Nemesis - 4 Player Playthrough - Part 1

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welcome to nemesis the game where we have our own goals but we're working together uh we are the tabletop knights i'm victor got greg here we're also joined by dave and caleb been wanting to play nemesis for a while on the channel so if you enjoy it make sure you let us know because we've got a few expansions we can play and whatnot yeah we could we could go through all the the comic book stuff all the aftermath stuff everything let's make our own law firm and each game is only about seven or eight hours so it should be pretty good um we're playing with the uh terrain expansion it's just nice fancy stuff yeah nice bits yeah uh if we make any mistakes as we probably will uh let us know in the comments read the comments first though so we're not getting the same mistake over and over again but let's know that you love us cool i'm playing the scout so i am ready to scout ahead and help my team nice what's what's your name scout have you got a name uh scout house okay we've gone d d all of a sudden tiffany okay oh that was gonna be mine i'm the soldier i'm going to be byron the soldier byron uh i am the captain or el capitan um as you shall call me from now on spanish captain i am greg the mechanic always the russian using my name yeah right okay i didn't even think of that it's very flattering thanks that's great so and i'm player one yeah he's play one i'm too so upon realizing my shame at flattering greg i'm gonna leave i'm gonna go this way and hope that it goes better for me now than it did in the test game so you're spending a movie cat move car there yeah oh thank goodness it is the monitoring room uh check one room and exploration token what is it has three items and i am slimed what happened to me last time so we played like two rounds just to get used to it all he got slimed immediately as well it's great so you're actually bill murray apparently yeah okay those russian mechanics you can't trust them no and i'll do a search we do love russia yes all right and that's my action victor's turn where's that all right okay cool uh i am the personal lady i'm going to go this way and go you're going a different way i'm going the same way as before did you do a noise roll uh no i did not do a noise roll no you should please do that immediately step one rule rule is wrong great oh no that's in the vent it is in the vent enjoy that so okay there's one door in this room right the door where is there a door there how many items are there one yeah yeah so we don't need the token once you've once just revealed it's gone that's gone so that's one and then i will uh so i i i have to move obviously sorry i've got my cards yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah see and then i will search the room with my search so you can take any type i will take um i need an enemy energy charge what's that most likely to be in i'd say it's probably a tool probably items or weapons oh yeah did you say item it's one of the items one of the items well i'm right it'll be one it'll be in the items you're not wrong greg it's too early to be hanging on me guys just calm down i've got to be back to the home by three so you're already locking the doors behind people again that was well that's again it's not my fault yeah yeah yeah so referred it's a scout scout's ready to kill us uh on to the next person i'll pick a card all right i will take the fire extinguisher again so if you're sending a monster in my room it's going to be fleeing shortly all right i shall spend a demo i won't bust that door you find a room covered in slime and i am slime you are slimed so noise token to four please and yeah chuck's them down here there's a door another door another door oh that's very symmetrical beautiful these two really don't want el capitan at the front you're blocking the the slime room how dare you uh in your slime oh yeah i know trust me i know quickly and now was yours a silent move victor i know this was the door yeah you're just here it was an event wasn't mine in the vent oh i guess i didn't do a yeah did you not do it there we go sorry wow okay ladies and gentlemen welcome to the professional table top nights we apologize we apply all rules to the board games i'll edit the role back into it yeah due to technical difficulties we are stuffed we're quitting i that's still my guy i've only done i've only done a move so i sh hell can i please move up to that other fire room there yep so i'm going to spend you find evacuation section b oh good two cards to enter an escape pod which is this one here because this is b that's nice and convenient and close uh you get what's the three items what's the token say though a door another door another door just locking down we're gonna run out of them oh and lots of uh well that's an intruder is an alien is it yeah yeah because okay so i won't bother placing the other markers that's true thank you that's a good idea i'm going to try and make i was going to say i'll i can try and make my way to here and we can if you want to flee we can tack it together oh so now an alien spawned right yep so we need to pick our objective oh that is that a queen is that the big bad is it the queen or the breeder no that's the queen is it i think that's might be the queen looks pretty big and bad yeah sorry pause the game i'm going to start fleeing that way because just like hey come this way and we'll chase oh it's a queen no no you bye usually scouts like ranged you know what i mean like the scout right oh that is rough who picked that out would you like to pop her in the room no but sure and we have confirmed it is the queen the queen i don't even know where to put this thing it's that big so how much that's a four that is a mini and a half that's a four i only have three cards in my hand so that's a surprise attack i don't know how she would surprise ever sneak up on you especially since she's sitting on i've never seen alien bite it matches it matches if the character has two serious wounds they die if not they suffer one serious wound on turn one of the freaking game that's not too bad one's here swing because i got two before no you got nice you got light water oh yeah serious wound seriously what did you lose two serious ones and i'm out of the game so i'll be off home you can pack it up for me so what what's your what's your seriousness hurt my arm i've only got one um hand slots okay maybe some surgery or something yeah do you take a contamination no cool no no if you find the the lab you i believe oh no no the medical back something yeah so the healthcare system and by what the the intruder attack is so currently they've got six health is that right no it's only as you're shooting you then get to see what its health is you can fluctuate up and down so right now because there's no actual action happening um because that was my second turn yep um i would then try and inflict wounds flip a card and then see if i did damage damn that sucks man yeah that's all those doors can we go back and start again yeah just end the recording guys wow that was bad it's your turn mate do i want to mess things up more do you want to move at all or are you just going to be like i'm good see ya do you have a plan of attack in mind like are you gonna run or you're gonna so you want to find you want to find that emergency room the problem is if you run they have a free swing at you anyway you unless you have an accident so i could lit this could be the fastest game for one player in history so i can go and learn the um player plays the alien rules while you continue yeah all right so i am going to i'm going to follow caleb i think that's so that's this play we've had this game it was like that'll go here so yeah um yeah that could be the emergency room and i'm going to perform a