Needles at the Ready: Episode 52 2 Year Podiversary!!!

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all right hello hi there hi friends welcome to needles at the ready i'm kevin and i'm ray we are coming to you guys from stratfor connecticut today is saturday january january 8th today is episode 52 and it is also our two year podiversary to the day ooh happy potterversary episode one was released with me by myself on january 8th of 2020. i was just a little a little wee lad it was a wee little less it hasn't been it wasn't realized until episode three that i should be part of this little show life happened and it worked out well for us so sure so congratulations yeah and thanks for all of you folk who have been here since the beginning it's been so fun yeah it's been a lot of fun so welcome back everybody we have been away for a podcast for quite a while we've done two lives in the last month but we haven't podcasted in a month so we have a lot to show today a lot of knits and purchases and i thought you're gonna say knits and pearls so knits acquisitions some owl post um so we have a lot breaking the bank we have a really great um some of the stuff that we have that i'm like really excited for is we got a new needle case we did um so we'll show that later um um one of our we got a new bag which is gorgeous i didn't want to show it in the live without favorites because it is one of my favorites but we haven't shown it here yeah so i didn't want to show it so i think we have a lot of good stuff today it may be longer than normal but you know we know so we're going to do a little um before we jump in the knitting we'll do a little um ketchup so first um we announced the winners of our last knit along which ended at the end of november we haven't shipped out the prizes yet sorry life but they'll go out this week yes um so you can expect to see those yes and then that's the only really admin stuff that we have right yeah we are not doing any knit alongs as as of right now we're taking a little bit of a break which we usually do at this time anyway we picked it like we've done it for 10 years last year we took a break correct so um yeah but there are some fun knit alongs to to join if you are uh itching to do something yeah there are a ton out there yeah um so to just like kind of catch up on the last month if you didn't catch our live last week the reason we didn't podcast is because i did get covid the week of christmas so i was out of commission for a good two two and a half weeks i would say i just said today today is probably one of the first days i feel more like myself um like i'm starting to get back in routines i got we got our haircuts this morning that helps all of them um all of our hairs as we tell tarquin yeah um that's always helps like getting you to feel like yourself so yeah i had covet i had a pretty bad case of covet i still don't have smell and taste 100 maybe 5 to 10 is what i have um like i have to literally get down like something in my nose to smell it and taste is weird i can taste i can't taste the what it is but i can tell if something's sweet or acidy or tangy creamy spicy but i can't tell the flavor right so it's very strange like and i ate a lot i ate so much i put up i think you tried to eat so because you weren't being satisfied no because i was sick and i love to eat when i'm sick but i i put on like all the weight that i lost in 2021 i put it all back on yeah so um yeah it was fun we had a comment on our live um asking what we did with all that food because last time we talked to you all which was right before christmas we our plan was that we were going to host christmas so we ended up with an 11 pound ham in our fridge we had stuff to make lasagna all of the the good things so i cooked you cooked i just cooked on christmas i contributed so i soaked the ham and i made sauce right didn't i i did the sauce you made the sauce yeah i didn't make sauce no you didn't make anything you soaked the ham i wanted you to talk that's all you did but that's okay that was enough that was just enough i needed you to do that thank you um yeah so i had never i mean kevin instructed me from the couch how to make yeah you were definitely a backseat driver which i appreciated it was my first time making it he couldn't taste it i thought it tasted delicious sorry it was really good we do our sauce with like sweet italian sausage as like the base like the meat part of it um and that's what we use for like our meat sauce it was i thought it was really good the ham turned out really well we actually froze some of it yeah we had so much ham so some of that's in the freezer i made mashed potatoes your mother gave us she brought my mom rescued kevin yeah so i think your mother she definitely likes you better your mother and father were so great so your mother made me mac and cheese which what i couldn't taste it it was delicious like you can trust me on that it was delicious um and she put the rich crackers like on top it was like a crust it was so buttery i was running out of medicine and your dad went and got me medicine and your co-worker actually sent us the cutest i'd never heard of this before we should link it down below um what was the notebook crap it was something something comfort and it was literally sent me chicken noodle soup yeah rolls and oatmeal raisin cookies yeah and it was so delicious um comfort food box do comfort food boxes food box yeah um so yeah so and it came with a ladle for it and it was absolutely spoonful of comfort spoonful of comfort so we'll have that link down below it was really cool i had never seen anything like it all of a sudden it just it showed up in the mail and um yeah there were two things of soup and it was really good soup well i don't know actually it was really good soup it was chicken noodle it looked good the noodles in it were really they were noodles they were rectangular but look you can send little care packages they have care packages with like essential oils you can choose soups oh they have different soups i think it's so good i might just do this just for a saturday date nicely it's such a good idea so that was super sweet and comfort package uh care package can't even say things and everybody just checked on me from like all of our friends from thursday night last night um and i it was just really great and all of you guys um checking and all your well wishes thank you so much i really appreciate it and i'm definitely on the mend i'm still working from home i'll be working you should just continue until the end of next week yeah um at the minimum end of next week i don't know what my job is going to do with our covet cases but yeah other than that i've today was the third time i've left the house in a car in three weeks yes your work's been crazy you've covered totally bad um so it's been new year's eve we didn't do anything we stayed home we came upstairs and tried to read so we read and we were so tired and this is the first year i think that we didn't have the intention of staying up late no we did but we at 11 o'clock we were like no i still i had a last minute go into work so i had to work christmas eve day uh no new year's eve day which was unplanned and so kevin that was the first time you left the house to go shopping yeah i went shopping we had delusions of grandeur you know kevin went and he got like appetizers and junky foods yeah it didn't happen yeah but it really didn't happen we were in bed by 11. we were reading then fireworks went off at like 11 30 11 45 so tarquin freaked out so we went downstairs and we watched the girl drop on your cell phone yeah we watched the ball drop from my cell phone um we had music playing for to like comfort my dog on the apple device device and that's how we spent our new year so um hope you guys had a great holiday yeah how did you spend your years i'm curious i know a lot of people that we've spoken to didn't have a typical new year i mean there were some but a lot of people um kind of played it close to home oh you know what else we've done so here's two things that we've done in the past month so we went to i think this was after our last podcast is we went to our friend's giving he gets together with moogie and batman we didn't talk about that that was so nice i don't know if we did i don't i thought it was december 11th yeah it was december 11th when did we podcast last we podcast i think on the 6th somewhere around there so we did that we got together with some um friends that we get together quite often yeah we haven't because of covet life you know the world we got together on a saturday night hung out had food appetizers some drinks played um a really fun game and i don't remember the name of it it was new to us yeah remember like we had to guess what it was or the place or the person yeah it was kind of like a scat not categories it was kind of like a trivial pursuit almost but without the pursuit part um i don't know it was interesting so we did that and that's just always a good time it's a great group um it's probably like eight of us yeah right two four six yeah eight of us yeah eight of us and again good food we're just a really great um group and a great um like dynamic so whenever we get together it's always a really fun fun time um we also did my uh we went to my nephew's birthday yep that was my next thing we went to university he turned four he turned four and he's like he's adorable um so we did that and then that evening we went to your co-workers house um because it was the first time like all of your management team was kind of able to get together and that's where that was the event i got coaching yeah that was the event that's so well you should have known better uh yeah whatever you know it is what yeah it's different not that it's different right now not that we shouldn't have known better but it's spreading so fast now right since it's almost inevitable that most people are going to get it look i went two and a half years without getting it so i know you did great i'm okay so that is a lot of life in 10 minutes if you are interested in some more details we probably shared a little bit more details in some of our lives so go ahead and check those out if you haven't already we shared our the last two lives the first one we did was a celebration for our 12 000 subscribers i believe um and we just did a nice q a so you got to learn a little bit more about us and then the one that we did last week were our favorite knits and items and things from 2021 correct good recap okay all right that is it so since we have a lot let's get into some knitting let's get ready to rumble combine those i do combined we have afos and three whips i have i have two on my end i have one so three three okay so and what's been really nice is i don't know if we showed these i bought these nice little notebooks for us so we each have one so i've started keeping track of my projects yes i have as well and i've been creating ravelry pages so yeah this is this is the plan the plan is to be organized to be organized with our knitting because on how many times do we go back and are like oh crap how many how many interests did i do that's a great point because i one of my fos i did not know what i did i went back and watched one of our podcasts to figure it out and i need to do that with another project that's been on my needles waiting for me to pick it up for the past year so i have to go back to an episode from 2020 to see what i did last yeah and figure that out so yeah this is the year to get organized with our knitting so these um we just purchased from amazon it was a package of six of these so yeah and they're all different like his lined mine has like the little dots and then there's um two that have nothing right so you're right how many of those do you have oh we each have four four all right do you want to go first do you want sure you go first your way i'll go first well yeah i'll show that in a minute cause i'm nice and toasty right now it's a little it's a little chilly these um are finished you've seen these before the other fos uh most actually i was gonna say like maybe you haven't seen them but you haven't seen one one of them these are the christmas socks that i finished um using west yorkshire spinners um in their signature four-ply base this is using the candy cane colorway and it's just a plain stockinette sock with a fish lips kiss heel i did a two by two rib we talked i talked about these a few times um and these secretly i was doing for kevin so i gave them to him for christmas i rolled him up and put him in his stocking and i was hoping that he wouldn't notice and he did make one comment for you sleuths out there who kind of paid attention when i was showing the first one finished i think you made a comment like why is that foot the foot looks so small because usually i have bigger feet than kevin right and so i was hoping that he wouldn't um ask any follow-up questions so these were his um these were these i feel how do they wear they wear very well they're um because they're like kind of rustic yeah they they have a woollier feel to them yeah um so they're not like they don't feel like a typical super washer arm even though they are they've already been washed i've worn them twice i actually washed and blocked these before i gave them to you i i washed them soaked them and then i put them on um sock blockers but they've been in the wash too they oh they have they yeah they've already been washed yeah okay yeah and we just feel like a nice sturdy um sturdy sock like they would be a nice sturdy sock they are they're a good um a good like commercial yarn i've used oh yeah they're yeah i actually have some i think i have their iron wheat yeah so i have um this is what i use this is the west yorkshire spinners i have uh 23 grams left over there and it's 75 percent wool 25 nylon and 35 of that wool is blue faceless leicester lester i always forget how to say it i don't know i don't know i just learned how to say some other things so it'll take me some time um it was 437 yards per the 100 gram ball and i have like i said 23 grams still left over which is significant yeah i did not do contrasting heels toes and cuffs i did 72 stitches on a 2.25 millimeter needle which is surprising because they fit well they're not super loose i'm a tighter knitter though i