Let's Go Luna MOVIE | Luna's Christmas Around The World | PBS KIDS

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We live in a big, beautiful world. I'm Leo. I'm Andy. And I'm Carmen. Our parents work in a circus that travels all around the world and we travel with them. So we never know where in the world we will end up next. <i> (train whistling)</i> <i>But wherever we go, we know that</i> <i> Luna the Moon will be there with us.</i> <i> ♪ Traveling the world as a trio ♪</i> <i> ♪ Andy and Carmen and Leo ♪</i> <i> ♪ With Luna the Moon and some new friends too ♪</i> <i> ♪ Everyone's different and really they're just like you ♪</i> <i> ♪</i> <i> ♪ All around the world ♪</i> <i> ♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go ♪</i> <i> ♪ All around the world ♪</i> <i> ♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go ♪</i> <i> (whistling theme song)</i> <i> ♪</i> <i> Luna: Luna's Christmas around the world</i> (Horn) (festive music) ♪♪♪ Leo: I can't believe the Circo is traveling to my hometown of Sydney, Australia... and spending Christmas there! So excited! Carmen: Me too, Leo. Plus we get to travel there on this really cool ship! Andy: Yeah, and the best part is that it's only three days 'til Christmas! And that means... Santa Clauuus! Honey: What's Santa Claus Carmen: Honey! You shouldn't be out of your hamster cage! Honey: But I wanna know about Santa Claus! Carmen: Santa Claus is a jolly man with a white beard, Honey! Carmen: Every year on Christmas Eve, Santa travels from house to house delivering presents. Then he lands on your roof and slides down the chimney... To put treats in your stockings and presents under the tree! Carmen: Then when you wake up Christmas morning, you get to open all the wonderful presents that Santa brought you! Honey: I love Santa Claus! Leo: You guys are going to love Christmas in Australia! It's summertime there, so it'll be hot and sunny! Kids: Hi, Cap'n Shaggybottom! Shaggy Bottom: Hello, children! Carmen: Hurry the ship to Australia, please! Shaggy Bottom: Will do! After I finish me ham, of course. (Snoring) Andy: Wait, are we in Australia? Leo: I don't think so, Andy. It should be hot and summertime! I guess we're not there yet! Andy: But today is Christmas Eve!! Carmen: There you are, guys! Where are we? (Snoring) Carmen: Uhh... Captain Shaggybottom? Shouldn't you be driving the ship? I don't think we're in Australia. Andy: I've seen this before Carmen. He's taking a Christmas time food nap... it's the sleepiest of all naps, we'll never wake him!! Carmen: Well if he's been napping... who's driving the ship?! Leo: Uhhh, guys... is it just me, or are we about to hit a big chunk of ice? Kids: Ah!!! Captain Shaggybottom: (Snoring) Land a ho!!! Circo: Woohoo!! Fabuloso: This is Australia? Captain Shaggybottom! Where have you taken my Circo Fabuloso? Shaggy Bottom: Well, last I remember, everybody was decorating the Circo and I was eating 7.3 Pounds of Christmas ham and, uh... taking a short nap... Fabuloso: A short nap!? We decorated the Circo three days ago! This is not a short nap! Where are we?! Carmen: It's okay, Senor Fabuloso! I know someone who can tell us where we are! Carmen: Hi, Magic Globe! Magic Globe: Brrr! Magic Globe: It's so cold out here! Magic Globe: Welcome to Antarctica! All: Antarctica?! Magic Globe: Uh...yup! Magic Globe: Antarctica is at the bottom of the earth! In fact, the word Antarctica means,"opposite of north!" Magic Globe: It's mostly home to penguins. Magic Globe: The sun doesn't set this time of year in Antarctica, so it's always light outside!! Andy: Wait, back up. Did she say Antarctica means the opposite of north? As in the North Pole... where Santa lives? So, we're as far away from Santa as we can possible get? Leo: Plus he thinks we're going to be in Australia! He'll never find us here! Magic Globe: Have fun in Antarctica, friends! Circo Folk: Thanks Magic Globe. Carmen: Well, what are we waiting for? We gotta go someplace where Santa can find us! Shaggy Bottom: A might good idea except... Shaggy Bottom: ...it appears me ol' ship is about as stuck as a sea snail on a jellyfish. Yep, it'll take ages to get 'er out.. Leo: