Nemesis Setup and Rules

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hello everybody welcome back to Ready Steady play and if you're here it means you're about to embark on a mission on board the nemesis starship and you need some introductory training I'm here to teach you all about the Nemesis what you can expect during your journey and how to prepare for the unexpected nemesis is a one to five player thematic survival game in which you will take on the role of the crew of the starship nemesis you've been woken up out of hyper sleep in an emergency because something has happened upon waking up you discover the dead body of a crew member and that things are not quite right you will need to survive and escape safely back to earth or perhaps to another destination nemesis is not a cooperative game in that the success of your fellow crew mates is largely irrelevant to your own success you will win or lose as individuals however you will all be facing down the same nemesis which is the intruder aliens that have come on board the ship and are now killing off the crewmembers and threatening your survival these aliens are fearsome and going head-to-head with one will most likely end in disaster which means you will have to work together to overcome and survive against these adversaries but at the end of the day you're not allies and you're not cooperating everybody has some common goals which is to ensure the engines are working and show the ship is heading for Earth and make it back to the hibernation pods in order to go to sleep for the long journey or to make it to an escape pod and jettison from the ship however some of your secret objectives might interfere with those goals so you never really know who you can trust and who is trying to betray you I'll very quickly show you the components in the box then I'll walk you through how to set up the game and then I'll show you how to take actions in order to accomplish your hidden objectives [Music] so here in the box we've got two player aides which give you the rules for every single room you might find in the spaceship we've got a board here which is double-sided with an easy and difficult version of the board on it the difficult version of the board is also used in the cooperative and solo campaign there is a cooperative a fully cooperative and solo campaign mode as well here we've got the intruder board and one board for each different player character you should have a model for each different player character and of these come with coloured bass rings and these rings are of course coordinated to the colors of the characters colors so each character has a specific color you should also have two attack dice in red and two noise dice in black a number of alien eggs tokens that note where noise is being made on the ship tokens that note where fire and malfunctions are occurring on the ship there should be eight of each of these and they are component limited it's important tokens that represent loons on both the players and the aliens they also stand in for ammunition in your weapons we've got these double-sided exploration tokens we've got doors and their bases a canvas bag full of alien tokens these tokens are all double-sided with a warning on one side and a symbol for one of the alien species on the other you can find a convenient guide to these alien species here on the intruder board we've also got here a first player marker to know who's the first player in the round we've got two tokens for each engine these come in a working in damaged variety for skate pods that have an unlocked unlocked side to five injury tokens for when you finally meet the Queen or the breeders that doesn't make sense don't worry these tokens are used to represent injury typically used to represent injuries on the big alien species you've got a token the notes your dead comrade that you find when you wake up tokens that note when your friends die and tokens the net when aliens die you've also got status tokens here that perform a variety of roles including tracking the turns and noting when you've been covered in alien slime this token here indicates when you're about to be vented into space through an airlock this is the high-tech scanner that will be used to scan your contamination costs to see if you've been infected with an alien baby there's level 1 and level 2 room tiles these are used to make up the rooms of the ship on the board and each one is different they have lots of lots of cards including these player turn cards these will tell you what player number you are we've got objective cards here that will give you your secret objectives and these come in two varieties corporate and personal we've got character draft cards one for each class we've got a deck of action cards ten cards for each class these are the captains those are the scouts was belong to the scientist and so on we've got a deck of event cards here that indicate bad goings-on on the ship we've got a deck of intruder attack our two used for when the aliens attack you here we've got would look like more action cards but they're actually contamination cards you're gonna have to scan these in order to find out whether or not you've been infected we've got serious wound cards these will tell you when you're taking a serious wound and how it debilitates you got intruder weakness cards indicating the aliens weaknesses we've got these coordinate cards these tell us where the ship is going each character is a set of starting cards the starting cards have a weapon that the character begins with and two quests items that can be unlocked and used over the course of the game these are unique to each class and each class is one set like this so many useful items you can find these mechanical items that will help you fix things and stuff medical items that will help keep you alive these are pretty essential to your survival here we've got military items these are going to be useful for killing aliens and other players perhaps here are some damnit and of course crafted items these are made by combining two items from these decks to make a super item then if you do make one of these super items like this Molotov cocktail and you want to keep it super secret every player gets a player card holder with their player number on it to hide their cards in now I know you're thinking that's a lot of stuff this is probably enough stuff to play a game well my missing one crucial component to the Nemesis game you know what that is yes you do we're missing the aliens these ones are just little babies they're probably harmless right they're called larva and you should have six of them whoa these ones are a bit more scary these ones on the ground here called creepers and they are slightly more grown-up than the larva we should have three of these no who's that oh it's the adult now you should have eight adults and they should be in four different sculpts this guy's not messing around that's the breeder she or he is the or it is the second toughest alien in the intruder Arsenal the toughest alien is of course the Queen and she's got a bucket full of babies too she's the whole cause of this this mess so there we go we've got our aliens we've got our board have got all of our components so I guess we're ready to have an adventure on board the Nemesis by adventure I mean brutal fights survival and trying not to get horribly murdered by these vicious aliens let's find out how it starts well you can put your aliens awake she won't need them during setup you'll only need them as they appear during the course of the game [Music] there are two phases to setup there's the ship setup where we set up the ship and then there's the character setup where everybody gets their characters and gets secret objectives and things like that so we'll start with the ship set up ship set up is actually very very simple first you choose which side of the board you want to play on now it's recommended you start on the classic side of the board the other side of the board was primarily intended for campaign mode and is much more difficult you can tell the secondary more difficult side of the board because it has these two colored circles in the middle which have the technical corridors more on technical corridors later here we've got the main game board side here so we've got one technical corridor indicator up here about the central hibernation chamber here we've got the cockpit we've got the engine rooms down at the bottom of the ship here and a bunch of rooms connected