Nemesis Void Seeders (and Extra) Setup and Rules

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hey everybody welcome back to RSP and you know what this means that's right we're playing nemesis again so in this video I'm going to break down the void Cedars and the turrets if you are unfamiliar with this box it is the Kickstarter stretch goals box that came with the original campaign it includes an alternate alien race called the void Cedars and an expansion called aftermath which contains a bunch of sort of modular bits including new characters a new game mode a bunch of new rooms and functions that you can add to the game as well and you can include as much as a little of that as you like but what I'm going to be focusing on in this video are the void Cedars which is the alternate alien race the void Cedars are essentially just these layers scattered throughout the ship creating waves of psychic influence that create maddening hallucinations of aliens in escalating degrees of horror with the most terrifying being this creature called the Despoiler I'm gonna run you through the components for the void Cedars expansion basically everything you need to play with the void Cedars I'm gonna go through the setup and the rules for the void Cedars expansion and there's a little bonus I'll cover the turrets as well as usually you can find all of the sections of this video in the description down below this will help you get an idea of the layout of the video and help you find any specific rules you might be looking for but without further delay let's board the Nemesis again I'm gonna go through now all of the components you need to play with the void Cedars this is not a comprehensive rundown of everything in the stretch goal box but just the stuff you need to implement the void Cedars into your games at home so let's take a look you might notice as well that I got the field wash there so we've got six of these lurkers here who replace creepers the most basic of the alien creatures we've got four whispers who replace adults we've got one stalker who replaces the breeders and one Despoiler who replaces the queen you'll notice that there are no larvae for the void Cedars we've also got three layers which are these little things here we've got one void cedar board we've got 17 of these void cedar tokens here and you'll notice that these are unlike the intruder tokens from the original set because they have warnings on both sides 17 different ones of those is an addition it to a blank token just like in the intruder set and we've also got these character insanity tokens one for each character color in the game we've also got three exploration tokens with layers on which are critical to the setup of the void ceders game we've got 20 void cedar attack cards which replace the attack cards from the original game 20 void cedar event cards which would place the event cards from the original game 20 panic cards which are anything 5 void cedar help cards and some insanity track cards as well and eight void cedar weakness cards and the rest the stuff we need to play with the void suitors will come from the Nemesis corset box so let's get stuck into the setup of the void suitors expansion so we're gonna set up the Nemesis ship get it ready to fly what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna talk you through the setup and I'm going to point out the changes whether distinct from what happens in the original corset so in this video I'll set up a two-player game but as we know that only really impacts the number of escape pods I'm gonna put out so of course we've got our nemesis board and that's the first thing we're gonna put out we know that this is double sided with a easier side and the harder side but we're actually gonna put out the easier side which is the one with just the red service tunnels on it so this is the basic side of the board as we know the other side contains a more advanced more difficult side when we're setting up the void seater game were instructed to use this side so then we can move on to the rooms and what we're gonna do is we're just gonna go into the number two rooms here and take out the slime room so we'll go into the number two rooms here and take out the slime room because void Cedars don't have slime all right and then you can shuffle the rest of the ones in the twos and put them out as per the normal setup so now that we've got all our rooms that we're gonna do exploration tokens so we've got 20 exploration tokens in the original nemesis corset what we're gonna do is we're gonna take out the two covered in slime because they're relevant and then what we're gonna do is we're going to take the three layer exploration tokens from the void Cedars expansion we're gonna add to that 13 random exploration tokens from the original set to create a pool of 16 and then we're gonna randomly assign them to all the rooms on the board so that's the main change with exploration tokens just make sure you take out the slime and put in the layers and make sure all three layers are on the board because in the course that obviously it's just put out 16 random ones don't worry about it we're gonna put out a random coordinates card which is business as usual I'm gonna grab one of our status markers and put it on B which is business as usual so we'll put out our skateboards next remembers to escape pods for one or two players three escape pods for three or four players and four skate pods oh four skip boats with five players and so remember we put them out on their locked side and we fill up with