So we'll be stuck here... with no Santa... Carmen: No Holiday Cheer! Andy/Carmen/Leo: NO CHRISTMAS! Andy/Carmen/Leo: Woah! (Rumbling) (Errch) Andy/Carmen/Leo: Luna! <i> Carmen: ♪ Lunaaa come and play! ♪</i> <i> Leo: ♪ Luna's here, what do ya say! ♪</i> <i>Andy: ♪ Lunaaaa bright as day ♪</i> <i> All: ♪ Show us the World, lead the way!! ♪</i> Luna: Merry Christmas Eve, everybody! Uh... what happened to the Australia idea? Hockbar: Well you see, Luna... Fabuloso: It is not a Fabuloso situation, Luna! Our ship got stuck here in Antarctica for Christmas! Luna: Aww, it can't be that bad Senor Fabuloso! Luna: Here, have a Christmas fruitcake!! Fabuloso: Gee... thanks Luna. Hockbar: Oh, yum! Fabuloso: No, Hockbar! Don't you know about Christmas fruitcakes? Every year people give them as gifts, but no one actually eats them right away. We just save them for later. Hockbar: So, you've tried it? Fabuloso: It's not later yet! Fabuloso: Now, let's go find my Tio de Nadal, Hockbar. Hockbar: Your what? Luna: Are you okay friends...? Carmen: No, Luna!! Christmas is ruined! Leo: Santa Claus is never gonna find us in Antarctica. Luna: Well, there's gotta be something we can do. Hey, Cap'n Shaggybottom!! Luna: Is there a way we can help you get the boat unstuck sooner rather than later? Shaggy Bottom: Hmmmm...well, I could get 'er out faster if I had somethin' better than this ham fork. No offense, ham fork. There might be an ice pick somewhere on me ship... Luna: Ya hear that friends? Let's go aboard and find something icepicky! Andy/Carmen/Leo: Something ice-picky! Luna: Hmmm. Not an ice pick. You guys find anything? Carmen: No... Andy: We're not finding anything that's ice-picky! Christmas is ruined! Leo: Yeah... I wonder if anyone's ever had this bad a Christmas? Teeny: Quack! Kid: Huh? Carmen: What? Leo: What is that?! Andy: Wha? Teeny: Quack! Carmen: It's a little duckling! Luna: Hey, little buddy. Can you come down here? Teeny: Woah! We! Oh! Wa! Oof! Carmen: Oh no! Teeny: Quack. Carmen: Are you okay little guy?? Teeny: Quack. Carmen: Heh, heh... he sure is cute! I like his hair! Andy: What do you think his name is? Carmen: Hmm, well he's very little, and he's also quite teeny... Andy: Let's call him Captain Quackers! Carmen: Or how about, Lil' Teeny? Teeny: Quack. Andy: He he! I think he likes it! Carmen: Then it's settled! Lil' Teeny it is! Leo: Where do you think Lil' Teeny's from? Luna: Who knows? He must've been hiding out in that box, waiting for a chance to join the Circo. Andy: But, if he was hiding in that box... how was he going to celebrate Christmas? Leo: Probably the same way we're celebrating Christmas... not at all. Carmen: But Leo, we might not be having a Christmas this year, but at least we have our friends and family! Lil' Teeny has nobody! He's gonna wake up Christmas morning all sad and alone. Teeny: Quack. Just look at how lonely he is! Teeny: Quack. Carmen: If only we could do something to give Teeny a real Christmas... Andy: Like a fun Christmas project. That will make us feel better! Carmen: Hey, yeah... maybe we can make something to give Teeny an okay Christmas! Andy: Or a great Christmas! Carmen: Or the awesome-est Christmas ever! Andy/Carmen: Yayyyyy! Carmen: We'll bring presents to Teeny and call it Operation Santa Claus! All we will need is treats... presents... and a Santa costume! Let's go tell Luna! Carmen: Luna! We're gonna make Lil' Teeny a secret Christmas surprise and save his Christmas! Luna: (Gasps) That's a great idea Carmen! Leo: But Luna, how is that secret surprise gonna give US a good Christmas? Luna: Because Leo, giving to others is the best part of Christmas! Leo: It is? Luna: Yeah! (Ding) <i> ♪ Christmas is giving... ♪</i> <i> ♪ Sharing delight... ♪</i> <i> ♪ Doing nice things for friieends ♪</i> <i> ♪ Christmas is singing, laughing bringing ♪</i> <i> ♪ joy that never ends. ♪</i> <i> ♪ Giving is Christmas. Simple and true ♪</i> <i> ♪ Giving's the best thing to do ♪</i> <i> ♪ When you've got someone to give something to ♪</i> <i> ♪ Giving makes you feel like flying ♪</i> <i> ♪ Showing a friend that you care, ♪</i> <i> ♪ Christmas is a time to share! ♪</i> <i> ♪ No matter where ♪</i> <i> Carmen: ♪ No Christmas tree. But you're here with me</i> ,<i> ♪</i> <i> ♪ And when I'm with you ♪</i> <i> ♪ I always have someone ♪</i> <i> ♪ to give something to. ♪</i> <i> ♪ We all have someone to give Christmas to</i> !