The Tomodachi Life Iceberg - Every Detail Explained

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hey hello it's me it's casey welcome back to my channel today we are going to be going into the tomodachi life iceberg theory a lot of you have requested me to make this video and i'm super excited because this has taken me so long to make and i hope that it lives up to your expectations we're going to dig way too deep into every bit of this game and it may seem weird at times for the super wholesome game but uh trust me it gets really good [Music] this theory was posted by a redditor by the name of fifu2 i hope that i am pronouncing that right if not i will still be linking their page down below so you can check out this uh theory on your own i apologize if everything isn't correct but i did want to simplify the tomodachi life iceberg it has a huge deep dive into the game and it's super interesting so an iceberg theory or iceberg chart is usually an image of an iceberg captioned humorously or seriously sometimes so that at the tip of the iceberg the sum of the game and the knowledge that most people um know about the game is at the top while the larger submerged part of the iceberg is the sum of all of the knowledge of a particular topic so all the juicy stuff that you're not going to know by first playing this game or first glance of the game or whatever theory you're speaking of tomodachi life is a simulation game developed by nintendo in this game you can turn your friends family and even celebrities into me's a sort of mini sim like as in the sims you can customize everything about your me recreate a person in its mini form they can sing eat fall in love break up go shopping play games and live their life in a similar fashion to our own this game was released in 2014 and even though it's over six years old it still generates a lot of attention to this day when you look at the fan created tomodachi life iceberg i'll link it down below in the description like i said earlier you will see at the very top of the iceberg things that we know about the game the text-to-speech voices very correct sometimes pronounce things hilariously wrong um they are very humorous in their own right and can lead to some really weird things happening that's for sure so quirky questions is where you can ask your mies literally any question and there are really no limits to this with the way that the prompts are set up in the game so you can ask some pretty risque questions or some really fun innocent questions the 16 different personality types that completely mold your me um there are a ton of different personality types in this game there are different ways that you can fill out the check boxes whenever you're creating your me to make your mis personality a little bit more different than the next me that is in that same personality range the relationship mechanics which are super realistic your character can fall in and out of love marry and divorce have a family etc or if we're talking about the actual chart of relationships that you have with other means it keeps track of everyone you're friends with who you're getting along with who you can't stand so pretty much literally keeping track of uh everybody in your life or your mii's life going down a little bit into the iceberg we have the profanity filter which sometimes doesn't work you can find ways around this filter to make your me say some really crazy things and some words are not censored at all or you can find a way around the sensor import wear is really weird because it was relevant in the game whenever it was first released now it's pretty much useless importwear is a location in tomodachi life where you can purchase clothing from street pass or spot pass which is a feature on the 3ds when you took your 3ds out in public and passed by another person with their console you could get different items sent through street pass to each game but nobody really plays the 3ds anymore so these features don't really work the way that they were intended babies and tamagotchi life are super odd you tried to help your me out while the baby is crying trying to calm them down but for some reason you can shake the baby and make it really miserable um you almost become a babysitter and they are creepy in their own right babies have their own special little quirks about them and you can go and visit your knees and they're taking care of your child and at the end of them being a baby or a toddler you get this awesome photo book that shows the process of them growing up the dreams in tomodachi life are very intense sometimes you encounter yourself in a mirror except it's not you you fall from the sky into a cheeseburger you get dipped in paint very much nightmare material and then we have things like marriages and me homes and islander minigames all very innocent and wholesome for the most part and one mini game you can help your me sneeze hmm ever done that one in real life before the marriages are very adorable you can tap buttons to help your miese propose and if done right they will get married and receive a me home they still keep their apartment but have a separate home to do me marriage stuff in like cooking and eating and showering and brushing their teeth even oh and of course watching tv and having babies next is the trash food like the molded bread or the spoiled milk grain juice even the habanero peppers or the escargot and so many more it's very disturbing it's very disturbing and disgusting the items that you can feed your knees they will eat them they won't turn them down unless they are really full kind of like a torture session like i've mentioned in my tomodachi life conspiracy theory video the europe and japan version of tomodachi life are very different in the europe version the voices have an accent and the japan version you can take a bath with another me oh and the mies have very cute anime blush in the japanese version these versions aren't necessarily talked about as much but they do exist and i know a ton of people that do have the europe version i don't know as many people that have the japanese version of tomodachi life but they are both very interesting and different in their own right now the deeper we go the darker it gets let's talk about what's underneath the surface of tomodachi life things that you'd have to play the game to know these are more intense during the summer time your mies can participate in a barbecue event yermies can make food and chat to each other if you leave your