Jim Raley | Who Is The Holy Spirit And What Is He To Me?

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it's your neighbor and just say hey neighbor this is the praise he deserves from me one two three give it to him right now give it right now holler I said give it to him right now the Bible said ascribe to the Lord the glory that is due his name give it to him right now just give him to pray [Applause] well who's ready for the word if you're ready shout bring it on I'm here today to talk about my favorite subject and it's not Fried Chicken come on it's the Holy Spirit and we're racing the Pentecost Sunday are there any spirit filled believers in the house now I wanted to get us ready for Pentecost Sunday and I'm teaching this series called I am supernatural so so just poke your neighbor like that and just say hey I'm supernatural say I cut down your other neighbor I am supernatural say aren't you glad you're sitting by me yeah yeah yeah you could have been sitting by that person back there but you said by supernatural today I really by the end of this series now listen to me I don't want you just to know about the Holy Spirit I want you to know the Holy Spirit so we're going somewhere today so we're looking at John 14 15 through 17 now bear in mind this all happens in about three chapters in one night Jesus is talking to his disciples he's about to be marred and mangled and mutilated he's going to die and rise but it's a process that he's trying to prepare his disciples for but he was letting them know that even though there are hard times ahead you ain't gonna be alone hallelujah so here we look at verse 15 if you love me keep my Commandments in other words he said don't just tell me you love me show me how many Asians get a little weary of people who say they love you but then they don't show it that was free right there says and I will pray to the Father and He will give you another helper and aloes Parakletos in the greek somebody just like me is what that means that he may abide with you forever the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him watch it now for he dwells with you and shall be in you hallelujah I want to speak for a few minutes about who the who who the Holy Ghost is who the Holy Spirit is and what he is to me if you want to get in this anointing I'm going to teach you in slip up your hands you by livestream get ready you ought to share it thousands of people are going to join us and we're going to change the world with the gospel of Jesus father thank you then right now your spirit is in this room I pray God that you will teach us more about the Holy Ghost we thank you now in Jesus name and everybody shout amen all right give the Lord a clap if you love him be seated I believe one of the greatest tricks of the enemy that gives him the ability to hold back God's very best for your life it is trying to keep you in the dark about the Holy Spirit he doesn't want you to understand the power of the Holy Spirit and and his work in your life and I'm going to take a few minutes and I want to show you the who the Holy Spirit is and I want to show you what he is in your life how many of you want the Holy Spirit to be at work in your life come on so we're going to learn today now now hear me let's talk a little bit about the Godhead we call it the Trinity now we understand that God is one God somebody say one God and he is eternally revealed in three persons now this is intense this is deep water you say well I've got a full grasp on it nobody has a full grasp on the mysteries of God how can one God be three but he's one God what's this eternally revealed in three dimensions three persons and those persons that he has eternally revealed himself in is God the Father Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit and our understanding is based on Scripture you got to have your foundation in the Word of God because if you don't some folks drop by your house and tell you about your lives and you'll believe it can I get a witness in this house they come to see me every now and again you know the Jehovah's Witnesses they don't believe in the holy spirit they believe he's a force he's got a forest hunting he's the third person in the Trinity every bit as much God as God himself they not going my door a while back and I went to the door hallelujah I didn't even brush my feet I had morning breath and everything open the door they said on they said we're Jehovah's Witness I said no way they said yes words are hovels witness I said me too I said I've been witnessing for Jehovah thirty years they said for real where at I said you go that church up there on the corner of i-95 and 40 and renata Boulevard I said I preached you over every week right there you should have seen them get out of my house so fast baby but it's God the Father Jesus Christ the Son in the Holy Spirit three revealed from one God how many of you know that in Genesis 1:26 when God said let us make man in our own image he wasn't schizophrenic when he said let us us is the Hebrew word Elohim it translates gods plural most often