Espace Tricot Knitting Podcast 43

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[Music] hello hi we're back we are back it's so much fun to be sitting here gearing up to film our latest podcast I I know these pink chairs have just been sitting empty where have they been well actually they have you haven't been sitting in the store and having lots of people sit and knit and wait for their yarn to get wound yeah and the other one's been just like covered in about a dozen whips in the office yeah it was hard to even tell it was a chair become a laundry chair that's it it's a laundry chair but you know you don't have laundry chairs and knitting stores you have whip chairs yeah do any of you have whip chairs at home let us know in the comments tell us about your lip chairs I have a whip bin next to my bed oh that's old needs everyone hasn't been I didn't realize well I guess wherever you find it uh oh I'm Stephanie I'm Naomi welcome to the asbestrico podcast back after a long summer break and ready to rumble you can tell we're a little rusty because that intro is a bit all over the place but let's go with it I liked it but now you're back in the swing of things back in time and back to podcasting back to podcasting and back to dying yes big Segways into the launch of our new yarn line Bon Trico which means Steph tell us what that means and tell us where the name comes from uh it means happy knitting and it comes from what we wish all our customers as they're leaving this store we or in our online orders too if you've ordered from Us online you may have seen scribbled across the bottom of your order Farm you know thank you for your order beautiful choices and it really means happy knitting and we use that as a jumping off point for the entire yarn line yeah just getting back to the basic question like why why do I do this it makes us happy it makes us super happy and we knew we were on the right track we were talking about naming it and I was talking about like the the somatic element of knitting like the thunk of the needles against each other so when you've got the right needle with the right yarn and it just flows and I was getting all kind of emotional about it and I was like what about you and you talked about your grandmother and this connection back to your history and back to where you're from and you were almost crying we're like well this is definitely what we should okay we're into something this is making us feel something we just we just dug really deep into it away from the admin of the day-to-day running of the store which also makes us happy and makes for an incredibly fulfilling job as we've talked about but often sort of gets a little bit distracted from why we even ended up here in the first place which is just because it's simple as this we just love knitting and we love color and we love yarn and texture and sheepiness and all of that good stuff um so yeah we are introducing we did it we did launch the yarn a few weeks ago yeah but this is sort of in a way it's official coming out party absolutely if you subscribe to our newsletter and if you are with us on Instagram you'll have seen a lot about it but this feels really like an exciting turning point in or or exciting factor of the launch process because we get to talk about it and show you it and just in motion show how enthusiastic we are about it and I hope that conveys something really special to you too that you'd like to try this yarn yeah we're going to show you lots of things you can do with it and there'll be lots more coming up we're not going to let this one go it's this if we're on top of this one we have three bases that we'll introduce to you today if I could knit with three Yarns for the rest of my life these could be the three I hope not genuinely um so let's uh let's get in let's get into this all right so I want to start with the Bonnie DK so each of the bases is named after a feeling of Happiness that's how we kind of came up with our basing so Bonnie is very much like a Scottish word that means good and wonderful um in which this yarn totally is and this was really like my my wish list of like I love knitting with DK I love silk I love Merino I even like alpaca especially when Blended I just wanted Lux Lux Luck sucks looks and it is just so incredibly soft so um it's a single ply which I also love and these are a few of the colors we have a honey mustard Robin said blue conquered gray and pink garnet and if you recognize some of these colorway names some of them it might be from our linen um our pochettes and our compost shots we did look to those colors as a starting place and then we sort of evolved it from there and I'm wearing one of my own designs in the Bonnie DK this is the serenola sweater it's named for kind of olive because I think my little colored band looks like olives and this is very much like a sort of transitional season sweater a little crop a little bracelet length sleeve it's it still is really cozy though as a sweater yawn with the alpaca content and with the thicker thickness thicker weight of a DK it is it'll take you all through the winter it very much a really cozy layer through the winter and I think it is unfortunately still disappointingly hot outside yeah it is um so this is probably like the very limit with the AC that you can so you can wear yeah but I'm just really looking forward to this yarn for really cozy proper cuddle by the fire with a book all afternoon type sweaters well and definitely when I was designing this I was looking to some designers I really like like boho chic fiber company Who does these beautiful crops with sweet details and it's all about wearing it over the dress yeah and so I'm wearing it over a long dress today and I figure I'll be wearing it that way well into the winter um one of the things that I think is really interesting about this particular base is the alpaca because it's adding guard hairs to it so it has a bit of a Halo to it which I really like because you can strand it with mohair to put like punch that part up but you don't have to you still get that nice uh sort of Halo to it and then you have this is the Glee Shoal again I went to a happy wood and and this is just what this makes me feel it kind of has like a playful circus like good kind of clown Vibe going without Palms yeah it is it's just got joy in it like it's bouncy and it feels fun it's not taking itself too seriously and it's a very different fabric from the sarinola we wanted to Swatch all of these Yarns and see how versatile they could be this is a 16 Stitch gauge in garter and uh it's it's light I mean it has a heft to it from the pom-poms if you are looking for a bit more lightness in your shawl maybe don't add about half a pound of tiny round wool to three corners of it but I just love the the way it changes the dimensions in the drape of the shawl Itself by adding that little bit of weight so it's really interesting so because I find it's like the pom-poms balance it and give it this sort of it sits right with them yeah it really will just sort of stay put because you've got effectively these weights on it and they're they're really fun it actually looks great with what you're wearing too yeah I mean you don't have a palette so I went back to the structure of the Manti shawl that I did in the espresso Crossroads collection a couple years ago one of quite a few of us released a collection of patterns together for some real Classics that are great to revisit I'll link them all in the comments below because I realized going back to this one wow that was a real it was a chance of these sweet little patterns that are all now available individually um so yeah I just love playing with asymmetric Shoal shapes I'm not a huge fan of the perfect triangle so I like ones that are wider than they are deep basically officials yeah me too um so that's what's going on here and this is the colors um sand castle and summer Peach stripe together in just two rows each of garter and I love the idea of just going for a real contrast pop on the corner there yeah it's beautiful what strikes me is that if you were looking to make it to go with a winter coat or you know you could do you can keep it neutral here and then you can add something here that's going to pick up the colors in your accessories or in your code or something like that yeah so that's two of the three patterns in the DK so far there will be more including with Mohan yes I'm excited about that um well and this next one is with mohair and you've got all the little samples next to you we'll have a parade of Styrofoam heads I can hold these too we just couldn't stop making them they're so much fun uh so this is called the Great 88 hat it's named for the 88 stitches that you cast on and this was actually