search action please down to one cube red ones thank you you're up caleb wow oh by the way everyone choose your objective card oh yeah i've already done that i forgot my other one over there don't look at it i know i i felt the braille print on it anyway yeah you know come on caleb come on kayla be brave remember in space no one can hear you except the alien yeah oh he heard me that was oh my god this could be that's a good one hmm if i get knocked out i am going home i will not sit here and watch this video i want to say something right now if this video is up and you're watching now he has not died in the next journal oh that's true that's true that that card by the way victor i'm sorry about that one which one the one i just discarded all right oh there's energy it'll come around again uh i'm going to actually spend a card to do an action of technical corridors and i will move to i wanna go yeah i'll go over to engine three again what do you mean again you've never played this game before in your life what guys you don't remember oh my god i'm groundhog daying don't forget your move that's a one nice it works you are past it's my turn so i'm going to use scavenging so it costs an action to do that um which is reduce the you so i can do this if the room has no items in there um i draw two cards of the same color as the room so i can do any one excellent that's a handy one yeah that's not bad yeah and then i'll uh move here into here so i'll pick those later and i'll move there we go so it's oh it's a no it's a not a good good one but it's there's three items in there three i'm silly well i could have discarded this card to ignore the surprise attack you should read your cards noise everywhere which means i wouldn't have been hit that is unfortunate at all uh and uh airlock control does start emergency airlock procedure choose another yellow room the corridors connected to the room you choose must not contain any destroyed doors you can automatically close the door in each corridor associated to the room and then you get to air lock it that's if i take it activate it oh yeah i got to do this oh it's a real shame that this isn't a yellow yellow room we'd be able to airlock greg and the queen straight out i just can't believe i took that attack without even reading my cards that's okay that's how i roll you are a soldier okay thinking about your strong technical corridor those are the vans yeah okay well that yeah so these are technical corridors don't like my cats i trust you because you're dying so you have married nothing to lose can someone please find the um the armory or something i'm gonna and i'm going to hide at the far end of the ship yes it's fine engine bay yeah i'm going to try to get some favor with craig early on i'm trying to help him a little bit yeah so but i'm done this time when the aliens pop out and kill me no none of you will know about this either so if a character with three serious wounds suffers any additional wound of any type they die sweet so i'll get my second one now and i'll work on the third one i'm i've also passed by the way yep so it's young greg's turn right now it's the combat bit you can that was good which one the one that used all your ammo no i don't have that one so you don't draw two when they're all right so i'm going to try and escape good plan i'm in big trouble here so my attempt is to move out not to the cockpit run yeah she'll be playing that card to move she's going to try and attack me oh yep she scratched me i get a light wound and a contamination card staggering stagger bloodied into the cockpit with only one arm and now make a roll for for noise where are they do i have to yeah i really don't want to that's a move isn't it it's a two two oh fine wow that was exhausting oh boy victor you want to careful you don't want to go into this room i've passed [Laughter] so i'm not doing anything so hang on have i just done the one action the escape yes so you have one more action remaining put a door up i could pull the door up if i had one i'm actually just going to check the um coordinates thanks do you keep it to yourself [Music] where are we going greg oh we're currently going to venus is there a venus i don't know what are the actual planets i'm your venus earth that's it yeah um so instead of fleeing twice you can move twice right yes he's decided to oh and i'm gonna check the coordinates i'm just gonna see where we're heading first el capitan yes all right sorry and dave do you still have any more actions that you can do or you pass oh i'm passing so okay all right so i am i'm going to move forward just find the bloody surgery will you please i'm going to start doing so i found that i found the storage room um and what's the toast one item and it is malfunctioning oh no we can't store stuff yes oh no no the cupboard's locked yeah that's just oh damn can't do anything about those pins child proof oh it's just yeah so that one so storage you can always search for items in there oh cool um and that's also roll for also the number noise matter on that one it does for the search but you still have to you still have to spend two to do it so there is still one uh item so you're not oh he didn't search it right sorry um you still need a search card no i can't actually search at the moment because the room's malfunctioning so i can't use that now you can always search nobody can't use the storage room he has to use a card i might actually i'm gonna move again yeah i'm gonna move again i don't have anything to do with that room so i'm gonna head down this way that's a good way to go because if you went the other way off the rope and the lab cool and then silent movement and one perfect what room are we after for you again yeah yeah the emergency room yeah yeah laboratory is analyzing stuff and the emergency room is where you get from george clooney to like fix me up fix my arm he's too busy having an expression uh i have i have passed past me again yeah greg's all done yeah i i might use i've got one card left so i'm gonna use my last card to move again oh look at that fire surgery it's malfunctioning though that's fine just fix it man fix it uh so there's three put that one over there roll for noise yeah don't want to go rolling a four you've been quite quiet lately so three two three beautiful oh it's an event technical corridor that's fine that is fine um and can i get one of those malfunctioning tokens greg it is thank you damn all right that's it and now i am passed so we're all past so we draw five so that's the end of that round oh yes i'm the first player now one so now this moves down one four five yes draw up to five cards keep any that you want from your previous hand if you had any no no so move the time marker down done that yeah you've done that uh move the self-destruct marker if active it's not intruder attack no intruder fire damage no resolve one event card so if they match that does if they do it moves towards two which is the vents does that just mean she disappears off yeah she actually goes off the board that's good right and her token goes back in oh does it what i would have thought it would have mean that next time we pop up the vents that she would pop out no fairly shortly that's good then yeah i'll do let's just double check which is good that you didn't waste that you didn't do any attacks because then your damage would go away now i can actually start making my way up to the oh i still have to go around because i can repair that what's it saying what i can repair that malfunctioning room this surgery surgery oh so i can actually do it this time no okay cool sorry you're in a bad spot because if you go there you've got noise tokens in both corridors so you're gonna spawn you get slimed here and you've got noise token there and there and if you go here and there but i can still i can sneak into