Needles at the Ready: Episode 67 Westknits Parade

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do totally miscounted me why well you didn't hit the button it doesn't say one two three go well yeah but then you didn't go good morning good morning hello today is Wait no that's all wrong welcome to Needles at the ready I'm Kevin and I'm Ray today is Saturday August 6th 2022 we are coming to you guys from Stratford Connecticut this is our YouTube channel where we talk about knitting crocheting yarn dyeing and all the fibery fun stuff so I like that is that new yeah good keep it up um so thank you for joining us if you're a returning viewer we appreciate you coming back if you're new thanks for checking out the channel do that little thumbs up like comment subscribe stuff you know that YouTube stuff and that's the Spiel okay good this is bizarre uh so yeah welcome we are back I feel like we just did this I feel like um it's incredibly hot in here totally yeah you want to go put a sweater on absolutely um here we are I don't know what's happening right now so we have a lot of things to show today we do um it's going to be a chatty it's going to be um probably but now watch it be like a 20 minute episode it's totally fine if it is it doesn't matter so like Kevin said welcome back we really really appreciate all of you guys coming back um it was really awesome to interact with you all in the last video um whether we uh we asked for you to um we put them to put a little like prompt thingamajigger or whatever to draw some prizes there was so much interaction on the video it was really really nice yeah there were a lot of comments yeah there was it was really it came out in four you sure did and it's really exciting to see how excited you all are for our um our make-along which started August 1st so I think we start with some adminy things it doesn't really matter what the flow is but just pull up a chair and um or if you're already sitting which you probably already are unless you're cooking something which would be nice or maybe you're driving okay right whatever your body is doing at the moment um keep it up be comfortable and then um so we have uh two knit alongs make-a-longs going on right now one is a make-a-long you can do knits crochets or whatever it's called um let's hear it for the boys and that will be coming to an end at the end of this month August 31st and it's an opportunity for us to just kind of um showcase the the um the guys in the community uh whether it be a pattern for a man in your life or a pattern designed by a guy or um projects and yarn and all those things um yeah and we have a lot of entries we have a hashtag which is hashtag nitr boys2022 and we have a uh fo thread and a chatter thread on Ravelry which is getting some love which is awesome and we have a ton of prizes like a ton of prizes yeah we got some that came in the past yeah should we do that now should we show the prizes now okay it's gonna take away from like what we show at the end but yeah that's fine are you all excited for it you haven't entered enter here so okay there's still One Price coming so first up I've wanted to see his yarn in person for quite some time this is Arcane Fiberworks out of Canada yeah so we have to oh choose we have two skeins of this this is called heart of the Brave it's so if you don't follow him on the insta follow him on the insta because his um color inspiration photos and the yarn that he dies are ridiculously close um it's some Talent like I don't know how he does it but they're phenomenal colors so this is heart of the Brave the inspiration photo and look at this isn't that gorgeous so so good so so this is Arcane fiber works so this these two skins will be one prize yep then next up we um got some yarn from Ross of Twisted Ambitions this is really fun so this is um the colorways Royals so both of these just you guys know are on their fingering bases so this has some like Grays and purples and like oranges and golds in it that's really gorgeous so and um I wanted to try his yarn for quite a while too and he started dying full time yeah which is awesome for him he does a lot of like um what are they called reels and videos and stuff yeah on Instagram it's really interesting um to watch his progress and then we got one bag so far this is fancy boy designs we love his bags love his bags um I was looking for that last year we got a sloth doing it which is so freaking cute it's one of my favorite bags this is very cute it is I love the pandas so that's some of the prizes for it yeah that just came over the past two weeks plus we have a prize donated from like ourseling our son and we have yarn coming from knit and bro yeah and also from Cabin Boy knits hmm correct so we'll have a lot of things so um so jump on that bandwagon if you haven't already it's really exciting to see patterns and these are selfishly like we talked about last time for us it gives us inspiration and ideas to um to do some things that we would want to wear all right okay and then um we started our Stephen West knit along yeah our joint knit along with Michael over at peace for peace crafts thing so if you don't go check um if you don't already subscribe go over check out his videos subscribe comment like on them um you get to double dip he's somebody that we are happy that we've got to meet through this whole process we get to knit with them on Thursdays sometimes so he's just um good people yeah totally and we have okay so there's a hashtag which is hashtag n80 no yeah natr peace p-e-a-c-e-a-c-e um on Instagram and also on Ravelry I created an fo thread and a chatter thread and I tried to like rivalry is if it's accessible to you um it's also not very easy to move around if it is accessible to you it's not very easy to like move around in Ravelry but I figured out a way to link his profile and his podcast group in our fo and chatter thread so enter both of those you can just click on the link it'll take you right to his group and um and you can go ahead and enter there as well fun so um we did not say um but whips are allowed and I know a lot of you are very very excited about that from some of the comments that we've gotten on Ravelry so uh basically just knit a Stephen West pattern it could be whatever whatever you want um he's got anything from hats too he's got a little bow tie there um dog sweaters right yeah did he release I don't know if he released them on blankets yeah and we'll show some things throughout the episode um that we've knit most of them are shawls I believe they're all shawls should we do each of us do one now sure okay um this was my most recent I showed this and I'm very very excited about it and I posted it on Instagram and um there's a story behind this where I had a difficult time I had a very very difficult time when I first tried to make this pattern this is the barndom and um it's a really really cool shawl and you can see my pictures on Instagram and I do believe I have it also on Ravelry um too in my project pages and it's a it's a really really cool shawl there's some cables in there uh it's all garter otherwise which is really nice with some yarn overs and um no there's no yarn overs actually it's just like make ones it's super fun yeah it's a pretty shawl yeah and then so that's so that's Barnum it's a little bit too warm to uh yeah I'm not aware but the shape of this one's cool because it kind of swoops like a wing like a wing yeah like a barn owl I doubt that that's where it's from I think it's no we think somebody had mentioned it and I forgot where it came from um so I will show the Pierre shawl this is a DK weight shawl um I admit this shawl out of Madeleine this is gorgeous so it's meant to be like a fade yeah so this was fun um there's a bunch of different textures in here you have maybe like I don't know if this is seats yeah I think a seat Stitch you have some garter ribs you have some ribbing you have this like scalloped Edge which is fun yeah um some Twisted rib I think yep and then some TR you make some triangles with what's happening yeah I love like this was a really really fun yeah it's large it's easy to wear I really really love the colors yeah um for it and that's DK so that fdk goes really quick yeah it's not like uh his fingering weight shawls can um commitment what I do remember I ran out of one of the colors so I had to start using another of the colors a little bit earlier um and I don't remember which one it was but it's you can never return I think it's a four color shawl oh all right hang on so there goes some Stephen West inspiration for you yeah so our past two weeks have been um pretty unexciting we did go to uh craft fair it was kind of like a pop-up yeah it was a pop-up Market Market um with all um small businesses which was really cool and we saw a couple of our friends we'll show some of the things that we got there we bought a couple of things yeah those are actually fun I saw another one that's like next weekend oh yeah in Naugatuck oh and it has 200 vendors holy cow really yeah so they're fun to go to they really are fun to go to and like we ended up getting some um some more chicken oh we did from Heaven hot chicken and they messed it up and I had to drive back and get new chicken but then they gave us some pineapple upside down cake too it was delicious it was it was a little bit sweet it was the cake was a bit dense yes um you know what we forgot to mention too last um after the last episode we just want to thank you all for being patient because we recorded Saturday I know that was a mess it just didn't upload um then we recorded Sunday and we had issues uploading I think we tried probably like 10 times to get it uploaded finally what we figured out I think Monday why were we off on Monday I don't think we were we weren't off you you might have been off on Monday no I don't know but because I was at work when it when when I got the alert that the video posted all right so what happened is the iPad actually needed to be updated and it wouldn't allow the video to load to YouTube so we uninstalled and reinstalled it like 10 times and it was just actually updating the iPad so we finally got it up that Monday morning so we appreciate your patience because typically we're pretty good at getting our videos out on Saturdays yeah it helps that we don't edit it it really it really does and that we don't record in like 4K no so yeah all right sorry so that was that um but yeah our two weeks that was it I think that's all we really did well the Sunday after we recorded my mom and stepfather came over she finally got um the dotted race that I knit for her physical therapist and then one of you lovely um people sent over uh the bag for her for Mother's Day yeah we had made plans like probably good like five or six times to get together on the weekend and every time it fell through so this was the first time we were able to she was very very happy with it yes um and she told me her physical therapist she finally got it to her and she cried when she got it so that's um very sweet my allergies are bothering me today dude shake your pill I did good for you thanks um and then what else so you already mentioned the pop-up market and I think that's it I think so too kind of all we've done yeah I had a lot of school work um catch up on and I feel like I didn't do much knitting but we'll see no worries no worries no I think we should we did um all right so let's I guess that's it we jump into some knitting yeah I have one fo and two whips I have zero fos and I have two whips oh okay I guess I'll go first you could go first I showed this um in the last podcast I finally finished this was my um sockhead slouch hat um by Kelly McClure I will try to find the pattern pardon me I mean you guys have all seen this um it's a free pattern it's the sock head Hat by Kelly McClure it comes what's really cool about this pattern is that there's a few different PDFs there's like a simple Mike mobile version there's a full-on you know um written pattern and then there's like a nitty-gritty just one page blurb about how to do it which is good because after you make a few of these it's a super simple knit um it's one of my absolute favorite patterns ever I use Prosper yarn in their Legend base in the colorway ask questions later it's a 60 Merino 20 yak and 20 silk it's a four ply fingering really really lovely to work with uh it like flew off the needles and I love the color it reminds me of like chocolatey does it look chocolatey to you um it would if it if I said chocolatey I would think like chocolate milk yes