this one originally came to us Natalie showed up one day and she had made this with this incredible sequined yarn that she'd found and we're like oh my God can we please have that as a pattern we have given her a scheme to play with of the testes right yeah so it was she she put it in in the uh the Robinson robin's egg blue color of the Bonnie DK and uh I think the matching over here was it the matching Mohawk oh yeah because we gave her one of each oh that's right right we know uh so she made this one and then I was like okay please write it up for us and then I immediately set to work um on getting another sample in fact Natalie knit this one for us as well this is the Oxford blue and then Hannah knit this one for us and this has two contrasts and it has that same dark olive that's in Naomi shawl with a lichen colored mohair to half the size he will show you more about the moja later as we go through but I just want to show the two-tone difference this is super subtle what it does well then we used a gold thread uh of the sequin yarn which is called Cosmos by King Cole to really make this into this sort of old gold Royal gold feeling thing to it but basically we feel like you feel like do almost anything but we do have kits for these three colors I believe right now in stock and we can always make more yeah check in and really handy feature on our site that may be new since we last podcasted it's the notify me button so if anything looks out of stock you can click on it click on notify me you'll get an email when it's back and we see those we see who's waiting for whatever so if you notif click notify me on a kit and we see it we're like oh let's make a kit for so and so and that really helps us with our stocking decisions especially with when it comes to making kits because we don't want to tie all the yarn up in kits if someone's trying to shop it individually so if you click the notify and I go okay somebody's waiting for a Robin's egg blue great 88 hat and I have the stock then I'm going to throw it together and you're going to get an email in your inbox so yeah those are those are our DK Bonnie DK patterns they're all free on Ravelry as always and you can find them uh find them there and you can find kits on the site I didn't kid up the sweater because I didn't want to tie up all the yarn basically you know I really want people to be able to make their own choices on colors but the other two we do have kids for next up let's talk mohair because of course we needed to have a mohair obviously this is the Bliss moha it is your absolute classic 72 mohair 28 silk uh perfect stranding mohay yarn use it in any pattern that calls for holding with moha that's what it is and it obviously matches with all of our our bases in the DK and the foreplay that we're about to show you but you know just to break things up a little bit we ended up having a sample knit that doesn't strand it it's held on its own it's crazy and I think it's next to you next to you okay it's nice here visible here should I say yes you take these oh that's so funny I was randomly selecting scenes of the shelf and of course I did all the amazing so this is the rib lace uh Raglan is it Ripley's lace rib rib rib lace Raglan by James watts and Hannah knit this for us super I think it's a skin and a half yeah and it's uh on its own not even a little double not even held double so it really makes the most of an impressive yardage in the scheme too and it's just I I don't think the original was made in moha but I'm sure it won't be able to have had this idea it makes this just beautiful sheer fabric that makes for a gorgeous layering piece in fact I think I should try it on change it okay change it up okay okay we can snap so there you go beautiful layering piece over a sleeveless dress a bit better this is a bit of a you know it's it's probably not the size I would have chosen to knit but I loved it I would wear it 100 this is great yeah absolutely I think it's uh it's a broadly sized pattern and so you have a lot of leeway there and choosing whether you want it sort of close and cropped and really fitted Hannah made this in the size that she'd wear for herself size five yeah but uh quite a few of us have tried it to see and admired it Hannah's now making one for herself I think Amelia's made one since in Cotton so yeah and you could just keep going on the sleeves that's what Hannah's doing on her own one she's yeah she's gonna go along and I mean I think some people don't like to wear mohair in the summer I get it I I love to knit with mohair in the summer because I love the transparency and that things can move through it yeah but I think knitting oversized like this would be a really smart way to do it if you're ever like oh you know it's too hot here for me to wear mohair wear it nice and Breezy and it doesn't have that sticky feeling yeah like I feel great in this right now yeah and it's what 27 degrees today in here yeah but yes I might wear this for the next little bit we'll see if I get the urge to change again so there you go that's a really nice sample showing you what you can do with the mohair even on its own and we've got lots more coming holding it double you know us and one of the projects I'm kind of excited about is holding this with the happy four ply which we'll show you next and I have a few different ideas and we've got a few sample ideas so keep an eye out for what we decide to do with that before apply happy full apply yes so when we were choosing our bases it sort of went without saying we love knitting with mohaw we knew we'd love to have a mohair it really even though it was sort of the starting point the first one the first base we knew we really wanted it we knew it would be a compliment to any other bases that we decide to take on in the future and then from there we were sort of like well worlds are always different other options what do we want to go with and um you started looking into you were thinking of like the the your ideal yarn to knit with and started doing some research and found the Bonnie DK yes through that like slightly thicker than fingering weight really luxurious really soft and if I think about what my dream Yarns are not just to knit with but also to dye because I've been so far doing the dye work I really loved discovering uh breed specific Yarns and especially British Yarns through my own dye project that I was doing before I took on the store with staff so um I was looking around a few different meals in the UK and John Urban textiles I've known about for a while many of you may recognize the name or have knit with their Yarns they do produce and dye their own Yarns commercially which are just beautiful but they also provide basis for uh for Dyers your hand Dyers so we looked at their Exmore sock which is a blend of 60 Exmore blue face 20 corydale 10 is what bowls and 10 nylons wow you a plus and so the fascinating thing with this one and why I think it's a really interesting addition to a very small range that we've launched with these three bases is that it's a grayish base it is not uh pure cream or white I guess no wool is pure white but it is not a white base so this provides an absolutely gorgeous Dimension to the same colors that we die across the other ranges and with the nylon in it it also becomes really good for socks which was which we're looking at developing some sock patterns Mona's got one on the way Sasha and Verona and it's Sasha higher is doing one for us as well so that's exciting and then I'm also of course knitting it in sweaters and shawls because you can it's it's a super versatile fingering weight yarn and it's it's got enough tooth to it that it could be great for color work which yeah that's like on my list is I'm going to use it for color work I'm really excited about it I thought just to um illustrate your point about the gray base just to hold up the same colorway on each yarn so this is the Bonnie Decay this is the happy four ply well I didn't pull a mohair in this color that's okay how about yeah grab that how about these ones this is a color brick a really gorgeous red that we both love so you can see a paler almost sort of dark red coral color coming through on the DK and then more of a true brickish red with the yeah gray brown undertone of the but it's also I mean I think it's a testament to your skill that these are so clearly the same colorway even with that different base underneath um you know there's not this sort of sense of like oh those have nothing to do with each other it's really beautiful I'll show you what I'm working on with it over the summer this is a relevant tangent over the summer I was playing around with knitting for Olive pure silk which we haven't even had a chance to talk to you about but was our