that a 1 then B 1 then a 2 then B 2 so fill them up in order next we'll do the engines which is just like the base game just shuffle your engine tokens that so there's a random one on top and stick them in the three engine rooms and then we'll set up the void seater board with five eggs in the nest and three weakness cards on it we can put the remaining void see - weakness cards back in the box because we won't be using them in the game and then we'll set up our void seater bag we're gonna put in the blank token - random warning tokens so you just gonna try not to look at these now remember these are different from the intruder ones because they don't have an alien type on them they have just got a warning number so put in to end and ones of those and then two additional random tokens per player so because I'm setting up a two-player game here I'm gonna take four more random tokens from the stack and get those in there one two three four well do more with this later on but for now put it to one side so we'll just shuffle the void cedar attack deck and the void cedar event deck and just put them out on the table somewhere where someone can reach them to use them we'll put out the panic deck as well that's a new thing so just give that a shuffle and put that out too with the other two decks and then we're going to set up decks from the base set which are the same so we're gonna set up the contamination cards the serious injury cards we'll do the three item decks the crafted items and the scanner as well so here the contamination cards and there are the cards from the corset and so now we need to get out the tokens about our doors are alien corpses we only actually need three alien corpse tokens for the void seer expansion we've got our blue human corpse token although I don't know why we need that because it's irrelevant to this expansion we've got noise tokens malfunction tokens and fire tokens as well that's the same you take your blue cumin corpse token put it in the hibernation chamber the three alien corpses just go off to one side because well we'll use the alien carcasses later you're also going to need the four dice the ammo and wound tokens the clear status markers and of course the first player marker as well don't forget to put one of the clear status markers on the first round of the game spot there on the long tracker then what we're gonna do is we're gonna get one help card for player I'm setting up a two-player game so I'll get two health cards I won't need the rest so we got two of the void cedar help cards which have come in the stretch goals box we'll get the inventory holders as well I've got one and two because I'm setting up a two-player game but one per player so next we're going to start off our player set up by dealing each player a help card you will take help cards equal to the number of players you have in the order so I'm setting up a two-player game so I'm just gonna use the one in two-player help cards and the rest I don't need and then each player will be dealt one of these and take the appropriate numbered inventory holder and they'll get a voice eaters help card to go along with that as well so once you've got your personal and your corporate objective you can just hang on to those for now so then we'll do the character draft we're in player one draws two cards off the top of the deck and sides which character they want to take and player two then does the the same thing so player one will draw two cards off the top of the deck they'll look at them in secret side which character they want to be and then the character will get shuffled back into the deck player two will draw to decide which one they want to be in secret shuffle the other one back into the deck and the character draft is complete so now our players will reveal which characters they took so we've got the pilot and the soldier and here's the first change we're going to grab the colored tokens associate with those characters we're gonna add them to our intruder bag once you've done that you can put the remaining insanity tokens back in the box cuz you won't need them this game you can give this starting player mark and player 1 as well so as per the regular setup of the game each character gets their deck of 10 action cards which is I'll shuffle and they're gonna draw 5 from we've got our starting piece of equipment here which is the assault rifle for the soldier that starts with the ml 5 so put five on there we've got our two starting quest items and they start facedown and the last thing we're gonna do four player setup is that we're actually gonna put out a insanity track here on our player board we're gonna cover up the miniature in the slime spawn so we don't need those for this game we still might need to send a signal though depending on our objective and then we're gonna grab one of these status markers and put it on the number one space there like that and so now that we've got our characters all set up with their insanity tracks and their equipment and we've got our first player marker out here the last thing I'll do of course is put the pilot and the soldier in the hyper notorious of course they're the two heroes were playing with in this game and now that we've got our characters I'll set up on the ship and everything else ready to go we're ready to start playing nemesis the void Cedars welcome back to the nemesis bad news folks it's been infested by void Cedars the void Cedars are an enigmatic alien race that target the minds of others they send visions to their prey driving them to acts of madness