Needles at the Ready: Episode 69 Let’s Hear it for the Boys Winners!!

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hello hello welcome to Needles at the ready I'm Kevin I'm Ray uh today is Saturday September 3rd it is 2022. I'm a little nervous that our microphone is we didn't test it that's right and today episode number is 16 9. um this is our knitting podcast yes where we talk about knitting crocheting yarni things yarn dying yarn buying and all that fun stuff that goes along with it so thanks for joining us today good that was weird super weird so great things have happened um they have to you potentially oh we drew prizes for our let's hear it for the boys make long that has now completed we actually left the Post open until this morning until this morning because we both forgot about it so um thank you all for entering it was really cool to see all of your projects and um to read along read along with the conversation and um to get some inspiration so thank you all this is our third year doing it um and uh every year it's like it's nice what no I'm good you sure yeah I thought I forgot the who won what but I didn't so we would like to share the prizes and the winners we can do that nice and early so um then you can just kind of settle back we have a lot of things I think to show but not really yeah it's gonna be um a shorter we say that it's every time it's not gonna be a two and a half hour no there's no way in hell there's no way no way at all all right so let's do the surprises beautiful I know right let's do prizes first let's do we'll do our last two weeks okay and then we'll talk about some knitting and stuff good all right so first winner is from our fo thread I'm gonna go with ronnelly ooh right bernali renali who finished some beautiful Heart of Stone socks those are really cool made with um show Steeler yarn from leading man Fiber Arts and the color Moody blue so here they are yay congratulations you are our first winner and you win this beautiful kit by Le Garson and it was oh I should have grabbed my cowl but it is to knit the Melbourne B cowl um which I completed um a few podcasts to go and I don't want to move that I just want to open it and this is um melmerby so it's got um some cereal alpaca in there which is the lining which is absolutely gorgeous it's so Mosaic oh no it's no and it's the brother to the snuggle is real yeah so super cozy super cuddly congratulations um all the winners please get to get uh in contact with us via email I think is a little bit easier for us to kind of like control that and just put like um let's hear it for the boys winner um and then we will ship out your prize so send us your address and your real names and um yeah good times so congratulations that's one yay and next up is from our chatter thread this is oops winner there is I'm gonna go with I'm gonna say alley boo right Ali boo Ali boo maybe probably saying it wrong but congratulations you are number 172. what is that that this is the it's an early Stephen West pattern called zoolandia oh so it's she's oh it's a say say it's perfect for the single skeins of Indie dyed yarn so that's really fun that it's a single skein shot it's really fun I might do that all right I might do that with that yarn I got last in your the proud recipient of some yarn by Arcane fiber works that I freaking love I love it too it's so good uh I can a heart of the wild yeah this is heart of the Brave part of the brain so this is fingering weight sockets 80 20. oh really it's a really nice Twist on it too wow maybe we'll reconsider the prizes I'm just kidding no I actually consider that um and a bag from fancy boy designs whoa okay so congrats congratulations that was awesome and the last winner comes from the hashtag which was natr boys 2022 this is the winner is Princess 69 underscore five who was shown off some crochet project here this is the hugs and kisses blanket and they were knitting it for their great nephew using some Lion Brand madala nice we have a couple and Sasquatch is the colorway so you are the proud recipient of this beautiful fingering weight yarn from Twisted ambition yarn yay so too um guys if you don't like it or if like fingering weight isn't your jam definitely let us know and we can see if we have something else that we can substitute it for yeah because we don't want to send you something that you're not going to use that's a great so if it's something you're not um you don't think you used let us know we'll see if we can um substitute it for something else yes so congratulations to the winners and they have to sneeze God bless you thank you so much um so yeah congratulations to the winners and thank you to everyone who participated yeah super fun and we've got um we've got some prizes left over so we're Kevin and I were kind of talking we're not gonna I'm not gonna put it out there because every time I say something I always get in trouble I'm just kidding um but we're we're gonna do something really really special throughout the Stephen West knit along and um lots of other giveaways it just makes plans without me I do because I think it's a great idea so I'm just gonna go with it I'm not going to talk to you about things anymore okay perfect okay good um all right so let's talk about our last two weeks then talk about yes let's do um what happened show I well we both got sick we did but last Tuesday yeah but I was sick Tuesday through like Friday I didn't start feeling better until Saturday I tested negative for covid like four days in a row um I also was negative yeah we both left work early on Tuesday came home with the exact same symptoms it wrecked it was they were like coveted like they very very very much in the exhaustion and all that stuff I've had a bunch of people that work test positive for covet so um that was you know a little unsettling right so I worked from home like I I just came home that Tuesday worked from home and worked from home the rest of the week um and then during that time I also may have possibly broke a toe yep something fell out of the dishwasher and fell on my toe I looked at it a couple days later I was like why is my toe so dirty and it wasn't it was bruised is that why the dishwasher is broken now did you get mad at it nope sorry dishwasher broke yes so no power no we have to replace it yeah or or repair it but the repair is like 400 so at that point it almost makes sense to replace it I know so we have to make that decision um Tarkin went to the groomer he did on Thursday so he's um he's sleeping he's all fresh and cute yep if he wakes up we'll we'll um we'll try to grab him we'll try to grab him but I know a lot of you want to see tarkwin during the podcast but he sleeps during the podcast yes yeah to get him nice and tired but you can follow us on Instagram we post pictures of turquoin all the time if he does what no please continue no you're gonna say something I was gonna say I don't know that I post a ton of pictures I know now that I said that yeah I don't know how when's the last time but there are two of them I don't know you post pictures of tarkwin more than me my last picture was a post after that one we do it on our personal accounts not necessarily needles at the ready no no I'm very I don't think I ever do on needles at the ready yeah I try to keep that strictly like yarn stuff strictly business um oh look at all those pictures there's one yep when's that from how do I tell 2021 November November 14th it's almost been a year there he is sleeps isn't he cute that's probably after a haircut too that looks like yeah uh what else do we do work uh yeah and then um the dog sitter good job so for for those of you who are following along you know that tarquin um we are a little apprehensive about going anywhere and like leaving for extended period of time with tarquin I've never bordered him um and then my family is not an option to stay with him this um this time around in November so we thought we thought it would be nice well October that's what I meant October so anyway we um yeah we booked a dog sitter and we met her she came over to the house yesterday and it was great it was fine he's totally fine he's so easy to like to be with it's us that's the bundles of anxiety I think when it comes to him but yeah so that was nice and then we booked her again for November 5th because we plan on going to the New England Fiber Festival yeah just for a day so Saturday yeah we thought it would be nice to not have to rush because it is an hour and a half drive there in Bat like an hour and a half there hour and a half back yep so if we're there for a full day and um we don't have to rush to get home you know we can you know stop and have dinner on the way home so we could actually kind of enjoy the day and not stress out about it so we did that so that's fantastic yeah I think yeah for us to take all the vacations that we yeah planned yeah for sure what my my twists I'm gonna talk about this because now I just had an idea okay okay um and I I think that's kind of been the two weeks there hasn't been much else right it's typical stuff it's still been kind of warm it's been cool it the coolness has been nice it has been but Ray likes to think that it's like exceptionally cool out it's what so it was what like 72 yesterday he's like oh it's chilly took the dog for a walk anymore well we weren't in the Sun and I didn't know the exact temperature I just went by feeling and I had worn a zip up sweatshirt to take him for a wlk earlier in the day and it was like 60. um and the sun wasn't shining difference in temperature well when the sun's not beating down on your brow so yeah but whatever it was warm I took my sweatshirt off after um like halfway through the walk yeah he's ready for shawls I am so ready I'm I'm totally ready I'm drinking my coffee with pumpkin spice creamer Lisa Lisa I bought some for him last weekend right so he did I was doing so he could get it out of his system yeah it was actually the day of the podcast I think didn't you go shopping right out like after that day I don't know if it was that it was either that day or Sunday no I thought it was like no we podcast is on Sunday didn't we yeah wasn't it last weekend I thought it was last weekend that I got it no I don't know it was the same day so I was really excited I thought so then Kevin you still love me um and I think that's it yeah I think so too nothing super exciting well no it's all been like good stuff it's just been you know life I am definitely so today started they opened up um kits if you were interested to join the Stephen West Mystery knit along uh 2022. he released some information about it it's twists and turns so we're obviously anticipating cables and things because that's one of the Notions that you need is a cable needle although he might do something a little different with the cable needle I'm not quite sure um so we released some kits there was a comment on the last uh the last podcast that had said um I think one of you were gonna buy a kit but I'm not gonna share who bought a kit so one of us did buy a kit me so I bought a kit and I got on I was really really excited um I'm I'm super excited about the yarn that I got I'm not going to tell you which one I got I'll show when it comes in to be a couple weeks um but I'm super I'm super excited I think it's totally within my um the range of colors that I like to wear it does have I was looking beautiful palaces here like really good collections that he's put together um a lot of them are really Folly and that spoke to me a lot this year like the the golds and Browns and reds and orange and things like that um so I was leaning towards those and the one that I chose I think is a really nice it is a really nice like hint of that that was like I said that was in my top three choices if I had picked one I think I'm gonna try to die yeah I think that's my own set I feel like I'm going grays and either like in Orange which I may show or like a yeah I an orange or yellow probably yeah I don't know I'm also thinking Blues so there's a there was a really nice blue set which was which was cool um but the Grays I was gonna I was looking at some Grays to put together as well but my um my barndom was in that and I thought