game alone for long enough your knees will get covered in ash i've actually made a video about this and it literally looks like your mies are burnt alive or charred it's really spooky honestly and a very odd feature to add into the game so stop this from happening though you have to um blow away the smoke whenever a cue is given but you can leave your me be and they will turn pitch black the bird is one of the things i bring up in my game plays a lot it's really loud and a lot of people compare it to screaming or just uncomfortable noises uh even crying it's actually a bird that circles around the island from time to time but it's just one singular bird and tomodachi collection there are more than one bird but for some reason in tomodachi life made it through the gay marriage controversy was and still is huge when this game was first released you can't marry someone of the same sex unless you do certain tricks in your game to make this happen nintendo did come out with an apology not too long after the game release in america and they promised to be more inclusive in the future they never did um do an update to make that happen but they did in fact do just that with their newer releases of me games such as metopia but i am glad that nintendo really decided to be more inclusive in the meteo mutopia games and hopefully if there is a new tomodachi life game in the future they will do the same thing there is a whole article of them apologizing and promising to do better i will try to find that and link that down below in this description the golden interior is literally the most expensive item in all of tomodachi life you have to have at least twenty thousand dollars to unlock this item in the interior shop and that is how much that it costs as well if you've played this game you know how hard it is to earn money so the only way that i was able to get this is because i hack my game but um that would be almost impossible to get on a normal save file the description states no wonder why this room is so expensive it's a robber's dream come true a robber's dream man that's that's pretty weird that's a weird way to describe the golden room the worst or best ever reactions are pretty intense you have one way or me is literally jumping around in an excitement and another one where your character will literally melt and these extreme reactions are based solely on food so whenever you feed your meat your their favorite food they will be really excited and almost crazy they got the crazy eyes or whenever you feed them their least favorite food they turn into sludge and they turn gray and they melt into the ground it's really weird the treasure food or special foods are unlocked by street pass you can't get those certain foods unless you street past somebody with your nintendo 3ds i have a lot of these because i hack my game like i said uh just a second ago but if you don't hack these are pretty impossible to come by and one cool thing about these is your me will always enjoy these food items they will never have a bad reaction to these so if your me is upset or if they're sad for some reason you can give your meat a special food and it will almost instantly cheer them up which is really neat but they're really really hard to come by now tamadashi collection is the first ever game in this entire series it was only released in japan for the nintendo ds there are a lot of features in this game that were not brought to tomodachi life but if you are lucky you can find gameplays or emulators to see this game firsthand it's pretty amazing and a rare game indeed i'll link my tomodachi collection playlist down below but there are things in this game such as whenever you get married or the blushing scene there are things like a job title that you can give your me's awesome things about this game that just weren't localized or even brought to tomodachi life at all which is kind of sad but it's very interesting nonetheless and it was made only for the nintendo ds something interesting about this is that we actually reside on two islands in tamil nadu life at first glance it only looks like one island but look a little closer it's actually two the campground is another rare add-on in the game now this is where other islanders are sent when somebody sends their me babies on adventures if you street past someone with a child sent out they will reside in your campsite i've only seen this once in my entire time playing this game and it was because i had two nintendo dss and i had street pass on and i was able to straight pass my um me's child it was really weird i was able to catch it all on camera and it is pretty interesting i will definitely link that video down below as well so you can check that one out and it is just really cool because they will take a bath and eat food and they're really excited to be back home on their home island and that's whenever they make it back around to you i'm not sure what it looks like from the other end though that's very interesting mr tomo is the shopkeeper in different regions he has different appearances and the japan version he has a black bag over his head north america he has a wooden block over his head in europe he has a robot head and in korea he is wearing a racing helmet and every version though he never shows his face tomodachi quest is an 8-bit style rpg game available at the amusement park you fight different bosses such as giant food items there are food classes that your knees will appear as so a fighter a swordsman a mage and cleric and you can play this once a day for 25 cents it definitely has metopia vibes if you ask me now we're gonna go a little bit deeper these are things that you might not know about tomodachi life even as a casual player instead of the different special foods that you can get in different regions of the game i thought i'd talk about how in the japanese version of the game your me's when your me's are married you can visit their homes and you can literally see them bathing together this is something that you can kind of see in the american versions um yummies will shower together but like straight up in the japan versions they will literally just be in the bath together it's something not added in other regions and is actually really rare to see uh north america versions like i was saying you can see them shower together and you can see them brushing their teeth it's just interesting to see these live out normal activities like we do as humans in the japan version of tomodachi life there is an