by corridors now the next thing you can do is you'll very easily see that there are room numbers here and these match the backs of the room tiles we're gonna use all of the level one rooms in this setup so we'll just take all of the level 1 room tiles and set them out over the matching symbols on the board so we'll do the level 2 tiles afterwards now you want to give the level two rooms a good old shuffle because you won't use them all and this is part of the randomized element of the game you never know which ones are going to come out some of them are really nice like cabins where you can have a nap and some of them are really on not nice like a slime room that covers you in Alien gunk and then just fill in the rest of those spots the remaining four level two tiles go back in the box you won't be using them in this game next we'll take our exploration tokens and put one on each room again you'll have spares because you don't use all of them in a single setup make sure you put one exploration tile on the back of each room randomly when the rest can go back in the box last four you won't need them this game next just grab your deck of coordinate cards here giving my shuffle and place one card at random next to the cockpit here then you can get rid of the rest of the coordinates you won't need them in this game take one marker token here and put it down on be currently the ship is going to be where is that this card will tell you but don't look at it it's secret we're going to give each of our double engine tokens here a shuffle so we don't know whether the working one or the damaged one is on top and then put them in the appropriate engine spot finally make sure you put a marker token down here on the round tracker and down here on the self-destruct tracker just in case someone decides to dump the ship we'll take our blue dead friend token here and put them down in the cybernated hibernation chamber to indicate that our friend is being killed from the start of the game we'll set out our escape pods the pods begin locked and you'll put out two pods for one or two players three pods for three to four players and all four pods for five players so if you've got two pods make sure you put one in each Bay on either side of the board and then continue to fill upwards in numerical order we're gonna make sure we've shuffled each of these decks of cards these include the four item cards the event cards the intruder attack cards the action cards these are actually - action times what I mean is the contamination cards all three kinds of item cards here serious wound cards and the crafted item cards these all just form decks besides the board that we'll be drawing from during the course of the game then we'll set up our intruder board make sure we put five egg tokens next nest and then give the weakness deck a good shuffle and put one weakness under each possible source of investigation so one weakness for the character corpse one weakness for the intruder egg and one weakness for the intruder carcass these are secret until they're discovered during the course of the game still look at them the wrists the weaknesses can go back in the box and they won't be used this game you should also make sure I haven't done it here on my table because I'm filming and it's small but also make sure you leave space to discard cards for each of these piles each problem will need a discard pile next up we're gonna have to set up our nemesis intruder baggie here so in this bag we're gonna put one copy of the Queen and they'll put four or four larvae we're gonna put a single creeper we're gonna put three adults now note that all of these have different warning numbers on the back these should be randomized don't look at them just draw three adult tiles without looking at the numbers and put them in the bag then draw an additional adult tile for every player in your game so for example if you were playing a three player game then draw three additional adult tiles and also put those in the bag finally also enter this blank token into the bag and then close it up and put it nearby you'll need it for the game leave the stacks of remaining tokens nearby as well as you'll need those two if you recall all those components I showed you during the component run down the fire tokens the malfunctions the wounds and ammunition and stuff just keep those nearby as well somewhere two-hand where you can quickly and easily grab them but for now having set this up and the board up that is your ship and your aliens all set up and you're ready to do your character set so the first thing we'll do for character setup is to grab these player help cards which are the ones that say pass on the back and have the player numbers on and then take out the number of cards you have one for each player so if I'm playing with three people I'll take cards one two three and put the rest back in the box then I'll just shuffle these and let each player choose one whoever gets the player number one card will be first player and they'll also be given the first player token each player will also be given the card holder that matches their player number once each player is a pass card and a card holder and the first player marker then each player is going to get their secret objectives we'll take the corporate objectives and the personal objectives and we'll go through each deck and remove the cards that are not relevant to the game we're playing so we're setting up a three player game here so we want to get rid of any card that has a four or more on it and the rest form the corporate objective deck we repeat the same here for the personal objectives the objectives you're not using go back in the box and then you take the objectives you are using deal to each player one corporate and one personal objective the rest go away forever players are now permitted to look at their objectives and this is important because these objectives are going to help them decide which of the characters they might want to play however they don't have to decide which objective they want to keep in which they want to get rid of yet they'll keep both of them for now but once everyone's absorbs their options then they'll get to pick a character starting with the first player shuffle the character draft cards and pick to keep one and return the other to the pile once you've chosen you must show both cards to the other players player 1 shuffles their discarded card back into the deck and then player 2 draws the top two cards and does the same thing these card holders are not necessarily used for this it's just for illustrative purposes in the video the remaining character draft cards go back in the box now each player gets the stuff they'll need to play their character each player gets a model a starting weapon to quest items a deck of 10 action cards and their player board once the player has collected their things you can return the character draft card to the box you won't need it anymore so the last thing we're gonna do for setup is load our guns and get ready to go on the mission each character begins with a weapon card like this you start holding it and your either your left hand or your right hand it must be held in this way because it's a heavy item just check your ammo counter here on the card this one's got four so take four of these red tokens and put them down here to indicate this is loaded with four ammunition it looks like we're locked and loaded and ready to go on the mission so then let's talk about gameplay and how it works there are many ways in which nemesis can end but only very few ways that nemesis can end well players can all be eliminated by the aliens that's one way for it to end or you know by each other I should mention at this point that there's no direct player conflict so you can't kill each other directly or attack each other directly but you can very successfully sabotage each other making sure you burn to death or you're eaten by aliens or abandon on a ship that's heading into deep space but suffice to say player elimination everybody dies is a way for the game to end another way in which the game can end is the ship is destroyed the ship could be destroyed in a number of ways either by the self-destruct timer ticking down all the way to zero here and then the ship will be destroyed the ship can also be destroyed by the turn token here going all the way down to the end at this point the ship jumps into hyperspace when the ship jumps into hyperspace we'll check the engines if two or more of