Ep.5: More than a Wrench | Graveyard Carz: Season 1

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[Music] my name's mark Worman I'm Daren Kirkpatrick we get paid for dead cars back to life we work with my best friend royal and my son-in-law Josh we searched far and wide to find how a car was built where it spent its life and how it died after that we bring it back to look exactly the way it did on the day it was born if we don't kill each other [Music] we do everything we do everybody today I do everything just come on put it together you get over the wall everybody says the same thing I can do all of it by myself but you know what thank you I'm mature enough to realize I can't do it all by myself so right now the guys are kind of ticked off because I've spent a lot of time within the office what I got to get across to them is that because I'm in the office doesn't mean I'm not working I know exactly what I'm going the counseling that name is not working you want a job here's your job is it you're gonna help me look because what did I tell you about working on the car what did I tell you a thousand times about working on it there's more to a car than just a wrench yes there's more to work well another word we like to use and we like those group words together because we're working on the car then just then using just a version yeah you use your brain you research them because we can't go forward if we don't know what happened we don't know if we don't know that the car might have got a dealer-installed accessory right right so I'm gonna give you what happened to your ears get these guys to focus this borderline impossible so maybe if I give them their own cars with our own VIN numbers their own history to search out they can report back to me something intelligible with any luck at all and maybe begin to learn the importance of what I do in the office that's your car okay I want you to learn everything there is to know about that car both now as in learn what options it has okay how it's built where it was made I want all those things but then I'm gonna have you start doing the research on it okay because you guys say I'm up here all the time and you want me out there I'm fine to be out there but I can't follow who owned that car and when it was owned and where it was so I can't do all those things it makes a huge difference in it and why are you timing in I actually hate Daren can you always make it fun of us how you expect is getting done you can do every day I have a little bit of knowledge you know what you do have limited knowledge but I'd like you to have more knowledge or I'm gonna give you the sunroof challenger call us that's a excess of you yeah yes since they made about nine of them or so mark send me the Ricardo track down the history on the history is a part of the car I understand that but the research part is not real fun for me use 71 CUDA you know the most about it robo my point is this okay it's real simple I know you guys get all frustrated because I'm up there in the office doing nothing but you realize that just one phone call could lead to the original number matching motor you should know that you've been around here long enough to know that so when I'm up there I'm not just goofing around I'm actually working I'm but I'm not I'm working with my brain I'm not working with my hands though I can do that perfectly as you can see right here okay one of the very first things that I try to do when i acquire a car if it does not already have the original motor and the original transmission or with a dub numbers-matching i go on a hunt to try to find that I find the original numbers-matching motor and numbers-matching transmission I had 25% to the value of a car that's worth taking the time and finding the original parts is it worth $16,000 and reuniting a car with its original motor that left the assembly line with 40 years ago is it worth taking a few hours and backtracking it yes sure rest my case [Music] the 1970 Plymouth Roadrunner is completely finished and is on our showroom floor waiting for the owner to come down and pick it up the 1971 Plymouth CUDA 340 four-speed triple black phantasm homage car is in the process of having the rest of the bodywork finished on it and ready to be turned over to me for final Bloxham and paint the 1971 Dodge Charger r/t 440 six-pack triple green car one of my favorites is waiting for the exhaust system to show up carburetors radiator front and rear bumpers and then we're ready to finish the assembly on it meanwhile I still have to find somebody that can dip the 1971 CUDA 440 six barrel 4-speed shaker hood car we're fortunate that we have a good client base and a lot of cars to work on but while we're waiting for a lot of pieces of cards this is going to be a great opportunity for me to take time sit down with each one of the guys and explain to him and hopefully get it into their mind how important the history of these how important finding the original parts on in these parts is so basically I'm just gonna give each guy his very own car and I'm gonna cut him loose I'm setting Josh up with the sandblast pressure pot so he can do the few spots outside on the 77 with her Darrin and I are gonna start doing some research history together on the orange 71 CUDA and this address was in the phone book The Fool number is no good now we're attempting to get a phone number for Greg Nicholson who is a prior owner of the 71 orange people that work on your guns please okay regularly Mickelson and you GRA right there that's him see Greg Mickelson has two mutual friends okay what are the odds of that Colette and Josh's mom Oh a little bit of hanky-panky here I wouldn't assume no no I'm joking it was a joke hey mom um give me a call back you said that