that was it's really nice combination but I just feel like I did that so I'm gonna um and yeah I my favorite color combination of my shawls is the slip strapaganza one with like the Browns and uh yeah neutral so yeah I know and I was thinking like with the orange and the brown because I was thinking something similar but then I did uh that kind of last year um with uh scholography because that had the you have very graphic both of those shawls were very graphic yeah I like Rapha yeah you did you did a great job putting those colors together you really did yeah I have to think about it I don't know I may I may not dye it myself I may end up buying because from somebody I just I'm not quite sure yeah so I'm sure you've all heard if you haven't um hopefully you you'll join us for the mystery knit along um because it's it's part of our um our Stephen Westland Westies unite that we are doing with Michael from piece for peace crafting and we we did it on purpose making it go until like the end of November because for those of you who want to join the mystery knit along I have to say if I were to look per and I've said this before if I if you were to show me the pattern of the previous two shawl shalography and slip shravaganza and said here you go this is a pattern do you want it I'd be like oh my gosh no there's no way in hell that I'd be able to do that but breaking it apart into Clues and like section by section you don't really know what you're doing and I know that gives people some stress yeah but it pushed me out of my comfort zone to try things that I've never tried before and just to kind of chill out and and do it and all of his all of the clues have videos and you just follow along step by step it's super easy and I'm and like by the end of it at least for me I was super proud of what I did yeah and you learn new skills yeah you definitely learned some new skills which is fun is that it or for me um I find there's always kind of like a Time in for a really Comfort knit with just maybe some stockinette or some garter yeah uh but then there's some times where it's really nice to have something that's maybe a little challenging or a little you know it makes you think a little bit yeah and it's fun seeing all the colors play together how he how he puts them together so anyway if you're interested um check it out he's got a lot of videos talking about color combinations and um info some information my favorite part are the fake phone calls I just saw it for the first time oh my God the best hilarious the best ones were Carl um from shalography but you just did Carl now yeah it was so funny the Carl phone calls from shalography I remember like laughing hysterically they're so good we'll link his Channel Down Below um and you can kind of see I mean we don't just type in Stephen wow okay for sure yeah exactly pulls off but sometimes when people like scroll just to hit a link and it'll take them there um so I think that's it I think that's life right sure life's been great oh well we should talk about the Stephen or Westies unite that we're hosting with Michael from piece for Peace So that runs to the end of November we have a hashtag which is natr peace p-e-a-c-e yo so many of you are posting We have that hashtag it's incredible and we have um Michael has a has some threads in his Ravelry regroup we have a fo and a chatter threat as well yes um so hey look here's Michael there he is hi Michael I love those socks those are the you Earth socks the unique yeah or whatever that's beautiful so yeah so um definitely I'm trying to think oh somebody had asked Michael not Michael from piece for peace Michael um that we now had asked about Stephen West's new sock pattern if that could be entered absolutely totally any of his hat patterns sweaters shawls blankets whatever it is any Stephen West pattern doesn't matter um if you decide that you want to try to turn it into crochet because somebody mentioned that feel free to do so but yeah follow this hashtag it's really neat you you know people posting like their um look how pretty that is yeah it's just a fun inspiration that's for the vertices unite oh that's gonna be gorgeous together so anyway it's a lot of fun um we hope you join us all right okay let's jump into some knitting I have two whips I have three finished objects only one of them is knitting I have three Works in progress two of those are knitting and one of those is crochet okay I'm just gonna sit here and chillax okay you want to see what I you know what I should do I should go get some of my other Stephen westfos that I haven't shown I thought we were gonna try not to have this as a two and a half hour episode okay guys you ready this is really cute I think this is really really adorable but I have to do some I'm gonna do some some tweaks what isn't this so cute so this is [Music] um uh pumpkin crochet hat uh pumpkin hat free crochet pattern is the name of it um I'll have this link down below this is what I was trying to find last time it's super easy the so this is gonna be for a newborn baby um I what I ended up doing because the the pattern calls for sizes uh toddler and above but you can definitely modify the pattern depending on how much you chain it's a free pattern um and I ended up so I ended up chaining only enough to get about six inches or so and then I um I I crocheted it you seam it together so you crochet it flat and then you seam it together so I seamed it for about 12 inches and then um seamed it together which is about the head size of uh a baby like a newborn baby I wanted to it's it's worsted weight yarn I'll show you the yarn in a sec I wanted to um I wanted to give it some give some room it's obviously not going to be a hat that the baby's gonna you know wear all the time I think um I think her mom we're gonna I'm gonna do one for our niece as well and maybe for her her um for their mom my sister-in-law and I think they're just gonna do like a little photo shoot you know because she's she's arriving around Halloween time so I thought it was super cute the um I thought I woven the ends but maybe I just didn't cut this end or maybe I forgot about this end I'm using nitpicks I bought some from nitpicks nitpicks is like their sales are so good they really are and like their yarn is so nice this is super soft so this is their swish uh worsted it's a Super Wash I wanted to make it easy for uh for the parents obviously it's you know kids are going to be wearing this and it's super soft against the head so it's a 100 Superwash Merino um you get 50 gram skeins I used almost a full scheme of the orange for this hat and then for the green I did a little bit of a darker green which I kind of I actually like it now but I'm going to change the way that I do the the stem so this is not going to be this is not going to be the one that I give um to the baby oh yeah so the Orange is called allspice is the name and then the green is Dublin so I didn't use a lot of the green at all what I think I'm going to end up doing is um the pattern is missing a little bit of an instruction like it tells you to single crochet instead of half double crochet and to decrease is a little bit funky so what I want to do is I want to I want to decrease a little bit quicker and then have the stem just a little smaller but more pronounced instead of kind of like that triangle do you see how it kind of has like a triangle yeah but I'm also thinking of changing this yarn because it's super wash it really like slippery the curls not staying how I want it to so I might do um we have some of this I have to check we have some um some swish uh non-super wash yeah but then they're not going to be able to wash it like you you want it to be easy care if you're throwing a non-super watch maybe I'll Stitch it then yeah you could Stitch it down or you could if you tightened if you change your hook and went down to a smaller hook and tightened it yeah or maybe I do a different Stitch maybe I just do a different Stitch and because you're you're chaining this after you you know right so I think I would try going down a hook size that's a good idea and it would keep it I would assume I don't know because I don't really crochet I would assume that just like knitting yes it would be it would be a little bit denser and Tighter so it may keep its shape a little bit more but isn't it cute I think it's super cute and it was super easy it's free it's all half double crochets through the back Loop um so I use I think for this size I I used a uh a five and a half millimeter millimeter hook which is uh I or an L I think it's an i I go by millimeters usually with um with my crochet hooks I don't really know the letter sizes and yeah but I think that's I think it's super super cute this would be just a nice like hat pattern like if you just want to do a plane like they say crochet hat it's very very stretchy yeah super soft I feel like with crochet it looks like it's harder to weave in ends it is it is harder to weave it ends especially with a Super Wash yarn thanks so I will um I'm gonna get a couple more of these going there they it took me like no time at all if once I really hunker down and and did it but I want to change the stem that's my plan and I think I'm going to leave the body alone I think it's a it's a good size for a newborn baby head yeah oh my gosh how cute oh my gosh I know okay so that's um that's fo number one number one number two is an also a a baby knit gift I finished my blanket that I was doing this is the uh red heart pattern that I've been showing I'm gonna have to blow my channel soon uh the yarnspirations red hot Red Heart crochet corner to corner throw and this is linked this has been linked down below um as I've been working on it I did not do the Border on it because I didn't really like it so much yeah and the patterns written for worsted weight or number four yarn but I did fingering and used a whole bunch of yarn scraps that I had plus um 10 mini skeins from Row one yarn that we got with Megs from Mexico so it's done it's a cute little blanket there it is it's um oh my god well so as we were moving it I could see this line going across the screen and I'm like oh my God what is happening to the iPad right now it was the lines from the bookcase that I could see through the blanket blanket I had no idea what was happening so I love that it's fingering weight um because it makes it a lot drapier one of the things that about crochet that I sometimes struggle with is the density of the fabric yeah I know it's not as uh it doesn't feel as like cozy and drapey like I like a drapier thing I feel like with crocheting your hook size is much more important than your than in like knitting yeah you really have to find the right hook size to me you do something not as dense you have to be careful though with hook size at least for me and and especially with like uh applied yarn because sometimes um sometimes with a smaller hook it's easy to go in between the Plies of the yarn and not grab the whole Stitch I I'm I can't crochet without looking some of you people I've watched videos and you guys holy cow I know I love watching people knit too in seeing people who knit really fast like um like Maddie from oh I know we share needles like she's freaking knitting and it's just like a quick movement I have no idea how that happens um so I I started keeping track of the colors that I was using but then I stopped so basically these colors here uh without except the screen because I ran out of the Mexico so so these colors up until here and then all of these on the end past this little lime green are all um are all from Row one The Minis are you really yeah I thought one two three four five so from here this is this is yeah this is five you're right and then all of these are scraps yeah that we had leftovers uh leftover projects so that's it it's a small little you know it could be a lap blanket um no that's a great blanket that's I think it's a good size so so soft did you um she didn't do a certain number of rows you just went by well until I got to I I did start doing four rows um for my stripes okay here because they were getting a lot longer and I had a lot more left over I couldn't do it with the 10 gram minis because it's