the engines are in their damaged state and not their working state then the ship is destroyed and everybody on board dies as well now that anyone who got away in an escape pod will not be killed when the ship is destroyed in this way only those that are in the hibernation chamber the ship can also be destroyed by burning or malfunctioning these fire tokens represent the ship burning down if you would ever go to place a ninth fire token on the board and you cannot because there's only eight the ship has burned to a crisp similarly these tokens here represent malfunctions on the ship now these proved to be minor inconveniences for the crew as they attempt to use the ship's facilities to aid in their fight against the intruders however if you would ever go to place a ninth malfunction token on the board and you cannot find one then the ship is malfunctioning to the point where it's torn apart in space and just comes apart and everybody dies in order for a successful end to this mission players must complete their secret objective which we've already given them they must also survive you can survive by just assuming in an escape pod or you can survive by going back to sleep in the hibernate a chamber that you woke up in however if you go to sleep in the hibernation chamber in order for you to survive you must have set the coordinates to earth unless your secret objective specifically says don't go to earth and two or more of the engines must be in the working state if they're not then the ship is destroyed and if you're asleep in the hibernation chamber you are also destroyed now remember there's contamination cards some of them indicate that you have an alien baby if you go to sleep in a hibernation chamber or an escape pod with an alien baby you might even die after you've escaped from the ship or successfully going back into cryo sleep so you can still lose even after the game is technically ended so if it sounds like the odds are not stacked in your favor you're correct they are not it's actually very difficult to win nemesis unless you work together as a team which is problematic because you've all got your secret objectives and you don't know what those might be the secret objectives are actually very thematic remember how we dealt out a corporate and the personal secret objective that's because you've got your orders from the company you have to do what they want you to do because ultimately your company person paid to be out here by the company however it may well be the case that stuff's gotten so scary and hairy that you decide screw what the company wants I not for myself I just want to survive of course you can't know what decision you're gonna make until you see the enemy up close the very first time anyone on the ship encounters an intruder be it a larva or a breeder or creeper or an adult you'll choose one of your secret objectives to keep and the other to bin you can choose either one of them but you must complete the one that you keep so let's have a look at some of these objectives so that you understand what your ultimate goal is some of these objectives have options on them for example here we've got a personal objective that says the ship must reach earth well we're trying to each reach earth anyway so provided nobody's trying to send it to Mars or deep space that's a good thing or you are the only characters to survive if you keep this objective you will have a choice you must complete one of these conditions if you've completed either of these conditions at the end of the game and you've survived congratulations you're a winner we have another option here which is a corporate objective that's as player threes character cannot survive your character is the only survivor so this is again an or so if one of these two conditions are met now the only reason you really ever do this bottom one is if you are player three and you've got this objective otherwise just go for player three's character sabotage and make sure they don't survive if they're dead at the end of the game and you've survived you've completed your objective you might also have some objectives that don't have ores on in this case this one's an and this personal objective says said in the signal and finish the game in annex K pot or hibernation with the blue character corpse object so that's this character corpse that starts the game so I guess you're picking this up for personal reasons maybe you loved this person maybe they've your brother who knows but it's really sad and you have to pick up that item and then end the game with it you also have to send the signal but more on that later or extreme biology at least two alien weaknesses must be discovered well these are the alien weaknesses that we set out earlier on the alien board and we'll talk about how to discover those in a bit but if you can discover two of them and you survived then you've completed your objective and won the game but if you think that your objectives are gonna be easy then forget about it they're not they're gonna be hard and everyone's gonna be suspicious of you and they're not going to be sure whether or not they can trust you it's gonna be a whole thing so in order to complete your objectives you have a number of actions that you can do that allow you to move around the ship interact with the stuff on the ship and ultimately try to achieve your goal the main structure of the game has two phases the player phase and the intruder phase during the player phase will do two full rounds of player actions and then will progress to the intruder phase where we'll go through a sequence of events that take place and then back to the player phase at the beginning of the player phase everybody draws five of these action cards the player phase begins with the first player who will take two actions play will then pass clockwise around the table until everyone's had two actions and we're back at the first player and then we'll go around one more time with again everyone getting two actions now you can do basic actions on your turn which typically costs one card whenever you do a basic action you discard a card and you take that basic action however you can also do the actions that are on these cards you can also do actions that are relative to the rooms on the board some of these require you to discard more than one card what this means is that in addition to being limited to two actions you're also limited to the cost of these actions in cards so you're gated in two ways if you ever run out of cards before you've taken your for action opportunities then you must pass and you're out of the round so you've got no more actions this round you might pass after taking just one action if it costs a lot of cards or you might get all four actions if you do four fairly quick actions when your turn if you're not taking a basic action or an advanced card action from your hand you'll be using an item action if you choose to take no actions you'll be forced to pass and you'll be out for the entire round but once all players have passed that's when the intruder round begins wherever you see this symbol here this is a cost in cards this means this is an action that you can take and that when you take this action you must discard this many cards the basic character actions are pretty straightforward and these include things that you'll just do move around the ship you've got movement shoot a Malay attack pick up a heavy object trade and craft an item down here you'll see you've also got a basic action called careful movement that requires you to discard two cards spending your action cards is always going to be a difficult choice so you'll typically only ever have five in your hand and each of these cards is also an action that you can do for example this card can be discarded to allow you to search for items around the ship this one can be discarded allowing you to rest and get rid of some of the alien contamination that might be slowing you down so you must choose between the basic actions and these advanced actions on your cards the characters have some actions in common like basic repairs most characters have a basic repairs card and they've got some that are unique to them for example the soldiers taking aim and full auto card here are unique to the soldier and no other character has them another important thing to note is that some actions can and cannot be used in combat for example these symbols here indicate that these cards cannot be used in combat this card doesn't have a symbol on it