translated God the Father God the Son the Holy Ghost our gods three it's most often translated in free so you see even from the beginning of creation that the Holy Spirit was their God the Father Jesus Christ the Son the Holy Ghost was there at creation and he manifests himself there's one God in three ways it's kind of like an eye like water you know water can manifest in three ways it can be it can be water a liquid it can be ice a solid and if you boil it it can become a steam and that's the same way God is he manifests himself eternally in these three ways and and we understand the first person in the Trinity Trinity we understand God the Father we all identify with the Father he's our Abba he's our Father we've all alone for or had protective and loving fathers that's an easy concept for us to grasp we all understand the father we we readily identify with the father but then then there's the manifestation of Jesus and the truth is Jesus is the one that we probably looks readily identify and understands because he's our Savior come on he took our place he he is our healer he's our Lord he's our Messiah he's our soon in coming king when we need healing we call on Jesus when we need breakthrough we kolos Jesus when we need peace we call on Jesus when we want to bind the devil we call on Jesus when we're in trouble we call on Jesus when we lose our way we call on Jesus he's fantastic y'all Jesus it's familiar we love Jesus if you want to see me lose my mind let me talk about Jesus James just saying Jesus Jesus precious Jesus and shouted so much that he had to go shout over there come on somebody because when you start talking about Jesus to know him is to love him if you can't get excited about Jesus I feel sorry for you if you can't get excited about a Savior I feel sorry for you if you clap about Jesus I don't know you see we weep over Jesus we celebrate Jesus we identify with Jesus if you want to see me sweat let me start worshipping Jesus there's also just as they came nobody do me like Jesus cause he's my friend he's Jesus he's is with us he's powerful he's unstoppable he's a savior he's a redeemer he's a provider he's a crack deliverer he's a marriage restorer he's a bridge over troubled water he's away right out of nowhere he feasts in the storm he's joy when I'm sad he's straight when I'm weak he's bread when I'm hungry oh you can outlive him and you can't live without him can I get a witness in the house he's unstoppable he's undeniable I'm so glad that I don't waste my time talking about Buddha Buddha's all right but Buddha needs to lay off the white rice can I get a witness in the house yet it is about Buddha it ain't out about all off it ain't about Krishna there is one name under heaven whereby men must be safe it's j esus long as I got King Jesus he's my doctor he's my lawyer he's my teacher he's my leader so does everybody loves Jesus today let me hear from the Jesus lovers in the house oh man I guess Jesus identify with Jesus he he put skin on he became us he he walks and talked on the earth he lived the life that I'm living right now so I understand Jesus but then there is this third person called the Holy Spirit he is the most active and present part of the Godhead as it relates to your life he is the Holy Spirit and Jesus himself said he dwells with you and he shall be in you he's with us and he's in us yet most church folk even are in the dark as it relates to the Holy Spirit he's all present he's all powerful he's available he's passionate about you he's your aloes Parakletos he's the same as Jesus he loves you just like Jesus whatever Jesus wants for you he wants for you whatever battle Jesus gives you the power to win the Holy Ghost will give you the powerful Doug Doug does the power to win but the most believers he's a mystery and often when you talk about the Holy Spirit people either really get excited or they really get nervous come on I travel somewhere several weeks out of the month often and and I go to some churches and talk about the Holy Spirit and people get tight in their high knees come on you ever had your Honda get tied the pastor starts talking about something you don't like and you just choose the seat up somebody's doing it right now just tighten right up come on and some churches I go to man if people get nervous when I talk about the Holy Spirit but other churches I go to when I talk about the Holy Spirit men they're throwing a party I wonder what kind of church I'm in today am I in that church where will not talk about the Holy Spirit something gets inside of you and says yeah bring it on bring it on see the problem as I understand the Holy Spirit and and and I've heard people say much you know pastor uh this lady I know she received the power of the Holy Spirit she was even baptized in the Holy Spirit and she got really weird I mean I I couldn't even go to the Cracker Barrel whether she was weird you say pastor what do you have to say about that I say don't blame the Holy Spirit on that so that the truth is when weird people like weird they were weird long before they ever