Nemesis in about 3 minutes

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hello and welcome to nemesis in about three minutes it is a game for one to five players there is a solo mode playing time is up to three hours It's a reasonably complex game you're groggy is you awake from hypersleep on board the nemesis Why is the alarm going off? Which way is it to the showers? and why does spaceman Steve have a giant hole in his chest? something is seriously wrong. The engines don't sound like they're working and the navigation array is making funny sounds but worst of all you're not feeling it all easy about the suspicious looks you're getting from the crew. Was one of them responsible for this? each player starts the game with two objectives when the first alien arrives you choose one to keep you win if you complete your goal and escape the ship or go into hypersleep and the ship makes it to earth if the timer reaches zero or the ship blows up and you haven't completed your goal you lose you also lose if you get eaten Semi cooperative: Most of the time you will help your shipmates unless your goal is to space one of them card management: All player actions in this game require the use of cards at the start of the game each player selects a character and gains their player board, ten character cards, a starting weapon and two quest items each turn you will draw five cards to play a card from your hand you must discard it along with a number of additional cards as shown in the white box on the left you can also do these basic actions by discarding cards movement costs one card and then you roll for noise placing a noise token in the adjacent numbered corridor moving into a space with another figure does not generate noise if you move into an unexplored room flip the exploration token and roll for noise then place the room so that this arrow is matched up against the number on this token that's how many searchable items are in this room to search play the appropriate card then draw two items matching the room's color and you can keep one then turn the room number down one step at any point if you have to place a second noise token in a corridor you're in serious trouble remove all the noise connected to that room and draw something from the bag in this case an adult alien appears if you have cards left you might be able to attack it in this case the soldier gets lucky and does three damage unfortunately the alien draws a four defense value and survives and is ready to counter-attack later in the turn once all players have passed the aliens attack you then draw an event card and then draw a token from the bag for alien behavior in this case lavae alien evolves into an adult keep playing until everyone is dead, in hypersleep or off the ship why would you like this game? very few games deliver an atmospheric and thematic experience like Nemesis and while it borrows heavily from the Alien franchise it doesn't exceptionally well feeling enough like it's own world while still being very rooted in the tropes and there is much to do on the ship you can research alien weaknesses at the lab steal eggs or blow up the alien nest check or change the ship's destination on the bridge and fix and break the engines the ship has a lot of rooms and a variable layout each time and the characters all feel very different when you play them and the contamination mechanic is something really neat with the act of scanning cards being genuinely tense the best thing about this game is the cinematic moments of produces and the gnawing tension throughout the game however this game is full of unfair moments and rolls do not go your way or a sudden betrayal cripples you Even playing as well as you can you can still get infected, eaten and vented into space The space horror theme will also not appeal to some We also found playing the game too suspiciously makes it a lot harder to win in general the game feels like it should be everyone for themselves but you really have to play quite cooperatively if you want the feeling of panic while a ship explodes around you but want a shorter fully co-op game try if the captain is dead and if betrayals are what appeals you could try tracking down a copy of Battlestar Gallactica nemesis now you know what it means if you enjoyed this video like it, subscribe to the channel and check out our patreon
Channel: 3 Minute Board Games
Views: 111,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adam Kwapiński, Nemesis, alien, aliens, Andrzej Półtoranos, Piotr Foksowicz, Patryk Jędraszek, Paweł Samborski, Awaken Realms, Board games, Board game, How to play, Board Game review, Short Board games, Three minute Board Games, 3 Minute Board games, summary, hot take, subtitles
Id: EHO3b56pSl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 57sec (237 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2018
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