which means it can be used whether or not you're in combat and this symbol here has a gun on it which means that it can only be used in combat crucially note that you cannot perform room actions while you're in combat and if you want to move out of combat you must escape so you'll be thinking on your turn you'll be talking to your friends about what you might do what you might not do and ultimately trying to get the most out of the cards and actions available to you so let's have a look at the first basic action which is move our scout has here her hand of five cards and she decides she wants to take a move action when she takes a move action she takes one of her cards and discards it face up next to her player board that her facedown deck is here and her face-up discarded cards are here now that she's paid the price she can take her character here and decide to enter into one of the rooms now when you're moving you're always looking at these corridors here which connect up the rooms your character will never ever stop in a corridor it will move but always move between rooms when you enter a room that's not discovered the very first thing you do is flip over the room tile so in this case I've discovered the shower room then you flip over the exploration token now you're looking at two things on this token the number at the top and the symbol at the bottom the number at the top indicates how many items are in the room this is when we search rooms for you've got useful things that will help us fight the aliens we set the room tile to the number indicated on the top of the exploration tile this will tick down as items are discovered eventually the room will be depleted and we won't be able to find any more items next we check this symbol to see what happens this is a slime symbol which means our character is now covered in gunk I'll talk more about slime and how that works in a bit to indicate our characters being covered in slime you take a status marker and put it down here on the slime section of our player board I'll have to get rid of this because it makes travel and aliens more dangerous now we check to see if there's anyone in the room if there were anyone else in the room there'd be a model here so we are all by ourselves that is to say there's no aliens and no other players as that is the case we must roll for noise so we take this noise die and we roll it now on a number of result we match the number to one of the corridors attached to the room in this case is corridor number four and we put down a noise token in that corridor other results include this quiet symbol and this danger symbol if you are all the quiet symbol then you don't have to place any noise at all if you are all the danger symbol you must place noise in every corridor connected to the room however if you're covered in slime and you roll the quiet symbol you must treat it as the danger symbol our character is covered in slime so she's lucky she did not roll the silent symbol it's worth noting that some rooms have this little red symbol here and this is the technical corridors this indicates the air ducts this is an ambiguous space that exists all around the ship and is connected to all rooms with these little red symbols next to them and they'll always have a number whenever this number is rolled for noise you place noise in the air ducts that means we put a noise token down here on this space here and what this means is that if someone ever rolls noise in the air ducts again an alien will appear so rooms connected to the ducts are more vulnerable than rooms that are not if you would ever place a noise token in a corridor where there is already a noise token you will have triggered an encounter with an alien and we'll talk more about that later in the meantime this noise will sit here in this corridor acting is a danger until it is removed noise is only removed when an encounter is triggered in a room connected to the corridor in this instance our scout has taken her first action and she has one more action may be noticed down here the careful movement option this is an alternate to regular movement it's the exact same but it costs an extra card to play so you must discard two instead of one if you take a careful movement then you can choose which corridor to place the noise in instead of rolling the noise die this also means that you won't get a move silently result but you also won't get a danger result the next two basic actions are shoot and Mully attack look at those later when we get to encounters and fighting aliens after that it's pickup heavy object so one of the actions pick up heavy object allows you to pick up heavy objects everybody starts with a heavy object and that's the weapon that you begin the game with the fact that this is a heavy object is noted here by this grippy hand on the card what that means is that it must be held in your hand all heavy objects must be placed in either your left or right hand on your character board and must stay there face-up for the duration of the game if you would ever go to pick up a heavy object and you have no space for it you must drop something first all other items can be placed in your character card holder here and you can have as many items as you want in this character card holder provided they aren't heavy there's no limit in addition to cards that show the grippy hand symbol heavy objects also include this corpse alien corpses and alien eggs those three things are the three things that can be examined for weaknesses in order to discover the aliens vulnerabilities if you want to pick up a heavy object you must pay a card because it's a basic action and then you can take the heavy object and you must put it down on your board in one of your hands slots you can never conceal heavy objects here on your player card holder they are too large and heavy to be hidden so all the other players will know what heavy objects you have the next basic action is trade and trade just allows you to swap cards between players during a trade action you can trade pretty much anything that's not nailed down that means items from any four of the item decks or alien corpses and alien eggs and objects you can even trade your quest items if you want or your guns when you initiate a trade action you can trade freely with any other character in your room so in this case our soldier could trade freely with the scientists trading anything back and forth for our Scout was also in the room they could all three of them trade back and forth any items they want provided all the players agree you cannot rob anyone final basic action is craft item so let's have a look at how we find items where we get them and how we can craft them we've got a little crafting menu here too there are many many useful items in these decks that don't require crafting in fact I played nemesis a bunch of times and we've almost never crafted stuff but that doesn't mean it's not worth it and can't be useful there are many cool and useful items that can be crafted as well items are found in rooms remember when we explored the shower room and we set it to three that means there's three items in here now the shower room is a good find because it's a white room rooms come in four colors white and green red and yellow as per the three decks here so rooms are either military rooms medical-type rooms or engineering type rooms or white rooms which are generic and function is all three in order to pick up an item you must perform a search action a search action is a special action that can only be played by playing a card every player has to search cards in their player deck and it is a common card to all of the characters if you don't have that card in your hand then you cannot search for items however if you remember from earlier our Scout had a search card in her hand and she still has one action left she can discard this card in order to use the action on it in addition to discarding the card to take this action she must also discard cards equal to the number in the box here now because the search is a relatively simple action she discards no additional cards in order to use it however she may have to discard more cards depending on how difficult the action is for her to perform for example reconnaissance which is a special action only the Scout has would require to her to discard this card and one additional card when she performs a search action she ticks the room's contents down one and then because it's a white room she can choose any deck of items