriented so I can rely on him to put the power brake system together crawl under the dash make sure that all the wires appear that they're the way they're supposed to appear the OE stuff is a little anal to me but he will have to come to me for the actual color codes finishes the correct bolts mark knows all the codes and the options are things like that josh is learning but is learning fast and doing a good job I really don't know all that much about early restoration and like I said I'm slowly slowly learning he does lose things from time to time which is going to get us kicked inside out but but I probably won't kick it in right now I'm gonna kick it in later I think that there's a certain amount of respect that if they know maybe one day you're gonna walk out you're gonna punch them in their Adam's apple we're gonna yank their ear off their head and hand it back to them with a can of Krazy Glue I think what you'll end up getting out of that group is a little more attention when you speak fears good here's good if it is not there I will get out of this car and I will pour my wrath out on everybody here you know you're lucky I'll throw you in there just shut the trunk there would be nothing better to give your granddaughter in our 16th birthday than a pink Mopar muscle car [Music] well currently we're working on four cars in the shop and the 71 CUDA out in the graveyard in the body shop on the rotisserie is a 1970 Dodge Challenger 440 automatic factory sunroof car next did is the 1971 Plymouth CUDA 340 four-speed over in the final assembly base our two cars 1971 Dodge Charger r/t factory 446 becsher woodgrain and next it a 1970 Plymouth Roadrunner in violet purple all numbers matching so today I want to finish assembling the dashboard for the green 71 Charger r/t and get it installed so if I can just finish buttoning up all the under dash stuff we can set the dashboard in it and we'll actually move on to the next part of the car so this set clevis pin that goes right in here I had one just curious do you remember when I asked you to put that clevis pin somewhere safe so we'd have it I really wish I could a clevis pin takes the place of a bolt in the application where something needs to be fastened together and yet it rotates I told you specifically that we needed it and to put it somewhere we'd be able to find it instead of at the bottom of the vacuum cleaner when you vacuum the car out nope have you checked the bottom of the back you say good point good point you know I can't hit the size enough following direction how important is it is buddy it's not actually worse that yeah I'll take one for the team I probably we just want to take one for the team you you're the one the team's taking one for you right now because you actually were supposed to put it somewhere safe and I just wondering if all y'all chose not to on purpose or if you just got busy so has anybody seen the clevis pin that came out of the power brake booster for the 71 charger it would be the one that I specifically asked Josh to put somewhere really safe because we probably didn't have another one he kicks me down and beats me down but if that's what he needs to make himself feel better we're already over everything so it's fine is anybody seen a little thing like even a baggie or something that he would have put the clevis pin into who's he god no just doesn't matter who he is if I'm just looking for the clevis pin just pretend okay mark you know it doesn't matter it may he anybody you want now that you've visualized that person whoever he is do you know where he might have put the clevis pin you can get that in later can't you you're in there trying to balance a flashlight all the way up inside of a - like this and put a pin through a hole that you can't even see because your eyes aren't focused well it's you know what because of that you're putting it in later after the - is in it Neal okay everybody you got that or you are laugher yeah freaky nervous laugh er yeah let the Joker do it after the dashes in you're gonna put that clevis pin in and I am gonna laugh my ass off there's no room under there you're upside down the blood will rush to your head cuz you're gonna first thing that's gonna happen is you're gonna have an aneurysm you're gonna be under there so long you're gonna have an actual aneurysm and I can't wait til you do because I'm not calling 9-1-1 I'm not doing nothing I think he needs a hug don't blame me man that's a pretty good grandpa I mean use the color names yet weights tell like four or five it's just me actually comprehend what he's calling her right now hate just baby not her it's really cute and he he's kind of scared to hold her still but he talks to her and watches urn from a distance my granddaughter just came into the world four weeks ago today I think and Elissa and Josh are engaged to be married they're the parents she definitely likes me better than everybody else they both work here Elissa works in the office and she's kind of the resident historian what about here what's that though she does a lot of the searching out parts and cars and pieces following some of the stories and the legends