think anyway i typically do 60 yeah on a 2.25 i got eight stitches per inch oh i've never measured mine actually uh is is usually my shot one time huh which is looser than yours so that's why i figured how do you know you measure my socks no because i feel like your socks are just looser in general i don't know i'll have to measure yeah anyway um those i won't talk much more about them but that's that's pretty much that i'm glad that you like them i was really happy i think this is the first thing that i was able to like it's the only thing you've had for me yeah and those are on trinkle sock blockers that are adjustable that we got at new haven oh yeah i mean we showed these a while ago yeah but they're really fun they are fun i'll show you because you can um unscrew them yeah and make them longer to fit um whatever type of like length foot so you can see like there's still a lot of space here where i can extend the foot out you can adjust the heel um no i don't think so yeah you can move the heel up and down oh so you can slide that down if you wanted like a deeper heel okay um and then the leg also you can move it up you can move it up but yeah they're really nice they're embroidered with our or uh laser cut whatever yeah those are good we got those yeah made in the usa all right so that's my first uh f.o thank you very much thank you so keeping in the theme of socks i will show my first episode this is a pair of socks i finally finished i am in love so with these socks these are i did a two by two twisted rib that's a good choice i do a german twist cast on i use the um tutorial from andrea mowry it's the one that works for me i do typically like 15 to 20 rows of my ribbing and then this i did 68 stitches because sometimes i do have issues with my instep i did a heel flap and gusset that's my favorite heel yep and i did contrasting heel and toes which i really love this color i do too it's so good kev um i'm really pleased with the way that which one's my favorite i think this was my favorite the pooling on this one's fantastic up at the top um they actually are very similar like i think they go reverse wise like the pooling up here matches the bottom of this sock a little bit more but yeah i love this pair me too i love pooling i i'm i'm a i'm a fan so the yarn is from lolo did it this is the august 2020 um the downton abbey club upstairs and downstairs the main color was call it's called only girl in the world it was [Music] 85 extra fine superwash merino 15 nylon um 100 grams for 440 yards it's a three ply yarn so here's what i have left i don't measure what i have left so i have no idea and then my mini also came with it this is called wonderful things so this is a 28 gram mini it's 124 yards so this one is a nice like deep pink yeah it's really pretty um like whites and there's just little hints of like gray here and there um and then this one's the brown blue i mean this has brown in it blue green beige orange she's got it there's red so many colors in here i'm haven't tried these on actually oh no it has a really like that scummy green right there which is always a fun color to get i think that's like a color everybody loves scummy does anybody not love a scummy green i don't like saying scummy green i like saying but looking at it is nice i don't know if i would describe it as scummy green yeah it's that like i don't know i get what you're saying like like pond scum yeah yeah so yeah so this was really nice and we were talking about it thursday night is i just banged these out it was the only thing i worked on and i forget sometimes how quickly socks knit up i knit mine on the chow goo red lace us1 2.25 millimeter um and i just forget like if you focus on socks how quickly they go i had knit on the second sock i knit the leg in a day and then i did my heel flap because my heel flap and my foot the next day so it took me like two days to do the second sock which is really really quick i also had covid and i was you also had like the entire day to sit in it i think so yeah but but still that's either way they ended up really really quick absolutely um so i'm super pleased with these i think my i was looking at i think i did a good job with my gussets and not having any holes there um and yeah i even wove in my ends and blocked them which i have socks on right now that i haven't even woven my ends in no i know when you put them on this morning i was like yep and you have long hands on those and then this i have living in my lila styles gryffindor bag with the hair still living in there or you just that's where all so that's where it was that's where the yarn has been until i put it away and my needle thing so this stuff stays in until i put that away lovely is fo number one lovely okay want me to go yeah go next um these you also saw these i'll pull up the pattern they are not brioche they are not brioche and i think the last episode no it was episode before that i was calling it yeah that was we corrected it in the yeah that was the title of our our episode 49 40 50. these mitts are not brioche these are called the mutsen i'm having a really hard time today these are called the hudson mitts um and they are by dory kirschner aka fritter knitter can i stop dating yeah i'm sorry my socks are just vanilla socks it's not okay i didn't follow a pattern sure this was a collaboration um between jill zielinski and um and the designer and i showed i don't know if i had finished one of the mitts or not but i did finish them both and i used north bay fiber heritage base i will i i love how these look look at they match my shawl which we'll talk about and we'll talk about very very shortly this is a really nice um slip stitch pattern you've got some pearl bumps um that kind of create that 3d look from a distance i really thought that they were they were brioche i don't know why i um i made a little bit of modification to these where i knit um four five extra rows i believe for the ribbing here i knit the they give you some instructions on how to lengthen the hand wrist portion which i took i did that and then i added um a couple more rows to the top here just because i wanted them i didn't want them up higher than this i kind of like them just fitting a little bit lower because it's just enough did you do something different with your i think it's so fun i like these a lot with your thumbs or no no okay i wasn't sure i feel like i remember you saying it but i don't know i don't know i did something different with my thumbs on my other miss okay so these are them the hudson mitts um i will show i don't know where my other i think this is the leftover from my shawl to be honest with you but it's okay so this is uh what i this is steelhead by north bay fiber upside down there you go good um and it's 100 targy polyp wool which we talked about before it's absolutely gorgeous airy lofty yarn um and i think i said it's dk woolen spun 23 micron which is really nice for this type of yarn 150 yards in a 50 gram skein which is how it comes so there's steelhead there and then the this is called natural and i have some of that left these were sold as kits um jill had put together some kits for the mitts on her site and i picked up two of those i think i showed them last time you did yeah so i will be making another pair of these i did knit these on circular needles and i followed the i followed the pattern um with the needle recommendations and i chose the medium size or is there no size i thought there was that had a size yeah i'm thinking um i did the adult medium but i added the the extra the extra little tidbit things that they tell you to do in there nice yeah fun i love them they're very good they're very quick too from what i remember yeah and they're very very warm this yarn is is very very warm i know i have i've worn these a bunch already i have some of her yarn i need to figure out what to make with you just give it something no no i have three colors so you do you were going to make a color you were going to do it i thought of color work hat so i'll see if i could find something because i only have one whip so i need some stuff on the needles sure all right so my next fo are you done with that about that one yeah i think i'm just gonna wear them okay i'm warm i'm cold you're bougie oh you know what don't don't judge please this is the judgment free zone so my next one you guys haven't seen actually my next three you've never seen they've all been knit cast on their brand new um last podcast so this is i knit a pure joy by hohilo catelli this is the second one that i've done when we were at our um our friend's miss our friend's miss that's what it was called oh yeah that's what the text was so our friends miss um we had asked each of us had asked one of our friends if they would like something so i showed one of my friends this said would you like this um you know is that something you would wear she said yes so i came home that weekend hit the sash up back here and was like um what what are colors that would work well but maybe colors that i wouldn't use so i picked two skeins of fingering weight yarn this is knit on a us6 needle which i think is a 4.5 meter no i think it's a four because eight is five i think seven's four and a half and then six is a four millimeter so here is my pure joy it's blocked it's it's lovely so ready yeah you hold and then we'll go across pure joy what a great hero i love this i'm i wow it's nice and long right yeah so you start here look how good with an i-cord cast on and then you kind of work your way back and forth you do short rows you have some yarn over eyelets here it's a really quick knit you got this done just powered through this yeah um because i do love knitting it and it's garter stitch squishy so the main color here is from north bay fibers oh yeah so you and i bought a club we did the club i did hats in all of mine it was last we got this last year 2020. 2020 january yeah how did you get started 2020 2020. so this is called um january embers yep it is a 75 25 and it has about 460 yards it does have a mini that i didn't use i thought about it but i went i thought better right than using it so the reason i picked these is if you see it the colors in here are so similar like you have these like pink and reds you have some of this like mustardy yellow almost that scummy green again but you also have it down here in this one now this i have no idea what color this is it is from my lolo did it this is the downton abbey may 2020 but i don't have the i don't know that it came with a yarn band for it for the mini yeah it did for the i don't even think it had it oh yeah because she puts the yarn bands on yeah so it the mini that came with it has mary's virtue written on it right so i don't know the name of the main color it is 85 15 though yeah it's the same yarn that i use for my socks so here's what i have left over of the secondary color this one here yeah so i may be using this as heels and toes and some socks that i have going on now yeah and then this is what i have left of the main color the gray so i just i really enjoy i'll probably get this um i think i'm gonna just she doesn't know that it's done she hasn't seen it so i think i'm just gonna like get a card oh it's so squishy you just wanna like ship it to her with a little card and send it to her in a little with a little care package from soup to nuts or whatever that thing is called spoon full of comfort full of soup to nuts i don't know so yeah so this wears it's more of a scarf to me like it has more of a scarf feel than a shawl because it's not all bulky it's not bulky at all so you just throw it on oh i think it's so good i love the colors i was a bit hesitant when i was knitting it i didn't know you never know how yarn's going to look yeah that ha has this like variegation or speckles in it when you're knitting garter stitch you kind of it looks a little bit i don't want to say better but um you see it better in a stockinette fabric in my opinion um but i love how like it's just like little lines almost yeah it's definitely just little lines there's some pooling that happens here and there but the color changes in it it's done so well it is it's one of those that's not a crazy pooling effect right it's one of those that like um invites people to look at it like it's very interesting yeah and i i'm really happy that i went with the gray as the main color and used this light peachy color as the secondary i because i could have gone either way but i think that it worked really well with the gray and getting this nice light pop right so it was fun to knit and see how the colors were going to play together especially when i did the the yarn overs and some of the maybe like the red was working with the red and the gray yarn yes but i mean you even have these little pops like a blue in here um really beautiful both of these are just really great color ways it's such a great shawl it was funny because we talked about this in last week's live somebody asked for a good beginner type of thing and i said pure joy and i really think if this is such a good beginner shawl because it's us6 needles yeah you just have to know how to make stitches do yarn overs knit two together and short rows and short rows on this what i do is i use a stitch marker and i for get how it goes i think it's like knit to last wrap and turn and then knit seven stitches or something so i put um on my way back i like put you knit those seven stitches in there yeah or whatever it was i i put a stitch marker where i would have to knit to the following row right um just so i didn't have to keep track of my um wrap and turns and what else do i have to say what else did i do with this um [Music] i think that's it nice and this was living in my bag from whimsy stitches which you still don't even take the i took it off yet i know i love that bag and i think this i knit on my um mindful needles oh you did the knitter's pride mindful needles yeah because those again those are five inch tips yeah so i love that for for sean yeah and it has a swivel cord yeah so i enjoy that for um a larger project you know what i would maybe i'll get a set of those if you do i would get four inch tips you have five inch chips in your chat but now with swivel so yeah so this is pure joy if you haven't knit it i highly recommend it it's one of my favorite yeah um shawl