chocolate milk or like with with chunks malt beverage oh malted milk malted chocolate milk I did that's quick I did a four inch Brim which is what it calls for sometimes I do it a little bit a little bit smaller I did mess up on the decreases because you've knitted so many times yeah and I just decided I just kept going I was like oh I know what I'm doing I think and then I didn't um so it's a little cinchy I the decrease has happened a little bit too quickly but you can't I mean it's it doesn't matter yeah it doesn't matter they start off slow and then they go really quick at the end right yeah if I remember yeah but I mean if I didn't say anything you probably no nobody would know and it doesn't change the shape of the hat or anything like that um so I I think the yarn is so great look how nice and slouchy that is oh my gosh it's such a good great and soft and comfortable um it's like it was meant to be slouchy right it's like it should make a pattern for this like yeah maybe like a slouch slouch head yeah that might even be better wow um I have to say that I have a lot of this yarn left over the the Hat I did to the pattern's measurements um you can you can try to use up an entire skein of yarn but that would be a muscle bar bro it's a true story um this has about 400 yards I have to I should probably weigh it and I didn't do that I don't have mine I left mine downstairs I actually looked at it before I came upstairs I don't think mine's up here but I love the um I love the color I love the combination with the silk and the yak and the Merino it is just really really soft um I am going to get a ton of wear out of this I would I would like to wear it now but it's too hot for that it is too hot it's actually cooling down a little bit now I think like we were more warm because we had been recently like moving around up and down the stairs but oh my gosh this would make like a a nice cowl oh this feels nice on my neck or like a bandana or something you're gonna wear a band down look at it you can see kind of see the shape um yeah that's all I really have to say about it it's um it's super lovely I will for sure be using the yarn again and I obviously will for sure be using the pattern again this was intended to be a muscle a muscle bra hat but I just wanted it wasn't meant to be and I'm happy that it wasn't because I think I will wear this a lot more than I would that other pattern yeah for sure yeah you like I I mean I like that too I just like mine shorter and tighter than yours I like a I like a drape that's it okay that's the fo all right so before we jump into whips why don't we do another some Stephen West patterns okay this is exciting all right um okay um it depends on what you pick up well I'm just going in whatever I have in my file well I'm gonna we have some of the same things so I'm going to show the same thing oh that's good at the same time because we're we're copycats of each other I copy Kevin a lot too um these are probably my favorite knit almost My Fit one of my favorite knits of all time that I've ever done agreed um and this is the mystery knit along from two years ago 2020 I believe I showed mine last week so I'll just do a quick one slip stravaganza all the yarn is Lolo did it you need four colors five skeins two skeins of your main color one skein of the other three it's really so good this is lit probably my favorite project that I've known to date and the cool thing about Stephen West patterns is the colors make the the difference and it's so Kevin's what he just showed was very graphic and and super bright and colorful and mine is softer and much more neutral yes yours is but it's still gorgeous yes you know so it doesn't really it just goes to show that um with his patterns The Genius of his patterns is that you just the colors just do it just do look how huge this thing is though I love it I this is my most worn shawl um uh what mine may not be no you wear your vertices a lot yeah I do too but I love um this is your most worn uh yeah I love to so I wear this kind of like a poncho almost and it's just lovely and I I think Kevin makes fun of me but it doesn't really matter I just I love it very very much no it it hands down my favorite I used all Trilogy yarn um in her plush base so this is a Merino cashmere nylon so it gives it that extra like fluff and softness Factor I don't remember the colorway names except for whiskey whiskey which is one of my favorites a little nugget Little Nugget teddy bear okay Okay and whiskey Little Nugget teddy bear and I don't know I see you I don't know the other one I do um okay teddy bear it'll come to me I don't know um yeah I don't know mine I I only this is not on Ravelry this was before I used um I used rivalry wow there's a spider over there on the wall oh my God that's an ugly looking one I know but that's okay we let the spiders live um I know mine were one of the dark green I think was Rumpelstiltskin the Blues tourmaline tourmaline and I don't know the other two I don't know either um all right so I'm gonna let's do another one okay another shawl yeah since we just mentioned it this is uh vertices unite my favorite shawl construction of like where's the wait which way does it go this way right we are not sponsored by Stephen West by the way he doesn't know I freaking love this damn shawl this is oh God it's really really gorgeous I this is this is a really really fun knit this is my most worn one you have two of them huh yeah do I this was your first one this is my first one hands down my favorite this is a lot of um Lolo did it from a Harry Potter club and think this is savvy skeins I know it's words earwax um I don't know the rest but I hand down yeah this is my most worn shawl yeah um this one is mine yeah that's right yeah this was knit with all Amanda knits we were part of her um mystery Club Harry Potter Harry Potter um turned it was ended up being dragons inspired so it's all based on a dragon and dragon eggs this is my favorite color yeah here I think this is gorgeous it's just it's it was so much fun it's such a good man it was so much fun um this is easy to wear as well it's easy because it's such an odd shape yeah it just like you can you can kind of fit it wherever so um yeah they're so good they are so good and you knit it by sections and join in the next section as you go so you're not seaming anything together um you're you know you're picking up those stitches as you're going back and forth how many more Stephen West items I only have one more all right so I'm gonna go I have another one but the um it it broke the yarn broke and I'm trying to figure out a way to fix it okay so I'm just gonna show two more because I have five more over here what yeah and that's not including what is this episode this isn't all right real quick this one is another fun one this is this is a smaller one Clockwork is nice it's it's so it's a very small it's more like a scarf than it is a shawl where's mine you can get me one I did in blue I did where is it I don't know this is um knit out of shibuy Knits so this one is some slip stitches and garter and really small easy to wear totally fun so that's a good one for a first like Stephen West shawl this I believe is my first Stephen West shawl this is Groove this one has some cables they're like Twisted cables or something well they're cables oh yeah um so you just need to Cable it's I think four stitches garter Stitch and some yarn overs and it has some fun little buttons on this side that you use your yarn overs as buttonholes so you can like wrap it around and then you could like button it so it doesn't actually fall off so this is a nice another just small easy to wear shawl and this is knit I have no idea actually what this is made out of maybe you show this in episode one I may have but I really don't know huh I wonder oh it isn't it out uh no this is knit out of the fiberco um Acadia yarn oh so what way to yarn is this this is fingering weight is it it seems thicker this is I forget the blend I know that there's some cashmere in here I actually have I have some right here this is a different color but this is yeah the fiber company Acadia you just ruined our backdrop it's not a backdrop it's um 60 Merino wool 20 baby alpaca and 20 silk oh it's lovely and they're only 50 grams what the heck was I doing back then see I didn't know anything about that I just bought yarn it's okay 50 grams is good no I I would have thought just looking at it initially that it was 100 grams game this is so yeah so this I think these two are really good Charles to start with yeah because they're tiny you do have a lot of stitches on your needles though I think like you cast on pretty quickly it's I don't know somewhere between two to three hundred most likely so your rows are quite long but you're not knitting the depth I guess sure long so yeah so those are two more options for you so now let's go into whips okay um I'll go first I guess okay all right so first up I'm actually going to be interested to see this on camera because sometimes on camera things that you're working on look a little bit different some most of the time it's better than what it looks like in person you can see things a little clearer so I am knitting once in Floral by Maxim seer and it's been my main focus I'm so excited for this week I am so this is a fingering weight sweater it is knit on us fours and threes I am knitting the fourth size which is a 44 and three quarter inch chest I'm using the recommended needles even though I didn't get gauge with them but we talked about that last time my main color is this dark blue yeah by Primrose yarn Co this is their house base the colorway is called um Stargazer and it is a two-ply fingering weight 50 Merino and 50 Shetland and it's 400 approximately 400 yards my second color I'm using an undyed Yak a 75-25 great I think it was a great choice which is a nice light gray and then for my flowers I'm using spin cycle and the colorway I'm using I think is called Summer love I love the tagline summer love so I've made quite a bit of progress on my color work section um so I just want to so here we are so I have oh God it's going to be so good yeah I have some concerns that it's not going to look like flowers because of the gray yeah that you can't see the gray enough to determine that this is flower but keep in mind there is going to be some dark blue in there I'm going to go back and duplicate Stitch and that was a great tip yeah Max had suggest or said that that was a you know something that you could do instead of um because you would have a little blurb here and then you have to carry the yarn all the way over and get another one here I would say almost somewhere around like 30 stitches or something like that so I am a little concerned that there's not enough contrast and that this doesn't look like a flower I don't it's hard with color work until you get it done to see what the end result is I think it looks the color fade is beautiful and now I'm getting into this um let's see if you guys yeah oh for sure right so I'm starting to get this like blue green in there but I I am a little concerned with my color choice so I think yeah I don't know I really don't know no I think it's gonna be good because it's I think it's going to be good with when you add that when you duplicate Stitch and then you add the second half of the you know the blue and the gray yeah on the other side I think it's going to connect all that stuff see how it's kind of I think you just I think stick it out because you can for sure see like the the changes in there you know yeah I love the change like up here it's kind of hard because it's quite dark it's a really dark like brown almost oops there so it's kind of hard to see and I almost ripped back at that point and thought there's no way you're gonna see it but I love the I do love the way that it faded yeah um the spin cycle has actually been quite Pleasant to work with uh I was talking about this on Thursday night there's a really nice twist to it and the way that it just kind of runs through your fingers like barber pole almost right I think that's what this is yeah um but it has like a rope kind of feel to it like you can feel the Plies yeah so it's just it actually has been quite nice to work with um so yeah I'm just hoping that once I'm done with the color work that you can really tell that it's flowers and that if I was wearing this you know from a distance you would kind of know what it is I don't know that that's going to happen so I'm kind of bummed about that and I don't know like Max's you can you