NEAPOLITAN STYLE PIZZA (Using the Ooni Pro Pizza Oven)

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this video is sponsored by noom hey what's up a few months ago i showed you guys how to hack your home ovens to make a naples style margarita pizza that was neapolitan ish but the actual thing that we call neapolitan style is cooked in a thousand degree oven and it's pretty different so today i'm gonna bust out my pizza oven and show you guys how to make the original style of pizza at home to get started i've got a stainless steel bowl and some cool water straight from the tap as you can see this water is about 73 to 74 f or 23c that's about 10 degrees cooler than i normally use for a yeasted dough and i'll get into why that is in just a second for now all that cool water goes right into the bowl that's 450 grams worth then i'm gonna grab my instant yeast and some measuring spoons my scale and i think most scales can't measure accurately sub one gram so for very small amounts of stuff like this i'm going to use a quarter teaspoon and fill it about halfway full in most classic neopolitan doughs that i've seen on the internet they use very slow rise fermentation for long periods of time and that means that we only need a very small pinch of yeast like this to leaven this dough up next comes the flour and i went as authentic as i could get here in the midwest this is caputo brand italian double zero pizza flour if you're wondering double zero flour is a finer grind than all-purpose flour and it also has a slightly lower gluten content that weaker flour is gonna give us a signature soft bready chew that neapolitan is known for and its lack of malted barley flour is also gonna let us cook these pizzas at super high temperatures without them getting burnt so i'm gonna add 665 grams of this flour into that water and then i'm gonna top that with 18 grams of salt and grab a sturdy spoon and start to stir the combination of that cool water i mentioned earlier and this fractional amount of yeast that we just added is going to give us a dough that does not bulk ferment as quickly as we are used to on this channel this is going to give us a dough that has way more depth of flavor and something that is pretty flexible in terms of timeline this dough can sit in the fridge for a long time without getting overly gassed once this has come together into a dry shaggy mess i'm going to wet my hand and get in there to finish mixing i'm going to be pinching and squeezing everything just to the point where it's all well combined and the final dough is not gonna be a good looking one but as long as there's no dry clumps of flour and everything is relatively well mixed up we're good to go i'm gonna cover this with a lid and check back in 30 minutes 30 minutes later we need to develop some of the gluten in this dough and the best way to do that by hand we all know is a strength building fold so to do this i'm back in the bowl with a wet hand and i'm gonna grab a grip of dough pull it out as far as i can and then fold it back over itself i'm gonna repeat this three more times for a total of four stretch and folds from there i'm gonna grab a corner of this dough and start folding it over itself to get those seams tucked under tightly on the bottom side from there it's a 10 to two rounding move to continue to get that dough all tucked up underneath and there we go that looks a lot more like pizza dough the lid goes on and now i'm gonna check back in another 30 minutes 30 minutes later we're gonna repeat that stretch and fold again exactly the same as before if you've watched any of my bread or pizza videos then you should be an absolute professional at hand mixed dough at this point and you know the importance of a good hand stretch and that looks good the second fold is done now the lid goes on it's 10 p.m at this moment and i'm let this dough slow rise on the cutting board here for 12 hours overnight and we will check back then the next day 10 a.m as you can see when we look at this dough it looks a lot more like pizza dough it's gassed up and that 12 hour fermentation has really given this dough a delightful smell it's kind of boozy and that's going to translate into great texture and flavor later on now to divide these into pizza balls i'm going to flour the dough then my board then using a dough scraper i'm going to flip it out onto my board i'm gonna grab my scale now and then divide this into four 275 gram sized pieces this dough should be kind of slack at this point but should still feel solid enough to hold itself up and once we've got it cut into four pieces we're gonna grab four containers to hold these shaped pizza balls i use glass pyrexes with just a little bit of olive oil spread for matched edge i prefer these over a sheet tray because they're much easier to fit in the refrigerator and i can pull out exactly the number of doughs i need and leave the rest in the fridge for bry's future pizza experience to roll these up into balls i'm going to lay them down with the cut side edge facing me then i'm going to pull out both sides and fold those over each other from there i'm going to rotate the dough 90 degrees and then repeat that pull out and fold over now i've got a four-sided square facing me i'm going to flip that over onto the seam to start to roll it up i'm using the friction between the dough seam on the bottom and the cutting board to help create a little bit of tension to stretch the dough this brings that last little bit of strength that we need to have a pizza dough that is chewy doesn't tear apart when we shape it and has a nice open crumb around the edge and that looks pretty now i'm gonna pinch the seams shut a little bit on the bottom and then plop this over into my glass container once all four doughs are balled up the lid goes on and now we're gonna load these into the refrigerator for a minimum of two hours if you want pizza same day but up to five days these are pretty much gonna go into stasis mode once we get them in there and whenever you're ready for pizza they're ready for you the next day three hours before we want to cook pizzas we're going to pull these doughs out of the fridge when i pop the lid you can see there really hasn't been much activity but the flavor has continued to develop quite a bit but there hasn't been a ton of gas production and that's a good combo in my opinion to get these ready to shape we're going to come up to room temperature this last little bit of fermentation is going to give that dough more gas and as a result more life in the oven that means a higher rise and a much more fun textured crust three hours later i'm gonna set these proofed dough balls aside and get everything else i need for a classic margarita pizza prepped up first up is sauce and for that i got a 28 ounce can of crushed tomatoes these are the bianco de napoli brand i love them they're probably the best that i have available in my area you could use whole peeled tomatoes here as well i think that's more traditional but i find those to be a little bit too loosey-goosey for my taste either one you choose don't be cheap buy something nice as this