you know as you get longer you know I wanted them to have like block more blocky yeah so you can see down here when I when I switched each section is a little bit smaller and smaller right and then I decided that this was my last this was my last skein of yarn from Mexico and then I said okay I'm just gonna kind of mirror that a little bit and copy that the thickness of that stripe throughout the rest but I love how the colors just kind of play together and it was just completely random yeah I didn't choose anything you know specific and I hopefully she'll love it I I love it I think it's really really cool I would love to do a large one like this it was a super easy pattern to follow the decreases were really really easy the pattern if you were to download look at the pattern and download it from the website the um the the written instructions are a little they seem a little bit complicated to me but Bella Coco who is one of my favorite um tutorial like crochet tutorial uh YouTube people um I'll have her link her Channel linked down below as well but she does a uh a whole tutorial on this pattern exactly she uses a thicker yarn but the fun thing about this is that you just you can just go like you don't really have to worry about counting um and being like okay well now I did you know 64 of those little squares in there just keep going sir nice good job thanks so that's that those are my two crochet ethos and they're both for the baby my baby my last fo is let me see if I can grab the yarn I'm quite sure where I put everything oh here it is um is the Harlow worsted by Andrea Mowry I showed this last time and this is now the second one I think that I've knit and my my the whole point of this was to use the yarn um I'm sure you've all have probably seen this but this is brioche this is the Harlow worsted by Andrea Mowry the uh I wanted to use the tones the Brooklyn Tweed tones so I thought it was neat to be able to use the same color but in a high tone and a low tone or the undertone undertone and overtone so I don't oh here they are so this is um Brooklyn Tweed tones the colorway is vacay and the overtone is the the darker of the two colorway is no thing can you imagine can you somebody create a um a playlist called colorway there probably is already one and then this is the vacay um undertone so that they would play really really nicely together and the Harlow worsted is a really simple brioche pattern there's a little bit of um uh like intermediate slash Advanced Techniques that you can use if you wanted to like the cast on is a two color tubular cast on but Andrew Mowry gives uh really good tutorial for it so this is it this is the Harlow worsted this is the there's really no right side or wrong side to brioche but um you know you have to identify your main color because you knit that with the main color and then you Purl with the um contrast color so the main color and the closer you get the less contrast it is but I feel like you can see the contrast the farther away you can see it a little bit they're interesting so I the main color that I used was the overtone no yes and then the the um contrast was the undertone or is that called undertone yes it fits really well um some of the oh there's that mistake I have to get a little uh tag remember we showed this last time so just imagine that there's a fun tag but I'll turn it around so so you guys don't get upset um so if they get upset if it's you know people sometimes don't like to see those things so I think it's so fun it's a really comfortable it's such a comfortable hat and I'm really impressed with the yarn after it's been knit knitted I um I wasn't a huge fan of knitting with it because it just it kept snagging or it didn't feel so smooth going around but I think it's so much fun and think I like the inside better than the outside I love that inside of the hats when I see them yeah isn't that so nice the inside's more graphic so there you can see the decreases the decreases so much better really nice um I had a little bit of a boo-boo with the decreases um oh and I I got a little frustrated I was ready to take the whole thing out um and then and just be like and just be like done with it the um the decrease is a little bit more advanced I guess intermediate you know there's there's a technique it's like a cabled it's like a cable to decrease or decreasing four stitches at one time and there's a lot of moving the stitches pulling them pulling one forward um passing stitches over each other going back and forth and of course I ended up I didn't put a Lifeline in it which I should have prior to me um prior to me doing the decreases in it if you don't know a Lifeline is when you just string additional like a strand of yarn contrasting color yarn or a cotton yarn something slippery that's not going to stick to the yarn into your live stitches before you continue to stitch up so that you can just rip everything that you've done up until that line it'll prevent those other stitches from falling down you can just pick up your your work and continue again if you make a mistake so I didn't do that and I was like oh my goodness and I figured out like I ended up taking it all back twice twice because I thought that I I like and I did I miscounted there's supposed to be four four decrease sections in the Hat um one on each you know on on the four sides and so I started decreasing I think I ended up with like seven or something crazy like that and I was like darn it and then part of me in true Ray fashion was like you know what I'm just gonna let it be let it be it's no big deal and then I just ended up taking it back so with this decrease and I'm sure there are tutorials out there I did not watch any tutorials I probably should have it would have saved me a little bit of time but with the decreases what you end up doing is once you get to that point where you have all four stitches kind of and they kind of decrease obviously that you see you can see they decrease like this um after you're passing things over and you know whatever you're left with one stitch with a bunch of stitches kind of attached to the base of that Stitch you just I ended up luckily this yarn is as sticky as it is I you know you you just pull that pull it off the needle and you know pull your working yarn through and all the stitches open back up again and so you're able to put your needle back through there um you know and and it it worked so I am so happy so happy that I ended up going back again and fixing it because I think that's probably one of the coolest features of this hat yeah yeah are the decreases and so I think I did a pretty good job with that um yeah overall I'm just I'm so happy and I have two additional colors that I'm gonna probably do another one um I don't really own a blue hat that's a false statement it is not you have a socket slouch out of a blue hat that's blue hat I do yes I don't have a blue Harlow worsted now I do um the other colors that I'm gonna do next are somewhere they may be on your desk Maybe I thought I would have put him in here somewhere okay there nope oh that's Loft here they are nope nope I think they're on your desk they might be or maybe did you already put them in a bag I did not because nothing oh that was where this is was living and I'm gonna put that I'm gonna put it back in okay I'm done okay that's it isn't it fun though yeah I love brioche it's a lot of fun it is all right keep going you have whips I have three I know I only have two okay so one of them I literally just started today it's another crochet pattern um I showed you this kit that we got from yarnia montclair's local yarn store and this is the another baby gift so this is the heart of craft hearty craft easy crafting crochet kit it's a mouse rattle it comes with everything you need except for the hook um it's designed by marjiki boon sure so this is the kit comes really like everything is in here you get your pattern um and you get the yarn the yarn is a cotton yarn you also get some stuffing and stuff so I just started it today and um I started the the ring for the rattle so you basically just crocheting all around the ring I think I'm good here actually now that I'm looking at this yeah yeah so I'm gonna stop here I'll bind this off I'll weave all these ends in and then I believe you knit the Mouse's head with the the rattle insert which comes in the kit separately and then you attach it um afterwards okay so the ring is done it's just a bunch of single crochets it's so cool crochet is cool um and then the great thing about this ring is that it's safe for baby to chew on uh you know to like gum on or whatever it is and the the yarn is a cotton yarn so it'll definitely um absorb some moisture moisture how would you I guess you can't could you watch it I guess so I'm not sure because of the wood yeah I mean wood obviously you have to be careful with it you can't let it soak in water yeah um so we'll see how the project goes so far this this only took me about I don't know 20 minutes or so to do this I was doing this while trying to stay patient for the Stephen West kits to become available that's it knitting a kit while purchasing a kit that's right and so you've got your little rattle in here and some stuff to do the eyes oh and I'm using a 2.5 millimeter crochet hook by Clover it says four slash zero it doesn't have a a letter so I don't know if that's the American size or not but it's a 2.5 millimeter and these are the Clover or more kits yeah good job here thanks and I gotta put this in a bag okay books pumpkin all right all right I'm gonna go blow my shots okay okay so my first whip living in my lake or someone hided Hammer bag which I love so you guys have seen this this is my Lava Lake shawl by Stephen West I am knitting this out of Ching fiber I bought the kit as a pre-order from Steven and Penelope it is called the Lush landscape kit foreign get it all out for you I'm super excited for you because this is a really really neat shawl you did a really good job with it thanks all right all right so here is I'm gonna show the kit first this is um oh my goodness the kit the colorways are oh wait let's do this first so the kit is on so it's the Ching fiber this is on their 100 Superwash blue face Leicester and it is 365 meters or 399 yards it does a high twist bfl base it's really beautiful to work with yeah the first color is fog so that's color one color two is this is cool it has like little yellow specks in it field this was color two color three is fauna it's such a subtle feed color four is botanist and then color five is treat four and five are to me incredibly similar there's they are a lot of variation between the two they're gorgeous um so really this pattern no there are way too you see though I I don't know again things actually look sometimes a little better on camera than they do in person yeah so this is knit on a us5 so it's a 3.75 millimeter I got to the have halfway mark talking um and I only knit on this for two days I did have to rip out 12 rows because I forgot to got a little overzealous yeah just kept going so I'm using my um there's little Stoppers from Fox and pine Fox and pine right out of Canada so here's where we are this is all right so we're gonna go this way so I completed this is the Midway point this color is gorgeous but you can't tell that four and five are faded together this to me this whole section looks like it's the same color um right I don't know there may be a I mean there's a little darker in there but it's very very subtle yeah so here we go well it's a subtle fade I know you know what I know which is really nice I wish that the fifth color was just a little bit darker and a little more noticeable oh it is you can see it there you can see it like here kind of splitting a little bit yeah I mean maybe once the second half of this is done it may be a little more noticeable but it is it's not as much of a difference as I thought well here either no there's I I think the middle section there is very different but look at this is shadow do you see that oh just that one stripe you mean yeah oh I see that's that's a huge difference in color to me well I don't know it's it's like absolutely gorgeous no I love I love it don't