absolute favorite yarn this summer yarn this summer and I know many of you loved it too uh we still have lots and we're going to keep ordering it I think year round because it really has this great appeal as a wool free or will alternative year-round yarn anyway I made this little t-shirt playing with the stripe pattern from the leveresque cardigan that I released in Corey West did last year and that got me thinking well there's a good first project for the happy fourth place so I took the undyed color the natural gorgeous natural color and we call this color sweatshirt because it has that kind of vibe to it that's a classic sweatshirt color and I paired it with a pretty exciting secondary product associated with this the mini schemes that we've got in this base now we won't be dyeing the mini schemes for regular collections they'll be special for kids exclusive things for options for kits sock kits this sweater so I chose three colors for the contrasting stripes so this is Rosewood and summer Peach and dark olive and so these are quite close to the Libras colors a little more muted a little more reminiscent of the bindings of old books which I really love um those sort of deep leather colors that you get in in Old libraries so I'm Midway through it well beyond Midway is no you're very close it's basically done I'm working hard to get the pattern ready so my vision for this is quite a close fitting not too cropped it's probably recommend about two to six maximum inches positive ease yeah I think for the kind of fit you're talking about even two to four I think two to four is probably where we're going to be with that what I realized with with yolks like this what like any yolk is that I do prefer them to be closer fitting and it's something it's a fit note that we get a lot and see a lot is um this idea that sometimes yolk sweaters have this reputation of of waving the ripple effect and if you think about it it sort of makes sense why that happens it's because there's too much fabric and where does it go it can't it's not stretched it needs to relax it needs to rest and it just naturally ripples so if you have a large amount of positive ease you have a large amount of extra fabric that that ends up gathering in these ripples not to get too sidetracked on the other thing that's interesting and I'm going to take this off on a tangent about sweater fit too which is that um you know the cool thing about top-down circular yolks is another way you can customize the fit if it's something simple like this where it's just a straight pattern or it's a plain knit is you can decide how many stitches are for the sleeve and how much is for the body like if you get to the the Stitch count that's the final the largest Stitch count if you find for example that often things are too tight in the sleeve for you you could decide okay I can lose five stitches off the bust or six stitches off the bust and add three more to the sleeves and just divide it differently and that will also help combat some of that and that some of that fabric that would be sitting here is now over here on your sleeve where you need it oh that all comes down to these differences that people feel between designers that they really like someone says Yokes but not so-and-so probably what you're talking about there is that so and so designer a has a temperature plate that they use or a start a math that they use that works well for the proportions of your body not even bus size just the physionomy the different proportions of our shoulders that we all have to uh you know our upper back and our arms and everywhere regardless of just the one number that is our busted size and designer B may have a completely different template that just doesn't work for you yeah oh yeah I mean our bodies are well different even the same size right it's like just the proportions of shoulders I mean absolutely we're lucky in that we're in an environment where we're constantly able to discuss this with other people who also care about it and know about it and all have different body shapes so we learned so much about it but I know a lot of people don't necessarily have that access to other people who want to talk about the intricate details of a small versus a large shoulder or even just you know we have a library of samples going back try on and that says designs fit me really well but this other persons don't and when you find that yolk sweater that really fits you really well you know go with that one slap another color work chart on it you can start playing or look for more by that same designer right that's called leave right yes yeah the name for that did I even say I'm terrible with telling you the names of these things that I'm knitting every time I was playing with the ideas you leave for guys and then we're thinking about all that happiness and the naming of this these yawns and this line that I thought of a pun and I tried it out on some French speakers and apparently it does work in French as well I called it I love it meaning literally happiness of a book sucks which is like the last Lust For Life joy for Life yeah yeah I love it joy for book life um do you want to grab Mona's sock or do I have it I have it so Mona has this is knitting us this adorable cute little sock here it is and basically it's still a work in progress and it uses a really cool um sort of decorative Stitch that mono calls a wheat Stitch and in she's got another color coming I think oh no yes so this will continue to stripe on and and turn into a beautiful sock and I don't know if you guys know this but Mona is an expert and famous self-designer and has designed she's a cover star yeah she was on the cover of 52 weeks of socks and her one of her designs the embossed leaves sock that was an interweave knits is probably like one of the most knit and favorited patterns on Ravelry we're very lucky and privileged to have her designing a song for us yes we are so that's we won't uh over spoil it because it's still progress and I have one in progress as well no but another I know you ventricle uh work in progress so this is the body Decay held together with the mohair in color meringue just make sure my tkb chords are secure before I okay there we go so my working title for this design is the dovetail because I'm sort of trying to pull some of the stylistic details of the turtle dove the famous turtle dove sweater and translated into a yoke design because that is a Raglan so you can see there's that nice big squishy turtleneck you've exaggerated it even further you could roll it over well that's wanted or it could be like a cowl almost so yeah so trying to give a little bit of choice you know me I love a one by one twisted rib turtleneck and you did the this is the the design detail that for any of you who choose to knit this sweater we hope you do take the time to do this it is Purl through the back loop as well as knit through the back Loop and that means that when it's a completely reversible fabric so you get that Twisted effect when you fold it over it is worth going to that extra little effort yeah if you have any any thought to doing the flip then it's worth doing because then it really looks beautiful so you can see it's pretty early days I think I have one more set of increases to do and before I get to sort of sleeve splitting but it's just incredible to work with I mean it feels like so silky it just creates this heavenly light fabric that'll just be so cozy and I know that's more plain knitting than you usually go for but I do hope you finish it soon so that we can get the pattern out forever yeah it should I mean the nice thing is that it's based on my usual yolk um you know it's not taxing my brain too much yeah it's just about finding the time to sit down and do some nice easy breezy stockinette I need a road trip oh we have one more thing well one thing you've probably been glimpsing as we talk about it through both us having a little refreshment is and also through the labels on the skeins yeah so when we were thinking about credit oh what how what how we wanted to represent this brand because we obviously went for a name not just especially we went we wanted a little sub brand that that was for this yarn we came up with our name and our sort of theory of the brand and what it was all about um we start talking about what are we going to put on our labels what is it how are we going to represent them and I started reading you know like that start from zero thing where I was like I'm gonna read a blog post about product design or label design packaging design and it was like you know 10 things you didn't know and one of them was what if you use your packaging your product as part of your packaging and I was like oh how do you do that with yarn and