there yeah but this way this way is always bad bottoms if i want an alien oh don't go for it remember i might have the player two cards get yourself out the window yeah yeah so now we're going to uh develop the intruder bag it says draw one intruder token from the intruder bag and then apply the effect so oh no it's an adult yep so an adult says all players roll for noise in order oh no if a player's character is in combat with an intruder this player does not perform a noise roll return the adult intruder token to the intruder bag now does this happen while i have no cards this is at the end of the preview this is player one so technically i still don't have these cards yes three three for me that's the technical corridor right there so you want you're going to get a pop-up yep okay oh it's just an adult i don't draw from the bag no yeah no no you don't because it's we drew an adult and now the adults like oh no no no so now you're rolling for noise so we do draw oh okay okay i'm sorry so it could be another one yeah i'll i'll draw my fate well i'm about to get something too so it's an add-on all right so that stays out and that all goes in there that one clears yeah it will most likely be a certain place yeah now you roll it's not attacking well no no it's just there's just appearing this is for the next turn danger will robinson well it's gonna happen anyway yeah you're in a danger room and you trigger the danger so draw your face you can draw one oh boy this went from oh good the queen's gone to oh no they're everywhere oh it's a lava lava [Music] just step on it please for the love yeah they just take one damage and die oh so i can just kill it yeah cool and ha ha i can go in here now yeah oh yeah it's a four oh thank god that's really good well done yeah yeah and myself stay keep forgetting that we've got these two nice yeah that's good good work everyone but caleb you've got an alien too yeah mine's a little one over to you now victoria so i've got my five cards um so i have to kill this thing it has one health yeah you don't have to you can run if you choose to well i might as well just kill it depends how scared you are just squash it all right so i'm gonna use adrenaline which costs nothing i will draw uh perform a shoot action and draw an action card so i will shoot it uh i have to roll so i just need to hit and it does yes yeah does that have to match though has to match so it doesn't match so but i still draw an actual card but because it's not match or match or below oh no correct you are correct i think it i think that means it does kill it yeah okay so it's dead yeah yeah um and now it told me to draw an action doesn't leave a corpse so it means i shuffle and i know lavas don't go anything then yeah so i drew an action card so it's one turn it's only all below for the adult downward you can never well so i searched this room before so well you can you can miss on the lava yeah but otherwise as long as you roll something you'll kill it i'm going to uh sneak use two cards to sneak into there so you're just gonna yep are you putting it in front of you nest with one item one egg oh no items uh and no noise oh sweet so you don't even don't even have to do that but you spend two cards that's fine like because i got that free one back yeah um so i have take one egg but i don't get that i have to spend two cool that was good i'm happy with that it's an interesting place for the nest right near the cockpit excellent so yeah do we fill that up with eggs now uh i think so i guess why not it looks nice let's make victor's character look real surrounded put more eggs in here that room is well fertilized this is the one where you hold the flame thrower down to the egg and look up at the queen and go yeah let me kill your children i'll take an egg just to eat later yeah all right so that's victor's two turns i'm going to use two cards oh where are we going we're going to earth earth gotta get to earth [Laughter] um i'm sorry terrible and then i shall i think i will move this away you don't want to go towards the surgery room well now but there's noise and doors and freaking yeah for him to get to the surgery they'd have to go through slime as well you have to go through yeah open so many doors there's two items and there's fire oh fire fire firing the generator no no yeah so what is it the generator that's where you can initiate the self-destruct oh that's a good idea i wonder if that's worthwhile doing it make the video shorter let me just check my objective cap now we can't oh well you can only shout i suppose yeah in the fire just like did yeah yes all right so i am going to use my first action um to re i'm going to do a basic repair and remove the malfunction marker from the surgery oh good boy thank you thanks dave start making his way over there so now if greg ever manages to get over there he can use it well it's not too hard it's one two three move can i get in an escape pod fly around the ships and park over there and come back in maybe or you can go on the vent that's where my technical corridors think it'd be really useful i'm also going to search um the surgery you know what i didn't do i didn't get because i searched just no i didn't i moved and then yeah i shot and then moved so yeah thank you kindly so you've done everything you could yeah and while you're picking that i guess i'm going to have to shoot an alien oh yeah i will discard a card to shoot with my shotgun uh so i need to roll adult or or higher or either of these yeah the bullet the bullet says crossovers yeah that's a miss that is a miss i guess i will do it again sure you've got heaps of ammo like you've got one left yeah what could go wrong what's my other option run away run away because i can't do regularly and they still get they still give get a swipe back yeah so i can't do regular actions no unless you have a card that's like you know dodge out you know all right let's shoot again use my last bullet do you want the other die instead no what could go wrong the exact same result so it's a mess so that's another miss i hope we got that roll on video because it sort of just did like a little circle and never rolled so that's it uh i'm oh yeah that's my two actions for now yep so you're just hanging out with the adult going pew pew yeah boom boom and then i just kind of wait i guess [Music] now that's my turn i'm still slimed which what what did we say when you roll at a silence it's actually yeah this is danger yeah that's right yeah all right so i'm gonna do it gotta remember that yeah greg and gregorovich are both slimed i'm gonna sneak again quiet movement and kicks an egg out on the way yeah whoops and i'll put it there um and then i'm gonna use my last action to get uh activate this item in the cockpit so now i have a security key have we got an armory yet no no that's me done and i'm uh i'm exhausted too i've passed yeah and you did you place a noise yes yes oh you put that one there i would have put it behind me oh there's already one yeah yeah wow that's very noisy oh victor is very old sorry tiffany is very noisy uh i'm just going to do a search for a can you search while the room's on fire oh maybe not hmm look at fire [Laughter] look for now let's forget that i'm just going to move to here cool so you're gonna use your search card though to move yeah i'll just use the search card to move and then i've got a roll three please don't run two so one nice work good for you that's one action and now i'm passing i'm keeping this card cool all right so i am what am i gonna do i'm in all sorts of trouble here i don't know what to do i am going to so sorry just just before we go on the fire just causes wounds at the end of the turn and it can spread obviously but it doesn't stop the room functions okay okay only the male function market do you mind if i grab that i just want