Trundle, but I have INIFINITELY scaling attack speed and attacks heal me to full HP | 2v2 Arena

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Y what up guys for today's 2v2 video we are playing some trundle joined by the homie tool Grand on the Yumi he's on y Duty and I am starting with tap dancer we have infinite stacking attack speed and movement speed now let's go a love I'm going to be such a fast trle by the way okay I have laser eyes or I have like should I go laser eyes oh wait uh what do you look like when you're attached to me does it work when I when I'm attached to no uh I'm not sure you know what we'll find out meow meow me and see where like Champions like looking at there's no way laser ey doesn't work oh my God okay so I just have to look at them I have to look at them I tried to cancelar over there where's where's my laser eye going yeah you not don't know oh no wait I thought you were attached I'm laser all right T when you can you're doing some D I can't no live bro live I'm trying y I'm not going to lie that wasn't bad oh [ __ ] I need to be over there this switch dude laser is kind of oh my God wait he's trapped let's go I made him take some fire damage all right I'm going to get you back in you're in you're in you're in okay yeah I'm in oh no I misclicked two R IED why you detached bro I misclicked it's fine it's fine we win we're just going to win oh The Shield see I never detach look at me meow meow meow good work good work you played it Fly and he one off that how fast I am easy laser eye seems really bad I mean look how much damage he done I think it's did a lot there did uh a thousand damage thousand I saw you blasting them dude damn uh do I want a merch in this Lobby yeah probably like there's more 80 damage looks scary but just need Merks there's like wait why is this guy's Dy way over thing get out of here we're against Mal fight Draven don't worry I'll laser eye them it's melee it's melee Draven wait really yeah he's melee oh I'm helping yep I'm helping oh I'm actually actually helping with the laser ey bit Yeah Yeah yeah so I feel like I should get off here just like laser a little bit no no no okay okay okay risky too risky dude look at that like how you're using me as like an auto turet dude that's hilarious [Laughter] to many you're literally posturing just so my laser this is amaz go for dven I have healing one okay that was close he's too strong oh yeah Mal fight has center of the universe H can we roll for the op life steal one oh demon king's crown that one's so good I kind of want it we have one more roll [ __ ] it well this looks oh I didn't get it I get gamblers way that will make me Rich I have a ton of attack speed oh we get rich so rich I can buy another pris and get the item we want we want to get the use like on the event all right what you got I don't even know two seconds Crown the sh Queen I don't know man there was nothing good all right get Landing you're front Landing get in there use your use your use your crown bro all rightow meow wait wait wait wait this is a horrible idea body b i I can't get off you or else I Get Knocked Up why'd you get Crown bro there was nothing there was armor it was armor it was like armor it was uh uh the death thing dude it was a reroll it was all bad it was literally all bad why is everyone have center of the universe like I did not get a good augment at all that's unlucky like and I rerolled and I'm like okay there's nothing good here nothing good here and I was like okay I need to build power at least that's the best thing I can get cuz it was all tank yeah I had one that was like deattached like I can reattach to you I probably should have maybe that one if I got knocked away but it just brings me to you bad okay we got Max heal now we're good we're good I'm getting Redemption for you or no yeah Redemption I think and then cilia okay I think that would be the Play Brush Bor the gamble blade and we get the Bor total block damage hell yeah nice you block 500 damage yeah so good so good oh you might talk speed is insane K all right oh dude it's just hard not to be like a Vela to just stand there and just Al me like you know where's the castle Yeah I was waiting for it to There It Is Going nice oh my God that was insane let's go Oh see it's because of the it's CU of the crown hate hate it dud the crown one v9 carried that well done okay should I or should I go cilus I likeus you like yeah let's go fast I have to downstair so just make me fast as [ __ ] okay make me fast as [ __ ] I'm fast as [ __ ] boy I'm fast as [ __ ] yeah boy might be crazy for top stack it twice as fast just say pineapple and that's when we go in you know just just yell that [ __ ] okay okay you know I'll [ __ ] activate that [ __ ] so fast and dude look at that little tiny kha'zix I figured that was pineapple oh my God what happened where'd you go I'm here don't worry don't worry princess I'm here look at his healing oh my god oh hell he get some money off a GMA bed um good thing I went Crown cuz I kind of somehow de attack I not sure where you went there or why the have I don't know either it just a Yi bug you know just not my Yi bug you you know don't play this Champion we got lucky dice what does Lucky Dice do nothing oh oh yes scopio weapons slap rounds really fun but I don't really get my e off that much to procket scopio weapons more attack range hopefully get like more more scop your weapons that'd be fun yeah two just unbind your W shut up man shut up it's not my fault it's not my fault I've never heard somebody ever say that to me before wait I wouldn't be able to get on