Nature Cat MOVIE | A Nature Carol | PBS KIDS

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- [Announcer] This episode was made possible in part by the Van Eekeren family, founders of Land O' Frost, and The Hamill Family Foundation. <i> ♪ (Christmas music) ♪</i> <i> Narrator: It's Christmas time!</i> <i> And our nature-loving pals are each getting ready</i> <i> for the holiday in their own special way!</i> <i> Narrator: Daisy is decorating with flowers.</i> Daisy: (sniffs) Ah! Man-oh-man! I love the smell of fresh pine. Ba-baaaam! <i> Narrator: Squeeks is making an ornament out of</i> <i> what else?...Cheese.</i> <i> Squeeks: ♪ Cheesy the Snowman, ♪</i> <i> ♪ Oh you know he tastes so good. ♪</i> Squeeks: Mmm! Cheesons Greetings, that's yummy! <i> Narrator: And Hal has just hung some solar powered</i> <i> lights on his dog house.</i> Hal: Tah-dee, baby! <i> Narrator: Ahhh! There's Nature Cat</i> . <i> He must be doing some Christmasy</i> <i> thing that involves giving back to nature.</i> <i> Because Nature Cat loves to give</i> ! Nature Cat: There! I made my Christmas list! Here's all the stuff I want to get! <i> Narrator: Hubba-wha, Nature Cat?</i> Nature Cat: I want a new scratching post, a laser pointer, a squeaky toy, cat nip... <i> Narrator: FA-LA-LA-LA-LA!</i> <i> Something is different about Nature Cat!</i> <i> He thinks that Christmas is about getting and not giving.</i> <i> Oh brother! I think we're going to need</i> <i> an extra-special Christmas episode</i> <i> to deal with this problem!</i> <i> Narrator: Oh, would you look at that!</i> <i> This is an extra-special Christmas episode!</i> <i> Wonder what it's called?</i> <i> Narrator: Ooh! A Nature Carol. This ought to be good.</i> Nature Cat: I want a hula hoop and a spring toy and a video game with angry pickles and... Daisy: Ummm... Nature Cat, you know Christmas isn't all about getting presents, right? Nature Cat: (laughs) I know that. It's about presents and lights and Christmas music and shiny Christmas baubles! Hal: I don't think that's it either neither. Or either neither. Let's just call the whole thing off. Nature Cat: Sure it is, Hal my pal. Take it from me. I'm the guy with the most Christmas Spirit in the entire universe! Hal: Tell us, Christmas Expert, what's the secret to having so much Christmas Spirit? Nature Cat: If you want to have the most Christmas Spirit, you gotta make everything bigger, shinier, louder and more Christmassy! Nature Cat: Take the decorations on your doghouse, for example. Hal: What about them? Nature Cat: These are good, but they can be even better. Hal: How? You know what... can you just sing a song about it please? <i> Nature Cat: ♪ Hang lights of blue, and green, and red ♪</i> <i> ♪ and white that is the whitest,</i> <i> ♪ so everyone in town can see ♪</i> <i> ♪ Your doghouse is the brightest! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Oh, it's gonna be a great big Christmas</i> ! ♪ <i> Hal: ♪ A really, really great, big Christmas! ♪</i> Daisy: Even if your lights aren't solar powered... Nature Cat: Now, let's take a look at Daisy's garland. Daisy: What? What's wrong with my garland? Nature Cat: Oh don't get me wrong, it's very nice. Daisy: Thank you. Nature Cat: But... Daisy: But what? <i> Nature Cat: ♪ When you string your garland all about, ♪</i> <i> ♪ In that December cold, ♪</i> <i> ♪ Make sure you fill that evergreen, ♪</i> <i> ♪ With clinking, clanking gold! ♪</i> <i> ♪ If you wanna have a Great Big Christmas! ♪</i> <i> Hal: ♪ Oh, I wanna have a Great Big Christmas! ♪</i> <i>Daisy: ♪ Great Big Christmas? ♪</i> <i> Nature Cat/Hal: ♪ Great Big Christmas! ♪</i> Hal: What about Squeeks' Snowman of Cheese? Nature Cat: Hmmmm... Squeeks: What? What's wrong? I can fix it. <i> Nature Cat: ♪ When making baubles for your house, ♪</i> <i> ♪ Like a snowman made of cheese, ♪</i> <i> Nature Cat: ♪ Teensy Weensy just won't do, ♪</i> <i> ♪ Let's make it bigger please! ♪</i> <i> ♪ If you wanna have a Great, Big Christmas! ♪</i> <i> Squeeks/Daisy: ♪ Do we wanna have a Great Big Christmas? ♪</i> <i> Hal: ♪ I think I want a Great, Big Christmas! ♪</i> <i> Nature Cat: ♪ Then let's all have a Great, Big Christmas! ♪</i> ♪<i> Make it big! ♪</i> ♪<i> Make it loud! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Make it shine! ♪</i> <i> <b> ♪ Wow the crowd! ♪</b></i> <i> ♪ Cause it's gonna be a Great Big, ♪</i> <i> ♪ Great Big, Great Big ♪</i> <i> ♪ Great! Big! Christ-mas... ♪</i> <i> ♪ ...Daaayyyy! ♪</i> Hal: Oh boy! I really want to celebrate Christmas in a great, big way! Granny Bunny: Hello, sweetie. Gang: Granny Bunny! Granny Bunny: If you want to do something really big, you can volunteer at the annual Christmas Critter Crochet-a-thon! Squeeks: Annual Christmas Conner Ronner Don? What's that? Granny Bunny: The Christmas Critter Crochet-a-thon where we crochet stuffed animals for those in recovery at Racer Raccoon's animal hospital. Squeeks: Granny Bunny, you never cease to amaze! That sounds awesome! Hal: Helping and crocheting! That's two of my favorite things! Oh, and Granny Bunny too! That's three of my favorite things! I love you, Granny Bunny! (mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah) Daisy: Come on! Let's go make some stuffed animal dolls! Nature Cat: So sorry, Granny, we have no time to crochet right now. Granny Bunny: Well, let me know if you change your mind. Squeeks: Why don't we have time? I'm not working right now. Nature Cat: Because we have something even more Christmassy to do! Daisy: But what can be more Christmassy than helping others, Nature Cat? Nature Cat: We are going to decorate the woods! Daisy/Squeeks: Uh, What? Nature Cat: The trees in the woods. We're going to fill them with lots of lights! Squeeks: Why would we want to do that? Imagine the electricity bill. Nature Cat: So that all of nature can see how much we love Christmas! Daisy: I don't understand, Nature Cat? You always love to help animals in nature. Nature Cat: Uh, this is helping animals! Nature Cat: Now come on! Nature Cat: Let's go decorate those woods! Daisy: Sorry, Nature Cat, I'm going to help Granny Bunny. Nature Cat: Wait! Squeeks, Hal, don't you want to show the world how much you love Christmas? Hal: I sure do too too also also as well well! Hahaha! Nature Cat: Then