you were headed down here so I've been trying to get ahold of my mom for the past hour and a half my mom apparently knows was Greg I don't know how nothing I've tried to call him tried texting she hasn't called back or text back or anything yeah Wow now you answer I have a question for you so we have a fan on the graveyard Carz Facebook site his name is Greg Nicholson it's amazing not only was Greg Mickelson a fan on our Facebook page but he was some kind of friend of Josh's mom's so you actually know him really well though that would be great all right thanks Jerry okay bye all right thanks mom goodbye there's your small world for you you do anything stupid I'm gonna kick your kidneys in you fool we're gonna go check out the crash site there bring back your emotions motorcycle seat and I don't be amazed you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well the guys are getting the motor ready to go up to the machine shop I'm gonna start blocking the lines out for the very same car that motor came out of the 71 triple black I don't like going over like this I'm too old sit on this whirlpool where's Mike about dare Oh Josh what is wrong with you to get a car blasted with perfect lines one of the things I have to do is establish the style lines in the beginning and I do it with tape I'll usually put a mark at the very very front and market the very very back and I put a piece of tape between them so once I do that I mark that style line with my pen every few inches so right now I'm getting ready to do the final block and glaze coating that has to go on so I'll take and Sam's back and forth it's called cross sanding overall and I say flattest glass before I spread my first coat of paint that feels good to use as long as you've been working on it should be needs want me to know that's what I'm saying right you can't feel that [Applause] gouge out my eyes set fire to my face I can still feel that blindfold you wyfold anything you want fool Darren was just over there helping me with blocking the Declan like I tried to explain to all of them you have to know you have to have the feel in your hand if you ever feel you that's sounded it better with a choking to death hey you look like a ninja ninja turtle you do anything stupid I'm gonna kick your kidneys in you fool now you already know where it's at you know how do I know where it's spinning around so you know the round shape come on up here come on spin it around fool know you'll still know the shape of the lid all know it because I'm good at what I do come on over buddy just walk forward about four five feet no you're fine okay down all right can you see through that or not well your nose makes that stick out your nose you check elephant manners now take the cap off [Music] [Applause] [Music] it [Music] [Applause] [Music] ya can now stand it the perfection of the life hold on I'm not a Shaolin priest so basically once again amazingly I had to prove my point by having stupid blindfold on I found every high and every low completely blind and they sanded in agreement with what I found on the lid so welcome have you bothered to get the bolts for this when it gets up in the air you just kind of all stand around looking each other there on it once we got it right here we got it covered I've known mark for thirty years I know how he faced he came over to babysit us on the motor he didn't need to he just likes to do the big hair on kids we don't need babysat we can take care of ourselves [Applause] that should be good on there Oh somebody didn't put the pin in that in that leg okay running around like everything's everything throwing wrenches and stuff next thing I know the motor is all over the ground well guess everything isn't everything is it well what just happened is the fittings missing in the leg I knew it when I started this lift it up I looked for it had to have somebody else to look for it nobody found it obviously you guys are miracles just walking miracles [Music] I've been in this room for probably about 20 minutes just sipping on my energy drink and I feel great so kind of playing the waiting game on mark you know which is fine but I kind of wish she'd hurry up at the same time there's knowledge to be known something I assigned Josh the 1971 Green Charger r/t 440 six-pack car I want you to be able to report to me one cool thing okay I mean that gotta make you a hero I'll grab the phone you just okay so there are two names and phone numbers on the outside of the jacket for the 71 Charger r/t Dave and Jim [Music] hey Dave how's it going my name is Josh rose and I am with a television show called graveyard Carz and I'm trying to track down some history on a 1971 440 six-pack Dodge Charger it was our guy so I went ahead and left him a message with the phone number everything so he should be giving us a call back I hope I really hope or else murder seems to think that he can take his wrath out on me you walk like a duck I walk like a duck that's greatness first on you water how do you walk I walk like this a pretty month I know I know Mike how would I ever get anywhere look at my footprints you get sorry I get mad cuz you do this horse crap every time I don't walk like a duck look at my footprints I'll just walk no now you're bringing no I'm walking just normal I know that they're a little bit out a little look okay there the good news is I got Josh to help me out with one of my hundred tasks in the course of a day the bad news is I still have to paint the fender for the 71 CUDA but it's ready you know if we had a crime scene and a criminal investigation notice that a duck was there by the way you walked all afternoon is indoor Darin for the next 45 minutes while I'm painting it and everything should be fine you know what I want you to do I want