Needles at the Ready: Episode 70

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hello hello what nothing oh hi guys welcome to needles at the writing i'm kevin i'm ray we're coming to you guys from stratfor connecticut and this is our knitting podcast or fiber related podcasts how about that yeah because we do a lot of different things yeah knitting crochet totally um you aren't dying sometimes oh you should bring some things that are in the shop we should show you there's nothing there's really nothing in the shop because i haven't taken pictures well there's got to be some things left in the shop i mean very few but i need to take pictures and get some listings up so hopefully this weekend great we'll see though all right so today is saturday september 17th 2022 i updated to ios 16. and uh i haven't done that yet that's fantastic so today saturday september 17th i think you said that already i did i was just trying to continue the thing so today is saturday september 17th and this is episode 70. right it is the year 2020 too done done it's a wrap thank you for joining us goodbye good day sir i said good day so all right um so hello i'm done i'm welcome i can't even um this is the worst and whatever you all know if you know if you don't know this is hello i'm ray this is kevin um so anyway we today i don't know what's happening right now so welcome [Laughter] all right so we have some things to talk about today i don't even know i don't know what's happening so yes it's our fiber related channel we talk about lots of things and we just talk a lot apparently yeah and um i'm not going to say that this video is going to be a shorter video because that always been fine so it's going to be the length that it is by the end of the podcast so cast your bets take a drink all right so let's jump into it so add mini stuff right off the bat we have one now going along we have our west seas unite that we're hosting with michael from peace for peace crafting which you can find on youtube ravelry in instagram yes um we are just knitting steven west patterns any pattern shawls hats sweaters and now socks yeah dog sweaters he put out that sock pattern correct he did and so we are somebody actually posted um running that it started in august and it runs until the end of november and that gives everybody a chance who's participating in the mcal um of his to knit the shawl and enter it in for the uh knit along yeah and um these are the socks somebody actually um hit them all right knit them already and posted on um using the hashtag this is fables red uh is the is the creator the pattern looks so much fun and steven west talked about it on his last um his last podcast as well his like creative inspiration and that he's now a sock knitter so he says and he just wants to create some um some fun socks that you could just wear on your feet and look at while you're knitting which is kind of cool wait i'm sorry wear on your feet and then look at why you're knitting obviously you're not knitting the socks while you're looking at them on your feet why not if you like sit on the couch with your feet out and you can like knit and look down and see your feet done that's what he was talking about what wait did you not watch the same show that i did no no oh it was good okay yeah it was good he talked about the mcal a little bit and then some of his newer patterns that are going to be coming out and then he talked about his socks okay yeah did anybody else see that or did i dream about that no i didn't dream about that i wouldn't dream about that that would be bizarre so that actually is all that we have for admin stuff right yeah and the mcal did you say it goes i did the only thing yeah the only thing i didn't mention is that we do have a hashtag it's hashtag natr piece p-e-a-c-e um so didn't i say that no so you can post in our round i don't know what's happening to me neither our ravelry threads um we have a fo and a chatter thread and then michael from peace for peace also has some threads in his ravelry group so that's that that's the west season night and now we jump into our last two weeks how were they they were nice yeah i think they were nice so um we podcasted two weeks ago uh a fortnight ago and i'm not sure what we did after that did we oh we got a pizza i think we did people um were uh shooting us some well wishes in the comments um hoping that we enjoyed the pizza we did we certainly did and we had enough leftovers i think to have dinner as well correct with pizza which was good and then i'm not quite sure if i don't think we did anything we didn't really do anything that weekend no we kind of knit you um you were down and you were i hyper focused the last you sure did and it paid off huge then we went to our i went when that wednesday i went out for dinner with my friend um we we've been friends for like 20 years and we obviously we used to go out together quite often and we just haven't so i sent a message i was like hey we never go out just ourselves so let's go do something so we went out for dinner and drinks and hung out for a couple hours so that was really nice that is really nice and then last weekend we went to another friend's house yep who's the sister of the friend that i went out with on wednesday right and we just went out for um went over to her house she just um her and her wife had their patio redone so we went over for drinks and dinner which was lovely it was so nice we sat outside the entire time around the fire pit just talked you know one of those nights where you just talk and relax and i think in my old age that's that's really all i just want in life just to sit around the fire maybe in a rocking chair in a couple of years and uh knit i brought my knitting with me i need a few rows on the socks until it got really really dark and i don't know how people knit in the movie theaters and stuff because i can knit without looking like stockinette but i still get really confused that you have to go by feel yeah and i do and like stitches but with on my like small circ uh circular needles and the um the thin yarn i was like oh boy what am i doing so the next day i was like i pulled it out of the bag i was like moment of truth let's see what happened and i didn't make any mistakes so that was really really good um but it was really nice yeah we got to meet a dog that they rescued back in june i think um yeah actually june so we got to meet bonnie so they have two dogs now bonnie and clyde and they both came named that way so that was fun and then they shared a very um disturbing video of somebody trying to break into their house back in june the night that they got the dog bonnie um it was very scary so we went out the next day and we bought a ring doorbell and two ring cameras one for our front door and one for our back door because that was the scariest thing i've seen yeah we definitely jumped on that bandwagon and it's kind of cool because ring actually we're not sponsored ring actually has a like neighborhood watch function or whatever so people post like missing animals or found animals and or like a package stolen or yeah like hubcaps stolen from their car so there was one where like mountain they found a mountain lion like in their backyard crawling around and stuff not falling around but you know it was definitely the scariest thing i've seen so yeah that was really it was really really scary that actually took up a lot of our time on sunday to be honest like just going out and getting that and installing it and stuff setting it all up yeah um and then i think that's been it and work's been worked it's picked up for me i have a lot more work um so that's actually impacted some of my crafty time we um we're starting to really get excited about middle of october so we're trying we're starting we're going to be making some like checklists and things to get um to get going so we're going to and we talked about this but we're going to will and folk on october 5th 14th um so that's going to be friday october friday october 14th which is in kingston new york it is on the other side of the hudson from where reinbeck is so um well i'm so excited about that they you know we looked at the the vendor list there's some really awesome vendors some friends of ours that are going to be vending there as well so it'll be really cool to see we're going to be um taking part in that podcast in the podcaster's patio which is really cool it's a i think it'll be really neat i i hopefully i can um maintain my composure because we're you know so we're gonna be the whole premise is to kind of weave in a meet and greet uh photo opportunities there'll be a big q and a with all of the podcasters we're going to be doing a live podcast there as well not sure how that's good and it's going to be on their channel yep and we'll we'll be able to put it on ours as well um at some point i'm not quite sure if it'll go live on ours we don't we're still waiting for some of the details in like timeline because the the whole um the whole festival goes from 12 00 p.m to like 7 p.m so that's a pretty long time yeah it's going to be really fun as far as we know they still have tickets available so if you're gonna be up there that weekend and you're looking for something to do that friday definitely check out the woolen folk website purchase tickets and because it's a completely separate event um from rhinebeck it is only the second year yep so yeah it's just gonna be a great time we have we have an airbnb with some friends that we've been knitting with on zoom for two years so we're finally all going to get to meet him i know well not all from the zoom most of us a good majority of the zoom night will finally get to meet in person so yeah i think there's gonna be 12 people in our house so that'll be really fun um and then so the with the podcasters patio i will link um will and folk down below their uh their website if you want to go take a look if you haven't gotten your tickets yet or you want to kind of see what it's all about and we'll be with um knitter's league which is here in connecticut as well we've met them we met them last year three of the four three of the four of them at rhinebeck last year yeah we didn't get to meet sophia nope and um i think we knit with alyssa elisa one time um a knitting posse yeah which was fine or a knitting thing and then we'll um see denise from earth tones girl which i i'm hoping i know everybody's kind of weirded out about hugs and stuff so we'll see maybe i don't know i would love to hug some people and then we'll see uh jody and tracy the grocery girls um gigi from gg made it and is that it maybe that's it i think so yeah i think i think that's our purpose but that'll be fun so all of us will do our own little live podcast and then um do some meet and greets and stuff and then at the end we'll all come together and do a q a kind of all together yeah um and then ryan beck that's saturday and sunday so it's just going to be a great weekend yeah so if you're there please say hello yeah yeah please come and say hi um we'd love we would love to see you that was one of our highlights of last year was just meeting everybody it was such a a fun social thing for us um you know because we feel like we sit down and we're talking to you directly and we are you know like we're just like hanging out but it's it's nice to see people in person um so please come and say hello we're we're very very excited and uh yeah so we're starting our countdown it's like a month away less than less than a month away all right i think that's it i think so so we're going to talk about some knitting i have one fo and one whip i have two fos one half finished object and three whips okay then we will start with you go ahead okay i will show my first one i um i started this i think i showed you last podcast that i had gotten a little bit of this done this is the um hardy craft uh little mouse rattle it's a crochet kit that we got from um yarnia um you can visit their i think it's i believe so and they just got some new kits in as well with some different animals which is really cool so i bought two of these kits one was a rattle and the other one is one of those ring toys that you can stack the rings on so i'll be starting that soon this is for our niece who will be arriving oh my god in a couple of weeks oh i need to hunker down so i um this is what it's supposed to look like and this is what mine looks like wait it looks like oh my gosh what cartoon wait so i think i think what happened is maybe the photo was taken a little bit different i mean it's still adorable it's absolutely adorable it looks more like a mouse or like a wrap maybe with the elongated it does schnaaz is there a ghost wrap there is a ghost wrap i think where is that from i'm gonna look for i think