Nature Cat FULL EPISODE! | The Treasure of Bad Dog Bart / Pet Sounds | PBS KIDS

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- [Announcer] This episode was made possible in part by the Van Eekeren family, founders of Land O' Frost, and The Hamill Family Foundation. <i> When my family leaves for the day,</i> <i> I don't just sit inside watching the world go by.</i> (Door closing) I become... Nature Cat, backyard explorer extraordinaire. ♪ Oh, go go go ♪ Tally-ho! ♪ Go go go ♪ Tally-ho! ♪ We're climbing up the trees now ♪ ♪ We're swinging through the breeze now ♪ ♪ We're getting muddy knees now with Nature Cat ♪ ♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪ ♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪ ♪ So, what are we waiting for? ♪ ♪ We're so excited to explore ♪ ♪ All that nature has in store with Nature Cat ♪ ♪ Go go go ♪ Tally-ho! ♪ Go go go ♪ Tally-ho! ♪ He's our favourite nature guide ♪ ♪ We just can't wait to get-- ♪ Outside! ♪ Swinging through the trees now ♪ ♪ We're jumping in the leaves now ♪ ♪ We're getting muddy knees now with Nature Cat ♪ ♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪ Tally-ho! ♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat Nature Cat ♪ Tally-ho! Nope. (Sniffing) Uh-uh, not here. (Sniffing) No way! (Sniffing) Oh, bingo! How does he know that that's the spot to bury his bone? Eh, it's a dog thing. Hey, look at this! Where is everyone? Woopsie! Sorry. Ah, no worries. Yeah! Dirt never hurt anyone. Yes, yes! Getting dirty is noble and fun. Is that a stain? Oh, no... Hal, what do you got there, bud? No idea. It was buried right here. Only one way to find out. Tally ho! (Grunting) Voila. Whoa! This certainly looks like some sort of map. A map! Oh, boy! A map! Oh, boy! Oh, boy! Oh, boy! Oh, boy! Oh, boy-- wait. What's a map? A map is a picture of a place from way above. Kind of like if you were looking down from an airplane. Hey, there's Sunset Park! Here are the swings and the baseball fields. Oh, a map's kind of like a miniature world! Whoa! This isn't just any map. This is a treasure map. It leads to the treasure of Bad Dog Bart. (Gasping) The treasure of Bad Dog Bart! Oh, boy! Bad Dog Bart! Oh, boy! Oh, boy! Wait, who's Bad Dog Bart? He was the neighbourhood bad dog. Bad Dog! Very bad dog! Here, I'll show you. Um, can we roll that clip please? ♪ Once upon a time, Bad Dog Bart ♪ ♪ Roamed our neighbourhood streets ♪ ♪ Swiping bones, toys, balls, even rawhide chewy treats ♪ ♪ Whoa, what a bad dog, such a bad dog ♪ ♪ What a very, very bad dog ♪♪ ♪ Bark it all, his stolen toys in his creepy doggie lair ♪ ♪ All the doggies were really sad ♪ ♪ But Bart didn't really care ♪ ♪ Whoa, what a bad dog, such a bad dog ♪ ♪ What a very, very bad dog ♪ ♪ Then one day, we realized Bart was up to no good ♪ ♪ So he threw all the loot in a treasure chest ♪ ♪ And left the neighbourhood ♪ ♪ We searched north, south, east and even way out west ♪ ♪ And never again saw Bad Dog Bart ♪ ♪ Or his stolen doggie toy treasure chest ♪ ♪ Whoa, what a bad dog, such a bad dog ♪ ♪ What a very, very, very, very ♪ ♪ Very, very, very, very bad dog ♪ (Laughing) No one ever knew what happened to Bad Dog Bart or his treasure chest. Until now! This map will lead us to the treasure of Bad Dog Bart! We gotta go find it! Wait-- I mean, let's not be rash. After all, Bad Dog Bart is a bad dog, and, uh, kind of a cat. But think how amazing it would be to find all the stolen toys and bones and return them all. True. Very compelling argument, Daisy. It's just that his name is "Bad Dog Bart," so he must pretty bad. (Squeaking) What's that, Mr. Chewinski? Oh, you think Mrs. Chewinski could be in the treasure chest? (Squeaking) Oh, yeah. No, I know, it's been one year and six days since we last saw her. I miss her so