can tell that those are flower like that's yeah but if you were to look at it like that without the like if you were to look at it up close like that without the the blue or you know your blue there it's gonna be hard to tell I think that adds that puts it all together and when you frame it like that it will definitely look like a flower I think you just keep going with it I do I think you keep going with it I mean once it's framed and you have the what's that thing called in the middle of a flower you know yeah once you put that in there I think it's I can't think of it either yeah um I think it'll be good so yeah and there's the farther away you get the better you know there's some puckering but that should fix itself with some blocking when I kind of just judge things around and stretch them out everything kind of goes into place so I will say the recommendation of put these Stitch markers on was fantastic yeah obviously I'm not a color work expert I haven't done a ton but it helps with the repeat once I do that first section I don't look at the pattern anymore the color work chart I just go off the previous section and make sure that I'm following it correctly so it's it was super super helpful to do that um so we'll see I'm hoping to finish the color work this weekend okay and then I'll have a better idea of what this is going to look like I may even go in and do the duplicate Stitch this weekend just so I can see what it looks like but other than that it's that's a good idea actually because you don't have to wait for it to be done and do the duplicate Stitch right it's that's a great thing super fun to knit like I said the spin cycle it's really fun to see the fade I totally get it and it's definitely not in everybody's budget um but there's a lot of options out there there's one that um a lot of people know like the zabra ball thing but there's also we bought it quite a bit with Stonehenge they don't make it anymore they do only they don't sell it to stores they almost no really sell it online oh um so it's called yeah crazy let's figure that out and List It Down Below sure we have a lot of things I'm sure that's gonna be I know today um so yeah so that's my once and floral lovely we'll I'll stay on the Max the Knitter bandwagon I talked about this last time this is my sweater this is the so basic sweater um now I had a boo-boo where I made a mistake with my decreases on my sleeves and I was figuring out what I wanted to do and I decided that I'm just gonna go for it and hopefully my gamble paid off and it certainly did and I'm very happy this is so basic sweater did you have you decided on a pocket are you doing a pocket or no I would like to do a pocket okay and some people had said it and even in the pattern says faux leather so I'm I'm more I'm not concerned about that getting wet or having to replica so I um finished the sleeve that I was working on so this is what I have here I did finish the sleeve fully I um kept track of my decreases what's that I can't I can't see it's hard to do it on the the camera and figure it out oh feather thanks um so my decreases I started out decreasing two um too far apart and then I realized it and then I started doing it as the pattern recommended and then in order to kind of close it up and get closer to the recommended um Stitch count at the sleeve I started decreasing more frequently down here and you can see that yeah interesting yep when I wear it it's per it's a perfect fit I did get down to about I think it's four stitches less than no four stitches more than what the pattern recommends um that you get down to if you follow the pattern to a T and so um I it actually fits perfectly so I'm actually glad that I have the extra stitches I feel like more would have been a little bit too tight the blocking would have been less would have been too tight and I mean blocking would would probably have fixed that but I don't have to worry about it I did a sewn bind off which is recommended here the Elizabeth Zimmerman one super easy and then I picked up for my second sleeve here and I knit um I knit to the point where now I can start my decreases so what I'm going to do is I'm going to decrease um and then take the stitch marker from this sleeve and put it on that other sleeve so I can kind of keep track of how often I'm you know I'm decreasing and then um yeah and then that'll be and then that'll be done so I don't know I don't know um when I'll be able to get that done hopefully within the next couple weeks it should be it should be good because that's all you have to do you don't have to do any more finishing on it no more finishing I then I will block it I will soak it I will block it because obviously you can even see where like it was I don't know if you guys can see that that lot that line I was going to say is that so that's when it was on the um that's when it was on the waste yarn we created that no it's a difference in color oh a little bit yeah just a little bit of difference in color that's okay I don't mind no you're not gonna um really tell no but it's over you know it's over here as well yeah but you can kind of see yeah it's a difference in color but you can also see like where the where the um the sweater was on waste Yarn yeah you know so once I you know everything will block out nice if there's a little color variation it's totally fine no that's what you get with hand Dojo yeah totally and I'm not I'm I'm not all about the matching matchy match helical Style life I'm not about the helical life this is also in Primrose yarn in their house base uh comet is the colorway and like Heaven's it's a two-ply fingering 50 Merino 50 Shetland and this I have this game left over I I may this may be enough for to finish the sleeve it won't be enough for the finish the sleeve I don't know it's fingering we'll see I don't know I mean you're gonna get pretty I mean think about it I have three and a half this is three and a half skeins all of this maybe maybe three and a half skeins and I still have a half a skein left just to finish the sleeve right we'll see it'll be interesting if I mean it's fine I have I have this to uh leftover so I'll I'll um I'll block it and then I'll figure out a pocket and then I'll um I'll add that on afterwards if I don't do the pocket right away it'll be fine but very nice that's what I got that's my sweater and it's living in my naughty knitting sack well mine was too this all the time the merman um so I'm gonna go with another Stephen West pattern for you guys this is the batted cowl it is knit in the round and it has short rows and welts this is a cool pattern yeah this is matosh this is a single yeah and then this is leading man Fiber Arts I will always love you which I love super cute yeah but yeah this was really really fun I liked doing the welts so it's welts short rows without picking up stitches and yarn overs makes a fun little pattern it's meant to um I think it was inspired by rice fields yes in yes right so here's what it looks like oh super nice it's such a it was really a fun knit I would knit this one and so you need that flat right and then you seamed it up nope it's knit in the round this is um where is it let's see this is the beginning of the round right here so you can see that's neat oh but it's short rows it's short rows um and the pattern's pretty easy to remember um I definitely made some mistakes in here I forgot some like yarn overs and things like that but you can't really tell no um but even just wearing it like this that's super easy it's a really fun day I definitely highly recommend this one I just think it was really cool it's and it's easy obviously easy to wear um so it was quick I think I had yarn left over so it could be a good gift knit and then it's a lot of knitting because with the welts you actually have to knit like 10 I think it's nine to ten rows and then we'll fold it in so it looks like less knitting when it's all folded together but it is it is quite a commitment just so that you know yeah but the short rows make it go a lot quicker um and then I think your last all right and then I'll do one more and then when we after we do our whips we'll show the last one so this is another fantastic favorite shawl of mine this is dotted Rays this is knit from Amanda knits in avocado toast and fun color this is the small version yeah which I regret doing small version on this but it's an easy wear at a small version the two that I've made since I've added one extra section and that's a nice size as well yeah I will be making a large one I think yeah the the Stephen West patterns also there's a lot of flexibility in how you end this like especially where to where to end it you can make it as big as you want as small as you want um and and that's and he'll tell you that in the pattern like if you want a few more rows or you want to end here you can end here if you want to add this border add this border and we did I did see like a lot of the comments that we got people are really excited but they're nervous and they're nervous about his patterns his patterns are very well written they are they at the end of the day you have to remember just knits and pearls in how you're manipulating them um and he has a ton of instructional videos on YouTube so he's a great teacher yeah so um you know chances are if you're having a concern about a certain technique he may already have that video up um but we've found that especially during the his mystery knit along is that we learn something new and it's not as scary as it seems once you get into it a lot of the times I think initially with his patterns two people are afraid of the color yeah so you know take a screenshot and turn your screenshot black and white so you're just seeing it in Grays almost and you get to focus more on the design than the colors right and like where you want your contrast if you want contrast right so um you know definitely don't be afraid of um his patterns they're really well written super at the end of the day they're really not too complicated the ones that we've knit at least no I don't think any of his patterns are super complicated because once you once you get that initial technique it's just it's just repeated yeah they're not even like like slip traffic Anza it's so um visual but speaking of visual the next one is going to be but it was incredibly easy again they're just knits and Pearls they read it one step at a time they really are yeah um all right so next whip I have speaking of Stephen West this living in my bag it's got to get out of here I need a new background you do this is a bag that I got from we're gonna need a bigger boat winning fiber hustle Bingo it's a bag that chip made so I am knitting Stephen West Lava Lake this is a five color shawl it is a fade and it's a huge triangular saw pull it up this I don't remember where I saw this because yeah it's not a new one but here's Lava Lake that's just a it's very fun it's a garter Stitch shawl so again you just need to know how to knit and Purl and do yarn overs and knit two together so I'm knitting mine out of a Ching fiber fade kit here's color one two three can you hold those yes I would love to three four and then five fun so the colors are I think I'm gonna I wonder if I remember this so this is five this is called Tree Top number four this one is called botanist I think this one's called field that's three and then I want to go maybe fauna is number two in fog is number one so this base is a hundred percent Superwash blue faced luster it's 365 meters 399 yards it's fantastic to work with yeah I am currently fading colors three and four and oh it's so cool here so you want me to hold it yeah if you just want to grab that so here we are color one fade colors one and two color two fade two and three three now fade three and four so I'm actually pretty close to the halfway point of this shawl um I probably have I love what's happening here like about 56 rows left to knit and then I'd be at the halfway point and then you do the same thing everywhere last time uh yeah so this is where I was last time this is a leg arson stitch marker from the mysterious Forest the others no the feather oh the feather oh the crow yeah so I got a good what maybe like inch to no two to three three inches maybe yeah on it um I worked on this the week after podcasting and then I worked on the sweater strictly the past week right so worked on this for a week and then worked on that for a week but yeah I'm super happy with this I plan on getting this one done for a Rhinebeck which is now like 70 days away or something I