you someday to listen to yourself in the foolishness that comes out of here after teenagers of school FBI training how to inspect a crime scene that you're gonna go to your sergeant and say oh yeah you know what I think it was a duck because of my feet print you'll say your quack I miss Josh hey Dave how you doing man I'm doing pretty well I'm trying to find the history about a 1971 Dodge Charger well we struck out on that one I'm a rookie look at that High Line look at that he's got that all messed up right there somebody started out putting the tape on wrong that tape line represents a body line and they had did not have the body line on the right place on the fender what I'm saying is it's just not that it's not rocket science my god tell me did you are mark sometimes okay that's what you tell us daily hi is there a Jim billable hey Jim how you doing my name is Josh and I work for a company called graveyard Carz well I'm trying to find some history about a 1971 Dodge Charger 440 six-pack dark-green all right I'm actually just trying to find out as much history about a decided as I possibly can did you personally own the car yourself he pretty much didn't remember anything about it he he remembers the car exactly and you probably wouldn't know anything about the original motor or the transmission at all okay do you have any pictures by any chance of this vehicle Oh excellent this is there any way that maybe we can get a copy of it let me get a pen and paper so I can get your email I'll send you a copy okay yeah that'd be marvelous who said that he had maybe one picture he had saved to the computer so I'm gonna go ahead and tell Marc about that [Music] I really enjoyed doing the actual spring of the cars the thing is when people say that 90% of its in the prep it really is it's probably more like 95 percent Center forever so it's just great to be able to finally get to the point where you can hold the paint gun in your hand and lay out that sheet of glass that you've been telling everybody you're gonna do for the last two months you got to find out what life was like on 14th Street once you start making phone calls the odds of finding something out are then increased by like a factory we're gonna go check out the crash site to bring up a commercial promotion [Music] Rollo from know mr. clean sit back Sinead O'Connor phew all you see cueball chromium downside nobody out here by their name well you know clean us up with a question for you 1970 Dodge Challenger sunroof car remember that yeah when I gave you what'd you find out not a thing is that why the file still set next to my desk because you haven't made a phone call that'll help now I'm not getting me once you start making phone calls the odds of finding something out are going to increase by like a factor of 10 I'd rather be producing on the car putting the car together you know watching to come together that's more fun than searching the history you don't think it's important to you truthfully yeah it's just not something I don't like talking on the phone you remember where we grew up yeah we're going on a tour to Springfield it may not like it but you're going we're looking for you full we're going on a tour to Springfield [Music] I have a question for you I'll be heard in order they like to have a passion about something what are you passionate about besides your family but what video I know you're in the video games I love video games I love I love music I have a passion for good music okay but you haven't got an ounce of talent in your body tell me about something to beat down on that drawing huh drive up the draw draw okay just see the reason we're going on this Morial knows he grew up with me in this neighborhood okay you're coming along so you can appreciate two guys who grew up in the hood with nothing you can appreciate the cars that were working on more if you realize where we came from never see rocky 6 full circle this is full circle this is my neighborhood whatever this is my old Catholic Church I grew up as baptized and over here this is the old convent they don't have nuns you Uncle Fester what they're trying to do the thinking guy suppose are you know I was thinking I have the limited knowledge I'm dreaming did you ever come down here and have the skateboards or not do I before they put these up here this was just just a dirt mound with grass on it we play king of the hill with his kids down here right our skateboards around I wrote it around so fast I think I tore up some of the concrete and that's why you got those signs now this ain't no skateboarding I guess okay we're going down to our old neck of the woods you're going to find out what life was like on 14th Street [Applause] [Music] they must not know who's walking across the street if they did they'd be proving running itching [Applause] 14th Street took a lot of animals we used to have cats lots of cats every day you go up and to gather up your bed caps they just get so busy it was a busy street you guys know we did a lot of get out the door this mile how serious for a lot of action happening that's where the pool table was when you spit on to boil spit directly on my pool game right on it pop they leave you right in the middle of my pool table that's what got your motorcycle you see that's what a cycle seat cut up I didn't spit on his pool table until he smashed my fingers I mind my own business getting ready to play again a fool it's world what a lazy hangs his fingers over the edge in a pool table so what happens it's right my line of vision I asked him to remove me because they're not in your way so BAM I line up the cue ball and I just tag his fingers which I'm sure did hurt he'd smash them with the cue ball he'd line that cue ball that cue up and smash my fingers