additional song option that your mies can afford called income i really hope that i am saying that correctly it is a popular japanese music genre considered to resemble traditional japanese music it's very interesting i have seen a little clip of it and it is really really cool so there is an extra song released in the japanese version the observation tower or the rooftop is a bit different in the japanese version as well the rooftop area was once accessible by the player in the japanese version aside from the me apartments it was replaced by the observation tower building and the international versions and they serve as the same function as one another but it is interesting that it was accessible once upon a time the weird dreams trailer for tomodachi life was one of the rarest trailers for the game at the time of researching this video um that was the first and only time i had seen that trailer for this game literally at all it was weird seeing that so many years later but um nothing too odd but very definitely very rare the edit wake up exploit is a lot like it sounds you can't wake a sleeping me once they're asleep or dreaming they are asleep until they decide to wake up but you can use a game exploit to force them to awaken all you have to do is go to the edit me option change something small about their appearance and save and then they will be awake when you see them next i think this is very interesting especially if you want to uh play with your me or give them something and you want to force them awake if they're asleep at the time i will definitely have to try this one out for sure hidden locations are certain locations that only appear in special events such as a proposal otherwise the said locations are completely inaccessible these imply that the island's map screen may just be a simple view and the island itself is actually much larger and immersive so places like the classroom hotel the kitchen the office the fancy restaurant and so many more all of these locations are hidden on the map but are there they do exist whenever you are in certain cut scenes or parts of the game if you listen closely while in the cafe you can hear that this location reuses tomodachi collection music a huge nod to the original game which is something i actually did not know but is very interesting to actually learn now as we go a little bit deeper we get into the lore of the game that the average person might not know or looked over in the game this is where it starts to get really interesting as some of you may have noticed there is a brand in tomodachi life called redfert it's basically a generic company that supplies whatever the plot demands but upon further research redmond where the game was localized by nintendo of america plus frankfurt where the game was localized by nintendo of europe so pretty much the streets frankfurt and redmond created the brand redford so it's interesting to see that these street names created the brand name for the redfert uh brand and tamanashi life the korean version of tomodachi life is pretty hard to find information on during my research i wasn't able to find a lot about this game unfortunately the only things i was able to find were the regional differences such as mr tomo i also though this is very interesting i found a very very rare trailer and it was so intriguing to watch i'll link it down below but so you can like watch the entire thing but it is a korean trailer for tomodachi life and i had never seen that before doing this video the research for this video it was really awesome to see if you've heard anything about the korean version of tomodachi life definitely leave a comment down below and let us know because i'm very curious the courtyard next to the observation tower is a pretty hard thing to get into this is where your knees will skateboard and play basketball and whatnot the only time i've seen my means there is right after i give them a specific item like literally no other time by their own free will which makes you wonder why it is that they're not there often i don't know if in maybe your game or somebody else's game that means go to the um courtyard more willingly but mine definitely they do not the restaurant in the observation tower is something that you can only get to when amy is proposing to another me it's extremely fancy and beautiful a rare experience for sure when your mies have a baby you can take it to the photo studio and there will be exclusive toddler clothes that will only be available while your me is a baby for example this really cute duck or chick costume and they have other different costumes that only the baby can wear for a very limited amount of time and you can only access those through the photo studio the islands are larger than the map implies which makes a lot of sense because the me apartment building is huge by itself even looking at the beach you can see it's very extensive and unravels further than it does on the map it's so large that the stone lamp leading down to it seen on the map is not visible whenever you're at the beach there's also a helicopter at the beach as well which should be a good size reference into the island so pretty much this place is huge and it's a lot bigger than we are led to believe especially whenever you think about all the hidden locations restaurant and stuff like that all of that is hidden from our view and the train station as well there are region exclusive vacation locations in the japanese version of me can travel to egypt guam italy and when given a travel ticket all of these locations were removed in the north american versions except for guam which is replaced by tahiti africa is absent in the japanese version and the saharian sand is instead given as a souvenir from egypt and the japanese and europe versions the souvenir from germany is a piece of the berlin wall this is changed in the north american version to be a nutcracker and the japanese version instead of me's visiting the usa they go to new york australia is also absent in the japanese versions the music during certain vacation locations are different depending on the region for example the music for germany and north america is used for switzerland in japan and vacations are referred to as holidays in the europe and uk versions now getting a little deeper we go into things about the game that are more odd almost conspiracy theories in a way but do exist in the game overall the train station is another hidden location on the island unless you're on a date this also