<i> ♪</i> (Boing! Boing!) Leo: Hot cocoa's ready! Has Andy finished his top-secret Santa suit? Since I am from Catalonia, I have my wonderful Tio de Nadal! Well, I don't have him right now... Andy: Tio De Nadal? What's a Tio De Nadal? Fabuloso: My Tio is! Tio De Nadal is, of course, the Christmas log! Leo: Christmas log? Fabuloso: Yes, my Tio de Nadal is a log with a cute little red hat, and a happy, smiley face! Mmmm... Tio... Fabuloso: Then...you put a nice warm blanket over him, and feed him. Then...you tap him with a stick. Fabuloso: Then tap it again... then once more...tap. Fabuloso: And then a not so big tap. Fabuloso: And finally, you lift the blanket and presents fall out like magic. Iye... Since my Fabuloso boyhood I have celebrated with my Tio de Nadal... it's my Catalan tradition! If I can find my Tio de Nadal we can still have a Fabuloso Christmas! Fabuloso: Come Hockbar! We must continue the search! Hockbar: Yes, Fabuloso! Andy: Wow! I had no idea other people celebrated with something other than Santa Claus! Carmen: Yeah, I thought Santa Claus was the only one. I wonder if Teeny...Wait, where is Lil' Teeny?? Au Revoir/Bon jour: (Crying) Carmen/Leo/Andy: Teeny? Au Revoir/ Bon jour: (Crying) Carmen: Teeny? What are you doing with Au Revoir and Bon jour? Teeny: Quack! Bon Jour: Zat's right, Lil' Teeny here is trying to help us feel better... Carmen: But why are you so sad? Bon Jour: It's our precious Pere Noel. (Sobbing) Honey: (Struggling) Carmen: Huh?! Carmen...whaaaa? Oh! Hey, Honey! Honey: What's a pear nole? Bon Jour: Pere Noel. He brings Christmas gifts to ze people of France! Andy: Is he another tradition like Santa Claus but not Santa Claus, but kinda like Santa Claus? Luna: Sure thing, Andy... Luna: In France, Pere Noel rides his Donkey, Guy, from house to house giving presents to all the good children! Ah oui, he is so brave and noble. One Christmas, he very nearly did not make it to our home in France... Maybe Bon Jour here can tell you ze story of zat Christmas. As I am too heart broken. Bon Jour: Oh no no no Au Revoir, you tell them. Au Revoir: Okay. Au Revoir: As you know, we are from France, a country in Europe famous for delicious food, ze beautiful French language and Pere Noel. Many years ago, as small clowns in our village of Antibes, we were having a normal Christmas, eating ze Buche de Noel or Yule Log cake. Leo: Wait...another log? Like, Senor Fabuloso's Tio de Nadal? Au Revoir: Oui, oui, yes... but zis one is very delicious. Au Revoir: So zen, we placed our little shoes by ze fire place with carrots for Pere Noel's donkey named Guy. Au Revoir: Just zen...a rainstorm! Giant waves rose up from the beach! Au Revoir: We pictured poor Pere Noel riding Guy, trying to get to us. Au Revoir: Rain whipped at his face. Just zen, ze lights went out... Bon Jour: We went to sleep, certain zat our beloved Pere Noel would never be able to make it. Teeny: Quack? Carmen: What happened next? Au Revoir: Lo and behold! A Christmas miracle! Au Revoir: Pere Noel, with ze might of Christmas surging through his every muscle, carried Guy through ze storm. Au Revoir: He made it to our house, where Guy ate the treats and Pere Noel left our gifts. Au Revoir: In ze morning, we found our shoes stuffed and our hearts filled with the Christmas time magic. Honey: Wow! - Andy: Yeah! Andy: What a story! Carmen: So, do you think your Pere Noel can bring Christmas to the Circo tonight?! Bon Jour: Oh, no. Au Revoir: Of course not! We are too far away. Pere Noel could never find us way down here in Antarctica! Teeny: Quack! Bon Jour: Hmmm. You know, ze duck, his accent, it sounds very French. Carmen: Yeah? Really? Carmen: Lil' Teeny?! Are you a little French boy? Teeny: Quack! Carmen: Does Pere Noel bring you presents for Christmas? Teeny: Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack! Leo: Sounds like a "yes"... Andy: I had no idea there were so many ways to celebrate Christmas. Leo: Should we cancel "Operation Santa Claus" and prepare for "Mission Pere Noel" instead? Carmen: We'll put together a French Christmas for Lil' Teeny! Andy: Luna and I will make the costumes for Pere Noel and his donkey, Guy! Luna: I wanna be Guy. Andy/Leo/Carmen: Let's go! Luna: Here guys, have a Christmas Fruitcake to help you feel better! Wait up friends! Bon jour: Do you feel better, Au Revoir? Au Revoir: No...I do not feel better, Bon jour. Au Revoir: Huup! (thunk!) (splash) Bon jour: How about now? Au Revoir: A little. Carmen: Lil' Teeny is playing with Honey. Do you guys need any help? Uh...what's going on here? Luna: It's really coming together? (Rip) Luna: Oops. Andy: Aww, come on! Everything is falling apart. This project is supposed to be my masterpiece! Leo: Guys! I made my Buche de Noel cake! Check it out! Leo: Frosted sponge cake with filling made to look like a Christmas... ...Log! It took me hours to... Fabuloso: Leo! Leo: You like it, Senor Fabuloso? It's a- Fabuloso: Tio De Nadal! Luna/Carmen/Andy: No, Senor Fabuloso! Fabuloso: Muah, muah, muah, my Tio! You're frostier than I remember... and cake-ier. Leo: Much cake-ier. It's Buche de Noel... not your Tio. Fabuloso: Oh. Sorry my boy, I really thought I had found my Tio. Now I understand why there was so much frosting. Fabuloso: Come, Hockbar, we must continue the search for my Tio de Nadal. Hockbar: I am very sorry, children... Hockbar: Mmmm.. What a shame... Nothing to look at, but it goes down nicely I'll tell you that. Ingrid: OOOOO! Luna: What was that?! Leo: Fine... Ingrid: OOOOOOOOOO! Carmen: Teeny! What are you doing to Ingrid Svenson-Benson's leg? Ingrid: Oooooo!! AH!! It's fine! Teeny found me furiously folded and fixed my form. Andy: But Ingrid, you're the best contortionist Circo Fabuloso has ever had! Leo: Yeah, how did you get stuck? You're usually so flexible! Ingrid: It must be this weather. Luckily, your little friend Teeny here, ran to my rescue! Teeny: Quack. Ingrid: That's right, you're my little Christmas miracle! Leo: I wish Christmas miracles really did happen... Ingrid: Oh, but they do, tee hee. Right, Luna? Luna: (Laughs) They sure do. Maybe Andy, Carmen, and Leo would like to hear the story of that Christmas Eve when you were a kid in Sweden? Honey: What's a Sweden? Ingrid: Sweden is a country located in Northern Europe with thousands of islands and lakes. It's home to my dearest Tomte. Carmen: Wait, time out. Tomte? What is a Tomte? Ingrid: Of course, you did not grow up in Sweden so you don't know that Tomte is a gnome who brings Christmas gifts to Swedish children. Ingrid: On Christmas Eve, we prepare a pot of porridge for our precious Tomte to snack on. He eats the treat, then gives great gifts to all the children! Andy: Wow! Tomte sounds adorable! Ingrid: Many years ago, when I was an itty- bitty centipede, we had a nasty storm on Christmas Eve. Anchorman Owl: It's a nasty storm on Christmas Eve! Ingrid: Whipping winds blew wintry sleet into the local meatball factory, freezing the factory controls, making massive mounds of meatballs! Ingrid: The factory front door flew open... Flooding the streets with swirling slurries of sleet and meat! The town became a stormy sea of Swedish meatballs, I was sure Tomte could never get through! Andy: So could Tomte even make it to your house in that terrible meatball storm? Ingrid: The answer to that question is the Christmas Miracle I mentioned before! Ingrid: As I watched, my tiny Tomte whirling around in the whipping wind and waves of rolling meatballs, I worried Christmas would never come. Ingrid: Just as Tomte seemed too tired to go on, the majestic Yule goat appeared! Leo: Wait...Yule goat? Huh? Ingrid: The Christmas Goat, he is very famous. Ingrid: The Yule goat gave every bit of his goaty grit! And Tomte, our gutsy gift-giver, expertly galloped onward, leaping from meatball to meatball through the storm! Ingrid: I watched, wide- eyed as Tomte and goat, weaved wondrously through the weather! Andy: Even though he's not my Santa, I wish Tomte would come here tonight. Carmen: Yeah, maybe he will? Right, Ingrid? Ingrid: Not a chance. Sweden is near the North Pole, not South! No