to see how to get rid of slime without a shower probably a card i'm sure your mum told you did you get your items before they give them to you i moved instead but doesn't that mean you have another action still yeah i'm passing that because oh it's good okay there is a item card that is clothes which lets you get rid of it i'm just gonna i'm just gonna move i think i'm gonna go back so i actually want to get to you greg cause i've got something to help you out thanks you know i'm gonna risk it i'm gonna risk it i'm just good for the biscuit i'm gonna get slimed get slimed and are you doing a normal move i only have one card so yes it is a normal move roll that noise don't roll a four that's a four you were saying how many cards how many cards how many action cards you have in your hand uh zilch all right so you're gonna have a surprise attack unless it's like a baby come on lava that feels like a big one it's an adult it's not too bad it's not too bad you can kill it you've got ammo i've got six ammo i wonder if the uh the adult gets slimed as well so this does have adult it's a bite if the character has two serious wounds they die if not they suffer one serious wound oh ouch one serious wound who's got the wounds oh you've got him there so i picked him leg so you don't he doesn't need that because it's a serious one not a light wound sorry that's a slime yeah so yeah light wounds uh leg from now on the cost of your escape movement action is two right escape movement only so you're gonna be fighting uh with one leg time behind your back yes but that thing i was gonna help you out with greg is now not going to be for you and uh speaking of escapes i'm going to discard a card to do an escape right and i'm going to run to that room there yes so i believe the alien doesn't attack on me as i flee is that right what's it saying huh well you're just spending a card to run away oh no no it still has a swing out yeah yeah no that's what you just said yeah oh yeah sorry so you got to do the intruder attack yes will it it does not match whoo so you got away with it i'm actually really happy because i'm i'm my goals aren't to harm other players so i'm not in the armory oh thanks thanks for finding the army armory what do you need the armory for because i got a broken armory [Laughter] and i forget your movement right now why were you setting that joke up that high no no no no are you going to head back to this one of my items is i will not forget to roll my noise to four that's all right that's fine uh and then i'm gonna spend computer skills to close the door connected to the room that i am in i will shut that behind me and you didn't even check those engines so we've got no idea what's got a clue my plan is i'll find out if the other two engines are fine and that's two out of three two out of three ain't bad so i've passed have you passed i've already passed if you you've got and i've got no uh and i you can keep it for later or you can because i can't search in a malfunctioning room nope i will stay where i am and also pass no hang on i thought we said you could no there's a fire around there's fire that's malfunction yeah no i was like good search you know malfunction means you can't do the i can't do the action of the room yeah so you get a couple of red ones paying attention here guys yeah what do i want the board looks good with this terrain i don't know it does look good really it's like i couldn't tell what to do maybe i need to make a proper 3d one like so you can't actually see any of the pieces yeah you should get little wood and whittle them down to make them into these rooms no i'm talking about the the corridors and everything i'd love to see full-sized corridors that actually walk down no we'd all have to be where that camera is though i'm okay with that all right so we've all passed yeah caleb's just picking these cards when they're both very good and very useful i don't want to draw the event in case he picks the right thing for the event yeah that's true good point could be something no i i don't know what's in here so i don't know the game well enough as you can tell my prototype rifle spoiler yeah so that gives me one ammunition oh nice good oh no i start with i just find it event time all right put a malfunction oh so we've got we've got to do the movement bit still don't we adults we've got that one so any adults will move to two nice and any creepers will move to two as well we don't have any creepers nice no one went through doors so that was okay put a malfunction marker in each room with an adult breeder or queen of which there are none there's an adult here that's not a breeder though it's not a oh sorry an adult comma breeder oh okay i'll function in that airlock control now does that adult stay on the board because we don't know what that room is yeah yeah yeah i'm not aware of anything wrong go carry on carry on so now we draw our flight and now we're going to do the bag development what is this bag development going to be i wonder it's going to be can anyone remember what page it was on because it's the one i always have trouble finding okay here we go you dropped this time victor watch us all get screwed it is a nothing a blank blank so blank says add one adult intruder token to the bag and return the blank token and then nothing else happens return the bike into the bag yep and then nothing else happens that's all right thanks victor blank is good but now there's more adults yeah it's not intense if it's better than having adults on the board exactly you should be thanking me all right so we could do our shuffles and redraws oh does the fire spread ah [Music] yes oh in which direction i think no no there's cards and things that make it spread i don't think it's an automatic otherwise it'd be impossible to you'd never put them out yeah there's events that will say fire spreads i'm sure so no but if you don't put them out that can happen okay right i need four cards all right greg what can i do i can search there can't i you can i know it has zero items zero it's all run out yeah it only had one so you can go to the new room do you have anything that can break down the door you can go over here yeah or you can go to the room or break down the door which i'm going to do i'm just going to move to here it's a evacuation freaking slime i'm already slime so that makes no has no impact good how many items four items four items that's handy goodness evacuation section a unfortunate i don't have a search card so that doesn't really help me so i think i'm going to oh do i want to move to near that alien probably not oh yeah good point you are trapped oh that's it's too early to friggin pass surely you're trapped between aliens and fire well you moved and searched yeah i know i don't have a search card no i'm just wondering i've got four cars that i'm not going to do anything with you can try to enter an escape pod they're not open yeah but you can still try i i reckon it's you're probably better off heading towards the the surgery but then he's still one alien away if he moves there you know it's still the same there's lots of doors and things in the way there is who can blow up doors and if i move back i think everyone can i think i might have like one extra card than everyone that can do it um i'm going to do a quiet move back to where i came from and put that there okay that's it for my turn all right so come here jones you stupid thicker hope that alien goes back to the engine room not worth it i am going to i'm going to use a quiet movement and i'm going to head back to the surgery good idea i want to see how this works um and so place the noise token you can put it in the vent too oh better the vents are make them pop up more though yeah um and i am going to yeah i'll just cut those two and i will actually know sorry i'll just card if we run