to you right now so haha jokes on you I need all right un it now I'm bind it no I can't move wait did I heal you no okay a not in time I got executed oh no well holy [ __ ] I got one shot yeah my armor you almost stayed alive there I just have to I think I just have to open up if I heal off I would have been able to kill them Redemption went off in time next time I was for 4 seconds straight couldn't play forgot e flashed okay I need to get tanky Spirit oh no yo what up Shady welcome to the Stream Jack show Jack show would be pretty good right cuz you both yeah I get that you're right or or stone n you oh God is that okay we we're good we're good everything's good here everything's great I think we're oh my God I don't have heal for another second we got it where they go they're hiding oh this plant's going to spawn first if you want to for that I have 30 on oh if you want me to grab it let me know so I can get Al do it all right do it do it right coming get back on I got one second one more got Shield nice got you that guy was doing such insane damage yeah got a slow on him where he go oh I guess he can go that way and die holy moly man I actually got to focus on healing you this is this is too much this is too much you too much it's too much too hard I'm thinking Ed sensor to get you to attack faster like that do get Ed I get ja I just need to like stay alive you're going to attack like a madman yeah what's your attack speed stack up the top dancer three oh my God 3.5 look at that bro that's like me beating my um butter butter beating my butter what what what what F you about to say something else d like okay no man you know have you ever turned butter before that's yeah no I can't relate okay it's no wor most oops okay oh my God wait a second Jack show insane or what I don't know where my going to be honest I got heal one more second what okay okay oh there so surpris you didn't kill him there what happened I don't know how did Draven not die there he LIF it a lot I think I got soul siphon that's big and a Falls the moral reminder get y I'm good kitty can you can you say I'm a good kitty uh only if we win okay okay okay okay if this video gets 1,000 likes we'll tell T he's a good [Laughter] kitty all right oh he just dies right oh my God you just oh oh well played body oh my God autoa I found a plant yeah was it's I wish it was my up [ __ ] oh my God I'm the best y in the world I'm the best Yi in the world I'm the best Yi in the world oh my god oh snap we gotta win this this is this is this is tough let's try moral reminder here we have to win this all right I buy yes we have to win or we lose I must win must win situation can win can win Canen win Canen win can win can win can win all right can win Canen Canin Canen oh oh Lord I think you I don't I think he might just steal Draven and then just try to kill Draven inst right try got Shield one more second dude what bro he literally just face how is draw your swords Draven like that strong his 769 ad okay I guess that's why what the wow he literally just face tanked you he just was like yo I'm the bigger tank my God that's crazy okay so Scar and this is better scarner [ __ ] Yi 100% better Shields we got fourth but GG's if y'all enjoy don't forget to that like subscribe if you're new and thank you for watching peace peace I guess you could use that for yo what up guys for today's video I am playing trundle we're joined by the homie to Grand on the Jace and we're starting off with bread and butter our Q gains 200 ability haste so we are going to be spamming the Q doing a whole lot of damage to that it's a one second cool down now um going try and go for something crazy like maybe some extra range on trundle or we try to just like Hy roll a bunch of like omn Vamp there's this one item called heo glancer or something like that that gives you an insane amount of healing we're going to try and get that and just like never die I still build and yeah we're joined by 2G on his signature J pick yeah let go let's go man I'm so excited to here we got an AFK K yeah I'm with you I'm with you wait we just I'm knock him nice all fq three times four times I'm going to get one plant five times oh I hit the one more C ghost nice body those I'm just going to keep queuing bro I'm just going to keep queing I lost count bro I just Ked so many times wait wait wait wait wait wait I just revived you here right yeah yeah yeah wait till the circle like finishes yeah you just like straight up kill her make sure I don't get hit though nice let's go baby well done [ __ ] you did well done man I'm really proud of you you know your Cube clicks I saw that I heard you see me you see me get Carle tunnel like pressing Q so many times I did that for the team that was a team player right there I've never seen a team player more than you okay look at this set he just got rammed I like how he can spectate so many people yeah it's perfect for my short attention span yeah save wow what I want here how many rolls they for these a lot I got attack damage Shard critical Shard and swiftness Shard well hell yeah on the event dude that's going to be McNasty baby and it's 10% I like roll the highest amount that I could get there oh there's an amount that you can roll okay yeah that's RG too oh my God so much RNG okay so you can get like a really good one and then just be like 1% and you're like oh kind of there's like a minimum you can get okay okay good good it won't be that low yeah I I tell her she gets the minimum too all the time oh whoa whoa okay all right I'm doing a I'm doing a crazy flank shot I'm on I'm going straight to Theus