know that's what Carrie said the other day well that would and that was 70 days to when they arrived that Thursday so 70 days today because we don't get there till Friday right right but yeah I really really love this I love the yarn over detail here I've made some mistakes where I forgot to yarn over or I forgot to knit two together and I've just done that to correct the number of stitches between Stitch markers who are you I know right um but you'd never know no you wouldn't but you don't believe me when I say you'll never know you say you oh did you guys feel that I'm sure they did they all did you get seasick yep so yeah I this is a this is a fun one yeah for sure I like I really like this pattern it's going to be huge which I love um excuse you sorry well you got it all tangled on me excuse your arms excuse yourself and that is lava lake it is knit on a us5 yes so us5 which is the 3.75 millimeter needle and I probably have mine on like a I typically do on like a I'm using five inch tip chagos because that's my favorite way to knit shawls and then probably like a 30 inch cord 32 inch cord I was not very good about telling you any of my information about my needle sizes that I've used oh so on my sock head to go back to that I I use a um a three millimeter needle on a 16 inch cord that's my that's the gauge that I like and I like to make size medium which you cast on 144 stitches okay good job I don't know how to podcast Kev that's fine that's all right that's why you're here that's why I'm here keep me in line yeah keep me in check yep check baby all right baby what else do we have I have one more uh whip whip all right so let's do our next Stephen West okay I feel like you have a uh like on us on an agenda no we just wanted to show something it's very organized you're very organized I'm not used to being organized now this one this is not I will say this is not my favorite name nor mine but it was really fun to knit it was super fun to knit say that again uh this was more like a stitch sampler there were a lot of really cool new techniques yeah at least two new ones I am so and some people's like yours actually is really really nice I think some people chose amazing colors there's a I don't know who it is I can't remember but there's a beautiful like an elegant like black and white I was gonna say two color gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous um and there was some like Fringe on one of them like it's cool that you can kind of change things up I'm not a huge fan of my color choices personally it was a lot of fun to knit and it was fun to knit with those colors at the time but if you remember back to the last episode or two episodes ago when I said I like to knit in bright colors but I don't like to wear the bright colors you'll see mine This is actually three new things in here for me that I learned this is scholography yeah so your yours is I love these colors I would wear this this is a five color shawl right one two three four yeah five color shawl all of mine are fiber optic Yarns oh we got this at Rhinebeck my colors I waited a week to start mine because I wanted to get all of my colors from one Dyer at Rhinebeck so that's what I did um and the new techniques to me were these welts so this was the first time I had done welts um first time I did bobbles and then first time I did brioche and shrimps well what did I I no I mean these are I chords at the end of the day they're I chords okay the way that they're attached are just make them look like yeah these crisscrosses I had never done I never done but they're just oh you oh you're there like these I had never done those because you dropped the Stitch I've never done those or these crisscross well these I had done these crisscrosses down here oh maybe that's what I was talking about this is where you drop the stitches you do a bunch of yarn over strap stitches pull yarn I did this with the Hipster shawl by lightweight hipster by hoagie um and then brioche section here which neither one of us had ever done and now it is a yeah it totally took the steer of brioche right out done he has a video he has video for every single one of these sections this right here y'all I will never same ever do it looks fun being like that again in my life in my life that took forever I would rather do uh 1200 Stitch i-cord border absolutely that was just me like I I will do a 1200 yes 100 agree this one I think I have had trouble wearing this heavy actually this is a really heavy shawl to me there's a lot of texture in it and there's a lot of um a lot of like folded sections and things like that and you have yarn you know yarn in the back it's not just like plain knitting so there's some some of those sections have double or triple layers which I think add to the yeah it feels quite big like okay let's see yours so here's mine it's not really it's really not bad it's just so it's very it's very bright it you know what it's not bright it's the yellow that's bright if you didn't have I wanted yellow so bad I think I just wanted I don't know I was I wanted bright I wanted in your face and I did it and I do I mean I it's very pretty I think it's very pretty to look at for sure you can really see the the crisscrosses here the bobbles are like totally in your face here um this was the first time I had done brioche as well um which you know is cool I like the colors of the Border like the way that these are striping together I changed up the when I did the Border I changed up the order of the colors that I wanted um because I wanted to put some of these together in a in a way that I thought was a little bit more pleasing so um yeah what yarn is this I don't remember um so this is nope this is all all Lolo did it from our quotable Dumbledore Club is it really yes it is so yes oh one of these is called newspaper yes or something uh muggle magazine so this is muggle magazine which I love the light color this light color yeah is muggle magazine um I I don't know the rest the books I think is this like reddish color um magic something I don't know I don't know it doesn't matter but um yeah so this was so again you know with with these types of things it it's not really that bright no maybe maybe in my head it was a lot brighter I mean I get where you're coming so what it looks like a circus tent no you know what it reminds me of what remember the things in elementary school where you those yes that's what parachutes and it's not a bad thing but that's what I for whatever reason it reminds me of that it's this section this section reminds me of the parachutes yeah I put that session together myself good job thanks so um this is my least worn shawl I think because when it it's just a lot it's a lot going on I think it's still a fun day it's fun it's fun I think it would I'll probably bring this to Ryan back I think it would be so much just for poops and laughs I mean I have a mistake in every knit that I ever do but this is a I have a pretty bad mistake that I left with the brioche with the brioche and had I had I um you tried to correct that I did don't if I had I it was my first time doing brioche and I didn't know what I was doing now I would absolutely take it take it all the way back or or you know make an a huge honest effort to correct it like by looking up videos and stuff really it's just kind of hard to correct no but you can see it like right here it's just a little it's just a little a little Funk yeah that's it nobody's gonna no big deal yeah doesn't matter but you can see where I tried to fix it back here see that but whatever so yeah so this is shalography shalography this was the last his latest mystery knit along so gave you guys we should have done it as a live that would have been fun oh we should have we keep meaning to do it I know so I think that's you have a whip yes I do this one's also pretty colorful this is crocheted though this is in a uh a bucket bag by yarn creative which I absolutely love it's huge um you can fit a lot of things in here and the fun thing about this bag is that you can even make it bigger because the lining comes up and it's got a drawstring it I am I correct in thinking she's in Australia right you are correct okay Okay so here's what I have this is my corner to corner blanket that I showed last time it is uh the pattern is by red heart um yarnspirations it's called the corner to corner crochet corner to corner throw oh go oh go throw oh go throw oh go but it's by Red Heart it's free you can look it up we'll have a link I have a link we'll have linked out to it down below uh the recommended um yarn is a number four worsted weight yarn but I'm doing fingering and this is going to be for our niece that's on the way and I made some progress I started I'll show you what I have isn't it yeah I think it's so pretty so I I don't have a progress keeper but I was um working on the gray here is that correct um [Music] well it's got like some gray but almost leaning so it's like a purpley gray it's leaning there but it also has a blue green in it yeah it's got a lot of things happening so I was here I started with uh last month's Row one yarn um so I did some Row one yarn here all the way up to here was my last row one yarn I was gonna say I know this color you do know this color so then I started picking um I went upstairs in our um in our bin and I grabbed a whole bunch of minis or leftovers from our our collection uh this one I did not do yes it that's this oh yes that's the color that I used in the sweater for the baby that's right so that's right so this is left over from the sweater that Kevin it's called Gypsy Market by um uh Emma's yarn Emma's yarn and then um and then I started pulling these these three colors here yeah are from oh actually from my vertices unite from Amanda knits because I had these are all the leftovers I had from vertices unite I don't know exactly the colors because I didn't keep the tags well here with them um so this one's coming Well Screen okay this one's the fire oh yeah the fire this one Firebird fire something or another Chinese fireball Chinese fireball and then this blue is that blue that I showed you that my favorite color in my my largest section of the vertices and um that is I think it's Romanian long tail or something like that I can't really remember and so what I was doing because with the row one minis I was just going through until I finished them they were 10 grams a piece with the the rest of it I striped four rows four repeats um so I ended up um with a striped you know striping out so it's all the same up here this bright green color is called limeade and this is what I knit Rhys her sister um uh sock head actually is a sock head cow a sock a sock head cowl also by Kelly McClure in that same color so I thought it was cute to add that in there so that they you know they have that there so I am now what I think this is um Peruvian Viper tooth section e it doesn't matter because she doesn't dye them anymore that's fine but still at least we know the colorway names okay and um I just I love it I love the pattern I think it's super fun it's um it's got some texture to it it's nice and drapey because of the fingering weight yarn that I used and I'm using a four millimeter G hook these are clover I can't remember the the brand somebody had asked but I looked it up and I sent you a message um with the actual like line of it it's something like armor armar Amore maybe a more is there such a thing as a more a more a-m-o-u-r and they're relatively inexpensive but these are my favorite crochets they were um the set was forty dollars yeah wait and that's 40 off so it says the set was 73.50 what that can't be true it comes with one two three four five six seven eight nine ten hooks from Clover directly interesting so this is the set and so now I'm um I think I've done with my increases and so now I'm just going to um to create the blanket and and I have to look at the video I was using a video by um Bella Coco and she has a a tutorial on how to do this I just love how this is looking yeah it's fun isn't this fun because then it's like it's it also like is so like variegated here and then it comes to like bright vibrant tonal and then I'm gonna it's gonna go back the other direction in uh more variegated Yarns because I still have five I still have five colors from the row one minis so my plan was to fill the middle of this shawl with some leftovers like that thank you the blanket with some leftovers and then pick back up again um the rest of that Row one because Kevin wasn't sharing his Row one minis with me nope I put