OUR VERY OWN ISLAND!! | Tomodachi Life

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down here welcome back to another video where today I'm very very excited because we are playing Tomodachi life now if you don't know what Tomodachi life is it's a game that I've been wanting to play for a while and I haven't had the resources to because I've been waiting for this which is my brand new capture 3ds which is really really awesome it gives me the ability to actually record this but Tomodachi life is kind of like The Sims mixed with Animal Crossing but it's Japanese so it's it's incredibly incredibly funny this is obviously the English version but it's an incredibly funny game we can add our own characters amis in anyone we like they will interact and it's just a completely random Sims and Animal Crossing mashup which is really really fun so I'm gonna dive strange this because I'm excited to start I've never played this before in my life I've seen Jen play it before this is the first time I'm gonna be playing it I'm excited if I'm looking down quite a lot because I'm looking at the screen but let's do this Tomodachi life a piece of paradise lying in the middle of a beautiful ocean it does look very nice indeed like really really nice what's it gonna say now and now this place is all yours it just needs a name are the pressure the pressure I think I'm gonna cool this diamond island so let's go diamond and then it should say island after it there we go diamond island that's a great name thank you so much I'm glad you enjoy this name you are now the owner of diamond island we go Rhode Island we now own our own Island it's that's easy now your look-alike can start a new life on this island as the first official Islanders that's it okay first let's create of me that looks like you so this is where it's really good to have the actual console because if I go to creates from photo it should actually be able to make a meet just by taking a picture of me which I'm so excited about so take a photo of the features in your me will be filled in for you which one which one am i which my lover I'm a boy come on let's do this properly so that skin tone very light there we go I color Lu and hair color okay this one's gonna be a bit awkward we're gonna have to do my natural brownish color just for now because we can't get blue yet select hair style this one no I don't really like that one definitely not that one maybe that one I guess there's not really like a good one with like a fringe on it we can't do pollute anyway so let's just put okay and see what happens here we go so I want to take our photos so we need to can you take this please oh there I am hello so we need to do we need to smile or not I don't really know but let's go ready nice now let's see what it creates look a head on top of my me that's incredible what's it gonna create what's it gonna give me please be nice to me don't give me a big nose I already know that come on what's it gonna make what's he gonna make it's gonna make Oh Gary a big nose I'm not happy gives us options as well look at these oh my goodness what is that why did you get that from it we've got big old eyeliner eyes a confused face another one of those big old lips yep I get this every single nose apart from this one is the same so I guess we're gonna stick with that which one is I really like the mouths I think we can change them afterwards let's go with this and I think you can change it yes so I can actually change them out so I want a happier mouth than that so let's go for big smile that's what I'm talking about I think that's fine just adding that is fine so let's hit this and please fill out this form enter a name birthday and other profile required information so I'm gonna fill this out and then we're gonna get straight into this listen guys listen it like speaks so a really cool thing about Tomodachi life is these guys actually speak English so different to their sims and stuff these guys speak full-on English which is really really cool let's give us a nickname of dantdm just because that makes sense if I can spell it right then my favorite color is blue ah look at that it changes my t-shirt which one's better I think I'm gonna go with this one I like that a lot so I think that's it we go on to the next one and here is where we give up me a voice which is one of the best parts about this game so let's go for let's choose this guy wait listen listen are you are you really dancing yep oh he's still talking okay I think I'm gonna do that and then customize it okay we can go already hi already low oh yeah that's better let me give you speed I hope he speaks really really quick let's go here yeah that sounds good quality what does that even mean oh it's weird oh that I'm gonna keep that about here will that tone that sounds pretty good I think we should put the pitch up a little bit though yeah that sounds good that's but okay I like that right what's the next one so add a personality awesome so energy I'm kind of like around here moves quite quickly I'm kind of all about the place speech caring or direct I'm gonna do talks quite caringly facial expressions I'm gonna purr very I'm gonna put super very just because that sounds like it's gonna be the most hilarious there mood I am pretty light-hearted and we're very light-hearted and then overall am i I'm gonna put quite unique and that is us created yes bring us to the world please miiverse look at that very nice so I'm an easygoing looks gentle character relaxed kind and honest sensitive and innocence optimist boys beaming they not only smile for themselves but they make sure everyone else has fun too that's what I like to think about myself anyways let's hit okay and then I don't know what's gonna happen you made your look like dad TDA will love living here on Diamond Island yes is that is that a block of flats tan CDMS apartment building has just been finished let's take a look ah that's so awesome so you see the amount of windows that are on the screen right now well the blue one in the bottom left is us so you can have all of those different people and we get to choose who they are but the cool thing about this series if you want it to be a series we can kind of work together to choose different means that you want in the me apartments which is really cool so let's enter and go inside and see what our apartment looks like so here we go a part of 1:01 is me there I am shrine in dantdm has just arrived how you doing buddy why is he walking like he's walking like he put himself right let's stop tap enter to go inside okay so yeah like you can have different things here this tap enter and all of those can be filled with different means which is awesome what's Carmen up next I would have to say that as well that's awesome you can do things with me when you enter the room attach a speech bubble to see what they have to say so they have a stomach you can actually feed them there you and you have to find out there likes loves dislikes special someone of best friend and they all create relationships with each other as well which is really really cool I love this this is gonna be this is gonna be awesome so he's looking a little bit angry so let's tap this and see what he's saying I am hungry I don't have any food for you dantdm want something to eat let's go shopping let's do that let's do that here we go shopping plaza is open the supermarket is now open let's go and buy something you think dantdm will like so let's go enter and let's see what food oh hello is that Mel bar is that you how are you so we can buy crisps fish and chips jelly pizza or tea I think I know