when I wasn't looking so then he throw it's a great big bet but after he smashed my fingers I spit on it so let's let's get it off you know it's not enough instead were like a little girl he won it took off run I check it a couple of times down there at him I can't hit him it makes me so mad I go back to the house there's this motorcycle and there's a sling bling some people call it a Kaiser blade I call it a Sling Blade I pick it up I start cutting the heck out of his motorcycle seat and I don't see him for days after that your fingers were hanging over the edge when I was trying to make a shot you were trying to distract me as I was about to win a big gulp those are stains for my charger right there we pulled the transmission out like three times here and we didn't have drip pans like you did cuz your spoil when you were a kid probably had a hoist and everything we didn't have any we just had to drop them right out there this walk around Springfield is just another little Mark's many excuses who talked about himself it is all about himself he believed so I just want to take us out torturous more telling us about things we really don't care about and then down the hall kitchen on the right my sister's room on the left mine was the last bedroom on the left nice every living room yeah it was a three by three so that's the house I grew up in man Royale right here in this very spot pulled my 70 Charger down here I did the very first cleanup use mom all the moms all moms Ajax cleaner on the top brobibs good no where were you you know the walk didn't so much help me as far as wanting to go and start digging up history on no parts but the walk itself it was actually kind of cool I had fun you know it's finally going back and seeing the old place where we used to have a lot of fun hanging out in the garage we don't care about where you lived your wedding with this floor or what happened to him as a child neither does anyone else I think Darren had a pretty sheltered life he believes that walking around the block has do something with history of the automobiles in his story he wasn't completely focused on what I was trying to achieve how can you tie those together history is kind of cool you know I can see where the history of the cars would you know be fun to learn I mean I don't need any more inspiration I'm already inspired enough to go and start digging up more history on cars I still don't want to call people I'd rather be putting the cars together but to get mark up off my back I'll sit down makes a couple phone calls that'll make him happy [Music] hello I am royal with graveyard Carz have you seen this on TV yet I'm just calling to see if you or anyone you know knew about a 70 challenger with the sunroof I'm just looking for some information on it you could call me back at this number I'd appreciate it thanks I did my part I made my phone call I made one phone call if I could go behind [Music] I just called call them again I believe parts of what he said happened this looked to me like I had a direct impact or something there to bring about mixed emotions I wish you would just listen [Music] hey is this Greg hey Greg we finally got the telephone number for Greg Mickelson who used to own our beloved 71 CUDA 440 six barrel orange car so can I pick your brain a little bit on that car working on these cars means history we got the car like from a guy out of Medford who got it from a guy outside of cult Creek area when you have an idle minute no part in your hand do the other version of work on these cars up here and he got it from the kid that wrecked it when I talked to Greg he had also heard urban legends about how the CUDA was wrecked some of the things added up to the stories that we were told years ago when we got the car and other things weren't so clear anymore geez how fast was he going did he ever put the tires on I had to cut three inches off the fenders in the front so it could actually have a current radius so one of the things that I always do when I'm talking to somebody who claims to have owned a vehicle in the past is try to extract some kind of information about something that was done to the car that might still be represented today by looking at the car so off the front of the fender there's a okay because I've got one of the original fenders and that's how I know that he's talking about the exact same car that I'm talking about they had the console the data plate for the 71 CUDA shows clearly that the car was not built from the factory with a console in it someone might have added later I really had a nice time talking with Greg I asked him next time he's in Springfield if he wants to come by show him the old graveyard show him all the cars show him Holkar see see if it looks any different than when he owned the last nice guy she knows more about more person you didn't know he doesn't he sure did you sure he doesn't wait he sure did a couple things that I thought were weird he says I had a consult but you know what console brackets look like right one of the things that Gregg remembered about the CUDA when he had it was that it had a console which is interesting because there's no c16 code on the fender tag to support that the console could have been added by someone but there was no brackets put on the floor therefore if it was added it was not added correctly there's no sign that they were ever in there the console bracket is very prominent it's welded to the floor and it's not there it didn't have a factory common data plate would have called that out it would have a little bit a C 16 now one thing he said in that was that he put those big ta 50s on it everybody did the TA 50 was a really wide tire it was made by BF Goodrich it was called the BF Goodrich ta radio we just cut it down