it's a ghost i think this looks like the ghost wrap yeah well anyway the kit comes with everything that you need it comes with this wooden ring that's um you know undyed and untreated so it's safe for the baby to to chew on um oh no that's weird that's not what that is so you basically start crocheting around the the ring and then you you crochet the head separately uh in the same style as you would like amigurumi yamagorumi um and then you sew it together um i did i did embroidered the eyes because i didn't want baby to to chomp on the eyes even safety eyes you know we heard is not necessarily the safest thing if they continue to chomp i think i stuffed this a little bit too um too much so you can see there's some space there between the well maybe not but i love the the nose i think it's really really adorable it is it's it's super cute um i think the only difference between comes with the rattle too is your eyes are placed at a different spot and your ears are too yeah i try to i try it tells you where to place the eyes yeah but i think my count was a little bit off and it doesn't matter it's i mean it's still it's still i think so cute yeah so um so that's that it comes with uh with everything you need except for the crochet hook the recommended hook size is a 2.5 millimeter hook i'm not sure what letter that is but it says four slash zero i don't know if you can see that and i use my clover um amore crochet hooks or more which are one of my favorite crochet hooks although i did i did do it i did use some other crochet hooks which i'll show you in a moment so that's one of my fos very cute cute right uh and that's that it was really it was really easy to do it's a it's a it's a it's a really easy pattern came with everything like i said everything that you needed did you have a lot of yarn left over um i not a huge amount not a huge amount and i don't know did you say that the yarn's 100 cotton it's 100 cotton okay i'm glad you mentioned that yeah you're welcome okay all right all right what were the kids that they showed i know i think it was kathleen showed one of a bird that she did but it's not like a a rattle or the ring i think it was just like an amigurumi almost um bird it was super cute because she and she didn't do the top like i'm a sucker for kids we know that show me a kit and i'm i'm there so i need to be very careful when i'm uh walking around anywhere anywhere yeah yeah you put it in a bag and you put a label on it and i'll buy it all right all right so i have one fo you like me to go with mine because you can spend some time on yours because it's so lovely go ahead okay this is a huge oh i forgot my book this is a huge um accomplishment for me i finally finished this i started this back in i think we said february yeah it was early in the year february or march yeah this is the adventure wrap by jonathan's hollow and i've been showing this like pretty much regularly since february i put it down for some i mean it's definitely hibernated for quite a while uh this is the brioche adventure and i used uh dragon hoard yarn and yarn cafe creations mother daughter talked about this it was part of the uh christmas at hogwarts year five advent calendar and just to interject they will both be at woolen folk yeah it's gonna be fun totally and it's finally done it's it's very very long very long and i used 16 mini skeins of the 24 set i felt like i i was done with that at that point yeah um this is definitely long enough it doesn't grow in width or depth but it grows in length and i think i'm i'm more than comfortable with the length of this the uh brioche is still it's super soft is this not the softest squishiest thing you've ever felt i blocked it um not super aggressively but i wanted to get a little bit more um you know width and i think it's great because i didn't lose any of the you know the squish factor of the brioche you can see that there's still a lot of stretch here left and i know sometimes you can block out brioche um actually you know pretty significantly and that still looks cool because you can see the cross you can see these little like it almost reminds me of like feathers like a little feathered you know in between like the arrow yeah so um that's definitely a look if you wanted to have that as well i wanted to keep the the squish as much as possible um it's a little bit interesting to wear because it's so long like i feel like it would be worn more like a scarf than a than a shawl but i think yeah but i i absolutely think it's um [Music] it's so nice it's so very soft the colors i thought you were going to put it on like a toga dress now yeah i don't know how far how to wear toga me neither but i bet i would love to wear a toga because i like what oh god no i don't know what i'm what you were what you were saying i don't know either so um it's it's really really nice um it's super soft it was it did not bleed a lot which i was surprised because there's a lot of colors in here and a lot of some of the some of these colors are pretty deep yeah and um this is probably my favorite section here which one oh like this whole those four rows yeah together as i went closer towards the end a lot of the colors kind of um hung out in the same family but this this is um this is really cool are you keeping that or gifting it no i'm going to keep this who would i give it to i have no idea there's i mean somebody want this isabella but it's cool too because it could fit i mean it's it's a wrap it's a wrap that's it thanks thanks everyone oh this is a wrap this looks good so um yeah that's you know that's it i alternated skein's uh mother daughter so one skein like the main skein here for example would be yarn cafe creations and then the contrast would be dragon hoard and then i would do the reverse on the next uh on the next and it's it's obviously fully reversible because it's brioche you also keep the same color um like color organization i guess if you want to say like color placement because it shifts though because it shifts so the main color here will or the contrast color here which you can see becomes the main the main color of the next one but you have a different contrast color but you have a different contrast color so then you pick it up as you as you go forward the contrast then becomes the main song and so on and so forth all right yeah good job thanks so that is done uh now i have some uh some more room on my needles and next to my couch to add more things good for you you're up buttercup all right so i finally finished my once in floral by maxim seer it's gorgeous here is the pattern this is i made the fourth size which is the large it is for a chest um of 44 three-quarter inches your yoke depth is 10 and a quarter and this is knit on us-4 which is a 3.5 millimeter and a us-3 a 3.25 millimeter and the gauge which i got is 26 stitches over four inches so i got that that's my rogate yeah my rogue yeah right yeah so that was my row gauge i didn't i don't check my gauge the other way like for the length um or i'm sorry that that's on my no row gauge would be how many rows you got per inch so this was my true stitch sorry sorry yes so i don't check my row gauge because you can that doesn't really matter it's just your because you yeah because everything length right so this is knit out of yarn that we got from rhinebeck last year and it was living in my naughty knitting sax bag which we have a coupon code for which we have a coupon code for which i've been really bad mentioning the coupon codes so coupon codes are down below and then i'll go over them later okay but it has the fornicating skeletons on the inside so the main color is from primrose this is the stargazer colorway on their house base which is a two ply fingering fifty percent merino and fifty percent shetland i bought five skeins at rhinebeck and i think and when we were there i believe it was five skeins is considered a sweater quantity so yeah we got a little bit of a discount on these this is what i have left from sk number five i didn't weigh it but i didn't use much of it i have some left of um a different scheme i probably could have gotten away with using this for something but whatevs now you can make a matching hat and then my background color is called this is wood smoke it is brooklyn tweed loft i'm so happy that you chose these and then the color so this is wood smoke and then the color of my roses is hay loft also by brooklyn tweed loft this yarn i actually took out a hat that i had on this this is a gorgeous color and um use this instead yeah so use this for the roses so i need to buy more of this because i still want to make the hat out of this color and that's going to be the eno hat from brooklyn tweed as well so let's stand up so you guys can see yay [Music] it fits very well yeah it does sleeves fit well kind of hit exactly where i wanted it to hit yep right kind of like above my pocket yep i didn't want it to be super long and i wanted it to be a little roomier than sweaters that i have been knitting so i like the positive ease of this um super happy with the way that the yolk has turned out yeah me too if you guys remember i went i was trying to do a fingering weight like yak blend here that was undyed and then i was going to use spin cycle in this like yellowy color but there just wasn't enough contrast right so i got down to here ripped it all out and then started again with these colors so so much happier with these colors and the way that the roses look um i don't think i have much puckering if i do it's right here you can feel it a little bit but it's not actually puckering it may just be raised a little like just run your hand over them and you can feel oh i see right so it's like yeah a little yeah but i didn't aggressively block it either i just kind of pushed it out that's perfect so it looks so good i'm thank you i'm really really pleased with it it fits very well yeah um the bind off is a sewn bind off or no that's a lie i did a sewn bind off i don't think that it called for one i think this called for that lady's stretchy bind off okay and at the bot the bind off here may have as well but i just did a sewn bind off i liked the process of it too i followed the tutorial from pearl soho specifically for a one by one rib smart sewn bind off and it was really easy and you got into a flow for it it's very seamless yeah like it looks really finished and nice i will say with this yarn it felted where i folded over the yarn at the darning needle right at the eye of the needle and i use their tip i think it was their tip or i'm not sure where you take out four times the amount of yarn of the circumference of the area that you're doing so i just wrapped it around my needle or like this i wrapped it around four times so that i knew that i was gonna have enough yarn to do the sign bind off i actually think i did five to be safe just to make sure um what else so it's a lovely collar folded collar yeah the collar is a folded collar so you go back and you don't have any live stitches you just pick up stitches you knit a certain amount and then you fold it over and fold it over yeah and then um secure it from the bind off edge to the bind on which was super easy i thought that went pretty well um the let's see so my sleeve from underarm to my wrist is 18 and a quarter inches so i took some length off of the sleeve yep and then from underarm to my waist it's 15 inches so i took off about an inch of knitting there because i think it said knit until you had 16 inches and then do no i took off way more so i took off like five inches four inches four inches of length because you were supposed to knit until you hit 16 inches and then do three inches of ribbing so so these notes will obviously be on your rivalry page yeah but i think part of the reason why i had to take off so much in length is because of the yolk depth right because that it's pretty it's a pretty deep one that impacts the length so the total length from my collar to the bind off edge is 26 inches oh so yeah which is the greatest thing about knitting is that you you can change it to fit your body yeah you know and like that's where i think i know it's it's difficult and we're not the best at ravelry but i am awful at rivalry but i think that's where it comes in handy is you can see pictures of people who have a similar body type to you yes you know and see what they do um so yeah um so i don't know i don't know if i have anything else to say i'm just i'm really pleased with it it's definitely my best fitting sweater that i've knit i have to say i think i'm very happy with my fingering weight sweater as well that i did yeah it creates such a great fabric and it's just a finger in my sweater so it's a lot of you know it's a lot of it is a lot of knitting but i think too that it doesn't