get me wrong I just wish that there was a little more um yeah what's the name of the this kid so this is called the um Lush Lush landscape this is oh they still have it there right now they're taking there's a pre-sale for it the kits would be shipped after December 24th I did a pre-order did you show this yeah so yeah it's a this I think is a fantastic um beginner shawl pattern you only need to know how to knit Purl yarn over and knit two together hmm that's it and you have the Stitch markers here which keep track of your sections um yeah so even like this you can see it's a just slightly darker yeah but not as much I kind of wish that um these lighter bits of the brown or like this beige in here like right here that if that was all dark green I think it would be a little bit like here too a little more noticeable but whatever it's a beautiful yarn to work with it's going to be a fantastic shawl it's probably one that I wear I'm often I'm kind of jelly um and yeah I actually thought about uh you know which one I love this one this one's one of my favorites yeah I love that one too I don't know and this one too they're all beautiful they're absolutely gorgeous yeah it's beautiful yarn to work with the the drape on this is really nice it's got a nice Halo it's got a crispiness to it too um but it's not stiff no it's not stiff there's definitely some some crispiness but I can't wait to see what it's gonna feel like once it's blocked yeah oh because it's bfl yeah bfl feels a little bit different than a Merino correct yeah yeah this is this is a really good shawl pattern it's great TV knitting um I would say yeah it's just it's mindless but it's not because you do have to kind of pay attention for your Stitch markers but other than that you really don't it's let's go to town yeah it's it's a fun day I really enjoy knitting it and it knits up like nobody's business it knits up so quickly so last time you guys saw this I was here yeah right and then I did this bit I don't know what's that like three or four inches yeah maybe in two days and I took out 12 rows and picked up my stitches yeah and knit those 12 rows again so fun shawl give it a shot I thought about trying to put a kit together of my own of this because I really do like the yarn but I think the first kit for me well I though I was going to say for um the mcal but I really think I want to go more solid colors than speckly colors yeah yeah so I with this one I think I'm on Pace to have that done for Reinbeck yeah so I think you are too that is that lovely you want me to go yeah you're next okay so I have been working on my shawl that I am determined now to finish and I will finish probably by the next podcast oh look at you go fancy pants because I'm not going to use oh my gosh I'm in the middle of a row bummer yep shoot do you want to talk more or no ah I want to close this bag that's brioche in the middle of a row um so this is this is the brioche Adventure wrap by Jonathan tallow no I wouldn't even try to finish this don't worry about it don't worry about it all right um assuming next one again you guys have seen this a ton of times this is living in my naughty knitting sex circuit board bag with the dirty birdie skeletons on the inside they're not dirty birdies no they're just hugging this is American Idol well I'm almost done if you want to wait nope so this is my once in Floral by Maxim Sear who I'm also um Michael over at piece for pieces I'm knitting it and we've copied each other yeah so here we are once in Floral it is a fingering weight Color Work sweater my main color is called Stargazer it is from Primrose Express this is on their house space so it is a two-ply fingering weight it is 50 Merino and 50 Shetland and it's 400 yards I got this at Rhinebeck last year in specifically for this sweater um if you guys had seen several episodes ago when I first cast it on I had used some spin cycle and some undyed yak and I ripped it out and started again and for my color work I'm used Brooklyn Tweed Loft this is the color wood smoke and I'm so happy with it they're uh 50 gram skeins so I still have some of the wood smoke left and then for my flowers I use Brooklyn Tweed Loft and hay loft that I had in a hat I took out the Hat round it up again and use this and I still have a good chunk left over yeah yeah so here is where we are I also have this um my fun facts from Fox and pine needle stoppers on here they're great quality products like it's like high density like rubber or whatever and here we are so last time you guys saw this I had not split for sleeves I was probably you didn't no I had not split for sleeves I was somewhere right after my color work so I've split her sleeves and from my underarm to here I think I'm should be somewhere at about a maybe around 11 and a half inches I may have about an inch left until I start my ribbing I have to check the pattern but I think it is supposed to be it's either two and a two to two and a half inches of ribbing so I measured the john sweater that I finished a couple months ago and from the underarm to the bottom of my ribbing that was measured at 15 and a half inches and I like the way that it fits actually on the shorts that I'm wearing now it went right above the pocket of my shorts and that's kind of where I want this one to hit as well so the what an amazing color Choice thank you wow yeah it makes such a difference switching the color holy cow and your stitches look great so wow and what I did it's actually funny so Stephen West just did the same thing in his video talking about taking a picture and changing it to black and white that's what I really did to make the decision to do this is I took the picture of my color work with the spin cycle and there was just no contrast at all and then I took a color of these two Yarns together next to each other and there was a lot of contrast so I'm I'm really uh just super pleased with the decision I can't wait to have this complete I'm going to go out on a limit say it will be done by the next podcast look at us making promises that we probably can't keep I know no I think so this I mean in two weeks I was able to knit I mean that's a poop ton Kev yeah it's a ton and it's just under so it's just under 300 stitches on my needles right I know that I decreased just a little bit one round before I start my ribbing the ribbing will take the obviously the uh really really long time to do no it doesn't take it didn't take too long for me two and a half inches of ribbing and a one by one it'll be just fine no I know it'll probably be a day a day's worth of knitting but I think the sleeves are gonna fly by yeah I don't I was trying to think of this and again I like to like trick myself into thinking things are gonna go quickly so when I'm thinking of the sleeves I believe there's just under a hundred stitches I'm like oh a socks only you know 64 or 72 stitches that goes by super quick and a sock from when I knit a sock from cuff to toe if I don't do the heel that's about 14 inches if I do a seven inch leg probably about a seven inch so that's probably going to be about the same length as my sleeve maybe just a little bit longer on the sleeve it'd be like knitting a sock totally a sock tube and the decreases it'll decrease pretty quickly so I think I'm fine I think you I think you'll be just fine so my intention is to have this done by the next podcast this way I can have it ready for Rhinebeck and I'll have potentially three sweaters that I could take to rhyme back with me and that's fingeringly so depending on the weather you can wear shorts and that sweater would look amazing wearing the hell out of the sweater this is my Saturday sweater shorts if I need to with this this is absolutely Saturday so good my plan is Saturday sweater my shawl will probably be my Sunday shawl okay and then my Friday shawl for Woolen Folk will probably be slip shravaganza because it's just so beautiful but don't forget you also have your I have my john sweater sweater so that could be so I was thinking Friday night we could always do a uh I was gonna say costume change we could always do like uh well youth costume change like five times on Saturday last year because I love to wear all minutes oh my God so some of you have oh I knew you were just we have some new subscribers and people who probably don't know but Kevin and I have been together for 20 years it's a long time too long I'm just kidding so some people may not understand like we're I I promise you if you ever feel like we are hard on each other or like rude on purpose or hurtful we're not we're not are we have a such a fun relationship like what you see on the podcast is how we are in real life like we're sarcastic to each other but we love each other so much um but you know you've been together for so long that it's just yeah you know we're like an old married couple so I just wanted to put that out there so if you don't know what's this oh I don't feel um I don't feel abused by Kevin hopefully he doesn't feel abused by me all right now so that's your that's this this it's gorgeous it really is absolutely gorgeous I can't I I can't wait like I want to finish it and I want it to be done quickly but I really do just enjoy the process because it's such a um you're at that point where it's that mindless knit yeah this so all right this shirt this brand of shirt like I like them they're comfortable but they're also annoying me because they they Bunch up the what is this one this is from Stitch is this the algo oh yeah so the fabric is cool but it it does it sometimes fits and Falls weird sorry um but yeah it's a really beautiful mindless knit now the Yarns actually really beautiful it's really nice to knit with and and when you soak it like it it does it fills in yeah I bought um I don't know if I talked about this before I bought some color catchers it should come in the mail like today or tomorrow okay so when I blocked my swatches this bled like crazy and what I will say to now um now dyeing yarn what I've realized is that something that's very saturated the chances of it bleeding are pretty high yeah I I I don't know um that's always been my experience like we both have used nitpicks I did my montrealer out of a very similar color that blue bled like crazy well mine I use the same yarn for my so basic sweater and it was uh same base same you know yarn company and everything but uh it was a different color but it was just as saturated and it really it bled a lot I don't know if I took a picture of it or not but it was the it's like a orange not an orangey sweater it's like a brownish sweater yeah but it was like yellow yeah you had a yellow hint to it and um and depending too like I and I'll show you oh I don't have it um that's all right it's not even dry but I had mixed some orange yellow red and that gives you like a saturated orangey color but the yellow can um and then if you mix gray in that you're going to get a you could get a brown you could get a pretty saturated Brown but the yellow is for some reason I've noticed yellow is a tougher color to fully absorb into yarn so that would make sense that you would get like this little yellow yeah it was underneath but yeah just so you guys know the more saturated the color is I think it's uh you have a higher chance of that color bleeding when you're working or when you're blocking um yeah your projects especially like when you soak it and if you use regular soap so or any type of soap yeah sometimes the wool wash is a little bit easier on that but yeah you could always add a little vinegar to your water if you wanted to or the color catchers there's definitely tips and tricks to like help with the bleeding but on a project like that I think it's a good point because you have some lighter colored yarn and you don't want to have that blue seep into the you know seep into there this would be a really good example so this yarn that I dyed is the most saturated out of the set yeah and this one when I'm washing it this bleeds more than any of the other colors because the amount of dye that you're using is double the amount that you have in the other um the other skeins or the other batches so it just it does have a tendency to bleed especially when you add soap when