what I'm gonna choose I have 50 pounds look it's actually in pounds as well that's 8 pounds 90 for fish and chips that's a really really expensive plate of food right there now will t give him hunger I don't know I'm gonna buy it anyway so let's buy the tea how many would like I just want one I don't want to spend all my money at once but let's go back and see what dantdm thinks of our tea I hope he likes it did you get something great let's give it to dantdm let's go come on dad TV on what you up to buddy dantdm is in look what he's doing he's just trotting around just enjoying life to the max what's so that's what I like to see is so funny so what happens is as well you can customize everyone's apartment and put different objects in there and when you visit them they'll be doing random stuff and the more Me's you get in your me apartments they like visit each other and form relationships and stuff it's really really cool hey Dad are you doing buddy how are you doing you look a little lonely so I've come to visit you so I want to give you tea because I bought you some I know I know I should've probably bought you some food so you can now use the present icon let's give him something we're gonna give him tea let's see what likes brewed with the finest leaves just thing to start your day with go drink it drink a usual Silas to slide the item in front of him to give it so I literally have to give it to him so slowly his mouth we drink sit here we go he ate it he ate the cup and the plate as well you really liked it yes so we've just found out that he likes tea and we just got given some money nice solving a means problem raises their happiness something might happen if you raise it high enough that's awesome each me has different likes and dislikes we know that so dantdm what's going on buddy oh dear to Antony ever might have a problem let's go and find out what it is what's going on buddy are you okay how you feeling I'm getting lonely here on this island it'll be nice to have some company it definitely would I'm glad that we're gonna make another me and I know exactly who I'm gonna put in here right so because this D s is literally brand new everyone you just fried it up to date it has noemi's on it so what I'm gonna do is try the ghetto way of trying to get this me character in because what you can do is take a picture of you take picture of QR codes get me Zin so I'm gonna do it this way that's changed to the alte camera and I am going to put this guy inside let's see if it creates the exact me here we go let's take it there we go let's see if it works if it works I'll be very very impressed and that means it works very nicely unable to detect ur face great there we go guys I think I managed to copy it perfectly yes jerseys here the game so we need to fill in all this stuff and then I'm gonna give him his favorite color of whites and there you go sure ours is our buddy and ready to be our second inhabitants of dive and Island right let's listen to see if he can actually say it right you ready yeah that she sounds pretty good what do you think of this voice guys you ready yeah I think the first one is the best let's press okay let's put his energy oh let's put it about moves quite slowly his speech is fairly direct his expressions very flat serious or light we're gonna go in the middle he's a bit light-hearted a little bit crazy I could have a quite light-hearted and then overall he's very very unique indeed so it's just me okay yes in comes doctor Taurus the second one look at him so cute so he is he looks proud he is confident he's pushy competitive and picky short-tempered and goal-driven he's a busy bee extremely hardworking rises to a challenge but could be a bit of a scatterbrain that is perfect although that is so perfect let's move yes they did you solve the problem so the means happiness level went up you should you definitely should thought it'd be incredible let's go look at him the clues oh I've arrived Here I am look I'm visiting Taurus ah that's so cute how are they gonna do look at the size of our noses they're chatting they're chatting pretty nicely are they laughing they can't even very well oh this is so cute haha I love this hey Tara Charles and our friends beautiful as you can see my characters can meet talk and become friends each one's different personality some gets along better than others let's see how these two personalities compare I don't know what this is are okay so these are the different personalities these are the two that we've done but then kind of okay I think that's not too bad at least they're friends you'll be really bad if they were enemies watching the daily lives of you all look like and other Islanders and helping to solve their problems but there's so much more to Tomodachi life craymore Islanders to open up new places on the island it starts to construction sites on the map to see how oh my goodness what are they doing what show is that here is that this is giving us a sneak peek into the future they're gonna show me our baby what's good look like oh they didn't show we won't that be a surprise who knows what the baby will look like it's fun to think about what might happen so people can get married they can have kids it's crazy newsflash what's going on I have no idea what is happening is there really look at that I definitely will score watching no problem why why the newsreader I'm the newsreader for this island that's incredible I look at jars of the same in screen he is doing some crazy move that is amazing right we're gonna visit the town hall and then I think that might even be the last thing that we get to do in this episode is taking so long it's flown by oh man right let's go to the town hall enter I just want to see what it looks like I think it's where you create new ones yellow QR code that's what we should have done with treasure so basically what we can do now is we can send any island we want into the diamond island to interact with our characters and get angry and stuff maybe and have fights and things but so much random stuff happens in Tomodachi life I promise you it is absolutely insane so what I want you guys to do which is gonna be a really cool thing about this series is we can add like one more person maybe each episode so why won't you do is comment down below who you want to be added to the house it could be a famous person celebrity video game character absolutely anyone you like and they can interact with dantdm and trailers who are already on the island and we need to make new ones to unlock all of our other bits on the island too so it's up to you guys though do you want to see more of this game if you do please you show me by giving a big fat thumbs up I really hope you do because this is just the tip of the iceberg for Tomodachi life it is a crazy crazy game and I hope you're going to enjoy it if you do want to see more and please leave a big fat thumbs up and let me know apart from that thank you so much watching I do really hope you enjoyed it as much as I did playing it and if this happens to be the first it was seen by me please do consider subscribing join team TDM day for daily gameplay videos you can also follow me on twitter in description below - if you do slowish i'll see you guys in the next again
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 6,770,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tomodachi life, mii, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, challenge, app, free app, free app game, free game
Id: 4bQxBDtObWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2016
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