patterns yeah awesome and i think it's like maybe six a six dollar pattern oh that's good to know so it's not awful okay um all right so that was effo number two um my next one i guess i can show my shawl so this i love so much this is the angler um by jill zielinski or knitterella um using the same yarn that i showed before the steelhead in north bay fiber and i used the the pattern calls for five skeins of um of it it's 50 to 50 gram balls i have eight grams left over this is oh wow this nugget is what's left over from the shawl wow so you you definitely depending on your tension um you should probably i usually i didn't swatch for this but if you are one that knits super tight or super loose um your yardage will definitely vary and you may not have enough yarn if you knit very very loose right i don't know how that works i don't know either somebody will probably say so this is a very very simple triangular shawl with um hello just stockinette sections and garter sections um it has a beautiful like the edge to this well this is the i-cord bind off there but the edge as you're knitting i think it creates this really cool interesting edge with the slip stitches yeah it's a nice yeah you like slip that first stitch and then um it's it i think this does a great job showcasing the yarn for sure yeah and i think that um this yarn in in a like a fabric like this this would this yarn would make an amazing sweater i was just gonna say the same thing it's very light but very very warm like i'm very cold right now but this is not around my neck it's freezing here guys it's like it's very it's cold it's 20 something i mean we're just we haven't gotten our usually we can we live at this temperature as normal as like 20 in the winter time in february and stuff for us for us yes no not 20. yes no like low 30s is norm yeah anyway this is the first time that our temperatures dropped below like we were like in the 50s and it was very mild december yeah we got six inches of snow friday right that was our first like significant snowfall so i just love this i think it looks um the stitch definition is really nice yeah it blocked beautifully it did i did not pin it i just laid it flat um and kind of you know um smoothed it out a little bit and you spit felt to join your yarn yeah i had two ends i only had two ends to even yeah with the five skeins of yarn um jill was wearing this at rhinebeck and in that color right no she was wearing it i think in the natural color the lighter one i think no i i actually i think you're right yeah um but this i wanted something very neutral and i'm all about the grays so i thought this would be really really nice for me just a nice simple and it just it feels so nice and cozy yeah it was it was really cozy it was really nice to knit with um and there was even after washing it i noticed animal fiber there's still like there's still like little bits of vegetation vegetation vegetation what size needle is it knit on good question and let me show you the pattern as well i wasn't planning on showing this next so i had my other pattern loaded up yeah i'll get my next pattern up okay look at us trying to be organized for the new year eh oh yeah this is the color that she wore so this is angler um and the right i use the recommended yarn and needles um [Music] so total if you're interested um you can use a dk or worsted weight in about 750 yards so just so that you know needles is a us6 i did go up a needle size um she recommends in the pattern when you're doing the i-cord bind off to go up a needle size and that's what i did and i'm happy that i did because you know the i-cord depending on how yeah it can be a little bit tight yeah so this is like how fun is this little ensemble i know look at you are you gonna make a hat next out of the i was actually thinking about that are you gonna be all gray i i feel like i'm going in christian grey green phrase but this is almost like a this is a cool gray as opposed to like a warm gray right do you feel like it's a cool gray no i think i'm a cool guy wearing the gray so that's that that's the the shawl it was very um a very nice knit i really wanted to knit something just cozy and that also i feel like you knit that up pretty quickly i feel like it did take me some time though because i took some i feel like i took some breaks and worked on a couple of other things remember we were talking about like monogamy yeah i would have gotten this done had i only focused on this one project but i'm having a i'm having a really hard time you all right now not casting on everything i know i have so many freaking things that i want to count and i might just cast them on who cares i mean we have enough projects we do yeah i might just cast everything on i might have 20 whips by by next time we podcast i'll never get anything done but i know i think i'm going to um i may be casting on a shawl today and i want to ca i'm going to cast on a hat today too oh me too twinsies and what are we having for lunch today i'm doing the stem no that's dinner tonight i'm doing the um i'm gonna do eggs and i'm gonna make some hash browns without leftover potatoes i'm getting very hungry maybe like an omelet with a spinach as well like eggs with spinach and cheese okay that might be what i do for lunch i love it um okay so next up is i did another harlow hat so this is the dk pattern by andrea mowry or drea renee nitz it uses two needles so you use a us-2 which is a 2.75 millimeter and a us-3 which is a 3.25 millimeter i have this it was living in my kitty bags bag bucket with the chevrons yeah because last time you called them arrows somebody said that they were more like chevrons i know and i used brooklyn tweed loft and cast iron and soot so this is some of the yarn that we or i ordered specifically for this hat um i purchased it so this is their you have a lot left over i know i do this is their loft so it's a dk weight it's worse it's wool and spun yeah so it's a very new labels i know their fonts are great too so this oh this is fingering yeah it's fingering no wonder why it's so much smaller but it calls for brooklyn tweed but it's also a dk hat does it call for for a loft yeah you sure yeah that's probably why you have so much left over is loft a d maybe there's a loft dk no there isn't let's look at this pattern so all right so um each of them so now you can show that now there's the difference but that's in loft as well i don't think so yeah yeah so the sample is brooklyn to be loft so i don't oh no fingering weight sorry it's a fingering weight pattern i don't know why i was thinking dk it is yeah well that sucks because i bought a whole bunch of dk yarn to make one no you got worsted i may worse it to me so you're doing the worsted one yeah all right so i'm confusing you yet this is fingering 275 yards 251 meters i love these together yeah so this is the color that she originally shown yeah so last episode i think i showed my previous version which used cast iron and sweatshirt and i thought it was a little bit big or bigger than i expected um i've worn it a bunch and it's just very loose on my head so i wanted to try a different size sure the previous one i knit the adult large so this time i knit the adult small oh you went from a large to a small because there's no medium oh so it's adult small and adult large which confused actually well it's brioche right so it's right it should be extra stretchy it's a brioche and what i love about this is because it's two colors it's a really easy brioche pattern and i i'm in love with brioche now i find it super easy i made some mistakes y'all and i dropped stitches and i corrected brioche like oh my god it was crazy um what was i just i just wanted to see sizing on this so the sizes it comes in just saying we're 42 minutes in and we have any we just we're only talking we haven't even showed anything else but our fos we're still talking about i know so it comes with a child a youth slash adult small and then adult large so there's no medium size which confused the hell out of me when i was um yeah dude trying to bind or doing my decreases because i thought i was knitting a medium so either way here we go here's the version which oh it's so good it's really great here's i have a little older color you know why because i remember the last one i broke oh you did you i was very confident i forgot about that you're absolutely right i love this side of this here's the flip side look at the decreases there's so many decreases are really great here um it's such a good knit but it's a much different size and i don't know why so i'm going to compare you you went from a large to a small yeah but the the look at the difference in yeah height it but it's knit the same length eight inches so i don't know what i did i must have measured really poorly because the decreases the large hat so this is the previous one with cast iron and sweatshirt it only has one extra set of decreases so that's why i got really confused and less need less stitches when you cast on 16 less stitches okay so not that but i mean that's quite a bit different so apparently my measuring was way off but it fits great it does like it has a really nice tight fit it's not slouchy at all it's not tight like you're going to get a headache from no but it did it's not going to slide off me right so i do think that this is a great if you like your hats a little bit tighter with a little maybe negative ease this is perfect and i think it shows it off really well the brioche um so i'm really thrilled with this i just finished it yesterday afternoon and blocked it it was dried within like an hour or two it's really good um because i threw it in the spin dryer to get the extra water out but yeah it is a just a beautiful hat yeah um but here so this you can see kind of it compared to this fella which you could just see initially like i have so much room in here and it's i think this is more of like a fashion statement as opposed to but this one i could fold up the brim yeah and also wear it down and get a little more warmth so they're both great they i love the um i i do kind of like the light gray here but i love that this one that i just finished because there really is like very little difference kind of it there's not as much contrast which because this gray but there is enough it's showing up better on camera but this gray has um like flecks of the black yeah in it so sometimes i'm like wait a minute am i picking up the right stitch or knitting the right stitch together oh it looks just so woolly and nice it is it's a beautiful yarn and what i love about this is when you're knitting it too it feels rough but man when it blocks yeah it takes it it just takes it away like that that roughness it's really really pretty it's a beautiful yarn to um knit with i love knitting with brooklyn me too we have enough of it now we have a whole bag full of let's not i'm not judging there's no judgment there's no judgment in this zone no this is a judgment free zone judgment freeze except when you judge me apparently that's acceptable can i just say i'm really happy um with that nikita cut your hair today yeah oh my gosh kevin cheated on our hairdresser yeah so i we typically get our hair cut every three weeks and our last appointment in december got well not our last one of our appointments in december got cancelled because the lady who cuts our hair she got covered so i was like she's knit i can't go four weeks i think it would have been four to five weeks without a haircut so i went to a different barber had a different lady cut my hair and i on the other hand waited you waited because you're here nokia called you a cheater she did she did um but we saw her again today it was nice she does a really good job yeah and my hair last time the it was just not right um and i had to wait four weeks for nikki to cut my hair so i was really pleased to have my hair back to the way that i like it all right so that's fo number four for me okay that means i have one more and i have one more take these off you have one more as well yeah wechat four so i thought you said that was fo number four for you no that's a lie that was a phone number three for me okay these are also mitts which i am i'm loving the the mint knitting i know i need a pair i actually i'm gonna do some more because i have some things to say about this pattern so i was watching the grocery girls this week yeah and tracy knit jody a pair of is it sell boo mittens yeah those are and she got the yarn from those are the ones that have like the triangle yeah right and they're like color work and she got the yarn from crap the designer in like michigan or wisconsin [Music] they talked about her all the time and i can't think of the yarn huh oh barrett barrett welcome oh bear it will call so it's a dk pattern the one that she used but she bought used worsted weight yarn and it's really beautiful and i'm thinking about buying yarn oh for it but yeah maybe okay i thought we weren't going to buy is our 21. camera sliding down yeah i'm going to move it up so hold on there we go hello okay i think we're good yeah i tightened it i normally i tighten it well it's been a month you know we all gained a little bit of weight in this month so um i knit point edwards mitts um these guys so this is um the cool thing about these and i'll show you the pattern this is point edwards mitts they are by far light fibers they're cuffed convertible mitts so if you look you have you know they it's cuffed up and then you can um undo the cuff and cover [Music] they get cover your hands and your thumb to give you a little bit of extra warmth while you're out and about now a couple of things about this i'll tell you the yarn that i used was my leftover yarn for the unbearable hat by maxim seer when you all remember i think when i knit that one um that is sitting as a sample at our local yarn shop which is really kind of cool i'll go through it all in a minute because i like these down a little bit i can leave the thumbs i guess so this is using brooklyn tweed arbor as well well i use loft oh yeah you're using artwork i'm using arbor and these are my leftovers so i used crumb which is this color and i still even have five grams left of that you can see i had 34 grams uh which was 98 yards i was trying to do some math to see after my unbearable hat which uses three um 