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all right welcome back to another Arena video today we are playing some Cho gath in Arena we're going to try and get very tanky mobilizing I mean might as well take it I don't want to waste my rerolls on a first augment uh 20 Health every 5 Seconds think I'm going to go with the AP infernal Soul okay playable oh that one's pretty good I wonder if my w Stacks it cuz it's C seeson but it's not an immobilized we'll see for the darkness I did not hit him damn oh I got her nice got her again oh oh okay it only works on my Q unfortunately but we'll be okay VI so good did a whopping 80 80 damage it did 80 damage your infernal Soul probably did 400 wait that's kind of broken come on Morana win this she's not winning this wait uh does poppy have ocean soul heavy hitter is how it feels win I think that's just normal poy yeah all right these guys are going to be tanky they kind of have more AP than ad get some mercs yeah Ash ja and Yasuo oh and kha'zix and re side I guess it's like split this lob is like 5050 okay we got to kill Nautilus cuz he Stacks up AP from his immobilizing oh they're going to you I'll stand in front I'll stand in front get down Mr President oh my gosh you going for the plant oh damn you get scope weapons why you Auto so far I think it's just cuz everyone in this Lobby is melee I guess so damn it stop running away from me where's he going out playing me oh plant top plant's coming up up hey a plant nice still fighting oh they're all full health still oh is that guy's name booby do Lobster interesting [Music] ooh got cruelty that only works my Q well guess I'm going AP I don't know what I'm doing at least you get like 40 haste on that true oh they're going for a plant a crown yeah oh I hit her damn it at least we don't have a gin I walk in B you're getting wrecked oh we got a cross okay oh he went in this oh they're going for you this I'll just come revive you you hit the plant up here oh never mind I got one wait where wa where she going oh she hit the wait okay us round night Harvester going crazy I think we would have killed her anyway I smurfed on that KX I assassinated him we F Jacks oh uh [ __ ] don't know what to go guess I'll grab a riff maker AP well that doesn't give a lot yet uh I think I'm going to go Cosmic and try and like spam actually a l man's better for now try and burst oh he's G pl's coming up he's dead I ate the arrow for you now I'm eating ash best front line do I get extra for Stacks in this maybe not what a weird combo quirky Rex side well smolder seems to be losing like a lot of rounds ory is tanky I got marks Mage don't really Auto enough for that 200 haste on D okay silence it up I just got one that gives me crit the rest of them I can like almost Perma silence the enemies once it's Max rank uh Rex size kind of tank and corki has a lot of magic ver this get a package silenced uh you might be dead they're silenced again oh my God that's broken oh he healed she healed silence okay I think they were silenced quite long that round rexite couldn't even activate W again oh well what team have we lost to none yeah we haven't lost yet you haven't even died yet we haven't even played against the yasu and the smolder and the yasui yasu Yumi smolder Karma did we beat the smolder already um I don't think we played smolder wait no we we have beat them oh uh she ran out of the all right interesting I think doesn't use her heal either I guess I am just going to spam my I scream and silence them really know what else to do all right yaso Yi what does he have attack speed ad for attack oh God he hits pretty hard but we just will kill him surely what that hit me oh okay oh God almost my health bar I'm on the other side no got one plant oh no the plant go get it I can't move please I sence him get her get her get her oh my God he hits hard two autos and I die what I just got like 103 magic resist from the Anvil random one what who wait maybe it gave you two magist yeah I think it did and I selected a magic resist one earlier or something I don't know that's a lot you don't even need to think out oh po you one shot me got hit away that's fun poy did 2,000 damage I would like to be able to move oh I was about to eat her pink Champion yeah I kind of figured that team would uh melt us Lilia destroys me it's okay are they losing to other teams no they're not oh [ __ ] H that Nautilus is not taking damage they're just going to try and tank The Zone oh my God all right smolder is apparently smoldering doesn't really look like that big of a shield well Karma kind of gives him massive Shields yeah oh wait I kind of do damage to him though oh not anymore I silence Karma oh my gosh Shields we're fine there's