him in the safe but luckily we got some more Row one on the way so we'll show you that so yeah I thought that was fun I think it's fun I think there's a lot of potential to do more I probably if I were to do some more uh corner to corner I probably would use a heavier weight yarn just so that it goes a little bit faster well you could um yeah you could I get nervous holding I've never really held yarn double for a crochet before because the way that you go into the stitches bless you you know I think there's potential I think even more so than knitting to miss both Loops so I just have to be a little bit more cognizant about that that's just but I'm I'm inexperienced crocheter really in the big in the in the big realm of crochet all right those are my whips that's our whips and fo and that's a wrap that's our Stephen West um parade so where are we now we should call it we should maybe we'll name this episode West parade oh yeah there we go um we typically don't name it unless something comes to us yeah I love this I really do all right so now that I'm much more comfortable now that we've done I suppose whips we was on our Stephen West so now we move into like that extra stuff that we talk about the end so we're gonna do um coupon codes because we haven't talked about those the past simple episodes but they've all been listed down below yeah so if you um we have a bunch of them they're always listed below in our show notes there's even a threat now on Ravelry if that has the coupon codes there and it allows you to comment if you are a maker and you want to share a coupon code feel free to throw in that thread um for everyone to see um let's go to Pages Picture Pages Picture Pages time to get them all right so coupon codes [Music] close it and then go back all right so we have naughty knitting sacks code is prickle pants15 that gets your 15 off your order Trilogy Yarns you could use the code natr15 for 15 off anything excluding her clubs and kits yes knit swag the code is Kevin and Ray for 15 off your order Lila Styles code is love natr 10 for 10 off your order always Queenie believe D the code's nine inch Circ and that's for 20 off your order oh you're so right um Katie did bags code is Kevin and Ray 10 for 10 off your order Scrappy Angel natr fan 10 for 10 off your order um that one expired and then we have stitchy squid CODIS tarquin 15 for 15 off your order we also have to share our winners of the Stephen West pattern giveaway that we did last week and I meant to do that in the very beginning so we uh initially said we were going to pick two but we had such a huge response we've decided to pick five winners so what we're going to ask is if this is you send us an email our email address is down below in the um description of this episode sorry I'm looking also to buy a bag in the um subject line if you could just do um West knits winner yes uh this way we know it's you and just provide us with your name or your Ravelry username and we can yeah and if rivalry is not accessible to you just um we'll we'll be in touch we'll figure out a way to get you um a pattern that you want yeah we could because he has a website as well so correct pattern this patterns are we can send you some somehow get you a pattern over there all right so why don't you go through the winners please Dana okay your first winner what is that the from the the that's the most recent one yes okay good yes it is all right um so we pulled a total of our pool of names was a tote was 485. um we had a lot of comments we asked you to put in your comment I want my West knits um and that's how we searched for it um we actually gave a little bit of uh leniency because people were spelling West knits differently and putting it as one word well that's not leniency so what we ended up doing was searching for I want um as our prompt so that opened it up to more winners so hopefully um you know to to expand that you know we want your intentions were correct so we wanted to at least include you anyway okay our first winner is Carrie Winnie and her comment was I want my West knits great episode as always guys so if that is you send us a message number two is cat B your comment was I want my West knits thank you so much always excited when I see a new episode and C is with the letter c as opposed to the word uh winner number three is Carol barhorst and your comment was I want my West knits another great episode you gentlemen are so entertaining I keep trying to figure out if I'm more team Kevin or more team Ray is your team Ray duh just be team needles at the ready this is you please send us a massage and this is Emily from the revived Yarns podcast congratulations your comment was I want my West knits it's taken a whole day to watch part of your episode sorry too busy around here well I get it it's okay so I remember that comment hopefully you get a chance to uh to watch this episode at some point and uh please reach out to us and this is you here and I think this is our last one is D craft E2 and your comment was Hey Kevin and Ray I want my West knits I have a few patterns of his but I like that Lava Lake one you were doing Kevin maybe do that laugh out loud we'll see so if that's you please contact us congratulations yeah congrats and it's so exciting because you know um I think like Kevin was saying I think people get intimidated a little bit by by his patterns and it's a way for us to take that financial burden away from you take a chance you know get a little a little free pattern along the way and um yeah an opportunity to try them out so congrats please message us via email it don't respond back to your YouTube comment or anything like that because it's very difficult for us um to see that all right that's all I have to say all right so next up I'm trying to buy these bags and I don't know when it goes up mountain time that's Mountain times two hours okay so did you guys see these new bags and I'm gonna say this now hopefully the episode won't go up before before this comes out so I have a chance to get these bags but um gingersnap that has this adorable um I think I have a running nose I need it I wish we had a tissue in the bathroom I know I'm gonna grab one okay so they're doing a shop update hey bud today at noon Mountain Standard Time um look how freaking cute it's a s'mores it's called laughs more s apostrophe m-o-r-e laughs more worry less so they're out of Alberta Canada and um so it means you have two o'clock our time okay so um she's got different what I really what I want is there's a wireframe bag here um that's a cute bag isn't it adorable um and then there's a sock set the set so I want both okay hopefully I I'll get there in time they sell out really really fast but um follow them on on uh Instagram you're probably seeing this after it's gone live and if if they hopefully they have something I'm sorry some extras but I just wanted to let you know this is my intention I just think it's absolutely adorable okay all right let's talk what's happening I'll post I will post so um I'll start first so with the yarn that we purchased from twitch Twisted Ambitions yarn Ross also sent us a little sock kit this is Mellow Mood so this is the sweet socks which is 75.25 and it is 463 yards it's a four ply I think the colors are I think it's absolutely gorgeous I love the brightness me too of it I think it's really really pretty got some speckles in it and then a nice solid um like Ivory so I'm gonna say no it's like hard to see in the bag that's okay yeah it's a really pretty like bluish greenish I see the green a little bit so thank you very much Ross yeah that was so nice Okay um this I think is our oh no we have a whole another box this was really really nice um one of our viewers wanted to um to send us something we can use it as a donation which I think we it this is perfect for our Stephen West knit along um the painting shawls book by um Stephen West and it we have we have ours um right there actually where I'm pointing to and it's absolutely not only does it have the patterns in here but the art and the photography is so gorgeous um you did the Honeycombs right I did the painting Honeycombs yep and um it's just so cool so oh it smells it smells good too because it's brand new so this will be going out to um one of your winners this will be one of our prizes for them I know we have to start thinking of prizes for that well we have the Freya yarn too that will be sending out um maybe I'll dye some iron floor it'll be great yeah yeah you have a fade actually downstairs that you just I know so gorgeous let's talk about that for a second so I haven't been dying a ton because I've been knitting um and obviously my first love is always going to be knitting and I've really wanted to focus on that and get some projects done yeah um and I think to just finding the time's been really difficult this time of year is hard I think because we're outside more yeah we're doing more things right we're not hibernating in the fall and winter so and I feel like I ran into this same thing last year where I didn't die a lot in the summer once like September October hit I started dying a little bit more but um what I did is I purchased a membership to Suite the school of Sweet Georgia uh and there's a bunch of courses that are knitting related spinning so all fiber related stuff and there is some dying courses and like I I kind of know what I'm doing but it everything I've learned I've pretty much learned from YouTube so I wanted to kind of just get some knowledge yep and I watched I went through a full course yesterday and I definitely learned some things but it kind of inspired me so I went and I did I died up two four color fades um I have to figure out the five color one but they're it's really really pretty um the Orange is gorgeous the blues are fantastic yeah yeah it was really these would be really nice if you can find like even a solid black and do one of the painting bricks or something and and do that as a fade yeah a lot of things with like black and a lot of these tend to be though five colors um so that's just something I I wanted to figure out the math and it was easier to start with the four colors so I can definitely get to five sure um later but I was really really happy with it it was really inspiring to watch that and to just um learn a little bit more you know learn a little bit and it's really exciting when like um my dye pots all the color is exhausted making sure that that happened but I was really really pleased with them and uh now I have to figure out and this is the one thing I I was saying array last night when we took a dog for a walk is he's just scratching himself yeah one of the things is you when you're doing a tonal and you're using a certain amount of dye and you're getting a color on the skin the one thing I don't know is if I like that Hue of the color how to get that in a non-tonal form when just like pouring dye over so that's hopefully something the next set of course is actually you're dying with her so you're working on projects so that's and one of them is a self-striping one so I'll do some self-striping at some point really yeah I'm gonna go through I'm just gonna keep going through her courses yeah that's really incredible a quarter so maybe you'll let me actually knit with your yarn all right I have bags out of my eyes I have bags under my eyes all right so that was my little bit so um is this a thing no you need cucumbers and I'm actually really happy um and I'll we mentioned this on the the second recording the actual the one that actually went out no we mentioned that we had something special to show um but we had to wait and I'm so glad because the first time we recorded we actually showed it the second time we were like maybe we shouldn't show it and we actually got confirmation that we should not have shown like two days later right which was great so now we can show this and you might have already seen this um because it launched on August 1st but Jimmy beans wool is having they are are carrying this amazing partnership now between hedgehog fibers and Madeleine Tosh with these Tweety like Flex and recycled yarn into uh unique colors to them which is so cool dreaming in light and this one is blue oh shoot is blue something I have it um future Reflections future Reflections so the Madeline Tosh sent their scraps of Tosh Merino light and they sent them to Hedgehog and then Hedgehog put them in their Tweety yarn yes and so um it's a really really cool partnership Jimmy beans has um has these listed it is a hundred grams it's 50 Falkland Merino 37.5 