connected with the Holy Ghost how many of you have know people that were weird and when they got the Holy Spirit they were just weird with the Holy Spirit y'all ain't saying nothing because weird people were weird and if you could talk to the Holy Spirit all it was fear would say I think they're weird too the Holy Spirit does not make you weird if you're weird you're already weird there's a few weird people sitting around you and don't try to figure out who it is come on the truth is the Holy Spirit doesn't list you weird the Holy Spirit makes you powerful the Holy Spirit makes you wonderful the Holy Spirit let go come on now watch this I want to show you who the Holy Spirit is and and what he is in your life so I thought about being really theological today I was going to say huge advocate I was going to talk more about the arrows Parakletos we were going to get deep and come on somebody I was going to be theological hermeneutical homiletic Alexa Jellicle come on I've got my PhD my Pentecostal hairdo I'm smarter than you think I am come on I was going to stand up here just trying to go deep and alerts opening he said be practical he said break it down in a way that people can understand it he said I don't want the Holy Spirit to be a mystery anymore because see the Holy Spirit is inside of you and it's time for you to start understanding who's inside of you it shouldn't be a mystery should be something you're scared of something you're afraid of you know you got something inside of you your power inside of you someone inside of you so I'm just going to break it down tonight and Wednesday night in real simple terms if you're ready shout I'm ready okay now what you got understand about him the Holy Spirit is not in it he is a divine person somebody say he's a divine person the Holy Spirit that has power now get that in your in your in your heart that the Jehovah Witnesses are watched our society they say he's just a force and and that he just has that all these years is a force that has power but understand this the Holy Spirit is more than just power he has a person and he has power and here's the good news all that power lives in us glory the dog now now I don't have a better friend than him he is a person and because he is a person the Holy Spirit has a personality in other words he knows he feels he wills he understands he speaks he moves he lives he has joy he gets jealous he gets greed Romans 8 27 describes him as a he because Romans 8 27 along with many other verses in the New Testament it says he who searches the hearts knows what is the mind and will of the Spirit because he makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God Paul said he speaks he creates hallelujah he judges and the Holy Spirit is a person and the person has a personality he has the feelings and the thoughts and emotion said he's touched with the feelings the Bible says of your infirmities when when you feel weak he feels that weakness for you when you feel sad he's sad because of your sadness and he wants to come and provide whatever it is that will make you Oh strong and makes you feel joy he's touched with the feelings of your infirmities he's not detached from you glory be to God the Holy Spirit isn't Bey he's not barely there he's not impersonal unthinking are detached from your life the next thing about the Holy Spirit is this he is fully God he's not a souped-up angel come on now he's fully God he's there everybody's much God as God Himself the Holy Spirit is omnipotent that means he's all-powerful he's omniscient that means he's all-knowing he's I'm not present that means he's everywhere all at once when I say I have the Holy Spirit and my friend in Atlanta has the Holy Spirit that doesn't mean I have his PO and my friend has his finger I got all of him inside of me I've got every bit of the Holy Spirit inside of me every attribute of God is inside of me I got omniscience inside of me I've got omnipresent inside of me I've got omnipotent inside of me I got more than enough inside of me I got a waymaker inside of me I got God inside of me tell you that he's God and he's in me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah he's God and he's in me he's inside of me and the Holy Spirit is all that that listen listen the Holy Spirit is all that and all that is in me and therefore I am supernatural because he's in me I am supernatural tell your neighbor say neighbor because the Holy Spirit lives inside of me I am supernatural I'm dangerous I'm dangerous I'm a devil binder come on I had listen I I have power over the enemy because he lived inside of me I don't walk in fear I walk in faith because he lives inside of me I got more than enough of everything that I need I know he knows what I don't know he can do what I can't do he understands what I don't understand and while he works right here hahaha he's working on my children he's working on my marriage because he's everywhere that I'm not yet he's inside of me I am supernatural I want all the supernatural folk dementia little noise in the house so so he's God somebody say he's