then I was like well what if what if this was their heads and then and and I went with it I managed to convince Naomi to like give it a shot and we hired this incredible illustrator who's based in Kingston um her name is Holly Gilmore her handle on Instagram will link it is beautiful pancake love she has lots of cool fan art but also her own totally original stuff and she created these four figures for us and the idea is that if you keep the label kind of higher up on the skin that that the yarn becomes their hair growing out of their adorable heads what I like about these is even if I have noticed with people that that does take a little bit of explaining but it's one of those like when you get us like oh that's very brilliant when you see it you see it at the same time I think they are so successful even if even if you don't know that even if nobody told you or even if it's longer like Marge Simpson so sometimes in our labeling sometimes we've tried to match the hair of the Little Critter with the yarn itself um okay see that's not always possible but it's really fun and we try when we're doing kits or are sending an order to try and pick a few different labels more than one collect them all kind of yeah so of course we're like well we can't just have these amazing things only on yarn and they're like okay well we need these four little bonams to also be what more can we do on mugs so these are printed for us in Canada uh in Ontario and uh they're definitely like kind of a special edition I don't know if we'll always have them but we wanted to have them for the launch so you can find those on our website you can pick your favorite you can order for but what a nice way to think to have while you're really cute drinking and drinking your coffee drinking your teeth knitting knitting just telling you to have some happy knitting and wishing the same to the world or around you or you can you can hold them this way around and oh you've got lipstick on I have got lipsticks well the camera loves a lipstick I put yeah yeah you look great yeah it went with a strong lip so there you go that is our bontriko uh sort of yarn launch we are so so so excited about it we're excited to see what you guys make with it we're excited to keep designing with it and then continuing to grow it and we already have more designs and maybe base yeah and on the way so stay tuned what's next Steph well as we sit here in mid-september recording this podcast obviously what's on my mind your mind everybody's mind run back we're so excited to be going to Rhinebeck at the last time we went was three years ago only time I've been and it was with you and that was really where I think it was um it was an amazing trip but obviously with everything that's been going on in the world we have not been back uh but we're very excited to be returning we're taking Mona and Amelia with us exciting my trip I know it's great and so we have we rented our spot and we are so excited to go but of course the question always with Rhinebeck is what are you gonna wear what are you gonna knit um I mean one of the things that not just us many people talk about is it quite a bit warmer in Upstate New York in October than maybe you're expecting so you know really heavy sweater or skirt is maybe Gonna Leave You feeling a little warm yeah but we've got a big trunk we can just have you know pilot all in outfit changes throughout the day I speaking of skirts I think I will make it to bring mine along but I think I will like put it on over something else and not wear it all day sorry I'm shortening mine a little bit I'm even out a little uh I'm leaving out about the two larger panels I'm looking at it at the corner of my eye over there there's a larger panel at the very bottom that I'm leaving out and if you're going from here and oh one and it's there basically okay what's that I'm ending here I've also cut out a few increases so this last section is a little bit different from this one just because I don't have as many stitches but that's easy because you can just cut them off at the size it's honestly this pattern is so much fun to modify and play with and I think uh a lot of the projects that we're seeing in the following skirt is part of the knit along that we've been doing all summer just sort of jugging away in the background a lot of them really are these glorious remakes of exactly that but I think that as this pattern lives and games scene and as more people try it I think we'll start to realize how how personalizable it is when there is there's one Whip or a foe like I said fo in in the Folly scored cow where it is completely different where she's got a very modern geometric thing that she's done instead of doing feral it's much more almost in tarzia looking and it's like big wedges it's fabulous I think I have seen that one it's just completely different but it's using the same math it's just you know as a designer there's nothing that makes you happier than seeing someone take something and just run with it and do something completely unexpected if you want to take any of these shots and put it on your favorite hat pattern or Mitten pattern we'd love to see that yeah and anything in progress will have separate prizes for people and carrying it on probably um a hashtag we'll link it which is uh Folly script Cal and Folly script finished where you can see some of these amazing projects and one of the reasons I'm really hoping you finish is that we're planning to do a meet up on the hill at Rhinebeck for anyone who wants to wear their skirt and come take a group photo so that's the will be hammering out exactly what yeah I'm making that aware if you put it if you do put it on any project at all yeah if you have anything in progress bring it along we'd love to see anything that you started if you have an inch done we can come and wave it in the air in the photo so do you think that means I should start working on my ends I really didn't want to weave the ends maybe that'll be my car project on the way down maybe in the end yeah the skirt kits we didn't build any uh this time with the Corey worst that we didn't put any in because it listen it's an expensive kit there's no joke about that for sure I do think it's totally worth it and if you're looking for one just let us know and we'll build one for you no problem and I know you recently put together some colors for someone to fill out yeah yeah a little bit of a different palette they had some of the original ones and then they wanted to brighten it up a little bit and use more pinks and blues and uh I think we came up with something really nice yeah so just you know feel free to reach out and let us know if you're looking for custom palette for a kit or even just to fill out stuff you already have in your stash notify me and we'll see it yeah received our gorgeous big autumnal restock of Corey Weston so if you're interested in making this or any patterns from the worsted book that Emmy came up with last year that's absolutely beautiful the leave rest cardigan or this other random little project I started without much intention of ever finishing it the Ariana cardigan it's one day it's gonna be very cool one day it will be great um I am I am loving it but I've got to make something like 50 of these adorable little squares so you need a road trip too yeah well it looks like I'm getting one anyway enough about that my Rhinebeck sweater your Rhinebeck sweater guys I finally come up with a project that requires two project bags finally the most of them well I mean they're two separate completely separate Yarns completely different sections of my whip so you're aiming for a Rhinebeck with this sweater yeah okay let me begin so the face of my sweater and of course I'm designing it um you know have to is a knit and Cyrano by Duram Natura this is the cell colorway so just a very plain white going for that very Aaron sweater Vibe so this is going to be the back but you can see I've got this sort of big open um sort of lozenge shape here that has the reverse stockinette and then there's also this section here which I knit and then now I'm thinking I might have to fill this up too so the idea is that I'm going to fill these reverse stockinette sections with farewell so allow me to open my other project bag so this is what I'm working on with um shetland's been drift by Jameson and I know it looks a little bit like a very strangely shaped sock right now but in fact this has three sticks in it um at the moment it will continue to have three stages you're amazing so there's a stick on each side and there's a stick through the middle here because this side is going to be the piece that gets sewn into this lawsuit here and then do you want to yeah hold it in so the front of this will be a cardigan