only one plant left there they didn't do that much damage though probably going to be us firstus that stupid lilyia team they're full HP still she didn't even get like super good stuff yeah not really wolf is roll over demonic sacrifice 300 health to gain 100% move speed oh okay I silenced for 2 seconds and the cool down is 2.2 seconds broken I don't think yaso can Q when I silence him youi has AP items oh she has bread and butter go go go go oh I goodbye you me oh at least I do a lot of damage oh my God she walked in front of the morgon or the Gin bullet booin oh we got a buy round yeah I don't know if we're going to be able to beat him maybe go Dam maybe my repulser will save me you get your flashback if you wasted in this yeah you did a really good job standing still for Lilia to all they don't do any damage to them poy is quite tanky we somehow kill Lilia but it will be difficult I got a tank Shard at him so maybe I have a lot of AP now all does 1,500 damage almost looks like a new out oh her Frozen Foundation SC I got her CC oh my gosh I Pike [ __ ] sted me I for 6 seconds oh wait you going to do damage nice oh dude I got hit out of the map with a glitch that's crazy awesome game dude I would have won that round too yeah oh I could get the colisto to pick you up or E200 haste or roll I'll re I got garbage more HP means more AP oh maybe I should have took the HP oh my God she's dead oh wow there not too much damage I got all we're fine and he did not get hit out of the map oh I don't know if I could sell boots might be too slow who's doing all the damage oh they both got boomerangs it's fine it doesn't do that much it's just [Applause] annoying I just eat all the Spells oh my God I didn't get glitch oh silence Poppy's like one HP oh Poppy's dead oh my god wow I silenced her I'm trapped on the other side of the map oh I have oh nice we won let's go wow can't believe we won nice got's actually pretty good all right everybody welcome back to another video today we are playing some chogath in Arena we're going to try and get gigantic also do a lot of damage I uh accidentally clicked Soul siphon when I was Al tabbing augment a roll not the end of the world though it'll be fine oh my God Bel and vgo they both got good augments they want it'll be a miracle if we win this oh hold on nice the plant okay we won it wasn't a miracle it really wasn't even close for them your burn didn't even do any damage oh you know what I have 20% crit chance I crit a few times that fight I mean I guess their augments don't really do anything first round yeah they're I guess they're just weak early I mean your augment didn't do anything that's true 70 damage just one extra Auto attack me I could get like a dual Gauntlet a gold one or a might be gold it's Prismatic is it yeah my God that a trucks I could get juw Gauntlet and heal a ton off my let's see oops which ad pretty heavy ad Lobby even TFS ad rise hro what do they got soul siphon oh wait that's mine nominal evil and Cannon okay we could beat him might get kited I don't know think it really depends if I hit that first knockup cuz that uh hang on he's going in hang on he silen he silence he's running he's running let's play for plant play for plant a Miss are you winning yeah you going take portal oh rise is one shot TR is over here there he is yeah all right lucian's actually doing some damage I played him I didn't do any I mean we fought two late game comps so I didn't really do anything to ice I burned it 800 of them that round oh it's scaling does it scale with anything uh no it's just max HP damage oh I might have to go demonic again um that kind of suck demonic just gives too good stats for to pass up could roll and get garbage I got garbage rerolled and got worse garbage I wanted the energy guys one so on Lu oh I guess you're going an ALT build now maybe kind of need to kill moo eventually which is right here he's silence what the hell heal so much oh god oh no he's too fast no he did more damage than twitch what the hell no my L Spain was doing some damage last game I shall go glitch ban you got to kill TF oh I got him oh he's SP me I'm getting somehow I'm getting CC before I can get to yeah I silence I'm going to eat him I don't even care about the stack as long as he dies I can silence her in one second this silence knock up whatever nice guess we're Contract Killer oh they got crazy augments oh yeah that's DEC Mundo with heavy hit we still might be able to pop Kane they' they've been losing rounds if they lose like this round and another round they're screwed oh and Kane's got the contract of course it's this map with the Jin man oh he jumped over it not a Q and RMK Ed 1.2k he silence oh my God I killed me though but you're dead