let's go decorate the woods. Squeeks: But, Nature Cat, what about the little dolls for the Critter Crochet-ra-thorn? Or whatever? Nature Cat: We can crochet dolls any day. The time to decorate is now! Squeeks/Hal: Let's decorate! ♪ (Jingle Bells) ♪ Nature Cat: Ha ha! Yes! I give you...lights! Squeeks/Hal: Whooooaaaaah! Nature Cat: Isn't it the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? Squeeks: I mean, it's definitely the brightest! Hal: And also the brightest! Deer: Hey! Who turned on these lights? Raccoon: Yeah, what's going on here? Voles: It's toooooo bright! Raccoon: Wait wait wait, I'm like so confused, uhh, shouldn't it be night? Voles: Come on, let's get out of here! Come on, let's go! Yeah what's going on?? Squeeks: I don't think they like the lights, man. Nature Cat: Nonsense, Squeeks! They're just running off to tell all their friends about our marvelous Christmas display! Squeeks: I don't think so, Nature Cat. All these decorations are making light pollution and it's bothering the animals. Especially the voles! Nature Cat: But come on, it's so Christmassy! Nature Cat: Hey! Who turned out the lights? Nature Cat: Joy to the World! Nature Cat: What?! Nature Cat: Click. Nature Cat: Ah ha! Who are you, you little Christmas menaces? Large Mouse: Oh, we're not menaces. We're the Scratchits! Scratchits: Hello! Nature Cat: The Scratchits? What a convenient name. Large Mouse: Oh yeah! I'm Bob Scratchit! This is my wife Martha Scratchit. My daughter Belinda Scratchit. And my son Peter Scratchit. Tiny Tim: Don't forget me. Bob Scratchit: And that's Tiny Tim. Hal: Oh my goodness, oh Tiny Tim is just the cutest! Nature Cat: I want to know why you keep shutting off my Christmas lights! Martha Scratchit: Well, those lights are too bright! Squeeks: Hmm. If only someone had said that ten minutes ago. Bob Scratchit: Hard for us to find food or stay safe with all those bright blinky lights. Nature Cat: Who needs to eat? It's Christmas! A time to celebrate, get presents, have fun and get presents! Martha Scratchit: We do love celebrating Christmas. Nature Cat: Well then, if you love Christmas, just enjoy the lights. Bob Scratchit: Well, they do look pretty. I guess we can skip the meal and celebrate! Nature Cat: That's the Christmas spirit. Here! Take a set of lights for yourselves. Martha Scratchit: Come on kids, let's go back to our very bright tree hole and not be able to forage for food so Nature Cat can have his lights. Nature Cat: Hmmm. They didn't even say "Thank you." Squeeks: Thank you? Thank you for what? Nature Cat: For decorating their home for Christmas, of course. Squeeks: Nature Cat, you heard them, they can't find food or stay safe with all this light pollution. This isn't right! Nature Cat: You're right. It won't be right until we add some music! Nature Cat: So we can have the loudest Christmas display in all of nature! Squeeks: Alright. That's it! That's not how you celebrate Christmas! Count the mouse out! Hal: Bye, Nature Cat. Nature Cat: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hal? Where are you going? Hal: With Squeeks. Nature Cat: Come on, Hal, don't you want to be a Christmas lover like your pal, Nature Cat? Hal: Yes! I do! I really do! And do you have one of those in my size? Hal: Whoa! (giggles) Nature Cat: Then let's make some Christmas music! Nature Cat: This is going to be bigger and louder than any Christmas display in the world! ♪ (band playing "We Wish You A Merry Christmas) ♪ ♪♪ Nature Cat: Hold on there, Scratchit's, what do you think you're doing? Bob Scratchit: We're trying to turn off the loud music! Nature Cat: I need to play my Christmas music so all of nature can hear it. ♪♪♪ Martha Scratchit: What are we going to do, papa? Bob Scratchit: (sighs) The only thing we can do? Bob Scratchit: It's time for us to go. Scratchits: Go! - Leave! - What? Belinda Scratchit: But what about Christmas, Papa? Bob Scratchit: Christmas is wherever we're together. Bob Scratchit: Follow me! Hal: Scratchits! Come back! <i> Narrator: Hal was so upset about Nature Cat</i> <i> disturbing nature and the animals leaving the forest,</i> <i> that he turned and sadly trudged back to his dog house.</i> Nature Cat: Hal? Where are you, Hal? Nature Cat: Oh well, it's time for me to get some rest anyway. (yawns) Nature Cat: Tomorrow is Christmas and I want to be ready to celebrate. Ahhhh! What was that? Nature Cat: Huh! Must have just been a Christmas vision. (laughs) That's it... <i> Nature Cat: ♪ It's Christmas Eve, ♪</i> ♪<i> and it's time for bed. ♪</i> ♪<i> Thoughts of sugar plums, ♪</i> ♪<i> dance in my head. ♪</i> ♪<i> I can hardly wait ♪</i> ♪<i> for it to be here. ♪</i> <i>Nature Cat: ♪ I'm off to sleep, gonna close my eyes, ♪</i> <i> ♪ Tomorrow there'll be a big surprise. ♪</i> <i> ♪ It's the greatest day out of the whole year. ♪</i> <i> ♪ When I wake up in the morning it'll be Christmas! ♪</i> <i> ♪ When I wake up in the morning, ♪</i> <i> ♪ just tomorrow morning. ♪</i> <i>♪ When I wake up in the morning it will be Christmas! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Displays are displaying, ♪</i> <i> ♪ The music is playing, ♪</i> <i> ♪ The lights are all lighted, and I am so excited! Wheee! ♪</i> ♪<i> Feel so great, I'm flying high, ♪</i> ♪<i> who loves Christmas? This guy! ♪</i> <i>♪ The presents that are waiting just for meeeeee-eeeee! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Nature Cat: Stockings hanging, tree is lit, ♪</i> <i> ♪ Santa will come in just a bit. ♪</i> <i> ♪ So it's time to snuggle up</i> <i> beneath the treeeee-eeeeeee! ♪</i> <i> Nature Cat: ♪ When I wake up in the morning, ♪</i> <i> ♪ at the break of dawn-ing, ♪</i> ♪<i> When I wake up in the morning it will be... ♪</i> ♪<i> Christmas! ♪</i> <i> (sigh)</i> (DING!) <i> Narrator: 'Twas the night before Christmas,</i> <i> and all through the house,</i> <i> Not a creature was stirring...</i> Voice: Oohh! <i> Narrator: Wait a second, someone must be stirring!</i> <i> I distinctly heard a KA-THUNK sound.</i> Voice: Oof! <i> Narrator: I did hear a KA-THUNK sound.</i> <i> Hmmm...Sounds like Nature Cat</i> <i> is getting a late-night visitor.