and so if you can imagine sort of something like this with half a so the others this part will be a half lozenge using yeah like half of this thing wow we'll go in here and then you have a button band wow and I'm also going to do something up sleeves with this as well so really is I I was trying to think about it I was out walking the pup a new puppy this weekend thinking like well how much work is this really and I would say it's like knitting a cable sweater and then maybe knitting up a feral cowl and I will definitely film a video when I go to cut it I haven't decided how I'm going to treat my steaks yet whether I'm going to reinforce them or whether I might just go for it this is such good yarn for staking um it so wants to stick to itself that in fact one of the things I'm doing is I'm actually cutting every color every time I change because otherwise they stick together so much on such a small circumference that it becomes a crazy tangle yeah so I'm like tucking my ends away inside and getting them out of the way and honestly sewing it to the work will reinforce it that could serve as the reinforcement exactly so it'll be really fun I will definitely document it because I know um sticks can be terrifying the first couple times you do them I felt the same way uh but like I sent some pictures to Naomi yeah it was just like I was chop chopping everywhere to get my swatch right to get my math right yeah because like he's you were telling me the gauge has to be dead on dead on to get these to fit into each other yeah if anything a little tight on this would be easier to deal with than a little bit loose because it gets bigger than the space it's going into it's going to Ripple more ripple effect we should call this podcast the wrinkle effect uh so yeah that's what I'm working on and I'm so I'm just so obsessed with it and so excited I'm about at the halfway point of this so it's beautiful I love this chart I love the colors you've used and I love seeing you so excited about this because it's a second since you've been really interested I think what I really have come to terms and I think like at least once every three months I say you know I gotta get come to terms with this about myself I really like to push myself I really like to try something I haven't tried before to like even if it's tedious I just so enjoy the process of trying to work something out um it's I think what often happens is something doesn't work out and I get bummed and scared and then I take I step back and I go towards something simpler or I'm like oh you know I shouldn't be trying to design such crazy things because I've had a couple of things that just didn't work out but in that moment that something hasn't worked out and you're just like you gotta give it you do this to myself so I'm so excited I'm knitting this like I mean I cast this on what uh last week Thursday Thursday or I think it was Thursday and today is Monday yeah I'm not worried about it and she came on Friday with the panel done with the cable panel done yeah so I'm not worried about making it to run back with the sweater I'm worried it'll be too it was definitely Thursday because I also got an Impulse cast on idea in my head and started a baccarat sweater oh it's so good and I'm loving it so much and so this is my I hope it's cold at Rhinebeck sweater um I don't know if this will see the light of the day um if it's I think if it's more than about 60 degrees I'll be suffering in this one but we'll see this is um the original yarn choice that Steph did when she re-jigged the pattern um into the baccarat bite sweater um with the camera Rose llama Tweed that's right and I just shook up the power that a little Ben chose a darker main color so I'll include my color choices down below I don't have a Ravelry project page for it yet um but we do have color work kits and um I went off pieced a little bit compared to those so I'll put my color choices down below I have a feeling we're going to want to Kit this color choice I think we could I think it looks good with a dark color because it that helps sort of hold the ground for pastels down um but I'm also thinking that Bonnie DK and kurion would be a gorgeous variation I kind of want to get someone on knitting a sample for that if we need like a fourth for the store I'm in because I've knit this sweater I think three times one of them is in the store in the Llama Tweed I want to keep this for myself I'm eating another one for the store I mean you know I love it but I will have to think of maybe I'll just have to go shopping on our shelves for some lighter weight wearing back sweaters because I don't know how much I'll get done in six weeks yeah I think that's something that um I'm gonna be honest with myself before we've got about it four weeks four weeks yeah is I'm gonna go through my summer knits I guess or my like lighter weight yeah and look at some things that I could bring and feel good about wearing around the festival yeah I was sort of feeling this like I was unpacking my my fall stuff and you know making sure it's all clean and doesn't need repairs and just having this sort of like [Music] the yarn store I'm wearing my knits so much that I'm having that sort of like I need something new I need something fresh like it doesn't feel like that long since I was wearing this I just yeah like if I was still you know my old pre-knitting self I'd be like I feel like going shopping yeah and I just feel like my wardrobe needs a refresh I've been feeling that too and uh I may shop around here but honestly like sometimes I just think I I feel like sometimes I want a sweater quickly and I cast something on and it's not right and I haven't thought about the decision properly and yeah really what I should have done is just put the effort into I I've talked about this before a slower project with more detail in it that I'm more satisfied at the end and then just maybe buy one or two really good quality natural fiber sweaters yeah there's a thing wrong with a storybook sweater if it fulfills your needs that's it I mean my whole thing is I won't I don't want to knit gray sweater so I'll buy a gray sweater and then I will knit crazy colors whereas I'm like I need a very simple top-down ragline I'll cast one on and then I have about four that are at the sleeve split never gets that's what's in the bin next to me and that's right the wick chair that's right well so if you you have the skirt and you have the baccarat sweater neither of which will be the right time particularly practical if if it's warm well you can bring this this is nice and I'm gonna bring my hello from my colors crop yeah that's another really nice choice it's also super cute with like like if you're talking about the style of a sweater layered over the skirts yeah and um like boots and socks and bare legs type well I have my boots I definitely want to bring the boots and my cowboy boots so I need to think about what we'll go with that basically I will I just need to pull together a few like Hobbit approved outfits because that's very much my style right now what was this interesting the general Knitter posted on Instagram that they're making um the the pull clay sweater by um and uh the color palette is absolutely gorgeous and it was captioned um I call this Coastal Hobbit Coastal Hobbit and I'm like we're about as far as in The Coasters you can get almost chill but I feel that you're feeling a coastal habit feeling the coastal habit I was feeling Coastal Grandma but I feel like Coastal Grandma retires when like Ina Garten goes home from the Hamptons Coastal grandma is a summer Vibe oh I saw something on um Twitter too where like Taylor Swift showed up to an award ceremony like all in glitter it's like her Coastal Grandma era is over they were really happy about it I was like I kind of liked it but I feel like moving into autumn I I'm in that you know that tweet that's like am I a boss or am I a moss witch is it that back to school Vibe too that they're in the dark Academia I need like elbow patches on my jacket definitely um I I always get very dark Academia around this time I noticed that I have this amazing band really I have one too I love your bed I love your bag um mine says stuff on it mine says Naomi oh it's so cool uh these bags are the result of quite a bit of like back and forth and work with hide and Hammer and these are to celebrate one year in business together Cheers Cheers uh so it's not actually quite a year yet but it will be in about two weeks uh so this was our our custom fabric that we got done with um with high-end hammer and I remember when we were coming up with it is we actually went around the store and picked out some of our favorite colors from some of our favorite Yarns you know knitting for all