to T a 50s or ta 60s a lot of the guys that wanted the big wide tires on the front had to cut a piece of the fender off so that on the turn the tire would clear the fender he said he'd cut that fender there you go Greg says that this thing went over and hit into a ditch and then somehow flipped up or something the most confusing part for me because I really analyzed the stories of the original crash was Greg's version of it and then this truck went under it and it clubs and it rolls back down on its wheels into the embankment in the back the guy that wrecked the car said he went out around on the left-hand side to pass the truck as it got straight that's when he over steered lost control hit an embankment on the right-hand side got shot across the road to the left-hand side hidden embankment and ended up laying dead in the middle of the highway I believe parts of what he said happened truly it happened but there's evidence that exists on the car now that do not support everything you said that happened look at this doesn't it look like it went sideways and a pole or a tree that's the kind of impact you get from that you know that's my point exactly mark is going to send Josh and I out to the crash site again to see if we can find out any more clues as how the accident actually occurred so this is the right fender it could be anywhere if you went around backwards it could be on the opposite side of the road we're going to look for a pole end or a tree and or a post that the car might have actually come into contact with back when was Rep back in the 80s I want to know if there's a pole anywhere there that would do that damage we're gonna go check out the crash site of the 71 440 CUDA see if there's anything that the CUDA hit maybe a telephone pole or a tree or dent in the street sign or something who knows maybe a Volkoff logical mind I've actually never been up there before so I've got my little navigator right next to me ain't that right Darren wake up [Music] put all my nest hat Dumb and Dumber Josh Darren we're out at the crash site hopefully following my specific instructions morons look at bender and compared to any trees of holes I wish I could have done this myself that I'm busy saving the world mark well there's lots of hole now that we pair up a car all right so let me get this straight the driver of the CUDA say they started up there and started zooming down the street and he started to loose control right about where that sign is up there we don't know where you lost control all I know is ended up wrecking right in here okay so this is the crash zone more or less over there somewhere if they pay attention to how the car was crushed on the right front in the left rear all they got to do is find like a pole see that little tag go down there over there jump the ditch go over there and get that little number off that big tank I don't tell it or I could just take a picture with my phone you're not gonna be able to read the picture are you oh my I'm gonna have to go down go around read it right I'm not gonna attempt to jump the ditch to 9 1 609 1405 TPL you wonder below that fine Darrin we'll do it your way you would just listen hey where's your judge Nichkhun very wish that you just for the burden to us exactly what marks talking about Josh no don't try to make me feel like a bastard that's exactly what works talking about you don't know what marks talking about you don't know what you were talking about I thought you're gonna have some athletic ability when you join the fight use Darren to you well I hate to break it to you but doing number that's on here is 2004 that's when this bull was put in right so it's been replaced it was hard to get you to do that wasn't it how did you guys get that on film I hope we're it slapped him that's what you get for being a smart aleck I hate you it might look good now but I don't think anybody in the world's kind of pay us 20 hours to put it together long it looks low it looks good it works bottom line and it looks like to pull itself was made in 93 I was really optimistic hoping to find something but we kind of came up in be handed it didn't really find much but it was a really good time to get away and kind of X you've been out for a while score one with a new guy the written I believe parts of what he said happened this looked to me like a head of direct impact or something there you [Music] hmm very nice well I got in touch with Jeff and he sent me a picture of the 71 charger 440 six-pack I always spent like an hour or two on the phone and you know check it out I already got a picture imagine what we could find out if we spent even more time doing that score one for the new guy the rookie just guy right here eat that mark Worman you know I thought this thing was a long-gone does it look any worse than when you owned it it looks a lot worse my name is Greg Nicholson I own the car from the late 70s to the early 80s I was the last owner to have the car that didn't crash it you actually had it for a while yeah and you drove it quite a bit oh yeah it was the definite chick magnet there's no that's the beauty of the mood of man they every one of these cars that is spent any time at all on the road has a story to tell if you look at the front end of this I've had this on the frame reckon I know it looks sad but we've already made poles huh it looks bad but there's we have the rest of the front end pieces out back but my problem is everything's this way if you look at if you look at this apron it should be in straight line with this right here so this edge of the fender should be here so it's over a foot Greg took a few minutes with me and he explained to me how he had heard about the wreck you know here's the car here he comes around it like this he oversteer