Kog'maw but I have 1000 attack range (BEST UPGRADES)

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all right everybody welcome back to another Arena video today we're playing cogma Attack Supply infinite stacking burn I guess so I think we can get the scoped weapons on other ones too but the golden one might have one of them I'll still have really long range or we'll have a bunch of on hit oh milio got the 200 haste on W that's actually so good bully bear Soul siphon oh wow if I attack really fast I can apply a lot of burn I got to actually dip I'm coming back just kidding I just keep attacking the bear he'll keep burning how did I get over here keep burning are you serious polym more no there's not a plant damn that buy bear just would not die the Lulu kept shielding [Music] him and then he got his shield how much did my burn do 447 okay not useless you lethality Sho oh I got three points in W now why is that over there yeah could just go full on hit now and just hope I get like a scope weapons but even without it I'll still have super long range all right Shake has got soul siphon Jinx has a useless one oh my God why is there a box over there I have no damage yet well Jinx is like one Health I might be able to actually res me Sho will probably kill Meo but maybe dude these boxes he's got it he's got it where's the Jinx oh no there we go we got him res op can't believe we won that one nation arm ah this is trash good thing I got my rolls oh I could go dark Steel on hit true damage I think I have to go oh man I got it on hit true damage and on hit stacking burn I need a rage blade I normally wouldn't go rage blade for but I already have two on hits there like a armor item I could get for this they go Terminus but it's really better late game item oh Morana has perac Cube that's Victor are okay you're not taking damage oh I'm not surviving this yeah we got one Orana just had so much haste oh yeah Frozen rice porn oh Vol bear is a healing thing I mean I'll melt them later think we'll be okay all right rage blade now I apply everything more Oho is Ardent I just need more attack speed 20 ad I think I need the h I don't know I'll take the HP I need to survive all right rmo Karma they don't really have any hard CC Rumble has Marx mage he melt him oh my God I actually do damage now okay that was quick see if this Jin gets to move he does not actually get to move wow okay damage from one round oh my god ardan did 17 that can't be f is it that's busted what do we get augment 60% attack speed or I can be immune to CC for 3 seconds after alting oh I need I think I need the death doesn't have a lot of attack speed isn't that bad on him much ad does he have where is he oh there they are 300 I think I just like beam noooo and melt you might Al from far away thanks pip I don't even have my w and he's dead yeah I hurt well nobody's beating Victor morg yet y'all boring maybe once I get a wits I can beat him ouch I think bully wins this one just going to heal oh wait do they have heal reduction no BR got melted why did he build an iceborne he's got an AP item all right next item kale set and phantom dancer would make me attack so fast I'll just grab the wits more attack speed the better it's going to be rough with kale though her alting herself does she have marks Mage no demons dance but she has warm-up routine I'm a machine gun how did okay wits did 700 damage I just need to not be like cced or get one shot restic oh yeah Rune Carver D n-o can sustain but he just doesn't do damage he ends up dying too through his healing wait what there was a jinx Sal they're just healing Arma have healing oh she does be really funny if noooo wins this oh my God he might win it he oh my God he almost won it that was close than I thought oh more attack speed okay more Vin two random what it give me omn vamp 26% omn Vamp I guess guess that could work well I think I will melt Mor yeah I will run over Mor if he alss me hopefully vain doesn't just stun me she's got walls nope you're not stun of me okay I got vein machine gun I'm a little strong wait why am I healing me IO oh the Moonstone wait is it cuz of my omn vamper is it because of your W oh your W Morana team still hasn't lost wow what they got this might actually be good but I'm going to roll try and get scope weapons oh attack damage with my attack speed I just got like 70 AD off that not terrible Holy Fire oh okay all right we meet again I should have took the Z all thing and if it works with my auto damage run me Leo that Lulu's got to be really low okay I thought I was hitting the wrong thing like a plant y'all are out of the game I have a lot of attack speed I kind of want to get a phantom dancer and get more but I think I need on hit still elimin oh the morg Victor the go termin is by the time it Stacks up though they're going to be dead there's not really tanks now get cracking machine gun cogma oh my God quit running bro all right we'll just wait for the Zone since he's too scared nice try though Bud enjoy your first loss oh wait they lost a lot off of that wait they're out or did already take away their HP I think that was their first loss oh they lost before us elimin attack speed all right more attack speed for me let's roll for more omn Vamp armor who the armor could help me a little bit I oh wait the armor gives me damage how much can't check is that like 30 something now it's 43 I'll take it cuz the armor helps me versus Sho Jinx I might still get one shot I gives me more damage oh I was hitting the right one oh my God I thought I was hitting the clone my kraken's done good damage well we beat all these teams so I guess we're good to go still want more lose she's kind of annoying she's not going to lose so okay they're out elimin well it's Morana Victor by magic or I could go the route and get even more attack speed more attack speed roll for attack speed yes 27% they W me feed me I have 4.3 attack speed got the teleport thing base rules they're just going to keep running