that we hear when we buy a car working with my dad is tough he I think he is a little harder on me than he has another employees and asked to have a crush on the 71 was mandatory by the department transportation right Oh was it yes it was that's very good he expects me to know just as much as he does but I don't I've known Josh for about a year and for the last six months he's worked for me at graveyard Carz he had no formidable experience with cars so I started him out in the component detailing and restoration I restored the seats the seat frames that hinges steering linkage the components well you say yeah but yes I said yeah - and you didn't kind of do it so I just wondered if all y'all could stop what you're doing get him done now for me someone with the other hundred along with that piece is right all the little details that nobody wants to do that's my job I gave her a little taste of milk free Kiki feeding time or something I wouldn't say that Emma likes me better than her parents I think that she can relate more with me I think we probably are at that point where I'm I'm she calls me Jeep hot well she hasn't yet but she will call me Jeep ah we decided that's gonna be I'm not gonna do that PAP Nana googoo lava and cheap ha orgy pops you can just come BG you know if it's just you just call up and say hey G what's up like that and I I think because of that we've already began to forge a special bond oh I like paint when I first found out I was having a granddaughter I immediately started looking for a pink Mopar muscle car so ours mark buying my daughter a pink muscle car and fixing it up I think that's an incredible thing I thought there would be nothing better to hand her on her 16th birthday for a present than a beautiful bright pink fm3 Panther pink if it's a Dodge or Moulin Rouge if it's a Plymouth muscle car I mean what if she doesn't like pink when she gets older kind of pushing that on her as a baby I mean and she's 16 I'm not even like that color for me as a kid I've always wanted to you know to have a muscle car not necessarily a pink one but I mean it's for my daughter so I think it's really cool awesome grandpa I'm gonna find a pink car we've been working on these other cars so much that we haven't put any time in on the CUDA I got fire baby that wasn't sad from all this misery I'd hug you [Music] with the boneyard out beside the shop the easiest thing to do when you're missing a part is go out find the car that you have that matches it and just pull the part off the car how we doing doc good it's easier than looking through drawers and bins and underneath boxes hey Mark this thing is giving me hell can I borrow you and I could say I'm sorry all over again it's not a problem for you to be upside-down because you're 10 years old try it when you're 438 I would not be talking about how old you are I would say mark is the mixture between both mr. Miyagi and earlier me huge resemblance there as far as looks I think Josh likes to tease me about being old because I'm a grandpa now when we were growing up grandpa's world it seemed like and even the word grandpa which is why I don't go by that nickel by gee because it's more of a usefulness [Music] get the part yet know that you lost originally hey I've got some duct tape for your mouth hey if anybody else had been fired for that anybody ours would be fired darren has pioneered all new areas of being annoying I think he's looked up people online that are the most annoying and then figured ways of improving on it you get special treatment everybody loves darren love him or hate him are you guys gonna set the car on fire now I can tell you that it begins usually with a physical or personal assault on you or something you've done I wasn't sad from all this misery I'd hug you I need a torch to get a bolt off the car we this service pen that is attached to the brake that's horrible it's absolutely horrible if it is not there I will get out of this car and I will pour my wrath out on everybody here make sure when you pick that clevis pin if you put it somewhere where I can get my hands on it you got it boss [Music] you know it's going to be an extremely long day when the first part you pick up to put in the car is missing and you have to go out and cut the half of a dash out of a car to get another one Derek call 9-1-1 right now so they're here in time the restoration of an automobile instantly becomes plagued with problems the minute you stamp it Oh II because you can spend hours trying to find one bowl one nut or in this case won't clevis pin to finish putting the car together [Music] alright guys I got fire baby extinguisher I got water right here too whole bunch of it they fixed a the shape this fire gets water little water for a bucket full water will be awesome I can do it with water yes that's so great Wow let me do that pin right there do you recognize it that clevis pin is one the most stubborn things I've ever seen I've never seen it so we'll see if we have any more luck outside here oh yeah now it's like butter underneath the dash upside down mid seizure it's not nearly as easy if I asked you to wire wheel it put a little thin