Another Top 10 Creepiest Things About Tomodachi Life

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the me will melt they could be having a nightmare they're going to give you a present for it though i've always felt like these are i'm human and that's my proof i hope you enjoyed my ted talk [Music] hey hello it's me casey welcome back to my channel today we're going to be talking about another top 10 creepiest things about tomodachi life so if you haven't seen part one to this video i will link it down below i did um not script that video i didn't really script this one either so i mumble a lot and i apologize for that but it's still an interesting video so if you want to hear another top 10 creepy things about tomodachi life then keep listening i do want to give a little disclaimer though for those of you who have never played tomodachi life before first off what are you doing with your life um it's not a creepy game by any means it's very cute a wholesome game for the most part this might not freak you out but uh i can try so thanks to you guys i was able to come up with more of a list if you have any more that you want me to to discuss definitely leave your top creepiest things about tomodachi life as well and i will put them in a video maybe we'll see so coming in at number 10 we're gonna talk about how your me notices you after a dream so i'm not talking about whenever you come into the room and your me is like hey minnie me what's up no no i'm not talking about that i'm talking about when your me is smack dab in the middle of sleeping and then all of a sudden you startle your me by looking at their dream and then they stare directly into your soul that's what i'm talking about so pretty much after a dream a me can look at you in shock and then fall back asleep i'm sorry what why are you staring at me what did i do seriously and then you you just jolt out of your sleep and stare at the next person you just see randomly and they're just staring at you watching you maybe i'm the creepy one in this situation maybe the person playing tomodachi life is actually the creepy one and maybe the me isn't even creepy at all but either way it's weird weird stuff so pretty much your me notices you in the middle of their sleep they could be having a nightmare they're gonna give you a present for it though coming in at number nine this one freaks me out big time and i cannot even believe that i didn't add this on the other list but pretty much meese can melt yes i am serious so your mies can have a variety of different foods that they enjoy from their least favorite food through the to their favorite food whenever you give a me their least favorite food the me will melt and i'm sorry it looks like black it looks like black tar why are they melting into sludge i want to know what was going through the head of the animator that made that one because like that would have creeped me out whenever i was younger for sure because like i like creepy things i've always really liked creepy things fun fact about me i lived the spooky life off and on but that would have freaked me out see and seeing when my favorite me's just melt because i gave them food that they didn't like why is it why has it got to be gray though why is it going to look like death coming in at number eight when deleting your save file your me begs you not to do it your me literally begs you not to leave because they're gonna end up just vanishing in into nothingness and then you'll forget about them and then they just won't even exist anymore and that's just that's sad is that what happens after death i mean do you just vanish i don't know though but it's really creepy and uh yeah just just look at this look at this clip though we have the clay figure item so this is a item that your me can give you and i cannot believe that i skipped over this one because it is just so weird probably one of the most creepy things if not the most creepy thing in tomodachi life so this is a japanese figure it is like a nod a hint to the japanese figure i cannot pronounce it but i will put the word on the screen and it supposedly represents the dead so this is the description from wikipedia so pretty much they are terracotta clay figures that were made for ritual use and buried with the dead as funeral funeral on objects um words during the the co-fun period of history in japan they were created according to a certain technique in which mounds of coiled clay were built up to the shape of the figure layer by layer so pretty much it is like this little figure that goes in with the dead person's casket pretty much is buried with them and uh that isn't that is a item option that um a me can give you so pretty much where did the meat get that how is that an item that you can hand me who's does this are you trying to curse me like no put that back where you got it harold but we're gonna talk about the me photo shoot for a second so with certain features of this game you can actually use your camera you can make your me come to the outside world or you can take photos of your me's in general and you can do this in in total different ways like you could put your little ar card out and you can make all sorts of fancy little photos with your knees or you can take pictures of them inside of the game well we all know we all know that everything is spying on us anyways that common common knowledge now like let's say you have your phone or your laptop's open but no no your camera is there what if i'm not saying nintendo is better than us no ma'am what if the me's are spying on us throughout the camera just think about that that's not a fact of tomodachi life it's a theory but uh me's aren't necessarily real but anything is possible that was just a weird one i had to toss it in there sorry at number five we're gonna talk about the humble apartment which i think a lot of you were shocked whenever i didn't mention that in my first video and i did mention the white room that kind of looks like a padded room but we're gonna talk about the humble apartment so so with this interior it is just really weird it is like literally it looks like you're in a box pretty much um homeless squidward anyone so anyways there is a cardboard cutout of a tv you have pretty much trash laying around it is a crazy interior and definitely an interesting one and they're usually like thanks for the new interior it's certainly unique yeah it is unique because you're not going to be happy sitting there in that one there's also the gel cell interior which is also really creepy so coming in at number four we're gonna talk about the fan that it's an item just like an everyday item that you can give your me and they will interact with it so it is just like a fan you know how you can talk in front of the fan and you can make make it sound like a robot you know what i mean so your me will literally sit there and