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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some Tom kench in the Top Lane we're running grass Shield bash Second Wind overgrowth Taste of blood and ingenus we're going to try and go an unkillable kench build I'll get heart steel to stack up HP and I want to try and throw in a Winter's approach and once this upgrades every time I slow somebody I'll get a shield and then with uh my ingenious Hunter it's going to make me able to activate heart steal more that Shield more I can get unending despair to sap life more so yeah it's a tank build but I'm going to rely on my items to do a lot of damage we'll probably have to throw in a Sunfire third if we need damage that's a really good item on kench oh yeah that's the game plan well since cl's not here yet and he came from River they could be on our red now kench is one of the strongest uh level one Champs or early game at least but cled has healing reduction on his q and when he gets his W he does a lot of damage too but I hit two before him so uh he's in a bit of trouble here I don't think we'll kill him but we might get his flash I could flash Auto him there but he would not die where is that taste see if we get him here I think we got him one more Auto one more Auto there we go I think he Panic flashed I still would have had him even if he flashed this way I would have flashed and autoed him again but I might have died to his turn oh my God my Q did so little damage can we get a my cannon in the chat or the comments all right he has no teleport I need to try and get this wave into the turret thought I was getting baited into a kha'zix okay we can grab the tier to get that stacking and then we'll just go into hard steel and then we'll finish the fimble winter and then I'll be really hard to kill are there any other items I was thinking of eclipse but the it scales with ad and I'm not going to have any AD only Sion can really use that maybe scarner or something could have Titanic gluttony is impossible the main three core ones are uh hard steel fimble winter and unending despair but I'll probably need a Al depends what our damage is like Sunfire is kench's best item though but we could just get the bomes and get the Sunfire later I suppose an enemy has I just do so much damage and I take so little damage um I don't have wave clear though so if I fight him in this wave I actually could lose cuz he might get his mount back he just missed his Q we got one chance if he stands in the minions though I'm not going to fight him cuz then I can't hit a q it's clipped an enemy has been slain that minion walked in the way my Cannon times two if we had a bomes farming under this turret wouldn't be so miserable but once I'm level six I can fight him near my turret and then spit him out under it we'll do short trade I don't want to keep hitting him although I'm already back to like full HP if I hit a q I heal missing health and then I'll get a shield once I have fimble winter I got second wind I have my e Shield I'm just going to be so hard to kill but late game I can get kited pretty hard so that's the downside of kench but let's see they do have tank Killers smolder is going to be rough late I don't think kha'zix will be a problem for me later on and kaisa could be her name is smurfing account very creative Ally G to say if she's dying it depends if she goes uh looks like she's going ad on hit which could melt me if she gets cracking and stuff but also AP kais it could shred me too azix was headed up this way hello sir a I almost stole it I was going to cue him I couldn't react in time oh you're dead he has no flash an enemy hey where you going with my grubs I didn't hit him oh he jumped that's why I didn't hit him here you go train Mir bug sandwich an ally yummy an enemy has SL well we just got to make sure they don't get the rest of the grubs this pushes into me so I could actually reset [Music] here and TP back much hopefully I don't lose the cannon I don't think I should yeah bommies here would be great but I just want to get this as fast as possible I refuse to come to culinary degradation I got it let do so much more damage than him no chance sir not getting very lucky with those Flash es well I do get more uh damage on hit on my q's and my Autos from getting HP they scale with health unfortunately the W doesn't an ally has well we'll have a heart steal soon I don't think kha'zix is going to come top to gank me after I chased him down enemy well smurfing account is just as fat as me see what we can do though we have a scarner support with a Draven I mean we have enough CC on the team to deal with with her oh I would like this plating [Music] damn I do so much damage okay he did dragon en I might need to go mid for her he's low she goes like Kraken Slayer blade of the Run King it's going to be moderately difficult he has Mount and maybe he can just go get hard steal and come back I'd like boots though too I could die here though if kha'zix is here any he altson I could die I have a chance at losing the One V one cuz I'll get ignited nice that's huge how much did I heal off that I was looking at him so I didn't see the healing but I got some HP back I'll use my escape to try and get this into turret uhoh oh maybe Tren Amer can get her she do look like she'd be smurfing now has it own hunger got oh come on one more Auto bro I think he lives Ox was botside well that's good is she going quick blades okay heart steel gives me a nice damage boost and now we can start stacking up Health nothing escapes hunger no bug no a unfortunately he flashed a que that would have killed him but I did get a stack we need to stop him but kais is going to be there if I die to kaiso we might just lose an enemy nice they got the grub buff though what are they have five of them oh only three wait a second an En has there's only one oh we got one of them wait we got two okay they did get four it doesn't update right away I was going to say it looks like they had him I guess we'll go armor boots they're kind of full ad I think I'm going to grab a bombes here though I need wave clear well draven's big but the thing about Draven is he falls off and then kais is going to run down and he's going to give her Bounty so I'm probably going to have to TP down here I kind of want kha'zix to come up here and gank me so I could get hard steel stacks we flash de he's not even worth money he's he's out of the game at least cuz he's going damage still and he's going to be really squishy fire dragon I don't care too much about a fire dragon see now with bombes I can just stand in this wave clear it a little bit faster an ally has been slain let me try and get turret and then I'll TP I think I can get first Tower since she's not getting mid your team destroyed AET page we'll get the armor boots I'll be too slow to catch kaisa later all right we'll get nothing I can really TP to behind her she can kite me very easy though unable all right Bing's doing good I mean if scarner knows what he's doing then all he has to do is CC Kaizen we should be fine I want the stack wor damn he got away with one HP Kaa died Ally has been SL