that ultimately caused them to destroy themselves the void Cedars are mostly inert things like layers and eggs but they create these horrifying visions in order to protect themselves as the presence of the void seekers insidiously invade your mind you'll be visited by terrifying visions of lurkers whispers stalkers and the most horrifying void cedar of them all the protector of the lairs the Despoiler and although these things are just visions and mad hallucinations the damage you can do in your panic state is all too real so the void cedar expansion makes a number of changes to the game although primarily what it does is it adds this insanity track which is a mechanic used to manifest this idea that you're losing your mind and being visited by these horrifying things we've got this all-new panic deck here that's gonna help us to realize that effect as well and so you can see that the panic actually covers up the slime so there is no slime in the void Cedars expansion either and anything that refers to slime is just ignored so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take you through these main changes in the order I think makes the most sense we're going to start by looking at the insanity track and then we're going to talk about encounters then we'll talk about the alien types and how to fight them then we'll talk about layers and then we're gonna talk about panic cards and then there's a few extra bits at the end to talk about like contamination at the end of the game I'm finally after that we'll do the bonus bed about turrets so we're gonna start with the main new mechanic the insanity track so each character has an insanity track here which you'll notice has five different levels eras connecting them though specifically that the one between two and three is different more on that later we've also got this little symbol up here which sort of stands for character sign and in the game the symbol come up with things that are pertinent to this mechanic as you go more insane over the course of the game you lose your status marker up these different rungs on the track but once you hit insanity level 3 you can never go back to 2 it's anything that would move you back down this track and improve your sanity can never get you below 3 once you've gotten to 3 that's why there's no backward arrow on the 1 here if you ever hit insanity level 5 and you're instructed to go up again you are driven totally mad and effectively you're dead you're dead you're out of the game you die instantly in fact there are two different ways to gain insanity when you're instructed to resolve a panic card and you can't you gain one in sanity and if you have a contamination card that turns out to be infected you go straight to level 5 there are a few ways to reduce your insanity so that you can avoid going up to 5 and being driven totally insane but remember once you hit 3 you can never go back to 2 or 1 so if you craft an antidote that will allow you to go back down one in addition to the text on the card if you take a rest action the rest action will allow you to go down 1 as well if you use the shower room or the canteen these also reduce your insanity by 1 but remember that you can check your contamination cards at this time if you check your contamination cards and one of them is infected you'll go back up to 5 and this happens after you reduce your insanity so it is a risk and you might wind up worse off than where you were when you started you can also use a surgery action to go back to 3 so if you're on 4 or 5 the surgery action will move you back to 3 that's instead of removing a larva because there are no larvae in this game remember we didn't have any larva in the setup and also we've covered up the miniature icon here so there's nowhere to put the larva on our player board either but I'll put those modes of reducing your insanity up on screen now so you can check them just remember about checking your contamination cards remember the infected card puts you up to 5 insanity so now that we've talked about how you go up and down the insanity track let's talk about encountering a void cedar so remember it encounter happens when you roll the noise die and you would have to put out into a corridor that already has a noise token whomp-whomp so remember when you haven't encountered you collect all of the noise tokens and return them to the pool and then you go into the intruder bag and draw out a token from the bag in this case we've drawn a intruder token or a void cedar token but this one has no alien type on it it's just got warning level 2 so we've also got in the bag these character and sanity tokens and the blank tokens still in there all right so if you draw a character and sanity token from the bag then the first thing you have to do is put noise in every card or connected to the room of the character that triggered the encounter so we'd have to put the noise back out and then that character would have to resolve a panic card now note that in this instance the soldier has drawn the insanity token that belongs to the pilot but when we're resolving an encounter we just ignore the color on the token and resolve with all of these tokens the same way so any character who draws this token for an encounter noise out in every corridor and then resolve a panic card and we'll talk about how those work later on finally the token goes back into the bag if you drew the blank token it works the same way as drawing the blank token in the regular game noise out in every corridor and then the blank token goes back into the bag