way Tomte can find us here in Antarctica! Teeny: Quack quack quack quack, quack... Ingrid: Sounds to me like Little Teeny might be a lil' Swedish boy. He has that special Swedish something when he speaks. Carmen: Oh really? Could you be a Little Swedish guy, Teeny? Is that what you are? Teeny: Quack. Andy: Is that a yes? I think it's a yes. Leo: Oh great, don't tell me this means mission "Pere Noel" is a bust and we're moving on to "Operation Tomte Time"? Andy: I've got a good feeling about this one! Let's make magic happen! Phew! Fabuloso: Tio? Tioooo?? I thought I heard him in here. Hockbar: Uh...really? You can hear the Tio de Nadal, Senor Fabuloso? Fabuloso: Of course, Hockbar. Our bond is unbreakable. Now start looking! Hockbar: Ah! AH! Fabuloso: Not this or this or that nope, nope, nope... AH-HAH! Hockbar: You found it, Senor Fabuloso? Fabuloso: That's right, Hockbar! Fabuloso: My wonderful Tio De Nadal! Fabuloso: Look at how happy he is, Hockbar... This beautiful smile will save all of Christmas. Now all we need is a blanket and food for our sweet little log. Come, Hockbar! Fabuloso: Let us return to the Circo immediately. Hockbar: Yes, sir! Luna: And there...we...go. Carmen: How do the Yule Goat horns look, Luna? Luna: Hm... Oh...they might need some work. Luna: Uh...How's your Tomte costume coming along, Andy? Andy: Hmmf Hmmf Hmmf Hmff Hmmf! Leo: Uh...guys? Hey, so remember how I had to watch over Teeny while you guys made your costumes? Well, Teeny's -- Carmen: Gone missing again hasn't he? Leo Uhhh...Yup. YAUHUHH! Luna: I think I know where Teeny might be. C'mon everyone, let's go! Carmen: Ugh! There you are, Lil' Teeny! Andy: Wow, Mr. Salami, is that some sort of new work-out move? Salami: No, children. I've just been trying to lift myself out of sorrow but even these dumb bells can't help me anymore. (Crash) Salami: ...but it's hopeless! The holidays are ruined! At this rate, we'll never see Babbo Natale or La Befana this year! Carmen: Babbo wha? Honey: Befana HUH? Salami: Ah, of course. You would not know them. Let me explain. Salami: My home country, Italy, sits on the south of Europe, where we celebrate the Babbo Natale! He is, how you say, much like your Santa Claus. Salami: But we have another gift giver who comes twelve days after Babbo Natale... La Befana, the old witch who delivers gifts! Andy/Leo/Carmen: A witch? Luna: Yes, but a good one. Salami: That's right, Luna. She is a true wonder! Salami: Every year La Befana comes flying on a broomstick, wearing a head scarf, braving through the cold to bring candy and gifts to all the children of Italy! Salami: She even sweeps up the home before she leaves. She's so nice and thoughtful. But one year, she almost didn't make it! Luna: Ah, yes. I remember that night like it was yesterday. Salami: Who could forget? It was many years ago when I was just an itty-bitty strongman. <i> Salami: ♪ When I was a boy, awaiting La Befana, ♪</i> <i> ♪ I was full of joy. Because of La Befana, ♪</i> <i> ♪ But a fleet of meatball trucks ♪</i> <i> ♪ Crashed in awful weather, ♪</i> <i> ♪ Meatballs rolling everywhere ♪</i> <i> ♪</i> Rolling all together.<i> ♪</i> <i> ♪</i> There were meatballs everywhere<i> ♪</i> <i> ♪</i> Spicy meatballs too!<i> ♪</i> <i> ♪ How could La Befana come? ♪</i> <i> ♪ No one could get through ♪</i> Carmen: Wait, you had bad weather and meatballs too? Just like Ingrid Svenson-Benson? Salami: Yes, but our story is much worse! Our meatballs were... spicyyy. <i> ♪ When at last we made it home, ♪</i> <i> ♪ tucked into our beds ♪</i> <i> ♪ Visions of La Befana danced inside our heads ♪</i> <i> ♪ Certain she could never come, ♪</i> <i> ♪ I cried but didn't wanna</i> <i> ♪</i> <i> ♪ Who could think of Christmas time without La Befana, ♪</i> <i> ♪ And then I peered outside and there was La Befana ♪</i> <i> ♪ Flying through the air ♪</i> <i> ♪ She swept away all the meatballs. ♪</i> <i>♪ And she gave us a Christmas ♪</i> <i> ♪ beyond compare! ♪</i> Ie-ya! Salami: In the morning, we woke to stockings filled with candy from La Befana. She swept up our whole house, even my room. Salami: Oh, how we cherish her... no matter how difficult, she makes it to us