out of these we can always get some vixx vapor drops can't we yes that's exactly what and i'm going to perform a surgical procedure on myself ah so it's like the auto medilab thing yeah cool so this is numero pace in um prometheus now just going uh now one thing that you might want to consider is the surgery is not actually to get rid of wounds perform a surgery procedure scan all contamination cards from your action deck hand and discard remove all infected cards if you have a lava character on your lava on your character board remove it after scanning your character suffers one light wound and you automatically pass shuffle all your action cards including those i definitely don't want to do that so yeah reverse all that that's why i move yourself back marco yeah so the surgery is for getting rid of cards you want the emergency room is that the one you put there no that's not the one you put down the other one sorry yeah you want that emergency room okay so we'll walk back you turn you can try again right so the emergency room is gonna be that one or one of those two ah yes ah yes okay so yeah i will all right i will firstly discard that one and i'm going to use my med kit and i'm going to address one serious wound nice so it becomes a light wound i think is that right yes yeah i'm pretty sure that's what happens uh what okay because then you have medkit which says heal one dressed serious wound yeah so it might be i mean you put that put that on top of the serious wound to show it's dressed yeah so you've got the and if you do it again you can then get rid of it so you still have this i don't know does he still have the disability of the series because the card's still there it's not healing do i need a second med kit to get rid of it or do i use can i keep the same one you'll need a different one because no this says one use only yeah so yeah that's gone it's just that's covering that's dressing the wood or if you want here if you put your dress put your serious wound down i might just put it yeah it might be that way okay so i just want to know what dress means does it mean yeah i this is what i struggled with is i just could not heal myself because i had two serious runes straight away like the first like three turns let me just look up wounds flip a serious wound card uh affecting the character on its backside from now on its effect is ignored but still counts against the limit okay cool so you you have your leg back yeah so i've i've dressed it i've put some bandages on it the muscles aren't exposed anymore so you still have an action left do you want to break the door or do you want to can you get go otherwise you can't really move anywhere else unless you sort of you got to be able to open the door or destroy the door to get yeah which is an action well you could still go back where you were going and go around the outside that's so you got the lines for no reason or if you want to get real combative i mean you can step in and fight an alien no but yeah you might not want to be in that one at the end of the turn because the alien might come in and yeah eat your face um and i can't get through a door unless i can open it or break it the longest turn in nemesis history yeah no that was mine trust me so you've gotten slimed for no reason unfortunately yeah and now roll the noise are you rolling or no okay so you put that marker back in there assuming you want to put it there yeah yeah well i don't want to put it anywhere else that's for sure and that'll be the end of my turn damn that was annoying because you moved there with the intention to keep going and then alien spawn yeah it's unfortunate yeah your slime i will i'm just a shower there are no more left pick one of them in a second and then i will do a fast repairs get rid of the malfunction on that victor's turn um i'm going to use reconnaissance which is to move into an area without activating a noise yep token and then i'm gonna use my fire extinguisher which which is another card oh nice um i'll get rid of this one here uh discard a fire marker from a room that you are in victor does not want to get burnt so it's one use only so this is now gone yeah good stuff thanks victor for looking after the ship yep that's right and i'm also sort of far away from where you live i moved uh in there stealthily without even a noise token and then i removed the fire with my fire extinguisher and uh that's me um i pass you past the fastest turn yeah nemesis okay i will make it a bit faster this time um i am going to search in the surgery uh can i have two items from the medical please oh no we've seen your secret items my tools no i'm not personal as well make sure you put our objectives up on the screen um thank you like at the start of the game okay for for our viewers to enjoy and no i think it's better if they don't know yeah i i've watched many board game videos and i love love not knowing what that but maybe you could just say right for the next five seconds we're going to show you what the objectives are okay close your eyes if you don't want to see it just just try to give options it'll be people would go oh i'm going to go right now i flick to the end no no no i'll put it in the description how about that okay and bottom of the description i'll put it out that's good i will use my last action card and i'm going to use the med kit i just got to heal my dressed seriously nice well done so you're very good at looking after yourself i'll tell you oh someone's got it i know so his last three terms was to move in get slimed get damaged and move back yeah and get all refreshed again so he took three turns to move back to where he was yep great i literally wasted entire rounds in your slime uh and for my turn uh i will spend two cards to do the armory action which is reloading uh an energy weapon now i did double check it only recharges two ammo which is fine because my sonoff shotgun only has an ammo of two well you've got a mac yeah you've got it is that an energy weapon though yes energy weapon of course shotgun yeah energy obviously uh and then i'm gonna discard another card to discard my energy charge that i just got to fully load ammo in one energy weapon which will load my prototype rifle up to six six damn oh let's rock hey vasquez you ever been mistaken for a man um my turn so i'm locked and loaded are you passed now yes i am passed so i'm going to use scavenge scavenging which is uh i can search in a room with without one but it does have it and i will get two tools that should mean you could search there without impacting the room i would have thought um because it affects everyone else doesn't it victor only thinking of himself you can perform this action even yeah it doesn't that's the wrong one no i'm reading this one uh it does reduce the yeah yeah i'm done i've passed now yep i've already passed all right that's it it runs past event time so move the time track we're on round 12. yep uh no one has started to self-destruct no i am there so no one is getting attacked by intruders no one is getting fire damaged resolve an event card so this is we've only got adults on the board correct they'll move to three evacuation pot ejection oh remove one escape pod token with the lowest number remove this event from the game and reshuffle the events deck including the discard part what are the escape pods so that's the so they sort of go one two three okay so we take off one of these ones cool perfect oh one less expensive out of the game and then i reshuffle these back in oh that's unfortunate that's not too bad unless you really unless you really need that escape pod no that's true but we do need them well with five players that would be a problem because someone would then could not escape well if there were five players would there not be four escape pods uh bag developments and oh now just quickly