Nemesis Setup and Rules
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Ready Steady Play
Views: 56,293
Rating: 4.9380445 out of 5
Keywords: rules, explanation, RSP, Ready, Steady, Play, Lets, Let's, Michael Dennis, Board Games, Board, Game, London, Session, Let's play, lets play, playthrough, how to play, rules explanation, entertainment, funny, banter, setup and rules, game, board, Board Game, gameplay, live, online, board game play, series, review, opinion, nemesis, awaken realms, kickstarter, coop, co-op, coperative game, alien, science fiction, solo, aliens, space, survival, horror, semi-coop, cinematic, awaken, realms
Id: ox-0wDV_1Og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 17sec (4217 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 02 2018
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