recycled wool which is great and 12.5 mad Tosh Madeline Tosh thread waste um and it's a about 230 meters so what is that so it's 250 yards 230 meters so that's probably like it's like a way worsted weight and then according to Jimmy Bean Jimmy beans wool after you purchase one of these skeins yes you can choose one of four free patterns by emailing um Jimmy beans wool Isn't that cool so we'll have the link to uh Jimmy Bean's World down below we have an affiliate uh we're an affiliate of theirs which just means that they'll send us things like this periodically new things that we can share with you guys and if you use our link um to uh to shop through there it doesn't cost you anything extra but it does kick back just so you're aware if you don't want to send us any money it just does it kicks back some um like a percentage of the sale for us to us so yeah give it they're really cool together I wonder if they have any patterns that combine the two together yeah I like yeah they'll be fun yeah so check that out go to um follow the link down below when you go to Jimmy beans we'll um the right on the the front page is some information about the yarn and and that partnership there that they have it's super super cool very nice yeah it's always nice to also like recycle things right like instead of like throwing things around so I know Hedgehog does that just you can send them your scraps yeah and they will um put it into yarn and you get a coupon code to buy the yarn yeah um so that was no oh yes so that was that was that super super fun all right and I think they're sending that our way so this was sent back to me by Laura from knit for brains I sent her some DVDs of uh the TV show profiler to watch and she sent it back and this was in the box and she had showed this on her podcast which is knit for brains on YouTube She's also a Bag Maker it is she started dying yarn gorgeous this is a pure joy by Hoagie which this is definitely one of my favorite Charles yeah but what she did is she had purchase this yarn of mine this is stormy weather I don't even know if I know how to remake this you should lose it it's gorgeous and then she dyed this black yarn so it's her yarn and my yarn and you guys should do a collab she likes to do like samples for um friends who are yarn Dyer so she sent this back to me so thank you very much she's such a uh and this is a fantastic like this is the one of my other favorite shawls to wear that was my first shawl that I ever no my second shawl that I ever knit I've knit two of these right maybe more no I've done more than that I you've given them you've given a few away I gave one to Beth and I gave one to not my mom because she got dotted Rays somebody else must have gotten one because I know I knit at least three yeah I don't know but this is a great pattern it sure it sure is so thank you very much Laura I love that it's one of my favorite shows to wear too um we also got a care package which was super cool and I don't remember if we can say who it's from let's go under the assumption that we should I know I never I know I know so you do know who you are and you did make us um smile and brought warmth to our hearts and I want to eat these today so there's a little care package with some tasty cakes and I love peanut butter oh my God we're definitely having these for there yeah okay thanks some Sour Patch Kids which I absolutely love sour and they're sweet um some Old Bay seasoning because she's from Maryland I think yes and some nerds these are one these were one of my favorite candies as a kid um so people from Maryland what are some look at the serving size a tablespoon that's weird what are some recommendations to throw Old Bay seasoning on it tells you right on the side of the the can crabs shrimp and chicken so we don't eat crabs or shrimp so check on chicken you can only put it on chicken no you can make those um cheddar bay biscuits from Red Lobster with that fake um not fake with that copied recipe all over the place cheddar bay biscuits I love those is that what's in there Old Bay season I think it's a day seasoning interesting okay I'm pretty sure I have no idea and wait what yeah this is an advent by Homespun house from 2019 and I could cry because these are already caked up and ready to be and ready to knit and I think that you might have done this now that I'm looking at it because I don't think that that's how it came and so every single one of these is Caked Up with the label and the like a rubber band around it ready to knit and I just noticed that right now oh my God it smells delicious maybe I'll use it to crochet no you will not you cannot have any of this crochet a blanket no you know what matter of fact I think she actually said in her post or in her her message to us that she doesn't want us to fight over the arm or something I can't find it but whatever but these are gorgeous colors I don't know what the um it was 80 20. oh that's gonna be nice look how fun I'm gonna see if I can find that comment anyway thank you for my yarn it was really nice I'll let Kevin have some of the the cakes we'll share them together but this is um this was super sweet of you so um so thank you I guess now I have to do another corner of the corner with this entire bag hmm so sweet I didn't notice that have fun nope we have one more oh okay keep going so oh I know so um buttons we got our most recent shipment of Row one Minis so you guys know Row one sends it's a monthly subscription and Laura is so kind of a kind to send us um just to to start sending them to us so that we can share them and and love them and and knit with them yeah it's fun because you get to find Dyers that you may not know about like last month was Meg's Mexican Co which now we get to follow on Instagram and thank you for saying next I didn't mention what yarn I was using um of the the row one last time so we got this month's shipment so if you are a yarn or excuse me a row one um member and you haven't received yours this is your cue to look away so this uh Dyer is pearls before wine which is super cool um house Blends by Pearl it um there it's in their Robusta base and it is this is actually oh this is from a yarn shop in um downtown Walla Walla Washington oh we talked about Walla Walla yeah they have a focus on Regional and Indie dyed Yarns owned by um Leah and Sarah pearls or Pearl two sorry p-u-r-l the number two has become a place of community for fiber artists in the area last year the duo debate uh debuted pearls before wine which they are excited to share with you they've been inspired by everything from their surroundings in the Pacific Northwest to pop culture to create an array of colors that ranges from soft florals to 90s neons that's really really cool um I I was like when I opened these up oh that was the one that I opened up first the yarn the colors seems so like soft and um yeah almost like luxurious looking with the color choices that they made and this has some tonals in it too which is yes not all just variegated no so um I mean we won't talk about all of them but here but here's like a sample of of kind of like what their aesthetic so this is snow Pine Life Aquatic this is perfectly non-partisan look at this one oops this one's nice that one dirty chai oh I love that that make a nice socket I like this one too this is Silver Linings lazy Daisy lavender latte oh I love these the names of these blue wood the Spruce Goose stop I want candy oatmeal latte what's this one this one aloe Governor hello Governor hello hello governor palus yeah that's it I like these oh Bridgerton house oh there's a blue jay kind of having a really good time out there Bellini's at brunch hi Bubba um and then I can't say that word so I'm not gonna say it but this is a really great color Banya Vanya praise Vanier maybe okay yeah no this is a really nice um set maybe I'll combine it with my Row one minis in my safe and makeup blanket I'm glad you get a kick out of yourself you know I really am are those the real one Minis that you would like to keep for yourself um can I see these no get out of here go away and then it came comes with some a stitch marker and some candies that miraculous somehow disappeared I don't know you ate them already no this is a wine barrel yeah cute right what a fun thing yeah and if you use hello 20 you'll get 20 off your first shipment of Row one Yarns yeah and we'll have that link down below so that's really cool too because it gets that's 20 different calories these tasty cakes I know I love tasty cakes you guys remember the butterscotch ones they're like bars they're really good I love them they're probably taste so a lot of fish all those minis were wound up already I know good it's very nice so nice all right let's talk about oh my god do you think I can use those for the the rest of my no absolutely not no nope I'm stopping you right I don't want to rewind I will wind them today you will absolutely good okay all right so we went to um so now we're going to talk about breaking the bank this is all the money that we spent so first up we went to the pop-up Market in the next town over Milford we haven't gone to something like that you know in quite some time and we really do enjoy those I know just walking around and seeing like local artists and as a kid my family we did that all the time we went to those my mother had a booth at them quite often up and down the East Coast so I it's a good past or a favorite pastime for me and I like just going and walking around so one of the things that we love buying is handmade soaps so we found a company there called helping hand wait Helping Hands so they do soap and they have the elephant logo isn't an elephant on it yes this is their card yep Helping Hands for and candles so this one is called Fruity Pebbles which oh it was really good really smart had testers out like in little plastic containers so the smells number one weren't overwhelming and you could actually get a whiff because these are shrinked wrap so Fruity Pebbles which is fantastic we got two of this oats and honey um and I think she said there it's a little like exfoliating too it's a local honey and the oats in it um give you some exfoliation said that they're one side of the bar it has more of the oats exposed I guess so the acts more of like heaven said uh um exfoliant and then this one is called um tranquility this one has I don't remember the scent of this one but it was really really light and nice so it was four for twenty dollars so we got four things of soap from her she had candles and some other things check out her website we'll have that link down below um she was very very nice this one we didn't buy anything from no but this one was the bags I know I want to find them on Instagram because the bags are handmade you pick out your customers custom-made so you pick out your Fabrics you pick out how long you want your strap to be um just scan the thing just put your camera on I know that's to take to the website is that what you want to do all right face ID sorry so this is the name of the company we didn't buy anything from them we should have so this is these are some of the oops oh that's her join us so that's her these are some of the bags you can do different uh you know add different things I was thinking like of course you know project bag yeah that's what I was thinking when I saw him and they had some right there on hand but um I didn't want to buy one right away yeah so pick a style pick your outside fabric pick your lining pick your strap and pick your strap length you design it and then she'll make it yeah I think that's really cool it's very unique oh the voyage there's a big zipper on that one so I don't know if that would make a good knitting bag but and then okay um anyway so I thought that was we thought that was really cool her her um Booth was pretty popular so we didn't get a chance to go in and actually touch the the bags and look at them up close but it was a neat concept we talked to her husband I think it was and then our um friends they have a booth it's breakfast at Tiffany Timothy's Timothy's he is on just starting on Etsy right now his Etsy shop only has his stickers um he does cards and like wood like Signs what signs and some other pictures we showed some I have one here too last year we got that I think I packed it up with the Halloween stuff so that we could yeah put it all they were um yeah what the hell is the name of that Practical Magic so so um we'll have it linked down below so his Etsy uh like Kevin said we'll just have a sticker she's trying it out so let's um let's