before we go on i had that from when i pulled it before i'm not sure if it had to go back in or not no uh so they if they're out they're out yeah so that lava that victor killed is that meant to be back in the year cool back in the bag it is so there's just the two adults is that what they are yeah we have two adults how many items can i have on them yeah is there a handler uh i don't think so no cool no there isn't a hand let me have as many as you want 700. you can literally have every single item if you wanted to did you see that yes on your playthrough yeah it just it just means this row here can only hold so many all right you can do the bad development this time i don't want to be responsible for everything okay what's he drawing what's he drawing it'll be an adult for sure lava remove this token from the intruder bag and add one adult token to the intruder terrible that's that one oh good now there are two more adults than what we started with they're growing little i can actually craft a taser nice who's you gonna taste yeah isn't that when you walk around to the islands any guys it takes one damage and flees or i can make someone discard all their action come on oh nice oh that's rough and then the alien goes oh that really hurt i should probably grab that actually uh we're discarding anything so we've done everything there's no fire damage we are all good we've done the yep up to you all right so i still didn't get that freaking contamination card it's in there somewhere it better be in there or i've done something wrong see this is where i need to be in the slime room god damn it [Laughter] this is the card i had i should have just stayed in the slime room this is stupid i hope you never get rid of that slime for comedic value this intense man it is very intense sorry guys um i'm going to move to the laboratory it has a normal movement roll for noise so we'll roll for noise and try not to mess it up to three you haven't messed it up yes he took the risk it paid off yes moving to the storage is going to be a bit more dangerous for you it will be agreed unless he sneaks in there yeah um but i'm gonna search the lab so i'll use that and have two of the medical items please now caleb can you go that way because i knew i want to get to the armory just so i can get an auto loader all right uh so you're done just picking your items ah yes i am all right i'm going to spend two cards to move safely nice work and then i'll spend two cards to check the engines what are you planning to on doing do you know i just want to get to the armory for now can you put that one back for me please victor thank you i just want to activate at least one of my cards can you go through the door i can destroy it okay yeah because because i i there's no point me going back and there's no point in staying there so i want to start moving but i don't want to yeah so if you destroy this door and then you go in there then you roll roll four for the noise i well i can i could still do a safe move into there if i want i'm discarding two cards yeah quietly i'm going to do a quiet move and go into here you don't need to that's a normal one oh okay yeah right because you're there yeah on there it's only one card so i'm going to discard that one and move in hey man what's up hey bro and then i'm going to do another basic move hudson roll that noise roll some noise no three no that's a three well done three draw your own fate draw how many cards you got i have three it's not too bad you'll be okay until you pull an add-on with it i'll pull the queen oh that's all it's a lava another lava what's the number on the back it's a one one i made it yes lucky on the drawers probably won't help me win i have a feeling we're all going to die potentially all right but if you don't kill that by the end of the round it does jump onto your face yeah it doesn't even bother me in the slightest doesn't even bother me okay i'm going to use demolition to destroy a closed door that's destroyed good work i could then it's only two that would hurt me isn't it if i went in there mm-hmm yeah it's only a two you could follow victor zero you could follow me and take in you know we can't even search because that room's empty no don't follow me no because he wants to make it to the armory so it's a long way i'm just going to do i'm still going to do a quiet one put in three no oh over there yeah the lock door hide it behind there no one's going into that slime room so uh so that's my two actions nice those are good turns like this was a great turn like so i didn't spawn anything massive i don't feel i'm doing anything though that's the problem okay i am going to [Music] uh i'm going to move into the storage and we'll normally see that's i'm gonna do a normal oh bold got a roll of two i'm feeling lucky it's not gonna work oh he's made it he's done it lucky can we get a slow-mo roll on that one during the video and i am now going to move into engine room one nice so you make you're gonna roll again you gotta go good odds yeah well yeah this yeah i'll do a normal all right roll for some noise two so it's in the vent i have the there you go in the vent all right uh and then for my turn i will play ingenuity and i will break i mean repair the engine uh-huh what has he done i've fixed it it was it was i don't believe him i do i do i like him look at his face how could you not trust his fate oh 100 he's broken that engine without a doubt without a doubt all right um that was your two actions was it yeah yeah uh i'm going to so how do i shoot i just i discard a card okay i'll discard this card to do a shoot yep and anything other than the blank you will kill it hey wow cool so it's dead yep so they don't drop bodies those things that's your choice so that's dead and then i will uh because your bullets basically obliterated it yeah vaporized so if i decide i don't want to do anything right now is that counted as a pass or just be like open it that's a passage yeah you've got to do your two actions or one action and pass or pass okay yep so you can either move away again or you could do something but if you pass it yeah it's hard i'm going to pass all right i'm past that's a bit weak yeah well if i move in there what am i going to do is hope he has to move back to the other room joking man yeah yeah i'm just going to move into here now i can take to be further from aliens more than anything what do we find it to be shower canteen habits and it's got four searchy items so hopefully i'll get something for a change and it's a door door's closed behind me nice that's pretty safe so the canteens have a snack is heal one light wound additionally you may choose to scan all contamination cards in your hand and to remove all non-infected cards if at least one of these cards is infected place a lava miniature on your character board and do not remove this contamination card if there is a already a lava on your character board your character dies additionally place one creeper in the room where you died so i've been holding on to this rest card which does exactly that for the whole time waiting for the contamination card to come up which it hasn't but now i'm in the room where i didn't need to hang onto this anyway but your rest is silent uh but i'm slimed so that means danger oh fancy being slimed um so that means everywhere yeah yep um but your rest is zero whereas the canteen is two yeah god there's a lot of noise in that side that was there is that slime is that it's a house over here very very sneaky all right so my turn um now do i i need a specific card to look at the engines don't i um i'm going to move to the emergency room just a normal hey greg we found that room that you want and it's functioning it's all right but that's the normal af what was the number do you have it on two yeah you put it on the right thing and i'll do my