'Negative' BUSTED!

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this is carbon dioxide we make it when we drive carbon dioxide we make it when we eat no no not even when we eat and we make it when we fly it was some some simple solution to this that wasn't massively overpriced and I actually beat something time we take some back this is negative it's a bracelet these beads are made of carbon dioxide captured from the atmosphere wow what an awesome awesome idea this stuff used to be heating up the planet and now it's a cool thing you can wear on your wrist I can save the planet I haven't looked cool while I'm doing it call it negative because it's carbon negative it's made of carbon dioxide and each bracelet pays for machines to remove even more carbon from the air well you mean like trees even the best of us can't avoid all our carbon emissions but if we band together we can each be part of the solution [Music] yeah that's great let's pull carbon dioxide out of the air and wear it as jewelry [Music] this must be a real gamechanger so join us and start taking climate solutions into your own hands [Music] let's go negative that's great where do I sign up they're only $75 a piece with a $20 worldwide shipping and so far they've raised almost $40,000 with us hang on no no not a great idea the other thing a really really stupid idea you see when we sent men to the moon we worked out the thermodynamic needs of a human you know because if you put someone inside a big metal tube for more than a week you got to remember to pack enough oxygen to keep your running and this is what everyone watching this video requires per day you breathe in about 1 kilogram it's about 2 pounds of oxygen use it to burn some fuel which can be either regarded that's about a kilo of sugar or a third of a kilo of fat and you turn it into about one half kilos of carbon dioxide 0.6 kilos of water and energy which is what keeps you alive this is just the pulse requirements is just to keep your heart beating and so forth nothing fancy so for a year it's gonna be about half a ton 500 kilograms of carbon dioxide which is incredible if you think about it you breathe out about five times your body weight of carbon dioxide per year living the interesting questions have if you breathe out five times your body weight to come alongside per year how much of you is actually left and that's how much coming out so you breathe out just to keep alive and you're gonna offset this with a one-off purchase of something weighs maybe 10 grams now we're introducing the negative bracelet it's a climate solution that you can wear on your wrist this stuff used to be heating up the planet and now it's a cool thing you can wear on your wrist and no I didn't add those mind-blown memes in there that's actually part of their Kickstarter what did they call it again negative so join us and start taking climate solutions into your own hands [Music] let's go negative how about giving it a more accurate title oh I know maybe something like operationally insignificant hell it's operationally insignificant merely compared to your daily carbon emissions and that's peanuts compared to a typical first world lifestyle carbon footprint you breathe out about one kilogram of metabolic carbon dioxide per day and your first world lifestyle requirements create about 10 kilograms of carbon dioxide per day so realistically and assuming this bracelet magically pulls coming out right out of the air at zero energetic cost it's a date offset of one percent of your metabolic carbon footprint or about one part in a thousand of the first world lifestyle daily carbon dioxide footprint or hell it's about one part in a million of your yearly carbon footprint there is almost no conceivable way you could have a smaller effect on your carbon dioxide footprint than buying one of these bracelets especially when you consider that you might have to ship it halfway around the world to be negative and of course all of this is assuming that the bracelet pulls the carbon dioxide out of the air for free which sorry there are no free lunches here no free lunches in thermodynamics you can cheat in love you can cheat in exams you can cheat in politics but no one no one cheats the laws of thermodynamics if you could just burn plastic and get all the heat out of doing it and then say for instance just turn it back into plastic for free now we need your help to scale up production prove demand for carbon negative products and start pulling a heck of a lot of carbon from the air so click that green button join our campaign and let's go negative boom you just invented a free power source please get in here in this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics sadly thermodynamics is a bit of a harsh mistress like this she'll give you nothing for free you see the way normally works is you take your oil products and then you can burn them and your energy out and carbon dioxide now alternatively you take those oil products and turn them into plastic yeah at a crude level you can turn your oil into fuel or plastic they're pretty chemically similar like that however while the plastic might have the same energy density is gasoline it's not so good for running internal combustion engines which is why we have some really quite sophisticated ways of turning oil into fantastically efficient fuel thank you chemical engineering the bottom line here though is you get about as much energy out of burning polyethylene as you do from burning gasoline or looked at another way if you want to turn your common oxide and water back into fuel you've got to put all the energy back into it the jerk caught out in the first place and the same goes for turning carbon dioxide and water back into plastic it's gonna take at least as much energy that ya got out from burning whatever it was that you burnt in the first place and you can only sensibly call it negative if you're doing that from an energy source that is a non fossil fuel source basically solar wind nuclear that sort of thing because if your energy source for making your air carbon disulphide now say for instance running your diesel generator you might not have thought this one through enough now negative is a bit fuzzy on my other Lisp energies can it come from not entirely sure they understand the whole thermodynamics thing but they do say this negative black are entry-level bracelet is made from natural clay atmospheric carbon natural fiber and the magnetic brass clasp your pledge will also pay to directly capture two times two hundred percent of all the carbon dioxide emitted during the manufacture and shipping making your bracelet carbon negative just imagine if all products did this yeah for $75 and $20 shipping well it's basically giving you another negative bracelet meat from would you know the original atmospheric carbon capture polymer and buy it and if it shipped anywhere in the world for about $2 all I can say is that's gonna be one hell of an energy intensive manufacture process you've got going on those bracelets you know for $85 it's gonna be one of the dumbest ways of capturing and storing carbon dioxide ever hell if you're really into this sort of thing