fully God who the Holy Spirit is gives him the power to be what he is in our lives so we're gonna break it down and we're gonna make it real simple to understand we're not going to be so deep the trigger oh I gotta hang on louis pasteur trying to say no we're going to break it right down so here it goes number one the Holy Spirit is my personal trainer if you could see me in the spirit come on in the spirit I'm and all this looks better with clothes on trust me somebody but in the Holy Spirit man I'm being trained in the Holy Spirit man I'm building muscles and I train with this guy trained with him for years his name is Frank he's my trainer probably 4/4 since I was 40 years old in the 53 right now and I have a love-hate relationship with Frank he comes on Easter and he comes on Christmas I prayed for his daughter God healed his daughter riding the emergency room we knelt right in his gym and prayed in God moved and he said here at Christmas and and he lifted his hand you are Easter and lifted his hand for salvation how many of you believe job-saving Frank and bringing him into the kingdom in a mighty way but I love Frank when I'm leaving but I don't love Frank when I'm arriving when I'm arriving I'm like I can't stand it because I know he's about to inflict the pain on me and let me tell you something understand that the Holy Spirit is your personal trainer in Luke 4 Jesus is about to begin his his his his powerful miracle ministry at the next level and the Bible said Jesus full of the Holy Spirit left Jordan and was led by the spirit check it out into the wilderness where for 40 the number of three of preparation for 40 days he was tempted of the devil now what's this Jesus had a personal trainer and that personal trainer was the Holy Spirit a personal trainer challenges you a personal trainer will take you and get you ready for the next thing in your life see the Holy Spirit will guide you in the places you don't want to go in order to train you for the places you have always dream to go uh I got about 20 percent of you that got that he'll take you into seasons and and and two times where you don't want to be but he'll take you in the places you want to go in order to train you for the places you have always dreamed to go see there's some places you can't go until you get prepared until you get ready until you go through some stuff your desert is not a desert of disaster your desert is a desert of destiny it's a desert of development God will get you ready see the Holy Spirit led you into some unwanted seasons to bring you into some unimaginable seasons help me Holy Spirit he lets you in places you didn't want to go he loves you with people you'd rather not have been with he loved you in times that you didn't like he loves you through dry times through hard times through the lean times just like he led Jesus into the desert see there's some deserts we trying to blame the devil for it there are some deserts we're trying to blame people for it but the physics that I led you through that time because I want you to understand what you don't understand right now I'm developing you in in the desert see here's the truth I've been through some deserts in my life and some of those deserts I thought were sitting to kill me we're actually the deserts that God used to develop me and I wouldn't be Who I am today without my desert haha see the Holy Spirit is that way he'll lead you to develop your destiny and yes he does not come into fruition until the Holy Spirit takes you through preparation Jesus depended on the Holy Spirit to condition him for his destiny the Holy Spirit led Jesus not just to a desert but a desert with a devil in it uh-huh y'all don't make me come down there what do you do when not only am I in a desert I'm in a desert with a devil in it I'm not only in a dry time it's like people around me are acting like the devil the people that ought to be for me are pairing me down I got player haters I got people standing up against me I got folks all you say in my family they got my last name I've got folks who ought to be with now I'm in a desert and I got a dove in the desert what do you do when you get in the desert and you got a double in the desert see sometimes dog will let you in a desert with a devil in it to let you in the devil know those who has the power and that is the Holy Spirit in your life somebody's in a desert right now I need more right here somebody's in a desert right now and they're in a desert where it feels like the enemy has gotten you there but let me tell you when you come out of that desert you're going to come out of that desert with so much power the devil is going to with me what I never met you in the desert praise the Lord I said praise the Lord I said praise the Lord [Applause] see sometimes you'll go through a desert you think your man the devil led me to the desert no the Spirit will lead you there but I listen you walk in that desert weak but you walk out of it stroll you walk in that desert with fear of the devil but you walk out of that desert the devil has a fear of you and the