much too. (Sobbing) (Sighing) That's it! I can't stand to see a chew toy so sad. Bad dog or no bad dog, we need to find the stolen loot for Hal, for the neighbourhood dogs and for true love! ALL: For true love! DAISY: Okie dokie, it says here we begin at a big old oak tree in Sunset park. Well, gang, it looks like our treasure map adventure begins in Sunset Park! Onward and Yonward! (Crashing) Okay, Sunset Park is the other way, Nature Cat. But of course! I knew that. Tally ho... The old oak tree, here she is. But how do we know that this is the right oak tree? There's so many. The map! Look on the map. The oak tree's on the edge of a pond and look here, this oak tree is on the edge of a pond. It's the right tree! Whoo-hoo! I never doubted you, tree. Okay, according to the map, we go from the tree twenty paces toward the peak of the Mighty Mountains to a boulder. The Mighty Mountains! So, twenty paces that-a-way. Follow me! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, and twenty. Whoa! This is not the boulder! (Screaming) (Grunting) Stop the ride. I want to get off. Oh, you guys, where's the boulder? Did we mess up the directions? Or maybe the map's wrong. It can't be wrong. Bad Dog Bart made it. Hey, that's it. Bad Dog Bart made it and he's a big dog, so his paces would be longer than yours, Nature Cat. True, but mine are way more graceful. Thank you. Yeah, what we need are some big doggie paces, just like bad Dog Bart. I've got this! Twenty big doggie paces coming at ya! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty! Hey, I'm over here! Ta-dee! Is the large boulder you were looking for? Well, he headed towards the mountains for twenty paces, so yup, this is the boulder. Way to go, Hal! Oh, thank you. Okay, guys, look, it says now we gotta go forty paces from the boulder-- I got it. Forty big doggie paces. Wait, forty paces, but there's more! It says head north until you come to the red berry bush. Hey, do you think this is north? Whoa! (Grunting) Does the map say anything about being chased by hundreds of rocks?! Um, no. Whoa! Okay, direction is north. Distance is forty paces to the red berry bush. So, we need to figure out which way is north. We need a compass. Voila, a compass! Now, if I only knew how to work this thing. You guys, you guys, I think I'm on to something. Look, the way the compass works is I hold it very flat in my hand, and I move myself until the "N" on the compass lines up with the needle. That's the direction we need to go, north! Forty large doggie paces, onward and northward. One, two, three, four, five... ... 38, 39 and forty. (Sighing) It's the red berry bush! (Squeaking) Yes, soon, Mr. Chewinski, very soon you'll be back with your true love. Oh, true love! (Sobbing) Sorry, where were we? Okay, what's next? Looks like we now head west, thirty paces to the brook. Okay, this is north, so now what? Hold on. We can find west another way. If we face north, then my right arm points east and my left arm points west. West it is! Thirty paces onward and westward. ALL: ... 28, 29, 30! The Brook! DAISY: Yup, looks like now we have to follow the brook downstream. Hmm... but how far do we go? DAISY: Until we get to this Y-shaped tree. How are we going to do that? (Grunting) Hop on! Water, why'd it have to be water? (Squeaking) Yes! I won't forget the quest... for true love! ALL: For true love! NATURE CAT: Which way do we go? SQUEEKS: Um, it says head south of the park. But which way is south? So, if north is this way... that means south is right behind me! (Laughing) South! SQUEEKS: Which way, Nature Cat? NATURE CAT: To the left! HAL: The left? Right. Wait, the right? NATURE CAT: No, left. HAL: Left? Right. Again? So, south is right? No, south is left! SQUEEKS: Man, oh, man, that certainly was a close