once there's no soap um it will come out pretty the water will come out pretty it's such a gorgeous color though too this may be so this color um maybe in my shawl yeah possibly I mean it's great this may be my accent my pop possibly I don't know all right I'm sorry no I'm sorry that I was in the middle of a row we were watching um how come I stopped in the middle of a row I don't know we so do I anyway it doesn't matter so this is the brioche Adventure um by Jonathan's Hollow I've shown this obviously I think I looked at it and I cast it on back in like February or something um hopefully this is the last time that I talk about it as a work in progress and it should be done soon so brioche Adventure though the reason he created this pattern was for everybody so Adventure like Advent so to use your your Advent skins your mini skeins that you may get in um in your yarn advents do you have tough twins on no no you have a low body I don't know what that even is it's it's really nice I mean we I know what it is but I'm I'm really good yeah I had heard about it from Naughty nitwits yeah it's nice um Michelle Leslie it absorbed a little bit quicker than I thought I would like to reapply above it's okay so I I did make quite a bit of progress um on this I got about two and a half sections done I think so the concept this shawl is um is using those Advent skeins those mini skeins like we were saying but it's a parallelogram shape so it doesn't it doesn't grow any wider like any deeper it grows longer so it's like a wrap so it is a wrap yes so this is um you know it go this is like one side and it'll go across you um you increase on one side decrease on the other flip row huh do you want to flip so you can show the other side oh sure so it's really the same thing on the other side because what you end up doing is your um your main color from one side becomes the contrast color on the other side and right now I have I think 13 of these stripes in the pattern the sample that he used is 15. I have the mini skein um set from Dragon horde yarn and yarn Cafe Creations Christmas at Hogwarts and there are 24 minis there I don't think I'm going to use all 24 um because this is already pretty long I think I just spit all over you this is already pretty long so um I'm probably going to do maybe three more okay okay and then call it call it a day I would you should start the other ones with a blanket do another blanket and throw them in yeah I'm so I I might because they're they're really nice but they're pretty close now in color in color family oh yeah for sure so it'll be a little bit this I would use this wood let's see the ones that I'm using right now um are these two I would use this so I might this is I think I'm going to bring this one in this one yeah so we'll see but the other ones are kind of I mean that's still no you have something yeah I would go here so and then this might be the end of my show so these two are what I'm working on now I may only do I may add two or three more so yeah I think even actually you know what but see here's what I've been doing though right right so I've been alternating like this skin is um yarn Cafe creations and double Dumbledore's Army this scheme is Dragon horde yarn so I've been alternating mother daughter yeah you know and like alternating between those which I thought was kind of cool that's true to be able to do that nobody else would ever know that but it was just something that I thought I would want to do in my head so um so I would need next up would need to be a dragon horde yarn so these two are Dragon horde okay and this is yours so then that would be perfect so then I could do so I can do the uh no I I need to do one of these so C I would actually go this way so they're going to be this is almost like a darker version of this kind of yeah it has some of those same but it's interesting because you look at this and you're like oh okay that's you know kind of contrasty but when you actually start knitting with it it's really not all that different you know let me see um when you reverse it it is though no it's kind of it's very similar oh maybe yeah but it's okay it doesn't matter um so anyway I was here last time and so I did these two and then I have about a half done that's a lot of nip here it is a lot because you're knitting you're knitting each row twice absolutely I will tell you that this is probably the squishiest softest project yeah I think that I've ever knit it's and imagine what it's going to feel like once it's blocked I know so when I'm blocking when I block it I'm probably gonna block it um don't block it aggressively I think I am why so he because he gives some instructions on how to do that to give it a little bit more length yeah to it so I'm it's not going to be like super aggressive but I want you to be able we want to be able to kind of see some of that and I think it'll be easier it'll be nicer to wear Acro like over my shoulders if I wanted to we'll see how it goes well I'm going to sneeze I think bless you what do we got going on in the house why are we why are we being this this way what do we house why we be this way so that's it that's my brioche Adventure please keep me in your thoughts that I will be able to finish this because this is I don't want this to turn into a year-long project and it's almost there so this is my primary this has been pretty much my primary you're all for we're off for three days you could probably do finish that in three days no I I have faith thanks but I I have faith the faith the faith speaking of faith I was just looking at our bookshelf over here do you know how many of these books I bought that I haven't read wow okay yes you have nope I haven't read down here I haven't read book of Fate I haven't read what's book of Fate where is that so over here by Brad mertzer did I read it maybe I read it no I haven't read the shadow of what was lost I have not read it looks like the fairies I know I started that I never finished it though I have not read Sorcerer of the crown that sounds good okay um is that it nope I have one more one more yeah you have one more I went sorry I feel like I've had nothing to contribute I've literally only knit the same I have a hat that I knit like three rows on but I didn't bring it up um but I've knit that I've only been knitting on the same three Pro two projects for like six weeks that's okay and I haven't finished anything in about two or I feel like two or three months hey books don't worry about it Hey booger head all right you go back to sleep don't worry about it he had to reposition himself yes you're very cute though you are you cute so that's you okay I couldn't not cast this on I needed a simple knitting in the round vanilla pattern because everything else has it been crochet which I have to look at brioche which I have to look at um so I just needed something a little bit simple and I ended up I can't but this is the cutest freaking thing in the whole world this is um the s'mores oh I can't remember what she actually called it but this is um uh this is by gingersnap that um it was a kit that I bought I think it was last time I showed it I did show it on the last one yeah this is the bag the fabric so it's a wireframe bag small bag inside are very cute ready to Camp owls and I cast on oh here as I bet it tells me here laughs laughs more worry less sock set it's in her dust fingering uh base 7525 Superwash Merino and nylon uh it's Ginger Snap there's the base here's the yarn Caked Up what was the other kit that we got like a long time ago from her did you knit it no I didn't yet it was this the the cowl or something like that the sisters cowl or shawl or whatever so I cast on a sock I did not finish one yet but it's been really really nice to knit in the round look at this knit up isn't that so yeah good that's a great so it's like it's so fall it's like Marsh to toasted marshmallows right and you have the Browns in there um so what I ended up doing was I cast on uh with a twisted German cast on with the contrast color because I wasn't sure I was going to have enough um to do cuffs heels and toes so I just wanted a little bit of the brown on top yeah it's a nice detail yeah thanks I did a two by two rib um this is my generic um vanilla sock pattern you can find that on Ravelry it's it's all like all that all is there and then um then I did that for I think I did 15 rows of that my leg is I did seven inches I wanted a seven inch leg from heel to the tip of the cuff I did a shadow wraps heel on this um and I use the shadow wrap heel pattern uh socks from Denise over at uh Earth Tones girl let me actually find the actual the the pattern well I'll have this link down below the pattern it's um it's pretty much like uh uh oh so exploration Shadow wrap heel but she's got instructions to like to knit a vanilla sock there as well it's just the this pattern really focuses a lot on the heel um and then she's got some tutorials that she adds to that and pictures and stuff I'm also using so this is a progress keeper that was included but it was so freaking cute so adorable that I just put it on a um on a light bulb stitch marker that kind of matches a little bit that kind of fits the theme and have that as my um as my stitch marker because I couldn't I couldn't get this little like it was getting snagged a little bit on the needle on the needle so and I wish I could have removed it because then I could use this little ring but anyway I have so this way I can still use it because it's it's so cute um I knit these on 2.25 millimeter needles nine inch circulars my my preferred method on what nine inch circular needles yes that's nine inch circular needles that's been a while it's been a while actually it has and then I was whispering it for a little while and then I don't know why I don't remember what the uh anyway I could do what I want so that's that so I have um I wear a size 12. so my foot is 11 inches long and I usually knit with about uh an inch or so negative ease so that the sock fits well this this heel fits my heel this yeah this heel fits my foot um the best even better than um a gusset like a slip stitch gusset here yeah so I I prefer this it cuffs my heel um very well do you do any extra rounds like I do for uh after thought heal I'll do like four extra rounds no there's no need to because um you you get back into the pattern do you know what I mean like if I was doing a pattern sock and this I might do a few extra rounds before I pick the pattern back up again but because it's all stockinette you never increase or decrease your stitches it always stays the same amount of stitches there it just shapes the the cup of your heel that I didn't need to so every once in a while I may like you can see here like on the heel turn itself like I may um I may leave some extra stitches in the middle of my heel if I needed like a wider you know heel depending on how the yarn is or whatever but this yarn is so nice and like super um super stretchy so it's gonna fit my heel very very well so I do um the heel usually adds about two inches or so and then I'll do um about six and a half inches of this the leg and then I'll do the toe so usually for me that gets me to about 10 um 10 and a half inches 10.25 something like that and that's enough to give me the negative ease that I want because I don't like the like slouchy socks hanging off my hanging off my dogs I love this it's probably one of my favorite yeah it's a great colors yeah so I used I have 16 grams left over with the contrast so that should be enough for the toe on this and then heels toes and then that little bit that I did for the cuff did you measure it beforehand just to see if it was over 20 sure did and how many was it I believe it was 20 on the nose oh but I can definitely refer to my handy dandy notebook uh the main color the main color had 109 grams and then the contrast was 20. on the dot okay so I did 72 stitches Twisted German cast on with a contrast color and then I did two by two rib for 15 rows which is about a 1.5 inches the leg I did seven inches I think I told you including the cuff I did the shadow wrap heel um so the shadow so like I was saying the shadow wrap heel when you when you're going back and