50 gram skeins of yarn i had 34 grams left over and i used do the math i have five grams left so i used about 29 grams no yeah yeah of the crumb i had to like do some color blocking because i didn't know if i was gonna have enough and i'm kind of very i'm kind of happy with how i did the colors yeah i think that i think they look great yeah i think they look kind of cool it was smart i think they were smart choices for the colors thank you i i liked these colors together they're very similar to the recommended colors for the unbearable hat um if not like identical i'm not sure but i kind of like the little pops and i liked when you folded this over you can only see a little bit and then when you when you pop it out you see more of the um that thaw so the thaw is the the lighter color which i have a ton of this left over still i still have 25 grams of this left nice um which is great because i like this color and then this was kettle which is another one of the my favorites it's that that black color um and i had no grams left of that this is what i had left so i was really like i thought i would be playing some pretty significant yarn chicken but i won um and yeah i i'm happy with these the the issue this is a free pattern the issue that i have with the pattern is that it's one size um and i didn't really realize that it's one size um until i actually like started knitting it i guess oh really you didn't like i didn't read the sizes no and so i was like son of a gun but i really wanted to do it i really wanted to do these myths and i really had like a plan in my head to um to do them it says it fits a um average women's medium is how the pattern is written i my hands are not an average woman's well obviously size hand so it is tight they are a little bit snug for me i think they look okay like but you can see like it stretches some of the stitches stretch a little bit more i had to do a little bit of um i had to do a little bit of like surgery or reinforcement i had to do some reinforcement around the thumb um because you can see like see yeah so it's it's because the yarn because the the pattern is so much um is so much smaller than my hand so i am probably gonna give these away but i did i did reinforce this i i love how they look and i would definitely do another pair i think you can have a lot of fun with the color blocking and doing some different things that way um and i might use the the measurements for the paddle mitts by tin can knits or just paid for a pattern just use the pedal mitts and uh and oh yeah adjust that and just just knit farther along yeah because yeah the cool thing i like about these though and i'll take them off so that you can actually see what i'm talking about um what i like about these two is that it's a one by one half twisted rib so they call it a twisted rib but we learned that an actual twisted true twisted rib is where you knit through the back loop and then you purl through the back as well so it's so a true twisted rib is knit flat yeah back and yes back and forth so this is just your knitting through the back loop and then you're purling um normal but i love it i love how it looks so that's oh we i get it do you see what i'm saying like you're actually so when you're doing uh so you're twisting both the knits and the purple and a true twisted rib oh okay so this is just twisting the knits but a lot of people just call it a twisted rib interesting i didn't know that yeah i learned i don't know who i learned that from i believe from chevis probably because chevis is a wealth of knowledge and we love chevis so these are these are them i i love i love them i think really fun thing to do would be to like um duplicate stitch like a snowflake or something like that on here i think that would be really cute or on this so i think it would depend on the colors i think this one could be really fun to duplicate stitch like a penguin oh yeah but i can use some i was thinking of like duplicate stitching something in this color oh like a snowflake or something like that just because i had so much of this well you could outline a penguin because it's black oh that's a good idea you know and then do a little white belly beyond my oh my god that would be so cute it would be cute so i think i don't know i i i don't know who to who i would give them to your mother i was thinking my mom but do you think she would wear these colors i don't know maybe she could comment below when she was yeah mom comment below or just call me oh so here's another thing that i did because i was um this is the first knit that i the first one that i did and one of the things because i was you know you start i started my ribbing in a different color you know you get those you can see where i picked up the stitches so here you can't see that like it's not anything like this so what i did was i just knit i just knit uh one row of the contrasting color first and then i picked i picked those up and i think it looks a lot more um cleaner cleaner yeah yeah um what size needles are these net on i will tell you in a moment i did a german twisted cast on for that and i did a um oh i just actually just bound off so the pattern tells you to use jenny's loose what is it called stretchy bind off yeah who does it jenny jenny or jackie or jill one of them does the stretchy bind off jenny jenny it's jenny's stretchy bind-off er and somebody's magic cast-on magic cast-on so anyway it calls for that loosey-goosey cast-off or um thing and so i just did uh um i just i just bound off in knits and pearls who the hell what's the name it's got i think it's jenny i think it's jenny too but it's not jessica there's somebody else who's the so can one does a cast on jenny's magic cast on jew and judy and judy judy jenny and judy one of them does the beginning and one of them does the end um so i just i just bound off what video do you use for um german twist cast on because i know that you you say that i do it differently no you you you don't watch andrea yes i did i that's but unless i just added my own little spin to it i don't know i think cause yeah you look out look how nice i love german twister too super super nice but i remember when i was ringing first learning to or trying to learn how to do it um very pink knits you do something where you flick your thumb or something yeah i bring my thumb down right and that's very pink knits i think that's how she maybe maybe ellen from here and andrea mowry doesn't have you do that she it's just a different movement with your needle mm-hmm um no i go yeah i do move my phone you move your thumb i don't move my thumb you must do very pink nuts and maybe um maybe i just do the ray-ray version no you do very pigmented maybe i'll do a tutorial [Laughter] um so these to answer your question it's 3.5 millimeter needles okay um you need 190 yards of dk yarn dk weight yarn yeah the gauge for the actual pattern is 11 stitches over two inches and um it's really it's really really a simple pattern i just wish that there were different sizes i'm really trying to debate if this is moving again do you think so i don't know i'm watching it so i'm trying to match it up you see we can see that yarn tag yeah i've been looking at the quinceanco yarn tag to see where kind of where that goes um so that's that those are all of my fos this past month i did do i think a few more hats for the ornaments too i might have done another one a hat or two that we had given away we showed all the other hats that we did for the kids right yeah i actually didn't show oh yeah you had another one you did that i didn't show dominic's hat right so that's that that's right i finished the muscle bar muscle bra muscle bra hat by isolde t and the knit picks i was knitting the smaller one for our nephew yeah it turned out really well so he got that for christmas so i don't have that um so i have my last fo which is the living i have a picture of in my bearded pearl bag this is something that i had started i knit one of these back in june or july i started the second one and i was knitting it on one of our thursday night knit nights and i messed up and it's been living in this bag on a chair downstairs since then so yesterday once i finished my harlow hat i needed something else so i ripped this out and i started knitting it again so this is the colorful half and half washcloth by pearl soho it's a free pattern if you guys remember from last year i made quite a big purchase of the pearl soho like 20 skeins of the pearl soho it was free shipping and it was on sale of the buttercup cotton which is 100 organic chaat in so i used the um evening blue and summer melon colors so i just finished this washcloth this woven morning ends and did my little icord thing so i forgot what i did because i did make an adjustment to the pattern the pattern calls for um 72 stitches which is supposed to make a 12 by 12 square i thought that was too big so i had to go back and watch our podcast to see what i did and i cast on 48 stitches so you start here with the blue you do short rows to create this first triangle then you pick up over here and you do short rows to create the other triangle in the opposite direction and then you do an i cord to make your little loop and weave in your ends and so now this is the one that i had shown back in 2021 that i had knit so i just reversed the colors oh yeah and these are really cute and i have a ton of yarn left over in this color so i think what i'm gonna do is i believe i'm going to cast on two more for like a face cloth yeah so i want it a bit smaller than this so i think i'm gonna cast on 36. so you make it smaller yeah bring it in a little bit um so i don't know i think that's what i'm gonna do i think that's a great idea i think the gift sets are cute oh one other thing that we're gonna do this year is put together a gift bin gift basket yeah so that we can have stuff right yeah like things like those mitts i mean i'll see if my mom wants them but if not i'll put them in the gift bin somebody we'll find somebody to um and what's fun about this though is that it gives you a bunch of instructions to knit all these different triangles so you could have this one has what one two three four five five colors on one triangle or two or three so it there's all these variations that's all the colors that they have in the yarn they have a lot of colors a lot they're really like spring-like they feel springy right so you have this one and they need a little brightness to brighten up then you have these two so yeah it has instructions on how to do each one and it's a free pattern it's all free so it's a really great pattern their wrap and turn instructions were really confusing to me so i've done what i know kind of makes sense to me for a wrap and turn and it's knit on a us three which is i know i just said it i think it's a three point seven five three point two five millimeter us three really quick knit i knit that one in a day for the most part yeah really and when they're nice and soft where's the rest of that yarn i think we have a cotton bin oh there it all is oh yeah yeah is this it oh yeah oh and this is the um oh yeah that's some more cotton this is that what actually look this is the um west yorkshire spinners that i was talking about they have a cotton no the air and weight that i have i bought this from nate new haven on sale like years ago so i have a bunch of this i've made hats with it i actually did my um lorian toque in this you did yep okay okay so that's my um last fo well that was our faux show all right let's get it now we got some whips i have one i have two so you go first okay these two are simple simple ones this one is living in my favorite one of my favorite bags eva oh could you look at that who would have thought yes so um i showed this yarn last time um i don't think that this was cast on though this we talked about this my niece is in is having like a green phase right now so she really loves the sock head cowl that i knit i'm gonna move this again so bear with me a moment because it's falling oh dark one's on the move too dizzy yeah um i am using uh gg bonnen bonnen it's an 80 merino 20 nylon sock yarn it's uh 400 yards it's in the colorway limeade hi baby and so i showed this last time here's the yarn it's really really bright it is green and this is what i have so far so this is the sock head cowl by kelly mcclure the it's a free pattern it goes right alongside the um sock head slouch which is my fave it calls for the same amount of ribbing it's a uh four like a four inch rib uh or um four inch ribbing i did three and a half inches i think i just got tired of doing it and well four inches of ribbing is a lot it's a lot especially for a cow like it's going to sit on a you know six-year-old girl's like neck and i don't know what he's calling crying for i don't know i'll say okay so the yarn it's it's nice because you can see those specks of like that creamy white color which is like a it almost looks like a limesicle like one of those orange you know or uh lime pops popsicles with the cream inside like a limeade who would have thunk so that is that i'm gonna i'll pull up the pattern um so that you can see and i actually kind of want to remind myself how um how long it actually needs to be i'm almost i'm i'm feeling like i'm almost done with the knitting piece because i just don't feel like knitting any more of it so it's uh it's 100 you cast on 160 stitches like i said it's a free pattern and you work oh 12 inches or until you have the same amount left for the ribbing which oh is it 12 inches total or do you knit for another 12 inches no for 12 inches and then you have so the total the total length of the um of the cowl is actually pretty long so i have a total of about nine inches here so i'm probably gonna go maybe another four inches or so and then i'll do and then i'll do the ribbing again but yeah that's cute right yeah i mean i think it'll be nice it'll probably be done i think i think this would like look really cute in the springtime you know late when oh even winter yeah we'll see so that's that that's actually something i would like to knit is a cowl i gotta find it i feel like it's been a while since i've known a cowl yeah i gotta i was thinking i was actually thinking to do another um what's max's pattern but i think on the left they're live did he she has a new