you can go to Amazon and buy a couple of SodaStream canisters for about the same price and which between them all about a kilogram of carbon dioxide that would capture about 100 times more carbon dioxide than your bracelet for this same cost but maybe this would be a fun time to reflect on what exactly global warming is and to put it all into perspective ballpark numbers historically the earth has received about a thousand watts per square meter and of course it emits about a thousand watts per square meter the bottom line is you absorb the same amount of energy as you radiate you don't get any hotter or cooler so what actually happens with global warming is the same amount of energy is pouring into the system but you're actually not radiating quite as much energy out you're only radiating out about 999 watts per square meter and if you're absorbing more energy then you're radiating then it's inevitable that the system must heat up but to keep it simple I'm just gonna say we absorb an extra one part in a thousand from the Sun which doesn't sound too bad where's the big deal well that's until you take a little bit of a closer look at the numbers prepare to feel small you remember what I was saying it's about a thousand watts per square meter so if you're looking towards the earth you see a disc of about this sort of size and but you can just calculate how much energy that's getting from the SAP and it's about 1 times 10 to the 17 watts joules per second from the Sun so one part in a thousand the extra increase from the global warming is about one to the power of 14 watts that's global warming so how does this stack up against the entire primary power supply of mankind or the IEA reckons it's about five to the power of 20 joules per year and a useful number here there are about 30 million seconds in a year so 5 to the power 20 divided by 30 million seconds means that the entire primary energy production of mankind is about 1 to the power of 13 watts 10 times smaller then that one part in a thousand increase in the energy that the earth gets from the Sun due to global warming now the interesting thing is when we actually burn fossil fuels we actually heat up the atmosphere right we're putting energy directly into the atmosphere so if you take the ballpark assumption that all of our power production comes from burning fossil fuels for all of the fossil fuels that mankind burns and directly heats up the atmosphere there's 10 times that amount of heating that comes from the extra absorbed energy from this Sun so let me let you in on a couple of little secrets firstly if we would stop all carbon dioxide production tomorrow the extra carbon dioxide that we've dumped into the atmosphere reaches about 30% of it you know since the Industrial Revolution the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has gone up from 300 parts per million to 400 parts per million let's just say that we stopped carbon dioxide production completely tomorrow that extra carbon dioxide that we dumped into the atmosphere is gonna be he for the long game we're talking hundreds to thousands of years to come now you might think well can we just plant more trees well turns out that doesn't help that much for the big whores in about a hundred years or so trees tend to die and then they get eaten by the bacteria and whatever and all the carbon dioxide that they absorbed and turn into sugars cellulose that sort of thing gets released back into the atmosphere this carbon dioxide and the same is true these bracelets they're either gonna get burnt as waste or they just gonna get rotted away by sunlight or whatever it's actually pretty hard to sequester carbon dioxide in a way that doesn't end up going back into the atmosphere in a few hundred years time you know it's at best a stopgap measure especially when you consider that you know the old-school way of storing the carbon was as oil underground where it had been for millions of years yeah it's a bummer turns out it's actually quite hard to get rid of carbon dioxide where you live on a planet where it really can't go anywhere planting trees is of limited value but I'm afraid it's worse than that because it turns out that when we burn fossil fuels we put loads of particulates and other things like sulfates into the air and those have the effect of cooling the planet the downside is of course that those sulfates and particulates get washed out of the atmosphere fairly quickly so ballpark numbers again all of the global warming that we have is about one part in a thousand of extra heating but when you take a look at that in detail it's actually about two parts and a thousand of extra heating via greenhouse gases and one part of cooling from all these sulfates and particulates that we dump into the air which when you add them together gives us the one part in a thousand global warming that we currently see so if you stop burning fossil fuels tomorrow shit no and all those particulates and sulfates will wash out of the atmosphere fairly quickly then you feel the true two parts in a thousand of heating from the greenhouse gases who actually can increase the global warming by stopping burning some of the dirty fossil fuels I mean what you would really need is a fuel that you can simply generate via renewable energy you know electricity ideally sort of low voltage type stuff something that could react to produce energy and that when it does it produces lots of particulates but also reacts with carbon dioxide to sequester it in the long term spoilers each sodium and I'm actually currently thinking of applying for some real grant money to actually research it on a serious level yeah sure it's got a lot of shortcomings but it's also got some really quite interesting benefits come on there we go there is nice shiny [Applause] and there's nothing left there's nothing left it's all gone yeah says the festivity of today sorry not been around so much for the past month or so but I had two weeks of really intensive like 24 hour a day daily but a reactor in France and now I'm off for another week long experiment at a synchrotron things to do with sodium-potassium alloy microjet and all the time people remain tweeting me stuff like this a black man has invented a machine that gets water from the air why isn't this all over the media well I'm not too sure about that the 10 million views kind of say it is but now it's never gonna work I'll get back to that in a week or so so if you enjoyed that by all means feel free to reverse climate change by storing one kilogram of carbon dioxide which can be water by Abbas in store below that if you get desperate can always be used to make some fizzy drinks and as always if you're really enjoying this channel consider supporting it on patreon and hopefully just a week or so I'll get back to making videos on a more regular basis [Music]
Channel: Thunderf00t
Views: 355,740
Rating: 4.9385099 out of 5
Keywords: negative, carbon, global warming, warming, kickstarter, indiegogo, busted, thunderf00t, carbon dioxide, climate, change, global, earth, metabolism
Id: u-jsofRe7LY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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