is coming back through he he loses it on that side it's on this side of the road on this side over here and then flipped up an average papa and because out that way it catches the back also - but and that corner consistent what's something like that happening he could have came back up some version of it hmm and that truck came right underneath him correct yeah so he told me that the Ford truck and the guys there were buddies of his yeah there was actually orange paint on the roof of the truck there might have been as he was flying over it literally flew over if you catch something in the ground to turn around and go 10 15 feet up in the air I mean that could happen really like a catapult yeah basically yeah just like all the guys I know who ever had muscle cars we had to sacrifice the cars just be able to support the rest of our lives which usually meant family school I met a gal does either loose the car or lose me same story so I lost the car captor well now she's gone I was having a car back it was one of those things of worried you got laid off and you know you just you just had to make ends meet you know it's one of those things where you kind of bite your tongue and say you know well I'll get another one or it'll happen again but you know the reality is that you know those are one in a lifetime type of guilt so you know you you're not going to see something like that again so that is where you cut it right mm-hmm I figured okay it's stable enough like you cut it and get away with running the 50s on it and it makes it like a slot car so you know you can stick it in a corn it holds really well you had it in the late 70s 318 in her 40s gone yeah can you even remember back thinking to yourself was either where was it or you heard a story or where it was anything at all I had heard that it had been blown so you can talk to like kids today about you know old cars they have no concept it was awesome talking with Greg and hearing about his old Mopar stories and just getting to talk about mopars with him in general could bring back old Detroit muscle I mean it's just like you know gave you did something they've got to hear see an experience it's just you can't really describe it it's just something that you learn you know something needs something that you feel so seen the car in the shape its in now it's kind of uh it brings back mixed emotions you know I really didn't want to sell the car at the time you know the economy was even worse than it is now I'm kind of excited about seeing when it gets done you know that's the that's the cool thing yeah you can just tell them by the way that he looked at it if you really love that car [Music] oh look there's Darrin parting his duster you were ahead of your time you're George Barris did you see this thing yeah it's amazing it's got a gto spoiler kudus shark louvers and the fenders magnum p.i mustache in his long royal came up to me earlier today and said that we got a lot work done on the car this week a Boston I'm like yeah we did get a lot of work done and it's starting to dawn on them now but you don't have to have your hands dirty you don't have to have a hood up you not to be layin under a dashboard to be working on the car a lot of that working on a car happens up here [Music] things are going well at graveyard Carz finally I got it through your guys's simple minds that history on a vehicle is very important and that sometimes when you go back in history it allows you to be able to go forward into the future that make sense to you now know and with any luck at all maybe you guys learned a little something about where I came from I mean I know that in your life most of y'all pretty much had silver spoons and it's probably a real culture shock for you to go on my old stomping grounds and growing up in the hood and having your face kicked in every day looking forward to it scheduling people but that's what cultured me into the human being that you see before you right now the boots of Mark didn't noticed anything what the point of it was is that you guys finally for the first time learned how important the history of a vehicle is that that that knowing were a person like myself one of the greatest Mopar restoration technicians the world's ever known where did I go where did I go wow whatever to do with the car restoration it has to do with the fact that you can look back to a a car port that once housed a 70 Charger one of the fastest ones in town in my van yeah we got royal motivated so motivated they actually picked up the phone and dialed one phone number and hung up so that's huge we were more like you didn't you leave a message I don't know if he left a message I just don't know anyway Josh not only had to find one of the original owners of the 1971 Dodge Charger 446 back but he actually got a photo of it before no way back in the seventh let me know nice you've seen the photo met with one of the original owners in the 1971 p2 446 bill owned it back in the seventies that is know he owned it the 70s it was wrecked in 1980 why would we interview a guy who says he drove a car in the 80s when it was wrecked before that was he driving around on the back I really did this is why you got to walk along you everybody mark here from graveyard guards I can't put the top up until you hit subscribe go I'm begging ya hit subscribe you
Channel: Graveyard Carz
Views: 56,240
Rating: 4.8193145 out of 5
Keywords: Graveyard Carz, TV Show, Mopar, Chrysler, Dodge, Discovery Channel, MotorTrend, Restoration, Muscle Car, American, The Office, Christine, Mark Worman, Allysa Rose, Will Scott
Id: 1SREQK4gxyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 22sec (2542 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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