do that and they will say something along the lines of you can't defeat us knees earthlings um it kind of hints at the fact that knees are not human and more along the lines of alien creatures which i have an entire fairies video talking about tomodachi life just saying you should watch it and i talk about some of this stuff the theories of tomodachi life in general because this is one of those games that you can just really dig deep into and nobody does so i'm here i'm here to do it i'm here to do the dirty work i've always felt like miser i'm human and uh that's my proof i hope you enjoyed my ted talk coming in at number three we're gonna talk about one thing that you guys seem to mention a lot i mentioned a lot in my videos and it is the mysterious scream that you can hear whenever you're watching some of my videos so i've heard people say who is screaming in in the background of your video who is that yelling i've heard did you hear the baby and i'm just like it's a bird there is a bird in this me world and there is literally only a couple of them there is also two of them i believe in tomodachi collection there is one that will fly around the island in tomodachi life the weird thing about this bird though it is not just a mysterious scream or a random baby but it circles around the island like it is waiting it's it's circling around its prey so kind of like a buzzard you know what i mean just just waiting to to to murder us pretty much and feast on our dead flesh um so yeah that's what makes the bird really weird and tomodachi coming in at number two we're gonna we're gonna talk about another one of these ways that you can torture your me you can literally torture your me in all sorts of different ways but this one is something else so whenever your me is asleep you can walk into their room while they're comfortably laying in their bed and you can draw on their face so let's say you're drawing on their face and you mess up well guess what you erase literally every detail about their face their mouth disappears their nose their eyes if they had glasses if they had eyebrows anything on their face completely disappears so i don't know how many of you have seen the movie beaches it reminds me of that those faces even though those faces have a face they're like a mask but um it did just the creepiness factor is there and why is that possible that you can erase a face who thought of that one so pretty much it makes me wonder like can your me breathe are they breathing are you suffocating them in the amount of time do they do they do they live in eternally but like you can just torture them like they're in heck are you a demon like there's so many there are so many things that you can come up with that i'm just we're going to leave it at that that you can erase the knees face and um if you don't think that's creepy you're weird and coming in at number one we're going to talk about some descriptions of the items that you can get so first we're going to take a look at the the description of the binoculars it's innocent at first it's like use these to look at birds or maybe become a world-class spy like you know what i think that they really wanted to be like maybe just creep on your neighbors that's what i think about that one and the clay figure its description is just this simple this clay figure looks sort of familiar did you find it in the ground so first off why is it familiar excuse me is it mine it am i dead the comb description is a little weird too not so creepy just the last sentence okay so a wide tooth comb to work through those tangles don't pull too hard that sounds uh that sounds weird it sounds creepy like is that a threat so the crystals description is more cool and creepy it gives you a whole nother look into like the whole me universe so um use this crystal as a paperweight or maybe it can tell the future maybe are we witches are we like we're not human i that's that's already been discussed so this one i really like because it is definitely really creepy so this is the finger trap description for those of you who've ever used those finger traps you put one finger on one side one on the other and then you pull it and you can't get your finger out and you're stuck well the description for this is don't put your finger in there or you'll never get it back scary so like i don't know just the thought of like never you're just never getting your fingers back unless you want to drop them off i don't know i'm weird do i look too far into things yes so the hourglasses description is really fun a device that measures the flow of time for the whole universe okay not really but really though do you mean that last part okay not really i believe that you have something in this game that controls this game don't tease me with this don't give me you're giving me the power to think that's not a great thing the lantern one is really cool so take this on your camping trip so you can go big foot hunting after dark means know about bigfoot so this makes me want to create a bigfoot me so much oh my god don't give me these ideas so the screw's description is you've got a screw loose you're not crazy but you should screw it back in i don't know there are just so many of these that you can sit here and read and they're just they're so weird but like i love it because you never would think tomodachi life is is spooky or creepy in any sort of way or fashion but you can definitely make it that way you could you can make a whole scary island if that's something that you wanted to do like i want to see somebody do that so bad somebody make it happen so that was all of the creepy things that i'm gonna share with you today we went through ten more of these and like i said i will add my other video in the description box it's a little bit more messy but it's still a fun video to watch if you can sit through my annoyingness like you did with this one so yeah i love you guys and i hope you guys are having a really really good day a good life a good year i know that this year has been nuts but i hope that you guys are doing all right and i hope you guys enjoyed this video i will see you guys in my next video i love you bye [Music] smooch [Music] you
Channel: OhhMyKawaii
Views: 74,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tomodachi life, tomodachi life memes, tomodachi life funny moments, poofesure tomodachi life, tomodachi life gameplay, tomodachi life 3ds, tomodachi life funny, tomodachi life lets play, tomodachi life commentary, tomotachi life funny, tomotachi life lets play, tomotachi life gameplay, poofesure tomodachi, tomotachi life commentary, tomodachi life bijuu mike, tomodachi life callmekevin, yub tomodachi life, tomodachi life ohhmykawaii, kawaii, creepy, creepiest things, nintendo
Id: r5nnf5Owc5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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