The best Cioppino I have ever had!!!

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chopino is an italian-american seafood stew that is as simple to make as it is delicious to eat and that's what we're making today and you are gonna love it let's cook in the early 1900s more than 3 million people immigrated from italy to the us most of these people came from the south of italy and ended up in the northeast in the united states mostly new york new england and those areas some of these people found their way to the pacific northwest and in particular san francisco because they came from the north mostly from genoa or genoa the capital of liguria and liguria is full of fishing villages cinque terre is in liguria you should go there it's beautiful san francisco eventually developed a very large italian community and you can see that when you go visit today in the north shore and little italy and out of that came chopino chopino may have its roots in liguria but is 100 italian-american from san francisco i cannot wait to dip a little bit of toasted sourdough bread into that delicious broth let's cook as always first we're gonna get organized the french call this misum class and all missing plus is is having all the tools and ingredients that you need right in front of you we're going to prep all the ingredients and put them in order in what we call the conga line and that's exactly the order you're going to use them in your recipe missing plus is less stress cooking is about ingredients time and temperature that is why it's so important to get the best quality ingredients you can find let's prep [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] our conga line is ready everything is in its place and we're ready to cook oliver about three tablespoons and first we're gonna add the fennel and fennel it's like celery with a licorice taste goes great with seafood and now we're gonna add the onion [Music] it looks like a lot of onion but all these aromatics make the stew taste delicious i'm at high heat i'm gonna just lower to medium heat now we're gonna add the shallots and the salt we're gonna stir and cook for eight to ten minutes until everything is pretty much translucent okay time for the garlic and the red pepper flakes pepperoncini we're gonna cook that together for about two minutes oh wow i wish you could smell this that's why all these things are called aromatics the aroma is incredible and now the tomato paste i'm using my new measuring cups a gift from my friend joseph balero i love them joseph okay so now we're gonna add the wine and that is gonna deglaze the pan which is scraping all the little pieces that get stuck to the bottom oh my god the smell i'm gonna cook the wine for one minute to let the alcohol evaporate we add the tomatoes the bay leaf and the seafood stock the clam juice is also in there see all that residue there i'm gonna pick that up what we're gonna do then is bring this to a simmer and then cover it lower the heat and let it cook for 30 minutes what that's gonna do is blend all these flavors together starting to come to a simmer stock always has a little bit of scum that comes up to the top and i'm skimming that out and we cover and lower the heat and cook for 30 minutes so while this simmers what i'm going to do with the fish is sear it a little bit i think it's going to add flavor you don't have to do this some recipes don't call to do that some do i think it's great for a stew like this one you'll need a firm flesh fish like cod or halibut or sea bass we're using fresh cot so some olive oil i finally got my fish spatula first time i use it as always we're not gonna overcrowd the pan we're gonna barely kiss the skin of the fish with the hot oil you need to resist the temptation to touch it don't touch it because if not it's going to stick to the pain lower the heat a little bit okay time to turn okay i'm turning actually i'm going to turn the heat off this got too hot so i'm just going to turn it off off and let it cook with the residual heat and this is how how i would cook this fish if i was just having the fish [Music] see that it is off that's all residual heat [Music] that's what it looks like this is simmering so it's time for shout outs these are the people that are cooking our food taking pictures and letting us know about it you should try that our daughter isabella from college in savannah she sent us the picture of new york steak with mushrooms it looked amazing so proud of you patricia saher did the surf and turf again luis keeps asking for it brian horn did lasagna alla bolognese and noah reyes the salmon you should try it we are so excited to see you cooking our food man we are inspired let's talk about wine for a minute we used a pinot grigio in the recipe and this sauce has tomato and tomatoes highly acidic but the seafood has a very mild taste so which one to use you can use a white and believe it or not also a red as long as we're drinking a medium body highly acidic wine it could be white or red so we couldn't decide what to drink so we have three we're gonna taste the pinot grigio that we use for cooking we're also gonna taste a pinot noir from california and a old vine zinfandel a california-only wine so we thought it would be great to give it a try with this it has been half an hour let's look into it we're gonna take out the bay leaf i'm gonna try this for salt it needs a little i want to raise the heat let it cook for another 10 minutes okay this has simmered down a lot i wanted a little bit more thicker consistency because the clams and the mussels are gonna release a lot of juice we're gonna put the clams the mussels cover with the lid and cook for five minutes because this is a san francisco dish we are eating san francisco bread this is sourdough so we put some butter salt and pepper and we have this griddle super hot and we're gonna put it to toast right on the griddle if you don't have a griddle you can do it in a pan or a toaster put the bread butter side down remember this has been seasoned with salt and pepper as well [Music] okay we go in with the shrimp and with the fish at this point you don't want to stir this too much because the fish is very delicate i'm just making sure that all the broth is covering all the shrimp and the fish cover it set the timer for three minutes and then turn it off finally my favorite moment taste test can you see how beautiful this is i i'm gonna go right in can i go for this broth i am talking about this is worth a double dance i think i'm gonna spin oh oh my god this is so good you can taste everything you can taste the tomato the seafood mmm sourdough san francisco tree here we go clam baby come to me [Music] shrimp [Music] mussel and the fish this is god [Music] even our dogs are loving this even though they don't eat seafood they think they do oh my this is just amazing now you see two plates here obviously johanna's gonna try it but i have one of my best friends in the world here and business partner juan jimenez here that's the the camera is your friend okay right all right so um you just right here yeah you can use your spoons i've been watching this getting cooked i'm excited i'm excited cheers oh wow sebastian oh my gosh wow oh yummy dance wow talk to me juan wow this is so good oh my gosh let me try this thing here i don't know what to say but it's so good it's amazing delicious you did it again oh my gosh how about that bread with the oh so when you see me sebastian i know you're wearing your pjs and you don't want to come up but you're going to have so much fun later we missed you sebastian we have done two without you where were you welcome back brother out of this world my friend this is out of this world as outstanding dish and the bread you need the bread you need the bread it's crazy i don't know oh my gosh let me try this yeah the fish is delicious gosh this this is amazing thing oh whoo incredible right wow how about the wine yeah we should try the wine this is the pinot noir this is the symphony and that's the pinot grigio so let's each try a little bit and then we try the wines so good now i'm gonna try that i'm gonna go to symphony first hmm oh my gosh i don't know wow this is really good this is really just straight this one okay so i'm going there this is really good too so we're gonna have to do it again let me try it let me try this one first okay simple very nice pinot grigio is very nice it's very nice this one is really good i have to try that one now for me for me is this for me is this one pinot noir pinot noir but also the pinot grigio which guys you can have whatever wine you like with your food but there are some wines that will lend better to certain things than others because of the acidity here of the tomato it is critical to have a wine that is going to stand up to it but not overpower the taste of the seafood but it to me the symfondo wins but they're all three were actually good enough so it's it's a tasting whatever it is that you like guys they're gonna drink the whole bottle by the time this show will open all three how much fun we're going to have tonight right yes as always four things subscribe hit like share with your friends and cook it you need to try it you need to try this at home practice it i promise you you will get better every time you practice it and this is just a lot of ingredients but so simple to make it's just 30 45 minutes have a glass of wine and you're gonna have a meal that is fit for a king and guess what we're having next week what are we having benedict brunch is one of my favorite things in the whole world and eggs benedict is one of my favorite things in brunch so guess what it's gonna be delicious [Laughter] come back and see us
Channel: Gus in The Kitchen
Views: 285,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cioppino, italian food, seafood stew, clams, mussels, tomato sauce, sourdough bread, san francisco, seafood, soup, zinfandel
Id: cq6udYKU2r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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