power that works inside as you listen to me in this room the enemy doesn't want you to know it but you needed that dry place the enemy doesn't want you to know it but you needed that time you needed that sleepless night you needed that moment use the Holy Spirit put you there it made you desperate it made you thirsty it made you stronger it made you dangerous it made you wrong Jesus it made y'all job it made you who you are if you wouldn't have been in that desert you would still be chicken little scared of everything right now just a mess for me devil I've been in the desert in the middle of the night and I know God still makes away right out of no way tell your neighbors say sit there if you want to but I got appraisal over my desert I got to praise him over what he told me in the desert when your friends didn't respond to you when folks were texting your back when church people got funny when things went crazy God said I'll let you in that desert to show you they never was your source anyway I always was your soul see see he's my he's my personal trainer be seated somebody say he's my personal trainer oh come on I said say he's my personal trainer yeah yeah yeah see he's my personal trainer that's why I hold that order just for me that's why when you walk into the desert when you walk into trouble when you walk into trials don't walk in it like God's not on your side don't walk on their like God's not for you don't walk in it like he be he doesn't know where you're at he's inside of you and when you come out of that desert you're going to come out delivered hallelujah you're going to come out with more power I needed that desert and I didn't even know it but I needed it [Applause] I remember some deserts I've been through some times I went through that I didn't understand but man when I came out of it I said devil you gonna rue the day that you ever mess with me you're gonna rue the day that you ever touch my son you're gonna rue the day that you ever bothered with my daughter you're gonna rue the day cause now I know him like I couldn't have known him before I learned about the Holy Spirit in the desert if you're thankful just daughter plays in the house right now so so so number one watch number one who is he said he's my personal trainer but number two he my BFF tell your neighbor he's my BFF oh come on push your neighbor and say he's my BFF I can call him anytime he's my BFF he's my best friend forever I've had friends come and I've had friends go but I got a BFF who came to stay got down inside of me he's my BFF you say is he better than a bay cashew-raisins you have a bay let me say if Bay stands for bacon and eggs I love bacon I get a witness but I got a BFF let me tell you about my BFF when people attack your purpose tell them let me tell you about my BFF when they tell you you can't do it say let me tell you about my BFF when they tell you your children can't be same say let me tell you about my BFF when they tell you you can't have the job they let me tell you about my BFF when it's all when they tell you you can't get a degree let me tell you about my BFF anybody got a BFF in society here's what the devil does not want you to know he does not want you to know that your very best friend hallelujah is living inside of you you don't have a better friend than the Holy Spirit jesus said I tell you very truly it is good that I'm going away unless I go away The Advocate will not come to you but if I go I will send him to you in other words Jesus is saying here to these disciples his followers in three chapters in one night that's those three chapters are revolving around his conversation they couldn't even get it he said it's your advantage that I'm leave it to your advantage that I die if you're then is that I'm beaten if your advantage that I go to the cross that I said my blood that I lay in a cold gray it's to your advantage that I rise on the third day it's even to your advantage that after I rise I'm taking away into heaven and they're probably sitting there saying what on earth how could it be an advantage if you leave see the issue was Jesus had bound himself to flesh he had the came flesh and he came down and and he was bound by flesh and he could only be pulled in so many places he was not omnipresent he couldn't he had to diffuse in Jerusalem that's where he was in Jerusalem he said but I'm about to send you somebody who will be your BFF who will be your ILO's Parakletos and you will have any time access to him he's going to get down inside of you and you will access him anytime you're John you'll have even pleaders you'll have him in and Andrew you'll have him and he'll be deep down inside of you he'll you'll have any time access tell your neighbors anytime access yeah yeah yeah you won't have to search for it you'll have to try to find it see somebody else they'll just need to feel the Holy Ghost baby he's already in you I'm just searching for the Holy Ghost you don't have to search for the Holy Ghost he's inside of you he's I'm gonna let you wait come on in and take a ticket and then when they call your