one yeah that's so i'm waiting for that because i have the interior yarn yeah i think he called it the snuggle israel's little brother or something like that yeah and i already have the interior your stuff up it's green somewhere in that yes oh i forgot to put this all right so my whip is also living in my leg arsenal bag i can't remember the collaboration that they had i it's the person who does the screen printing right yeah paradise yes paradise island spelled like a pair they did a collaboration with them so one of my goals this year knit wise is to knit more socks because i don't have a lot for myself so and you know knit from stash so i cast on a new pair of socks using yarn that we got from woolens and nosh yay this is the um fancy schmancy pumpkins so this is the 90 superwash target and 10 nylon it's a 3 ply 411 yards for 100 grams and here hey what's that is how it's knitting up so far it's so good this is the i love it so guys you know something that's kind of changed with me over the last year is i used to be a center pull guy same i'm now pulling from the outside of all my stains 100 it just it keeps it so much cleaner i know um so i am knitting this i'm also trying something different i'm knitting this on a us0 so that is a two millimeter and i did 72 stitches i did a two by two regular rib no half twist full twist no triple triple lux lux or no pemchenko if anybody knows where the packaging go from oh my gosh please comment below i'm probably gonna do that this weekend yeah that would be great we'll do it with our i'll probably buy it actually we don't own it already i'm sorry i know so um i love these colors and what i'm thinking guys let me know so my thought process right now is i think this is it no this so i'm trying to think of like my heels and toes for this because i'm going to do an afterthought heal and i think that works really well for self striping it doesn't interrupt the stripes but i'm almost thinking of using this oh yeah for my afterthought heel um that brings in those colors in my toe so i don't know i don't know if i want a solid we just don't have a lot of solid fingering weights that i we have a lot of stroll i don't like you i don't like strolling no um so a couple of things about this i decided i i just don't like the way it wears yeah personally sure um a couple things about this is i tried i did a little experiment experiment i cast on with the addi easy knit 10 inch circular it has to do i cast on with the addi 10 inch circular needle and i don't like it i just i don't i in i'm slower with it than i am with magic loop i think that it's nice to be able to just knit in the round but i feel like you have to kind of push your stitches a little bit more than i do with magic loop so i threw on the only us0 i know cord that we have this hat at the time that we had at the time this is a nitpicks um and as you can see the cord is not my favorite so i just had delivered yesterday um some chow goo red lace ones so i'm gonna switch them over to isn't it interesting like how we progress as knitters like we started both with magic loop using the nitpicks and the chords and being like wow this is really intense and then once you know so much better when we got to chow goo and then trying to go back i think magic loop itself is um it takes a minute or two to get used to it's not something like just figuring out how he wanted to go downstairs i know um he you know like trying to figure out how to hold the needles and hold the yarn for yourself what works for you because it it can be different for everybody um but what surprised me is how even though i don't like this cord knitting on this was a lot easier than what i remembered so i think to give magic loop a try this isn't a bad price needle to to um try out and you know you can never have too many needles so this is what i'm knitting on i haven't made much progress but i would like to knit more socks so i'm going to be focusing on this probably this weekend unless i cast on a shawl and a hat but i do love the way that it's it's knitting up i love michelle's colors um we have a bunch of them so right here those are mine and then rays are somewhere i think there and that cubby so yeah so that's my only active whip at the moment and i think ray has one more so he's downstairs with the dog tarquin's crying tarquin wanted to come or he was upstairs sleeping in the bedroom and then he cried to go downstairs so i brought him down and now he's downstairs crying to possibly come up but it's also getting very close to his lunch time so he's probably wants that as well um what else oh we have ray now we need him to come up and talk about his whip and here he comes hey books somebody's feeling awful whiny hi baby come here do you want to come come here come here you want to come up [Music] he's been very whiny because he's had me home he has had everything for a long time for three weeks again so yeah he definitely got it i just had to chase him around the freaking house yeah he definitely got that covered dog syndrome of having somebody home all the time totally okay um i will talk about mine as well this is living in my bearded pearl bag which i love i do it's so cute yeah it is so cute um this is also using woolens we love michelle so much did you talk about how much we love her this is using the sprout set i showed this during our um i mean we showed all of our yarn during the brine back recap rhineback recap but i love this because it came with a mini that kind of looks like fertilized soil potting soil potting soil same thing right well i don't know i don't know i don't think so what are those little white things in there fertilizer i think it's fertilizer okay i don't know what that is this is what i have so far you made a lot of progress i think so what so i'm also going to be doing an afterthought heel now i wanted to do contrasting heels toes and cuffs because i really i don't think the sample had it now that i'm looking now that i'm like looking at it i don't remember but i think um i think it's gonna be really really cool once it's all done you have the you'll have the i think heels toes and cuffs are gonna look so fun actually you know what though what if you don't do that i mean i know i could do something different for the hero this would actually work really well it has that has that same oh it sure does those two colors in it they're pink in that yeah so that could work if you don't if you don't use it i don't know if i am yet but it could work as a heel yeah only if you do your toes well word on the street is that there will be a shop update the end of the month maybe you could get some more maybe i'll get some more because we were talking about it um that we're going to be doing a pro we're going to be doing a shawl that caleb from the bearded pearl was wearing i can't remember the name of it right now but i keep talking i'll see if it was uh two skeins of self striping yarn one skein of self striping yarn and a skein of um regular or solid color yarn i can't remember the name of it right now but i got this the fancy schmancy pumpkins to do that as myself striping but i really love how this is all striping up together this is a 10 uh 10 stripe repeat um which is a lot so like you have like look how many colors are there 10. that would be right um i am using 10 inch circular needles oh 10. inch what is this so this is the easy knit that kevin was showing i'm getting very distracted i know i was looking for the pattern i actually it's interesting because this i've never knit with this this type of sock yarn before and it's the targi uh 90 target and 10 nylon this is also on one uh us zeros so two millimeter needles it's creating a very dense fabric but it is super stretchy so i think it's going to be nice and warm when i wear it and i was curious so when kevin got his uh magic loop or his uh the large circular needles the chow goose i had asked him to get me a 9-inch circular just so that i can see if i the difference because i don't have any that are this small so i put it on those last night to try and i much prefer i much prefer these i think it's cool because with these it's like i feel like it's it's easy i don't know if you guys can like can see but i feel like it's it's really easy because you have a lot more to hold on to because this needle is see if i can do this did you show the actual needles no no this needle is longer than this one and so what happens is you have a lot more to hold on to with this needle and when you're knitting there's a lot less distance that that stitch needs to come off on the other needle i found it so for me it works out really really well and um and i think it's it's a lot speedier they're not as sharp as chow goose but i kind of i kind of like it because i'm not hurting my finger if i have to push down oh wait i didn't realize you put it back on i did oh good for you yeah because i felt like it was a lot um your attention was different my attention was different too yeah where i had it um and i found it so the the shawl that we were talking about is by josh reich's rubinski it's called title so it uses one skein of solid and one skein of self striping right um caleb at rhinebeck we loved it so that's why we bought one um some of the yarn is to make each of us to make those shorts and i think our solid might be some yarn that i dyed a solid gray yeah so i think that this would make a really cool one of those um with the stripes so what i ended up doing was this came with a oh where's my 25 gram 25 gram mini yes and the skein of yarn is was 101 grams so i didn't split up the main skein because i know with contrasting heels toes and cuffs i'll have plenty to do socks yeah but i did split up the mini um into two different balls just so that i you know can keep track and make sure that i have enough for one socket enough for another i did realize that i this took like six grams of yarn um to do the cuff so i don't think that i'll have enough to do the heels and the toes so what i'm going to do is i'm going to do the toes here and then i'm going to put this to the side and if she has more at the end of the month i'll grab another set so that i can put in the contrasting heels and then this way i'll have another skein of the self striping to do either one or two of those shawls because i feel like those will be knit up pretty quick so yeah i love it i think it's really good i did also did 72 stitches [Music] and i knit the i started a project page so you can find this information as it's going um on ravelry and i am keeping track in the notebook so this was our new year's cast on which i'm sure you probably talked about that oh no i didn't say that was our new year's day cast on yeah we cast that on on new year's day um i did the cuff two by two ribs 19 19 rows and then i did my 20th row just a regular knit row so that wouldn't look like there was um a lot of that grabbing and that used about six grams so it was approximately 1.75 inches long so one and three quarter inches long and then the leg i knit seven and a half inches and um this is where i'm going to place my heel in between these two stripes nice yeah that's all i have to do yeah they're fun socks and it's a hearty fingering too oh yeah it's a it's a really beautiful yarn it's beautiful yarn i agree 100 what did i make oh i got her dk i made dk slides i have some dk oh you know what look it i this is wait i have a ton this is beautiful this is in her dk as well which is called fall is my favorite did i do dk socks or a hat with hers because if i did dk socks i think i have your dk socks i think you do too because i can't find my dk socks okay i'm gonna have to re-look at this where's my oh here's my this is all set uh this is my fancy-schmancy pumpkins that i was gonna do the shawl yeah this is this is what it looks up in this looks like in this game yeah so i'll do that like that oh thanks all right and that's all the knitting content now we have okay this is it that's all the knitting content all of our knitting contents wow i feel like we had nothing to show right geez sorry y'all um up next what do we have we have owl post some acquisitions break in the bank um and then we talk about what we're reading and what we're watching so if any of that or none of that sounds interesting to you bye-bye it was nice to see you thank you for coming back um and then for the rest of you buckle up yeah we have some stuff all right i do have some stuff so i'm going to start with something while i was down oh good for you yeah so i feel fresh um i'm going to start with something that i won i know yeah this was exciting right guys i very hey i won some stuff this year too what did you win i won the apple stuff at work oh my gosh that's right yeah we'll talk about that after you talk about this um so i very rarely enter instagram giveaways um and i've never won one until now so i entered one from for a advent and this is from inspired fiberworks who is veronica it was the 12 days enchanted skein mess oh my god wait till you see so i was able to choose between um uh either fingering or dk and i chose dk and it came with 12 guys 1250 grams totally and then a full 100 gram and then it comes with a pattern the pattern is a half well it came in this isn't it nice it's so nice it's a great little folder totally um look at the inspirations there's a list of the colorways yeah listen to the colorways paper right a very thick like almost card stock now that i knit a few rows on that sock i want to keep knitting and then um it comes with a pattern called wanded well that's fine or no i'm sorry so it's a pattern from jenny nodo who's wanted knit and crochet and the hat is acro um so i think guys too that i'm pretty clever i know i'm very um i'm very jealous that i didn't do that all right so here are the 12 minis that it came with 12 days so i'm using the pony string or the knitting barber string whichever one you have yeah so i i'm going to hold one yeah if you want to hold one end oh they're heavy yeah here so yeah look at i mean look at all these colors and um these aren't in order but we got some solids kind of in here right so here's all 12. and then gorgeous this is the full scheme that it came with and she was this is called enchanted and this is a hundred percent superwash it's 462 yards this is a 150 gram skein i have so much yarn this is