finally if you drew the void Ceaser token with the warning on it then what you're gonna do is you're gonna check the insanity track on your player board so the insanity track will tell you what kind of void cedar to put out as you can see we've got the lurkers down here we've got the whispers at level 2 and level 3 level 4 we'll put out a stalker and at level 5 we'll put out the Despoiler our soldier has insanity level 3 so we're gonna put out one of the whisperers whenever you're called upon to spawn a void cedar and you don't have the miniature available for example maybe the stalkers on the board and somebody of insanity level 4 has an encounter you always use the next miniature down we're also gonna check the warning level remember that if you have equal to our greater cards in hand you don't have to suffer a surprise attack but if you have fewer cards in hand than the warning level you suffer a surprise attack void cedar surprise attacks work the same way for all void Cedars so it doesn't matter whether it's a stalker or a lurker or the Despoiler who's shown up all surprise attacks work the same way first you have to take in contamination card and put it in your discard pile and then you have to resolve a panic card after you've resolved any surprise attack if it happens take the void cedar token here and just put it back into the general supply and you have the void cedar board well now we seem to have a whisper on the board we met as well look at the void Cedars and how to fight them so obviously we've got four different kinds of void Cedars here we've got the lurkers or the smallest and least threatening the whispers who are the most common we've got the stalker here who is pretty fearsome and the Despoiler which is a whole nother level we've also got these layers which might come out onto the board if you discover them in a room and you will be looking for these they're really important and we'll discuss those in a minute functionally attacking a void cedar works exactly the same way as attacking an intruder so you'll be able to do a melee attack or a shooting attack you spend ammo you roll your attack die you deal damage if you roll the pertinent symbol so you've got the same exact symbols with the same exact ratios as the regular intruders and if you deal damage you'll draw void cedar attack cards to see what happens the main difference is how the different levels of void Cedars take damage so you've got your lurker here who's the basic enemy and the lurker will draw two cards and check those cards if either card shows the retreat symbol the lurker retreats which means you remove it from the board and put a random void cedar token into the bag if you don't draw a retreat symbol then check both numbers for the lurker and use the lower number so in this case two injuries to kill it if your fighting will whisper like in the example here just draw a one card and resolve it for the one card that you drew if you're fighting the stalker draw two cards if either one shows retreat it retreats and just like the intruder you take it off the board you put a random void cedar token into the back if neither card shows retreat then resolve one card but take the higher number and then there's the Despoiler the Despoiler is invincible and cannot receive injuries under any circumstances however it might be worth shooting it because if you do happen to hit the Despoiler then you can still draw a card to see if it retreats dang it it didn't retreat but wait a minute how do we kill the Despoiler then well that's a very good question and we'll need to know all about layers we're gonna talk about layers in a minute but before we do that let's just remember that when you do kill a void cedar just remove the miniature from the board and of course put a token back into the intruder bag because void Cedars are actually horrifying hallucinations you don't put an alien carcass token onto the board additionally let us remember that void seeders because they're hallucinations they can ignore doors so if you're trying to run away from one and you're gonna close the door behind you because you think that's gonna protect you it doesn't they can move right through those doors they ignore them completely so let's talk about layers so our soldier here is gonna enter this room here and it turns out it's a lair we're gonna grab one of these lair tokens and put it out into the room and there are a few things we should note when we discover a layer on the board so the first thing to note is that the soldier has entered a room which now is a miniature in it which means he doesn't have to roll for noise for entering this room so that's good I guess however this is a miniature so we are now in combat and this will affect certain cards and equipment that the soldier might want to use he's considered in combat so long as he's in a room of a layer and layers are actually physical things unlike the other voice eaters which are crazy hallucinations layers are actually physical things which means they drop alien carcasses this is the only way to find carcasses in the game with the void Sears is to destroy a layer this is why I had us only put out three tokens during setup so if we take a quick look at the void cedar board over here we see that there are three weaknesses we've got the egg weakness the carcass weakness and we'll call something called character insanity level weakness well we'll talk about that in a bit more detail in a minute but as we can see the carcass weakness the only way to get a carcass is by destroying a layer but there