I think we goe possible uh almost dead let me press Q come here let me press Q okay good good good okay sh in the me up I'm coming Broski oh he's going out nice no way don't die that is insane are you kidding me bro confirmed here trundle broken 2 no for real trundle s+ plus the there you go title sit there and 600 times around and heal to full HP we're going to heal to full HP off like a couple hits later on are you going to get renous first what are you getting what is I might get that first I love that item yeah it's either like Rous or like blade one of those two yeah B for sure oh my gosh gamblers blade I can just make myself insanely t gamblers blade sounds like the most fun dude demon Crown sounds pretty bad ass oh for real here I want to try to get heo dude I got Helman ancer that would have been insane for you 60 attack oh let's go with this Dragon heart every two rounds get a random dragon soul gain stats increase based on how many dragon souls you have sure what wait how do we get dragon soul you just got to like randomly it just like randomizes I guess each round oh is this a rerun no whoa this is a new map yes it's new map there's like BL everywhere how does that guy have a banshees fail already he's a crown of the sh Queen it's a prismatic item let you poke him what do we do here I think we just keep playing it slow until I I'll try to get the crown off there we go got it yeah and then Al that's when you want to Al which oh perfect it's just me and him I'm oh CH he's out what wait I can jump over and then nice W get the way nice get the away get the way get the away now get the away get away get away now that's good song yeah thanks man I try wait I'm going to knock him over yeah let's go baby let's go all right let's get that ravinous hyd they got huus in this see they bro I'm about to huus what the hell you go hus that's nut I'm kidding H that sounds fun d The Demon King popping off right now demon Kings Crown more we win that just gives so many stats Ste I know I am the king okay that looks a little squishy though if we're looking at that set he's looking he has Hatchet and tailsman start oh God I'm going to get the health real quick oh nice did he already W uh no okay well now we know now we know wait a second is this like tank Kina it's just tank Karina it's not that scary yeah we good we good H what 500 movement speed for what oh that's not my bro what is that I'm going to need to get ldr or something Jesus that's crazy starting to give me a bunch of random STS you give me random stats too [Laughter] buddy oh got be the next item here this some beefy beefy tanker actually who we up against next G I'm going to go ldr here I am oh they haven't lost yet but neither have we oh you know cuz we have the King on our t on our side demon king's crown yes Soul siphon whoa there's even more Elixir yeah 2,000 the items oh I don't like this one this map kind of is is not my one now wait so what happens if I stay in the circle and like when it runs out like it you can't like pass over anymore wait can I just Auto him Jesus nobody wants to make the mistake take here I like it oh that's going to hurt I'm playing it front to back yeah yeah your poke is really great man there I poked nice we go where's my HP no get him buddy get him buddy get him chump him chump him eat well eat well tonight wait you're getting no he K the [ __ ] out of me I can't win what the hell okay it's my fault this build is trash this build is trash all we go uh These suck these all suck increase damage healing shielding and ability H you cannot use your ultimate sure take my take my Al away dealing damage to the enemy also does damage to their wow if they're nearby chain lightning sounds insane what 35% more healing that's what I'm talking about might just St check people yeah I'm surprised you couldn't out like life steal that guy to be honest that was he has Soul so he also had like an insan amount but his crates just like me his Autos do like way more damage than me wait go for heck oh that you oh my God wait a second bnie nutty can this guy just die I know right what the [ __ ] we need anti heal dud should I get it oh my God man that was insane should I get the Mortal reminder oh no I can get I can get an anti- heal if we need I can get it what you have to S your Lords right don't you have that no no no don't isn't the chainsaw or the chain oh you get the Chainsaw true yeah yeah yeah I'll get that don't worry all right thank you yeah yeah yeah yeah you keep going your Amy bamp dog we be Gucci we be Gucci my dude oh Jee oh my I keep getting your Amy Vamp stuff dude like like I would have had like 25% Amy Vamp I'm going to go Critical Strike here win against accelerating sorcery Kane oh my gosh he's no cool [Music] Downs wait can I sell the prosmatic and get a you one or no uh I would not do that okay I was just curious out of curiosity we sence nice he just di that's good it's exactly what he wanted yeah that's what I wanted never mind not going to say it no we win we win nice that was clean Jesus so the only struggle we're going to have against that yon yon seems strong yeah just uh one shot him just okay yes got okay you better against the BP chps also Shi was kind of insane that's a big way you have Goliath oh man we're up against it again all right I got anti-heal this time actually I don't think we need oh what oh never mind I see red yeah yeah I thought has singing GI so they get a lot of healing my dragon heart is actually scaling yeah it's kind of like a Triforce in terms of like the STS oh every two round oh and oh I didn't know and you gain a dragon