goes along with the theory that the island is a lot bigger than it appears who runs the train station nobody knows you'll reach the finish line soon enough now this one i couldn't find much information on other than the actual reddit page someone described it as a random phrase that the islander will tell you whenever you interact with them it is basically saying not to rush life because you'll reach the finish line which is usually really creepy for the game while playing tomorrow's request you can come face to face with the historical bust nobody knows who this is supposed to be but there's also a mean news about the historical bus claiming that it has power and is able to cure illness and great things to happen very unnerving for this game specifically because it's pretty much claiming that this historical bust has magical powers wuhu island is the island where various wii and nintendo 3ds series games take place and is a large tropical island it is the only settlement outside of the me plaza controlled by and completely populated by the mies it is tropical and climate and has a variety of wildlife and is said that there is a mention of wuhu island and tomodachi life me news is pretty much fake news the stories are crazy almost very obviously fake it reminds me of those news magazines that would claim things like elvis is still alive or this celebrity adopted an alien baby so whenever you really think about me news just being fake news it kind of throws a lot of theories out the window the compatibility tester character models are pretty odd when you look closely there are actually human not me's this also takes place in tomodachi collection but a bit more intense during the wedding on tomodachi collection your knees have human bodies for some reason now we are getting into the most intense levels of the iceberg these are some of the deepest or most odd things people have found out about tomodachi life and it leads to believe that this game goes a lot deeper than most believe so where does the food mart's food come from the food mart is a building where you can buy food for your knees every day five random items are featured and available in the today's items section but where does the food actually come from it's made unclear how the food gets to the island but with how big the island really is food could come from an outsourced area not shown it could even come in through the airplane or the helicopter that is at the edge of the map or it could come through the train station both are very plausible explanations removing babies from the game removing a baby or a child in tomodachi life is not an easy task it's said that even if you try to delete both of the parents the game will refuse and force you to have those knees until the child is old enough to be sent off or become an islander in a way you're forced to have the child i wasn't able to find information on how to successfully remove a baby from your island before they grow up but you can definitely try to remove the parent me's but it said that the game will stop you in that process so that's a little creepy that you're being forced to have the me baby the glitched me voices are something we have experienced a lot on this channel the text-to-speech generator sometimes does not work the best and you can make words sound even more odd the more that you tamper with the spelling and that is something that i have a lot of fun doing because you can actually make yours you can make your music a lot of blocked words by doing that and at the end of whenever they're singing sometimes their voices will glitch and almost screech it's very very weird but if you've watched my videos then you know exactly what i'm talking about the save data deletion pleading wow this one is definitely something else when you decide to delete your save file your meme will appear begging you not to delete your island it is very creepy in its own right instead of the game deleting your me saying goodbye or just leaving it as that your mu will literally run towards the screen pleading you not to delete them causing your knees existence to end is something your own character is even afraid of mutopia is thought to be based off of tomodachi quest honestly this isn't too odd it's very believable tomodachi quest is a minigame held at the amusement park and it's an rpg paced term game which we talked about this earlier um you fight different items and food and at the end of the battles whatever item you are finding you receive as a gift miitopia and tomodachi quest are both rpg games very cool to see a nod to this in tomodachi life even though newtopia wasn't released until 2016. now the subterranean island bunkers is something i really couldn't figure out um the only thing that i could put to this is that they are talking about the secret base under the me apartments this is talked about during the conversation at the cafe and they talk about building a secret base to hoard certain foods the um that way they will never run out of that item or that food ever again almost apocalyptic sounding but these subterranean island bunkers that's the only thing that i could correlate with that if you know what that means specifically definitely leave it in a comment below but i believe that it is talking about the secret base under the me apartments next to last at the bottom of the tomodachi life iceberg we have more theories on the island itself now let's dig into these and discuss each and every one islanders will finally age when the save file turns 50 years old now whenever i first read this my instinct was to time travel 50 years to see what would happen but what if your game actually has to be 50 years old as a nintendo coded a way to know that what the actual date was i haven't tested this theory out to find out if it is real but it is extremely interesting this definitely reminds me of the aging dream that exists and your me is shows up and they're older and they're reminiscing about the times whenever you would play the game and you're both young and stuff it's it's really it's creepy locations are just islanders posing in the photo studio this makes so much sense to be honest you don't get to see them out interacting with their environment this almost reminds me of the movie wall-e and how on the ship the captain could change the time in the day with just a switch making the people aboard the aircraft believe that they were actually seeing nature in its purest form when actually it was just a simple illuminated screen these