give him some love and uh if you guys wanna pick up some of the stickers like this he's got some really fun ones ew David of course we had to be like twins twinsies oh look we held up the same one oh my God we're even more twinsies so this one says very uninterested in that opinion and then Merry Christmas baby oh my God I love them I love them so much we also um we also got from Practical Magic uh dish towel that we'll put out um around that time of year midnight margaritas if you know you know I love that so much and then they was running a special on um you can either you can get a bag and a dish towel or two bags or two dish towels it was like um two for 20. yeah and um this is a little bag which I thought would be a fun of course project bag um because that's where my mind always goes which is so good Pharaoh's unfamiliars welcome right home for Wayward cats yeah and that's so nice and then um we um we got some more more of his artwork Harry Potter do you hear my stomach I do hear your stomach I had that green stuff this morning you did I didn't have it I only had it that one time oh no I've had it ever death you did or is it getting better to drink down he's like I know dirty salad and water it's gross um so yeah so that's that so check out um check out his shop and I got two more things all right I have one more so you go again all right so of course I am a sucker for kids and we were watching um what Chronicles of yarny Oh I thought you were giving me judgy eyes we were watching um Chronicles of yarnia and of course they show these really cool kits and we have a baby on the way not we no we don't we'll let you know if that ever happens um so look crochet rattle it comes with everything you need including the ring the yarn and the rattle stuff inside I don't know these aren't really good price for the kit the kit was 15 that's really good yes and it like it's all the eyes are sewn in it's all baby proof I'm I'm assuming it's cotton yarn I can't see and I didn't open I would think so I would think it's cotton so that it's you know easily like washed and cleaned or acrylic maybe maybe it looks very smooth do I have to open it wait wait wait oh is this the same kind of yarn here oh it is cotton 100 mercenized cotton okay so I got that and then I also got this as well which is one of those like stackable Ring toy things I thought that was very very cute so I'm gonna do both of those um I love the colors I think it's it's super sweet and like again I'm such a they're gonna like recruit this one will crochet up really fast yeah I might actually start one of these today I might start this one because then I could just knit the the circles crochet that's what I meant crochet the circles maybe it's in a different language well no the instructions are not going to be oh this one comes with safety eyes I don't know is that safe yeah they're safety eyes hence the word and these are stitched on eyes right yes yeah so I know that these were new kits from what I remember is um they were talking about it and oh my gosh why are their names all oh it's a small um crochet hook 2.5 um this is oh this is sorry this one was 25 and they saw these at H which is a show in Chicago yeah yeah they're really cute and I think there's a couple of the rattle different types of rattles yeah so if you actually go on to the their website actually if you go onto their website through the month of um oh they just actually commented okay they're through the month of August um and use what's our code an NTR 10 you get um ten percent off their store I didn't use this I didn't use the code that's okay I'm happy to support them um use the use code nhr10 you get 10 off um their store is very easy to navigate online and I will tell you that I ordered this probably at like six in the morning before I went to work and then by the afternoon it had shipped and then I got it the next day now granted you know we're only a few hours away from each other but still are we yeah because they're in um Jersey huh let's see how far of a drive that is okay because you have to kind of do weird loopy Loops things speaking of drives um I-91 shot pop is coming up I think next week yeah it is next week actually I think in two Monday it starts the 8th August 8th that's Monday it's a two-week thing um so where are they from um Mount clip Mount no uh you clear something clear Mount Clare Montclair Montclair Montclair New Jersey why don't you just search for their shop it's a two-hour Drive oh okay so a couple hours one hour and 46 minutes the way that I drive it would be four hours the way that Kevin drives it will be about an hour and a half you're uh you know you're right you're definitely um and then I have one more thing do you have anything else I don't think so okay this is a lot of things what do you have oh I have something what you could call me a birthday present oh yeah it sounds serious right I forgot that happened also it was my birthday oh yeah we forgot it was Ray's birthday on the third and then your brother's birthday was yesterday and we didn't do anything we both worked I stopped got dinner and cake we sang a cake I did homework you did homework then you know whatever right so guys we were all right we received our last shipment of Our Mysterious Manor Club from Le Garson it came very recently so if you did not receive it and this is your moment to skip I'll talk about it a little bit so just be prepared it's going to be shown so this um is a three-month Club it comes with a it's a sock set it also comes with a pin a progress keeper and a sticker and I know we gush about it all the time just because it's and I'm also thinking that he there's gonna be more don't talk about it because we don't want anybody to buy it until we do well maybe it's a good thing if somebody else buys it so max brought back um the um podcast after you know obviously they've been super super busy but um the latest episode of um happy hour with Max Senator is on YouTube and he hinted at the next installment of the mysterious what was it called mysterious for it no mysterious wait maybe four no we did mysterious Forest already or was that mysterious creatures thank you I don't know but it's enough I don't know because I heard he's starting a new one I had to shut my brain off because I couldn't do it more they're gorgeous anyway go ahead all right sorry so here is enough talking so you should have had enough time to consider if you want to cheat or not and see so I'm gonna do this in phases so I'm gonna start showing if you do not want to see look away in five four three two one so first up it's wrapped in this to give you an idea of what it looks like so it's giving you another second to turn away with this sticker on it here's the sticker that it comes with so this is the maid who's holding a teacup I don't have the I have the postcard over there huh probably all right so here we go we'll show these here's the sticker here's the pen are you getting the theme here is the yarn again three two one hmm you all it's really really pretty it's really freaking pretty I can't get over the the progress keeper there I swear like swoon this is on a bfl sock are they awesome lady of the house and this is called Alex's snow fields now if you if you are um if you are a very observant person you will notice that here is mine and has been sitting there staring at you the entire time what am I gonna What if I what use the six from the first one in this one in a shawl wow and call it the mysterious shawl and because then it's going to be I forgot so I already used one of mine remember no it made my favorite pair of socks that I've ever knit yeah well you want to do socks with all of yours I think you should continue with that one and then maybe with the next one and this one do a shawl okay the next one so we are getting the next one absolutely so I think that's um it for the knitting and buying stuff so let's talk about what we've been reading and watching okay so watching we are we're watching um Umbrella Academy we have one episode left yes of season three yeah so we should finish that probably today maybe we'll that we'll do that with like lunch okay um let's finish that up it's actually quite good this season I I think we talked about it a little bit last time um really love the way that they've handled Elliott page same in it great it was um yeah I just thought they did a really good job with that transition yeah me too me too um the characters are good I I really like uh I actually really liked seeing Ben this version of Ben and this Allison oh because they're both very to me they were both like the nice ones in the previous seasons and I like seeing this little bit more their father's an he really is and no matter what universe or what timeline he's just a jerk yeah but other than that it's a fun um yeah it's really it's really interesting the first what like it's bizarre but it's interesting it is the first episode this season with the dance with the football yeah I don't know that was that was so weird I loved it I did too did you see the making of it it was funny yeah yeah um so I think that like actually all we've watched we've you know we've watched our podcasts yeah we've had a lot of a lot of podcasts watching did we watch anything oh you know what else that's happened I become a Pokemon trainer oh gosh here we go yeah yeah Kevin bought two games and he's like oh I'm in this is Kevin's ammo is that he'll purchase things and then doesn't tell me until like the day before no I told you for the day before it arrived no and he said oh you know oh just in conversation like we'll be doing something like yeah I bought you I bought two uh two games for the switch you're so dramatic I said oh what games Pokemon and then he walks away and then here come two Pokemon games that got delivered to the house and they're exactly the same game no they're slightly different they're a difference of like four Pokemon whatevs if you want to collect them all I'm not judging a little bit so it's been fun to play um that's another thing that I've been doing is catching Pokemon yeah and knitting you've actually so in uvat school so our viewing of stuff goes down because you go upstairs I have to go upstairs to to focus because I have to spread so I just throw on like movies yeah we haven't watched any new movies to us we've probably watched like but I'm pretty much caught up I have two quiz one quiz to do um and I have uh a discussion posts to do and a couple comments on some more description and you're done in two weeks yeah so all right I guess that really leaves reading for the most part okay I finished one book and started another book okay I finished two books and started a third the book that I finished was the one I was reading last time which was actually that's a lie I finished two books okay what was that book about which wait did I read this I think I did all right either way so the first book I finished is malam discordia by Ashlynn Drake so this one is a male male super natural um romance enemies to lovers dark academy uh I hope there is another one so this is a dark Academia right Academia sure wait um so it has witches necromancers it's takes place in Winslow I think in Winslow Mass 13 families their Puritans they come here pick up their Puritan religion because they're not really they just use it to hide the fact that they are a huge coven two of the families have a blood Feud the sun's meet each other like each other and then realize that they hate each other because their families do and there is a some murders that happen throughout the town and they finally realize it's um they started happening when one of them returned he was overseas for six years so somehow it's connected to the family one of their family items goes missing so the two sons work together to try to resolve this um conflict yeah and the purse I would say it was who I thought it was kind of in a roundabout way I I do hope they continue on because I love the story of the families and I liked the magic a lot in here the way that it was described I said previously was kind of like the TV or the movie The Covenant um I liked that movie I did too I I will watch it at the age of 13 they can choose to kind of like I forget what the heck they said choose to I don't want to say Ascend because that's not it no that's from the movie I know when you're 18. like we'll say get their full potential but it it gets them into the Covenant um into all the meetings of these families if they choose to not go that route they can never be involved in that the like that