really take as long as you would expect yeah and it's worth it the end result is way worth it so even if it takes you a year to do it doesn't matter right you know it'll still be worth it i i'm not opposed to casting on another one matter of fact i think i would love to cast on another one um especially because in connecticut our winters are pretty cold but our winters are cold so from like end of december to you know middle of february maybe so just like two months where the weather is super cold where you would need like a worsted weight sweater or something like that i think we can get away with you know fingering weight sweaters or dk weight sweaters and be very cool or spring a good eve like night sweater this time like tonight this would be great once the sun goes down because it's going to be chilly yeah but well right now you're wearing it with shorts and it's you know it's 63 degrees right now yeah which is comfortable um yeah i definitely would recommend if you haven't tried one give it a shot it does like i said i think i said this last week if you've knit a five skein shawl you can knit a five skein fingering weight sweater yeah it just sounds so different it does it's like we create these things in our head i will tell you these sleeves flew off the needles right once you get going on the sleeves they lit i think it took me a day or two to do maybe two days to do each sleeve three max um and that's not knitting full days you know that's knitting a couple hours here or there right so the sleeves are nothing and when you get down to this the body after you do all your decreases you're under 300 stitches which isn't when you really think about it no especially in just knitting in the round that's perfect tv knitting so yeah um and it's just stuck that you know plain stock nut you don't have to look um which actually was really nice with this yarn it's very dark yeah but it was really easy to knit with wasn't it um i will say it is a little scratchy on the skin it's not but it's not um it's not like lopi no no and it's only certain areas like actually this arm i think you're getting more scratchy and you'll get used to it as and as you wear it obviously it'll get much more comfortable oh and something i just did to know which side is the front and the back when i went to go weave in my ends back here where like i picked up for the collar i just left my um tail just about i don't know half an inch so that i know that this is the back side of my work yeah and i think that's all great well there are short rows in there right so the short rows are cool the short rows actually there are but they kind of take up from here to here okay so in the back in the back well no you knit to here and then oh yeah and then you go back so it's all yeah and then you go back and knit to like over here yeah um the pattern's written incredibly well mm-hmm i think that's that's it great that's all i have to say i'm super happy that i am and um this i think this is going to be my this is my rhymeback sweater this is what i wear to rhinebeck and then i'll have something to bring and wear for woolen folk and something to bring and wear for sunday at rhymeback yeah i think at wool and folk we're going to bring probably like our whole collection of knits that we're going to be wearing over the weekend yeah to kind of talk about we've been trying to figure out like what do we talk about for 30 minutes live so i think that's what we'll um i don't know if that'll be a problem for us but who knows it might not be of anything of substance right so we're going to try to make it something of substance that's what okay um i'm going to bring this so if you're there and you want to touch the squish so that's it that's it great i love it wonderful job all right let's move on to whips i have um one i'll show i have three technically um one is a half finished object and then a little bit more of something else this is my um vanilla sock with the s'mores um colorway from gingersnap let me pull up the pattern that i i kinda used for the heel this is the um where's my oh and a lot of you had asked again um what we use for to to store our patterns and things so this is good notes and it's a paid for app i think it's pretty cheap though it was like seven bucks yeah and you can really organize any document so most of the patterns come in pdf so you can just save them you know here and create folders and all of that stuff so like this is my socks folder but i use the uh soxploration shadow wrap heel um by denise and um it's a very simple pattern it's basically a vanilla pattern the focus is really on the heel there's a lot of video tutorials as well and a lot of tips and tricks it's a couple of pages long which is nice it's a lot of information there so this is this is one of my socks it's lovely isn't it lovely lovely like it reminds me of you know marshmallows that have been toasted over the fire some graham crackers and chocolate it's just a perfect fall color it is so nice and the the great thing is i've been using the bag which is so cute and i um i did start the second socks i didn't want second sock syndrome so this is nice because it's just this for me is just tv knitting although i've i've had a uh i've been pretty monogamous on one project which i'll show you i've been i've been enjoying it very much oh yeah yeah yeah i was trying i mean i've met on other i've like been doing everything but my my focus has been one thing this stitch marker i can't it's super duper cute so the the hole there like the the clasp was a little bit too large i'm sorry too um too small to for the needles and it kept kind of snagging like the the clasp part of it on the yarn so i just put it on a little um yeah yeah you could also put it on you know which is what like one of those rings yeah the cocoa yeah and it's ones yep so um it's it's just round and round round so i love it very much the heel so i do 72 stitches i cast on with a twisted german cast on i did the i did the cast on and one round with the the contrasting mini here and i did um 15 rows of 2x2 rib after you did the mini or no including that so 14 more rows after that so a total of 15. and then i did a 7 inch leg and then i started the i did the shadow wraps heel and i followed the pattern uh precisely for the shadow wraps heel there's she's put it she put out another sock pattern i can't remember the name of it where she's going to be it looks like it's got a garter um like a garter stitch heel which i would love to try oh i thought you were going to sneeze or something um so i would love to try that this this heel fits me perfectly and then i did my foot and i just did a regular just a regular old toe where you're decreasing every other round till i get to 20 stitches and then i decreased every round until i got to 14 and then i kitchener stitched the bands together and so that fits me very very well the yarn is lovely let me see if i can find the bobbin this is laughs more worry less sock set it's on their dust fingering weight which is 75 25 75 superwash merino 25 nylon um i did it was a 20 grand mini for sure so i weighed everything out um i don't have my book with me i usually write all of my measurements down but i have plenty to do the heel and the toe still and i might have a little bit left over which will be great and then this is the main scheme which i know i'll definitely have a good amount of this left over and it's so fun that i think it could be a cool it might be a cool hat you think you'll have enough to do a hat no but i think it would be cool if i do maybe a solid and then variegated kind of like color blocks almost where you have a solid and then variegated maybe i'll do stripes or something or something like maybe but i think this would look really cool if i can find another i think i have another like brown color i'm sure we have brown yeah i mean but i think that would be really really neat maybe not a sock head maybe uh um maybe just like a regular you know i was thinking about this recently are there any other good just fingering weight plane hats oh i'm sure there's a sock head or i think there's a hat called like the banker's hat something like that which has a little texture in it but that's a a simple hat pattern there's a lot of simple hat patterns that are fingeringly though they're pretty sure that are fine and i'm just thinking that are just like yeah stockinette i mean without four inches i i guess you can alternate so i mean like the ross hat it's you know that's a nice simple good base pattern to use uh and that's free and you can make adjustments as you want as you want i would like to do a one by one rib i like a one by one or one by one twisted rib i think those look really nice for an entire hat that's fingering weight no no no no no no for like the brim or if i were to do my next sock head maybe i would do a one by one twisted rib for four that's a lot of knitting and it's complicated for four inches but it would look really really neat so i am super super happy with this i i love this so much i'm i'm really trying to avoid um [Music] looking too closely at gingersnap um on instagram when they post things they've been posting some amazing things they did i just saw something and i have to be good because i was um we were setting up for the the podcast today and i'm put aside the things that like i purchased over the past two weeks thinking like oh i didn't purchase a lot and then i'm like oh gosh what is wrong so i'm on a um i'm on a little bit of a a yarn diet until for four weeks and then it's all going to be glutton have i purchased anything no nope no i know you were good i was separated i know don't oh all these bags i know i can't so don't do it here we're just gonna stop so i thought that this was really cool is that ginger snap that has been doing some bags that are recycled or upcycled kilts i literally can't even there's one um look how fun i know i think that's a really cool idea i like that you know there was uh i remember reading or seeing something a long time ago and i thought this was cool too this guy who loves knitting with like natural fibers and cashmere but it's super expensive so he goes to a thrift store and finds sweaters that are made of like cashmere or whatever the case is then he undoes that he takes it out and then he uses it to knit new stuff so i thought that's just a really cool concept to use upcycled kilts for it um and i believe oh my god what are those i don't know see this is why i can't i have to i have to block them we'll have we'll have gingersnap that link gingersnap link down below um they're on etsy i think i don't think they have their own website i think it's just on etsy yeah um if you want to follow them on instagram it's at gingersnap that one and if i'm not mistaken i think they're going to be at a show soon mid-city vancouver are they yeah okay yeah because they yeah okay so all right it's done let's let's get back to this this is the rabbit hole that we so we fall down i know um so the socks are wonderful the bag is wonderful i'm i'm really loving the wire frame bags yeah i think that they're so they're so much fun i love wire i mean don't get me i love them all yeah but i do love wireframe and i love the drawer string bags i would say those are probably like my not my favorites but they may be i have i have two two of my favorite bags right now are zippers and i'm going to show in in the next uh next little bit so it's you know what it is i think generally the bag it's the fabric or the material that's used that is the initial draw to it right um all right so before i talk about my one whip there were two things that i wanted to talk about so one thing number one is so this is kind of hard to wear actually now that i'm thinking about it is that yeah um i think it was nice before but then i started playing around no i just feel like i don't want to be distracting even though i'm talking about being distracting and that's probably even more distracting how many times do you want to say how many cups of coffee have i had today four yep oh good for you and it's only 10 50 in the morning i slept till 6 6 a.m today turquoin let me sleep late well we had him up a little bit later we didn't we didn't go to bed and ups we didn't come upstairs so like and i think i shut the light off at 11. all right so first thing is there's a couple new to us podcasts that we wanted to mention so first up is uh nitistry nerds i know we've been meaning to talk about them for a little while yeah it's fine they are and it's funny so i started watching them first and then i think you jumped in on like an episode or something you know maybe when you came home and i was already watching them and then they had sent us the message a couple weeks ago saying oh we mentioned