forth and it's a free pattern I think so I'll link it down below um you have you you basically split your heel into into thirds so in the middle this section is a certain amount of stitches and then on the ends um you know it's like third so for me I did 11 in the middle and then I had 13 on each side okay which would have given me because I used 36 right because half of 72. um but sometimes depending on the yarn I'll leave the 13 in the middle and 11 and 11 on each side does that make sense yeah but so if I want like a wider heel then that's what I'll do well no you couldn't do that if you did 13 11 11 that's 22 and that's 35 or then I'll do 14. I'll do whatever it splits it up but I'll do the opposite so I'll have more in the middle and then you can do whatever you know whatever you want obviously you find what fits your foot the best okay all the knitting contents and crafting content I'm gonna do some brief yarn dying so um I cannot get over how great this bag is I've been I tried to I think I did a pretty good job I tried to replicate the orange yeah you did it we'll say gradient I think you guys are right it was definitely not a fade it's definitely a gradient so oh yeah that's a good point I know I'll I'm trying to recreate it so I think I did a pretty decent job I will say I think some of the colors are a little more like tonal than they were last time like not as I want to say maybe not as even I don't know though but here it is again these are not wound but this was the orange right so here's color the darkest then you got your Mead your like color number so I called this four this was three this is color the second color and then this is the first one so there's you know very slight difference I don't know if you could yeah you could see it for sure so this is the one that I may use in my mcom okay the darker the more saturated one um but then what I did because I love this cut like I love all of them I love this color a lot so I was like okay well let's play with this color again and add some gray this is probably one of my favorites it's so good so it's really subtle it's a lot I will say there's a lot of white space in this one which I don't know why I'm always concerned about yeah I like I do like it yeah so I don't know why I don't like where I like get afraid of dyeing it right but what I really love right is this gray has this really pretty blue undertone to it so you get these like little almost blue bits and then where the gray and the orange kind of hit you get that orange turns into a really nice um tan or darker brown so then what I did I don't have here because I dyed it yesterday is I took the same amount of dye yeah for this and I dyed the skeins with the orange um die stock first took them out of the water then I added the gray the same gray into it and added the yarn back so it's a very tonal like I can't wait to see it dry because it has some orange and it has some brown in it so we'll see so I almost thought like oh do I use this in the M cow but I may change it a little bit and make it get rid of some of the white I love the white um it makes the other colors really pop yeah I thought this was this was a it's really fun yeah I like it are you gonna put that up for sale how many do you have I've I dyed 10 of these 10 yeah yeah this is actually so I will say that remind that's fall to me this is you would think this would be super fast this type of dying is more time consuming than this this takes way less time for me and I could do more of this type of die style at a time than I can this um so I loved I loved doing I really do love playing my allergies are really um did you take allergy meds I did I love the way that tonals look or semi-solids or solids or whatever yeah but they are they do they for me at least um in the way that I've been doing them lately they take out way more time and it's harder for me to dye a larger quantity of those than it is for this this yeah like if I wanted to today for instance I could probably die like 40 of the same color wow really quickly you know all right so that was it for dying so now we have oh and I found the the other tones that I know it's gonna do for the Harlow we're set so this is Granada grenita granita granita isn't that that um like Italian ice dessert like doesn't Giada always make the granita no she makes um uh I thought that like isn't it something where you put it in a pan and then you use the fork and scrap no that's um gelato's more ice creamy oh yeah I thought it was a granita I could be wrong I don't know but those are beef those would be fine yeah I feel like they were going to that's going to be a little more contrasty than this yeah but this looks good yeah I love it it's it it's very very comfortable on my head okay what else so so we have next is just um some olive Post Yeah I have no acquis the only Acquisitions I got was the nitpicks that I've already shown I have one but it's not really yarn related oh yeah that's right well I talked about it last week which I forgot until I got com into like seeing some of the comments yeah so I figured I'd just talk about it so first up we received a delivery from Melissa and she has opened up a new yarn store in Mina Arkansas yes it is called Rich Mountain fiberco so it's on the Main Street there and it's in an old Bank um in the Washita mountains oh is that how you say that oh wash it you know I appreciate when people send like letters and they pronounce they put the how to pronounce the thing right afterwards I very much appreciate that um and she just opened she opened in July um oh and it's Mina I think that's how yeah that's exactly how you said it you did it so it's it's the sohigyan shop and we'll have the the website linked down below does she have a website oh she should have a website we should probably find it oh if she has one but um it's an old bank which is cool so the vault is still in place and everything so it was built over 100 years ago that's really neat yeah and um she also included a coupon code for y'all um because she will ship and the code is natr20 and it gets you 20 off your order um of 100 or more yes and this code is good until March March end of March March 31st yes of 2023 2022 well that would be impossible because today's that we're so I'm assuming that was should say 20 you're right 23. um so she sent over some of her favorite Yarns so what a great we want to share this stuff with you too right so this is yarn from foreign this is nice cashmere lusso cashmere lusso so this yarn is 50 virgin cashmere and 50 recycled cash so there's a couple different colorways here um I wonder if they have names or if they're numbered it's made in Italy these are 50 gram balls 225 meters come on so I think these I think we're just going with the numbers so we got number one seven one nine three bam then we have colorway one seven one nine two sorry hi Bubba then we have one nine nine nine seven I feel like I feel like I'm on Price is Right I feel like you're pulling the lottery numbers then we have number one 7195 so this is acetosa where the heck are you seeing Oh Agra agrophoblio it's dopa I bet these are places in Italy or Italian words palisandro that sounds like a place that sounds like a name like these are so yeah they're very beautiful yeah looks like kind of maybe a two-ply oh it's so soft these are gorgeous together huh wow thank you so much that's really incredible and then but wait there's more then she sent I love the idea of recycled cashmere and like virgin Cashmere together all right so then she sends some yarn um from two of her favorite all right so we have yarn from Moon Drake so these are two of her favorite colors yeah this is Prada blue this is a bfl high twist fingering so it's 400 yards 100 grams and it's 80 Superwash blue face Leicester and 20 nylon that's a gorgeous color this is a really um it's vibrant yeah um saturated blue it's really really pretty I would say this it's actually a little bit I don't know maybe it's true to color this is true totally true to color yeah this is really really pretty and then this is spruce wow totally uh Christmasy tree color but darker it's dark yeah oh they're really pretty together I think they're pretty together yeah and then this yarn is from String Theory this is orbit it is a self-striping yarn um this is it an 80 20 80 um and it is 328 yards 299 meters 100 grams so this it's cool it explains it tells you that stripe pattern on the side so you have six rows of Navy actually hold on I'm sorry one second I apologize orbits it looks like is the base the colorways Hydra and now you're good so you have six rows of Navy six rows of pale Violet six rows of white six rows of aqua and then six rows of medium violet that's cool yeah that's a really pretty I'm gonna do a little stitch marker on it yeah stag free too yeah how fun um and then there website is their website called what clever okay um I just want to make sure I'm getting everything you hear turquoin snoring no what the bag I was just trying to um the tags right here um look at this pretty bad it's really action the bag hold on I'm trying to see where the bag's from because the tag just has small project bag so I want to see I'm gonna have to see if we can am I missing it is there more I'll reach out and um get a link for the bag because I feel like I'm missing something but it's really cute because it's embroidered with flowers yeah it's really pretty and she tried to include stuff she made the bag oh did I miss that and a bag that I have made oh wow good job thanks for checking for me but this is fun look at the shape of it oh right so it's like it's oh it's not a box bottom it's like uh it's more like oh it's so good and I love that it's hand or I'm not gonna say hand embroidered it could be a machine embroidered so I don't know but I love the embroidery on it and it has like this this color is like a really nice denim and the flowers are beautiful the fabric looks like it's denim but it's not and then oh great coffee from a local business this is from the I'm gonna I have to read how to pronounce it wash it off wash it off wash it ha wash it ah oh it smells nice as if your store smells like slit this um so they roast their coffee they also have a micro Brewery and a pizza place so so road trip right so this is a nice um Columbia coffee oh it's really lovely I know you can smell these roasted on August 9th we haven't used it yet we have not um sent and sent us some fun okay so these I was so excited coffee mugs now we can use them I know now we could use them these are heavy duty yeah they're diesel like these are really really heavy these are the good old days it says and then lastly sent us some sassy Swatch relish Relish in the Sass apparently this place is known for their relishes so thank you so much it was such a lovely package I wish you sent Pizza oh my well that's what we're gonna have for lunch is it for sure are you committed to that I mean if you say that it's one o'clock no it can't be yeah it's one o'clock oh oh all right we have one more it's time to stand up it says although I've been standing and blowing my nose every five minutes one more um just once your Neath goodness thanks so this we're gonna preference by saying if you haven't if you've signed up for Row one Minis and you have not received this month's this literally got dropped off today today so just look away yeah so chances are you may not have gotten it because it's only September 3rd is this September's colorway it is yeah wow so we got this super fast we did okay so definitely look away you can listen if you no you can't because we'll talk about the yarn Dyer so okay ready three two one go so this September is um apparently National selling month so congratulations and happy sewing month to all of you sewists out there and um so this month's uh dire is so happy Jane s-e-w happy Jane hand died happy um Heather is the one-man show behind this this yarn one woman show why would I say one minute um she says that her speckled and hand-painted Yarns are methodically dyed to minimize pooling and flashing and her tonals are filled with Rich dimensional color and cohesive color palettes that make planning projects easy she's inspired by tiny songbirds Majestic