he's gonna roll a one watch that's an alien oh it is an alien that is an alien and that helps you out a little bit because that removes the noise counter from at least yeah not that you're moving but it also means i now get to start using my guns oh yeah if you run in and help but it's more like you really want to move on your first turn so you've got more cars we have an adult and what's the number three surprise attack i'll take the bag off you man thank you yeah let's get a big boy that's the noise i make i just hear i just hear shriek it's a bite if the character has two serious wins they die they suffer a serious wound oh there's your serious wound back welcome back this time all he's done is go slime chomp back repair back back okay so he has literally bitten me on the chest and now i only get to drop to four action cards instead of five oh that's her that hurts that's real rough two two rooms left to explore uh is that the end of your i am now past i also pass uh i've passed already yep and uh i am passing cool so what's that room over there dude uh getting into the escape pods this is evacuation b that's evacuation a and they open when we hit uh yes so once once someone dies or this hits okay okay so move the have we move the track mark uh no fire damage resolve an event card uh only creepers and the queen which is there's none on the board um they would move each intruder on the board heals two injuries well none of them are damaged at the moment yeah beautiful that's great that's it kind of a nothing but there you go yep i think they should be able to eat your face at the end of the day it would like it would literally devour me well step five is intruder attack did we do that oh is that is it yeah look at the event phase on your card oh so we should have done that before the event that's right sort of draw it out the same intruder attack okay choose a character who's the target that so it's so dave you're the only one all right so how you've done nothing wrong this whole game remember how you wanted to get your face draw and resolve an intruder attack cam so it does match it's an adult scratch wait hold on this one would have been drawn first we didn't draw that oh or dream sorry um you can suffer one light wound and get a contamination card all right one more wound contamination so that just goes into my discard pile now yeah yeah yes which is the other side so because this is the start of a new phase it does it then gets shuffled in yeah yeah okay because that happened before the start of the new one so when when you perform an escape move what do you do you draw one of these yes okay and if it matches it's basically just does like a normal intruder attack okay cool but you don't get to have a shot at it yeah yeah actually i can do the can oh no that's two actions that's all right i'll do this cool um caleb sorry what was your name again gregory grigorovich uh i will do a move what kind of move a freaky dance move wow he's gone he's everyone wants to live going in here coming to save my good friend el capitan dave it'll go for the person with the least cards i think if there's a time it's one what's the role for and then i forgot immediately even if it was just an alien in there you don't roll yeah if there's an alien in there okay so i won't roll no noises so you guys obviously need some carcasses by the sounds of it running guns blazing do i need a carcass greg is that your son no i think so i keep forgetting when there's an alien in there i can only attack or flee is that right i can't search or no do anything else so you can move shoot or melee attack because you're in combat let's start shooting nice let's see if we get some wounds on this mother yeah what does that say the monitoring room is check uh check one room and exploration token okay yeah so you can look at any others on this hope for some better luck with these roles that is unfortunate that's a mess again that's a miss yep so that's your turn yep i'm done okay my turn so i will i've got cards enough for three shots move [Music] finally let's just send a signal oh there you go oh no to activate one of my cards i need to be in the comms room and i was like oh hopefully there is one so now there has to be one i'm in the room with this guy uh i'm actually gonna go uh suppressive fire discard one ammo now move yourself or one other chosen character without trigging an intruder attack so i'm gonna move to here oh see just zipping through uh and that is an alien in my face is it what do you mean danger it's just danger yeah okay but there is a one attached to it all right yeah now you just add one to every other space around it oh okay i'm pretty sure that's how it works what's that fire control system you might want to double check that uh but also does that did the alien have a swing at you no because you suppressive fire without trigger triggering an intruder attack oh nice by discarding discarding a board so we actually have now uncovered everything and we don't have a shower oh yeah well the yeah the shower is only in these five rooms yeah so we stay slimed is what we're saying yeah there's probably others clothes yeah i think the clothes are probably yellow eyes so your voluntary slime from before oh mistakes were made what was i looking at oh it's funny this rule but you go from page to page front to back and then you go i still can't see it i just love looking at the way that you're doing it you don't like keep the front cover and the back cover at the back you just fold it i try and keep it on that no i keep it on that one which is what the bag development which takes them if there are no intruders in any of them i haven't listened to neighboring yeah so it will come over to me sorry yeah yeah so if there are no if there's an internet naming room move it to this room there are no intruders then you place a noise marker in each corridor without our noise marker already so okay these come out so they don't go there but he moves into me he follows he's coming into there so you suppress your fire so he kind of just watches you and then just like slowly stalks after you hey you gotta try man you've gotta try uh that's my turn's done wow that's scary all right i'm gonna rest sorry that should be there i'm gonna rest which says scan all contamination cards which of which i have one in my hand which i assume i have to take out of here yeah it's doable but it is a little tight but it's still even a little tight with the without the sleeve okay how fun and this actually this says so you've had a great day nothing else has happened novel aliens towards you no double check that there's nothing that says infected in gergstr uh no no [Laughter] so that's out of the game now oh that's just straight removed from you is it if anything oh so uh and remove all not infected cards so i can just go in the discard area there i'm not infected congratulations a likely story and i will also i'm going to search for medical help thank you to medical dudes three all right so i am pow pow yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna do some shooting so i will discard did you only draw four this time or was i did only draw four yes um yeah so i'm gonna discard this one and i'm going to shoot and hope for the best it's a hit to hit so this dice does show faces other than the lock yes so that gave you the wrong one sorry uh so i do what's that one one damage yeah yes and yeah so how much health does he have i should draw this because it varies he's got three three okay um and i will do another shoot as my other my second action and hope for something a bit better adults it's an adult that's the hits it that's another damage that's another damage four he's a bit stronger now he's a four he's a bit angry he's a bit pissed off he's coming up oh i will also shoot um this time i'm going to use come on come