every year. Andy: If she comes every year, she'll make it this time, right? Salami: No, poor child. Do you know where Antarctica is located? La Befana will never find me so far away from my home in Italy. Luna: Don't worry, Salami Strong. I've got something that'll cheer you up... Luna: A fruitcake! Salami Strong: Ah, Luna... this sure looks good. (Crack!) Salami: I'll, save this for later. Carmen: It looks like none of the gift givers are going to come. Not even La Befana. Teeny: Quack! Quack, quack! Quack, quack. Carmen: What was that, Teeny? Andy: I think he quacked when you said La Befana! Leo: I think he quacked in Italian! Carmen: Wait a minute, Teeny, you're an Italian boy? Not a Swedish boy? Teeny: Quack, quack quack quack! Carmen: Well...he did quack, so it must mean yes. Andy: Of course, he quacked! He quacked for Pere Noel and Tomte too! All he does is quack! Andy: Teeny! Please tell us! Are you Italian? Does a Christmas witch bring you your presents? Andy: Quack once for yes, and two for no! Teeny: Quack, quack...QUACK! Andy: Three quacks?! What does that meeaaan? Carmen: It's okay, Andy, calm down. We'll figure out what he's saying. Besides, we've still got all day before Christmas comes! Leo: Actually, my watch says it's getting close to bedtime. Look, I know you love Teeny... we all do. But we're never gonna know what Christmas he celebrates. Maybe we should just give up. And Teeny's gotta be getting pretty sleepy. Right, Teeny? Hm? Leo: How does that duck move so fast? Kids: Teeny? Teeny? Kids: Teeny!!! Andy: Hey, I think I hear something in the tent! Andy: Look! Everyone's putting food out for their gift-givers! Au Revoir: Let us leave our shoes by ze fireplace tonight, Bon Jour. Bon jour: Oui, though I doubt Pere Noel will really come. (Sobbing) Teeny: Quack, Quack. Lucis: It'll be a sad Christmas without Santa this year, Sam. Ingrid: I leave this treat of porridge with almond and butter... extra butter, just the way Tomte likes it. (Sniff) Not that it matters, since Tomte won't come. Teeny: Quack, quack, quacky-quack. Ingrid: Aww, thank you, Lil' Teeny. Fabuloso: The little Duckboy is right. Even if these Tomtes or Pere Noels don't come, at least we'll have... Tio De Nadal! Fabuloso: Cuddled with the warmest blanket and the most delicious fruit and nuts for him to eat... Fabuloso: We'll wake up to a sea of presents, just you wait. I hope. Carmen: Even though Teeny doesn't have any family here, he looks so happy being with the Circo. Carmen: Maybe he's not French or Italian or even Swedish... Maybe he's Circoish. He's from everywhere just like we are. Hmm... That's it! We've been trying to figure out which tradition he celebrates, but if he's Circoish, that means he celebrates all the traditions! All the gift givers! Andy: Hey, yeah! Instead of dressing up as one, we'll dress up as Pere Noel, Tomte AND La Befana... Leo: Climb down the chimney... Carmen: And surprise Teeny with presents! Kids: YEAHH!!! Andy: Ah! Everybody ready? All: Ready! Honey: Honey the Yule Hamster is ready too! Andy: Then let's save Christmas for Teeny! (Spy music) All: For Teeny!!! (Boing) All: Uff! Carmen: Woooowww.. Carmen: Antarctica sure looks beautiful from up here. Leo: You guys, I feel really good about this. Even if the real Santa... Carmen: Or Pere Noel Andy: Or Tomte! Leo: Right, even if none of the gift givers can find us tonight, I think we'll still give Lil' Teeny the greatest, most Circo-ish Christmas ever! Luna: I'm really proud of you guys for putting this all together for Lil' Teeny. Now let's make a plan to get down this chimney in a calm, organized way. (Wind whistles) Kids: Ah! Carmen: Blizzard!! Leo: The presents!! (Wind whistling) Andy: Gotcha!! Andy: Ah! (Dramatic music) Luna: I can't pull us in! Andy, you have to let go of the sack! Carmen: Don't do it! Without the presents, we have nothing for Teeny! Leo: Gifts can be replaced. But we can't!! Luna: I can't hold on much longer! Let go, Andy!! Luna: Hoop! All: AHH!!! All: AHH!!! Fabuloso: Tio de Nadal nestled snug for his nap, with visions of wooden sticks lined up ready to tap. Kids/Luna: (Muffled) Ahh!!! (Bing) (Bing) Fabuloso: Silence during story