are not human oh boy if you watched my conspiracy theories on tomodachi life then you know that this is one of the biggest series that i have about me's the fact that whenever you're in the love tester you receive a human body and um the head proves this even more that the means are inhuman but they are in fact a species of humanoid creatures called me's it's really weird because it also shows that in tomodachi collection whenever you're married it gives you a human body but a me head so you're not exactly human and the game almost proves this without actually saying so interiors are advanced hologram tag this goes along with the photo studio vacations the things printed on the walls in their rooms they're unable to interact with but their door and separate items gifted to them they can interact with those things so whenever you see your me in an interior that appears to be a galaxy or a private getaway maybe it's all just a hologram this reminds me of a disney movie called a smart house where the house could create a hologram on the walls and in your room you would see various uh different places such as a basketball game or a concert or just um be out in nature it's both very similar the islanders are isolated the me's on the island seem to be very alone even when they're not especially whenever you have a me that hasn't made friends they have minimal contact with other me's and no contact with anyone outside of the island they have themselves and that's pretty much it nobody comes in and nobody goes out unless you have spot pass activated and even then they're sent somewhere into the void especially nowadays and sent to a campsite where the other maze don't even see them whenever they're on a different island they're far away from any other living creature that exists in the tomodachi universe or even the timeline so they are in a way very isolated from the entire world redford is a monolithic corporation so first i had to i had to look it up because by the time i was done researching all of this my brain was like what is that so monolithic corporation is a large um undiverse organization i can't even speak so think any large brand that would exist in our world for example like apple or sony redford is tamadachi's like tomodachi's life redfer is tomodachi life's big company it pretty much runs a lot of the other brands in the tomorrow life world as well so it's a big one now we are at the very bottom of the iceberg and i hope that you have enjoyed this so far these are things that nobody would ever know about the game at first glance or even a bunch of times playing this game tomodachi life is very wholesome on the surface so picking apart these things um that aren't so wholesome most people are not willing to do and it's a lot of work so let's just get into it do you not have your look alike look like you i'm guilty of this my me looks exactly like me but it said never to do this it said that if you do a lot of bad things could happen a lot of creepypastas and theories have been born by this idea when you've made your lookalike look exactly like you you've created an alternate reality of yourself just think about that the shopkeeper's face earlier on i spoke about the shopkeeper mr tomo and how he hides his face with a few different items a bag block a helmet or a robot head nobody knows what mr tomo's face actually looks like when he's not available to work one of the other enemies will take his place for the time being what is mr tomo hiding underneath those uh masks exactly literally nobody knows what he looks like you are stalking the islanders this goes along with my god-like theory of this game in a way you're playing god to a bunch of me's you decided what they eat how they were created what they look like every bit of their life you know things about your means before they ever do you in turn are stalking them by peeking in on their apartments watching them at the beach or park listening to them talk in the cafes more than just taking care of them you're pretty much watching their every move you're doing more than just taking care of them you're pretty much watching their every move nice nice job stalker i'm kidding some dreams are pre-apocalyptic memories of islanders sometimes are said to take place in a time before an apocalypse an event involving destruction or damage or on a catastrophic scale pretty much destroying the world the dream where you see yourself staring into your mies window meaning giants are there or like humans are actually there in the mean world and they shouldn't be you're literally scaring your mies to death or the dream where huge knees come out of the sea giant sea creatures very very odd mermaids who knows or the dream where there's a need for a superhero to help save the world from a silly oversized item all of these things which could have destroyed the previous tomodachi life worlds that once existed a crazy thought indeed that was a lot it was definitely a lot of research and i hope that i got most of these right if not feel free to correct me down below i hope you all enjoyed my breakdown of the tomodachi life iceberg i wanted to put my own personal opinion and theories on some of these as well to help break them down in a more simple way i hope it helped explain them all leave a comment down below if you have something that you think would go really well on the tomodachi life iceberg i would love to read it i hope you all are doing well don't forget to like comment and subscribe if you're not so that's it for this video i will see you all in my next video until next time bye bye smooch [Music] if no if no as some of you may have noticed there is a brandon taught [Music] when you decide to delete your save file your your mirror the bloopers are going to be great when you decide to delete your save file your meme will be [Music] a lot of crazy crazy pastas dreams are pp [Music] you
Channel: OhhMyKawaii
Views: 99,365
Rating: 4.9409347 out of 5
Keywords: The Tomodachi Life Iceberg - Every Detail Explained, the tomodachi life iceberg, iceberg theory explained, iceberg theory, tomodachi life theory, nintendo 3ds, nintendo theory, tomodachi life iceberg, tomodachi life every detail explained, tomodachi quest, miitopia, tomodachi life creepy, iceberg theory nintendo, tomodachi life funny moments, tomodachi life explained
Id: 1GKa9IQJkq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 14sec (2114 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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