on caleb this time i'm going to use my sauna i've just said that the aliens are some of the best sculpts i've seen in any they're great i love those it's enough imagine rolling blanks shoot again this is getting ridiculous uh you know i've got i have two cards i have a search to get medical items or a fast repair to get rid of the mouth to get rid of the malfunction i'm gonna hold on to the malfunction yep because we might need that yeah we're going to need that emergency room very soon but i would very much like health items so i want you to know the sacrifice that i'm getting for you here el capitan hell wow this is the worst mechanic i've ever seen yeah mechanic i fixed the engine i'm just not a good shot that's a shotgun i'm just boom i think the recoil has just hit him in the face you're lucky you haven't been hit jesus all right so he's closing the door is that considered putting a door there yes okay yeah so i'm going to use my adrenaline which is uh perform escape movement action and draw an action card so they will still try to hit me yes they do an intruder champion are you running to i'm running back so it will hit yeah that's fine uh two light wounds and a contamination card two light wounds oof that's a claw attack and i'm moved here now yeah do you have to roll a noise noise you still have to do the noise where is the noise oh read it so i don't want to roll a oh i can't you can roll anything yeah three perfect yeah roll behind you and then i will but you can hear it scurrying after you you're going can i close it the amount of yellow tokens on the board is genuinely unnerving it's scary scary stuff yeah i will use one card to use um my energy charge open or close one door in any corridor connected to the room that you're in yep so i'll put it there imagine closing more doors perfect makes it hard to get around i'm really going to have to start using my cards to start closing or opening up all these doors it's a bit scary it's a bit scary hmm also just so no one's under any confusion this door lying down door is damaged but is open so you can move through that can never be closed again yeah unless you can repair it yes i have an ability now who's looked at what agents uh what engines i've looked at and fixed two you fixed both of them i didn't i didn't do three engines but you haven't looked at this one no i haven't even looked at three so engine two is replacing someone needs to look at one then and make sure we're gonna get there we need to kill this alien sitting on our floor i don't care about the alien right yeah if you if you can kill that alien i can repair the emergency room so that it's ready to go i'm just going to do a serious i'm going to do a quiet move to here yeah you can always see what caleb's up to by going into the engine i'm going to yeah i don't trust him as far as i can hang on you're going to check three or two he's going to go to two you're gonna double check your work i fixed it so i am what's that cheeky smiley gregorovich no one's questioning your coordinates i did well i'm gonna be honored in a pod by then hopefully you check them no no no everyone wants to go to work so i have i'm gonna spend an action and i'm going to shoot again please kill it i'm praying i'm killing it we just need that hibernator oh double so i deal one extra so that's three additional in injury now it's six oh you're me [Laughter] the next turn if you shoot it again it'll be lower than 600 automatically yeah guaranteed yeah you're going to go again why not if you've got ammo you might as well and and this is where i roll blanks but we still flip it it's a five it's dead it's dead okay so we drop a course it's scared to death i didn't realize you did that if you even if you didn't deal damage oh assume you do don't you i figured you didn't let me double because you missed before and we didn't draw one right yeah didn't we no okay well all right let me just double check okay don't say anything else it's just a you miss carry on because yeah we haven't checked any of the any of the blanks that i've done yeah that is true even when he had two damage on it all right fair enough let's put him back roll it back all right so you've missed so i have one card so i cannot repair that's okay i cannot repair the emergency room i just have to yes so so when an intruder suffers injuries you then check that you do the injury okay so that card has not been flipped out yet so that's still a five coming up so i will discard this to do another attack all i have to do is hit the mother he's gonna hit this time i'm going to say he's in a hit iron it's a blank it's a good it's 50 50 right it's a blank yeah i've missed it's not even i have missed every other shot i have all right i have taken four shots and missed every single one action but let's see a roll this time yes okay it's a mess all right uh [Music] so worst mechanic ever so you're passing i'm taking it i have also passed by the way i should have just left you should have i should have just left you just bailed what are the chances that his health is gonna go up every time we shoot him like he gets stronger the more we hurt him well that's what happened the problem was i just had to deal one damage and then the next we knew that enjoying the game all this time video yeah that's much better i'm gonna search so that'll go to one and i'll get well these guys they don't even care about us we're fighting for our lives who had the first battle against the queen and got rid of her who just ran into events you your pants and you ran away i said i said hello queenie and she went i'm out of here if it makes you feel any better i drew two chemicals and uh i don't need them nice but it's considered an item that i can yeah what chemicals the chemicals is flame yeah so i can build an antidote you can build an antidote a flamethrower or a molotov cocktail uh and then i pass oh how convenient well i'm not the enemy i'm literally i've already i've already passed i've passed i've passed all right so you can't because your card's up the wrong way we don't know uh move the time track come on hibernatorium round ten uh intruder attack there is one uh so i think it targets me first and then dave or does it just target one of us no i think it targets one of you please don't be me surely it's lower in the so if there's more than one character the player has the fewest action cards in the event of a draw the attacker with the first player token or the next player in turn order dang it that's you that's me it's attacking you but it might not match it it matches i'm shocked uh scratch now so it's a light wound and a contamination card you better help him out he has come to your age but that five is now oh now to be fair i came to his aid and did nothing yes literally didn't do a thing so are you the pl you're not first playing now though you're about to pass that on uh well we're at and uh so only breeders and above move so no one moves place a fire marker in the hibernatorium oh oh oh if uh if it's already on fire place one in neighboring rooms fire does not spread through closed doors or technical corridors so now we draw five so i draw one and then shuffle so i actually only draw four oh cause you've got your leg wound yes that can never be healed or your body weight [Music] do you
Channel: Tabletop Knights
Views: 6,302
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: tabletop, knights, nemesis, nemesis board game, how to play nemesis, nemesis rules, nemesis playthrough, nemesis review, nemesis gameplay, how to play, awaken realms, lets play nemesis, 4 players, rules, nemesis game, board game, ttk, nemesis 3d terrain, objectives, kickstarter
Id: jbF3RFL0rlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 13sec (4693 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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