pizza is only like four ingredients to make this in a sauce i'm gonna add seven grams of salt and then give it a real quick pulse with my immersion blender that's gonna break down anything that's super big but also keep it kind of coarse the best way to judge if you've picked the right tomatoes for your pizza is just to get in there and eat a whole spoonful and these always taste very good speaking of tastes good so does this fennel orange and arugula salad recipe that i'm gnashing on for lunch from the sponsor of this video noom noom uses cognitive behavioral psychology and proven social science to help you meet your health goals usually not skill related ones like drink more water get better sleep and have more energy all with the focus on why why do i want more energy so i can be a more present and fun version of bride during date night with lauren noom throws out traditional diet culture tactics and replaces them instead with thoughtful easy to implement habits that are way more likely to stick long term personally i've been a huge fan of the recipes part of the program mostly because the green and red grading system really helps you get a feel for what you should be eating more of and what you should be eating less of and it turns out if you eat more of the stuff your body needs you get fuller for longer and feel better for it so if you actually want to achieve some of your personal health goals and feel better overall like i have take your free 30 second quiz using my link in the description it's been fun to see the impact that just five minutes a day of paying attention to my food and lifestyle choices can make so i encourage you to click the link in my description and take that 30 second free quiz to see what noom is all about thank you very much noom up next is cheese and for a neapolitan style pizza it's gotta be buff milk knots it's sweeter than regular mozzarella it's higher fat and it has a very very luxurious texture this is a bocancini shape and it says right on the package that it's suited for pizza the moisture content on buff milk mozzarella can vary widely so get something that's close to this texture also i'm gonna strain off all the whey brine in this container so that i don't get any of this cheese water on my pizza now to actually make the pizza i'm gonna flour my board real quick then i'm gonna flip out one of these doughs from one of these glass containers and try your best not to degas this little bb a little bit of healthy flour on top than the flat of my hand to spread it out and then i'm gonna flip it over and hit it with some more flour now using my fingertips i'm going to start about one inch from the edges and press my way all the way around the dough i'm simultaneously degassing the center and pushing this dough outwards i switch from the back of my hand to the tips of my other hand a few times and then i flip it over so that the side of the dough that was facing the glass of the bowl is now the bottom of the pizza from there to actually stretch this dough i'm going to pin the dough to the board with my right hand then pull out with my left flip over and turn about 15 to 30 degrees stretching pizza you guys takes a little bit of practice and probably requires its own video honestly but hopefully you get the idea of what i'm doing just from watching me once this is stretched out into a roughly 12 inch round now i'm gonna grab my loading peel a bunch of semolina goes down to keep this well lubed up and not sticking to anything then we're gonna lay down some pizza sauce probably about a quarter cup if i had to say maybe 60 to 70 grams i'm gonna spread that out and leave about a solid one inch around the whole edge so that we can get some bready cornichon on the outside of this crust from there i'm gonna tear up one whole bocconcini of buffalo mozzarella this pizza is gonna cook super fast so we need cheese that's just starting to hit that sweet spot of milky meltiness right as we pull it out of the oven and that means we don't want huge pieces next goes down a few pieces of fresh picked basil then some olive oil and i go pretty liberal i like to hit the basil leaves pretty hard so that those fry around the edges just a little bit then flaky salt a big fat pinch of maldon salt from edge to edge i'm gonna give it a good shimmy on the peel to make sure it's not stuck and then head outside to load it into the oven i've been preheating my uni pro for about 30 minutes beware the first pizza down can get a little bit spicy in a freshly fired oven like this it took me a few tries to get a feel of what this was like and uh yeah i burned a few basically a good trick i learned though was to throw a little semolina on the floor if it ignites instantly it's too hot but i'm confident that this oven is in a good spot the floor is at about 750 f and the overall oven is at about 950 f so after the first 20 seconds or so i'm gonna take a little peek at the bottom of the pie this is gonna give us an idea if the bottom is set enough for us to start rotating the pizza that looks good so i'm going to rotate it 180 degrees to start so that the back half of this pizza is closer to the ripping hot gas flame this is going to really help ensure a more evenly risen crust or corn choney as they call it once the back half of this has got some really good oven spring now i'm going to rotate this pizza every 15 seconds or so to get the most even cook possible the back half of this oven is extremely hot and any longer than 15 seconds this is gonna go from delightfully charred to totally burn all total i'll probably rotate this pizza six to eight times or so in 90 seconds that should be roughly two full turns in the oven but before i turn it i'm gonna peek at the bottom real quick to see if it's well set up and if it's starting to get some tiny spots on it we call leoparding from there i'm gonna pull it out to check the cook on the top the cheese is just on the verge of melt the crust is well risen and just starting to char and that basil is just a little bit fried this pizza looks very fun so i'm gonna bring it indoors so we can take a closer look again for me the cheese is right on that edge of being melted which i personally love it combines with that tomato sauce to make a very savory creamy juicy cheese combo that no other style of pizza has a good neapolitan pizza is kind of like a food sculpture every single one is unique and everybody has their own ideas about what makes a pretty one this is mine and i hope you guys like it let's eat this thing [Music] you
Channel: Brian Lagerstrom
Views: 666,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: neapolitan pizza, neapolitan style pizza, neapolitan pizza dough, margherita pizza, pizza dough, how to make pizza, how to make Neapolitan pizza dough, Ooni pro, pizza oven, pizza, pizza napoletana, hand stretched pizza dough, pizza dough recipe, weeds and sardines pizza, weeds and sardines, Brian Lagerstrom, cooking, recipes, home pizza oven, chef, food, best. pizza, pizza margherita
Id: xqVgJHThsco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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