</i> Nature Cat: Who? Which? Where? What was that? (kathunk - kathunk) Nature Cat: It's coming from the roof! Someone on my roof on Christmas Eve? Ooo! That could only be one person! (kathunk) Nature Cat: (Hack-hack-hack) Santa Claus? Ronald: Hello, Nature Cat. Nature Cat: Oh, hello, Ronald. Ronald: Not just plain Ronald. They call me Ronald More-ly! (laughing) Nature Cat: Ronald More-ly? But you look just like regular Ronald. Ronald: Oh yeah? Well, can regular Ronald do this? Nature Cat: WHOA! No he cannot. What do you want from me, Ronald Morely? Ronald: I am a Christmas Spirit! And I have been sent here to warn yooouuu! Whoah! Nature Cat: If you were going to warn me to move out of the way, you're too late. Ronald: No, no, no! I am here to warn you about something different. Something very, very important. Nature Cat: What? What is it? What's the very, very important warning? Ronald: Uhhhh, I can't remember. Nature Cat: What? But you just said it was very, very important! Ronald: Ughhh, I dunno,'s something, eeehhh.... about wanting.... arrrghh... too many... aieeee.... (thud) Ronald: ...Presents! Nature Cat: Why would I need a warning about too many presents? Ronald: I have no idea. Presents are awesome! In my opinion, you can never have too many presents. Nature Cat: Yeah! That's what I think. Ronald: Oooh! Do you have any presents? 'Cause I really want a Christmas present right now. Nature Cat: Huh? No. Ronald: But I want a present! I need a present! Give me more! More! More! Ronald: Ahhh! Nature Cat: Spirit? Ronald: Ah-haa! Nature Cat: Ahhhh! Ronald: I think I just remembered why I'm supposed to warn you. Nature Cat: Why? Ronald: Why warn you with words when I can warn you with a song. (finger snap) <i> Ronald: ♪ My name is Ronald Morely, ♪</i> <i> ♪ And I can't fit through the door, ♪</i> <i> ♪ 'Cause I have so many presents, ♪</i> <i> ♪ I can't move across the floor. ♪</i> ♪<i> I'll tell you of my problem, ♪</i> <i> ♪ And you just must not ignore. ♪</i> <i> ♪ You see, I'm never satisfied, ♪</i> <i> ♪ Cause I'm always wanting more. ♪</i> <i> ♪ More! More! I want more! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Let's take a trip to the toy store! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Yeah! More! More! I want more! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Instead of one, Gimme fifty four! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Yeah! More! More! ♪</i> <i> ♪ What I adore! Is more! ♪</i> <i> ♪ More! Mooooore! ♪</i> <i> ♪ If every time I wanted stuff I also got a dime, ♪</i> <i> ♪ I'd have a trillion dollars now, ♪</i> <i> ♪ 'Cause I want stuff all the time. ♪</i> <i> ♪ I want it here! I want it now! ♪</i> <i>♪ You'd better ship it prime! ♪</i> <i> ♪ So what if I want everything? ♪</i> <i> ♪ Is that some sort of crime?! ♪</i> <i> ♪ More! More! I want more! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Let's take a trip To another store! ♪</i> ♪<i> Instead of one, I want eighty four. ♪</i> <i> More, more! ♪</i> <i> ♪ You know the score! It's more! ♪</i> <i> ♪ More! Mooore! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Give me this! Give me that! ♪</i> <i> ♪ I'm a present loving cat! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Give it here! Give it there! ♪</i> <i> ♪ They're all for me, And I won't share! ♪</i> ♪<i> In a box, in a bag, ♪</i> ♪<i> make sure it's my name on the tag! ♪</i> ♪<i> Wrap it up, with a bow ♪</i> <i> ♪ And I'll drag it with me wherever I gooooooo! ♪</i> <i> ♪ More, more! I want more! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Let's all go to a superstore. ♪</i> <i> ♪ Instead of one, I want a thousand-and-four. ♪</i> <i> ♪ Come on! More! More! More! More! More! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Moooo... ♪</i> <i> ♪ ooorrr... ♪</i> <i> ♪ reeee! Oooooh! ♪</i> Ronald: So, are you completely changed by my song? Nature Cat: Uhhhh. Not really. I still want lots of Christmas presents. Ronald: Oh well, I tried. Ronald: Oh, I forgot to mention, since you haven't changed at all, you're going to be visited by three... ...three more spirits tonight. Nature Cat: Three? But I need my sleep. I want to be wide awake tomorrow morning so I can enjoy all of my Christmas presents! Ronald: Sorry, it's the rule of Dickens! Spirit visits always come in three. Nature Cat: How about two? Ronald: Nope. It must... (grunt) Be... (grunt) three...eeeee! Toodles to the ooo! Nature Cat: Wait! When will the spirits come? And what will they look like? Will they be scary? Ronald? Ronald Morely? Woah! That must have been a bad dream. A bit of bad Christmas vittles before bed I think. Yes, that's it. Now, it's time for me to get back to sleep. <i> Narrator: Time ticked on and the hour got later.</i> <i> And soon, something strange started to happen.</i> (bell ringing) (electrical buzzing) ♪ (loud Christmas music) ♪ Nature Cat: Ah! Who's there? Nature Cat: Are you a spirit? (shrieks) Daisy Spirit: Howdy, Nature Cat! Nature Cat: Oh! Daisy! Thank goodness. I thought you were a spirit. Daisy Spirit: Oh! I am a Spirit! Nature Cat: Spirit?! But you look just like Daisy. Daisy Spirit: Could Daisy do this? (poof) Daisy Spirit: Ba-bam! (Waaa!) Nature Cat: Whoa! Not the Daisy I know! You really are a Spirit! Daisy Spirit: Not just any spirit, I'm the Spirit of Nature Past! Nature Cat: I have no idea what that means! Daisy Spirit: It means I'm the spirit that can show you things that happened in nature a long time ago. Nature Cat: Ooooh! Nope. Still don't got it. Daisy Spirit: Come! We will visit nature in the past, when you were just a little kitty. Nature Cat: I'm going to visit me? Oh! Let me get my camera! Daisy Spirit: No need. I'll bring my phone! Nature Cat: Uh. That's your phone? Daisy Spirit: I'm from the past. It's the best I can do. Now, let us visit nature in the past! Nature Cat: Ahhh! (yelling) Woah! We're going to crash! Daisy Spirit: Hold on, this may get a little bumpy! Nature Cat: Whoaaa! Ahh! Ahhhh! Nature Cat: Phew! (thump) Nature Cat: Huh. We didn't travel very far. This is just my back yard. Daisy Spirit: Yes! But it's your backyard a few years ago. Nature Cat: Really? Daisy Spirit: Take a look for yourself. Nature Cat: Ugh! Whose Christmas tree is that? Bunny Daisy: Man-oh-man, this dried lavender will look really sweet here. Ba-bam! Nature Cat: It's Daisy, when she was just a young Bunny. Adorbs! Mouseling Squeeks: I think I'll put this painted pinecone here, man. Nature Cat: And Squeeks when she was just a little Mouseling. Puppy Hal: Oooh! Don't forget me! Don't forget me! It's me, Hal! Nature Cat: It's Hal! When he was just a cute, little Puppy. Nature Cat: Hiya, Hal my teeny pal! Nature Cat: Ahhhh! What happened? Nature Cat: Uh, Hal? Hal? Daisy Spirit: Nature Cat, nobody here can see us. Nature Cat: Really? Puppy Hal: Phew! Nature Cat: Hal! Hal! Over here, Hal! Look at me! Hal! Hal! Whoa! This is weird. What are we supposed to do now? Daisy Spirit: We're just supposed to watch. Puppy Hal: Tah-dee! (squeaking) Puppy Hal: Squishy the Elf will hang right here! (As Squishy the Elf) Thank you, Puppy Hal! (As Hal) Why, thank you, Squishy the Elf! Young Squeeks: Love it! Daisy: Sweet! Nature Cat: Ooooh! I remember this day. This was the first Christmas we all spent together. Boy, we decorated that tree better than any tree ever. Daisy Spirit: Are you sure you're remembering correctly? Nature Cat: Oh yeah! We had tons of lights and decorations. Daisy Spirit: If you say so. Puppy Hal: How are we going to get the star on top? Nature Kitten: Tally ho! Squeeks: Hooray! Yay! Hal: Whoopie! Daisy: Oh yes! Oh yes! Nature Kitten: There! All finished! Nature Cat: Finished?! That can't be. There are so few decorations. And zero lights. There's no way I'd be happy with that. Nature Kitten: It's amazing! Nature Cat: What?! Mouseling Squeeks: Nature Kitten? Can we give you your presents now? Nature Kitten: I don't need any presents! Nature Cat: I didn't need presents? Are we sure that's me? Daisy Spirit: Yup! That's you as a kitten, all right. Now, keep watching. Nature Kitten: Whoa! Where did you get these? Bunny Daisy: My Granny Bunny helped us make them! Nature Kitten: This is unbelievable! Nature Cat: I'd forgot they made me my first hat and sash. And I was happy with just that? Daisy Spirit: Well, what do you think? Nature Kitten: These are the greatest gifts a kitten has ever gotten! Now I have something for you. Nature Cat: Oh! Okay! That must be my Christmas list with all the other things I want for Christmas! Daisy Spirit: I don't think so. Mouseling Squeeks: Oh! What is it? What is it? Oh! Oh! Nature Kitten: I made a list of all the things we can explore in nature! I call it my Nature Curiosity List! Bunny Daisy: Ooo! Find out where a stream begins. Puppy Hal: Explore the tippy top of a mountain! Mouseling Squeeks: Dig deep into the Earth and see what's there! Young Squeeks: This is so cool! Daisy: Sweet! Hal: Oh! I can't wait to do all of this. Nature Kitten: And the best part is, we can keep adding to the list, 'cause there will always be something new to explore together in nature. Young Squeeks/Daisy/Hal: Thank you, Nature Kitten! Nature Kitten: Wait! I have something else. Puppy Hal: What is it, Nature Kitten? Nature Kitten: I wrote a song for you! Nature Kitten: I call it, Say Hello to Nature! <i> Nature Kitten: ♪ Look under a rock, ♪</i> ♪<i> or up in a tree, ♪</i> <i> ♪ There is nature all around us, naturally. ♪</i> <i> ♪ Say hi to a bush, say what's up to a plant, ♪</i> <i> ♪ say "hola" to a</i> pigeon, And a carpenter ant.<i> ♪</i> <i> Bunny Daisy: ♪ So much nature all around! ♪</i> <i> Puppy Hal: ♪ So much nature to share! ♪</i> <i> Nature Kitten: ♪ So say hello to nature, ♪</i> <i> ♪ Cause it's everywhere! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Hello! ♪</i> <i> Clouds: ♪ Hello ♪</i> <i> Nature Kitten: ♪ Hello ♪</i> <i> Clouds: ♪ Hello ♪</i> <i> Nature Kitten: ♪ Hello to all the Nature, ♪</i> <i> ♪ that is up and down. ♪</i> <i> ♪ Hello, to all the nature on the sky and ground. ♪</i> <i> Bunny Daisy: ♪ Wave to an eagle ♪</i> <i> ♪ soarin' in the sky ♪</i> <i> Mouseling Squeeks: ♪ Say bonjour to a bunny ♪</i> <i> ♪ As he hops on by! ♪ All: Bon jour!</i> <i> Bunny Daisy: ♪ Say "howdy" to a hawk,♪</i> <i> Puppy Hal: ♪ "How's it going" to a Vine, ♪</i> <i> Nature Kitten: ♪ You can low five an oak tree, ♪</i> <i> ♪ You can pound a pine! ♪</i> <i> Bunny Daisy: ♪ Nature's all around, ♪</i> <i> Mouseling Squeeks: ♪ Nature's every place! ♪</i> <i> Nature Kitten: ♪ Go out and say hello to nature, ♪</i> <i> Puppy Hal/Nature Kitten: ♪ Say it face to face! ♪</i> <i> Nature Kitten: ♪ Hello! ♪</i> <i> Young Squeeks/Daisy/Hal: ♪ Hello! ♪</i> <i> Nature Kitten: ♪ Hello! ♪</i> <i> Young Squeeks/Daisy/Hal: ♪ Hello! ♪</i> <i> Nature Kitten: ♪ Hello to all the nature ♪</i> <i> ♪ on the land and sea, ♪</i> <i> ♪ The world is full of nature, ♪</i> <i> ♪ Come and say it with me! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Hellooo... ♪</i> <i> All: ♪ Hello! ♪</i> <i> Nature Kitten: ♪ Hello-o-oo ♪ All: ♪ Hello. ♪</i> Nature Cat: That was a rousing song, but why are you showing me all this, Spirit? Daisy Spirit: Because this was the day you became a defender of nature. Nature Cat: I did? How? Daisy Spirit: Watch! Squirrel: Oh no! Oh no! Nature Cat: Whoooah! Nature Kitten: Ooooh! Hello, Squirrel! Hey, what seems to be the problem? I was only saying hello. Squirrel: The problem is somebody is disturbing my log. Nature Kitten: Your log? Squirrel: Yeah! It's where I live. My home! Nature Kitten: Your home, you say? Well, don't worry, Squirrel, no one messes with nature on my watch! Onward and Yonward! Nature Kitten: Oh! I'm sorry. I should explain. When I say "Onward and Yonward" it means I want you to follow me. Bunny Daisy: Oh. I had no idea. Squeeks: That could work. Hal: Yeah, I don't mind it! Nature Kitten: Shall we try it again? Gang: Yes, please! Nature Kitten: Onward and yonward! Puppy Hal: I think we're supposed to do it now! Bunny Daisy: Nature Kitten, look! Nature Kitten: What kind of a fiend would mess with nature thusly? Ronald: (laughing) Nature Kitten: Oh, hello, Ronald. Young Ronald: Hello, Nature Kitten. Nature Kitten: What are you doing to that log? Young Ronald: I'm lifting it with my Little Guy Toy Crane. Nature Kitten: Whoa! Young Ronald: Want to give it a try? Nature Kitten: Oh yes, I do! Squirrel: (crying) Young Ronald: Come on, Nature Kitten! Bunny Daisy: Wait! Nature Kitten! What about the Squirrel? Puppy Hal: Yeah! That log is his home! Nature Kitten: Sorry, Ronald, but this log is the Squirrel's home and we must leave it alone. Young Ronald: Oh come on! He can find another home. This log is just so much fun to play with! Squirrel: Oh no! My home! Nature Kitten: Tally ho! Young Ronald: Hey! My log! Nature Kitten: It's not yours, Ronald! Young Ronald: Come back here! Nature Kitten: Oh no! Not water! Haha! Woo! Young Ronald: I've got you now, loggy! Nature Kitten: Not today! Young Ronald: Huh? Young Ronald: Uh oh! How do you stop this thing?! I should have read the instructions! Ahhhh! (splash) Young Ronald: Ahhh! Young Ronald: Oh well, I'll just go and play with my Little Guy Toy Bulldozer! Toodle to the ooo! Squirrel: Nature Kitten saved my home! All: Yippeee! Hooray! Yay! Daisy Spirit: So, do you see how much that young kitten cared for nature? Nature Cat: I still love nature! Daisy Spirit: Even more than Christmas presents? Nature Cat: Well, maybe. Sometimes. Daisy Spirit: Looks like you need a visit from some more Spirits! <i> Narrator: And so, Nature Cat found himself back at home.