KARU 16 vs DOME - In Depth Comparison⎮Good for Neapolitan Pizza?

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[Music] are you ready i am ready let's go thermometer mirror hello guys from my studio welcome back to my channel today is going to be special like you can see here on the right side we have the dome pizza oven from ghosney the new one look at this a beast oven and on the left side we have the unicaro 16 from uni with gas option another beast today i'm going to show you probably this is the only channel that does this thing just me i'm doing only these things because i want you the best i want you to learn the best pizza ever also the best equipment today in this video i'm going to compare the dome from ghosni gas option compared to unicaro 16 guest option this is very in deep comparation because we are going to see together several points which one goes faster in temperature insulation on the oven how long the oven keeps the temperature inside the oven which one is faster to drop the the temperature we are going to see the sides of the inside the sides of the door of the oven so this way you can you are able to make the bigger pizza or smaller pizza which one is faster than cooking the pizza which one it's easier to use we are going to see everything guys and most of all guys please share help me reach this 1 million subscribers is just the beginning guys it's just the beginning so let's go ahead and let's get in deep this comparation now review compilation let's go enjoy this especially like let's go are you ready i am ready let's go the first thing to do here is to see which one goes up in temperature first so let's go ahead and let's fire up these ovens so bottle vents comes with uh tempe the thermometer so this one right now let's go ahead and let's fire up one boom okay oven is at with the max flame inside like you can see and then the temperature right now is starting to uh it's 100 almost okay now this one here you can see also here palm is 91 let's go ahead and let's fire up this one too well we're going to put on a max temperature close it this one stays open voila okay this one is right now is that just checking right now is 140 we are looking at which oven goes in temperature faster so this is the rule number one i also have here a gun to see the stone if it really goes in temperature that we want to so right now the ovens are is 260 compared to 270. same time so let's wait 30 minutes and let's see okay guys in the meantime that the ovens are going in temperature we're gonna go ahead and measure the door uh to put the pizza inside and then how deep it is because we want to see how many pizzas we can how big the pizza can be and not so many pizzas you can put inside so let's go ahead this one here the door is about this one is 16 inches this one here is also actually this is only 17 and a half inches okay now let's measure the inside of the how deep it is this one is 18 and a half inches by 22 inches so it's in and a half deep by 22 inches inside so basically you can put two small pizzas around with with no no wood so only guess this one here is a deep 18 inches by 17 and a half 18 inches by 17 and a half like you can see the dome it's bigger so you are able to make a two pizzetta this one here probably you can also make it but it's gonna be tight right now like it's only 10 minutes passed by this one is a 430 and this one is uh at 470. i want to get another uh very important uh point of these two omens because we are using gas option so let's start with the dome which i really like on this part because the side burner the the burner is on the side of the oven that means that the oven the flame rotates inside and creates the pressure that we want to cook the neopolitan pizza so this is the pressure that i'm talking about when you put the ends inside it creates like a balloon the pressure so the side burner helps the heat consistently to stay inside and rotate and rotate it and then also keeps the temperature a little bit more longer but this one we're gonna see together later if it really keeps the temperature the caro it's good burner and goes on top which is the the good thing is that makes the pizza a little bit more crispy but also that one makes the pizza more crispy but what happened is the the it doesn't create the the the heat uh the pressure that we need to neapolitan pizza and like you can see also when the flames goes towards the uh the front the heat goes out every time that you open the door if you don't keep it closed for sure it's gonna drop the the the heat and goes outside so probably this is gonna drop the temperature faster also i'm going to see this one later on uh today bottle ovens comes with a two speed of flame which is really important that you need those so high flame is to be honest i use the bolt ovens and then i always keep the oven at the max flame when it's no pizza when i put the pizza inside i lower down the flame like you can see see speed high speed low so when you make pizza it's always better to keep it at the max temperature and then you lower down when you put the pizza inside and then if you know that you're gonna make the pizza in 15 minutes or 20 just leave it on low and then five minutes before you fire up at the max temperature so this is a good thing of having the oven at a two-speed gas burner so this one is in the back which is a little bit uncomfortable because this part this part gets hot not too much on the side like you can see i touched but it's not in temperature yet but we're gonna get there too i cannot see really well so this is max speed and this is a low flame like you can see it's good so we're gonna go ahead and leave it at the max time picture uh one thing that i like more this one is uh which is more comfortable is this the the bottom of the gas you can regulate the regulator of the gas is right in front that you can see and move has it's very confident this one here is in the back which i recommend only to next time to put it in the front this way you are able to adjust the gas uh temperature gas flame really a little bit more faster i think we're gonna wait another few minutes and then the oven is ready and to measure the temperature of the the bottom the most important thing both ovens are comparable uh in between so they're almost the same so this is a fair comparison can wait now we have the oven about