to draw from other rooms like the fire control system have a specific color which is denoted by the color of the room banner and the symbol here in this room you could only find yellow cards our Scout decides that she wants to search for red cards because she thinks having some offensive stuff will be useful when you do a search you draw two cards matching the deck of your choice you pick one to keep but it here in your character cardholder and the other one goes face-up next to the item deck item cards work just like character action cards in that you can use them to perform an action on your turn and this will be one of your two just like the action cards in your hand what actually takes place is written here on the card so you'll have to read the text to find out what the effective using the card is but if you want to use the grenade you'll have to discard this card plus one additional action card from your hand then you can carry out the text below now there is no further symbols on the grenade which means it cannot be used for crafting we also know this by checking the crafting menu on our character board the grenade is nowhere to be found you'll know when an item can be used for crafting because of the presence of this blue symbol in the top left hand corner that symbol indicates what type of item it is and can be matched to the menu to find out what you can make when you craft something you must first spend an card from your hand in order to craft the item so you discard that face-up then you take the two items that you possess with matching symbols that allow you to craft something you discard these as well when they go face-up next to their deck on the table then you go into the crafted item deck and you find the item that matches the one you've just crafted you take that card and this is yours now you can see matches the symbols on the bottom here and then it will tell you on the card how to use it and what you can do with it place that on your player card holder for future use unless of course it happens to be a heavy item in which case you'll have to hold it in one of your hands so that covers all your non-aggressive basic actions as well as looking there at one of the more advanced actions the search I'll let you discover just what is in the action deck here but some of the basic card actions which include search also include demolition which allow you to destroy rooms basic repairs which allow you to fix rooms and use computer which allows you to use the computer in the rooms for various things as well now if you don't use a card action either on a card or an item or basic action something else you can do is a room action all of the room I have different actions that can be done in them we have here a sheet that shows you all of the different functions of the rooms note that the cockpit the high Burnet Orion and the engines also have actions that you can do which is listed on this sheet I'm not going to go through all of these different room functions some of them are pretty self-explanatory like in the cockpit you can check and change the coordinates if you want and the engines you can look at whether they're working or not if our Scout had another action she may consider using the shower room now she's quite lucky in a sense because although she got slimed entering this room there was alien gunk in the shower for some reason she's actually in the shower and the function of the shower room is to take a shower what does that do it removes slime from your character if she wants to use this room action she'll have to pay the cost on the room tile if we take a look at the shower room here we can see that you must pay two cards here we see the action symbol here the number two in it you pay two cards from your hand discard them face-up and then you can take a shower when you take a shower if you have a slime token on your board you can remove it here's another example of a room this is a level one room so this one's always included in the game now you'll see here there's a little blue symbol here that the shower room does not have that's a computer symbol if you're ever instructed to be in a room with a computer you must look for this symbol the generator room allows you to initiate the self-destruct sequence if you ever take this action you discard two cards from your hand and you start the self-destruct sequence if you activate the self-destruct sequence this timer here is gonna start ticking down this is one of the few ways in the game to unlock the escape pods when this timer ticks into the orange zone these scape pods come unlocked and furthermore the self-destruct sequence cannot be stopped when the token reaches here the ship will be destroyed and everyone on board will die so let's hope you go into an escape pod because if you're in the hyper natori 'm that's also exploded and you've died sometimes when you reveal an exploration token it will have this symbol on it and that means the room is malfunctioning when a room is malfunctioning it means you cannot use a computer action in here or use the room action until the room is repaired character as a basic repair card in their deck that allows them to repair malfunctions also remember that if there are nine malfunctions on the board of any given time then the ship explodes if you're in a situation like this you might find yourself thinking how do I open up the escape pods because I'd really like to escape there are four ways to open up the escape pods in the game the first way is whenever the first player dies the minute someone dies the ship enters safety support mode and immediately unlocks all escape pods the other way to unlock escape pods is activate the self-destruct once the self-destruct gets to turn four then all the escape pods will automatically unlock as well there's an item in the red item deck that's an emergency escape key there's only one so it's pretty hard to find but there is one in there furthermore the pilot has a quest item that will unlock one escape pod the fourth way to get into the escape pods is that there's also a level two room called the hatch control but the thing is it might not be in the game so you could spend the whole game looking for the hatch control room and not find it so be very wary if you pick a objective or plan to use these scape pods be cautious that those are the conditions under which they open now the other thing is if you ever want to get into an escape pod first you have to find the room that corresponds to the scape on so this is the evacuation section B so this refers to this escape pod here it just happens to be close in this case these are randomly laid out on this side of the board so you'd have to get in here and unlock it now if you're ever in the hibernation chamber or than the evacuation section and you want to get into a pod or an evacuation or a hibernation chamber and end your game safely find a victory then you must roll for noise when you get in now if you roll for noise when you get into a hibernation chamber and no encounter takes place you're fine you're fast asleep and safe in the hibernation chamber the aliens are happy to ignore you for now if you roll for noise when you get into the escape pod and nothing happens you can either wait there for someone to come if you're waiting for someone else you see the escape pods have room for two so you can wait for someone to come however you know if an alien comes in then they'll pull you out of the escape pod so you might want to just launch immediately and leave your friends behind ensuring your safety if you roll for noise and you roll noise then you can still get in unless an encounter takes place if an encounter takes place then you cannot get in the pod you must fight off the alien you can't use the room action to get into the pod while the aliens there either so you're gonna have to deal with this new problem same in the hybrid natori 'm if you're trying to get into the sleepy sleepy place and then alien shows up you can't use the room action to get into the hyper chamber you're gonna have to deal with this new threat this is the comms room and if you need to send a signal in order to complete your mission you'll need to find this room this is a level 1 room which means it's always present in the game once you've found this room you can enter the room and use the computer in order to send the signal which just allows you to take one of these little markers here and put it down on your player board so once you've sent the signal in the comms