one. Now what do we do? Okay, everyone, look for the Y-shaped tree along the shore. There it is! Okay, now we go ten paces to the east of the tree, "X" marks the spot. If north is in front of me, then east must be that way! Ten doggie paces! Come on, Mr. Chewinski, for true love! ALL: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. DAISY: "X" marks the spot right here! Stand back, everyone. I'm going in... for true love! There's something here. (Both gasping) It's the treasure of Bad Dog Bart. (All gasping) Oh, my! We found Bad Dog Bart's treasure. Look through and take back your toys! (All barking, toys squeaking) I'm sorry, Mr. Chewinski, but it doesn't look like Mrs. Chewinski's in here. (Squeaking) Okay, I'll look one more time. Oh, oh, oh! (Squeaking) ALL: Oh, Mrs. Chewinski! NATURE CAT: Yay! (Squeaking) ALL: For true love! Two, three, four! (Instruments playing) (Laughing) The Nature Cat Band sounds amazing! Yup, the Battle of the Pet Bands won't know what hit 'em. Man, oh, man, we just gotta win this year. But what about our arch enemy and next-door neighbour, Ronald? You mean "DJ Ronald?" Never fear! I hereby proclaim that his three year reign as champion of Battle of the Pet Bands comes to an end this year! ALL: Hurray! I'd certainly say our chances are pretty great, considering how hard we've practiced. We sure have. Daisy's never been better on the piano. (Piano playing) Squeeks is a tour de force on the trumpet. (Trumpeting) You just can't beat Hal on the drums. (Drums playing) Ah, and as for me and my lute... (Lute playing) ... don't you love the beautiful sound of these lute strings? (Lute playing) ♪ Good, good, good vibrations ♪ (Laughing) Yeah! We're gonna win. I can feel it in the air! Oh, yeah, I can feel it too! Right over here-- no, wait, right here. Oh, we need a band picture to document the day the Nature Cat Band achieved greatness. Picture time! Ah! (Chuckling) Make sure you get my good side. Say "Let's rock!" ALL: Let's rock! Let's make music history. ♪ Onward and yonward! Wah! ♪ Hey, where's the wagon? Oh, there it is. (Gasping) Yipes! Our instruments! Get 'em! NATURE CAT: Instruments halt! Halt! Ronald, stop that wagon! NATURE CAT: Ronald, help! Oh, whoops! (Chuckling maliciously) Oh, no! Water, why'd it have to be water? Look out! I'll save you! Oh, no! (Chuckling maliciously) This is so terrible. How could this have happened? (Chuckling) Are your instruments okay? Well, let's try 'em. (Horn sounding) Hey! (Thumping) Really? (Playing out of tune) Oh, come on! (Playing out of tune) You've got to be kidding me! (Playing out of tune) Oh, this sounds terrible! I know. I can't get any good vibrations from these lute strings either. Oh, man! Everything is just too wet. Gosh, this is just too bad. And the Battle of the Pet Bands is about to start. Do you think you can play or... will you have to forfeit? To surrender is not an option! We play! Okay, well, you guys are up third, right after me. Oh, and good luck. You're gonna need it. Hey-oh, neighbourhood pets! A big welcome to this year's Battle of the Pet Bands. Who's ready for some music? (Cheering) Oh, yeah! So now give it up for today's first band. Here they are from the neighbourhood: Dog Gone! (Sticks counting off) ♪ We sit around and wait all day ♪ ♪ Hey, hey ♪ ♪ You show up soon, but not to play, hey, hey ♪ ♪ Two, three, four, bark, bark, snarl and growl ♪ (Growling) ♪ We'll never throw in the towel ♪ (Growling) ♪ We'll do what we have to do today ♪ ♪ To keep that mailman away ♪ Oh, what do we do, what do we do? (Groaning) How can we play now? We'll find a way to play in the Battle of the Pet Bands! We just need to think, think, thin. Think, think, think! (Thunking log) Think, think, think! (Thunking) Hmmm... Think, think, think! (Thunking) Okay, think-- What? What