such a good um advent and we got how about you do a sweater what if you do a scrappy sweater i don't know i do i don't know that's a lot to think about right now but we got to meet her at rhinebeck too she was one of the um [Music] people that irina from fiber chats had interviews so we got to meet her at ryan back i i'm in love like see i i kind of want to use these two together and i like i mean there there's so much yardage yeah you can do like full projects with just two of those i mean these are 50 gram skins this is like six full skeins doesn't look like i went and fishing i went fishing for yarn and this is my catch of the day totally it's a great one and because she's so nice look she sent rails she sent me a full skein too and then we each got a little bag with goodies on it with some goodies in it so thank you veronica guys if you haven't definitely followed inspired fiber oh yeah 100 check out her shop totally and then all right so that was one of our yes let me put this away you have do you have something i have a lot of things so this was a are we doing what are we doing now we're doing um i'll post outpost this was by one of our friends um they know who they are they know who they are meow meow this was sent to us this was sent to us um before christmas but it was i think we got it like the day that we podcast i don't know it was it was um you may be right i think yeah it was a while ago we haven't taken it out of the box no so we'll be taking that out of the box today but look how fun it's uh breaking the bank it's a gringotts harry potter bank it's so that we could um so that we can secure our funds for rhinos 2022. isn't it amazing it's a vault from gringotts yeah that's totally cool i know so thank you thank you so much appreciate it it's really really cool yeah yeah i know i can't wait to open that yeah me too all right so next up this just came this week and did not know that this was arriving and i'm really happy that it did because she's one of our favorite i almost wore people so guys so macey mace of scans sent us a merry christmas happy holidays happy new year package we are such so unexpected and i'm gonna hear you take i think those three just go beautiful well she tells you what they go how they go together i know so i'm really excited for two of these colorways i mean all of them but two of them specifically because i saw them on her instagram and i loved them and i was trying to figure out what i could knit with this one of them specific oh they're the same yeah oh i love it so here we have this is on i'm gonna hold them actually this is what i'm going for this year all right so this is her these two are on her club base this eggnog is everything to me i don't know i love this he was just saying that too oh like i opened this up i was like yeah all right so we have icicles which i love i saw this and i love this just the light blue but almost like this gray in it yeah just such a beautiful blue so this is um 80 20 uh fingering i know and then eggnog which i adore this color i gotta i'm probably gonna find something really soon to cast on this is my this is i want to cast everything on i'm sorry this one is on our spades so this is a decay oh this would be a really good wildcat well no here look this is club oh this is club i'm sorry so this is also fingering so this is winter pine i mean what a great winter collection right totally she does such a great job with her colors i need to from her like halloween one i need to knit some that this one right here this is mine you're a jerk but this one right here like they're all good but i love that me too okay she also sent some on her spade colorway which is her deep spade base which is dk 75 super wash merino 25 nylon cranberry jam so good this one i i can't even it's so spot on reindeer games right i'll wait lift this one up a little bit please look at reindeer get like reindeer games then one foggy christmas eve santa came to say and then this one is winter pine is winter pine again on dk it's all dk can you see me in this i don't have to remind me as soon as we're done i don't know how to like what i should do i'm going to send her a message when we're done yeah she's so amazing so giving she sent us a christmas card this year i know ah all right and then we have one more look how beautiful um what's the word i'm looking for owl post this was an owl post if i'm not mistaken yeah yeah okay but then this was as well you didn't buy that well that we'll talk about okay with that so of a gun look at all this stuff oh this i can't i can't so we were really lucky and we received a advent um from our friend nancy of trilogy yarns and this was based on um christmas vacation christmas vacation so here this is a 24 minutes on fingering it's gorgeous yeah i was already looking at some of these what a cool idea to put them on these barber cords eh yeah you just get a really good idea oh i could use this oh yeah you can as my heels you know what i love is that she has some solids in here or tonals yeah they're well this is like it's not just like super small releases there's definitely some more tonal colors this gorgeous one wow i know this one right there yeah i know i love that so yeah so thank you nancy this is a great club if you guys want to see how this is knitting up nancy is doing um the adventure break adventurous adventure brioche you know adventure rap by um jonathan jonathan's jonathan we showed that yeah we totally did i think on the last podcast actually i'll be casting mine on today and then the full scheme which is christmas vacation so this is on the 80 20 as well look at this she does a great job really great she really does she really does um so definitely check out nancy we have a coupon code for nancy that will be down below um in the show notes actually we didn't do that today i'm not gonna backtrack though okay we have a bunch of coupon codes below we have it for trilogy yarn naughty knitting sacks lila styles we have well maybe we'll do them we'll do them before we do our books um and some other but they are down below yeah um knit swag i have to re-look at them because some of them that we've had might have expired and expired so okay yeah that's a good idea maybe we won't mention them but whatever is active will be on there yeah another good advent oh look at that yellow one i know all right that's it for our post okay right so now we just have some acquisitions no i have another owl post or a break in the bank rather nope what do you have guys oh that's right you guys are so freaking generous you are and while he's getting it together i forgot that i wanted to mention this so we got a message from scout house yawns scout house yarns who we've showed his giant box her yarn before and she had mentioned that you guys some people have reached out about a colorway that we showed called yellowstone hot spots here it is um some some people reach out to her inquired about the colorway and she just wanted to let you guys know that it's back in stock so you can definitely head over to scout house yarns on etsy and um oh my god it's beautiful i know gold that like orangey goldy color and that tealy blue i was gonna say which is such a great combination same z's all right i totally totally forgot about this was sent to us a while ago um before christmas before christmas but after our actual podcast correct i this is bonnie um from meadow sweet farms meadow sweet farm there's her um her card she's got her phone number on the back of the card so i'm not gonna show that just because if you're interested you can go check it out i don't know if she's listed on her instagram or not it's a she has a farm she lives on a farm in pennsylvania she's also a college professor she put together a box for us i i i don't even know where to begin what just so one thing out yeah so we each got one of these and in here it's her bag and with a pen and then here's her pen and then the bag says i create beautiful handmade textiles inspired by the ancient makes of our past makers makers of our past and the beauty found in all things kissed by the sun what freaking adorable so this we've got some hand spun i i just can't even i don't even know what i don't even know what to say i mean it is gorgeous i know look look look at all this stuff and it has a little um satchel oh lavender can you smell cute no no so that was cute that way does it smell like lavender yeah it does okay i think it's lavender yeah it smells like lavender i just got this yeah it's totally like absolutely not now i just want to like relax nothing happened and take a bath nothing happened um she sent some pot holders i want the thing to make these again i have this as a kid remember and these are those strings and you have the loops that you just pull through i never did that these are so fun they're so fun yeah she also has bees she sent some beeswax candles candles what how amazing i know um pure beeswax candles with the lovely fragrance burns longer and gives off more light than other wax candles oh wow yeah the place that i work at we have beehives too so i get some i get to buy some honey from there and this i love you i can't even men who knit and the dogs who love them cute 30 great looking designs for a man and his best friend maybe there's a sweater in there for turquoin he needs another one oh my god look at the matching socks oh my tarquin would never no he would never but we should try it that would be freaking adorable look how stinking cute we should try it i i would love to see what he would superwash mutt looks oh i'm probably showing these patterns i apologize cute they're very very cute i'm just gonna oh a little muscle shirt for the dog so cute i so thank you so much please check her out um that's bonnie again over at meadow suite farm there's her information we'll also have this link down below with a uh a link she had a beautiful little message um yeah so thank you very much we bonnie macy and nancy and anybody and everybody forgetting and veronica because i can't believe that one i know um and now we're moving on to acquisitions acquisitions so let's start with the one that we just got breaking the bank breaking the bank y'all so our friend jeff on our thursday night knit night is an enabler oh huge and he had mentioned that he got this item and we just mentioned it he showed it yeah and we actually held off for a little while a couple maybe a couple weeks and then we just bit the bullet and bought these so these are needle cases by della q they are canvas cases mine is olive mine is blue and i've wanted a needle case same like one that holds more like i love i actually really like the chow good one i don't think it's an awful case no me neither but we have so many chow go needles that we were running out of room in there so i really wanted something to store though or we did so this case now this is not this is an investment they were 75 apiece which but i think it's way way worth it i've looked at other cases yeah seen on other podcast channels sure they range like those roll ones yeah range from like 140 to 200 dollars somewhere in that price range so that was not something that was happening so compared to those i thought that these were great yeah you just i mean you know it's not like a 20 right bag but once you see everything that it comes with so first on the back you have a zipper pouch and i love that it's already getting that like patina right um i actually have um i don't have anything on my i do i have some extra cords the large cords because we don't it's very rare that we use the like larger needles i have a um and then i have a needle gauge do you know what's very funny is that the us-8 is considered a large and that used to be the needle that i knit with the most when i first started because i only knit worsted weight hats or um i think i was knitting like worsted weight mitered squares so i don't know the last time i used the usb then you have your first pouch or your first zipper interior which has a nice little clear pocket here that you could probably put a pattern in yeah and then two zipper pouches on this side right and um and this little snap comes undone yeah so you can unsnap it and open it and like fully open it up yeah we were kind of twinsies on this part yeah so then on the second set opens up this is the entire chow goo um set these are those the four inch tips so it's the small all the way up to the why do you have a do you have an extra one than me look because i don't have anything in this spot i put my um oh you have a i have my fixer there okay no this one here oh you know why because with the small ones i put them in separate oh i didn't i did them all in the same yeah no i put so some of them i put like in individual ones and then these two i put together gotcha and then it also comes with these nice like vinyl plastic pouches oh my gosh so i there's so many of them my t-pins and my stoppers in here darning needles yeah these are my cords to make 16-inch circulars these are my 20-inch cords and then my 40 i also have a magic loop and then my large ones i have a couple of nine inch circulars and then some extra four inch tips i put mine in the back so on the back you also have these little pockets so i put my stitch markers and all the other chow goo accoutrement in there oh that's smart yep i did a crochet hook and um i have cable needles here i have a darning needle up here a larger one and then these are my five inch tips um here and this is an extra four inch tip i mean whatever yeah but the cool thing is what i'm going to do is because there's still a lot of there's still a lot of these plastic yeah there's a ton of like there's a lot i would say at least what maybe 20. so i'm going to put some of my fixed or our fixed circular needles in here like ours our sock knitting ones yeah we could do that too or 16-inch um circulars for like hats and things yeah so i think i cannot believe how much fits in here fits in here so if you are in the market for a needle case you were looking for one yeah i think this is just a beautiful me too case it's incredibly well made yeah and it's all it's a woman-owned company it is 100 all women-owned company um which i think is great so it's part of the lotus collection so here's if we'll link it down below of course but here's the information i'm not gonna i can't take that