is an additional benefit to destroying a layer and this is really important the layer is the void Cedars only weak point so you want to destroy these ASAP however because they are they're only weak point they have this weird like psychic call that they're gonna send out so every time a player ends around in a room with a lair you must roll for noise remember that around in nemesis is after you've had the opportunity to play two cards from your hand this is the only time in the game where you count as being in combat and still roll for noise in order to destroy the layer you'll need to attack it you can do either a Mele attack or you can shoot it remember if you do a Mele attack it could result in contamination and if you shoot it you need anything anything but a blank in order to hit it and if you hit it it takes wounds based on the attack of course so you might be able to do more than one and then you draw two cards so if either card shows the retreat symbol like we see here then the layer is not destroyed if the retreat symbol is not shown then you go with the higher card and if you have done wounds equal to or greater than the higher number the lair is destroyed we remove the lair from the board then we put it here on to the destroyed lair position on the void cedar board lairs can't move in any way so once they're on the board they're there until they're destroyed when you destroy a lair put an alien carcass token in the room and once you've destroyed all three layers the Despoiler counts is defeated and you can remove that miniature from the game this also works for completing the great hunt personal objective and additionally here at insanity level 5 but you've destroyed all three layers because the Despoiler models been removed from the game you'll attempt to spawn the stalker and if you can't you'll spawn a whisper instead so you always drop a rung down so taking the Despoiler out of the game in this way extremely useful I would also point out that if a lair happens to be in a yellow room and you've discovered the airlock control room you can actually vent the lair into space using the airlock control procedure but if you do this then you don't put out an alien carcass token because the things in space so now you know how to discover alien carcasses and now you know how to fight the void Cedars let's talk about these weakness cards if you remember how alien weaknesses work from the core game then you pretty much know everything you need to know already you've got to find the laboratory somewhere on the board which is one of the level 1 rooms so around the outside in this case and you've got to take either an alien carcass which is a heavy item that you'll have to pick up and carry to the laboratory and analyze of course in this game is slightly more difficult to find an alien carcass you also need to find the nest oh look it's here and once you've found the alien nest you can go in there and pick up an egg and if you can grab an egg you can take that to the laboratory and analyze it to get an alien weakness when you discover avoid cedar weakness you just flip that card face up it works exactly the same way as in the corset and every void cedar is then affected by that card moving forward the one difference is this character insanity level so as you can see here we've got a weakness called character insanity level which is a bit different to the character corpse weakness that you find in the core game so if you remember when we put out this blue character corpse token during setup I said this is a bit useless in this game and that's because this is different so unlike in the core game where you would analyze a character corpse in this game when you get to the laboratory you have to analyze a character who has reached level 3 insanity or greater and characters can analyze themselves so if our soldier here is at in sanity level 4 and finds his way into the laboratory then he can use the laboratory action to analyze himself and that will uncover this void cedar weakness but that's it for alien weaknesses so now that we've covered their physiology let's talk about their behavior because there are a few changes to the event phase which is when the voice eaters do things so there are two main changes to the event phase in the void cedar expansion the first is the lurking step which is a new step that's been added and additionally there are some changes to bag development because the bag is different now so after resolving the event card and before going into bag development you do this new step called the lurking step so when you do the lurking step what we're looking for here are rooms that contain one or more void Cedars that do not contain a player character and are not neighboring a room that contain a player character note that when we talk about void seizures in the lurking step we do not include layers and that layers are distinct so first we've got gear for example one void cedar but they're in a room of the soldier we've got another void cedar here but it's adjacent to the room containing the pilot so they're both disqualified however we've got one void cedar here in the canteen and there's no player characters in adjacent rooms either so this void cedar is going to go into lurking and that means as we take the void seater miniature off the board and then we place noise in every corridor adjacent to that room and then we grab one random void seed or token and put it into the bag and this is because of course they're all scary hallucinations and nightmares and out of sight out of mind right