film of grease on it right find a cotter pin that would go into it very nicely what are the odds that I will be back outside that car upside down looking for that part again well if you want it to happen I don't want it to happen I do not want it to happen because I'm telling you that the next time it's gonna be really bad the worst part is it's gonna be my son-in-law you know we'll get over it it is what it is and hey how's it going we're not gonna get over it if you do it again here where's the club I did I'd like to where is it I'd like to get my career here well now that we finally found the clevis pin and got all the pieces connected under the dash it's time to put the dashboard in and not six hours too soon are there way too long - I had a whole - get here see they got a bear head ya know the ones before those it's one of 69 71 charger r/t 440 six packs and triple green if I only made a handful of those one all Green was too many what's the option for the factory rear spoiler I don't know then don't ever talk to me again this is the hours of the once-through once I have got to find one more screw so there's probably one just laying in the front floor of one of these cars it's just a Philips with a panhead they used him on roof rails - done [Music] so wet sand there has this got to go almost like ten inches 12 inches right in that area there for it to have the exact correct look that the factory did because remember they were actually bolted on the cars I took factory when the 440 engine was originally painted the negative battery cable was installed on the engine at that point time that's where he spray-painted part of the negative battery cable orange that they did have that on and they didn't have the valve cover grommet did you get that painted the exhaust manifolds wrong too or anything cuz if they work yep and there are orange too they look awful awesome very short bridge that's got enough paint okay he don't listen well I like it to shine a little bit that's all okay maybe we should buy some good paint it's perfectly good paint have you ever noticed just curious that you're absolutely that nerd from school you know what I'm saying that who are you ever cool at school no were you yeah oh yeah I knew who I was everybody everybody even the kid too broke your nose okay that broke my nose did it because I wouldn't shut up yeah so you got to get this really closed on their wet because if it's not wet it's gonna dry flat okay now I want you to know that the first five times I told you that I was kidding but I want you to pay attention this time because I'm actually serious you gotta put her message is the same but I just kid in the first five times so when you didn't do it that way it's okay cuz I was just kidding so just real quick before everybody goes I know this was a weird day we got about an hour's work done and we've been here all day so everybody's tired I don't want to be late for anything I know I beat you up about the clevis pin my guess is that probably won't happen again and Darren a couple things just to remind you of oil and paint or a lot like Superman and kryptonite so if you're gonna paint a valve cover for me don't set it on top of an oil can that's covered in oil and hope just for some reason that it doesn't fisheye because because it's not a very smart paint you know it's not like super smart paint says oh we're around oil so that's not gonna affect us take his Darren's Brant and they're just lay out it's not gonna work that way okay Aaron thank you for your help today you're welcome you're the best I want to find a pink card from Angie mighty daughter I call her gee it looked like George Clooney now dude I've got five cars in there torn apart in customer cars the weight of the world we might have been to an 81 he hit the embankment [Music] every car has a story currently we're looking for parts that we have liens on for the 71 CUDA here fixes 500 hours of fix it right that'll buff paddle buff what do you say about me being buff it's been you know one to two years the cars been here a fight has been touched in about a year yeah would you repair that to Honolulu my section it whatever well why don't you just here why don't you help the buddy man put sitting down you stand poised he's straightening out for a little before him so he doesn't have so much to do on it we've been working on these other cars so much that we haven't put any time in on the CUDA which i think is the coolest car we got I think got hit hard oh boy I mean these are supposed to be in line so after talking to Jerry the guy who wrecked the car back on July 5th 1980 I found out that he was racing a 1967 Ford pickup of all things they just come back from a little store over an Alpine where they picked up some refreshments I suppose they were playing leapfrog on an old country road it got out of control when he came out of a corner and he went all the way around sideways backwards into an embankment crushed the left quarter shot him across the street crushed the left front corner bat bounced him back into the middle of the highway by that time the Ford had swerved out and gone around him and pulled