out right now but we um dela cue portfolio um part of the lotus collection there and we bought it from jimmy beam wool yeah so what i was excited for after doing this is it allowed me to combine my addi needles and i don't like the daddy cases so i reused my chow goo case for my addi needles and i had a set of five inch and four inch tips so now they are in here i put my five inch tips in the spot and then i moved the four inch tips like to the right or left of them so now i combined both sides of my addies into this chowberry one and which actually can fit inside of this too so if you ever wanted to like okay bring the whole thing you probably just put it in the zipper one of the different parts so this was um it is an investment but yeah i think it's a good one me too i enjoy it same i'm very very happy with this very very happy so next i think this is our last one right no oh what do you have i have a lot of things that we purchased yeah i have another advent oh that's gonna show that first yeah why don't you do that okay so um this advent i did not do anything as fancy as kevin did but this advent is a was the combination yarn cafe creations and dragon hoard yarn they do every year i guess this is my first year doing it they do a um like a year at hogwarts and so this was year four five wasn't it four this was year four what movies is based on this is um the phoenix no this was yeah order of the phoenix so that's five no yeah yeah all right well whatever this is what i got there's some beautiful colors these are absolutely gorgeous and i am going to use this set for like look at this i know that there's this well i like this one right here that's why i put it in the front like that um and what's cool is it's a combination of yarn cafe creations and dragon horde yarn so they're you know i love that that they're two yeah mother daughter yeah isn't that so cute i love it yeah it's got to be really helpful for them like to be splitting the work of a yeah and we met them yeah we met them we met them at ryan back as well yeah on the second day of run back yeah um and they're both on their 85 15 base they each have an 85 15. nice and here is the 100 gram skate that's a beautiful screen isn't it gorgeous yeah that's a really nice yellow yeah so what i'm going to do is i'm going to leave everything in the box okay here and i'm just going to um start i have to scan um wind them up i'm going to wind them up and then i'm going to use this for my adventurous shawl nice wrap okay and then this is our last one right one last purchase so well no this is well two two more two so you do this one okay this is the last installment of the mysterious forest club from la garcon max and vincent did an amazing job they are so creative why can't we be as creative like we should do something nice so uh it's so good it's so good so good here it is oh you all have got they must have come out we've had this we've been sitting on this for a while this is um the mysterious deer is what it's called so this is the last one it's on there's the sparkle base look at how this is i know the sparkle is good and they don't even which sparkle is this is this this is silver right this is this because we have gold and copper and now this should be silver gold's selena no gold all right okay gold selena so this is 75 superwash merino 20 nylon and 5 gold stelina 437 yards 100 gram skein this is the merino sock mini in emma's stone it's 80 superwash merino 20 nylon it's a 20 gram skein it's beautiful it is um and it comes with a wonderful sticker and a beautiful pin and then you have your um progress keeper stitch marker yeah so we have three of these now um did we say in the last one remember we were trying to guess if it was going to be an a deer tail or i'm assuming the only things we thought of was a deer tail or an antler maybe so here is all three of them together and this is like a combo of these two and this is where i'm getting this i know i'm so confused i'm on the struggle bus with what to do with them me too so me too i want them all as socks but i also want to use them all in a in one project even the minis like look at all six colors together and not that it's you can tell right but i asked ray would we wear a straw typically that has sparkle in it and i don't know that i personally would so that's where i'm kind of struggling with what to do me too look at this one so these are all three of them um such a club is now complete yeah and i i cannot tell you this is the second time that we've done a club of theirs they did the uh what's it called beautiful people people beautiful creatures no what's beautiful creatures it's that awful movie awful movie the books were both so great oh yeah yeah no don't i can't remember what they did with laura oh crap it's a book golden compass is a second thing no golden compass is the is the movie but the tv show i just read the freaking books didn't i no oh no that was a different one this is oh that was a different one whatever it's at the tip of my tongue anyway there those that club was was beautiful as well and it had their creatures too it's over there hold on i don't know anyway we are as you'll see in the next his dark materials his dark materials thank you oh that was real oh that hurt oh i need a break after that that's ever happened to you when you're trying to figure something out and then finally you do and you're like oh it was exhausting yeah all that brain power okay so beautiful creatures no no his dark material yes that's not what this is though this is the mysterious forest club anyway our point is they do a fantastic job so if you join their get on their mailing list because yeah if you get a chance to to join one of their clubs i keep saying to ray i would like to i don't think i've made did i say i haven't made a yarn purchase from them of dealt like vincent's yarn where i've used it in a project i haven't either and i really i really really want to do that i know i have to yeah like his normal his regular regularly scheduled yeah i think initially i looked for um which i'm actually kind of happy maybe i didn't get it for the sholography i went to his and i couldn't find the color combo i was just looking for sure but i'm kind of happy that i didn't because i don't know that i'm going to wear shawlography all you know i actually might because i'm not going to be ready for it right away but i was because i want to knit up max's single malt at some point and i think maybe getting a kit from him or the yarn from there would be really nice all right but that's later on in life yes so we have one last combo purchase and this is really funny because i made this during the last part during the last podcast yeah and i didn't consult ray i didn't know well we knew that we were gonna look at it look at it we weren't sure if i was going to purchase it so we purchased that was a complete surprise for me though well yeah i i i think it was this this was all a surprise to me because i didn't have time to process anything um max and vincent had a shop update whatever day our last podcast was and they had a limited edition hide and hammer rolled up waiting for us to show right so ray and i said let's look and we would like decide that day if we would purchase them but i didn't have time because we were podcasting so we purchased them and it was an investment and i'm happy i made it it was an investment so these are their bags we got one with the black handle one with the brown so rae took the brown i took the black well this is yellow well yeah yeah it's considered yellow it's called yellow um it is the hide and hammer number three so it's a huge like deep bag that you can roll up yes it comes so much room it comfortably fits a sweater but look oh my god there's pockets in here kevin did you know that yeah so let's just talk about the knitting the knitting needles the light bulb stitch markers the cup of tea with the like mountain peak kind of design though they're not pockets each of um you have max and vince's so this is for the fox sake sweater and that's is this on is this it's vincent yeah but is it on um a design like a sweater like this is the fox sake sweater kind of what is the fox huh so a lot of right so a lot of their um no they designed those pins i know that but this is the motif of the for fox sake sweater so is this on no a sweater or a bearable hat maybe no i don't know but yeah really i mean you know what you're trying to do that's fine so and then you have your designed by dell's yarn here it's just really really well-made oh yeah die by dell's anyway gosh gosh we love him i know thank you so now i'm gonna put a project in here no that's for like your needles and scissors and stuff down there i don't know in a pocket yeah and there is a pocket it's way down deep though so i think yeah because maybe yeah it's it's what is this material crush it's not canvas it's almost like a soft luxurious fiber so when i purchase that i also purchased this so if you guys didn't know in my youth i did do some cross stitch somewhere in my youth so i bought this um this is a collaboration from max and fill the art by phil relax which it's probably said in french so i'm not going to attempt it because i haven't practiced i tried french i tried french in the line you did um but it has these are the um mysterious the mysterious force um so you have your designs here sticker with all of them together the mysterious forest is there i thought so maybe i didn't maybe i dropped it when i was trying to bring it upstairs so it comes with the um just gonna do that the instructions it is not cross stitch because i believe max said you're only doing like one stitch so come that's french you were just trying to read that probably you were looking like you were actually reading it probably were you reading it look i do have covet brain too still no i couldn't read this it's french that's what i just said well down here is english oh okay but i did try to read the french side yeah i know i thought so you looked very astute like you were processing it too maybe you do know french subconsciously i did take one year of french well then you're you're good right golden so it comes with this the can't printed canvas it comes with a needle which is here and then it comes did you find out what this is what do you mean it's embroidery embroidery and then it comes with the floss so it comes with the five colors that you need um so i will do this one day i don't know i think i need a hoop but that's i don't know if i need a hoop for this it's actually a little bit with the canvas that i've used in the past this is a little bit different so i may not i need something i don't know if i need a hoop so maybe i do what do we what do we know so yeah i purchased this as well and then it came with all the thread and stuff yeah so it's all on this nice little sleeve and then with the purchase um the fellas over at la garcon are really nice and they included some extra um stitchers stickers the little leg arson what would we be as stickers do you think max could design stickers for us like what would what would our animals be well now mine i guess with my obsession but they wouldn't be as cute would they be as cute as these they would then here's their um this is their sticker with their collab with lobby anime for their um thing and then some died by dell minis oh my god yeah you can use those i could use these for my heels toes and cuffs totally turquoin just jumped off he did so that someone watched now i know thank you max wants to watch the sound of music um so that's that oh look we got through it all all right now we just have what we've been reading and watching so this there's we're probably missing a a bunch do you want to come up and say hello to the folk come here bud come on bud oh who's yawning yeah that was a big yawn bet you're hungry though huh yeah bucks okay hi what are you doing hi what are you sniffing all right so let's let's carry um all right so what have we been reading and watching i'm gonna go i'm gonna start with reading okay well you have a lot of things i do so i've read quite a bit i think i don't know what i read last you look like a ragamuffin never stay gone i don't know if i was i think i finished that last time yeah i did all right so since the last episode i've read tic tac mistletoe by n.r walker that one was a cute book it was one of my um mailman novellas the main character flies in from australia to the west coast and supposed to like go see a sister because she has lived here for like four years now so i think he flew into the california and i could be getting this all wrong but was driving to montana and got hit by a snowstorm and slid off the road into a snow bank in front of the sexy man's house who came out to save him of course he did and um they played tic-tac-toe and what's really fun about this is because he's from australia i believe the writer is too i think she said she is she uses a lot of their um vocabulary right vernacular vernacular and it's really fun to read and one thing i've learned and i don't know if this was in this book or the next one is that i guess it in australia they like to shorten their words yeah so there were a bunch listed and i just think it's really cute the next book i loved it's called throwing hearts it's again by n.r walker this takes place in australia um a male male romance novella and one of the main characters it kind of has it has two main but then like two really good secondary characters um hi baby i know i got my hairs cut you can get your hair's cut two weeks um so in it one of the main characters he works or he volunteers at a community center that caters to older people in the lgbtq plus community um and it's to help them like feel like they're still part of the community that in like get them out into the world so it's like i would say like i don't remember maybe he was in his late 70s or something like that so like those two have been going out on their like little adventures for a couple of years and they go to a pottery store or shop where they meet the second character and it's just i don't know it was just so well written and i love the characters all of them together and then after that one of my things this year is i want to try to finish things that i hadn't previously finished that's why i did that dishcloth okay so i