away and look for Corners machine gun cogma oh my God my range is so high still I got to go get plant oh I walked out of redemption oh my goodness this is insane oh there's still a Sho Jinx okay scopist weapons even though we'll get it for maybe one round I got the super range and super attack speed I can probably hit them across the map now yeah my range goes all the way to here 860 range Joo sold like all of his items he has nothing I don't think he'll be able to kill me with those items through Shield can't see her oh I only hit her a few times there W's not up for five well she done where Sho there's a clone again he's over here all right here comes the machine gun hgma 4.3 attack speed 8 something range that was fun good Koga game adcs do stand a pretty good chance of winning if they have AO for sure I did luck out I actually got like some of the best upgrades and I kept getting attack speed 69 I mean we deserve a like for that 69k damage all right everybody welcome back to another Arena video today we're playing some Varys I mean I just got 200 Q haste so I guess we might have to go lethality wanted to go AP but might as well take what's given to me not reroll forgiveness mortal or Monster all will fall lethality vars could be decent but a lot of these Champs can one shot me you do have mop peel what does Rumble have magic Missile and Z has double alt oh great might actually have to build an hourglass against him eventually not the magic Missile Rumble oh I accidentally clicked on the portal while shooting my super Arrow braver sh I hit him oh my God Theo snipe he flashed nice that Nami Sona wow amumu Yasuo all right boots down got the to get the wait a second why does it reset IQ resets if I hit a dummy oh it refunds wait no AR swinging that thing was like making me think something in my noise was making or something in my room was making noise was part of the game I hit a champion with this sets well I'm trolling oh I stole it my bad not that accurate with my cu's right now but I'm landing all of them now another one running oh I knew it I knew she's going for the res win yeah my Q is automatically back up after I charge it fully basically 3 second cool down why is it amumu so tanky does he have ocean soul no Celestial okay Gil Force Knight Harvester I might need to go gaale Force to self peel rent doesn't give any haste I can roll and get like a dusk blade though but it's not worth the risk Orana Darius oh she's got grubs Dar s DUS blade oh I hit someone where are they wait let's just pop this guy got to take this oh no oh my God that was close I think she almost had the res all right that's going to be a scary combo I want Baris could use a gun blade couldn't he uh 15 ad nah it's terrible this manamune amumu's AP P oh that hit me see you later I hit him again i g forced him I hit him nice okay I'm doing damage I think the meio burn is helping my damage too oh Mark mage [Music] not really Auto [Music] attacking I'm roll move speed I'll take brutalizer more damage this a lethality build marks Mage pivoted AP but I don't think I'd be that strong oh yeah I can't wait for all this healing she's almost dead she's actually back to full HP off that oh my these teleports do they both have that thing I'm going to alter where is she she's hiding he going to teleport again or just die to the zone oh I troll no I hit her they're just teleporting what is this oh my God so she wanted us to chase her and then teleport to revive that's pretty smart uh dude this comp's going to be rough light have healing stuff e lock it I got to get a spell glad going to hurt okay just die okay I got the damage the sniper Varys I guess Meo is op he's healing oh yeah something tells oh he's not even ful Darius the ster he's dying even have that much CC a little bit I'll take the random stats what I get and oh my God I have 52% tenacity what is that my the big Shield oh I got spell shield oh the manamune what the hell just happen I troll lost my Meo oh wait oh here they come they're not taking damage what is this oh wow I actually got one guess at least s is full healing Jewel Gauntlet okay there we go need some more crit with that Gail Force roll for it I have 40% crit Darius Mor oh he's got a spatula okay that's not good oh he's so low oh one of them's going to go for the yeah one of them is getting the plant up there that's more serious n did damn they both flashed on top of me not much I could have donees crit damage we're going to start with the spell shield any of the Zol thing yeah oh know this is not good oh my God I just wrecking oh my God I hurt I dodged the tippers think I'm going to need anti-heal or an ldr ldr good moving chance perfect can I roll some more crit chance I'll take move speed oh my God wait a second me tapping the Arrow does like the same amount of damage as fully charging it how does that make any [Music] sense oh why are we against this comp again I got to sit by the portal cuz Mor's just going to like flash Al me how do that hit can't even move first them man I hate spatula mumu's going to die all right amumu Renekton ldr Juice It Up will that where's the dummy I think it's bugged it's bugged by charging up the arrow doesn't actually do more damage come on come on let's get back the fight unless it's only on the dummy oh that amumu's tanky and that guy's got a spatula and Fiora Al oh that did 2200 this set I hit someone just keep hitting the set oh no oh I love being able to play the game thanks Riot I kite him all around just to get flashed on in one shot oh it was a good try it was fun though team wol has elimin goodbye team
Channel: Zwagmo
Views: 95,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zwag, tczwag, zwag xerath, zwag tiktok, zwag shorts, asmr, teemo, zwagmo, zwag3, ranked climb, league of legends, league
Id: Xq9N9Cq12lE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 53sec (2513 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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