number have you ever had to wait all day have you I listen I Delta Airlines that's what I flies and I've called them before on the phone are you listening to me and they tell me you can expect a four hour and fifty five minute wait time would you like to leave your number I'm like I would like to lead more than that but I'm a pastor and a Christian y'all ain't saying nothin to me pray for me yall he's working on me but I'm glad that when it comes to the Holy Ghost he is inside of me 24 hours a day seven days a week I have any time access somebody say anytime access see the Bible said I will ask the Father and He will give you another comforter they are an advocate he will be with you forever the Spirit of Truth the world cannot accept him because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he lives with you for he lives with you and will be in you and everything I go through honey I ain't alone every mountain every issue every trial the Holy Spirit will stick right by your side if you'll be honest today there are some things that you made it through there's some stuff some stuff that you come over there are some decisions that you've made there there's some things that you've been able to navigate when people left you in church folk got funny when people stopped texting you back and family got sketchy at best when your friends couldn't see the big picture the Holy Spirit was inside of you that I got you I got you I got you see the truth is he's an anytime God my anytime God provides anytime anointing Oh somebody say anytime see my best buddy is Troy McCoy y'all don't know that about us I was best man in his wedding he was best man in mine but there's a time when I call Troy he always answers but about 10:30 at night he goes send even me to voicemail y'all pray for pastor Troy he's losing his wage and I get a witness but I'm so glad ha that when I call the Lord he doesn't send me to voicemail but he's inside of me 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year have you ever called somebody and you're trying to call a business and they bet that put you here and bring you there to speak the so-and-so press 2 to speak the soil so press 4 if you and you ever you get in paid recording after tape recording and then they put you on hold and you get that parable music you're like I want to talk to somebody on from the road again I just can't wait to get on the road again their life I love is and then you press another button can I talk to somebody press 3 and then they put you back I write the songs that make the whole joke and you're like I want to talk to somebody right now you press another button and then they getting in your bed celebrate good times come on oh no no no and you jam on that one for a little while feels like there's a party going oh right here but usually you don't get cooling the game come on somebody say some of y'all just completely checked out just in overall order he lost the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost is laughing inside of me right now Trumpy thinks I'm a trip to come on somebody we're just going to get rid of that stuffy religious holier than thou and realize you gotta PFF baby that is with you all the time when you're calling me answers tell your neighbors my BFF provides any time of morning in it tell your neighbor any time an order I can call him anytime then the anointing breaks for yoke I can call him anytime my BFF provides at any time security that means honey we can trust him to take care of things he can take care of issues might be FF provides at any time deposit what does that mean the Bible said he said his seal of ownership on us and has put his spirit in our hearts as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come he's in you anytime anointing anytime I don't have to work up for the anointing I'm anointed I Maloney you know I'm anointed because the Anointed One lives in me my BFF provides anytime security and listen he provides whatever I need whenever I need it and here's the truth Hebrews 3 says I will never leave you and I will never forsake you here's what the enemy does not want you to know God's got too much invested in you to let you fail God's put too much in you you hear me worship leader I released the anointing of the Holy Spirit in your life stand up she leads worship in Lake City I released fresh oil from the top of your head or the soles of your feet you're going to lead by the Holy gunshot Ibaka Shonda come here stand behind her she la tierra de boku shank I gotta say he breathing on you today shame out of the other Masai God said you haven't understood the journey but God said he had to take you through the desert because he was developing you the Lord said now when you stand up in worship you worship from another place called people shout around on a my cushy Tobias Shane on another must some time shailen oh no no he's got too much invested in you tell your name I'm too valuable mmm you think he's gonna let go are you you're too valuable what's your name I want to tell you something you're too valuable to the Lord