of Kama Rose we've always loved the different tones of pink in the logo I think they do play really nicely together but we wanted to add a little bit of contrast and Edge to it and we were just batting ideas around we're not we're not illustrators uh Heiden Hammer have done some gorgeous collaborative bags for the for other companies and but we were sort of thinking more along the lines of traditional fabric patterns versus like a kind of motif style yeah fabric so we designed this pad and got it custom printed or hiding Hammer got it custom printed onto this beautiful waxed but not overly so canvas yeah it's quite soft yeah but it's nice it you can it retains its shape really well and is somewhat water resistant but I'm sure if you plunged it into the sea it would get wet yeah and uh well I mean you can spot clean it and wash it I believe Hayden Hammer says because all of the leather uh accents are removable so if you ever need to give it a bath you can do so um and it really just has that incredible attention to detail and just fine elements there's pockets for your needles there's pockets for your Notions it fits so much too I've got like I've got about it about 600 700 grams of yarn in here plus all of this sweater uh so yeah they're fantastic and it really is kind of a one one-of-a-kind item that we we ordered them to celebrate this one year and when they're gone they're gone that's it and some people have snapped them up already but definitely if this interests you you'll want to get on it as they will go and uh yeah I mean everything down to this pink leather that new and the team suggested which we absolutely love and then we've got our logo stamped on the straps and a cute little surprise when these bags turned up because we've restocked on the other colorways too if you're looking for uh some of the other Styles um including the number eight smaller one but they all came with the logo stamped on them which we weren't even expecting which we love and then they have the hide and Hammer logo on the other side um of this really useful sort of arms go anywhere carrying straps so um so even if you don't go for the custom print if you order from the new stock you'll get a little low espacri code logo on your on your bag super adorable it's minimal it's not in your face it's just a little sort of like memory of where you got it from yeah so we we obviously we love them and I think what's so cool about this is that you know as any of you watching have figured out like we have different Aesthetics but this suits both of us like this is so me yeah and it's so you yeah we love them we love them but we need other bags in our lives as well yes so we've been on a bad kick lately so uh always we have our Magner bags which we've talked about before which are great this is what I have my the color work section of my um epic colors and cables and I call it so these are really large and and have a really large opening they're great for big projects yeah but in terms of like just fun design I love these so this is so much fun we this is we've had these before and again a fun little surprise when we received these the zip color is different this time so these come from Amsterdam where where love it design they're screen printed entirely uh from scratch these Unique Designs and handmade and the last batch we had had orange sips and these ones have pink Zips so it's sort of like a bit of a collector limited edition Vibe yeah a couple of the prints from new device as well this season because this one for sure you know you always want something fresh and so there's the Zipit which obviously is the zip one really sturdy zipper it's uh it's also like a nice like good quality but plastic one so there that if your yarn does get coordinate it's not like metal where it'll get stuck it might snap so that's a really thoughtful aspect that I appreciated there is also a pull it version of them for a drawstring if that's your preference yeah but I would not hesitate to put yarn in this because I know it's not going to really snag that yeah on on this ZIP and the zip does add something with the color right like it's really fabulous the black and we have a black Print um sure okay black and pink I really like this it's just this fun fluorescent like that Flora Morganite colorway from the anime that's what it reminds me of totally it's not it is a a hot pink but it's not like that classic yeah more to it there's more going on that I like with black sometimes I don't like black and pink but I like these I also really like the detail of the orange here yeah with that like it's all pulling it together yeah and then speaking of the orange this is one of my favorite prints this is the orange Hearts I just love the intensity of it is Mary mecco what I'm thinking of a little bit like that kind of intense repetitive block print style like really bright color we love the whole aesthetic it's they're such eye-catching pieces and I do think with project bags often like if they're going to be long-term storage you want them to work with your Decor which is one of the reasons we try to have lots of different Vibes lots of different feel you want to be you want to see them out on your couch and be like oh yeah you know oh that clashes get excited to get back to your knitting you know how much they become part of the process of making and the the joy of coming to your craft making not only like from a practical sense making sure that all of your Yarns are together and you can keep the right needles together for your project and but and keep everything safe and tidy but also just like oh there's like stuff pass a little present to open every time you come back to your projects and well-made project bags you can tell the difference like the pattern matching oh yeah it's incredible like yeah the you can really feel the quality in the Fabrics same with the hiding Hammer like I'm really impressed by the pattern matching yeah little details like that that really make the difference yeah like I would have this out in my living room and it would fit right in like again it really depends on your style but this would work in my place and and almost look like you know like a throw cushion totally this this Shades imagine like if I get out of this there and then I'll just have my project bag on the chair it's a little yeah who can complain and then it's full of yarn it's really comfy uh so we do have a few other new things but I think we can kind of do like a yeah let's just new store samples that we've had around for a little while well this one's actually yeah pretty fresh so um you probably remember when I cast this on I definitely featured it in a previous podcast it's the GG cardigan by knit tattooed which is fun to say and this is in normal Madara so it's a silk blend so if that's kind of what's giving a little bit of the nubblies in here Little Tweety Vibes so the original pattern does not call for more than one color it's just one color but I thought it'd be fun to add in tarzia to this so I could use both the colors that spoke to me in this Madara which is this intense red and which is called oh no let's make sure we note that down below this one's definitely called Sakura which means that cherry blossom uh so I used the red all along the collar in intarsia and then came down and added it at my cuffs as well and the buttons I chose are actually vintage found them at Reinbeck those those years ago when we went so I finally found so I don't know if they're the perfect color match but I kind of don't care because they're you're always amazing these two bright tones of the pink and the red so getting the orange in there works yeah and honestly like this pulls together at the end in this way far better than I was expecting it when I saw the really bright schemes next to each other but it was it was a bit of a slug only because of the stockinette yeah I love the color purple but I don't like except once the challenge was incorporating the entires yeah which was fun and different and then eventually I was like okay nailed it yeah oh I still have like 12 inches in it but I really am glad that I finally got it done because I think I'll wear it a lot especially like open more as a jacket which is more my style really than a part of the style with the show Cardigans yeah loose and drapey yeah kind of homicide got a deconstructed Blazer yeah to it and you're a lot happier with this after you blocked it aren't you oh yeah so when it was blocking I what before I blocked it that the collar wasn't sitting properly which I think is common which all colors is they need to loosen up to be able to fold over properly and then when it was it was you know the mistake I made is I picked it up when it hadn't fully dried and tried it on okay