you guys in our most recent episode um but we had a we were already watching them at the time that they sent us a message which was really funny so i took a picture of us um watching them yeah them on our tv so it's michelle and katie they're in south carolina they're both um chemistry teachers well yeah because now yeah right i think it's both chemistry now they're both chemistry i think this year she's very excited and they are big stephen west fans so they do a lot of stephen west knits so definitely check them out their back their backdrop is uh the periodic table of elements they're super nerdy which i completely love um so is it katie remember i said one reminded me of melissa that's how you say her name who plays um supergirl yes tara like when she's as like kara yes she reminded me of her like adorable and like mild-mannered and then you can tell that there's like and then she takes her glasses off and that's right it's like super so um that's a new one yeah they're fun and then the next two are fairly new podcasts in general and for us it's i mean not just for us but it's exciting because it's two new male podcasters um one is gary nitz gary rides a craftism podcast so um we followed him you know we've been following him on instagram he's a pretty he has a pretty good following on instagram i know probably a lot of you follow him he does a lot of fundraising yeah he does the ride for aids and he does like donations for that and ran um and he's doing he just did something to like um where you could destash and kind of the proceeds from the d stash went to the fundraiser right so he's trying to raise and i don't remember the number uh he does talk about it i know in the very first episode so he now has three episodes out and then another one which we just watched episode two last night i had watched episode two a couple weeks ago no episode one you mean i watched episode one episode two we watched last night this is um slip slip ginge who is jack who is um located in northern england so he is a knitter his partner um she's a crocheter which i forgot to write it down but i think she started a crochet so maybe we'll check that out this weekend yeah so just some new um podcasts to mention yeah it's been a while like you know we we watch them all the time and there's so many out there which is so great the community is just you know it's it's just nice to see everybody watching yeah and people sharing what they like to do and that's the great thing about the craft is that you know if like i love to knit socks and we love to lynch socks and shawls and you know we show a lot of a lot of that stuff and then well now you're a sweat anita but a lot of people you know just do garments or whatever there's just like so many it doesn't matter there's nothing do you think it's at the table for everybody to have plenty of seats at the table so the next thing i want to talk about before we continue with wips is my stephen west mcal because i should have talked about this at the beginning so remember last time i think it was i said i was going to dye my own yarn well i've thrown that idea out of the window just because i think for me it would be too hard to come up with the colors that i want i could probably see them better on from somebody else no because i still don't know exactly what i want so that's issue number one issue two is that i've been challenged to not use blue or gray in my shawl so which is fine because i've had some ideas for some colors anyways and now i don't know what i'm going to do so there's a couple color that i would i'm thinking about using one of them is a really dark deep red i think that would be lovely a burgundy another color that i've been thinking about using is like a burnt orange a rust orange um like a dijony yellow like those fall colors that warm color palette another one is a purple and the purple would be my pop of color but i don't want would you go with a dark purple or like a light so i don't want um let's look i have a color no hold on so this is the way that i'm going to wear it it's actually it's it's super snuggly like like wearing it like a blanket so i don't want this color purple like this is too purple for me to lavender light i want is that dirty water dye works it is they're going to be at rhinebeck are are they vending yeah um i'm trying to see if we have like i think so i think they are don't no i did you check the vendor list i did the other day um i kind of want like maybe like an eggplanty purple i'm just trying to see if we have anything but i think that so and we were talking about it on thursday night because i asked our knick group about it and i agree with their assessment that the dark purple in a dark red there's not going to be much contrast between those um i also thought about going with some browns and tans and i i even thought about doing a green somewhere oh yeah i'm not yeah but then red and green christmas it could look christmassy so then i don't want that so i'm not sure i'm really so if you guys have any ideas throw them down in the comments i really have no idea part of me is thinking yeah dirty water die works they're going to be oh call back this year part of me is thinking of waiting until that weekend and seeing if i could pick my colors there like i did last year so we'll see it and that worked out really well for you because honestly like that was that's an amazing shawl thanks yeah yeah no i was happy with that um all right back to whips okay you how many more do you have i keep kidding oh look i keep getting stuck on something back here is the chair not super smooth no that's not um okay so i think it's actually snagged right there move your finger please oh you're okay um okay how many more whips you have two okay so i'll go how many do you have i have one you go okay um this i'll be really quick i started another um crochet pumpkin hat this is the pumpkin hat free crochet pattern is the name of it and i knit one already for our newborn niece who will be um coming soon and so now i'm working on her sister's hat she's six years old i am using nitpicks swish worsted and this is the color all spice all spice it's showing up really beautifully yeah that's pretty and the contrast the color for the stem is um dublin dublin yup and i can actually show you the first one which is still super cute so this is the first one adorable it's adorable i was going to tweak it a little bit but i think it's i think it's cute the way that it is yeah so i did make a little bit of a change and that was really because i it's part of my acquisitions but i i don't read things apparently when i get too super excited about um yarny tools and stuff so let me show you where i am at so far so the concept of this is that you are crocheting um half double it's a free pattern so half double crochets through the back loop um back and forth until you get to the circumference that you want and then you slip stitch the ends together and then you'll pick up those stitches and knit the um crochet thank you crochet the uh the stem and then the little curlicue and stuff so there's not actually any true like a like when you're knitting decrease no i'm talking about knitting so it's not like knitting where there's a true decrease of the crown to make it fit the head there is but it's just for the stem yeah so that's the way that this hat pattern is is written so you start your decreases um and you uh you decrease um with single crochets do your your uh crocheting um single crochets together like but based on that other hat it looks like you decrease pretty quickly and it just comes to almost like yeah it comes to a quick point so it's not a gradual decrease like a knitting where it fits the head a little bit not on this pattern but most crochet patterns are like that actually most crochet hats not i don't want to say most but all the crochet hats that i've done is always top down so you end up doing your increases um until you get to that point and then you you know you know you crochet it down so um you know it creates that really cool you know ribbing effect for like the pumpkin and i'm gonna you know i her [Music] i did for like i looked up hat sizing for a kid and i i just chained the amount that would get me to the length that i wanted for her and um i'm using the thing about this pattern is like even though it it's written for um like a toddler and kids like i i change the pattern or like you know change my numbers up to make the small one and then i'm gonna do the same thing to do an adult one because i wanna i think i'm gonna try to do one for the mom her mom as well our sister-in-law so uh the pattern calls for a uh 5.5 millimeter crochet hook i believe and well actually i could show you so i did the the little one the newborn one using the uh the arm amore clover crochet hooks yeah 5.5 millimeter millimeter and then somebody had commented that i should try the prim crochet hooks because they found that they were um pretty smooth and and a little sharper quote-unquote at the tip so it slides through the stitches a little bit better this yarn does split quite a bit i have to say so i was a little bit apprehensive about it but it actually worked out well so i did buy some crochet hooks and i'll show you the whole kit but i went there wasn't a 5.5 in there and um so i'm using a five millimeter uh crochet hook and this is prim it's uh it's like plastic so i wasn't sure uh but it's really thick substantial plastic so i wasn't sure how i would feel about that but it actually glides through the yarn very well and i find that the the length of the crochet hook is a little bit better for me you can see the difference in length so it fits in my hand better since i hold a crochet hook kind of like like this um then this does although this has a little flat piece for your thumb so it's kind of like a little trade-off because this one doesn't have it and i like that little flat piece and the prim one's much lighter it's much lighter yeah much lighter it does have this rubbery grip though that does feel nice in your hand so anyway i wonder if this would like wear off ever i'm not sure i'm not sure but it was interesting to try you know i do like trying different different things but i um i'm not a huge fan of the furls crochet hooks i've gotten a few of those they're very heavy and they they push on my the pad of my hand quite a bit um so it's a little bit uncomfortable to crochet for a long period of time where these um these are both very light and i think i like that a little bit better so yeah that's my crochet project i will probably finish this soon then i don't have very much longer to go and um i'm just gonna like i said i'm just gonna crochet i until i get to the the circumference that i wanted which i think was like i don't know it's like 21 inches or something like that and then i'll slip it together and yeah that's that i will link the pattern down below it was linked below on the last video as well so if you're interested i know some people were actually commenting that they they started crocheting during during the last podcast while we were talking about it which i thought was kind of cool it's a super easy pattern um and then that's that's that project that's all my that's all my crochet because the next one is knitting okay so my whip you guys have seen this a bunch this is my lava lake by stephen west um so i've been super monogamous with my knitting i only knit on this for a week you did very well i completed this last sunday and then once this was done i pulled out lava lake and have only been working on this since then this is living in my leg arsenal hide in hammer bag which i really do enjoy these bags there's a lot of um they're really deep they're not wide so you wouldn't think that you could fit a lot but you can yeah um fold them down and use it kind of as a bucket yeah so i've been thinking about getting another hide and hammer bag one day all right so wait one day my prints will come i am using yarn that i bought from steven in penelope it is a ching uh fiber kit i think this was called luscious luscious landscape luscious forest maybe um all right so color one is i have no idea what these colors are again i know want to say this is i don't know all right here's color one not sure of the name here's color two color three color four and color five this one's treetop that one i know so the colors are called um treetop we have botanist fauna fields and fob are the names of the colors i just don't know which ones which other than treetop so this is a symmetrical shawl it is you knit 50 and with your increases and then decrease down to create the other half of the shawl um this is the right side because all my ends are there so last time you guys saw this i was here wow and that was the 50 mark um