N'awlins BBQ Shrimp, in just 30 minutes!

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well this should be fun because today we're getting fancy oh yeah you're going to want to see this one so stick around [Music] so as you can see from the thing down there uh we're making the Nolan's barbecue shrimp uh it does not go on the barbecue uh it does come from New Orleans though so they at least got part of that right and it does have shrimp in it so two out of three ain't bad uh why they call it barbecue shrimp I have absolutely no idea I've tried to look that up it makes no sense I don't know maybe because it's spicy and people back then were dumb doesn't matter it's delicious one thing about this is that there are about a hundred different recipes for uh Nolan's barbecue shrimp and there's at least three or four different ways to pronounce it I am using a yes recipe that is not entirely unique I will confess it is mostly inspired by Emeril Lagasse's uh barbecue shrimp and I've had that a few different ways a few different things it does not contain beer it has wine in it so it's a little fancier I don't really understand the original recipe from this uh to be honest with you it was like butter beer and cayenne pepper you're like and then they put it in the oven that's a little weird uh I've never tried it that way um because this way is awesome this way has a lot of Worcestershire in it as you will see but uh it has a few other things that are exciting and wonderful and let's just get started because uh it ain't gonna cook itself folks let's go so let's get started with the sauce now it's onions and garlic and Worcestershire and tomato juice and butter and apple cider vinegar and apple juice and we've got our Creole seasoning sitting over there which of course the recipe for that is in the description and it all starts with some butter in the pan to start doing the onion to that butter we add about a tablespoon of olive oil roughly I didn't really count or measure but Dad just give it a good Coating in the pan now the onions go in we're not looking to fully caramelize these we're just sauteing them I've been a couple of minutes in the pan and now the garlic goes in and then we put a little bit tablespoon of the Creole seasoning on top of that and we're going to mix that all together really really well and kind of cook that with the seasoning so that we perfume it a bit now let's start putting the liquids in because this is all about the liquids the Worcestershire goes in now and if you've never tried to cook Worcestershire sauce like this we're chestershire sauce um be prepared for the smells that's interesting all right so we got shrimp stock going in now I'm putting starting with a cup of that but it is going to take more and we're going to put some wine in here just a white wine and we won't say who made the wine because you know that's a thing apparently um and we got our tomato juice in here and we got all of our yummy goodness going in all our flavors now there's a lot of acid on the front end of this we're cooking this all down quite a bit you can see it's already thickened a little bit we have one roma tomato that we've sectioned into eight different pieces and we have half a lemon that we've quartered half a lemon so I guess they're eight size pieces as well for this we're only doing a pound of shrimp you don't need a full lemon but if you're doing more you're going to put more ingredients and you're going to use a whole lemon but yeah just uh squish the the lemon a little bit to release a little juice this is going to cook down quite a ways and this is all going to be mush basically by the time we're ready to eat so you know that's just the way that goes uh that's uh how the sauce Works we're just gonna keep cooking and reducing and reducing and reducing this takes a while every couple of minutes come back give it a stir but you're going to just keep reducing this for a very long time probably 20 to 25 minutes uh when it gets down a little bit we haven't put anything sweet in here yet we're just going to sample to see what the heat is like let it needs a little more heat so I'm putting some red pepper flake in uh it's not in the ingredients list but I didn't think I had quite enough heat so I just add a little of that you know you can do whatever you want it's your sauce this is my sauce I did what I want there you go so what red pepper flake is a great way to add a little bit of heat if you feel like it as you can see this is really reducing down a lot now we put a ton of liquid in here and we're getting nice Trails as we put the spatula through you can see it's taken a minute to roll back over this is about where we want it so we're going to add our apple juice at this point this is this only sweetening element look at that It Coats the back of the spoon perfectly you know it's getting thick and Rich so turn the heat off we're adding some heavy cream to this and we're going to finish it up with a little bit of butter after we mix this around this kind of Mellows out the acids a little bit with the uh with the cream and it makes a really really lovely Rich sauce that just is so good if you've never had barbecue shrimp oh my god seriously all right so the next trick is the finishing butter the heat has been off it is no longer cooking it but it is still pretty warm so you put a tablespoon of butter in here and just kind of make it that wonderful silky mouth feel that everyone loves so much just uh mix this up pretty good and the sauce is done let it sit let's get started with the shrimp we got a pound of shrimp here and I always put a piece of cellophane down on top of the ice to keep them separated because you don't want wet shrimp so that is a nice handy way to keep those separated so that you can easily Move Along after you patted it dry put your Creole seasoning on top of this you just want to coat it you don't want it super thick and heavy but we're going to cook these off in the pan here in our cast iron pan it's kind of important that it's a cast iron pan because this is also our serving dish so we put a tablespoon of butter in there and a tablespoon of oil as soon as that's hot and melted in the whole thing the shrimp goes in I have just enough room in this pan for this number of shrimp this is a pound of shrimp right here they're 16 20s I believe and it fits just barely okay we don't overcome cook the crap out of these we cook them for about a minute and a half two minutes on the first side and about the same on the second side they're just getting cooked through we're gonna pour the sauce on top of this in a second so you don't want to overcook the shrimp right now otherwise you get rubbery shrimp don't do that that's bad and now for the big moment saucing the shrimp now this is oh so good so amazing that sauce is so incredible please don't waste a drop of this as you can see I'm working very hard to make sure that every little piece of usable sauce makes it into that pan that is important we're using the cast iron pan here because it retains heat as you can see it's still bubbling even though the burner is already off so that that is important because this is the serving Bowl as well the serving container you put this in the center of the table and everybody eats out of it that is kind of a fun little thing it works great as an appetizer or an entree so that is the world's fastest Nolan's barbecue shrimp seriously this was a three hour recipe I have knocked it down to 30 minutes but he can do this you saw how it's done nothing crazy nothing fancy um and it is friggin amazing uh to prove that I'm actually going to eat some of it because I almost never eat on camera don't know why I'm weird but I gotta eat this oh my God mm-hmm the Worcestershire and everything else becomes this sweet incredible flavor that you've never had before you don't know it's Worcestershire sauce you don't it's a sweet tart sort of amazing it tastes like barbecue sauce and I guess that's why they came up with the name the only thing it needs now is some bread to dip in to soak up all the lovely goodness a little bit of green onion over the top to make it look festive that's enough don't need it all and uh I like to serve this with a little bit of rice too because the rice will soak up that sauce that sauce is I won't say the the word uh the m word that uh somebody with the spiky white hair likes to say um but that is incredible sauce you will want to put that on everything if you make this as an as an appetizer people are going to keep the sauce to put on veggies put on absolutely anything and it is that incredible you can have fun with this uh but yeah that's basically your melons barbecue shrimp see if I can pick this up the skillet here is hot the reason to keep it in this skill is that it stays here and it stays hot cast iron is wonderful for that here are you getting a good shot of that you're getting you getting a look at that all right foreign so the only thing you have to ask yourself is how fast can you get to the store to get this because as you saw this meal is only like 30 something minutes away from getting started so if I were you I'd start now so uh well thanks for staying to the end I appreciate that at least uh before you click off just hit that thumbs up thing if you because this is amazing and I'll keep making this stuff you keep watching and I'll see you back here in the next one thanks bye foreign [Music]
Channel: How to Cook(e) w/Bill Cooke
Views: 65
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3pJyHgXQhMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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