except of course they leave behind a lot of threat for you to deal with so the second change the event phase is of course bag development so bag development works just the same as the base set in the sense that you go into the bag and draw out a token but you might draw the character in sanity token so in this case we've drawn the pilots token and color matters unlike in the encounter step now color matters so our pilot here is going to have to resolve a panic card oh if our pilot had died or had gone into hibernation or escaped for whatever reason they're out of the game and redraw their token from the bag we just remove it from the game and draw another token instead but our pilots still in the game so once they've resolved their panic card will put the token back in the bag if we were to draw the blank token during bag development then we would just take another random void seeder token and put it into the bag and if we draw a void seed or token during bag development then we have to roll for noise and for every character who's not in a room with a void seeder and so in this case our soldier wouldn't roll for noise but our pilot would have to remember that this also includes characters in combat so anyone in the room with the layer here would not have to roll for noise and of course that goes back into the bag so that's everything you need to know to get through the event phase and remember that your bag development is handily on your void seeders help card as well so you can remember what all those tokens do when you pull them out the bag so we've heard a lot about them the panic cards let's look at a panic card and how they are resolved pennant cards represent how your characters deal with their increasing insanity and how they deal with the situation going on around them you're gonna draw a panic card under basically four different patience when a void cedar surprise attacks you when you pull any insanity token from the bag as a result of an encounter when your color inside a detail is pulled from the bag during bag development like we just saw or as the result of certain event cards now when you draw a panic card you flip it over the first thing you're gonna look at is this character insanity symbol up here and the number next to it if your insanity level is less than this number you don't resolve the card if your sanity is equal to or higher than this you check the text on the card and then you resolve the text on the card in this case we would deal two light wounds to ourselves now you might come across a situation for example the pilots just drawn this sabotage card which has set the item counter to the room you're into zero but if we look here the item counter is already set to zero in the pilots room therefore she cannot resolve this card in the situation where you don't resolve the card either because you're not insane enough so for example our pilot might be on level one or you don't resolve the card because you're unable to resolve the text then your insanity increases so when you draw a panic card one of two things happens either you cannot resolve the card either because you're not insane enough or because you cannot resolve the text for whatever reason your insanity goes up however if your insanity is high enough and you you can resolve the text on the card then you do that instead in this situation here our pilot has just drawn hallucinations which is going to cause them to discard all of their ammo our soldier doesn't want this to happen and just so happens to have their interruption card in hand if a player is ever resolved in a panic card and you're in the room with that player when they're resolving the panic card you can always discard your interruption guard to prevent them from going through with the card obviously it won't be the turn of the player who is interrupting the panicked player so in this case the soldier interrupts the pilots turn to stop them resolve in the panic card and in this case no insanity is gained and the card is discarded without being resolved there are some pretty nasty panic cards in the deck so you do want to be careful about making sure your insanity is not at the high level so there's really just one last thing I want to discuss with you in relation to the void ceders which is the endgame you've managed to escape you've got out congratulations but you might have taken some contamination on route now the void Cedars do of course still use the contamination and as we know when you escape from the Nemesis you have to do a contamination check so there are two steps to doing the endgame contamination check with the void Cedars and the first thing we're going to do is check your insanity level if your insanity level is at 5 you can skip straight to step 2 if it's not at 5 then we're gonna do step one step one is take all of your action cards and search your entire deck now this includes your hand and your discard pile put it all together and search it if you have any contamination cards in your deck then increase your insanity by one per contamination card in your deck so in this case our soldier doesn't have any contamination cards they're not at insanity level five so they're fine in this case our soldier has one contamination card they're on insanity level 3 so they have to go up to 4 they go up one step per contamination card in the deck they're not at insanity level 5 they're still fine in step one of this process what you're going to be doing is taking up your insanity by 1 for every contamination card left over in your deck so our soldier here in this