and now i am i finished with color e d and now i'm working strictly color c this is so we're going to turn it this is going to be humongoid yeah let's turn it holy cow this way so this is the way that the shawl oh it's gorgeous goes we have color a oh i love that color i know then color a and b here then just b then b and c then c c and d d d and e and e the only thing i will say about my colors is i wish e there was more difference between d and e you can see you can definitely see that darker there but i wish it was there was more of a contrast between the two that's the only thing was this kit created specifically for lava lake no it's created for a different shawl this is the kit that it's ching fiber that was created for lava lake so there's a definite difference in the i think it's still it's lovely it's i absolutely i think it's beautiful your stitches look fantastic that is garter it's beautiful yeah it's garter stitch um all you need to know how to do it again is knit purl yarn over and knit two together and um slip slip knit or ssk yeah that's this guy um it is a garter stitch i-cord edging [Music] um it's just super easy yeah it's such a relaxing fun knit um i could see myself knitting more of these i would like and doing um and just picking yarn from stash and having fun with it yeah it doesn't have to be a fade like well no but creating kind of your own fade and not like a true fade even like this but even just using a bunch of different colors like contrasting and having fun with it i just think it's such a beautiful shawl i love the yarn over detail that's also following the shape of the shawl wow it's so nice kev it's so nice and what's really kind of motivating with this is as you're knitting right you're knitting to your stitch markers and i think i currently have six one two three four five six so i had seven so i removed one with my decreases so as you're going along it gives you that kind of motivation like oh let's see if i can get to the decreases for the next stitch marker um i will say i'm making one adjustment from the pattern i'm just trying to put something back here because it's cut it keeps snagging um so the patterns made i believe it said to use 50 of each skein however by doing that the sections of color c which is here before you get to like the stripes there so from here to here is color c on the opposite side the side i'm working on now that section is sure is shortened it has less rows and this bothers you it bothers me yeah oh sorry um and a different section has more rows so it bothers me so i'm not following that i'm going to try to mirror that side on the other side we'll see i think well it's hard when one side is increases and the other side is decreases what do you mean you'll use more yarn with the increases than the decreases well no because you'll have the same number of stitches on each side because you're you increase this way you're decreasing this way so your decrease side let's say you start with 150 stitches and end with 125 on the other side you started with 125 and worked up to 150. so it's the same amount of yarn should be used for both sides so we will see i'm going to give it a shot and hopefully i'll have enough yarn to do that i should because this is what i've had left of um color d and then this is what i have left of color e so i have a ton of this so i think i'll be okay but this will be my main focus i would like to um [Music] my goal is to finish it by next weekend hopefully so we'll see i'm down to like 100 and like somewhere somewhere in the 50s maybe number of stitches this actually might be the largest shawl i don't know i still think s slipstravaganza is the largest substrate is pretty light nice so yeah that's my lava lake lovely and that is all of my knitting okay i have one more thing and this is another planned project from last year with yarn i got from rhinebeck oh yeah i had no idea i wanted to make the paris to shore shawl which is a dk weight um simple lace and garter shawl it is by [Music] who's it by oh isabel kramer and this is the this is the shawl i actually think that there's better pictures here i i love this yeah kevin knit this with yarn that he died himself and it was really gorgeous and when i was there um i saw some actually some yarn at miss babs yeah when we went to his baths on sunday so we went on sunday because saturday i'm not waiting in line for sorry no i no i'm not and so um it was you know there wasn't a lot of people on sunday it was much more manageable so i always wanted to try their yowza it's a very large skein of you know of yarn how many grams is it 150 200 i think it's two i have the tag someplace in here so this this is um always queen you believe bag which is wonderful it this was sent to us a while ago it's a it's a lovely heavy duty bag and um she did some um you know some like nursing fabrics for me and a rainbow zipper which i love i know the zippers are cool yeah they're so heavy-duty zippers yeah there's also um inside there well there's a little harry potter there's one here too on that zipper yep um and then on the inside which is really cool there's a pumpkin or a cauldron and then there's um her little i probably can't see her little um stitch marker there as well our project you know with it so let me see oh my gosh i have stickers in here oh i need to add this to my oh i didn't know that there were stickers in here okay so anyway blah blah blah blah sorry you guys this is um this is what i have and i've been knitting on this like crazy it's been so much fun it's such a fun pattern so i this has been sitting in the bag for so long and i actually had the i you know put the yarn and the bag together with the name of the pattern so i remembered like why it was in there so really quick do you remember when we when i was knitting mine that's when we watched that documentary on the girl who went missing in the hotel it was yeah that was a creepy that wasn't a really good documentary no it was all because we had just watched the other one on richard ramirez oh god that was yeah so i think mine i think i needed watching those two documentaries yeah so this is 560 yards approximately 225 grams is her yowza the color is slate just a beautiful gray um very very neutral it's got some blue undertones i think to it um why don't you get like no i have one of those no i'm good yeah okay and um her yowza her yowza um base it was 48 which i thought was a pretty good price for that much yarn and i'm sorry i missed that how much 225 grams oh so it's two and a quarter skeins right yeah um and so i bought one of those and then i bought a i left it downstairs she calls it her yowza minis which is an 80 gram skein of yarn so it's about 200 yards of dk weight yarn and the pattern calls for just over seven something i think it is and anyway so i did the math and i thought i would that would just be enough to get a yowza and uh um you know a mini so you can do this with about three skeins of yarn give or take you know some yardage and here we are so i did like i said i did i did quite a quite a bit of this can you help me so this is the paris to shore it's a very simple lacy um and garter stitch shawl it's gonna you know the it's just yarn overs and and knit two togethers for that and then with the with the garter in between and i love the way that it increa that you do your increases or you have this um this edge makes a really really cool edge on the side here you have your like applied i-cord not applied i-cord your knitted i chord it's a very simple kind of i chord it's really like a slip stitch and then you have a couple of garter rows here but it makes a really neat um a really neat border on it so i've finished all of the lace sections here and now i'm on the end which is basically just garter um with some increases and that'll finish off the shawl and so yeah it's i think it's going to be a large i mean it's a larger it is it's a larger shawl right is in an asymmetrical shape it's asymmetrical which would be really cool um love the fact and i think that's what we talked about when you first knit yours and aaron actually knit this as well that's where i got the idea from fiber the um the pattern has male models wearing it and honestly you know it makes a difference for us to be able to see somebody with our similar body types wearing garments you know and like accessories yeah or anything yeah accessories anything um it makes a big difference you know honestly like we got two magazines two magazines so from nitpicks and from webs webs and you know the yarn looks gorgeous the patterns are gorgeous the models are gorgeous um but they're in in one magazine there wasn't a single um male in their you know wearing anything and then the other one i think only had two three three and and we're talking out of like 60 yeah you know and pictures that's okay you know like patterns aren't you know are completely gender neutral obviously anybody can wear them but it's difficult to envision yourself for us wearing certain things or looking at certain things especially with the color choices and you know body types and you think like how's that going to fit for me yeah you know it's it's sometimes a little bit difficult for us to be like oh that would be great you know i would look good in that you know there's a little bit more i guess thought behind that so i it does appreciate yeah when you can have multiple body types wearing um you know wearing different things and i think some of the magazines that are out there like pom pom does a really good job um you know with different body types and i think it could be the same for you know for female body types as well you know if you're built a certain way and you constantly see you know runway models wearing these these types of patterns it's difficult for you to you know to look at that so which is one of the reasons why we created the why kevin created the podcast first of all and why we created the let's hear it for the boys knit along just to help inspire other people and see different body types wearing things um so anyway done with that right but i think it makes a big difference being able to see that aaron knitting it and then the model in the ravelry page were the two main reasons that i knit this i was like oh i see i get it you know it was the i get it moment so um so anyway so i i'm the pattern is highly addictive it the yarn is lovely to work with there wasn't a single um splitting in the yarn i think it it's going to be super soft it's a hundred percent merino i just say it's very tight it's 100 superwash merino yeah it's i don't know what ply it is it's but it's pretty it's pretty thick yarn yeah um it's tightly you know yeah it's definitely very it's a little rounder so which will be really nice i think it um it adds to the [Music] it adds to the um the lace work in there because you can really see those columns and so i think once it gets blocked or soaked i think it's going to relax so nice and it's gonna look beautiful so i will be done with this hopefully very very soon but it's very squishy too yeah it's it's one of my favorite um knits that i've done so i love it and the back is a little bit different than the front because you're doing uh this is the back the wrong side and this is the right yeah it definitely looks so it's much more crisp looking from the front and a little bit muted and softer on the back which will be nice to to wrap around you that's right and that's um i think that's all of our our projects right so oh i'm gonna go back real quick so to talk about this for a minute i think i mentioned it last time that this blue bled quite a bit when i did my swatch so i did buy some shout color catchers and used i think i was really cautious i threw like six in the water yeah you did and i put some inside of the sweater where right here to um hopefully trap any and you could definitely see uh some of them turn blue yeah and there's a lot of blue dye in the water so yeah um so that was helpful to use all right and you got those right from amazon pretty cheap yeah i ordered them from amazon i got two boxes they're just good to have i guess going forward yeah for sure so now that we're done with the knitting content i guess we'll talk about happy mail or no i will post some acquisitions but before we do that i'm going to talk about some coupon codes oh i keep forgetting to do that and i almost did again so if you don't or if you're not interested in acquisitions or doing any shopping using our coupon codes it was lovely to have you thank you for stopping by smooches and then uh if you are grab another beverage use the peepees potties and then uh we'll go use the peepees the potties yeah all right so coupon codes are you all ready i think this is all of them we're all right so we're going