what oh my oh my gosh he killed me mid blast oh he's got a plant oh my God remove this map from Arena oh speed oh he has an Al again it's the fun part he just outplayed me bro the Jin shot me about six times more more than him good RNG Riot why don't you make it alternate instead of picking the same person yeah garbage augments this game I'm still strong the is what is this Sandra jarvin Oh my god oh she got one shot I just aled her when she's like full HP [Applause] all I'm not getting all Stacks but I can't wait till they're low they'll just dodge it I Wasing oh she de yeah this map is just play for plants and Al multiple times scam I'd like to see how relevant this is I get the jarvin flag attack speed by Bard I think this will be a hard one Bard's on hit by's full ad got to pop either one she can just me and I'm dead yeah you use it or it oh she's over there Weill B oh yeah I cancel her que I cancel careful she's going how from that far yeah wait what is that range wait let me eat her oh my fault didn't even reach him why did that all go so far I don't know hey gvin landre beat the Kane I think yeah they beat the cane Mundo somehow real TF just do no damage elimin I guess I'll the root the root get move speed every time I Dash it lies to me though it says 300 move speed and I get like [Music] 150 yeah it gets like cut in half after a certain point think yeah think he's in here D knock up oh [ __ ] oh plant plant maybe oh damn he didn't get silenced by either of my silences he dodged [Music] them why do I keep getting [ __ ] items detonation orb I'm going for the one shot oh my gosh I got two support items and a [ __ ] pink item oh my God your items are so bad how was rise atrox in first oh probably cuz atrox is not going to die oh nice Jus a tanky rise I'm coming down I can Sil oh he's CC get him I ate him and then he got set punched so his giant serup Shield just disappeared elimin my Dead Nation orb did 1,800 damage to him got 15 attack damage for my item all right hopefully the K Mundo get out so then we don't have to play them it's a pretty balanced Arena game everybody kind of Beats each other i' rather hopefully our counters just lose I think we can beat the twitch if we can just I can CC him's not going to kill him what is he doing he's hungry for seafood kind of melt to Nami oh my God why is your W slow so much I think it scares with their AP I guess so they're just running oh my God he's in the fire which probably has alt again oh my God they lost that eliminated they're elim no wait they're not eliminated someone else's 50 off of a prismatic same I'm just going to buy a death cap going to save some money so I can roll my mtic you can sell the Prismatic for 2K yeah but I don't know what I'd buy I guess I could buy a normal item in place of it until we get more money might as well do it for this round I mean 500 health isn't terrible oh not this this map's so so bad I need to just run over to them right away I missed oh I'm rooted what my I can't cancel my he's going to weird maybe you get the res oh no oh my God they're eliminated though holy [ __ ] nice play I guess selling the selling it for lgr work there cuz he got died in like five Autos yeah twitch was like deleting my health bar there I just had to like go for NAMI otions it's kind of late for ocean soul but Mundo's attacks are doing like 800 damage Gran sit down here I'm going to use warm up routine you can hit the oh God H chunk okay I just got one shot oh I killed him are you alive still yeah I flash oh my God I got him oh my gosh what is that damage I'm going to silence him I don't know if it hit I don't think it did I didn't wow that was like two 3,000 true damage it's cuz I have the detonation orb so if he gets low enough it just executes him it stores 30% of the damage rise a o I got grubs those just heal him though they it's safe so DUS blading out pries it wants me to be an assassin I got 9k HP when I'm not even going like tank augments oh I didn't buy my an on time he silence oh I'm one shot oh I'm cing him oh my God he okay I'm good I I got a I got this guy let me flash Al him no wait ah oh he didn't take it there we go hey double chogath wins I'll take it I guess much damage did I do did more you guys enjoyed make sure to leave a like comment subscribe before you go I'd appreciate it thank you for watching
Channel: Zwagmo
Views: 66,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zwag, tczwag, zwag xerath, zwag tiktok, zwag shorts, asmr, teemo, zwagmo, zwag3, ranked climb, league of legends, league
Id: U2Nr8P8CIrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 48sec (2628 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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