did I do? Hal, you're a genius! I am? What do you know? I'm a genius. (Chuckling) Wait, what's a genius? Keep hitting that log, Hal. (Thunking) Hey, this sounds like a drum! I am a genius! (Thunking) Wait, you guys, Hal found something in nature to make his instrument. We need to do that too! Quickly, for the sake of the band, find something not wet that can vibrate. Tally ho! Hmm... nope. Hey, maybe we could make music with these shells. (Clacking) Tally ho! (Clinking musically) Man, oh, man, what a great sound! Hey, we're onto something. Oh, no, Ronald's up and after him it's our turn. We need to find two more instruments. Hurry! (Hooting harshly) (Playing flute-like note) Tally ho! (Fife playing) Oh, this sound rocks! (Fife playing) Two, three, four! (Instruments playing) (Instruments playing) Uh, guys, we're not making music. We're making a musical mess. ANNOUNCER: Oh, yeah, that's right! Our next performer needs no introduction. It's the three time champion of the Battle of the Pet Bands. So, get out of your seat and get ready to move and groove with the one and only DJ Ronald! Who's ready to hop, hop, hop around? (Crowd cheering) (Record scratching) (Techno music playing) ♪ Bim, bam, boom ♪ (Techno music playing) ♪ Bim, bam, boom ♪ (Techno music playing) ♪ Look what the cat dragged in ♪ I need to find one more instrument now. Tally ho! ♪ Look what the cat dragged in ♪ ♪ Ziggy-zaggy, ziggy-zaggy, ziggy-zaggy-zig ♪ ♪ Ziggy-zaggy, ziggy-zaggy, ziggy-zaggy-zig ♪ ♪ Ziggy-zaggy, ziggy-zaggy, ziggy-zaggy-zig ♪ ♪ Ziggy-zaggy, ziggy-zaggy, ziggy-zaggy ♪ (Instruments playing) Wait, wait, wait. This just doesn't sound right. Doesn't sound right? It sounds terrible! Why do we sound so bad? We should just play like these are our real instruments. Oh, yeah! Daisy, you make loud and soft sounds, I'll make the tune and Hal... I got the beat! Two, three, four! (Thunking) (Clinking) (Instruments playing) Hey, Nature Cat, it's almost our turn! (Horn sounding) (Chattering) (Techno music playing) ♪ Look what the cat dragged in ♪ No! Thank you! Thank you very much. Thank you. Whoa! It's going to be real tough to beat DJ Ronald. But we have one more band. So, here they are. It's the Nature Cat Band! Two, three, four! (Thunking) (Fife sounding) (Laughing) (Instruments playing) (Rattling) (Rattling) (Trumpeting) (Instruments playing) Where's Nature Cat? I don't know! What should we do? NATURE CAT: Tally ho! (Trumpeting, crowd cheering) All right, listen up, everybody. We're going to do something a little different now. We want you to find your own nature instrument and join in! (Clinking) (Laughing) It's a nature instrument jam session. Hit me! (Instruments playing) I guess we know who won this year's Battle of the Pet Bands. And the winner is the Nature Cat Band! What?! No way! I want a recount! I want a redo! I want a-- whoa! ANNOUNCER:<i> Nature Cat, Squeeks, Daisy and d l</i> <i> are cartoon characters, and not real animals.</i> <i> To keep all of our animal friends safe,</i> <i> check with a grown-up</i> <i> before you bring a pet on your next nature adventure.</i> Yahoo!
Channel: PBS KIDS
Views: 626,950
Rating: 4.2467976 out of 5
Keywords: PBS KIDS, education, children, kids, games, videos, educational, cartoons, Disney Jr., Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., Cartoon Network, Games, Videos, Full Episodes, Full Episode, Nature cat, hal, squeaks, bunny, learn about nature, Christmas, kitten, gift giving, getting present, baby kitten, presents, songs, nature cat full episode, nature cat full episodes, treasure of bad dog bart, pet sounds, treasure hunt, dog toys, animal music, dj, treasure chest, gifts
Id: WuMzpEZWrL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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