time, please! Hockbar: But sir, that noise is coming from inside the fireplace.. (muffled yelling) Fabuloso: Iye! (Gasps) It must be the mythical chimney man, Sananacleese! Hockbar: Uh, you mean Santa Claus, sir? Fabuloso: Yes, yes, yes, Hockbar, now man the spotlight! - Hockbar: Ah!!! Fabuloso: This is not a drill, people! Au Revoir: Who's that? Bon Jour: It cannot be. Circo Folk: Teeny: Quack?! Luna/Leo/Andy/Carmen: AAAAAHH!! (CRASH) All: Ughhh... - Leo: (coughing) Fabuloso: False alarm, everyone. It's just Luna and the kids, playing make-believe Sananacleese, the way all children do. Iye. Circo Folk: Awe. Teeny: Quack? Leo: What a disaster... Andy: So much for saving Christmas... Teeny: Quack? Carmen: I'm sorry, Teeny, we tried to give you a great Christmas by dressing up as all the gift-givers from around the world. I wish there was some way I could- Bon Jour: Wait a minute... Au Revoir, Look! It is Pere Noel's donkey, Guy! Oui oui, that is Guy I see! Ingrid: And you my froggy friend, make a tremendous Tomte! Andy: You really think so? Thanks! Honey: SURPRISE!!! Salami Strong: La Befana! So nice to see you. Even if you are a bit early... Carmen: (Laughing) Everyone is happy... even Lil' Teeny! Andy: But he didn't get any presents. Leo: Yeah, no one did. Carmen: I think I get it. The important thing about Christmas isn't Santa or the gifts he brings. It's about showing your friends and family how much you love them! Teeny: Quack! <i> Carmen: ♪ Just a short time ago ♪</i> <i> ♪ we were looking for Christmas ♪</i> <i> ♪ Lost in the snow, ♪</i> <i> ♪ We were trying to make Christmas ♪</i> <i> ♪ We didn't know ♪</i> <i> ♪ that Christmas is more ♪</i> <i> ♪ than a plan or a song. ♪</i> <i> Luna: ♪ 'Cuz it's not about costumes,</i> <i> or terrible weather ♪</i> <i> ♪ Christmas is sharing and being together ♪</i> <i> ♪ Christmas has been here all along! ♪</i> <i> Kids: ♪ Christmas makes you feel like flying ♪</i> <i> All: ♪ Even if you crash on the floor. ♪</i> <i> Kids: ♪ Christmas time is so much more ♪</i> <i> Kids: ♪ What friends are for ♪</i> <i> Carmen: ♪ Stuck in the ice,</i> Our Christmas is nice<i> ♪</i> <i> Carmen: ♪ And since I'm with you! ♪</i> <i> ♪ I really have someone to give Christmas to... ♪</i> <i> ♪ And all I want ♪</i> <i> ♪ Is Christmas with you. ♪</i> (Snoring) Fabuloso: Hockbar! Hockbar: (Snorts) Fabuloso: Hey, Hockbar! Hockbar: Huh? Sir... It's barely 5 o'clock in the morning. Fabuloso: So? We are in Antarctica, where the sun is always shining bright. And guess what? Fabuloso: My Tio ate all his foooooood! Ha ha hi! Hockbar: What? T-that's impossible! Bon Jour: Ze hay and ze carrot! Zey are gone! Au Revoir: And our shoes have been filled with little treats! Pere Noel was here! Ingrid: (Gasps) My porridge! It was eaten by Tomte! Leo: The milk and cookies were eaten too! Andy: And the stockings are stuffed! Santa came after all! Luna: It looks like everyone came, from every Christmas tradition! Salami: I never doubted them for a minute. Carmen: If all the gift-givers were here, then where are all the gifts? Teeny: Quack-Quack- Quack-Quack-Quack! Quack-Quack-Quack-Quack-Quack! All: Woow!! (heavenly choir) Leo: Presents! All: (Laughing) Leo: Here, Carmen, this one's for you. Carmen: Thanks, Leo. This one's for you. Leo: Sweet! The Mixtastic 9000! Carmen: (Gasps) It's a ukulele! Andy: I got a new set of paintbrushes! Lil Teeny: Quack! (jack hammering noise) Carmen: Ooh, what's this round present? It says, "To Honey"! Honey: Present for Honey! (Laughing) Honey: New ball! New ball! Yee haa! Fabuloso: So, remember now, Hockbar, Little Tio ate his goodies, so now we tap it with a stick, see? And the presents appear! Fabuloso: Tap, tap, tappity, tap! Very good, Hockbar! Fabuloso: Now we lift the blanket... Fabuloso: And viola! Gifts!!! Fabuloso: Thank you, Tio De Nadal!! Fabuloso: Let's see here... Here's a gift for you, Hockbar. Hockbar: For me? But sir, I don't celebrate Tio de Nadal. Fabuloso: No, but you are my friend. Hockbar, it has been... ...an honor sharing my Catalan tradition with you. It fills my heart with joy. It makes me want to shout from the rooftops! A very fabuloso Christmas to all! Ha