Nautilus but my spells CRIT and my hook 1 shots you

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welcome all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some Arena and we have Nautilus and I just got jeweled Gauntlet so we're going to go full AP Nautilus and try to just one shot somebody with my anchor be fun oh body playing Yas so I can just Al him and then he alss y I got Jewel G I'm going full AP nice I think he like one sh someone with UHS yeah level six does your scop scopus make your Q longer uh no but my auto range is like the same as my Q now that's nice against I got 425 range got him oh never mind I just destroyed this guy go for top Point okay FL for that rven Autos nice see him I got hooking five three two War's going to take the oh I hit him and he can still take that like he should be able to like ignore CC like that oh now this there we go no you oh I killed him with my e which means he got bodied I did 48 extra damage with Jewel Gauntlet wow oh that's a big gin he does he have Goliath Z so he must have Goliath he does indeed have we have anybody that can avoid our combo alio volar might be hard but we might be able to kill them brand definitely beat them like the later it goes mhm really will be hard maybe I can space them with my extra Auto Range all right we're against Blitz Ash I you can maybe just like win while the blitz hook or an ASW Tempo I have like 60 I think I don't remember I like almost 90 it's like do oh I see I have 50 55 he the 20 I don't think anybody has lower than 50 on PB for some reason it just not to live in like California yeah I got to wait for I just go for top left plant okay you got one let's just wait I have my wind wall again I'm going try and hook a but maybe just wait till like map gets smaller yeah cuz if we fight them here they're just going to go run for the plants again yeah there they go I top PL no we fight maybe you just like let Blitz hook you or something you oh I got a crit taking this PL don't do the wall oh you're hitting the wall yeah is longle night Harvester Dark Soul tal get on hit kind of tanky would be decent that sounds like fun did I reroll or do you think night Harvester is good take um yeah would be good cuz you're trying to one shot them that'll help you one shot them anivia just going to wall your hook anvia is going CRP yeah that's interesting it's not going to work on their abilities gra has goie weapons they both got sorted Vine what do heck oh we have the alt combo now it's over I'm goinging to take the hex gate and appear over there just go in okay what do you want to go for first whoever you knock out yeah now we kill her perfect much damage I do 330 not the bad wait no it's a th J that's really good now that's pretty good you know what you could do you could get a Terminus and then that would give you more armor and then kind yeah definitely get that work with it there's no I don't think there's any like super tanks in this Lobby where I would need Doms and not just the Gallo volly bear is only tanky one yeah he F so nice yeah saidani but like work for her oh my God the G one do your rapid fire Canon the Super Range super long Auto you'll get like six hiem yeah get it at the end um dude should I get a Lich man or should I get a crit item crit item get R ruin they go boom whoever we yeah can we just like go for the gar yeah and I can just yeah he's burst yeah oh my God and His all could CR it God that's scary oh yeah J's way tanker than his gar too it's like boss cing all right perfect go quick oh my God middle y I lived that Garen was so close to getting his Al off on me I don't think he would have killed me but then Jinn would have killed me yeah is a pretty strong combo oh yes do we yeah Yas not let's buly be slow cooker G has soul is full AP I think we'll be okay as long as one shot by G he might be a one shot him I think we just I'll just Al him and then we Al him get there after Brer Tang goie you just get Mr later if they're one shotting you yeah you like Jack show probably oh my God s the heck oo I get top dancer I Slayer I could be tiny so it's easier to hit the hook that would be funny I'm going to roll earthquake wisdom of Ages is that good the level cap not really I don't like that one oh I got courage to Closs some okay than you now I have so much movement speed now and attack speed it's going to be fine set s SE oh you about to dunk me I got CC I couldn't get the plant dude they're both like tank oh my God I went right by them I did no damage of them I can to plant I can get the one honestly it's one I just keep oh I got grabbed during my knock go for the pl I'm getting plant I just keep getting Shields holy [ __ ] oh oh my God we won no he's getting heal okay dude how did win there how much did courage glosses it just blocked 10K damage and I you weren't dying over there that was perfect oh my God I'm not even going like an HP build really holy cow should I buy here I I I oh you have 100% crit already nah yeah I gu I don't think so I go I and just get like yeah got death cap I might like a