room you complete token down here and this knows that you've sent the signal if that was an objective you needed to complete as part of your mission at the end of the game note that you can be devious and also send the signal even if you don't need to do it if you want to throw people off what your actual objective is when you're in the engine room checking the engines look at them in secret do not show them to your friends now you're not allowed to change the order of them unless you have an action that allows you to do this either using a basic repair card or something from your deck but you can check the one on top and that's the pertinent one so in this case engine 1 is damaged and we just put that back and we can tell our friends our friends whatever we want about these engines whether or not they are working or not but we'll need a card in order to repair this the same goes for the cockpit if you get into the cop and you check the coordinates you do this in secret and don't show them to anybody then you can tell your friends well yes the spaceship is heading to earth whether or not this is true only you know until someone finds out some of those checks and then they'll know - of course you can take a room action in here - change the coordinates to whatever you want just remember that you can only look at this when you take that room action so remember the love of God remember where you want to go so you're probably thinking how do a Lien's get on the board and what happens well we've pretty much gone over now all of the actions you can do as a player that is to say basic actions card actions item actions and room actions but we haven't covered shooting and milena attack because we haven't encountered any aliens yet the only way an alien can really appear is through an encounter and encounters occur when - noise tokens are put down in a single location corridors on the board are noted by these little arrows with numbers in if you roll that number on the noise die you put down a little noise token to indicate that noise has occurred in this location you will never ever ever have to noise tokens in a single location if to ever go down then all noise tokens in areas adjacent to that room are removed from the board and an alien encounter takes place when an alien encounter takes place you go here into the Nemesis bag to find out what fate awaits you you draw a single token from the Nemesis bag in this case I've got an adult alien with a number two warning so first off we find the adult alien model and we place the adult alien in the room here with our Scout uh-uh she's in trouble next we're gonna check to see whether or not this warning number is greater than the number of cards in her hand now if she has equal to or greater than this number of cards in her hand then the alien appears but nothing for the takes place for now however if she has fewer cards in her hand than this number she will suffer a surprise attack in the alien will attacker there's ever two characters in the intruder attacks then the intruder will attack the character with the fewest cards in their hand if they're tied four cards in hand then the alien will attack the first player or the player closest to the first player in turn order let's pretend for the moment that our alien attacks this is when we use the intruder attack deck well go into the intruder attack that Kara flipped the card now what we're looking at on this card is this symbol here if this symbol matches the symbol of our intruder then an attack takes place when we read the text at the bottom in this case the character suffers two light wounds and gains a contamination card or we'll have a look at that in a minute we may also find a card that does not match our symbol in which case the attack misses and nothing further happens the intruder attack card is discarded the intruder token that was drawn is removed from the game can die by taking too many wounds there are two kinds of wounds in the game a light wound and a serious wound light wounds are tracked on your player board when you take a single light wound you put a cube down here to indicate that you've taken a single light wound when you take another light wound or two light wounds the cube moves here if you would take another light wound then you remove the cube and take a serious wound card so if we were to take three light wounds we would take a serious wound card and one light wound up here when you take a serious wound card you flip it over to discover your fate there are many different fates here on these cards and they'll give you a little text down here that indicates bad stuff that is happening if you ever have three serious wound cards you are dead and you're eliminated from the game there are two ways to deal with wounds dressing and healing dressing wounds only helps with serious wounds and when you dress a serious wound you take the card and flip it facedown the bad stuff no longer affects you but you still have a serious wound and you must find another way to get rid of that which means finding the medical room here on the ship this is a level 1 room so it's always present in the game you can also heal light wounds using certain items from the medic back here and you would just take these cubes off of your player board when you healed those so is good teal light wounds because they can very quickly become serious wounds the only action intruders take during player phase is appearing during an encounter and possibly doing a surprise attack however intruders might take action if the player does something the intruder will take action if the player shoots Millea attacks or tries to escape escape means moving out of a room with an intruder in it where you were engaged in combat let's pretend our scout has some more actions and the first thing she's gonna do is shoot this intruder in order to shoot that's a basic action which costs one card so she discards a card face-up next to her player board the next thing she has to do when she shoots is discard an ammunition from her gun because ammunition is limited and you know we have to fire it in order to use the weapon once you've done that you get to roll one single attack die apply any special modifiers now the scouts rifle is not a particularly fancy gun so it has no particularly special modifiers whereas the soldiers gun is more powerful not only does it carry more ammunition but it says that each time you deal at least one injury deal an additional injury so what we're gonna do here is roll the attack die and what we're looking for on this die is either this symbol here which means we do a single injury this symbol here which means we do - or a symbol matching our aliens type or greater now there are only the creeper and adult symbols on this die which means you cannot wound a breeder or the queen with either of these two symbols if you roll a blank nothing takes a wound note that larvae the smallest of the aliens only take one wound and are wounded by every single phase of this die other than the blank side so in this case we would have failed to do a wound but let's say we rolled this symbol here we got lucky that means we've done two wounds so we'll take these two wound icons and put them next to the alien so this intruder has taken two woods so we'll just put two down here to indicate that he's taken two lumens now what we do is we go to the intruder attack deck here and draw the top card what we're looking at is this symbol here if this number is equal to or less than the number of wounds the alien is taken then they are dead and removed from the board if it is greater than the number of wounds they're taken they have survived so in this case the alien has survived because three is more than two this card is discarded and life goes on the next time this alien takes a wound we do this process again and what this means is that you never really know whether or not you're gonna kill an alien when you're shooting at it the next time you draw a card it could have many more hit points and survive this creates a cool dramatic edge to the game because you never really know whether or not you're gonna be able to kill the alien when you're attacking it it could have been very close seemed very close to death last time but got a second win this time it survives despite the odds breeders and queens are bigger than your standard aliens if you're ever lucky enough to somehow manage to do a wound to a breeder or Queen when you go to check whether or not they're dead draw two cards