your purpose is too valuable you're too precious to him cook he ain't gonna let you go he loved you so much he put the Holy Ghost in you mmm tell your neighbor he loved me so much he put himself in me ah yeah he's got too much invested in me to let me go so here's what you got to understand who is he he's God he's omniscient I'm not present limited a mission to works I'm not science I mean he knows everything he's inside of you he's inside of you of people say are you a know-it-all say no but I got the know-it-all in here and I'm going to talk to you about how the Holy Spirit will pray through you and you know we pray crazy stuff ain't you glad God didn't answer every prayer you pray what if you would have married that Joker come on somebody what if you would have really got that warm y'all ain't saying nothing to me I dare you right now to thank God for every prayer he didn't answer some of the crazy stuff you pray the Holy Spirit will get inside of you and even when you pray craziness you'll start praying in LA by shoving oh my gosh That's not me that's the Holy Ghost she no no no mama hawk I said he starts fixing it and praying through me because he's omniscient he knows everything hmm he's omnipresent he's everywhere so that means mama while you pray right here in Daytona huh while you're praying in Daytona he's moving in Dayton ah well I'm praying right here he's moving right there he's amnon he's omnipotent what is potency I'm not potent it speaks of power let me tell you about my best friend I got all knowing all present and all power inside of me and sometimes he leads me in the desert I remember when I went through the desert about who we got in this new building and I thought man it's over if the economy is crashing want to have iodine Lord what have I done I couldn't even talk to dawn about it man I was so fighting to hang on to what the Lord had given us you know sometimes you can't talk to nobody can I get a witness in the house but it was like the Holy Ghost that I'm taking you through that desert because I'm going to velop you and let me tell you I say this in humility and I say it would glory to God I was I was bad in my 30s I was I was bad in my forties but I'm bad in my fifties in my 50s I don't sweat the devil in my 50s I sleep good in my 50s I bind the devil and he knows he's been bound you know why cause it ain't my first rodeo I've been through too many deserts to give up he's got too much in me invested and I shall I dare you right now they get out of pray yes you angel give up [Applause] now I preach from my turning now I see from my journey now I worship from my turning you can't tell him me he's not my friend you can't tell me he won't make a way for me you can't tell me he can't do it I miss the soup in a desert he's come through too many time so stand up everybody so here he is he's my BFF tell you never he's my BFF uh-huh he's my personal trainer tell somebody he's my personal trainer somebody right now you're in a season you don't understand you've been blaming the devil instead of blaming the devil start by said the devil it's going to blame him he listen the devil is so wack that when you blame him he takes it as praise when you blend that devilish tormenting me he says bring it on the devil is overwhelming me he's taking out his praise he thinks that his praise every time you tell him that he the devil is just had so much power in my life he's been trying me he said you that is pretty what you need to say is dawg I bind you in the name of Jesus and what is inside of me is on this with that what is inside of me is omniscience what is it so we're going to be talking about it who wants to learn more about the Holy Spirit we're going to learn about what what you got when you got saved when you did not receive the spirit we're going to talk about that and we're going to talk about the fullness of the Spirit then we go learn some stuff we found out today he's my BFF and he's my he's my personal trainer the Wednesday night we gonna find out he's my stopwatch he's my battery pack y'all ain't saying nothing to me we're gonna find out he's my miracle seed hallelujah huh he's the dental payment of every promise that is coming my way draw real I got either when I don't see it he's down inside of me say just wait just wait can I tell you I saved your children just wait did I say I was moving just way you know come on having a good lad you got the miracle seed of the Holy Spirit so it hits about it are closed and no one looking around if you're here today and you say pastor Raley man I need this Jesus that you're talking about and when you pray for somebody pastor Lee I want you to pray for me because I'm not where I need to be with God there's things that alienate me from him that separate me from him I don't walk in that power because they're still in my life and since you're praying anyway Jim lately I want you to pray for me if that's you when I count a three raise your hand are you ready pray for me pastor one I need to get the 10 out of my life because I want power in my life two heads are being