Bor cuz not HED har team is really hard to kill like Terminus I'll do Terminus next like I need some armor for more true damage oh you walked up dude that is so lame oh he's got the explosion thing this map is just so buggy and trash man oh have enough HP I hook him and he's standing by this these just block a hook even if they're standing on top of it it's so stupid that is Dum it count as invisible wall like those next the base yeah oh I give you a shield with right of Ruin too wish I could buy components in this money guess I'll a Bo speed I get more Health actually get T here this is hard he's a thorn Mill we go for G keep going the bush I can't reach there we go no oh man he got the entire Top plant bear deletes me always get away with one HP scam thanks for two op I will get Terminus now I can need to go Bor those do Terminus Jack show or Jack show Terminus you need HP yeah I need Jack Sho and maybe I can sell boost for Bor that would be so ideal I can get there get another after this fight are we a himr brand again didn't we play against yeah think there's only like four or five teams left we got a nuke brand he has uh see like what is that that was just about to hit it D I got one shot I think he oh my God I just died while done they have the double detonation orbs so they just do so much damage I got one shot by brand abilities I got one shot during that stun I can't believe that looks just so glitchy on that map yeah my Dark Soul pound is falling off yeah I mean most of these team there all the teams we're losing to are AP when we don't have Mr vers it's so hard to do anything and from oh no way we're getting another Prismatic wow that's crazy I get Symphony of or conen lethal Tempo I got like all three ideal like prismatics for yasua I got orbital laser Mystic Punch or center of the universe the stars that go around me I feel like I could mytic Punch or uh the Stars what about the orbital laser I could like CC them in it uh I that just oh they scale with ap [Music] okay that Ash I'm going to Q Blitz and then all Dash okay I can't move what the bro he's knocking me up forever there we go he have Mystic punch I don't know what he is oh he just had Eureka that's why he has so much haste bro I thought I was going to get like knockup ched over and over play Die the himr team losing then I think the HR team lost garen's alive we shouldn't have to fight that team again what is even happening here people just keep getting resed and D yeah o 36 Mr oh of course we're against the himr brand is 20% crit chance perfect I don't know what to do he's playing Elixir for this round my God my attack spe is insane that's so cool maybe I won't Q in I'll just Al the second I get hit by one ability I just instantly burned to death he's got spell wake and gauntlet that guy is op they both are they got the most broken stuff like how do you even get all that insane triple Prismatic Lobby here I took the gate out I took the gate out yes okay I think I figured it out I aled himer queued brand and then flashed away so they couldn't use anything can't deal the damage if you can't hit us we could beat that gin yeah he fast though but they can one shot him damn himer still got 5 HP think I'm going to get an hourglass last so I could survive I don't know hourglass are void staff I don't really have magic what about the V I do that's dance or Jack show here um BT I dock I don't know actually you also get any bonus for going over 100% crit he get more 0 that's 600 a all right we one shot the Gar so he can't one shot me he still insanely fast yeah they both are has a lot of range and he's insanely got get gar first oh no dude that's so stupid that's so lame insta blade Walts one shots both of us oh well GG yeah we got top four that's some insane like triple Prismatic so that was fun I'm happy with that welcome back to another Arena video we've got Nautilus I'm either going to go tanky or AP depending on what we get ooh double ultimate or courage of the Colossus oh this is actually really good we're going tanky all that tring really is so every time I C see them I'm going to get a shield scals with my HP jeel Gauntlet y forgot an item so I got Jewel Gauntlet to get my Al to crit and you forgot an item yeah I know and I missed oh that was but I have a courage of classes we might still they're probably going to uh destroy this here go run for the point yeah I don't know oh I hit a wall I have no damage is the issue they have too much damage really not into me true your Guardians I've already blocked 1K damn go hide them let me tank yeah I don't really do yeah yeah go lead him over there wait this is good good luck if you can just out Shield them both oh my God a big Shield they're not doing damage oh my God he won oh wait what oh he got a plant oh that was so close yeah that was a good try damn flash for the plant or something n all right I have items though I blocked 3K and, 1500 with horn make my e I mean your all does your all doesn't crit without it doesn't crit right the would will make your all crit yeah kind of was