instead of one and sum the total what yeah they're really really tough note also that you only have like a two in six chance of actually hitting them so you know good good luck when you're drawing your intruder attack card you might also find this blood symbol here with an arrow in it now this means that the intruder has decided he's had enough and he's going to regroup intruders will move in the intruder face by drawing event cards but if they retreat they'll also use event cards for this purpose intruder movement is indicated at the top of each event card or you'll match the symbol to the intruder type and this number to the corridor in this case our adult is going to flee along corridor 3 which means they're going to go back into the hibernate aureum and say hi to the soldier and the scientist they take these wound tokens with them it is possible for our intruder to be in a room like this when this card is drawn that would mean that flee into the technical dockets when this happens you remove the model from the board the wounds are cleared which means the damage is essential repaired and that characters token goes back in the bag to indicate that it's not dead but has just retreated into the air ducts the event card used to move the alien is discarded if you want to escape from an alien then the alien will take a free swipe at you as you move away so you'll get away you'll have to spend an action if you're going to a new room you'll have to explore it as discussed earlier but you'll also draw an intruder card to see if the alien hits you in this case it's a bite and that's bad that's very very bad Mele attacks are terrible ideas and generally a melee attack is only really very good for killing larvae and even then only if you have to when you perform a Mele attack you must roll the combat die and if you do an injury to the alien you take a contamination card and put it on top of your discard pile if you don't do a wound to the alien then and note that that's one one wound and you can never do more than one wound either in a Malay attack so if you roll this nice double symbol forget about it you still only do one and you know if it's a adult then you don't get anything for these other ones but if you fail to do a wound at all you also have to take a serious wound so you really don't want to be doing Malia tax unless you absolutely have to against the larvae you're alright because it's pretty much just a one in six chance then you'll take any damage but you'll still take a contamination card even if you had contamination cards are really bad they go into your discard pile when you first gain them and just sit there but eventually they'll come back around into your hand and the catch is that you cannot spend them to do actions so what this means is that you're gonna have less things you can do on your turns because you're gonna run out of action cards and just be sent with these two cards you can do anything with and you'll be forced to pass and later on you'll draw back up to five cards and you still won't be able to do anything with your hand you'll need to get rid of these contamination cards now the best way to think about the contamination cards is in two different types there's infected and not infected and you will know what you've got until you scan them the thing is the best way to get rid of them really is by doing surgery first pre-emptive surgery this will mean that you will guarantee get rid of any alien babies before they become a problem and potentially murder you however if you take the surgery first then you you're gonna have to get to the surgery wherever it is you're gonna have to find the room and take the surgery action and furthermore this doesn't get rid of the non infected contamination cards in your deck the only way to get rid of the non infected contamination cards is by resting which means using the rest card from your deck or finding a cut room on the board that allows you to rest like the cabins or the canteen but if you go and rest in the cabins of the canteen or if you rest using your action first any contamination cards you have that are infected will result in an alien baby you will be able to get rid of all of your contamination cards that are not infected however this will free up your hand of cards to allow you to do more actions again so it's a big risk there are two ways to get rid of contamination cards and it depends entirely on whether or not you're infected sea contamination cards hold secrets and they tell you whether or not you've been infected with an alien baby or not now if you want to find out whether or not you've been infected by an alien baby you'll need to use this scanner but you can only scan at certain times every character comes equipped with a rest card like this now on your turn you can discard the rest card to take a rest action and to scan all the contaminated cards in your deck if all of the cards come out not infected so you know scan the cards if you take the rest action you'll get to scan the cards and you'll read the text on them this one says infected on it which means we are in fact infected now we'll scan all the cards in our deck this one does oh this one's infected - bloody hell we would get rid of all the cards that said no infected so ideally none of them would say infected and we could get rid of them all now our Scout is super unlucky because if you have two infected cards you're dead so our Scout has just been eliminated so watch out for that if you have just one infected card then you're gonna have to take a little larger token like this and put it on your character board this larva token indicates that you now have an alien baby if you don't get rid of it then you will die so the only way to get rid of contamination cards is by resting or by taking rest actions on board the ship or through surgery when you get to the surgery you take the surgery action and you can remove your alien baby but you also take a light wound you can also remove all of your infected cards from your hand then you take all your remaining action cards and shuffle them and put them back in your deck which means that after the surgery you're passed you've got nothing else you can do this round because you've got no more action cards any contamination cards you had that were not infected will be back in your deck and now you must find somewhere to rest and recover from your surgery so contamination is something that's really badly you're gonna have to deal with now before I start talking about the intruder phase which is the next main part of the game I'll just point out a few things that are important to know on the Nemesis spaceship these intruder weaknesses are SuperDuper important and very very powerful they range from things like reducing their hip points to increasing the damage done by certain weapon types and other good things in order to discover the three weaknesses you'll notice that there are words above them on the intruder board these indicate the different sources of information that could lead to us discovering a weakness a character corpse could be like the one that we found at right at the start of the game or it could be one of our dead friends an intruder egg is one of these eggs which can only be found in the nest and a carcass is a dead intruder when they're killed they drop these carcass tokens here and we can pick those up as well all of these things are heavy objects once we're holding one of these heavy objects we can go to the laboratory and drop it or carry on holding it it doesn't matter the point is if it's in this room it can be analyzed we discard two cards to do the room action and do the analysis at which point we flip over the Associated weakness card and discover our enemy's weaknesses the cards then remain face-up on the intruder board here to indicate that we get this bonus for the rest of the game if there are any models when you move into a room you don't have to roll for noise this is useful when you're moving around as a team or if you're deciding to fund aliens while we're talking about hints and tips on the alien menace let's talk for a minute about the quest items that you start with every character starts with two items that are unique to them that are useful now I'll let you discover what these items do on your own I just want to let you know that each item must be unlocked and in order to unlock it you'll have to do a specific thing each item usually must be unlocked using another item or in a specific room for example the Scout