mountains sparkling streams tide pools delicious food blooms Gardens and all things bright and beautiful she sources her yarn from responsible Mills who love the animals and the people who work for them and then she dyes all of her yarn in Nampa Idaho so that is the yarn Dyer this month and how fun because every month um they also include a related like stitch marker slash progress keeper this one's a stitch marker and it's a sewing machine oh fun right for like how perfect all right so I'm gonna start showing some so again if you don't want to see look away but here are two I'm gonna show the name so that you could see them you know what I love about this and I'm obviously everything this is a really great color I know there's some really pretty ones there are so I'm not going to show them you know all you can definitely kind of like get a peek at them um but what's really cool is it gives you an opportunity to become familiar with um you know uh Independent Business yeah somebody because like you may not know right like some of these colors would make amazing sweaters or you know like if you want to just purchase the yarn by themselves you could definitely do that she sells her yarn um in 100 gram skeins 75 25 462 yards in each 100 gram scheme um so super fun so thank you so much I know I need to start a blanket totally let me teach you how to crochet absolutely not I'm gonna do um I have one that I bought you did yeah I like I bought it a couple months ago I forget the name of it though I think I'm gonna do I think I want to hold some of these like Marl some of these I definitely don't want to do that because I don't like I understand why people love the idea of holding two fingering weights together I just don't like having to make sure that I'm catching both both yeah knitting is not so hard to do that it's difficult for me to do that so I I just I would prefer to hold them hold me so that's all right so then one acquisition for me and the only reason I'm showing this is I like I said I guess I talked about this last episode so I was looking to get a new bag for work because I bring a book bag with me or backpack or whatever you call it um with me to work to carry all my stuff in so I was looking for one I my old one is an LL Bean one I've had it for like 10 years or more than that so I've been trying to find one from them and I just couldn't find the one that I wanted and I was watching YouTube one day and Sam over from Irish Irish farmer Knits Irish do you know what I'm talking about I do I'm waiting for you to finish I'm trying to think of the exact name oh yes Sam our friend Sam I know but I forget so he's Irish Farm Irish farmer Irish farmer I forget um okay I'm looking now yeah it's like our Irish Farm designs or something Irish anyway well on YouTube he's an Irish knitting podcast okay that's the sorry it's still on Instagram is different sorry Irish farmer Irish farm and he had talked about this brand four bag he did a review on one that he's had for six months this is not the exact one but it's the first time I had seen this brand it is he has a cranking number two I have a I purchased uh Robin 28. so this is the name of the company I don't know how to say it look there's a little fox on it I know so funny thing is is I so after he showed his I started looking at the company and trying to decide if I was going to buy one from them because they are a little bit pricier and I checked out a couple styles and then I kind of forgot about it but I left the web page up then I was going through Instagram one day and I saw um Grant who plays The Flash yeah he I like one of his Instagram posts there was a bag on the bench next room I was like oh that looks like a nice bag and then I saw this logo I was like oh I know that brand let me go check the website and see what that bag is and I pull up the website on my browser and this is the bag that I actually was opened to so I was like okay that's the Universe telling me this is the bag so I bought it and it arrived this morning yeah which but it's very spacious it's very nice bless you thank you so I guess I talked about it last week and that's the bag I ended up with lovely all right so that's the knitting content let's talk about what we've been reading and watching so reading wise I have finished two books and I've started a third book now I finished reading unsold by will white book details I have to go to our show notes to kind of find out I don't know what I finished and what I didn't so here's the cover this is the Cradle book volume one this book is um so it's just it's actually called Falls in a category of Asian myth and Legend so this book the main character is um Linden she of the way Clan who lives in sacred Valley sacred Valley is surrounded by four mountain peaks each of the mountain peaks have a school and then the valley has four Clans and the Clans follow the path of um or the the way Clan follow the path of the white fox at the age of six the children of the clan put their hands in a bowl of madra Madras like it almost feels like what we would consider Chi maybe like it's something that travels through them and travels through like their channels so they put their hand in this bowl of madra and the way that the mother reacts to them it determines what a four main disciplines they'll follow um like I know one's an enforcer one is a um a Forger and then there's um there's two others and the only reason I don't remember is there's a lot of stuff in this book and they are all sacred artists so they follow this discipline and learn it but based on the path of their Clan which their path is the white fox um in Linden when he takes the test he's a good name yeah he has no reaction to the madra okay so they tell him that he's kind of like brought shame to the family he has no soul and they refuse to teach him any of these paths or any of the disciplines and the first couple chapters it's just kind of progresses pretty quickly he goes from a six-year-old to a 16 year old and how he's um kind of treated treated in the clan and his desire to really learn a path and and follow one of these paths whether it's the enforcer or the forger um he's not allowed to do a lot of stuff in and nobody really takes him seriously so the book in the in this year they're having one of their seven year festivals and it's the way Clan is they're hosting it and Lyndon starts by trying to find a way to um to win in the tournament so he could learn a path and when you're learning a path you also have levels of that you start when you first start learning you're at the foundation level and you move up to copper iron Jade which in the sacred Valley is kind of like the top but then you can go to gold and gold is like their goal uh but it's very hard to get there your body the way that you use madra and you have a core where your module is stored um you have to kind of train that and then you can I'll say evolve or Ascend to the next level um so you're kind of following him along this path but then in the book this kind of like curve is thrown at you where there's I'm gonna call them a Celestial where you're introduced to one but you know that there's many and then you find out that the planet that Linden's on is called the cradle and it's one iteration of many hmm um and he's introduced to one of these um celestials and said here's your fate this is kind of the path that your life is going to follow however you could change it in order to change it you have to do this and he takes the steps necessary to kind of get there um and then I finished book two in the series which is called um yes Soul Smith in this book we continue lyndon's journey following this path and a kind of friend that he's met along the way and they are finding themselves in a new kind of or he's finding himself in a new kind of world one that he didn't know about and is learning that everything he knows is wrong um and again he's trying to ascend along this path and you meet a bunch of characters there's so much that happens in this one it's I feel like it's really building the more World building and um the traditions and traditions and a lot of talking about the paths and meeting a lot of the essential characters maybe for the rest of the series it's just so good I I finished the second book and I'm like man I just want to jump right into the third book because I really want to know I want to follow him yeah and the way people kind of discard him or disregard him because he hasn't no soul um he just considered weaker and it comes up quite a bit so to kind of see his like resilience through this and how you know some people you're treated like that and you would it would have a negative impact on you um he just has a really good outlook on it and it's good to see the characters are great and it does um there's a lot of I would think uh I don't want to say Asian themes it's not themes but it's kind of reminds me of yeah influences right like you can the way that they dress they don't describe it but it's almost like they all wear like a kimono type of thing okay maybe um and the way that he the respect that they have for their Elders is very similar to something that you would see in um almost like in I don't know like like a Memo's of a Geisha or you know like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon like it reminds me of that the way that he speaks to them and he speaks of himself um so a lot of um Asian influence in the in the book so really really good if you like that uh would you say not sci-fi maybe sci-fi it's books I would definitely I would highly recommend it just based off the first two books nice and I commit to reading the I bought all of the books there's 11 in the series the next nine last night so I know that I'm going to read it the reviews on these books are fantastic as well so great what's the name of the whole series do they have like a series it's called the um oh and the third book I started reading last night is called black flame so the series is called cradle okay and there are 11 books um cool oh okay I get it now good so um I'm sorry sorry I'm just gonna show them you're a talker today um well the cover is they wear when they um I just picked this up and then here's the cover for the next one when they send no when they're follow their path right so when he's in his Village sacred Valley and he put his hands in the other kids are like oh the major reactor this way you are an enforcer here is your badge oh so it's a wood badge with the symbol of the Pat or the the discipline they're following then when they become copper they get a copper version iron so on and so forth so his badge showed I don't remember it may have been blank or it was a symbol for unsold so it literally tells everybody he has no soul so you walk around with that and everybody all sacred artists wear a badge that shows their discipline and their level so I just realized all the covers of the books yeah I just noticed that badges sure good okay so that's that's it yeah the third book I just started last night I'm only like 10 in so cool picks up right after the second book awesome I am um I finished so it kind of connected not really but a similar fashion to what Kevin was talking about with choosing your own like kind of um or having having a choice of what school of magic or Focus you know your core is or you can be or whatever it is the um I finished spell Breaker by Gigi no by Charlie Holmberg um this was this is what I'm reading right now on uh on my Kindle it is a duology so I finished that I gave it four stars I think it's close to five so probably about four and a half stars um I started the second one called spell maker uh by the same author the universe is really cool it's a uh alternate kind of I want to say it's a alternate reality um because it takes place in our world like London um the places are the same the kind of technology is the same the difference is that they have uh people who are spell makers or people that are spell Breakers and you're spell makers are separated into they call them aspecters not like Wizards or anything like that they're called aspecters and I explained this last time but the concept is that you can draw in the actual spell by writing