Wenn Sie 2 Kartoffeln und 1 Ei haben. Ich wünschte, ich hätte Rezept schon einmal ausprobiert

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Hello friends 🤗! Chop 2 large potatoes (500 grams). Today I am preparing another unusual and super delicious potato dish 😋. How are you 😉? Did you like my previous video of donuts with potatoes and chicken 😍? Pour cold water over potatoes. Boil potatoes until soft. Parsely. 1 egg. A pinch of salt. 1 teaspoon of paprika. 1 teaspoon of paprika. 2 pinches of salt. Black pepper. 2 tablespoons cornstarch. Parsely. breadcrumbs. Parsely. Dip the potatoes in the egg. breadcrumbs. This is a delicious way to cook potatoes! Put in heated vegetable oil. What a delicious potato 😋! Fry the potatoes until golden brown. Remove excess fat with paper towels. If you like the recipe, like it and write in the comments 😉. Bon appetit 😋! With love 🥰!
Channel: hausgemachterezepte
Views: 4,337,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2jrg8YePv4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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