</i> (thud) Nature Cat: Hey! I'm back home! (clock chime) Nature Cat: But where's that Spirit? Spirit of nature past? Tell the other spirits there's no need for them to visit because I've changed! I no longer think that Christmas is about lights and decorations and presents! Oh boy! A present! Nature Cat: (gasps) Spirit Squeeks: Ha! Look at yourself in the mirror, man, you haven't learned a thing! Nature Cat: Oh, Squeeks. It's just you! Spirit Squeeks: I am not Squeeks, I'm a Spirit! Nature Cat: But you look just like Squeeks. Spirit Squeeks: Really? Well, could Squeeks do this? Nature Cat: Uh, no. Squeeks definitely couldn't do that! (deflating balloon squealing) Nature Cat: What kind of Spirit are you? Spirit Squeeks: I am the Spirit of Nature Present! Nature Cat: Oooh! I'm getting a present? Spirit Squeeks: Oh my goose! You're obsessed. Nature Cat: With what? Spirit Squeeks: With presents. It's weird. Nature Cat: Ooh! So I am getting a present? Spirit Squeeks: No! It's not present like Christmas present. It's present like right now. Do I need to whiteboard it for you? Oye! Nature Cat: Ohhhh! I get it. But it is almost Christmas so I should be getting some presents in the present. Spirit Squeeks: This is riduculous! (huff) But I got a job to do. Heya! Nature Cat: What's going on? Spirit Squeeks: I do all my traveling by cheese. Cheese. The smarter way to travel. Nature Cat: Ahhhhwhoaaaaa! Nature Cat: Whoooooaaaaa! Nature Cat: Whoooaaa! (kathunk) Hrrg! Nature Cat: Hey! It's Christmas! Come on! Let's go see all of my friends so we can celebrate! Spirit Squeeks: I gotta warn ya man, I'm not sure they're in the mood to celebrate. Nature Cat: Nonsense! Of course they are! It's Christmas! Spirit Squeeks: (sigh) Okay. You asked for it. Nature Cat: There's Daisy! I bet she loves how I decorated her garden. Spirit Squeeks: I wouldn't count on it. Just listen. This is going to be painful. Daisy: Ugh. I can't believe what Nature Cat did to my poor plants! Daisy: He and his over-the-top Christmas is ruining nature. <i> Daisy: ♪ It doesn't feel like Christmas, ♪</i> ♪ When you're angry at your friend, ♪ <i>♪ You don't feel very merry and you really can't pretend, ♪</i> ♪<i> Don't feel like baking cookies, ♪</i> <i> ♪ Or a mincemeat Christmas pie, ♪</i> ♪<i> when you and your buddy ♪</i> <i> ♪ just don't see eye to eye. ♪</i> <i> ♪ Oh, it doesn't feel like Christmas. ♪</i> (sigh) Nature Cat: Oh no! Something tells me she doesn't appreciate my decorations. Spirit Squeeks: Really? What gave it away? Nature Cat: Well, I've seen enough. Please, Spirit, take me to a different friend. Spirit Squeeks: Okay! Cheese time! Cheese travel! Cheese, cheese, cheese! Nature Cat: Ha ha! There's good old Squeeks, enjoying my robotic Christmas concerto! Squeeks: Errrg! I can't stand all of this noise! It drove away all the animals and now it's driving me crazy! All of Nature Cat's Christmas celebrating is ruining nature! <i> Squeeks: ♪ It doesn't feel like Christmas ♪</i> <i> ♪ All because of Nature Cat, ♪</i> <i>♪ And his music that is banging with a rat-a-tat-a-tat, ♪</i> <i> ♪ You can't knit a Christmas Sweater</i> , ♪ <i>♪ Or play with Christmas toys ♪</i> <i> ♪ When all the thumping and galumping ♪</i> <i> ♪ Is making so much noise. ♪</i> <i> ♪ No, it doesn't feel like Christmas. ♪</i> Nature Cat: I can't believe it! How can Squeeks not enjoy my Christmas music? It's so festive! Spirit Squeeks: Some might call it festive, others might call it ear-splittingly loud! It's noise pollution and it's not good for nature. Nature Cat: But it's good for celebrating Christmas! Oh tell me, Spirit, why are you showing me all this? Spirit Squeeks: Because you can't save nature without your friends. Nature Cat: I have friends! In fact, I have a best friend! Take me to my best friend Hal. Spirit Squeeks: As you wish, as you please, stand here under the time travel cheese. Nature Cat: Ahh! There he is! My best buddy Hal! He always appreciates me and all my Christmas Spirit! Hal: (sigh) Why, Nature Cat, why? <i> Hal: ♪ It doesn't feel like Christmas, ♪</i> <i> ♪ oh, it feels so bad,</i> I swear, ♪ <i> ♪ When your best friend in the world ♪</i> <i> ♪ He just doesn't seem to care. ♪</i> <i> ♪ Doesn't care to crochet a doll ♪</i> <i> ♪ For a recovering fawn or foal, ♪</i> <i> ♪ Or a Merry Mousey family, ♪</i> <i> ♪ who was forced from their tree hole. ♪</i> <i> ♪ No it doesn't feel like Christmas. ♪</i> <i> Hal/Squeeks/Daisy: ♪ No it doesn't feel like, ♪</i> ♪<i> feel like, feel like, ♪</i> <i> ♪ doesn't feel like Christmas, at all! ♪</i> Nature Cat: I do care Hal! I do! Nature Cat: Hal?! Spirit Squeeks: He can't hear you, man. Nature Cat: What did he mean, a mousey family forced from their tree hole? Spirit Squeeks: He means the Scratchits! Remember? Nature Cat: Impossible! The Scratchits are still at home! Spirit Squeeks: Are you sure? Nature Cat: Of course! I'll show you! Nature Cat: Waaaah! Scratchits! Scratchits! Come on out, Scratchits! Bob? Belinda! Tiny Tim! Spirit Squeeks: They're not there, Nature Cat. Nature Cat: Yes they are! I know it! They're gone. Nature Cat: Oooh! Eeeeh! Arrrrrrgh! A little help, please! Spirit Squeeks: Okay... 1... 2... 