here has a security key that allows them to open and close doors and corridors connected to the room they're in they also have a motion scanner which allows them to discard an action card from their hand to re-roll the result of a noise roll which is both of which are extremely useful however these begin the game the locked we must spend an action and discard a card from our hand in order to unlock them but they have a condition in order to get the security key we must be in the cockpit to perform this action to unlock it for in the cockpit we take the action we discard a card security key becomes face-up and it's now something that we have and we can use note it's not heavy so we can keep this until we decide to use it note that it's one use only the motion scanner on the other hand is not one use only so it can be used over and over again but in order to get that we must discard an energy charge to activate this item an energy charge is a yellow item so we're gonna have to go into the yellow rooms and find an energy charge to discard in order to gain the motion scanner I guess it's out of batteries wait a minute doors what's this about doors yes that's right earlier remember when I showed you the door here it is the door this game has doors all of the corridors have a door symbol in them like this and if you have a means to open and close doors you can always just grab a door and put it down here on the corridor to represent the fact that the doors now closed this means that nobody can move through the corridor without the means to open it there is of course ways and means to open these doors some of which are violent and others of which are not violent if the door is open you just remove it from the board again if it is destroyed put the door facedown to indicate that this door is being destroyed that means it cannot be closed again if an alien is nearby and wants to move along the corridor instead of moving along the corridor they just destroy the door now remember when you trigger an encounter you remove all of the noise from the corridors around where you are then you go into the nemesis bag here and draw a token to find out what you face if you draw the blank token one of two things happens if there are still more tokens in the bag put a noise down in every corridor can add a sin to the room you're in and this is though your role the danger symbol on the noise die then put the blank token back in the bag however if there are no more tokens in the bag when you draw the blank instead take an adult token and put it in the bag when you're instructed to add tokens to the bag make sure you draw them at random so you don't know what the warning number is well that's everything you need to know players in order to get through the player phase but let's talk about the intruder phase because this is when the intruders are going to come to life and do their own thing so after everybody's past we begin the intruder phase first thing that happens in the intruder phases we move on this time track then if the self-destruct sequence has been activated we move that on to let me check to see if anyone's in a room with an intruder if they are combat occurs which means an intruder attack we just draw a card like I showed you during the encounter and resolve its effect after the intruder attacks we then check for fire damage now if there's any fire anyone in the room of the fire takes a light wound or if they're an intruder they take an injury whenever an intruder takes an injury for any reason you always draw an intruder attack card to check to see whether or not they're dead in this case no such luck scout still alive you might be wondering how this fire appeared I've just put it out for the example there are many ways fire can appear I'll let you discover them when you play so once you've resolved the intruder attack and the fire then it's time to resolve an event card when we draw an event card first we check the top of the event card just like when the intruder retreated during an encounter but this time we just move all intruders that match this symbol here along this movement track here so in this case we've got no adult symbol so our adult will not move but if we had a larvae breeder or queen on the board they would move along 0.3 then we checked the bottom of the card and we carry out the instructions so in this case if the nest was explored a bunch of noisy to PRL nest the nest is not explored on our board so nothing happens at this stage finally on the intruder phase we do what's called develop the intruder bag this means we go into the baggie and draw out a token and based on what we draw different things will happen during the develop intruder bag step you'll go into the bag and draw a token if you draw a lava token remove it from the bag and add another adult token from the stack to the back if you draw a creeper token which is like this then remove that from the bag and add a breeder token from the stack to the bag if you draw an adult token all characters on the board who are not engaged in combat with an intruder must roll for noise this is especially dangerous if you're in a big group because all of you must roll for noise unless an alien shows up in which case you've already messed up then return the adult token to the bag a breeder is the same as the adult everybody rolls for noise and then return the breeder token to the bag if you draw the queen token any cat if there are any characters in the nest when the Queen tropen is drawn immediately put the Queen in the nest and resolve an encounter if no one's in the nest then add an additional egg to the nest and return the Queen to the bag remember the egg tokens in the nest are up here so we'll just take another egg token and add it to the nest Queensland eggs if you draw the blank then add an adult token to the bag from the stack and then return the blank to the bag and so once the intruder phase is complete then you begin a new player phase the very first thing that happens is everybody draws up to 5 cards now this is when those contamination cards become a problem because they'll still be in your hand the good news is that they keep you a bit more safe from the aliens surprise attacks because they do count towards the total number of cards in your hand so if the aliens gonna ambush you with two or fewer cards and you've got a couple of contamination cards and at least you've got them for that unfortunately you're only gonna draw three usable cards in this turn which means you're gonna be limping along exhausted within the lock to do so you better get rid of those two contamination cards or more if you've been really unlucky but you know if you're not contaminated you'll just drop to five cards so if you've got you can save cards so if you've got cards unspent from the previous round they'll still be there in your hand ready for you to use this round but if you spend all your cars doing loads of cool things then you'll draw five new ones from the deck if at any point you go to draw action cards and there aren't enough to draw from your draw pile then you draw as many as you can and then shuffle your discard pile reset the draw pile and make up the five cards after that the first player token is passed to the next player in clockwise order and they become the first player this round and then you begin with the double action thing again go all the way around the table until it's time for another intruder phase so that's us here on the spaceship nemesis signing off we hope that this has prepared you well for your journeys into space at home I'm afraid it's not going to be a comfortable journey or a safe journey however hopefully it will be an enjoyable journey and maybe just a little tense have fun and enjoy your flight
Channel: Ready Steady Play
Views: 56,293
Rating: 4.9380445 out of 5
Keywords: rules, explanation, RSP, Ready, Steady, Play, Lets, Let's, Michael Dennis, Board Games, Board, Game, London, Session, Let's play, lets play, playthrough, how to play, rules explanation, entertainment, funny, banter, setup and rules, game, board, Board Game, gameplay, live, online, board game play, series, review, opinion, nemesis, awaken realms, kickstarter, coop, co-op, coperative game, alien, science fiction, solo, aliens, space, survival, horror, semi-coop, cinematic, awaken, realms
Id: ox-0wDV_1Og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 17sec (4217 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 02 2018
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