this one is about 800 this is about uh 730 so we're gonna wait until they get around 850 and we're gonna go ahead and measure the bottom of the oil because at that temperature the oven is supposed to be ready okay guys the ovens are ready this one is uh says all the line because this one when it gets to 900 fahrenheit it goes the thermometer doesn't go anymore this one is 860. so we waited about 30 minutes on the clock about 25 minutes not too much now it's time to go ahead and measure the most important part of the oven temperature which is the bottom of the oven so let's go ahead and let's measure this one now it's at 800 hold on at the center it's 850 fahrenheit so it's perfect to cook neapolitan style pizza okay let's go ahead and let's measure the dome at the center right now is at 850 no 800 yeah 850 outstanding both ovens have the same temperature so now what we're going to do here we are going to test it with pizza most important thing here guys i want to let you know that this video was not sponsored from the two companies it was not sponsored from uni was not sponsored from gosnet so this is my own idea my honest review my honest uh comparation of the over just for you to let you understand which oven to peek or if you have it and all the benefit of these ovens the thing i want to see now is so which oven will hold the temperature better so i'm gonna go ahead and shut off both ovens right now and see the temperature how they're going to drop of course we're going to keep this oven open because the comparation needs to be both in the equals equally so let's go ahead and let's see how long it's going to tape i want to see how the temperature drops so this one's still high so we're going to wait about 10 minutes and see how the oven will uh drop the temperature i'm gonna i'm not gonna stop this video i'm gonna speed forward and see [Music] okay guys we waited only five minutes because 10 minutes i noticed that the the ovens are dropping off the temperature too much so i'm gonna we're gonna make pizzas right now this is to show you the we're gonna talk about the insulation right now so here we go after five minutes we have come in with this camera we have a 650 fahrenheit and this oven this oven is a 480 uh fahrenheit so we're gonna go ahead and check out the bottom of uh the ovens so how the drop off how they drop the temperature see here come here so this is uh 630 which is still good to make the pizza and this one is uh 632 actually a little bit lightly 650 which is uh really good so we're gonna go ahead and uh fire up again okay there we go so it's a little tricky so i'm gonna put at the max temperature the ovens both of them this is much easier to fire up but i cannot really see the flame let's see so it's on max temperature close it uh so what we notice here that both ovens they go in temperature really quick almost at the same time like you saw so insulation-wise so let's go ahead and let's test this so this oven it's at i don't suggest to touch i touch it because to see so this oven is a very made i i really can't touch it so see this part no i can't even touch it so i can touch it and that means i can't even listen listen to this yeah insulation here it's really really well made very high quality i love the insulation that means that also again it's really good to cook the pizza so now we go to the uni let's touch it it's definitely uh really hot where don't touch the bottom because it's hot so see i can barely touch it's really hot i can tell it's more hot than that one but also it's it's made with the insulation here you can see it's made with the insulation all inside the round but it's slightly it's more like probably two inches thinner it's two completely different designs this is the stand of the soviet i mean the dolma they made an amazing amazing good-looking i always say that this is probably the best good looking oven in the market also here we have the stand of the uni the complete set of the only the peels uh the the table it looks really nice it's it's lovely really good table you can buy two way you have the the nice set this is more a little bit more comfortable because you can also make this is you can use as a table prep so you put the oven on top of some something and then you are able to make this one as a prep station which is this one doesn't have but also they have the the thing a lot of uh things where you can put the things uh the tools on top there the peels also this is the pills from the uh oh i want to talk another thing decide the peels to take out the pizza are both the soda the peels to take out the pizza are the same exactly and then we have a lightly different ear is that really i like more the this peel because it's uh see it's much bigger so it's uh this is a 16 inches so they made a peel for this type of oven a ghostly uh made this peel a little bit too small for this size so when i make i want to make a big pizza i'm not able to use this peel or maybe i can but it's gonna go outside here today we're gonna make a 14 inches pizza so you're gonna see everything also is how it's gonna be cooked so what can i say guys smash the like and share right now because it's free consider it to subscribe and uh let's go ahead let's prep everything to make this classic pizza margherita also i'm gonna make the two pizzas see how long it's gonna cook both together without editing anything and also i'm gonna go ahead and make right away another pizza to see the bottom of the pizza you're gonna make multiple pizzas how this woman will hold the temperature and boom guys heck guys there we go it's the time of the truth but of course i cannot make the pizza by myself everything is going to be live time so sit down please watch until the end are you a friend of mine francesco are you ready to make the pizza yeah of course we're going to make pizza together we're going to make the same exactly pizza niapoint margherita so france which one do you want to use i don't know make your choice i i mean on this side so i use this one space a little bit of flour the dough is uh if you guys want to see how to make this dough please visit my channel and subscribe please let's say this is one wow this is two voila watering the dough the same way and after this we're going to go ahead and make another pizza right away so let's go ahead i'm going to stretch make neapolitan style