soul yeah wa I have clouded Mountain Soul at the moment is there a way you get elder or no no probably not dude that would be kind of cool oh I'm going night night okay bro she's too far I can't I'm flashing for you dog I'll come oh that was kind of nice going to sleep I'm going to bed I'll I'll see you in the [Laughter] morning nice brother some all chat said that Yan and G are Bugg abusing yeah I know I saw that too I wonder in my PBE game man what the heck oh man I I'm so glad that your dad works for Riot and you can get them permanently banned yeah I got this throughout yeah I get self-destruct I got like the worst silver doans well I got frost rate that every 7 seconds I that's kind of cool let's go with this anybody buy me they're being wait whoa that's okay we're against the Calo Yi again okay okay we can do this we can do this I believe Cann Cann Cann Cann Cann oh my God Y is down G is down I got y if you can I like how you say k this Y what I got I got I almost got the G okay on the Y now wa we win we win we win whoa oh kill him again perfect easy bug abuse my nipples I'm not sure what they're abusing I think it abuse here is I don't I don't that was easy what do you mean more like TR ja abuse actually we are abusing these CHS yeah we are we're getting a free win all right I think I'm gonna get the Amy damp this time I'm going to get armor is way too important poop arment get Anvil stats what are these anv stats is that what I like have total from this stuff yeah those anval stats is like all the uh like augments you been picking all the like stat augments stat cards oh Jesus oh Jesus oh did you pop his banshees no he it okay oh this is going to suck for me we got to stay in hand with for a second I'll that guy yeah thanks buddy I'm dead oh my I got slowed okay oh my God I'm going on here oh my God that was kind of nasty though with it I ain't going to lie had a little bit of nasty like life moment yeah well that's can finally get another Prismatic item wait what guys I got heo maners help we got it if you're total or pass get the Ora that heals your percentage of any damage out to enemies inside of it get 10% more om them this one just like has so much healing we got it we got the full life steal build 20% only at 38% life Ste and then we have this Aura just that just like gives us so much healing also my dragonard is giving me almost 1,000 HP now some other good stats holy I'm so jealous you got augments I didn't get anything popped up oh no I had to I had to sell my starting item to buy Prismatic item yeah I I sold my starting item oh yeah nothing popped up nothing popped up I find up for this what a shield what's up almost 800 damage Shield oh dude I I think that combo's kind of insane though Gallo y yeah or or is it really good in this mode oh my God yon just killed himself oh my God no way I lied sing is op sing also a Jesus 15% more attack sure why not all right let's [Music] buy what's Mark uh recast oh no juice of power I now I got my other augments that's kind of cool you get I just got attack that's it attack yes sir yes sir oh this Pik one's annoying it'll go for whoever's the farthest away okay W oh no way I'm dead here oh my God Carry Me body carry me okay okay body can win can win wait oh the flash wa do you win this yep you with me oh okay no you don't spawn die spawn die spawn die spawn die oh getting heals oh my God oh my God the pike just kept ceasing me yeah that was annoying okay maybe I do sell the anti-heal now cuz that's not doing anything for us um no I would keep it you think so okay yeah it's only done 2,000 and that's not a lot who nobody really likes deals besides the Y we just got to burst him down okay I'm selling this hubus though huus is going then guys got some more armor I can just keep autoing [Music] someone go full HP oh yeah I have every single dragon soul right now all five of them I have five dragon souls Good Guys well what is this oh the G laser all right nice come on way he's all alone I got G all right I should get him here nice nice body I want to keep this GA if possible approach yeah you should try yeah yeah yeah nice oh he's back nice fora beautiful the Jes let's go body holy moly he has so much healing holy moly is say it's like spam sa those here so I'm full build I of boots but then I'm like slow and get Ked all right Al Shard I like that so I just got Triforce do does that like does that Shard thing just going into my stat line or do I have to buy it now what the hell [Music] dang 30% life steal and 30% only reduced so do I have edge of Knight now I'm so confused [Music] just cutting consistently nice I have G yeah yeah I have G we're good nice body just crit that guy let's go hey we got first let's [ __ ] go GG's if y'all enjoyed the arena gamep playay B that like button subscribe if you're new leave a comment down below How We Do promoted to bronze in Arena let's go we're cling we CL we're cling all righty guys see y'all peace
Channel: Body Those Fools 2
Views: 18,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: body, body those fools, league of legends, new items, challenger, challenger gameplay, one shot, new build, body those fools 2, new champ, new champion, 2v2v2v2, new game mode, 2v2, league of legends arena, augments, master of duality, lightning strikes, 1000ap, season14, arena, 2v2 arena, arena 3.0, trundle, trundle guide, trundle build, trundle skins, trundle 2v2, trundle arena
Id: kKsTMWvPlaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 43sec (2383 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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