3... Nature Cat: Aaah! Crash! (thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk) Nature Cat: They weren't there. Spirit Squeeks: Again, I hate to say I told you so but, I told you so! Nature Cat: If they're not at home, where are they? Spirit Squeeks: If you want to see where the Scratchit's have gone, stand here beneath the parmesan. (brrrrr) Nature Cat: What are we doing here? Spirit Squeeks: Look! <i> Tiny Tim: ♪ It doesn't feel like Christmas ♪</i> ♪<i> when you just can't find a home, ♪</i> <i> ♪ A warm and cozy burrow, so on and on you roam. ♪</i> <i> ♪ It doesn't feel so merry, ♪</i> <i> ♪ when you don't have a comfy bed, ♪</i> <i> ♪ Or a nest to snuggle up in ♪</i> <i> ♪ so you can rest your weary head. ♪</i> <i> ♪ No, it doesn't feel like Christmas. ♪</i> Nature Cat: Tiny Tim doesn't have a home? Nature Cat: What? Why? Spirit Squeeks: Hmm. I think because somebody made their home so bright and noisy that they had to leave! Nature Cat: Who would do such a thing? Nature Cat: Oh wait! That was me? Maybe I should change. Maybe I should take down all those marvelous Christmas decorations. Bob Scratchit: Did you just sing that it doesn't feel like Christmas? Tiny: Tim Well, it doesn't, Papa! We don't even have a home! How can you have Christmas without a home? <i> Bob Scratchit: ♪ As long as we're together, ♪</i> ♪ you along with me. ♪ <i> Martha Scratchit: ♪ No matter where on Earth we are</i> , ♪ <i> ♪ We're a family. ♪</i> <i> Bob Scratchit: ♪ So take my hand in your hand, ♪</i> <i> ♪ And let's all sing this song. ♪</i> <i> All: ♪ Cause when we're with each other, ♪</i> <i> ♪ we really can't go wrong! ♪</i> <i> ♪ It will always feel, it will always feel, ♪</i> <i> ♪ it will always feel like Christmas! ♪</i> <i> Scratchits: ♪ It will always feel like Christmas! ♪</i> Tiny Tim: Hug us! Hug us everyone! Nature Cat: Oh great! I don't have to change at all. Looks like the Scratchits are going to be just fine. Bob Scratchit: Time for presents, everyone! Tiny Tim: Presents? There are presents? Martha Scratchit: Of course there are. Here you go, Peter. Peter Scratchit: An Acorn helmet! Wow! Belinda Scratchit: A pinecone soccer ball! Oh I love it! Tiny Tim: Oh joy! A homemade twig sled! Nature Cat: Wait, those are the presents? Spirit Squeeks: Yup, those are the presents. Nature Cat: But they weren't even bought in a store. They're just made from stuff in nature. They can't be happy with them. Spirit Squeeks: Well, see for yourself. Tiny Tim: These are the most wonderful Christmas gifts ever. Scratchit family: Yeah! Nature Cat: How can they be so full of joy when they have so little? Spirit Squeeks: Perhaps Christmas is not about presents or decorations or lights or incessant bad music. Nature Cat: Then what is it about? Spirit Squeeks: If you'll spare me a moment I will tell you everything your heart desires to knowwwww... Spirit Squeeks: Whooops! Okay everybody that's my time. I've been Spirit Squeeks! Thanks so much. Nature Cat: Wait! Don't just leave me here. Nature Cat: Spirit! Where are you, Spirit? Don't leave me! SPIRIIT! (clock chimes ringing) Nature Cat: What just happened? I must have been sleeping. Yes! That's it! It was all a crazy dream! And now, I'm going back to sleep and I'm going to dream about candy canes, marshmallow snowmen and other happy Christmas stuff. <i> Narrator: Just when Nature Cat was about to fall asleep,</i> <i> as you can probably guess,</i> <i> something strange happened.</i> (shivers) Nature Cat: Huh. Windy night. Hey! Who turned off my Christmas tree? Aieee! What was that? (teeth chattering) Nature Cat: Ahhhh! Are you another Spirit?! Nature Cat: And what Spirit are you? Hal Spirit: Tah-dee! Nature Cat: Oh Hal! It's you! Hal Spirit: I'm not Hal! I already told you, I'm a Spirit! Nature Cat: But you look just like Hal. Hal Spirit: Well, yeah, could Hal do this? Nature Cat: Actually, yes. Hal stands on his head like all the time. Hal Spirit: Oh yeah. I guess it's not that hard to stand on your head. You'll just have to take my word for it. For I am the Spirit of Nature Yet to Come! Come...Come...Come...Come... Nature Cat: The Spirit of Nature Yet to Come? (booming thunder) Hal Spirit: Yes. The Spirit of Nature Yet to Come! Come...Come... For the second time. Nature Cat: Uh does it do that every time you say your name? Hal Spirit: Oh yeah! Every time. I love it. Hahaha! Nature Cat: The Spirit of Nature Yet to Come! (booming thunder) Hal Spirit: Enough! For now, it is time to show you your future! Hal Spirit: Okay, wait, let me try that again. Time to show you... your future! Nature Cat: Uh. Is something supposed to happen? Hal Spirit: I think so. I'm kinda new to this Spirit of Nature Yet To Come thing. (booming thunder) Hal Spirit: Ooh! Wait a minute! I know! I need my magic squeak toy! Hal Spirit: Now, it's time to really see your future. Spirit Mr. Chewinsky, do your thing! (squeaking) (fawoosh) Nature Cat: Waahhh! Nature Cat/Spirit Hal: Ohhhh!! Eyy! Eyyy! Yaa! Hal Spirit: Isn't futuristic travel great? Nature Cat: Nooo! Nature Cat: Look ouuuutttt! (thud, thud) Nature Cat: Where are we? Hal Spirit: This is your backyard. Nature Cat: Gabba say what! Where are all the trees? Hal Spirit: You chopped them down to make room for all the toys and gifts you got each year at Christmas. Nature Cat: That's impossible. I would never do such a thing. Nature Cat: (gasps) My hat and sash! What are they doing on the ground? Hal Spirit: In the future you don't need your Nature Cat stuff. Nature Cat: What do you mean? Why wouldn't I need my Nature Cat stuff? Hal Spirit: You changed your name! Nature Cat: I did what? Hal Spirit: You didn't care about nature anymore, so you just changed your name. Nature Cat: But...if I'm not Nature Cat, who am I? Hal Spirit: Ooooh! It's so cool! Here you come now! Future Nature Cat: Merry Christmas to me! Hal Spirit: Hi you! It's me! Nature Cat: That's me?! Hal Spirit: Oh yes! That's you all right. Nature Cat: If I'm no longer Nature Cat, what do I call myself in the Future? Hal Spirit: Well you're in luck. Because you're about to find out with a song! <i> Future Nature Cat: ♪ I'm the Cat who's got the most, ♪</i> <i> ♪ The most toys you've ever seen! ♪</i> <i> ♪ I got teddy bears and blocks ♪</i> <i> ♪ And everything in between! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Call me Christmas Cat! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Cause Christmas is where it's at! ♪</i> ♪♪ <i> ♪ Lots of presents for me! Under my Christmas Tree! ♪</i> <i> ♪ It's all for the Christmas Cat! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Imagine That! ♪</i> ♪♪ <i> Future Nature Cat: ♪ You may think I have it all, ♪</i> <i> ♪ well, I don't, now here's the twist, ♪</i> <i> ♪ The things I don't have yet, ♪</i> <i>♪ I just add them to my list. ♪</i> <i> ♪ I want a video game, ♪</i> <i> ♪ And a rubber shark, ♪</i> <i> ♪ I want a choo-choo train that glows in the dark, ♪</i> <i> ♪ I want a jelly bean maker, Want the newest phone, ♪</i> <i> ♪ I'm the Christmas King so I want a throne, ♪</i> <i> ♪ I want everything as you can see, ♪</i> <i> ♪ So tell Santa, bring them all me! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Bring it to the Christmas Cat! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Who wants this and this and that? ♪</i> ♪<i> Stuff them in my giant sock, ♪</i> ♪<i> And the Christmas Cat will rock and rock! ♪</i> ♪<i> Call me the Christmas Cat! ♪</i> ♪<i> And that's that</i> ! ♪ ♪<i> Christmas Cat! ♪</i> Nature Cat: Well, it looks like I have every toy I could possibly want, so I must be happy, right? Hal Spirit: Take a look for yourself. Future Nature Cat: Ha ha! Catch! Nature Cat: What's wrong with me? Hal Spirit: You're lonely in the Future. Nature Cat: Lonely? Why don't I just go and play with my friends? Hal Spirit: You don't play with them anymore. Nature Cat: Not play with my friends? That's impossible! Nature Cat: What's this? Nature Cat: Why, it's my Nature Curiosity List. What happened it to it? Hal Spirit: You stopped being curious about nature. Nature Cat: But surely my friends still love nature? Hal Spirit: None of them are here anymore. Nature Cat: What? Another impossibility! My friends are always here! Hal Spirit: I'm afraid they're not! Nature Cat: Yes! Yes, they are! I'll prove it to you! Nature Cat: Where is it? Where did it go? Hal Spirit: What are you looking for? Nature Cat: Daisy's garden! It was always right here! Where is it?! Hal Spirit: Well, you cemented over it. Nature Cat: Why would I do such a thing? Hal Spirit: To build a landing pad for Santa. Nature Cat: Daisy?! Where are you, Daisy? Hal Spirit: Daisy's gone! She moved away when she lost her garden. Nature Cat: No! No, no, no! Squeeks?! Squeeks! We gotta go find Daisy. Squeeks! Hal Spirit: Squeeks is gone too! Nature Cat: But she loved to play in the trees here. Hal Spirit: You got rid of all the trees, remember! Nature Cat: Ohhhh! What have I done? Hal! I need to see my best buddy Hal! Nature Cat: Oh! Hal's doghouse! (Mwah! Mwah! Mwah) Thank goodness, it's still here. Hal Spirit: Yes it is! Nature Cat: Hal? Come on out, Hal! Haaal? Nature Cat: Wait! Where is Hal? Hal Spirit: He moved away when you turned his dog house into a storage for toys. It wasn't very nice he really liked that house. Nature Cat: Noooo! Nature Cat: Wait a minute. What about the Scratchits? Bob, Belinda, Tiny Tim? Did they ever come back? Hal Spirit: No one knows what happened to the Scratchits. They never returned. None of the animals did. Nature Cat: No animals? No trees? No friends? (sobbing) Hal Spirit: And this is what happens when there are no more Nature Heroes. Nature Cat: Tell me, Spirit, is it too late? Can I change all of this? What do I have to do to get my friends back? To get Nature back? Hal Spirit: The answer is... (alarm ringing) Hal Spirit: Oops! Looks like my time is up! Nature Cat: Wait, Spirit. I want my friends! I want nature! What do I do? (squeek) Hal Spirit: Sorry, I'm off duty! Good luck! Nature Cat: Wait! Spirit! Don't leave me alone! Spirit? Where are you? <i> Nature Cat: ♪ What is Christmas Spirit? ♪</i> <i> ♪ I really thought I knew. ♪</i> <i> ♪ Thought that it was wrapped in gifts, ♪</i> <i> ♪ And stuffed in stockings too. ♪</i> <i> ♪ Why is it so far away? ♪</i> <i> ♪ Why can't I find the reason? ♪</i> <i> ♪ How come I can't catch that Spirit ♪</i> <i> ♪ of the Christmas Season? ♪</i> <i> ♪ Christmas Spirit, Don't you care? ♪</i> <i> ♪ Christmas Spirit, fill the air, ♪</i> <i> ♪ Christmas Spirit, Please come through! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Christmas Spirit, I need you! ♪</i> <i> ♪ It's not twisted in a candy cane, ♪</i> <i> ♪ Not baked inside a pie</i> . ♪ <i> ♪ It's not lit up in a window pane, ♪</i> ♪<i> Or in a garland ♪</i> ♪<i> hanging high. ♪</i> <i> ♪ Christmas Spirit, Are you there? ♪</i> <i> ♪ Christmas Spirit, Please come share. ♪</i> <i> ♪ Christmas Spirit, time to start! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Christmas Spirit fill my heart! ♪</i> <i> ♪ It's the feeling that you want to give, ♪</i> <i> ♪ Don't care if you receive, ♪</i> <i> ♪ It's the feeling that you want to share, ♪</i> <i> ♪ That's the Spirit, I believe, ♪</i> <i> ♪ it's the feeling that you want to care, ♪</i> <i>♪ For Earth and all that grows,</i> <i> For animals and friends ♪</i> <i> ♪ and trees in the meadows. ♪</i> <i> Nature Cat: ♪ Christmas Spirit, you are there!</i> <i> ♪ Christmas Spirit! Everywhere! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Christmas Spirit! I can see! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Christmas Spirit, you're in me! ♪</i> (clock chiming) Jack in the box: Ho-ho-ho! Nature Cat: Who? What? Where? What happened? <i> Narrator: And so, Nature Cat awoke from his night</i> <i> of visiting spirits and it was Christmas Day.</i> Nature Cat: Wait! It's Christmas! Today is Christmas? <i> Narrator: Are you talking to me?</i> Nature Cat: Obviously! <i> Narrator: Oh! Usually, nobody talks to the narrator.</i> Nature Cat: Well, I'm sorry, but I'm desperate. And no fourth wall is going to hold me back. I need to know what day it is. <i> Narrator: Look at all the presents under the tree.</i> Nature Cat: It is Christmas! <i> Narrator: And so, Nature Cat was so excited</i> <i> by all his Christmas presents</i> <i> that he forgot all about the Spirits</i> <i>and began to open his presents!</i> <i> Narrator: Wait a minute Nature Cat,</i> <i> why aren't you opening up your Christmas presents?</i> Nature Cat: (Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!) Uh, because Christmas is about so much more than presents! <i> Narrator: And so Nature Cat realized that Christmas</i> <i> wasn't about getting presents.