over and he came to rest in the middle of the highway with no axle underneath it he told me he was going over 100 miles an hour at least when he went out around the truck so say he hit the brakes and slowed down he might have been to an ad when he hit the embankment the funny thing is as a smashed as that car is as crushed as it is because it's about 1/3 of the normal length of a 71 CUDA he isn't just destroyed himself but he told me he walked away from it completely with the ripped pair of brand-new jeans and a cut on his left knee it's just another one of those amazing stories when I first saw the 71 CUDA I was just appalled that even attempt a project like that car is just watered up a1 into the next it's been over a year since we did the last poll on that Buddha the left quarter was pulled the right quarter was pulled the roof was pulled out to its original shape and actually looks really good it just needs a little bit of metal finishing left quarter needs to be replaced right quarter is salvageable upper deck filler panel will be saved the door openings are Square and true back to their original size and shape and the cowl which had some pretty nasty wrinkles in it came out remarkably well and need just a little bit of metal finish on them so we'll be able to save two-thirds of the original unibody on that car and and and honestly that adds to the value of the car you're in the process of trying to track down the original pieces and parts missing off to sell you on CUDA here's what we know from the fender tag already okay we've got the date that it was made February 24th 1971 in Hamtramck searching out the history of the car is most important for the fact that we can find missing pieces that came off of the car over the years we have like six years missing in there those six years are the crucial years that I think are going to show were the motors that aresko bought it Alton Springfield with no motor in it and apparently no title it's fun to be able to go back and look at a car's history and meet the people who have owned it before and hear their stories I knew it was something special and we'd come up with some crazy pictures of guys and we ran into the gentleman who had stored it for over ten years at his place which was the father of the young man that wrecked it back on July 5th 1980 while we were his house we happen to come across an original lower core support out of the car look at that almost 30 years he had also stored the original 410 ring gear out of the Danette and left rear axle it was amazing bill to go back to some place 30 years later and it's almost like stepping back in time like it was yesterday and here's all these pieces in parts those are really really cool [Music] I think to clear just more less got forgotten it was just buried out back when it goes into the metal dipping it'll come back raw with no pain on it it's not gonna go out there and call the dipper today and have this over there tomorrow and have it dipped by next week then what do you do with it well the thing is is I know we can't get it out tomorrow to the dipper I know what you're saying it's gonna be a while but the fact is it can't just keep getting forgot well you need to get that to the end and get some more poles done figure out what other parts we need get a martyred the clients gonna be wanting this car back he's getting a little bit wearing thin on patience so we got we can't forget it we got to get on it with all due respect I don't know what you guys think I've got the entire weight of the world I got the move that's been just killing eating me alive I got the city that's counting on me to get everything done in time I've got five cars in there torn apart ten customer cars the weight of the world a granddaughter I'd like to spend some time with we've been working on the road runner the challenger charger r/t the other CUDA so until those cars are done I can't jump back outside and grab the 71 CUDA six barrel car and move it inside and say wow look at this everybody it's time to go to work on a six barrel car I got a lot of pressure and I know and I know and I know Larry's tried to be understanding and he's a good guy because Larry I'd like to have the other car spec before he dies it's one of the things he was pretty adamant about I'm gonna find a pink car you know you're lucky I'll throw you in there just shut the trunk well it is what I do for a living actually hey there would be nothing better to give your granddaughter in our 16th birthday than a pink Mopar muscle car [Music] you know I don't even know what it needs nope nobody nobody got back to that what kind of in disarray without mark in here where's mark at now that's what he wants done here on the car my wonderful father-in-law is in looking for a pink coronet did you get married you guys did not know that I am engaged you're engaged I know you're engaged but I thought yeah but you're talking like he got a girl oh my god so I'm looking for a car for my granddaughter I thought there'd be nothing really cooler than on her 16th birthday giving her a yes Panther pink original Panther pink Mopar muscle car restored by G she calls me