The Best Pizza Oven: Ooni Koda 16 vs. Roccbox

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👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/bran_daid 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
Hey so today I'm going to compare two different pizza ovens so this first one what is it this first one is the ROC box this was my let me start this video camera and I'll show you so this is the ROC box this was my favorite pizza oven from like two years ago you can see my video on that I'll put a link to it up in the corner and then the other oven is this Unni the unique Oda which is this newer one now I think currently my favorite oven they're both pretty great I'll show you the difference the differences between them go and I'll bake the exact same pizza in both of them so I have no over here this is a Neapolitan style pizza dough so we're gonna do a quick Neapolitan pizza this was a same-day dough I made it this morning alright so this is going to take start the timer there we go well watch in real time as it bakes I mean we all stretch out this other guy stand and puff up nicely right 35 seconds now I'm gonna give it a little turn looking pretty nice that underbelly looks oh yeah looking good [Music] we're at 90 seconds now here's a pie this one looks like if I end up being about a two-minute bake which is reasonable I think well I like to let mine go a little bit darker than a sorta super traditional Neapolitan any spots that need so that's what I like that color right there I'm going to let this other side go a tiny bit more [Music] and done look at that and let me show you you can see what this uh underbelly looks like here that looks great this looks wonderful to me all right so there's pizza one from The Rock box oh I'm gonna throw these throw these vegetables in here about a two-minute bake time so now we're gonna make pizza - you know what the Neapolitan pizza traditionally the basil goes on before you bake it and it kind of wilts down and just perfumes the whole thing you can always feel free to put the basil on after or some people sometimes I like to put on the basil before and after so that you get that sort of perfume plus the the fresh basil I'm at the end all right now this is going in the coda in the Unni you can see the Kota has this duel this fire bar that kind of wraps all the way from the back to the top I find that to be great especially when cooking larger pizzas it really helps sort of speed of the process and gets it a little more evenly cooked but you know this Rock box it's a pretty tight little oven what's good about the Rock box is that you can actually so there's the fuel source back there I have it hooked up to gas right now these are both on gas the rock box you can actually swap that canister out and burn wood which you know would in the amount of time it takes a pizza to bake it's not like it really gets much flavor from wood but it's nice to have that that is a fuel source especially you're gonna be cooking like other things that do actually get flavor from from wood like if you're roasting meats or something like that roasting vegetables those going to acquire a little bit out wood flavor this guy's puffing up nicely so we're at one minute right now [Music] so I end up taking about about the same about two minutes fake oh the other reason why you would form on a wooden board and then transfer to a metal one is that it knocks off the excess flour from the bottom so that the pizza doesn't well so it doesn't have too much flour on the bottom which is not necessarily what you want in a pizza well that one should have taken in a minute 45 I said we went up to two minutes and burn the back but I don't actually don't mind that part that'll be mine my family can eat the rest all right let's shut this off that's what happens when you're making pizza and you don't pay attention how do I shut it off all right so there we have it two different pieces this one on the rock box this one on the uni I think you only cook a little bit faster which is actually good what you want and then Neapolitan pizza they both look honestly they both look great though and let's see that underbelly shot on the on the Unni pizza so there's that boonie underbelly and there is that rock box underbelly I'd say the rock box underbelly looks a little better they both look fantastic though I think what do you think I think we did good all right ready for dinner Oh both of these ovens so I can't remember the prices I think they're around $300 each maybe $400 so you know they are meant for sort of pizza enthusiasts now for people who are casually going after pizza but that said they both they both do the job really well I think they're both attractive what's nice is the the Rock box actually stays nice and cool I can touch the top the unni not as cool but but still pretty cool unlike sort of much older older first-generation outdoor pizza ovens which tend to get really hot on the top because they're all metal um I had the only three and a new knee Pro actually had only one and only two and 93 and Junipero now I have two Nakota they've been getting better and better and better so honestly if you're if you are an outdoor pizza person now it was kind of the golden age I think maybe they're gonna you even continue to get better but I can't imagine it getting much easier than this you just click it on wait 45 minutes for it to heat up and you're ready to go pizza in 90 seconds all right guys I am gonna call my family for dinner and I'll see you later oh one thing I forgot to mention so the relative sizes so on the rock box you can do up to a 12-inch pizza that's the size of the opening where is with the unicode 'you can go up this 16 inch pizza which is sort of like your real New York style pizza thing so the rock box has a single gas jet in the back that clicks up here I'll show you single gas jet in the back but it really gets nice and ripping hot where's the Uni has this bar it was in the back that stretches around the side so the back and one side and yeah those are the main design differences other than that they're both pretty they perform pretty similarly you know the UNA he's nice is big enough you could put like a spatchcock chicken in there you can bake a loaf of bread in there this guy is a little bit more difficult but I have done actually a Cornish hens in there they work out well and definitely lots of vegetables like this steaks vegetables whatever you want both of them are great all right
Channel: J. Kenji López-Alt
Views: 580,990
Rating: 4.8598781 out of 5
Id: WDK762aVaMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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