lifted since you're praying anyway past your plate for me three raise that hand right now take on me pastor pay for me pastor pray for me pastor I want to get it right with me in Jesus today hold that hand up hold it up come on hands are being lifted across the room I'm lending you five more seconds if you need to raise your hand raise it now five for a raise yes I see it three two one now if you raise your hand you're really ready for a new season season of empowerment and redemption hold that hand up come on if you raise it up and hold it up again then I want you to move right here to the front and I want to pray with you if somebody next to you has their hand up I want you to move back so they can come because this is going to represent their new life begin to move all over the room we're getting to move all over the room come on come on Holy Spirit you're welcome here come on begin the moves all over the room all over the room I want to clap they're coming from every section Oh hallelujah oh you want to clap and get excited they're coming from across this room today [Music] I'll bet a feel clap there's more than will come if you need to come rush up here right now I'm holding it all for you you need to have a new start you need to have a new beginning that's it honey come on that's it sir come on hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah look at all these young people my goodness look at that you're young to praise or hear you're not much more than a teenager holy you guys 22:36 you look young man I hope I stay young like you I'm really a hundred and four years old right now hold are you okay huh 2220 20s and 30s in the house right now I said 20s and 30s in the house I said twenties and thirties finding Jesus in the home oh you gotta put your hand on your heart I'm so proud of you guys I want you to raise your other hand how to believe in you hands on your heart because that's what you're going to give the world back there your hand is raised because this says I'm surrendering so everybody prayed this prayer after me loud and strong pray Heavenly Father in Jesus name please forgive me for all my sins take my heart wash it clean in your precious blood I want to be empowered empowered by the Holy Spirit but I've got to be washed afresh and forgiveness I received you now as my savior and I declare I'll never be the same I'll never be the same hallelujah I'll never be the same glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God I bless you honey I declare you'll never be the same I declare a new beginning for you you'll never be saved hallelujah come on I declare the power of God over your life it's a new beginning for you you so needed this you're so needed this this kids are good before honey you show needed this moment with the Lord hallelujah look so today you're valuable you're precious you're necessary he loves you you don't have to do anything to earn his love he just loves you just like your arm Oh Holly really I'll just bless you honey I bless you in the name of Jesus hallelujah I bless you darling in the name of Jesus come on somebody let me minister God's working for these precious people they're not the day bless you done hallelujah bless you in the name of Jesus bless your Lord hallelujah I want you to reach over and touch a neighbor on the shoulder right now I want all you precious people to turn and go this way I have a little something for you right over here but I want you to hold that neighbor's shoulder maintain that good news don't you love to see people's lives change hold that neighbors shoulder listen whatever you do don't miss Wednesday night it's going to be powerful Pastor Josh is going to close us in prayer I'm going to be back in the back and I would love to see all of you back there who are visiting with us and I haven't met I love to meet you guys but I should pray with us Josh I don't have to but I'm leaving encouraged today the holy spirit within us is for us amen hand on your soda don't miss Wednesday night don't forget about support lei today for accelerate weekly twelve and four you can support them I feel good today god is good amen let's pray father we thank you for the Holy Spirit the governor of our life the one who makes us know that we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus the one that lets us know that if God before us what can be against us the one that empowers us to do great and mighty things so I pray today as we leave let us not leave God with some just demonstration but with the knowledge that you are eager to use us as we leave this place I pray bring us back Wednesday ready to learn Lord to do more for you in Jesus name if you believe it somebody shout amen god bless you put somebody on the way out don't miss Wednesday night we'll see it in I am supernatural [Music]
Channel: CalvaryFL
Views: 5,189
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: O6r8NatSX_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 42sec (3162 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2017
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