to start here so we have naughty knitting sacks the code is prickle pants 15 for 15 off your order trilogy yarns code is natr15 for 15 percent off anything excluding clubs and kits her club or her uh advent is out i don't think you can use your code for the advent but her she's only got a handful of the shit's creek advent left she's doing a shit's creek advent i'm not quite sure the time frame of that one but um she's got a handful of orders left so that's live on her website now if you want to take a look and then we have knit swag which is kevin and ray for 15 percent off your order lila styles the code is love natr 10 for 10 off your order always queenie believe code is 9 inch circ for 20 off she does lovely things too like uh notions pouches and she's got this this awesome um i can't remember the name what she calls the kit or the bits and bobs bits and bobs i use that so often me too yeah um then katie did bags which is kevin and ray 10 for 10 off your order yep we have scrappy angel natr fan 10 for 10 off stitchy squid which is tarquin 15 for 15 off your order and then we have jessalyn janus which is love natr 15 for 15 off your order and that one ends november 9th so awesome you have some time you do so and if if we talk too fast it's all linked right down everything's down below and then we also included a link to their shop so you just click on the on the link there all right so speaking of jessalyn janice jj jj she sent us some um shit's creek bags for us and these are drawstrings with a handle this one says ew david and it has this beautiful it's gorgeous i love this fabric it's a really pretty fabric with bumblebees on it yeah um i feel like it's something that david might wear so a portion of all of your purchases made from jessalyn janus go to a local animal shelter it is the kayakota humane society in indianola iowa so that's just a really fun thing that's a great lovely thing yeah look at that fabric no it's really you should make bags out of that and sell those because that's a great fabric and then the interior is this nice just solid yellow oh it looks like it's got some texture if oh yeah it's a little textured it's almost like um almost yeah it feels woven woven yeah and then this one is the rose apothecary and again handle drawstring yellow b fabric and the interior is the same um yellow so awesome i know so thank you so much very kind of y'all we have some of her bags that we will be donating that will be in prizes that'll be in prizes coming up put that back in there please thank you i think we're going to have a very large prize thank you thank you oh my gosh you know what i've started i forgot to um i have mine open already okay that i was watching yesterday what while i was working from home i threw on um ted lasso oh that's so good so good all right um we still have more owl posts yeah is this it yeah oh your site's too full with your purchases so you have i didn't i will post on my site is that what happened look so this package was really really generous um oh my god so gen and so thoughtful yes like you guys really pay attention to what we say it's really have you ever reached out and sent us a message recently and said hey i was making a purchase and um i thought of you guys so i may have purchased something for you and sent it to you so first up in the package so first to the viewer again we try not not that we try not to say names but not everybody likes their name out there so um so you know who you are and we appreciate it and this came this was the first thing that i want to open up who are you i'm oh you can't eat one now why because that would be rude would it not i don't know i think it would right what if it was just all like sloppy and falling out of your mouth well that's something's wrong with the product then because i've been eating for the past 41 years all right so first up i talked about this recently or we did i think we were trying to determine who made these too but the tasty cake butterscotch crumpets or not crumpets crimpers crimpets i love these as a kid i hope that they live up to my memory of them because these were delicious like sometimes having you know i'm just looking oh it looks nice like what did i have recently um oh it's a whole oh you get two in one yeah they're deli from what i remember they're delicious so that was super exciting to see because i don't know the last time i've seen no you're not and then we've mentioned that we haven't been we've never tried this dyer um and that we wanted to try their yarn they're localish to us they're in the same state so we received similar this is amazing from legacy fiber arts so this is oh you know what i just looked at this color the other day because i went to their site and i was trying to determine if maybe i could put together i feel like you go to their site this is delicious by the way i was thinking if i could put together their my mcal from your site because now is the time that yarn dyers are coming out with those um warm fall colors so this one set is called the ants this is called chocolate covered cherries this is on their um steel toes base which is 75 25 and this one each of these has 231 yards and they're 50 grand now it's a micro sock set so it's um 50 grams and a 20 gram right which is enough for us to make shorties or you know depending on your foot size would be enough to make a pair of socks and then probably not pulling socks this which this is um look at how great they're very like her her dying yeah her dying is really great this is um caroline jones so this is a hundred gram stain with a tiny 20 gram mini and then this one is wonder again 100 grams 20 gram mini on the four ply fingering for their steel toes base and lastly is sunrise sunset here and then this one is skittles this one i think is new to her candy shop collection from what i remember and this looks like an undyed base their last podcast or the one before that um and this is the legacy fiber arts um podcast as well um legacy knits fiber maybe it's legacy knits podcast it's it's all under it's the the skittles they show the skittles all made up and it's beautiful right i think they used it if i'm not mistaken in k jones crunkle sock oh yeah that's on my list to make i believe yeah so thank you very much this is super generous i have to think i'm gonna knit with them thank you for the crimp bits yeah i'm not i think i'm gonna knit with this one first i don't who knows who knows when i'm gonna be knitting more stuff i'm hoping to like so i have some knitting plans as well okay all right we have lots of things so that was it for outposts right next up is some break in the bank okay so break in the bank let's do this one um because it's basically both of us yeah it's the only thing i purchased so this um if you haven't received this yet look away please look away this is the mysterious mountains club by la garcon it is um part of their like they've been doing a few mysterious clubs quote-unquote mysterious clubs this is the third one i think it is yes because it was foreign so we just did uh we just showed i believe we i feel like we just showed the last mysterious forest not too long ago i know this was surprising to receive so quickly yeah they just announced that they were doing a mysterious mountains and so um hopefully you've received yours if you've purchased them um if not you know go get a drink so this is the inspiration um photo all of the artwork is done by max he's it it's so tough it's a great illustrator huh um so you have a little squirrel you have a little bear and is that and then you have a goat-ish mountain goat maybe oh okay okay i'm not sure um because the first skein that came to us was the squirrel and this is mysterious squirrel let me show you the sticker inspiration first so you get a little sticker you get a pin which is adorable and here we go so this it's a gorgeous brown what color is that what is that not brown no what color is that right oh it's red i'm sorry you're right the lighting looked a little weird so this this is the color that you can put in your shawl i know this is the color i'm thinking i was thinking for how did i see brown i don't know weird and it comes with a acorn look at the acorn progress keeper and then in um this is on their yak sock yeah so it's a 70 percent superwash merino 20 nap yak 10 nylon so this one is called mysterious squirrel and then the mini is called the squirrel's nuts it's incredibly soft it's so soft how is it i don't understand immediately after getting this red i went to the um website to see if they had any more of it like available as a yellow and there wasn't no that's okay though but it gave that gives me some inspiration i'm gonna reach out to the dyer and see if he just no actually i'm looking at it now and that'll be nice as your main colors i know but this is gray and i can't do gray i need a brown i need a gray brown i'll for what for my second color yeah can you do this get two of these and then those they don't have they wouldn't have these in their shop i know but but i'm saying theoretically inspiration wise i can find something that this is a dark red and a brown like a chestnutty chestnuts roasting i don't know you know the other day you were singing some christmas song we haven't even scratched the surface of fall we're jumping too far ahead somebody had posted a picture they were at costco and there was a christmas tree up we haven't even celebrated the pumpkin well the great pumpkin so you haven't you haven't celebrated any pumpkin yet you have not had any pumpkin yet i've been celebrating pumpkins since september 1st well i know actually this weekend i may take out the fall decorations yeah that would be fun okay so now let's do this weekend we do so that was this lovely club these colors are great i love them so speaking of clubs and inspirations my next one of my next knitting projects is going to be another vertices and i'm going to use the yarn from max's clubs or the lego stones clubs uh the mysterious clubs in there are you doing the previous two clubs uh i'm not gonna do the mysterious uh forest because that is the sparkle and i want all socks so you're gonna use this one so i'm gonna use this club and then the mysterious manor manner so what i'm gonna do is um oh i'm gonna screw this up somehow i'm gonna knock everything over this this and this no i don't know where oh here is this no that's sparkle and that's sparkle sparkle hey am i missing one i don't know what were the i don't know anyway so i'm gonna be using um like i'm gonna throw these colors in a vertices oops and then i think what i'm gonna do is i might use this color as the um the i chord i actually we're just gonna say you should but i don't know we'll have to see i would say you should use that with this blue i don't know i think so anyway i'm gonna put us we're gonna put it all together and make a really nice vertices or i might do um i might do the i-cord in all of the minis like striped striped i chord around who knows isn't that exciting so by the time you cast on though you're only going to have five of the six you won't have you won't have your six lines um so i mean i don't know when i'm going to be doing this but that's just my that's my plan that's my ultimate plan well you're not going to cast on with um aaron and jeff yeah but when are they doing that i thought it was after rhinebeck yeah like the 18th of october yeah whatever all right we'll make it work um so that's one oh that's my only acquisition okay i'm really light on the content today huh do you have any more acquisitions did you break i do kevin i broke the bank okay um so i'm just trying to find okay so jill zielinski i haven't talked about her in a little while she started uh north bay fiber last year and i knit a few i think i need a few things i got a couple of kits from her so i've shown the yarn in the past she came out with a new base um which is her um elemental base it's a like a sport weight i think and it's what um 100 cormo wool and she was running a special where if you bought a skein of yarn um they she would gift you her hat pattern that coincided with that yarn and it's the essential ribbed hat is the pattern uh it's designed by jill zielinski who's knitterella on instagram it's a super simple like ribbed hat which uses the elemental yarn this is her her hubs and it's in two different um styles so you have your watch cap style and you have the um what's the other beanie beanie style and so i ended up buying some of the yarn to get the hat so i'm gonna knit the hat with this yarn this is um clay banks is that a cool color and it is 100 hormone wool it's a non-superwash three-ply worsted spun it's about 325 yards per 100 grams it's a 21 micron so it's actually for a non-superwash this is very soft this is very