have a bunch of book series that i haven't finished that i've kind of started so i picked up reading the iron druinip druid chronicles by kevin hearn i'm sorry i finished books one through four last year and there's nine books in the series must have missed a day so i have finished the book tricked with his book that's book four actually and i'm currently reading book five which is trapped and this is um in the book his name's atticus he's the last living druid yeah and there's a lot of fun references to like shows and movies that we're used to and a lot of different gods from all like native american um norn norse greek mythology roman mythology so it's just it's it's really really fun um and he's funny his dog oberon is hilarious and now he's taken on another druid so um between the last two books there's a 12 year gap so that's been oh really that's interesting really really interesting so i enjoy it and that's what i've read in the last month you read a lot no i read short books my books don't typically go above like three to four hundred pages so i was just gonna look what you were reading last time yeah because [Music] if i'm not mistaken you were still reading i don't think i was now that i'm looking at it you were reading norah roberts no i think i finished it but let me see if not i'll talk about it oh no i didn't finish um in the last episode i had a beard too for those of you who didn't watch the lives i did shave because of kovac because of cobain and plus you know i wanted my youthful figure back this just keeps falling but i'm not gonna adjust that anymore all right i'm gonna go up just a tad as you're not gonna adjust it anymore just a little bit i finished nora roberts the becoming uh i love it i i can't gush about it more i cannot wait for the next one to come out but i do feel like i've talked about this before well you've talked about them you were reading it yeah no it ended very very well there's um there was some closure but then there's still a lot of stuff opened i love the secondary like romance that there's like that second storyline romance you know usually you have like them and it's nora roberts so you have the the main characters like in this romance but now you have her best friend also in his own little romance which is really fun um i thought it was excellent i really did there was a lot of magic in this one more so i think than the other two the other one um i cannot wait for the third one i have no idea when it's coming out i would assume next year because they were released what you're we're in 2022 yeah so the first one was 2020 and then this one was 20 21 so i would think 2022. so um i think though before the third one if you all can please remind me to read the first and second ones again because i think that they would be really good to read again and then start the third one i think they're easy to pick up the end the if they do it the same as they did the second one it'll pick right up where this one left off that's how that previous series was right no yeah yeah no there were no there was a gap there was a jump 20-year gap or something like that so that was um an excellent excellent read highly recommend that series i'm sorry what was the name of it the becoming nora roberts that becoming i think the first one was called the awakening yeah it was um and it's it's really really good i think this is going to be called the dragonblood series or dragon song series something like that by nora and i started i started reading the third book of the discovery of witches series which we get to watch today which we get to watch today episode one comes out today this is um the book of life and it is i mean they're three books they're all delicious this one is really really cool there's some sad parts in this this is more of a grown-up version um if that could even be possible it's a lot more heartache and there's one thing in this book that i just don't like the way i mean that the world that world turned out yeah i think it just it got you ready to hate um the bad guys even more and so that it makes the end of the book that much more satisfying i think no i i actually does what she does there's some stuff at the end of the book that i just dislike i know that too and i but maybe we're reading it wrong we'll see how they maybe we'll see how it goes oh yeah that'll be interesting how this is yeah because maybe we're reading it i don't want to give it away if you guys haven't read it yet but we've talked about this for years and years this is like my fourth time reading this book um it's great and i i'm debating on what i want to do next if i want to read marcus's i have a book times convert i had i read that twice before this will be my third time reading it oh i didn't realize you read it twice yeah no i read it twice it was better the second time around i i felt a little disconnected from that book i'm wondering if i'll feel a little bit more connected to it i was disconnected from it because they had the main carrot they had diana and matthew and the kids um but it didn't feel like it's not their book no it's marcus you know it's marcus's book and i kind of felt like i was cheating on them a little bit and i thought oh my gosh no i love marcus i thought it was i love marcus too yeah it actually tied into the first book quite well it yeah it does the first book it tied into it it clarified some stuff that was like said in that book so i thought it did a really good job i also have to get my ass in gear and start listening to some books i have like 12 credits on amazon that i'm gonna get together i think i'm gonna cancel mine too but like i don't know because we i knit the bulk of my knitting happens while we're watching tv on the couch it's not like i sit there and i don't have afternoons like free or a day off where i can just sit there and listen to a book and knit um i was listening to books when i was walking the dog in like the warmer weather but no it's been a while it's i think even like late summer yeah you weren't doing that so we were taking a lot of walks together all all three of them because of covet yeah that's probably that's true so i don't you know i know a lot of you listen to your books while you're knitting um and stuff we watch like the show like we watch shows together and do things together and we ne i think the bulk of my knitting happens while we're watching tv yeah oh speaking of tv what did we watch right a lot we did so we watched we watched hawkeye we finished yes we finished hawkeye that was so good it was so good we talked a lot about that i think all we had left to watch was the finale i don't know but one of the characters in it love her i mean i love all the characters but too i always want to call her but it's really she's nice i know but i love um i love her too yeah um it was i thought it was excellent yeah it was i thought it was so good i love such a good job yeah and i love that he's like a family man and like i don't know if i told you this so i had read an article it was in avengers age of ultron yeah his interaction with wanda that made them realize that he could carry a movie or a tv show himself oh when they're down in the when they're down there and he's like like opening up no wait remember when the two of them are getting attacked by all the little ultrons and he's pretty much like now's the time if you want to like you could stay here and that's cool or you can go out and fight yeah and so it was like that moment in the interaction with them that made the head of marvel's d universe realize that well that's good i'm glad that they did because i think he did an excellent job he was absolutely carried the movie it was great the show the show then we feel like movies though they do they do a great job yeah with all of them um and they tied in the netflix marvel tv shows too with what's his face kingpin oh yeah that was really good yeah so that was cool that they now tied those two universes same character same actor and everything that was really neat um and then we watched real of time we did watch wheel of two which we just a lot of you had recommended us to watch that and start reading the series there's like a million books in this series though so i can't somewhere between 11 to 15 something like that but we watched um we watched it it was it was so good so good i love that there was magic in it because like game of thrones i thought that there was going to be magic and there really wasn't no even lord of the rings you would think that there's magic and there really isn't there's a lot of limitations to this to this magic though especially like with gender yeah that played a role i thought that was very interesting it is yeah i thought it was very interesting um we've watched a couple episodes of foundation so we're almost done watching that that may be something we pick up over the week i didn't realize we only did like two episodes of that yeah before we picked it back up again and i think we've done two more in every episode i'm still confused same so but it's entertaining it is it's really good it's visually it's stunning totally um and then um i think we just did like we ended up oh i watched for the first time for the first time ever that show that movie it's a wonderful it's a wonderful life i had never seen it before and um kevin was very surprised because we were sitting there and it was just like man we went through like i feel like i haven't watched much um many christmas movies we didn't really watch a lot of stuff or like do much to get into the spirit besides like decorating just like took it out of totally like it just put us you weren't sick that was before you were no it was when i was sick that was watched yeah we watched it was like on christmas eve or something yeah we watched a lot around that yeah we did so so we watched that i thought it was good i thought it was very very good um i don't and it was funny because it wasn't until the end i think i was like i thought this was a christmas movie and then it all made sense yeah so um and then we did our typical like christmas movies on our hallmark ones and then i watched a great documentary on apple tv plus called the year earth changed it is a documentary about the wildlife and how not having humans out in the world affected their world and it's just so eye-opening like beautiful but then it's so sad too to see how much of an impact we have a negative impact we have on all the other creatures of this world like it's and you hope that we make some changes just like humanity does to allow these creatures to live a little bit of a better life because it's it was just really eye-opening but so beautifully shot and and done um so if you have apple tv plus i definitely recommend that it's the year earth changed so good and what else did we watch another oh i watched a movie called love hard just the other day on netflix it's like a you know netflix hallmark movie christmas time it was cute it was the main character gets catfished oh so she like falls in love not falls on that but she's like fuzzing lust no she just creates a a relationship online relationship with a guy flies out to see him and meet him without him knowing and surprised it's a catfish um so it's just like how they navigate that so it was it was cute um i feel like was there anything else i mean we watched some just random like marvel movies and different things i think christmas day we watched a lot of um marvel marvel or superhero you type of yeah i've been watching some podcasts i actually watched um because i've been working from home so i need stuff on in the background for i just need it so i'll watch like movies um or podcasts so i was watching some uh cabin boy knits oh yeah so i watched a couple of their i think they're like last three episodes i've watched he and one of them he showed a hooded like a hooded cow type of thing yeah um i put i saved i think it's called alistar okay um that i want to look at and possibly i've seen a few versions of that which i think that would be really cool to knit yeah um i we are friends with carrie from creative obsession so it's been really fun i've watched some of her older episodes so i watched like episode 30 something the other day and then i watched episode two yesterday and it was cool because in episode two she's not the creative obsession so it was funny to go back that far and see the evolution of the channel yeah um and i think that's about it that's a lot it's enough i didn't i don't write it all down this is what i remember there's probably way more that i've watched sure um and i like to rewatch a lot of stuff so i rewatch things that we've seen um just to have background noise almost like we watched beastmaster on thursday night while we're on i love beastmaster and i always forget i think it's actually called the beastmaster um but that's an 80s movie with i don't even remember his name and tanya roberts and i watch that all the time as a kid with my dad what are the ferrets called it's like pono konom pono i think all right listen oops sorry i kicked the thing so that's pretty much it it's been a two and a half 15 minutes two hours and 15 minutes but that's a month's worth of knitting watching and gift buying and shopping and all that so if you are still around thank you very much if you have any um you know comments like subscribe all that fun stuff and um we have coupon codes below our discord server informations below and then i know because we'll we'll be back on our routine and they'll flow more smoothly it's only we only missed one i know but it's hot yes but it feels like forever i know it does even though we've done two lives like we've sat down with you all right but this is the first time we're talking about like knitting and yeah all the stuff that we typically do so thank you guys for sticking around i yeah it's always a good time so we hope that this year is um prosperous and prosperous and now i'm gonna go cook lunch yum so thank you everybody and we will catch you guys in a fortnight see you in a fortnight bye y'all bye
Channel: Needles at the Ready Podcast
Views: 24,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FFZRsm6v9bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 3sec (8163 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 08 2022
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