and I was like oh no it's it's gotten way too floppy then of course once it was 100 dry and I put it on I was like oh it's totally fine yeah yeah so it just yeah it goes to show if you're unsatisfied with how a project feels right towards the end just give it a block and trust that and let it dry press then let it dry so that's my latest I think this is besides the cereal this is my fo of the moment what have you got uh well this one I actually finished a little while ago but I want to show it because I know that we do have some viewers outside of the northern hemisphere so if you're moving towards Spring try this one this is the cookie cardigan which I posted a few times on Instagram because I really love knitting it this is by Emma duchy who is Arc Violet on Instagram and I posted about her quite a bit through knitting my Trove sweater yes and feeder Brook and Julie said I really love and will probably come with me to Rhinebeck it's a little lighter weight than the Lana Tweed yeah that's a good choice actually when I finished it later enough in the winter that I'm I didn't feel like I got to wear it enough yeah I really loved it and that led me to more of energy shares designs she's a designer that I really love to keep an eye out on she's uh the pattern in the most recent Pom-Pom magazine that stood out to me the most was one of hers and this stitch pattern just uses knits and pearls and very simple lace to create a fan shell patterning and so I knit this in these sweet Georgia flax and silk fine which has been one of again one of our favorite summer Yarns which is a oil and linen Blanche uh no excuse me so another Wolfie um yarn fingering weight with beautiful drape that I think even if we don't restock it as often through the winter it is a really successful year-round yarn for shawl knitting for lighter garments if you get hot easily if you just want a little light layer through the summer against the air conditioning um something that's really not going to keep you too hot but still has a really cozy feel and a lovely drape oh and the buttons yeah the buttons this is also why I wanted to show you this cardigan now because these are the pigeon wishes buttons which are new again since our last podcast and again I don't know how close I can get successfully with the camera but I will put in an image to show you some close-ups because these really need to be seen close up to be appreciated yeah so they're beautiful uh buttons that we bring in from the UK yeah and we have a range of colors they all have this kind of subtle Fleck to them there are yeah so they have that almost like Terrazzo tile vibe that we're seeing I'm I'm increasingly seeing with like the 90s hairstyles revivals clips and stuff so it's that same sort of material that you might have seen around a lot in claw clips and hair clips and it's really successful for buttons they're light resistant UV resistant they wash well they don't chip um and they can really just add a fun Lively little touch uh okay so we have a couple of new Yarns to show um literally just came in this weekend yeah we opened the door to boxes and boxes of this this morning and it's beautiful so here I'll give you a couple to pull so this is called Puma Puma and how I'm remembering that is um it's like Florence Pugh Florence fuma that's how you say her name did you know that yeah I did know that I didn't I was like how on Earth do you pronounce this then someone's like it's like Pew like pew pew pew and now I'm like Puma so actually Puma means feather Okay so it kind of goes a long way towards describing this yarn so this is a single ply bulky yarn 100 Merino and Italian yarn so it's very very light so even though it works up at a heavier gauge it has that really light feeling to it it's like it's super soft really soft and this is kind of Emily is right I want to spin it you want to spin it oh cool well this yeah drafts nicely so you're going to turn this into a finger you're like pulling it apart no not not really pull your yarn apart you can buy it and not spin it ah but so this is um part of our efforts to bulk up our bulky yarn section that was a better joke than the Florence Pew really okay I'll take it back before I do my tight five minute set I will work on it you need to Workshop that one a little bit um so what's cool about this is we've had 34 colors yes we got the full palette of all these beautiful solid colors so it's that arranged in Florence Pew oh burn I thought she was supposed to be so good I don't know we'll talk about this offline um videos sacrificing my opinion to land the joke I think that anyone who can do Midsummer and little women like that's some really good range okay sorry have they got as good a range as 34 colors of single ply bulky Merino that's now the joke lands I love it um so yeah we're really excited about this but obviously it's like it just came in the door we haven't knit with it yet it was one of those things where we saw a ball of it and we're like yes 100 we want that um so we'll get going on some samples for but it's especially wonderful for winter accessories I realized you picked the two colors again and then these are your two yeah like a color block blanket yeah cowl yes I'm honestly you know I want to knit sweaters with it definitely um you want to spin it you know We Are Who We Are I think it would be so good for accessories realistically it is one of those single Plies that you you want to choose a pattern and use it in a way that will reduce its likelihood of pilling we're going to be real this yeah it's a single ply bulkier Merino yarn with those shorter staple lengths they will pill with friction against them but you can get around that in several ways what knit them tight knit it tighter gauge strand with mohair and knit in projects that will not get as much friction going on them so sweaters sweaters you get friction on the underarms and the Cuffs that's where pilling happens because that's often against surfaces or against itself as we're walking hats perfect um cowl scarves as long as your coats don't have too much velcro you've got to watch that not because of pilling just because yeah we'll pull loves Clinging On to any kind of yarn but especially this kind of thing so it's one of these things where there are so many successful projects you could make by choosing the right thing yeah just choosing the right thing being cautious but yeah we're excited to try this with mohair absolutely because that's kind of one of the secret I mean obviously straining with mohair ads expense for sure but it also adds longevity yeah because it means that for one thing it protects against pilling because it's on that Silk base but also it disguises pilling because the mohair gives the fuzz so when you do start to see peeling it kind of Blends in and becomes part of the overall texture and this is 131 yards and 100 grams so actually about two of these two and a half of these will fit to one skein of moha yeah so that's and it's not bad it's it's bulky you get a big surface area so actually like stranding with this you can do as well you can get you can go pretty far um and they recommend 10 stitches in four inches which super cozy yeah lots of patterns we've seen on Ravelry and in that rooms bring us in the winter in that range um a lot but but this is where I would be wary of those super bulky like eight to ten Stitch sweaters that we see from Woolen the gang from um oh who's that one that does the Strathcona sweater when I remember the good night day yeah those beautiful big bulky sweaters even though the label says the Stitch will fit that's on the looser end and that's where we'd expect the season peeling really quickly and often those Yarns that you're seeing those knitting originally do have some kind of um acrylic in them as well yeah yeah so it's making sure that like it's not just the label like you say on the gauge it's thinking about that material and about how it's spun yeah so I would definitely knit this tighter than 10 stitches I'd be looking more like 15. 