soft for a super wash yeah it's nice isn't it nice it's round yes um it's actually got a lot of structure to it it doesn't feel itchy no i think it's going to be really really nice so i'm going to be casting that on um soonish is that nice yeah yeah and it's sourced and milled and died in the u.s so she's got a there's a lot of colors um that they have and so oh look how nice this looks is a scarf how many times have i how many different ways have i won this on the podcast did you all keep 25 keep track um yeah so essential ribbed hat i'll have the pattern linked down below and um it's looks really look this is what i love look at the decreases isn't that really cool look at the crown of the hat i think that's really really neat so i'm super excited to wear this oh that's cute they're cute look how cute okay um and that's that that's the essential ripped hat with the essential yarn from north bay fiber oh it's so squishy and lovely next up because i guess i'll just keep going yeah i'm just here for moral support now uh speaking of hats when i knit the um harlow hat you know i have that little bit of a boo boo and i said that i would buy some tags and so i went on the insta no the um that's it amazon oh amazon yeah i tried to go to etsy but i don't know what happened i didn't so these are faux leather um tags handmade with love and so i'm going to be putting them on the hat which i think will be really good it was a very affordable so i got a package of those very nice thanks and then this is the prim hooks that i got this is the collection uh it came with us e g us7 ush and a usj wait i'm really confused it doesn't please don't that's what us sizes are so weird so listen to this so it's a 3.5 millimeter a 4 millimeter 4.5 millimeter a 5 millimeter and a 6 millimeter no but you said can you go that is don't just don't pay attention u.s sizing is so weird with questions why do they skip letters i can't i don't know i don't understand the letters who does this who did this the united states of america so i i go by the european sizing which is the millimeter but how can you go buy the sizing i don't understand i don't know what what millimeter is the us7 4.5 that is the stupidest thing i've ever seen is that the same as a us7 knitting needles yes there you go but i don't unders i don't understand the letters i don't know the letter and then a number i don't know look at the other one was this one is a four four slash zero so i don't know whatever it doesn't matter so i go by millimeters anyways please you're giving me a where's i agita stop the these hooks were on like half off um on amazon which was really which is really good so um so i got a really good deal on that i think i spent like 17 okay is that it oh i want to be quick with all of those purchases because i got something else finally came and i talked about this oh that's right that's right already and it did come we are fully uh getting ready for mcal season and so i got my kit came i'm in this picture look at all this mess i have in front of me can you take these crumpets away crimpets oh now you don't want no because i want to eat another one they're delish okay so in this box we have so obviously if you didn't watch the last podcast um i opted to do a mcal kit from steven and penelope this year for the mystery knit along and each kit comes with a bag a needle gauge sticker and a tag as well as this the the yarn and it actually came pretty quick so i feel like i ordered this two weeks ago i did i actually ordered it two weeks ago from today yeah so the the this is the bag it's a little smaller than i thought it was gonna be i thought it was gonna be a bag to hold the shawl in but i probably didn't pay much attention it's a really cool bag though it says um you're an emp you're a knitter baby mcal 2022 and it's a drawstring bag it's got a pocket inside here uh in the pocket it's three pockets actually in the pocket is the needle gauge which this one's really kind of cool did you like your needle style of that one yeah so you put your you would put your needle in and where it stops you know this is what the gauge is as opposed to trying to poke it through the holes yeah so that's really cool i think that one's um smart i think so it's a smart one yep i think so too so it goes from a uh a zero all the way up to a seven millimeter needle and also in here is the sticker which is a holographic bling so that'll go on my book and then also in here is the tag that you can sew on to if you so choose to your your finished haul and so it's a you know fabric tag you just fold over and you would sew it to your to your shawl i'm not sure if i'm going to use this though but we'll see um so that's the bag and the little goods and i'm sure you all are excited to see my colors because i'm super excited for this i did not share what dire i got on the last podcast said it would be a surprise and it finally came and i've never used this dyer before but i'm super excited too so i'm gonna show you my three colors it's five skeins of yarn two each of of uh each main color and um one of the pop and i got lobby enemy these are these are my yarns so this is the colourpop it's um 75 merino it's a merino super sock is the base so 75 superwash merino and 25 nylon this is in the color rust it's not gorgeous um this is in the color i don't know uh santoki santoki yeah what do you think that's a reference to i don't know let's google see if i can find something and then this one is called driftwood graffiti it's not gorgeous so this kit was called the toki kit i believe and the rust rust toki was the name of this kit that they put together i absolutely love it i think it's going to make a really cool shawl i love the colors bless you it does it does fall it does um give some fall vibes yeah um as well as some of that like the rusty earthy type of colors which i love to wear so i'm really happy i was a little bit concerned because these two are are variegated yarns and um i know depending on how the shawl is going to be he said you know to try to not use his like heavily variegated and that's not heavily fair no it's not but i you know still kind of like made me pause but i love i think this looks so cool together i also don't think he would put a kit together he wouldn't right so i think you're okay right so um two of those i got two of these i got and then i colour pop which i think is just yeah it's gonna be really pretty it's gonna be really really pretty yeah so there it is there's gonna this is my shawl and i'm um i'm super excited to start i'll probably wind these up uh over the next two weeks or so because the the mcal will start on october 6th yeah which is not that far away no no that's going to be here well it's three weeks away right let's see one two and a half weeks for one yeah yeah about two and a half weeks so i'll probably wind them up next weekend just so that i'm ready to go and i gotta i'm gonna find a bag for it you know what i'm gonna use my chip basket i think for this one that'll be nice because i know that's why i can keep it right by the side of the couch beautiful all right all right team i think that that's all um knitting content it's all the knitting content so now we'll talk about what we good thing we didn't talk about the length of the podcast i know now we'll um talk about what we've been reading and talking about it's time to stand up all right so reading wise i have finished book three of the cradles series that i'm reading by will white um and i'm currently so that was called black flame and i'm currently reading book four which is sky sworn um this series again is we follow the main character uh lyndon linden or way linden is he from the wakeland yeah wei linden she who is from the sacred valley and wants to be a sacred artist finds out that he is unsold in book one and we are um and he meets in abaddon who tells him his fate and gives him the option of changing that he finds out that something drastic will be happening to the sacred valley and he's given the option that he could potentially um help stop that if he follows this suggested path um and that's kind of where the books go and we meet a bunch of interesting characters we learn a lot about sacred artists and the use of madra and the paths that they follow and lyndon quickly learns that his whole life's kind of been sheltered and the information that he's been told is incorrect um so it is i don't know i've actually really really enjoyed the series it's not a quick none of the books are fast they're not long but they're not fast to get into um what's going on there's a lot of mystery in it behind people's intentions with him too and there is that i think it's i think they're abaddons or abaddons which to me just reminds me of angels in the book and who oversee all these iterations of planets and worlds so it's really cool when it steps away from that and it you kind of have to figure out what what's going on and we're learning a little bit more about what's happening um and in this book you find out that cradle which is the planet that linden's on i don't actually know if that's what the people who live on the planet call it but that's what the the um angel-ly people call it um something happened that has completely changed the fate of the planet and nothing has seen beyond 30 years oh and you find that out on book four uh so it i don't know the characters are great they're um i don't know it's just and it's so hard actually reading a series and trying to not give away anything right that's happened in books one two and three right now that i'm reading book four um so i i highly recommend it there's 11 books in the series so that's a lot of reading uh but but if it's entertaining and it's keeping it is and i actually book three i listen to some of it does 11 end the series or is it going to be like that i hope so i don't know but because what was that book series that we just kept going and going and going that was um harlow no harley merlin in the blah blah blah blah blah and then it shifted to like so and so i forgot his name and the blah blah blah blah yeah and her aunt was just like this is too much the whole thing i just wanted to smack her and get that done yeah but i think this one even now this one's written so differently that the um we'll say like the bad guy in did i just be table again yeah um the bad guy in each book is different or some of it's been wrapped up so it's definitely already much better than harley merlin okay and the sorcerer's stone no it's not that's not don't give the wrong information uh and that's all i've been reading those two books okay i um i thought i had finished this in the last podcast but i guess i didn't i finished the masquerading magician by um gigi pandian it's the accidental alchemist mystery book number two that was about the uh but i really feel like i talked about this i won't go into too much more detail except that i i thoroughly enjoyed the first book the accidental alchemist this book however i did not enjoy as much i felt like it was just a lot of repetitive reminding us what the first book was about and giving more backstory without really advancing the story too much um it tried to be like a sherlock holmes type of whodunit situation and tried to keep you guessing as to like who the bad guy really is and then like twists and turns but it failed a little bit i think in my opinion anyway um it it didn't really give a happy ending although i heard that some one of you commented that there are like six books now in the series or something i think it's five i think five yeah i will not be continuing that series um i i'm afraid to to jump in and like relive both the books again like just right let's just move on so it's just my own personal um my own personal thing with with books that have more than one in a series is how long the author needs to spend time referencing referencing it and building the story back up again it's like okay yeah yeah cause you the way that i read is i like to read them consecutively and then when a new book will come out in the series i like to read the other ones again up until that point right so anyway that's just me it was my own little thing so that was a masquerading magician i also finished um spell maker which was part of the spell breaker duology that is by charlie and hamburg it was lovely story um took place in the um 1900s um i wonder if it takes place i know we talked about this in this same universe as the books that the book that i read the paper magician by him so i will i'm reading the paper magician now okay so um it seems it may i feel like but it may not no it does not because there there's two different types of magic so in this spellbreaker duology um there are and i talked about this i think before you have your natural and that