process almost like the governing body of the town um the characters I the two characters I really like them they're their interactions they they hate each other sometimes and sometimes they really like each other um but I want to learn more I think I would love for them to kind of go back to when the families like settled oh do they see the history like how yeah how they got here and because there's a Record Keeper who takes records of every dispute where it started to so they had to go back in these records to try to figure out like why the families hate each other and it kind of was all just a misunderstanding and now these you know three centuries later there's so much that's been lost sure um like necromancers are hated it's considered a very dark magic well um but they're bringing people back to life correct but they don't they never did in the book actually nobody was brought back to life um but they could talk to the dead and things like that okay and they find out that the other characters a storm Summoner I think and those were hated just as much as necromancers and they've kind of been like bred out sure so the family history just seems like it could be really really interesting the history of the town so I would love to go back and like have these two characters Maybe uncover the history of the town okay and you know research it that would be neat yeah yeah and then I finished I'm trying to think what the heck this book was about oh okay I remember now all right so I finished the secret Witness by Victor methos he actually is a lawyer and his very first book was based on a case that he worked so in this book it takes place in Utah um there was a series of killings I think it was six years prior by a killer called The Reaper oh yeah I remember telling me a little bit yeah I totally forgot about this yeah and he would leave notes saying this is the Reaper and all of a sudden I think it went on like a kill 10 people and then disappeared yeah yeah six years later and there's a murder and the person says this is the reaper so they the sheriff who is the daughter of the sheriff at the time of the original killings goes to um get the help of Solomon Shepard Solomon was the prosecutor at the time of the original murders since then was injured and kind of become a recluse and he just stays in his apartment um doesn't leave for like months at a time and she gets him involved he doesn't really want to but in the process somebody in his life um appears to have been taken by the reaper so he goes all in on this case um initially I was going to stop reading it I wasn't involved I didn't have any connection to the characters in it probably within the first I don't know maybe like 20 so I didn't know if I was going to keep going and the suspect is crazy like legitimately crazy um so there definitely was some Intrigue in it and it kept me going I don't know that I'm thrilled with the ending I feel like it was just like a it ended yeah type of thing um so there's definitely a mention of a lot of violence uh under like harming of animals so there's definitely some triggers in there I don't remember if they mention them and now I'm currently reading this was recommended by one of y'all Fish Out of Water by Amy Lane fun this book is another male male romance it's more of like a suspense one the um two characters one's a pi the other is a lawyer the pi comes from a very broken home um like grew up in I think it takes place in Sacramento and just comes from a very rough childhood very rough background you know went to schools where there was a lot of gang violence and drugs and um and uh dirty cops is in the lawyer comes from the East Coast Boston very wealthy family prominent family you know went to all the Ivy League schools and all that so they're complete opposite ends of the spectrum um and the um Pi his I'm gonna say it's his brother that's how he refers to them they're not blood related uh but gets accused of um killing a cop in his gas station that he owns and it goes back to the events of I think eight years ago on this one of the pi who was a rookie cop and was contacted by the D.A and Internal Affairs to look into another cop because they thought they were dirty so he ran a investigation for three months and um after that we I mean we've seen it on SVU and all those he um you know was a rat he was attacked by other officers and that's what led him to be a pi but they think it's kind of involved in this so they're working together to try to get his brother free by also keeping the family safe though from any retaliation for being considered a cop killer it's really good I'm really enjoying it there hey you know it's again two Polar Opposites yeah who um trying to as are going through this they're learning about each other and sometimes just like how different they aren't hmm they have a lot of um similarities yeah yeah so that's what I've been reading nice I um I finished I finished the fifth book in um the fire and brim Strone Scroll series by Nicole Knight and that's called Redemption um this is a six book series I'm doing this one strictly I'm trying not to have like because it's all like dark but I'm doing this strictly on uh audio and I'm uh I finished that one I'm currently on the sixth one now which is called Elysium I'm almost done I probably have about an hour left to listen to overall the series was uh really good I'll I'll probably give a better recap um next time we podcast and I'll have uh full understanding of like what's going on um but this series is really a slow slow burn um it really went from um pretty much it's a It's like a definitely a um lgbtq plus um book because there's a lot of different types of relationships that they um that they cover a lot of um some gender identity and how people identify and who they love and how that works together uh in group environments and things like that so um it's really kind of interesting um I've been reading this for a while so um I think I'm happy that it's going to be ending right now um I'm ready for it to be done it's a commitment it is and six books that are a commitment I'm glad that I listened to it on audio because I would have it would have taken me so much longer had I read it um I feel like I was I'll probably end the series I'm sure we're gonna get a happy ending um it was promised in the beginning that we would get a happy ending and now they're setting it all up for a happy ending um which is fine it's really good but I think in the beginning of the series I was giving this like five stars probably through book three and then it started kind of moving more you know downward to about four stars I did give um I think I gave Redemption four stars as well this book that I'm reading now Elysium I probably probably give about three and a half Stars I think what's now happening is that a lot of the important things of the story they're not focusing on like for example when the wars are like Wars are happening and crazy things are happening they're not spending a lot of detail on on those things and the development of the characters they're focusing a little bit more on the naughty bits um which is important in their relationships in the way that Angels like you know they have these commitment bonds and stuff like that but um you're not a fan of naughty bets to begin with I'm okay with like I'm okay there's got to be a balance it's a it's like just a I don't know it's got to be a balance don't spend 20 minutes talking like on one sex scene and you know 30 seconds on like some of the major plot points of right of like the whole entire series no I know like how did we get here like you can't just automatic you can't just say like oh you know and then two weeks passed and in those you know and then this has happened no tell me what's happening in those two weeks how you're training what you're doing like I don't need to anyway so um tell them are you mad we'll see how it goes um and then I also finished um Frankenstein by um Mary um Shelly Shelley I needed to read this for my sci-fi class and in this class we've been watching uh I don't like watch an episode of Star Trek and then there's a lot of short stories in this Anthology that we read this is actually one that we had to read the full-length novel which is probably about 300 Pages or so it's the original 1818 text um so I'm including it here because it did take up a lot of my time because I had to read this and um I I did a combination of listening to this and reading it on my Kindle this is part of Kindle unlimited and then um it automatically gives you the audiobook for free as well to listen to so it picked up right where the other one left off so I would listen to it during the daytime and then read it at night time whisper sync it didn't it doesn't call it Whispersync it just automatically syncs so I don't know like whatever so this is the the version that I read uh Mary Shelley's Frankenstein the 1818 text I have to say they got Hollywood completely got Frankenstein wrong come like I don't know where it came from um but her we know as do you think it's not Urban monster like Herman Munster Herman Munster was based on Frankenstein just like Eddie munster's based on on Wolfman and it's so the the monster movies happened first and then the um the monsters happened but it but the I think maybe it's probably Boris Karloff for um for Cinema that created these stories because they couldn't probably have the time get this version of the story right with technology that they had in like storytelling maybe that they had um first of all the novel was beautifully written the language that was chosen I mean it was probably spoken at the time but it was very um it was very fluid and like you you can see used a lot more words to say things but the words used were like totally ten point words you know like they were like really really good ones um so it was beautifully written the language was beautifully written the characters I was very surprised to uh to learn that and nothing's going to give this away I highly recommend this book by the way this is 5 out of 5 stars for sure if I if I give it six I would the um Frankenstein the uh Frankenstein is not the monster Frankenstein is the person who created the monster so Frankenstein in in my in opinion and how this you know how everything comes to play out is the True Villain of this story um and Frankenstein's monster the creature is actually you know I felt a lot of sympathy for him I think they did such a great job he actually speaks um in this and has like conversations and you kind of learn where he's coming from don't condone murder obviously but there's there's some Darkness here there's a lot of um a lot of instances where Frankenstein is like makes stupid ass decisions and you're like you what is wrong with you like what are you doing and I just feel so bad for the creature I do I feel so bad for him creature but I I have to say it was very well done uh and it's it's definitely kind of like a uh psychological book more so than a horror story I think so I I highly recommend it I think that you should give it a try um it's told from the uh it's told um second person third person in some parts um really cool really really cool book and I'm still reading The Priory of the orange tree it's good for you I know it's been like 30 years I'm almost done I'm 90 done um but I had to take a break from that to read you know read this and then I was also reading some short stories from um there's just a lot you know now we're almost at the end of school so like there's just so much so many um assignments that have to be done and there's so much reading to do I just don't have the time to do it so it's been cutting into my um recreational time your recreational recreational reading and that's it I have a couple of books um lined up for for nextes and then that's it okay well I think that's it for this episode so if you guys have stuck around this long thank you very much yes and all of you winners please contact us via email and hopefully you enjoyed us showing some of the Stephen West projects that we yeah hopefully it's helpful yeah give you some inspiration and some ideas we're very very excited about this knit along all right guys so we will be back in two weeks so we will catch you all in a fortnight bye bye
Channel: Needles at the Ready Podcast
Views: 19,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6Epyj5_uDBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 17sec (7577 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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