G good shooter hos you got the clamps for those rascal they should be on that table right if you ordered them hey Darren oh boy yes buddy what is it gonna take for me to get you to style your hair I thought it was pretty styling already there's nothing to it though I mean what does this opposed to look like that's calling on your pink aar CUDA that you have online like right now we should go we should go put some water water in it and just spike it huh yeah let's go wow maybe another day okay why it needs to be a factory fm3 so what color was this one okay I don't mean to waste your time is just I you set Panther pink in the ad I thought it was a panther pink car so all that is has been painted pink right you guys just come come to the conclusion that we're not gonna get anything done and that today is a free day why don't we just take the day off then [ __ ] it let's really try to find something the car needs alright I don't know where he's got a little quartz Takara okay honestly so if it's not an original fn3 panther pink don't bother calling me back because I wouldn't be interested yes I will do this no I know where these go put some water in your hair and just style it here let's put these on - Gary come on that wouldn't be that frustrated and I'm sorry if I sound that way but I spent the entire morning looking for these cars that everybody says is fm3 pink and they are painted pink but they didn't start paint give it your own personal car and you want to change color knock yourself out but don't put it on the fender tag and don't tell people it's a factory that factory color because that's it's misrepresenting it well it is what I do for a living actually heat whatever the fender tag says it's not my choice I didn't create the car I restore the car so yeah well you have a great day too you know she'll watch me know she probably will I know she will I'm just saying I'm just trying to chill a little load off of your shoulder jump so much going on I want to find a pink card from that G my G daughter I call her G GD not the acronym not like that oh why won't you just style your hair who's like three seconds reef actuated with that aren't you I am there likes to manipulate people and trying it to you mentally craziest thing Darren came up to me and he goes hey there buddy how do you get your hair like that it's good it's sooo easy dude I'm just giving you a hard time you know I got nothing but love for you baby [Music] let's do it the Royals hair you don't hit a hood let's move the hood that's funny there I guess there's a fun guy to mess with I'm just more email serious about working on the cars you know how these hoses are routed or should I wait till mark gets back slowly can't be that difficult class all I'm doing is taking out some bolts out of the core support Oh put the correct ones in there to the radiator okay show me love show me love started cut cut Rin George Clooney now did complete transformation the George Clooney eat your heart out that's a look end of it yet just a bad hair day all the side what if she doesn't call you gee pops she'll call me Jay she'll break on the GOG pops what if she is totally different than anything she's gonna be exactly the way she's gonna be we've already discussed it that looks a lot better that would look better than normal oh boy hey Mark what'd you think of my hairstyle so what all do you guys do while I was working not much actually I had been up front all morning long looking for a pink car for my granddaughter these guys they've done nothing since I've been gone you look at the shine off of that look at that glorious looking beam right but work you guys have done nothing you put a coil relocation bracket of the parts they're whole they were all here anyway I'm gonna find an open car who put these heater hoses on I did wrong why it just drives me batty I just put the heater hoses on the heater core I was waiting for work what do you got done since you've been out here what have I done well thank you for asking royal I've actually figured out the routing for the heater hoses that you guys put on that must have took three seconds I know we got cars to get done cuz I'm the one that schedules them I can't sit there wait for him we get off the computer I could paint mini car here pink and say oh look granddaughter you got a pink car but I'm a purist and I'm om freak I make cars the way they wear the day they were assembled so I got to find a car that was assembled in factory fm3 panther paint I'm also determine that we're missing a bunch of parts I have come to that as well I came to a conclusion three hours ago just like with Barbie you do you know you didn't see Barbie go out and just buy like a brown Jeep and then paint it pink so all of her friends would accept her right well she assumed when she went down to the beach those people that were looking at her knew that was pink because if they found out that it wasn't think if one of them popped the hood it's all a little brown coming through so oh look at Barbie she's not real oh look at her she probably dyes her hair you know next thing you know she's got no friends there's a huge sucking sound