Teemo but my shrooms burn all your health (QUADRA BURN)

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all right everybody welcome back to another Zago video today we are playing some Teo in the Top Lane we're going to do a mega burn build we've got Harvest cheap shot eyeball ultimate Transcendence and Scorch I'm going to cook my enemies with the new Blackfire torch probably not going to build it till like third item it's actually not a good first item on Teemo but we can go LeAndre malignants Blackfire sh shattow flame death camp might need a void sta too I was going to play it mid but against a malahar I'm just going to get pushed in and I won't be able to play so Top Lane I'll actually maybe be able to kill this guy nice he's getting poked he's actually just dead I don't know what he was thinking no respect yeah if I was against Mals I would have zero kills till 20 minutes and be shoved under my turret with no Farm Top Lane I'm a ranged bully might get ganked the problem with this Ward is by the time I see vgo it's too late this guy's not going to beat me what are you doing brother what are you doing doing right well I'm going to get my items pretty easy they have a very scary team though Diego mels kaisa poppy Poppy's probably going to roam up here soon oh he is up here got to run and maybe kill him if I had ignite I could kill him oh V's here how is this guy this guy might be tilted trolling y or is mental booned from the Teo you never know what you'll get in a normal game but I tried uploading a higho Grandmaster Teemo video and I complained once cuz I got trolled and people got upset so we'll just play normal games where we can't really complain about much we just have fun at least the winning team has fun uh oh V's dead oh she lived an ally actually probably worse that it went to mels need to reset oh they're going to Lane swamp are you kidding me that's um an ally has been SL I mean since we're against the MS now and I'm fed I'll go this first just cuz or maybe I might even go no I'll go Blackfire malignance then or Blackfire Leones we'll see I mean he's not going to do any better versus Gwen she shreds him but I won't be able to kill mels is the unfun part but if m is going to shove me under turret up here V can gank him and he'll die pretty easy I might even be able to fight him I got two kills and an assist really I just got to bully him off the wave so he can't push it an ally has been slain yes sir well he got level six need 900 for the torch an enemy has been SL if Orin got the kill there that would actually be really good harvest it's pretty low I think I still need to actually put another Point Q want a flash Auto Q ignite him an ally has SL got him oh go here want the cannon bro how does this shroom in the middle of a whole wave oh wait he ran away how does a shroom in the middle of a whole wave not pop scammed it's probably the only way we're going to be able to kill mels yes sir an enemy has he's building armor into Gwen Blackfire might actually do more damage to minions than uh leandre's yeah Top Lane vers mels is going to be a snooze Fest bro worth a cannon minion eyes is pretty big though oh I got the poppy somehow the burns I was like applying my poison to everybody that fight if she aled in she's going to die a she had heal this guy might die 25 gold for an assist get off of me is malahar above me all right we got black fire yes sir I'll probably go back to uploading some Arena videos tomor tomorrow two more fun Arena comps all right let's see what Blackfire first can do if it if these casters die from one from one shroom here that's actually pretty good dude mzar is following me around an ally has been slain nice oh my flash is almost up I might be able to kill him he's taking a a lot of damage but if I get aled under turret I'm dead an enemy has oh he might be dead en the beo damages eny he's a very hard to play shut down um yeah I need LeAndre oh he's going to kill bot line now too enage that guy's dead too eny oh they got raid boss vgo there'll be no match for my shrooms though later I'm just a little excited to get Ms flash aled later do I kill the casters oh I do okay so yeah it has better wave clear than leandre's but not as good damage for his Champs hey he used it on me that's fine he don't clear the wave then see like I want to go play aggressive poke him but if VA goes anywhere in the area and he presses r on me I'm just going to die an enemy has been slain I'm just forced to farm that's why Mahar I usually Dodge if I'm playing against a Mahar if I'm trying to record a video cuz he is literally like the most Anti content champ if I I the only thing that can beat him like that I get a video with is playing like zerth but my zerth videos don't do well and I don't want to play zerth on for a Teemo [Music] gamey well there's no vgo around yet he's going to be coming can't get the auto attack and the burn bugged and didn't get any of the kills on the minions my Cannon yeah the only thing good in the MS is like another range champ like uh Vela zerth Ori could work your tret has destroyed emo though ain't too much I could do luckily I was able to get seven kills we AO here I think he's on the chickens or something oh he's top your team has destroyed who do I need B an enemy has SL an enemy is well at least they're kind of getting run over Diego is going to be the whole team literally just a wave clear match up but once Lane phase ends later if he ever like leaves Lane and goes in the jungle and stuff and hits a shroom it's going to get deleted oh we might be able to get this guy yeah we got him I ignited him oh my God or alted into poppy Al malar just outplayed die they need to run I'm going try and take his turret while he's down there CU he has nothing to hide under and then die can actually gank him oh he died nice an ally right if he goes dead they are pretty weak your team has destroyed a turret all right we got LeAndre now we just need malignants unable more haste still need to kill kaiso aha blind counters him pretty hard all right nice he's probably tilted yay Swain's burn is out damaging my Burns nice where's the V go she kind of fast I don't think you can all me bud cuz you dead yeah the burns are getting to them oh vgo is immune oh my God I cut his healing stepped on a trap I'm getting you too sniper Teo all right we got migma I'm full build got the triple burn please stay please stand in front of the wave all right if you step on a Lego ah they have F all right well quick one is what it is didn't get the last burn I mean we got it we didn't get to use it vict oh yeah GG let's see the damage I'd play again try to get a better game but this is already me trying to get another game cuz the first game wasn't good enough don't got all day to do this here's our Rune stance like comment subscribe I'll see you later
Channel: Zwagmo
Views: 58,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zwag, tczwag, zwag xerath, zwag tiktok, zwag shorts, asmr, teemo, zwagmo, zwag3, ranked climb, league of legends, league
Id: e2AVdBYehqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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