it on your skin or you know somebody's got to teach you that spell and once you learn that spell it becomes a part of you um and they're very expensive so people spend money to to learn these spells and you only have a limited capacity to learn spells based on how strong you are um and so people choose to focus in one school over others so there's physical aspecters which are people that can move things around or create you know Turn ice into water vice versa anything that has like to do with physical um there's spiritual aspecters um which can um can change a person's mood and things like that there's um there's two other ones which I can't really remember right now um but they all do like different things like there's a there's a this is these again um so anyway long story short is the main character is a I'm wondering if it's your Foundation yeah it might be something in there that might just listen because I haven't worn it in a while and my hands are fine but remember we switched we did the one that I was using yours yeah um I think my allergy medicine I I get I have to swap between two different allergy medicines because my body becomes a little bit um accustomed to it and so I have to kind of flip-flop around so I think it's time for for a change I feel great though so don't worry about me I'm okay don't feel like oh poor right I'm okay I deal with this is what I've been going through for the 43 years you're 44 years old three I'm 41. oh my gosh Ram 41 yeah so anyway it's a it's a cool series it's a really interesting concept the main character is a spell breaker so it's not something that you have to learn it's just something that you're born with and um she can see the Spells as runes and she kind of unties those knots and and breaks apart the Spells there's a little bit of a love interest there's no dirty Parts which is nice break from um there's no different parts of my fluttery that I've been reading lately and so um it's cool it's like old it takes place in like 1800 uh England and uh I I really liking the series so like I said I started the second one just as good as the first it's kind of like a mystery like whodunit kind of thing there's been a murder and now people's uh so when these when these um aspecters die all the spells that they've taken into their body when they die they don't leave behind their body they leave behind um their Opus which is a collection of those spells it is interesting so I because listening to you it's so much of what you're saying right so as you were talking I was listening I was like wow that's an interesting but a different world right you know yeah but it kind of like themed I don't know like it just because so when a character dies in the books I'm reading there's a Remnant so and they could take different shapes and have different like um I don't know not personalities but like they could be aggressive or facile or whatever um so yeah so there's that kind of thing so yeah it's really interesting it is interesting so the Opus like it's like so say I was an aspector and I died I would turn into like a spell book basically so it would be a list of all the spells that I've learned or no um so people can't teach themselves spells from this book you but they're like one time you spell so like Kevin if he doesn't have any of these powers can rip a page out of my book and cast it off on somebody else so they're very valuable so there's been a murder that takes place and some of these high-level aspecters are being murdered and their opuses are being stolen so this murderer is collecting these opuses um and so yeah so cool interesting uh whodunit kind of situation I'm more than halfway done with the second book it's really good the uh the next series that I'm list I'm listening to One on Audible right now um called the uh it's The Accidental Alchemist series um so it's an accidental Alchemist mystery so the first one I finished was called The Accidental Alchemist uh by Gigi pandian um that's the cover art and so basically that Golem um or comes to life this is a gargoyle comes to life and um kind of partners with this Alchemist who's been around living for the past 600 years or so and now they're in Modern Day Oregon and uh oh it's also like a whodunit kind of Mystery the first one there was some um there was some murders going on and it was kind of linked to Alchemy and um the I was surprised at who the murderer was so it was very interesting like oh how did I not see that coming um I don't I can't really talk a lot about this book without giving a lot of things away you learn a lot of this um throughout the the series so basically it's um and I think I read the description on the last podcast it was uh it was really good the second book in that is called the something magician oops uh the masquerading magician also you know same author same narrator I'm not liking this book as much at all actually I think I gave the first one a four out of five four and a half out of five stars this one I you know how sometimes you read a series and the second book takes so long re-explaining the history of the first book I don't like that and I get why you have to do a little bit of that but this whole this whole book I'm like I probably have like two hours left of the book is still continuing to go back and repeating things that have a already been repeated in this book so like the um oh goshendra just completed a workout um like is repeating the stuff that was already said in this book like the the concepts of alchemy are Mercury salt and XYZ you know and then it says it again and like not even in a different way it just keeps repeating itself like over and over again like did you not was I not here for for you from the beginning and then it's still setting up like a like reminders even now so far into this book of what happened in the first book I get it but some I do agree that there are some instances where it's just it's distracting it takes too much of the book and like you know and typically there's a good time frame between when books are published sure you know and I can't get that I totally I do understand that sometimes it takes a little too much but you once you get past that's in my you know and I'm always prepared to get a little bit of the backstory but then there comes a point in the book where you're like okay now I'm past that we can get onto the story it's not going to be distracting to me anymore but it's just continuing on just like I don't know so um it'd be like in Harry Potter in the seventh or whatever book the final book if they're still talking about he's like oh when I was a boy right my mother died when I was a baby there was a man which they do talk about but in a different way but if it's not like yeah so anyway um but I also am not a fan of the storyline of this one either um the first one I thought was the first book was so unique it was so cool it was like oh this is so interesting are you finishing the book because now I'm committed you know it's a second book in a series and this it's that's it there's no more after this it's just a duology and I like the characters and I like the like I like the actual backstory of the people and like their take on Alchemy and I want to find out what happens to um Dorian who's our gargoyle because I really like him he's one of my favorite characters excuse me it's just the story I don't know it's just how the story is presented to us is just a little annoying okay if I have to be honest we'll see if the end gives us some validation all right and last on the list y'all is what we've been watching so Kevin we're over two hours stop let's well you just talked you talked for like 20 minutes about it well if you stopped finishing so many projects and starting so many new ones I only talked about two knitting projects get your together do some smaller projects you have gigantic projects so we watched the first two episodes of The Lord of the Rings the rings of power um just released on Amazon recently it was a very entertaining I feel like I kind of want to watch them again because so yeah same I thought they were excellent they were yeah I actually I wish that they released it all at one time so you could just keep going yeah because I it's totally binge-worthy for me and I just want to keep going well we could do that we could wait until they're all released and then binge from the beginning again well but now that I'm hooked I want to watch him as soon as they come out okay so if you're Lord of the Rings fan highly recommend it yeah even if you're not you don't have to know no you don't you don't have to know anything really and as of right now there's only three characters from the movies that two that we've seen and another one that's been mentioned who are the two that we've seen we've seen um l-ron L Ron and how do you say her name but you don't really have to you don't even really have to know their backstory or not no not at all yeah this is kind of like a prequel it takes place hundreds of years I think before I think like is it 300 no something like that so watching that then we've been watching um binging Supernatural so we finished season one so loving this series I and I don't know why I never watched it I know I'm so surprised me too so we finished season one and we're on season two we're about like five or six episodes into that now and then we've been watching She-Hulk um Disney plus and that's fun it's a fun thing there's no you were saying it last night and I there's no real story yet yeah no meme story maybe it's just her coming to terms with that she is a Hulk yeah could be it um but there's no like bad guy no or no you know no Arc I guess no story arc that you're seeing right maybe there won't be maybe it's just gonna be like a but I love all the little cameos and knots to the universe and um and I love how she breaks out of character to address us as the audience I had a Google I was telling you this I had to Google it because I kept seeing things where um it breaks the fourth wall yes and the fourth wall is your screen now that you said that to me last night when we were talking about it I learned about that in film class you know when they were talking about like that's part of the um part of it like there's three walls when you're watching something yes of course you know and we are the fourth wall we are right your TV screen's that fourth wall so when they start talking to you directly as an audience that's considered breaking the fourth wall and she's so good if you all haven't watched um or if in Black that is one of my our favorite I love it she is an incredible actress I don't know her name I know it but I probably don't know how to say it properly she's just it's it's such a good show yeah that was a fantastic show so and this one's good too this one's setting itself up to be it's entertaining correct yeah correct I think that's it I think so too I just ordered pizza because you did lovely that's the why can't we leave um I got a pepperoni and cheese about two pieces oh we'll have some friends for dinner tonight do you get any accoutrement as well um some fried mozzarella sticks lovely okay so that is that and um yeah and so um congratulations again to our winners That's so exciting um and I know we didn't probably didn't say it in the beginning but thank you to all you new subscribers and new viewers thank you huge to those who continue to stick out stick up stick out you stick out stick with us um from the beginning really it means it really does mean the world to us and we're gonna get to meet so many people in a month and a half so exciting that's gonna be a good time so um I know we're like a chatty or a bunch today I think no we're not as long as last week but we literally had like an eighth of what we showed last week yeah it doesn't matter yeah all right that's it we're done all right so thank you all um hope you guys have a good two weeks and we will catch you all on a fortnight bye
Channel: Needles at the Ready Podcast
Views: 17,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sfdRM31oxEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 10sec (7510 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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