like Curious it might be good just do your normal just do 100% crit build and then yep Al shot him the plant killer back's going to jump in a second I had to get the BL I shot this so we earlier yeah wow that killed me is he AP he has a large Rod he's going to destroy me everybody got some op augments yeah laser hinger I guess yeah that works I have a burn on my crits well now you're playable now I can just Al them 100% crit now all right I'm so I heal you now too nice my crit all right I'm just going to all Draven all right let's do it you might hop in the gate okay call did a lot there fine if you die I don't think they they can't kill me there's no way no there's no way your Shield has Shields you can legit just like a Sunfire in now stand I'll die Pon he won't let me hit Dre should we oh nice oh my God I'm so tanky I think I'm going to get a heart steal just so I can get even bigger Shields yeah back up that HP you just got like 10% taller mhm oh this did some decent damage last round 1,700 from the Burns oh 5K blocked the last round I thought they both have scopus weapons it's like the same icon oh Ash has shot oh Ash is got of an annoying poke build I'm just going to alter we can't get Z I mean you can't but maybe we'll get oh your hamstring did a lot of damage actually yeah oh cuz you have 100% crit hello as oh oh there's an invisible wall there that's oh I couldn't help cuz of the Bush Z is kind of low oh she got three PS never mind that's kind of stupid how the liily pad counts as a wall even though it's not a wall you're not taking damage at Le oh my gosh dude still NP I just can't move B Shields just let me hit him man are you serious so lame that is the worst map ever I got to scope weapons oh my God now I can either get infernal Soul or immobilizing restores HP oh get I have I'm just going to heal so much I couldn't even hit them what is that why do they have so much range it's a scam for 600 oh no I played against R Bri yeah I played against this wait she's really squishy she's oh nice oh nice they're dead he's kind of healing off I'm track I think I do a lot of damage though y might melt me but she has a really weird build yeah that is a weird build who willay tuned to what do I get I think Spirit though and even more Shield want to I don't need more damage yeah in case I get one shot fire oh wait I could go Winter's approach oh no that doesn't give a big sh oh second need the item haste thing then I'll go one of those items yeah think that's a gold a um this should be an easy one I think I go one V2 this one let me just run in first and see what happens yeah all right you know what I want the heart steal from Tris go for I was try got the TRU still full HP Vision H all right oh I'm dead your why is she so fast got no chance no I dodge my I now do you have anything a can I stop getting like tied so hard oh that is so cringe yeah they got the FL I'm having such a hard time reaching people they just keep running an on Vamp here sun fire only did 360 does she have like tap dancer or something no no she's like an item to give her 8% B speed maybe she got like a bunch of B speed from anvils I don't understand how I'm so slow man that game I had the 200 Q haste it actually felt so much better than this that's I'm like dying before the knock off goes off that's crazy I one shot me knock though okay I I was dying my Sunfire GE is kind of melting he might have something that's stacking cuz like I'm getting deleted it's something fair oh good thing theux just a oh my God it did 7 8K yeah nasty it's like the best thing going you need to go like defensive items yeah hermin he does dance maybe all hemas a thorn mail I will get it I will try D Dan gracious benefactor put a lot of money on these fights so make it worth his while joined the fight just go hide down here yep oh Pon opening on me now oh there we go I got to play the game there we go I knocked him up on the set W guys's going to just go for the res and run like they all do oh that lucky res I think he's just going to die he has unlimited a thn oh no dude he has unlimited Q I can't even Al him I even hit him he's dying to Thorn mail at least he oh my God that was scary time I knock someone up I can get a or I get 60% attack speed for auto attacks I'll do that I got erosion stacking armor magic resist sh that could be good for you yeah ooh sh up to 30 % a week oh not the Zach isak is kind of strong yeah build is weird but she has lot true damage anyway you I got yeah see I had a feel going save my hook for when FES oh that's so yeah hourglass into res op oh my God I died 15 times bro we needed more survivability on you too much damage yeah oh well was good try
Channel: Zwagmo
Views: 50,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zwag, tczwag, zwag xerath, zwag tiktok, zwag shorts, asmr, teemo, zwagmo, zwag3, ranked climb, league of legends, league
Id: ImoO7r-nAh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 35sec (2135 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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