example has two contaminations they're on insanity level 4 so they're gonna go up to 5 and then they'll just stop even though they would have to take up one more step in the endgame what we're gonna do is we're just gonna keep going until we reach 5 and then stall any excess steps that you would have to go up for contamination cards are ignored so unlike during the regular game where you and I if you had to go up one more step but you were at five in the endgame we're just gonna see if we get to five or not if you reach five or you started at five then you have to go into step two which is shuffle your deck with all your contamination cards in there and we're gonna draw cards from the top of our deck just like in the base game and if we get any contamination cards we're gonna die so we're gonna draw four cards off the top of our action deck we know that in this example the soldier has two so there's a fairly good chance he'll survive two three four a close call so anyone who's gone insanity level five has to do this check you draw four cards and if you get any of your contamination cards in those four you're dead and it doesn't matter of course whether or not those contamination cards are infected or not I mean you could argue that you didn't actually die you went irrevocably mad but that's that's still considered a loss and so that's it for the void ceders I hope that's given you everything you need to know in order to play with the void Cedars in your game at home but I promise I would talk about the turrets so let's move on to turrets aftermath the aftermath expansion is as you can see here one of the main two parts of the stretch goals that come in the stretch goal box the other part being the void Cedars which we were just finished talking about now I would love to go into the whole aftermath expansion and talk about everything that's included in the aftermath but I just don't have time in this video so maybe we'll do another video about that who knows what the future holds but if you don't know what aftermath is here's a brief summary aftermath is a bunch of extra rooms some more exploration tokens a bunch new cards character traits which are essentially unique abilities for each character in the game including a bunch of new characters that come in aftermath as well as all the characters from the base game and it's also two entirely new game modes and a board for one of the game modes you can play aftermath as an entirely new - plus our game called research mission and what that does is it adds a bunch of additional mechanics and it replaces some of the components from the base game with new components for variety you can also play aftermath as a shorter roughly one hour game called epilogue which is a separate game that you play after an emesis base game so you'll play the whole Nemesis game and then you'll play the epilogue after which is about an hour long and that will change based on what happened in the Nemesis game that you've just played but a lot of the extra stuff that you get in aftermath is modular and so you can incorporate it into the Nemesis based game for variety although the designers point out that this is optional and so your results for incorporating these modular things may vary with that mind turrets is a thing that they they included in aftermath and it's an optional module and we're going to talk about the rules for turrets now so you will find in your nemesis stretch goals box three turret miniatures three turret exploration tokens and nine turrets status counters in three different colors and also one turrets control room which is a level two room so how you choose to set up the turrets in your game is actually a bit modular and obviously because it involves exploration tokens and the void Cedars have those as well there's a little bit of exploration token construction as well so if you want to go with complete randomness and how you set up the turrets what you can do is if you're setting up the base game so with the regular intruders you can just shuffle this in with your level two rooms and just deal those out maybe the turret control room will be in the game maybe it won't you can still play with the turrets you don't need the turret control room to be in the game then you can take the three turret exploration tokens and just shuffle those in with the other 20 tokens and maybe a turret will be in the game maybe it won't be maybe all three will be in the game maybe none of them will be if you want to make sure that the turrets are in the game then what you can do is you can shuffle in the three tokens with 13 other random exploration tokens and put them out and then you'll be sure that those three are in the game so it's really up to you how much you want to put the turrets into the regular game just remember that if you're playing with the void ceders you need the three layer tokens to be in the game so what you could do is you could shuffle in the three turret tokens with the 20 regular tokens and then take 13 at random and add the three layer tokens for the void ceders to those 13 to make a total of 16 which may or may not have any turrets in if you want to make sure you get the three turrets in and the three layers in then you take those six exploration tokens and add ten from the base game so how you kind of orchestrate this is really kind up to you based on how much randomization you want and how much you want to know about the setup of the game and so then of course you can still decide how you're gonna put this level to room into the void seater game in just