I wanted that kha'zix cuz he's worth a bounty I will go do this and the crab think I can do this fast enough I'm on Ward true appetite Nevers need 800 more for this I do have teleport up kha'zix can't beat me even with uh this health I think hey uh-oh here come the strong strong Champions an ally has been I didn't get the red are you serious scammed I saved turret at least he might try to fight me I don't think she knows how strong I am damn I wish I had that red I'd be fully HP she went back mid I'll try and get this turret I guess the combo is hit him three times instead of queuing him to stun him eat them and then spit them out and hit them with a Q so it's just so much burst damage that smolder got deleted he's died more than CL though an ally I want the hard steel Stacks guys take it he's got Harold I don't get to move Kaa might come down here I got to leave I don't think she's here she would have showed already kha'zix is going to have to run now eny good oh we need the dragon I actually have to stay for this they can Baron I don't think they will oh there's Kaiser all right we got the Winter's approach I got Shield we can do the unending I need to kill kaisa still your turret has destroyed do I get a shield for 234 but if multiple people around The Shield's big I could do Titanic for more damage let's see or we'll just go Thorn mail cuz they're Auto attackers Kaiser would die from hitting me she has ldr so she can she can melt me she has ldr Kraken but I haven't even fought her yet eny I pinged him to back up I can get top turret I don't know why Morana splitting bot I have to sit around this Baron area your team has destroyed a turret oh he's probably going to run but I just want a heart steel not going to commit too far cuz kaisa and kha'zix are around I think I got him almost got another heart steel stack from him Shield got him few chunks Garner almost got her I hit I hit him Retreat Retreat she ALS him we can kill her oh I missed think I'm dead so close unfortunately kha'zix flashed on me AAR is going to just die here I already can tell literally didn't use his W he stood in it I need a thorn maill uh I'll just get Sunfire before and I can get Bramble unfortunately I didn't do enough damage to her she barely lived probably going to get a blade next we're still fine though she's not going to be Invincible I want a TP down there but they're I think they're taking blue outside jungle so I would get three man just eat her so she doesn't get away Dam I'm doing a lot of damage yo don't pull him away from me there we go an um we could go to Baron Maybe I'll go help Draven before kaisa picks her okay she went static Shi that's good and I think she's going Phantom dance her runin I don't know if we could Baron actually I mean we have damage for it they're either going to steal it or kill us so they're going to get baited by going mid all right let's do dragon since Baron's too hard Retreat Retreat Retreat who died how did Draven die oh the bug I don't think we win this we need to get this ohy a I'm dead I'm just getting melted I don't know why our trir is trolling he just ran bot for no reason let me die an ally unlucky I really need Thorn mail cuz kaisa is melting me it's really unfortunate trendir decided to just run away there instead of help we had her to just needed somebody with damage to go in she's going to be impossible to kill if they get uh loud Soul cuz she's going to be too fast it does a bit of magic damage to me too but extra 4K damage from that that's probably just from me Ally we're going to lose we just can't group unfortunate really easy just to stay together but they just keep running out vagar is kind of a bot I don't know what he's building I don't know what he's [Music] doing if they didn't have a Morana it'd be really easy too cuz she just keeps shielding whoever I go for getting denied hard steel Stacks we can kill everybody but kaisa my team just runs in circles when they see kaisa or run away we need to CC kaisa in group I don't think I can get three hits on her to alter oh yeah she has cleansed too I don't think you can cleanse out of my Al though you can qss it she doesn't have life steal but she has teammates that actually play around her the world is my I don't think we win a 5v5 can't even Auto her keeps canceling she's dead wor enemy double kill too bad everybody else is dead Ally has Ally kill I'm a tanky boy ah the stupid shields in the perac CC I can't Dodge it cuz I'm too big damn that lasts so long she can bind me do a lap around me I got her flash dude come on let me move that is the longest bind in the world man I do a lot of damage to kaisa I want to switch to mercs but her her Auto attacks just do so much damage runin oh she has a BT she sold something for that unless she always had it or if he just alter huge uhoh smolder has Stacks spit him out into that more counters me so damn hard maybe I can hit the turret a few times just dive them okay this is big let's get the turret bro please look at this turret's not even hurting me we might be able to win here I think we should cuz kaisa's an inhibitor guys is kind of scary but if we don't end here we lose Dragon let's just go to Dragon is De trir is allergic to doing the objectives as a jungler of course I just need somebody to help me regroup and kill her again good job she's killable she's not Invincible going to be here hopefully train presses are in time loader nice huge tanking damn what' I heal so much from oh my God I got TP what healed me I don't have Triumph got that oh we can buy tenacity potion well I didn't get to use the unending despair but I mean the last fight I was kind of unkillable when I was fighting three or four of them mid after kais is dead dude I don't even take damage we did it we outs smurfed smurfing account I thought she was going to win cuz she uh is in a little bit better position cuz she's kind of anti-tank as kaisa but she didn't build blade of the ru King that would have been better than a blood thirster I think nice if you guys enjoyed make sure to leave a like on the video also subscribe to the channel if you haven't last but not least make sure you leave a comment below let me know what Builder champ you want to see next we did the most damage on our team rven actually still kept doing damage the whole game that was good vager was just useful for his CC and so is scarner but they did good and trendir actually ended up uh killing Ka at the the unwich was needed how much damage did I take healing done I healed 27k Shields do I see shielding anywhere I don't think so shielding damage taken I took 63k took the most mitigated I blocked 92k with shields and heals and stuff and armor rasp did 3700 Shield bash to 1,000 get to hiccups second wind heeld do 4,500 taste a BL healed us a th and the ingenius made us activate heart steel and stuff more so yeah see you guys later have a great day peace
Channel: Zwag Xerath
Views: 96,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2fRkjiIXLQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 37sec (2017 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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