everybody's gone all her friends have left her because she's a liar this mark yeah yeah what do you doing I am it's actually what I did all morning long calling people who said they had Moulin Rouge and Panther pink cars and they turned out to be clones you know it goes and it's definitely pink all over it and it's a WM oh yeah no that's definitely what I'm looking for what you done a certain little Tyler up in Portland just called and said there's a pink 70 super beat in a guy's yard up in Salem it's painted orange now but he thinks it's an original pink car the soup the the fender tag is gone but he says that car is pink all over we got pink just supposed to be a factory pink car he's a hillbilly in England I'm scared of getting stuck out in the backwoods i watch all those movies I'm like furious yellow or something see it on the clip you get say no to that face [Music] [Music] I had enough to Salem to look in the 1970s super beam that's supposed to be a factory pink car they've got orange paint all over the outside of it [Music] the guy that called me and told me about us that he stopped and looked at it and underneath all of the orange is pink nice so that look at it was no race car look at the old fuel shutoff switch is that what that is yet I've been tub how I'm gonna sit in here he said it was that it's been sitting out here for a couple months or something that it was really dirty and he didn't notice it until somebody washed it somebody washed it all up and then all of a sudden the orange you could see it would come out the Rose what one guy said oh there it is that it is pink all over the floors take everywhere a pink car I've been looking forever I can't believe it that's awesome there it is and it's a good one you look for a good mole part but try to find a good pink mole part good luck with that the rods bent yeah its limelight the scoops no here look right here its limelight limelight furious yellow or something sit on the clip you're trying to bring me down again Darren is bar none the most annoying man on the planet always has been always will be you can ask anybody around him friends family people he doesn't even know anybody will tell you is the most annoying man God ever created look look at where the fender tag goes and that fender tag hasn't been gone that long that's a real paint car yes yes it is thank you it's a real pink car is the guy around that owns this thing humble guy no I've been pretty fortunate I've I've met some pretty nice people a lot of country folk when you get out into that neck of the woods so they're usually hospitable but I've messed something that meaty at the very front gate with a gun tell them get off their property it's got pink all over the floor I think he's over here let's go yeah he's over there [Music] he's a hillbilly anyway is I'm scared of getting stuck out in the backwoods i watch all those movies it's got a good hand guy try traveling out to a town that doesn't even have a consonant in its name with Darin nobody around for miles I got nothing but one little gas station it electro friendly does he I don't want to be some big great big greasy hillbillies date there sorry uh Appalachian American you know because I happen to turn left when I should have turned right I think that's that's to be a price to pay for turn in the wrong direction looking for a car for your granddaughter friend of ours told us about that old Dodge out front is it something we can look at I'm Martin laser pollutant laser and laser community laser Kalugin this is my buddy Darren so you just bought this place oh wow back about a year ago or so I noticed it's clean all this little guy right here with the bucket and started cleaning around you wash that car you gotta look good in the rag out here well farmer honey there's supposed to be a tag right there I may have it I probably just need to look through all the paperwork that fender tag will tell us exactly Scott with the birth certificate they'll tell us the color the car originally and the motor even though the VIN tells us that but it also tell us other options that maybe you're gone now but like this hood I can tell by looking at it that's absolutely an original paint good so it must have been a pink car yeah there's their speed isn't it Wayne cool there's pink in the trunk pink on the inside he doesn't have a lot of mileage on it it's like 5,000 miles or so even less with an odometer that can roll over and show zero miles the owner the seller could tell you the car's got 5,000 miles and maybe it's a hundred and five thousand miles if you can take a windshield wiper and move it halfway up a windshield before the motor engages that means all that linkage has been used for X many a miles so a 4,000 mile car would have very little play in the white flick transmission work hour with 104 thousand miles would have a ton of play in it and look at that right there that is as tight as you're ever gonna get one look it right there is where it starts to move so this is the B's and the quarter windows still after 40 years yeah it's amazing - still there yeah so this is a 440 there number yeah so and it was originally a 