ha ai! All of Circo: Hooray!!!! (Popping) Honey: New friends!!!! Carmen: Looks like the locals want to celebrate with us! Teeny: Quack Penguin Mom/Penguin Dad: (Penguin noise) Teeny: (Penguin noise) Ack ack ack!! Penguin Mom/Penguin Dad: (Penguin noise) Teeny: Quack quack! (Penguins quacking) Carmen: Okay, who else is super confused right now? Fabuloso: Allow me, children! I happen to speak a little penguin. Fabuloso: Ack, ack, ack, ack, ack, ack? Penguin Dad: Ack ack ack ack! Fabuloso: He says thank you. Penguin Dad: Ack ack ack! Fabuloso: For giving the best Christmas ever... To our wonderful... Penguin Dad: Ack ack ack! Fabuloso: Baby boy? Huh? Penguin Dad: Ack ack ack! Circo Folk: (Gasps) Leo: Lil' Teeny's parents are penguins? Andy: He didn't hide away on the ship, he was just lost! Carmen: Well, we do know he likes to wander off! Penguin Dad: Ack, ack ack ack... Fabuloso: The penguins also want to say, "thank you... for giving us... the generous gift... of fruitcake?" (Christmas music) Luna: Hey, those look just like my fruitcakes. All: Err, heh heh.. Strong Penguin Dad: Ack, ack, ack!!! Fabuloso: "Penguins love fruitcake!" Fabuloso: Oh, for me? B-b-but... I don't really... Penguin Dad: (Gulp) Penguins: (Gulp) Penguin Dad: Ack! Fabuloso: Well, I was saving it for... never, but I guess now is better than never and... I suppose one bite won't hurt. (Crunch) (Gulp) Fabuloso: You know... it's...it's... so fruity... so cakey... so Christmassy! Thanks to you, I've discovered that Fruitcake is Fabuloso! Ha ha ha ha! Circo Folk: Hooray!!! Penguin Dad: Ack, ack, ack! Fabuloso: And now, the penguins wish to give us a wonderful gift in return! Fabuloso: Hey w-where are you going? Shaggy Bottom: C'mon, ham fork... almost there... (Crack) Yes! Now me ol' ship's as free as a sea cucumber sashayin' in the surf! Shaggy Bottom: Now I just gotta figure out how t' get the Circo back on the ship! (Boing) Shaggy Bottom: Well, that was easy! ANCHORS AWEIGH!!!! Shaggy Bottom: Australia, here we come! (Horn) Leo: We're back on the boat? We're back on the boat! Andy: It's a Christmas miracle! Carmen: No, not a miracle. Just a very thoughtful gift from our new friend, Little Teeny. (record scratch) Andy/Carmen/Leo/Luna: Lil' Teeny! All: Bye Lil Teeny! So long! Bye! Andy: You'll always be Circoish to me! Teeny: Quack quack quack quack quack! (Horn) Andy: That was fun! Can we come back and visit, Luna? Andy: Luna? Luna: Up here, Andy! Luna: Now that we're leaving Antarctica, the sun can finally set... which means I have to go back up in the sky. Carmen: Thanks for helping us give Lil' Teeny the best Christmas ever! Andy: And for teaching us about the different Christmas traditions from all over the world! Leo: And for showing us that Christmas is all about giving love to your friends and family. I just can't believe it's already over. There are still so many gifts I want to give! Luna:(Laughing) Don't worry Leo, you can give gifts to the people you love on any day of the year, and remember, there's always next Christmas. Andy/Carmen/Leo: Bye Luna! Circo Folk: Goodnight! Circo Folk: Goodbye! See you soon. Horn: (Honk, Honk) Luna: Goodbye, Circo Fabuloso! See you in Australia! Luna: Phew... Glad that all worked out! Now, I've got one fruitcake left... Luna: I've been saving it for someone special. You! That's right, you! No matter where you live or how you celebrate, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, a happy everything! May the spirit of giving always live on. (whistling theme song) (Crunch, Crunch) ♪ (Luna theme song)
Channel: PBS KIDS
Views: 249,122
Rating: 4.2894464 out of 5
Keywords: PBS KIDS, education, children, kids, games, videos, educational, cartoons, Disney Jr., Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., Cartoon Network, Games, Videos, Full Episodes, Full Episode, lets go luna, christmas movie, luna, christmas around the world, celebrations around the world, lets go luna movie, Luna's Christmas Around The World
Id: uzCNiIv9ouI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 48sec (2748 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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