</i> <i> It was about giving...</i> <i> to his friends, to the animals...</i> <i> to all of nature.</i> Nature Cat: That's exactly right, Mr. Narrator man, and now it's time for me to give back! <i> Narrator: You go, Nature Cat!</i> Nature Cat: 2...3...4... <i>♪ Come sing a song, And if they dance I'll dance, ♪</i> <i> ♪ It's not too late, there's still a chance, ♪</i> <i> Nature Cat: ♪ And if I can, I'm going to find a way, ♪</i> <i> ♪ I think I know, what I should do, ♪</i> <i> ♪ For all my friends and nature too, ♪</i> <i> ♪ I'm making changes, and they start today! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Cause when I woke up this morning, ♪</i> <i> ♪ yes, this lovely morning! ♪</i> <i> ♪ When I woke up this morning,</i> <i> it was Christmas! ♪</i> Daisy: (sigh) Nature Cat: Daisy! Oh Daisy! Your garden is still here! Daisy: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Back up there, mister, you can't put any lights on my holly bushes! Nature Cat: I wouldn't dream of it, Daisy! In fact... Tally Ho! ♪ ("Deck The Halls" instrumental music playing) ♪ Nature Cat: Done! Daisy: But what about all the lights to celebrate Christmas? Nature Cat: Don't need 'em! This garden is perfect just the way it is! And so are you! Nature Cat: Merry Christmas, Daisy! Daisy: And a Merry Christmas to you, Nature Cat! Nature Cat: Squeeks! It's you! It's really you! Playing up in the trees! Squeeks: What? I can't hear you over all the noise. Nature Cat: No! There is no more noise, Squeeks! Listen! Squeeks: Huh? Oh! Silence. There's no more noise. There's no more noise! Nature Cat: You were right all along, Squeeks. I don't need loud music to have a great Christmas! Nature Cat: I just need trees and nature! And the friends that I love! Squeeks: That's beautiful! Come here, you big lug! Gimme a hug! Nature Cat: Merry Christmas, Squeeks. Nature Cat: And Merry Christmas, trees! Nature Cat: Hal! Hal! (knocking) Hal!? Hal!? Oh no, where's Hal? Hal: Ta-dee! Ho hoho! I'm Santa Hal! Nature Cat: Oh Hal! Hal: Are you trying to get me to put up more bright and noisy Christmas decorations? Nature Cat: No! Hal! I don't care about decorations, or getting gifts or Christmas goodies! I want to give back! I want to help others! I want to care for nature and all its little creatures. Hal: Like the Scratchits! Nature Cat: Yes! The Scratchits! I need to find the Scratchits! Martha Scratchit: May I present our Christmas feast! Scratchits: Hooray! Nature Cat: Hello, Scratchit family! Martha Scratchit: Oh no! He probably wants to decorate out here too. Bob Scratchit: Now, now, dear, where's your Christmas Spirit? We need to invite him to eat with us. Martha Scratchit: (sigh) Fine. Please. Sit down on a rock and have a slice of bean. Nature Cat: No time! I need to open up this bag of bright lights and loud music to celebrate Christmas. Nature Cat: Wait just a nature loving second! Seems like someone replaced the loud music and bright lights with Christmas goodies. Nature Cat: Merry Christmas, Scratchit Family! Martha Scratchit: It's a Christmas miracle! Tiny Tim: Look out belly, here it comes! Ohh! Tiny Tim: Yummy! Nature Cat: Ah-ha! I'm glad you like it, Tiny Tim, but why eat here, when we can share it back at your tree? Bob Scratchit: But what about those bright lights? Martha Scratchit: And the super loud music? Nature Cat: I got rid if it all! I'm sorry for what I did, Scratchits. Nature is your home, and I promise I won't do anything to mess it up ever again. In fact, I will do everything I can to protect it! Always! Scratchits: HOORAY! Tiny Tim: I've said it before and I'll say it again. Hug us, hug us everyone! Nature Cat: Now that we're all together, let's celebrate Christmas. Squeeks: Should we play some games? Daisy: Or open up some stockings? Hal: Or eat some Christmas cookies? Nature Cat: I have a better idea. Tiny Tim: Is this for me, Nature Cat? Nature Cat: Yes! Now come on... Nature Cat: Let's explore nature! Nature Cat/Tiny Tim: Tally ho! <i> Nature Cat: ♪ It's Christmas Morning. ♪</i> <i> ♪ No more time to sleep. ♪</i> <i> ♪ Open up your eyes,</i> <i> Come on, take a peep. ♪</i> <i> ♪ You see the snow Laying on the ground. ♪</i> <i> ♪ But something's different, changes all around. ♪</i> <i> ♪ Cause you see the world</i> ♪<i> with brand new eyes ♪</i> ♪<i> at Christmas. ♪</i> <i> ♪ At Christmas! ♪</i> <i> Daisy: ♪ You see the Deer is swaying, ♪</i> <i> ♪ as it's drinking from a pond. ♪</i> <i> Squeeks: ♪ You'll see icicles sparkle, ♪</i> <i> ♪ like they're from a magic wand. ♪</i> <i> Hal: ♪ You'll notice every partridge, ♪</i> <i> ♪ up there in a pear tree, ♪</i> <i>Nature Cat: ♪ You'll understand how much it means ♪</i> <i> ♪ To have a family. ♪</i> <i> Gang: ♪ 'Cause you see the world ♪</i> <i> ♪ with brand new eyes</i> ♪<i> at Christmas. ♪</i> <i> ♪ At Christmas! ♪</i> <i> Daisy: ♪ The beauty of a beehive. ♪</i> <i> Nature Cat: ♪ The mystery of a cave. ♪</i> <i> Squeeks: ♪ The magic of a snowflake. ♪</i> <i> Hal: ♪ The power of a wave! Wheee! ♪</i> <i> Bob Scratchit: ♪ The rushing of the wind. ♪</i> <i> Martha Scratchit: ♪ The cuteness of a chickadee. ♪</i> <i> Tiny Tim: ♪ The warm and happy feeling between you and me. ♪</i> <i> Nature Cat: ♪ Come see it on the mountain, ♪</i> <i> ♪ Come see it at the sea, ♪</i> ♪<i> Open up your eyes ♪</i> <i> Come see it all with me! ♪</i> <i> All: ♪ Come see the world! ♪</i> <i> ♪ With brand new eyes, ♪</i> ♪<i> come see the world, ♪</i> ♪<i> with brand new eyes! ♪</i> ♪<i> On Christmas, ♪</i> ♪<i> on Christmas, ♪</i> ♪<i> on Christmas! ♪</i> (Christmassy theme music) ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
Channel: PBS KIDS
Views: 368,376
Rating: 4.5171967 out of 5
Keywords: PBS KIDS, education, children, kids, games, videos, educational, cartoons, Disney Jr., Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., Cartoon Network, Games, Videos, Full Episodes, Full Episode, nature cat, nature cat movie, nature cat full episodes, a nature carol, a christmas carol, christmas movies for kids, christmas movie, for kids, nature for kids, nature
Id: rS6EjuG6gTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 56sec (3236 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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