the same way as you would the setup as well just remember that we took the sly room out then we can put the tower control room in all the tower control room does is change the status of the turrets which is not necessarily essential to having the turrets in the game so another way for you to incorporate the turrets in with the void cedar tokens is basically just shuffle all together so you basically have 26 exploration tokens you put out 16 on the board you keep the ten that you're not using to one side and if you find that you've gotten to the point where there are three rooms left unexplored on the board and none of the void cedar layers have come out yet just make sure that when you explore one of the final three rooms if it's not a lair discard the exploration token on it find the exploration token with the layer on it from the ones you didn't use and put it out so those final three rooms need to be layers because you have to have the three void seater layers in the game otherwise the void seater expansion doesn't work so that's from the faq if you're using the turrets for setup just make sure you put the miniatures beside the board and you can take the three stages tokens one of each color shuffle them up and put them with each turret like that so now we've talked about setup let's talk about the gameplay so when you explore new room and you reveal a turret exploration token what we're gonna do is we're gonna reveal the room we can set it to the correct number of items and then we're gonna take one of our turret miniatures there and put it down in the room know that this doesn't count as a miniature for the purposes of noise so you're still gonna have to roll for noise having entered the room and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna take those 3 status tokens that we shuffled earlier and we're gonna put them in the room with the turret then we're gonna flip over the top one to reveal the turrets status luckily for our soldier boy here this turret is interactive so we've got if you remember from the component look we've got three different statuses that turrets can have we've got green which is an active turrets do nothing and also they can't be destroyed we've got yellow which is target intruders these only shoot at aliens and we've got red which is target all which shoots everybody based on the turrets status it will shoot at applicable targets that enter the room and if applicable this includes any intruders or void Cedars that spawn into the room as the result of an encounter a turret with the appropriate status will immediately shoot a target that enters the room it will also again attack applicable targets in the fire damage step of the event phase and note that if there's no fire on the board typically you skip the fire damage step of the event phase but if there's an angry turret on the board with one of these aggressive statuses that turret will shoot in the fire damage step of the event phase so this means if our soldier had entered this room and the turret happened to be on the target all step it would have shot at that soldier there and what happens when a turret shoots you well if you're a player you take one light wound what well if it's an intruder or a void seater in this case the void seater takes an injury and then we immediately check to see what happens well in this case nothing turrets can be destroyed our soldier can use the demolition card here to blow up this turret in this case the tarts just removed along with its status markers intruders and void Cedars also hate turrets even though they're weird hallucinations they can still destroy turrets or maybe they just drive you mad and you destroy the turret but if a turret has one of the statuses that causes it to attack intruders or void Cedars in the fire damage step then it will simultaneously be destroyed by the intruder so if we're on target all in this example it will deal one damage to the intruder one light wound to the player and then the intruder or void cedar will destroy it and this happens simultaneously so it does one wound to the void cedar which may well kill the void cedar but the void cedar simultaneously destroys the turret the last thing to talk about on turrets is the turret control room that just controls turrets so if you're in here you can take an action for two cards and that allows you to change the status of any turrets on the board and that's it for turrets which also means that's it for this video and I'll be back tomorrow with Chris Michael and Ollie to see if we can survive a void cedar incursion this video and this series wouldn't happen without the support of my backers patreon so big thank you to them for making this series happen and if you found this video helpful or if you enjoy this series or if you want to have a say in what we cover on the channel be sure to check out the patreon page
Channel: Ready Steady Play
Views: 9,461
Rating: 4.9840002 out of 5
Keywords: rules, explanation, RSP, Ready, Steady, Play, Lets, Let's, Michael Dennis, Board Games, Board, Game, London, Session, Let's play, lets play, playthrough, how to play, rules explanation, entertainment, funny, banter, setup and rules, game, board, Board Game, gameplay, live, online, board game play, series, board game gameplay, review, opinion, void seeders, aftermath, AR, Awaken Realms, nemesis, stretch goals, void seekers, void, wave 2, kickstarter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 29sec (2909 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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