383 cars you can tell by the louvers on the hood so the motor that dude that had all this junk in my chance they happen to have or know where the original motor would be my chance no he didn't but I I think I kind of know where he lives like a check it to find the fender tagging if you can maybe real real solid what's actually it's a nice car and I believe every bit that that's 4000 miles you got some guy tells him that's worth 20 grand which absolutely may be two years ago it was but I'm not paying that for it I want to own the car I really want to own this car you know what's a good car I'm not for it in for it and and and just you know don't do your thing just back me up on you have the money with you you know you're lucky I don't throw you in there just shut the trunk look at that pink the color is it pink you wouldn't know you're colorblind I can tell pink oh because it's not orange I can see you know what the 8th crayon pack happened to have hey pink in it yes well when I was growing up I had eight crayons and back in the day all the other kids in class had the 64 with the big sharpener on it and they were always really nice full size crayons my crayons were hand-me-downs from my sister Tara and so most of the labels were missing off of them and it's one of the reasons that I am probably color blind today it's not like you they had 64 crayons and a big spoiled dad got a funny place to put them in pink look at that though all pink colors and look at that right there there's the bin so basically it's got the emission system it's a ram charger hood I was really hoping he'd come back with that fender tag that fender tag is your birth certificate it contains alphanumeric codes that call out the options that came on that car when it was new fm3 pan 13 left hand outside mirror I knew we had a deal on the Super Bee as soon as I saw the fender tag it was just a matter of figuring out the dollars and cents on it so I actually been looking for a pink version of any kind of a Mopar and they're getting harder and harder to find this actually is one so I don't know how generous that part is but this is actually a connector and daughter we I want to give it to her on her 16th birthday and she was just born so branded I got a lot of time to hit the ground running where I'd be at is I I go to the bank right now and I get ten grand cash and ID on the car if you want to sell well then I think about it it just real quick here I know you gotta go get this is real quick I'll show you something I'm pulling out my trump card oh wow that's Hertz or corn three weeks ago [Music] trump card remember when you're that small now come on make me a deal and I'll be back in the afternoon with 10 grand and pick it up you gets a little face you cannot say no to that face [Music] I'll find you a duster I will find you a duster my name is not Margie warm and if I'm not buying you a desk claw bugs the cars pretty much all there split it with me at 11 grand I wasn't gonna do it but I will do it now after seeing the picture how can I not I got my own self backfired on me now you're gonna have to find me a dust door 71 CUDA I will find you a 71 CUDA or a 71 duster and I have some I can look at I know yeah you know what I will find them and I'll make my other thousand dollars back on that all right brother thanks man [Music] anytime I keep very very fit I'm in good shape I can run when I was growing up I had about an 80 mile an hour fastball sudah mr. right now if I were to burst out these doors all Forrest Gump Asia I could probably go maybe three miles on a run without stopping I'm not a fast runner and never was a fastener right no more in school I kind of developed a cool run was worth it wasn't it so all in all we had a pretty good week here at graveyard Carz four guys 40 hours what's that for the horse sixty so in 160 man-hours we managed to get about eight hours of work done maybe maybe maybe we managed to get the dashboard in the 71 Dodge Charger Sherwood Green exactly 446 back one of 98 ever made detailed under the hood of the charger heater hoses and the proper clamps even better people we paid the battery cable orange on the engine so overspray from the agent got onto the cable and a lot of people make that mistake in their detail in a car they don't realize that those were installed we also happen to find the 1970 Dodge Coronet super beat yeah factory FM three pans of knives one of 32 ever made awesome car beautiful which makes me the coolest Jeep off on the planet got one fan at least nice face thank you everybody mark here from graveyard guards I can't put the top up until you hit subscribe go I'm begging ya hit subscribe you
Channel: Graveyard Carz
Views: 159,569
Rating: 4.7406306 out of 5
Keywords: Graveyard Carz, TV Show, Mopar, Chrysler, Dodge, Discovery Channel, MotorTrend, Restoration, Muscle Car, American, The Office, Christine, Mark Worman, Allysa Rose, Will Scott, Barracuda, 'Cuda, Plymouth, Episode 1, Episode One, Season 1, Season One
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 16sec (2656 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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