14. well that's the fun of it we get to just watch it soon I know it'd be super fun um another uh sort of heavier weight yarn that we've added is the Plymouth Homestead party I just want to say that like a pirate I'm sorry it's all just comes in natural colors there are a lot of pirates on sale from Plymouth probably or landed there or both okay um so yeah this is uh it's just available in natural colors like this one so there's sort of a darker brown a gray uh sort of a classic fisherman sort of sweater white um and we literally just got it it hasn't even been added to the web store as of this moment but it will be obviously by the time we publish and it's fabulously but not itchy doesn't have much of a Halo to it I don't think this would be itchy next to the skin no at all we really like uh the Plymouth Yarns it we brought them in last year yeah and This Is Us expanding that range because we just find they knit up beautifully they seem to last well the Price Is Right the quality is good they just hit all those spots and we know they're coming from an American company and it's nice to know as well like where the yarn is coming from grown in Peru Peruvian Highland wool yeah I love this for scarves uh hats you know especially if you're newer a newer Knitter who is maybe ready to leave behind the acrylic yeah uh that you're getting at the big hobby shops but you're not ready you had to be like yes uh give me your finest and most expensive yarn this is a really nice place to be because you're going to get the quality it's going to be easy to knit with and that's the biggest thing when you come over from those Yarns for the first time is you realize actually wool is much easier to knit with than synthetic fibers so I think that's going to be really fun to introduce some of our new Knitters and ambitious beginners to this yarn and you know if anyone is asking you they want to you know the cold weather sets in you have friends a little family asking you teach me how to knit this is a really good one to send them to yeah and also the the other the the homestead of the regular homes also a great choice yeah West it to iron that we did the uh the upstate scar State scarf and if I should take that one to Rhinebeck I guess since we're going Upstate that would be great one also the new Taylor drops not long after and I already was like it's called midnights we should have a collection called nib nits but uh who has time Pikachu like one what uh and then there's one last uh heavyweight yarn in the mix do you want to pass me that half yes I love this one so this is the one of the most popular Yarns in the universe apparently I mean would you go on to Ravelry and look at the most stashed most projects malabrigo Rasta is one of the top 10 Yarns it's hand dyed it's incredibly beautiful Merino wool I mean and Malibu has just been in the game for so long I remember when I first went to uh sort of verging on Indie yarn store local yarn store Vibe shop I got a scheme of malibigo listed in um Archangel uh no that's Archangel in Indie Sita that was the first like fancy I didn't pull it that was the first fancy hand-dyed yarn that I ever saw touched knit with yeah and I think it's the same for many people who started within about the last 15 years yep it's just there's they're so good at what they do and they are still out there doing it and we're really happy to have some on our shelves Archangel is my colorway I have in my stash some scans of all the different bases of malabrigo on Archangel which I will never knit with because they are so precious that like the idea of taking them out of the skin and doing something with them is like I can't like I have to just I'm basically like who's the guy in The Lord of the Rings with the ring Gollum I mean they all want the ring I'm like them but with melon frigo Archangel so of course I was like well let's do a sample in the Archangel since I can't bring myself admit it I should ask someone else too so this is actually your sweater well you know my colors palette this is the Sierra beanie um I'm sorry I cannot remember the designer's name but we will of course that's what the titles are for yes uh so Hannah knit this for us and we added this delicious alpaca Pom-Pom we'll show you guys in one second but what I really like about this is Hannah felt it was a little tight and small but actually for my tiny head this is perfect I love this because it's because knit a little densely like this it's actually going to really keep your ears warm versus blowing right through yeah this is for the depths of winter where you've almost abandoned cute slouch territory but this is yeah absolutely and it's about an evening's work and I came back with it the next day yeah so another reason we wanted to have this yarn on the shelves is that's exactly it like people come in like I want to make a quick knit I'm making a gift I want to do something but they want something impressive something that's going to happen I made this for you Vibe this is the yarn for that absolutely and realistically it's it's hard to find hand-dyed Yarns this chunky and that's why I love that Malibu is still doing this and I think why raster in particular a popular yarn because um the this scheme costs the same as another hand-eyed skin because it's the same amount of work and it's 100 grams yep but when you do that on Silicon you get 400 meters when you do that with Malibu you get 90 meters yeah 80 90 meters uh so what do you do with that making a sweater is like big Endeavor and I don't even know that would be like borderline too hot for a sweater I think so yeah um but it's just perfect for little fingless mittens hats um sort of neck warmer type cowl like a almost like a sweater collar without the rest of the sweater on it all of these small projects are so perfect for gifting and this is reliably soft to anybody you're gonna get this yeah it's a you know top basically please tell them it is not machine washable yes we as We Know um with with most hand-dyed Yarns especially hand washed but especially something right now it will shrink and felt and yeah and if it goes through machine wash um and so while we're on while we're on the topic of the pom-poms these are the colored version of the top pom-poms so these are yes you want to redo it nope that's good uh but I dropped one okay we'll figure that out I'll just show this one so these are um 100 alpaca and they are from I guess they're from creatures that are other otherwise not going to go on that's the deal right craft which is a UK based company they have agreements in relationships with alpaca farmers in South America and when the alpacas die natural deaths that actually is a big hit to Farmers they've lost an animal that is a sustainable resource and produces a fleece every year that that animal no longer exists that's a loss of income and a loss and you know a hit to livelihood so and this also potentially uh waste like sad resource so these uh come from the faces of alpaca who die naturally it's basically as close to cruelty free as uh yeah animal Drive Pom-Pom can get so the colored ones have these snaps so you sew on the back half of it to the top of your hat so that part onto the top of the hat and then it Clips on so that means you can remove it for washing which is lovely or you can switch out your colors which is fun um but I think a lot of people don't realize it's to sew on it was a real brain wave when I realized yeah the the instinct is to put this part inside the hat and then try to clip it on through a little hole in the top of your hat that doesn't work but it doesn't really work very well and it definitely doesn't work on a thick yeah yarn like the raster so you've got to sew that little button onto the top of the Hat and then they do also have sort of natural colored ones as well but these don't have the snaps so these you need to sew on or add a button or whatever you need to do but these are the natural alpaca colors yeah we have those as well and we're really glad to have those back and of course we'll have our Estelle ones as well which are the faux fur so we'll have a completely vegan option as well yeah and our final thing that I really wanted to end with is that we got um new muslin toads for many years we always we have these totes in the store uh that you can use to take home your stuff and for years we had they said um you had me at Trico yeah which is a great and hilarious slogan and for people under 25 it's from this movie called Jerry Maguire where Renee Zellweger says you had me at hello I have not even seen that maybe yeah so um we came up with this which is you know from the famous Edith Piaf song and so saying you know no regrets uh you're leaving I regret nothing yeah this is all full of yarn yeah you're going home with your yarn and you're happy so these um are available on our site they're available in store and occasionally they get sent out as extra special gifts thank you really nice Willy order with us for you so yeah that's it I think uh this week we should go out on our new bag slogan totally we will see you again soon we promise not to let the podcast go so long next time we'll be back we will happy knitting
Channel: Espace Tricot
Views: 11,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knitting podcast, canadian knitting podcast, knitting, yarn store, yarn store podcast
Id: d55riE_38F8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 34sec (4294 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.