pizza we're going to go in the oven at the same time my friend yo yo so guys here we're gonna judge the pizza oven not the pizza parmesan cheese classic margherita after this we're gonna make a classic marinara pizza fresh mozzarella we're supposed to put the olive oil in things but we're going to put it after very important we're going to make a 14 inches pizza okay and then we lower down the temperature in both ovens okay hold on this was low already okay francesco let's go let's go flower this peel is really small so i'm gonna go ahead and go ahead outside because here the pizza needs to be big to be able to judge i'm going to make a 14 13 inches pizza you know the measurements okay and the ammo yeah i'm gonna go ahead together voila so no editing time here we're gonna go ahead and see how long he's gonna be able to cook this pizza so lower down the flame at the minimum actually let's do medium i'm gonna put on a medium okay medium okay how hot it is 8 20. this is four this is a 750. mine is already ready to turn tension rapid 700. be careful the pizza i'll repeat let's judge the pizza ovens and the cooking time okay i'm gonna lower down the minimum right now because i see that the oven is cooking well the competition needs to be equal and they have to see how complicated it is or or how simple it is to cook the pizza [Music] voila guys and voila mine is also ready to okay guys here you go the pizzas show to the camera they go closer on the second one bye sopraco here are the two pizzas guys hi i believe they come out almost the same yeah i mean boom boom boom guys so let's see the better let's see better the pizza on the bottom but before that let's go ahead francesco right away let's make another one let's see which one is going to cook faster so the oven at the max let's go ahead and let's make a marinara this is to see if the pizza will uh this pizza oven will be able to cook multiple pizzas so let's go ahead and let's make a classic marinara franchise let's make the pizza a little bit more uh uh bigger like a rotted car so let's see right away so it's been like a minute so this is uh to show you uh how the pizza will cook multiple pizzas to be honest because you know when you put the pizza the the temperature of the oven they drop so let's go ahead let's make a marinara marinara looks easy but is the most difficult one to make so extra tomato sauce oregano and then we have some garlic oil on top this oven this pizza dough is very uh it's very hydrated that's why it's a little difficult to to manage hold on you're ready let's check our pets okay go ahead and voila the pizza is in the oven lower down the temperature like i say actually this is a marinara so medium speed medium i'm going to keep it at the medium high and we're going to cook it let's see how long it's going to take but the most important thing is that we have to see how the bottom of the second pizza is going to be if you see that the pizza cooks too fast just lower down the temperature and then that will help to cook the bottom too mine is ready oh my gosh only okay if he's ready you have to take it out okay pizza it's a lovely ready mine i'm gonna put it right here let's wait on francesco yeah it's completely raw bye check it out voila you might all yeah well we have to judge the pizza so the crust is good so let's see let's see wait wait let's see okay let's come closer guys let me show you the pizzas how they look like [Music] so guys here we're gonna judge the pizza oven not the pizza thank you so much francesco for your help and uh let's finish up this pizza and we're gonna go ahead and judge the pizzas again this is garlic oil so we're gonna go ahead and put a little bit of garlic oil on this voila and let's see close how the pizza look like at the bottom so this is the pizza from the uni come here so this is the first pizza how you can see the the the look and this is the second pizza actually this one holds up i i see this little bit cooked well because the the temperature was a lower this is uh from the uh uni this is from the gosni oven let's see the bottom like you can see it's a little bit more well and definitely much better cook so we're gonna go ahead and compare this one you know you can tell that these you can put like multiple pizzas i made before 30 pizzas in the girls in the oven and then to be honest it cooked fantastic this one i never made too much pizza so this is let's compare both of them close this way you guys can see and you guys can judge us in the comments so please francesco well they look like almost exactly the same uh at this point okay they look they look the same to be honest this one is a little bit more crunch and this is a little bit more but this is because the flame too much heat to be honest it's just uh about a just a matter of uh comfortable how comfortable you are with these almonds too i wanna know your comment below what do you think which one is better for you what do you think what did you want to did the uh i just want to know your comment in the comments to see what you think i should also uh reviewed both ovens with wood option or not okay guys this was everything from this comparation this vs pizza ovens and then please tell me in the comments what you think guys share this video in the social media tag me on instagram whenever you make a pizza vito yacopelli i'll see you every week with new video don't forget tell me in the comments if you want to see these solvents with the wood option or you want to see the comparation with different ovens coming soon something new thank you so much for watching guys from studio go belly it's everything and i'll see you next week every week new video ciao
Channel: Vito Iacopelli
Views: 81,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vito, iacopelli, pizzatv, neapolitan, pizza, napoletana, how, to, come, fare, funny, vice, VITO IACOPELLI, pizza napoletana, pizza at home, pizza dough, how to make pizza, ooni pizza oven, ooni pizza oven karu, ooni pizza oven review, ooni karu 16, gozney dome, gozney, gozney dome review, gozney dome vs ooni karu 16, vito iacopelli ooni, vito iacopelli quick pizza dough, vito iacopelli, vito iacopelli dome, Dome pizza oven, dome pizza oven gozney, best pizza oven, neapolitan pizza
Id: wWmhj4jFS8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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