was all you i know i just kicked it you have your natural ability to a spellbreaker which you're kind of born with it and you um you grow the skill to be able to break down other people's spells and you have p spell makers who decide which uh you know which avenue of magic that they want to focus on whether it be physical or um um like all different they're different things so they give your physical like your mental your um you know the ability to like sway people's opinions and empathy and different things like that these are not the joys you're looking for so with with that each person [Music] who can make spells has potential to absorb these spells when they're learning them into their body and um they they gain knowledge that way and they're very expensive to be able to to afford spells but it also separates people those spell makers from the general public because spell makers um tend to be wealthy um and then they can sell their services to other people like you can get special like you know alarms and security on your house or help your crops grow and you know all of these things so it was another kind of mystery um thing and i really enjoyed the way that that worked i thought it was um i don't want to give anything away but i thought it was very well done i was had just enough action just enough backstory there's a little bit of a happy a lot a happy ending which is really nice um and then it's another one where you're just like wow i didn't see that coming but it was in a much better way i think than the alchemist series so i loved it i thought it was great i think he did a good job creating that story um which leads me into what i'm reading now is the paper magician by the same author i think it's really cool i'm almost done with that it's a very interesting concept as well you can only there there are different types of magic um that you can focus on so like there's like metal paper um blood which and then there's um isn't there glass glass and plastic is one of the newer ones because this also takes place in the 1900s so anything that's man-made you can bind to and kind of control that that type of magic so the bad guys in this are the ones that can that use like blood magic and they were able to get away with that i think because people make other people um so it's it's got to be man-made so technically it's man-made so our um paper magicians are pretty much seen as like well it's paper so it's not very powerful like nobody really wants to be a folder to like fold you know the paper and do what you got to do and it's not like you can make papers fly around and do like whatever you've gotta your magic is based on giving life to the the folds in the paper that you make so you know you can make little dogs and birds fly around or like whatever and what kind of weapon is that against right you know whatever so our main character um finds a way to use and she's brand new like learning learning this as she goes she's an apprentice something happens and she has to go on like a mission you know to save somebody and so she still doesn't have all of the skills that she needs she's kind of like learning on on her own and through like visions and different things like that so she finally um creates this spell with paper at one of the um probably like the the climax of the story and it's something that seems like it's never been seen before how did she kind of merge some of these things together and um it was very interesting because it's like how does somebody with control over paper beat somebody who is like control over like blood magic and like you know creating demons out of thin air and you know whatever like gross corpses you know attacking you so i thought that was really cool i'm really enjoying it i think there's um this is a series as well belief yeah so i think there's like the glass musician magicians next or something which i probably will read i think he does a good job creating the or they i don't know what pronouns they use i think they do a good job of creating the universe that that this is in so it's really cool um the next book oh and then i finished another book um as part of another series and that was by will white right w ight yeah so uh house of blades i finished and i'm listening to that on audible it is part of the traveler's gate series it's number one in the traveler's gate series so that's the uh that's the book will white it is um similar a little bit to what kevin was describing with his books that he's reading where this there are again um different types of different types of of magical not magical really like like access to powers and it's based on location and the concept of travelers so in order to be a traveler there are obviously different realms i think i don't know how they're all connected but they you can enter these realms through these special gates and stuff and each territory has its own um unique like powers and abilities that it will grant its travelers and you're considered a traveler when you can enter into uh you can open like the gate in the world you know to another dimension or wherever another area and when you in are in that area that territory as you progress through the territory you're traveling through the territory or you're gaining either access to summon creatures from that territory when you're out in the real world or um like weapons or different types of abilities and each area has its own travelers you know and so there's um there's a war that's happening there's a way to balance the system and to keep everything in check and our main character of course down and out loses his parents um you know kind of wants to rescue people and some revenge and stumbles upon this other territory that is not part of the the main territories which there are nine main territories this would be the 10th territory i don't want to give a lot away i think it's really cool how it's set up and how he's progressing to try to become a traveler and gaining access to some of the powers that that his territory that he's was taken in um can grant him so i really like the character there's a lot of action it's it's very action packed so when i'm listening to it um i kind i do have to pay attention because so much happens so fast and when i'm listening to books it's usually okay if i get a little bit distracted here there my mind wanders or whatever because it's nothing major you know happens like boom boom boom boom it's like this entire book there's just so much happening and so um i find it very entertaining very interesting so i finished that first book it led right into the second one which is crimson um the crimson vault it's uh it's book two i think there are three books in this series similar you know same thing it takes it takes um place um like literally to a couple of days after the first book ends which is great and um i'm super excited about it and i i've never read him as an author and like listening to you describe your books and then like reading mine um i think i would probably start reading some of the books that you're reading now but yeah 11 books is a big comment but i mean it is but it's not i mean i'm going through them reading you would probably listen to them so i'm reading them oh it depends on if they're free or not because i can't spend all my credits on a level they're not free they they're not even free on kindle uh they were free on kindle actually but i bought them all because i was just like i know you can show them to me right based after a couple i think base after book two i knew that i would probably at some point in my life read these again sure because i do think that it's very interesting and you tend to pick up things um going back and yeah absolutely reading again so i think it would be really interesting to read this a second time and already knowing what's going to happen see if i pick up anything differently so stuff in book one will make way more sense yeah going like because they have i mean in this book they talk about sacred artists sacred beasts madra souls paths disciples disciplines there's just so much it sounds like a lot there is a lot there is a lot that goes on and that's discussed all right so that's kind of what we've been reading and watching wise we watched she-hulk mm-hmm no we have one episode we're behind this week's episode and our main watching really has been supernatural i'm i'm i'm loving the show i know we finished season two we're on season three we actually only have three episodes left of season three um we were actually talking on the last knit night um i don't know if it was michael or maybe it was jeff we were talking about um like episodic tv yeah where you know a lot of shows now that they put out on like netflix and stuff are totally binge-worthy but it's one gigantic story arc and that's all that they really focus on with a little bit of background here or there these you know these shows from like the 90s um or early 2000s are you know they have an underlying story arc but they're very episodic right so you have a beginning middle and end to each episode beginning middle of end to each one and then it was it's rare but usually it happened in the mid-season finale or the season finale where you have a 2b continued yeah and but now it's like you know all of the shows that we're so used to watching the modern type of shows today's shows it's all like just to be continued right like you it just ends and then you're like oh what's gonna happen next i gotta i gotta binge it i gotta watch it again so it's kind of refreshing because we end an episode and it's over and it's over and it's like okay we can go to bed now you know as opposed to oh should we just do one more right you know um what's been really fun for me watching this is seeing the supporting actors and like so you watch an episode probably last that was the greatest part of the wb right they always cam yeah they reused characters yeah a ton so we're watching it a couple i think last weekend in one episode it had the actress who plays charlotte and lucifer yes and then her husband in the that same episode was the football player from team witch oh yeah that she had a crush on and then we watched another episode recently that has harmony from buffy the vampire slayer and it had well laurel's also been in it from laurel from the walking dead no no no laurel from airboro from arrow and beth no not beth maggie from the walking dead yeah and then harmony from buffy the vampire slayer and the demon from charmed who was the fear demon and i can't think of his name as uh real no it begins with like g a c or a c i think really yeah um and then we were watching and then it has i think it's the guy from um this is us jk is it it's not jk simmons what the heck is his name what what what guy from this is us um the hunter who the hunter that he was in this is us yeah really yeah i hated him in this show oh not jk sterling k that's the k so sterling k sterling k brown uh was in it for a little bit and then last night we saw ella from also from lucifer from lucifer and somebody else it's just been fun yeah it's really just entertaining oh and ted ted from oh yeah we could not figure out he looks so different yeah you're you know what it was is that he had a little bit of that same personality as he did and i couldn't place him i the positivity thing was going i was like okay who is this who is this and finally he just did something i was like oh ted it's that so that's how you said that that's been the fun part is seeing all these actors that you know from different roles and seeing them here so it's been a lot of fun to watch that and we'll probably watch we'll definitely finish season three this weekend i'm waiting for rey to get to see some of the characters that haven't been introduced yet so i think we may see them [Music] i really think maybe in season four okay um and i think that's it um i think that that's it as well we're going to get our vaccines today at four o'clock we are so that we can be um all boosted for woolen pokemon won't catch nothing from us and we won't catch nothing from you right so we will sell that should be the slogan go get vaccinated you won't catch nothing from them and they won't catch nothing from you that's a mouthful but it's kind of like it's a slogan yeah copyright trademark all right um i think that's it so thank you all so much for joining us it was lovely to see you all again so we hope that you guys have a good two weeks and we will catch you all in a fortnight bye guys
Channel: Needles at the Ready Podcast
Views: 15,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Iivqv2MxVQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 10sec (7510 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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